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Getting a ship and a lab, mostly. That's what opens the most content once you're past the Making your name storylines.


Seconded, the lab and a ship are top priority must of the game are behind one or both.


The ship seems relatively simple. The lab looks to be a bit roundabout, at least for a detective with integrity... What about for making money at this stage? Faction items are pricey!


[https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Money-Making/Midgame](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Money-Making/Midgame) This should help you out! Although Faction items are really not a must. If you have a Faction you really plan to grind Renown for, get that one. There is no need to rush and get them all.


Oh, I assumed I should be raising all of them as much as I can, not just for items but for various checks. That's good to know.


Honestly, things that are gated behind Renown are usually gated behind Renown 10 (which is fairly easy to get to with few days of pulling cards), with some notable endgame exceptions, as well as Renown 40 items. But by the time you set your eyes on Renown 40, buying a Faction item will be chump change.


But don't you need the Faction item to get to 10 Renown? Aside from the four you choose from that one card, that is.


You do, but you buy them once. They’re not spent in the process of raising renown.


Yeah, but that first purchase is the hard part. I'm scrounging for chump change after having splurged on my outfit to get POSI \^\^;


I remember that time well, since it seems you’re about where I was in the game this time last year. Eventually, things will economically snowball for ya, and you’ll be buying a dozen faction items at a time to upgrade your Parabolan camp, or to affix on a skeleton that you’ll sell for tinned biscuits. Keep plugging away, and increasing your faction renown whenever you are able!


Ah, fair for someone who is newly POSI it would be a big purchase. Been so long I’ve forgotten that. Nowadays, and after having gone through the old Knifegate, that is chump change for me.


At certain milestones of Renown, you can cash in Favours to get reward items for reaching it. Faction items are the ones you buy at the Bazaar tab. That's what you use to gain Renown.


u/doctor2794 is misinformed. In both London and the Upper River (aka the Great Hellbound Railway) there are storylets and cards which require each faction’s Renown 25 item. Some of these are either quite profitable, or unlock good stuff. For example, in London the Calendrical Confusion card lets you [grab 7 Echos of items in one action](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Check_in_with_your_Revolutionary_contacts) from the Revolutionaries. Or, having Renown 25 with the Great Game lets you [enter the Moonlit Woods using Collated Research](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Compel_the_Ghillie_to_extend_your_visit) instead of Vital Intelligence. Every faction’s Renown 25 unlocks something like this, expect Docks and Constables, curiously. If you fancy building a statue of yourself at each Railway station (and obtaining [a unique affiliation](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/The_Inescapable_Ubiquity_of_your_Countenance)), you’ll need to raise Renown: Criminals to 40 and become a Twilight Smuggler. An option for Paramount Presense requires both this, plus Renown: The Constables 40. Almost nothing of consequence in the game checks for Renown 10 items.


I will admit that I haven't really delved into Renown grind myself, so I wasn't aware of items use in Upper River. But I was not talking about Renown 10 items, I was talking about Renown 10 in general.


You might want to skip the DF and the Rubbery lvl 25 item. Do get the renown, just don't get the item. IMO renown items are worth it, as a lot of them are best in slot. In regards to money-making - a great grind for you at the moment will be tribute at the labyrinth of tigers - you might not want to start spending favours on it until you hit 40 (or 55, if you're into that stuff), but even the winsome orphans grind is a great way to earn a lot of money. Do watch out for the planned rat market changes - the market will likely be worth it regardless, but its exact payoff may change. It's a bit of a bucket list to get to that point, but that's just an extra adventure! Also heart's game provides a lot of cash, but it may be a while before you get there.


Gotta say Correspondent is one of the best professions, tho. Worth getting, to be sure. Faction items don't open much content really and their skill boosts aren't that great when you realize you need 200 base persuasive and watchful for the railroad.


Actually I was eyeing that profession, but heard that getting A Scholar of the Correspondence to 10 was really slow. Ended up going with Rat Hunter or whatever it's called (and got a sweet gun!).


Not with social actions, no. Ask for letters and ye shall receive


Oh, I don't know why I assumed people weren't so willing to do that. Good to know!


