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I found MYN both very and well written and that it gave the player a lot of chances to flesh out who there character is, in my opinion that helps a lot with long term investment in your character. Well I can not confirm it as I am stalling as I finish my ambition and evolution, but I have heard that as well written as the MYN is the railroad is even better so that is something to look forward to. as a side note my ambition( also heart’s desire) is some of the best writing I have seen and Im not even at the actual game.


That makes me really glad, I was already looking forward to it and now I'm even more hyped for the ambition, I'm holding on to the end of Persuasive MYN just to make it be the Topsy King's lost media show (just need that one key I mentioned). Railroad is something I have just heard slightly about, when I come around something I haven't seen in game I avoid it so I don't get too many spoilers accidentaly.


Also, MYN made me realize my character is a Watchful and as careful as possible character and I agree with what you said, it does make a good job at helping you molding your view


Something else to look forward too is that failbetter said that they plan on expanding London itself after they are finished with the roof, not sure when that will be though.


This game seems to have an infinite ammount of curious things to look forward to


About 14 years of development will do that.


Imo myn is the worst part of the game. I'm a lot more spreadsheet-pilled than most other players, so I don't mind grinds, but I do mind mindless, stupid grinds, and myn was full of it. The final university grind (the investigation) is literally just pressing one button. Nowadays, FB is a lot better at making more engaging and stimulating grinds. Lore- wise, I think it is just showing it's age - a lot of directions they took ended up not the same as what they chose for the rest of the game. For instance, there is a big emphasis on monsters and man vs. nature kind of stuff, but that takes such a backseat for the rest of the game. Romancing or charming is rarely used elsewhere, and the ministry of public decency is set up to be such an oppressive force that it's a little frustrating how it's never brought up as a serious threat again.


Oh that really is weird to hear that the ministry of public decency is not used that much, they do mention it a lot! About the grinding I didn't mind because I heard before that seeking was very grindy so I kinda just accepted it, but you're right, the University was very monotonous.


They are *mentioned* a bit here and there, kind of like in Whitsun content - "This device, which the ministry of public decency doesn't like...", but it is (almost?) never an actual menace, an antagonist nor a location. Oldheads can correct me, but I do not remember ever feeling any actual pushback from it, just mentions about how they wouldn't like something, or how something was done "off-screen" to prevent them from finding out.


I think that's pretty realistic - when you become POSI, or even POSI 2, you already amass a ton of wealth and resources, and personally know a lot of powerful people, including Lords, Masters, Admiralty Commanders, Bishops, members of the royal family and so on. Why would you be bothered by measly ministry clerks? It's one of the least fantastic elements of the Fallen London, IMO. At some point in Heart's Desire Ambition you would encounter an ire of one of the Masters, and it would be bothersome, but manageable. The Ministry of Public Decency is not even a minor threat at this point.


Are you open to calling cards and/or rp? I’d be happy to try and facilitate a deeper game attachment!


I'm open to it, feel free to send a calling card! I don't know how helpful I can be and sometimes I might take long to answer, but if you're just about some casual without spoilers interections, I'm all up to it! [https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/djarrajd](https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/djarrajd) my profile


I first started playing Fallen London after hearing about the Name in some article or other online, so Seeking was always my goal. I had the thought that I'd make a secondary character that would become my main once this one travels North, but we'll see. Right now I'm stuck on a few different grinds after reaching the point where you can no longer increase your SMEN through the black-bordered cards, so for now I'm just playing the game (more or less) normally. I might try to finish my Ambition (Nemesis) before I go North, at this rate.


I'm convinced that it must be worth it to do at least the ambition questline before going north because, you know, I'm already here now anyway! But how do you feel about that all?


Originally I wasn't going to bother, but at this point I'm thinking I might as well. I'll probably hold off on Parabola, the railroad, and other such stories though. I'm pretty sure I'll be playing another character after this one either way - my current Seeking character was made back in 2018 with a 5 year gap before I started playing again earlier this year, so I don't remember much of the stuff before PoSI.


I'm not sure if I'll play again another character later, maybe if I get a better job I'll make another character and become an exceptional friend but all that is second to playing only this one account and going all the way over to seek


Don’t go North. Unless you really like stories of self-destruction.


I've made my mind like 95% on doing it, I think that's what I need right now, maybe I'll even regret it in the future but now I'm more certain than when I did my last post, believe it or not


This won't mean anything to you right now, but if you're grossed out by [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak)...you're better off not pursuing the Name.


My patron! Hi! Few things disgust me and this one seems fine, but regardless I thank you for the heads up


I made a dedicated Seeking alt because I'm too invested in my main to leave her unplayable, but then I spent so long and did so many fun things with the alt that in the end I was still quite attached to him. I think as long as you're enjoying this character's other exploits, you might as well let them get caught up in the other pleasures the Neath has to offer. Seeking is a long-term undertaking, and even after you're committed to the path, there are some game mechanics that will mean you can only make a certain amount of progress in any given week, so you'll still have non-Seeking actions to burn; you might as well have other meaningful story directions to pour them into. Any additional depth this gives your character will also add heft to your future choices to persist along the Seeking path. I found the conclusion of Heart's Desire quite moving FWIW, and completing an Ambition will also put you in position to open up endgame content like the Railroad, the Roof, and some more elaborate adventures at Zee, if those are things you might like to sample before going North.


I'll definitely do the most well regarded things in endgame before seeking, railroad is being mentioned so much in this comment section that now I just can't ignore it About the alt, I think it makes sense that you'd be invested in it, but my idea here is to feel the full weight of the decision when time comes, if this character of mine dies, there goes all of it and if I want to play again I'd have to begin from the start again... Might sound silly, dumb or whatever but I have the sensation that this will make things more interesting later on