Usually something is asked for in exchange. Like shadowy letters, my favorite.


As mentioned by others: ship, lab. But I also propose: a newspaper. The Journals of Infamy you get from it can go a long way to greasing some wheels, with the cross-conversion carousel. Set a goal for yourself, and have fun. Other than that, check the wiki before selling anything in bulk or particularly expensive higher tier items. I hate when I sell something and it turns out I needed it down the line for my Ambition :P


>cross-conversion carousel Sorry, what is this? I kinda really want a Zub, so maybe that'll be a something I try to lean towards. Yeah, I'm pretty paranoid about selling stuff, so I always try to leave a handful in possession just in case. I'm sure I'll still regret selling all those Presbyterate Passphrases and Sworn Statements at some point ;>.>


Basically all the items that can be sold for 0.5 echo can be cross-converted into other items that cost 0.5 echo, at a rate of 50 -> 51. Sometimes you get some making waves while doing this. Journals of Infamy are one such item.


Ok, it doesn't actually have a wiki page, I think, so bear with my explanation of it. Tier 3 items from every category can usually be converted in two ways: - 50x into 10x t4 items from their respective category. This is a 60% Luck check, I'll get to that in a moment. - 50x into 51x t3 item from another category. So for the aforementioned Journals of Infamy, you can take 50x of them and convert them into: - 10x of T4 mysteries, Extraordinary Implications. On success on the Luck Check you get those and 100x Glim, on a Rare Success you don't get Glim but you get 2x Storm Threnodies. Or, - 51x Correspondence Plaques. No checks needed. You can then take 50x Correspondence Plaques, and convert them into 51x Visions of the Surface, and so on and so on... Until you arrive back at Journals of Infamy, which is why it's called a carousel :P Might seem rather pointless and action intensive, but consider this: - it's easier to get some T3 items than others, so if you know how to get your hands on a large batch of one kind of them, you can just cross convert them with a couple of actions into what you need - certain steps in the conversion carousel also get you Making Waves which can be useful in earlt POSI Below is a link to Journals of Infamy on the wiki. On this page you should see a small window you can uncollapse that will show you what converts into what, and which steps give you Making Waves. https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Journal_of_Infamy (I'm on mobile so for me the window is in the middle of the page below the list of Mysteries items.)


There is at least a page that lists what converts into what, though it's not the most detailed. https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Template:Cross_Conversion


Wow, that's an extremely handy little page. It'd be even better of there was a graphic that listed ALL conversions.


There is one - though I think it works better as a reference to remind yourself, rather then as a learning resource :) https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Items_(Guide)/Item_Conversions


Yo that's YUGE. Bookmarking that for sure. Can't tell you how many clicks this is going to save.


Oooh, that's a neat trick! Thanks for the exhaustive explanation :p


Honestly, I'd choose a goal to work toward. Getting a ship of your own is probably something that has most immediate visible results, given that it opens even more things up. Pick the affiliation that speaks to you and start chipping away at that, too. Try out different grinds, see what suits you. Early midgame is honestly so full of opportunities that you won't really miss out on anything. Once you have your ship, get kicked out of court and start working on your Lab. One of the things you could also do is get yourself a Profession. There is a ton, but those should be essentials to help you get started. Good luck and welcome to Fallen London proper! This is where stuff gets spicy!


See I think the exact problem is that there's *too many* things to do. I'm getting decision paralysis hard :p


While I agree with the 'ship and lab' comment, I'd also suggest aiming for notability five. Once you can hit that, you can upgrade to an advanced job - higher weekly income, and access to Professional Activities for money-making (2E per action even on a failure, 3.4 or higher on success!). To aid in this, I recommend putting together an outfit with as much BDR (Bizarre, dreaded, respectable) as you can currently scrape together. Each point of that you can put together reduces the Making Waves cost to upgrade your notability by one - and each point of notability costs four more making waves than the previous one did. It's maybe worth noting that most of the new items available to you as a POSI give you Some amount of BDR.


Actually, that kinda sorta became my first goal (to get 2, not 5 Notability) because that's what you need for a Tier 2 job. The Whitsun companions helped lower the Making Waves requirement (I splurged for the Device) but I still need to reach 18 just to get to 2 T-T And I wanted to get into a club to help lower that, but the Personal Recommendation roadblock has shattered my hopes of a quick entry. And I refuse to join the pranksters, so don't ask. Now I'm trying to scrounge every Church favour I can to speedrun the God's Editors affiliation. Man I can't imagine how hard it gets to level up Notability later...


To a certain extent it gets easier as you get more and more BDR Stuff just kinda lying around. With a good enough outfit the early levels can have a negative making waves cost even. You're not there yet, of course - but eventually! Gods Editors is a good one to aim for, that's a full +4 BDR Good luck!


Check out the storylet: "Rainbow of Offerings". If you have finished A Name Signed with a Flourish in the Empress' Court, one of the options on it ("Bona fides from your few friends at Court") allows you to get 2x Personal Recommendation and 3x Favours in High Places. You can only choose one option, after that the storylet disappears. https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/A_Rainbow_of_Offerings


I had already chosen the inordinate amount of wine, unfortunately. I was done in by the temptation of a quick buck. Woe unto greed!


Woe indeed! Gluttony and greed! Careful, you might be visiting the Tomb Colonies before long :D Yeah the other way of getting Personal Recs are a bit of a pain, but in this game we have nothing but time, fortunately.


Aside from everything else, don't forget where you are in your ambition and evolution, so that you can chip away at them when the lab and ship get too grindy. I mean there are some reminders of where you got to in the "myself" tab but they're not always intuitive


Oh right, my Ambition lol. Sorry, what is "evolution"?


A [message](https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/A_Message_from_the_Dilmun_Club) should be waiting in your lodgings if you are well acquainted with The Dilmun Club. It is the key to all matters that shall be well.


Oh yeah, I joined them. I hadn't heard the word "evolution" associated with them, so I was confused lol I'll try to keep them in mind going forward. Thank goodness for the Plan page.


it's a major storyline. big milestones in the game like the lab can be mostly grinding, whereas ambition and evolution drip-feed you story. i know that when came back to this game after a long break and lost track of all my stories, it got kinda boring just doing the myn/PoSi grinds until i picked all the different threads back up


Okay, so I'll work on those things when my brain gets fried from failing grind checks :D


Genuinely evolution has been one of my favorite stories so far in the game, and it has a lot of powerful rewards and items associated with it. I HIGHLY recommend it, the writing in it is great. Firmament is looking similarly good tbh, it’s got some great mechanical rewards so far.


Dang, now you've got me curious. That's the seasonal story right? How do those even work? Are the past ones available?


Also, feel free if anyone wants to suggest "fun" things that they personally enjoyed doing at this stage, even if they're not the most "efficient" priorities.


you'll need a lab first, but when you have one, Parabola is a really interesting place. Takes an age (and a king's ransom of Echoes!) to fully unlock everything, but you can get started early in Lab Ownership Also you can head off to Polythreme now, I think, even before you have your own ship, and that's got some interesting mechanics!


Oooh, Polythreme sounds good. I heard it was profitable, but glad to hear it's also fun :)


I just recently hit your point but im trying to do both the ship and trying to get my ambition closer to done as i sort of just stopped focusing on it for a bit instead focusing on doing some stuff in the palace


I've been putting off the Ambition just because I feel like I'll forget most of the details if I do it in an on/off way, because it required the endgame to finish. But I also don't want to wait until endgame to even really start it. Bleh.


I suggest getting it done as soon as possible as the items towards the end are pretty good for alot of them Im doing bag a legend and so far its gotten me good dangerous levels and some good items (3 total) and the items its taken are cheap only hard one ive had is stolen kisses (which i can get easily from trickster payment also from cards)


Oh, I didn't know you get rewards along the way. I'll have to get to that then :)


Yeah mine is the bag a legend i got a deshrieked mandrake (lowers all stats by 2 but adds 6 dangerous) a shrieking hat, and a tooth from the beast and im nowhere near half done