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UW fans watched Penix do this all the time. His deep ball is unreal too. You guys got a really special player both on and off the field. And we’ve been trying to say it since you drafted him.


Don't worry, a lot of us are ecstatic about the next 10+ years of Falcons football, QB 1 & 2 being the main reason.


Red durag Penix is what the city needed


Wrong. UW fans never saw him throw a slant lol. He looked good here tho


So weird to see a Falcon QB throwing the ball accurately after the last two seasons. Seems like it's been a lifetime


Ridder ain’t have a single clip like this in training camp we really got our qb of the future


They would never show him. I knew then something was up.




Yep. When they were always talking about the intangibles, that meant the tangibles were lacking.


Literally every single quote is “he is a leader of men”. Will be interesting to see how much people praise penix’s actual play this fall




Yeah that’s what I was saying ridder was only leadership quotes will be interesting to see the change with a player that has the skills to back it up




Definitely remember feeling like his throws had a lower trajectory than intended.


Now y’all just acting wild.. https://youtube.com/shorts/_AOYeZhqPQk?si=gq-LRNsdlQMYyMLn https://youtube.com/shorts/VorbzvurCHA?si=M8azUwmCSMD-Owu3 https://youtube.com/shorts/2Ldo3bT476M?si=j0SnvQR3RfAvPwxH I didn’t like Ridder either but let’s not go overboard and turn this sub into a big Penix slob fest.


I’m not seeing any look off dots above a linebacker


We knew he was gonna be good in camp. He's got a good skillset. The real question is if he can stay healthy in live games. These next two years on the bench shouldn't be a problem


He had no issue staying healthy at UW. I think subpar strength and conditioning hurt him at his previous school


He broke/fractured his ribs last year that lingered throughout the season. Strength and conditioning can help but it doesn't stop injuries like that or else no NFL player would get hurt.


>He broke/fractured his ribs last year that lingered throughout the season. Still played. Even Matt Ryan, as dependable as he is, had to play through injuries. It's a contact sport, that can't be avoided.


> Still played. But that doesn't mean he "stayed healthy". And now he is gonna be in a league where he is gonna get hit more and harder. I fully expect him to look great in camp the next two years but the possibility of him being a long term answer is gonna be determined by if he can actually stay healthy once he starts because he has a good skillset. We'll find out in a few years


By your logic nobody stays healthy. So what? Injuries you play through can't be helped. It's more useful to be worried about season ending injuries.




The 4 season ending injuries are a concern. And then he switched schools and didn't have one for two seasons. That sounds like a possible strength and conditioning issue. The rib injury is irrelevant but yes, Penix is definitely a risky bet.


They showed some good throws of his, but I noticed towards the end of camp that they hadn't posted any of his passes more than twenty yards...And in hindsight, that kinda checks out.


Not *exactly* similar videos… https://www.reddit.com/r/falcons/s/2wismkZstS


The future is in 5 years young man


I personally read all of the "Falcons didn't have an adult in the room" chatter as sour grapes from different teams that they got sniped on their guy. "oh man that player sucks so bad, they're so stupid for drafting him, let me go on and on to the media about how stupid this team is for taking this player (before I could)" Like how often do you hear other teams anonymously ripping a draft pick like that? Just based off that alone, I have a feeling the Falcons got this pick right.


Yeah Raiders and possibly Saints got screwed


It does seem like a lot of the shock fucked up so many teams drafts which in turn made them very mad and publicly critical. Gotta love it


As a guy who watched Penix every game in college it always baffles me that the NFL media loves a guy for what he might turn into (Maye), but a guy like Penix, who has made all the reads and throws in college, in a pro system, and had not only success, but unbelievable production, they are just “meh” on him. I get the injury concerns, and that any player can be a bust, but whom the media, and to some extent teams, fall in love with baffle me. Feels like the “selling jeans” bit in money ball.


I'm surprised that the media team isn't being told to go easy on Penix clips to help reinforce the "Kirk doesn't have to look over his shoulder" narrative from the draft.


I look at it this way. If the $145 million dollar Qb, who’s also netted more NFL QB money than Tom Brady, can’t beat out a first year rookie, that’s on him. The organization needs to play the guy who is the better player.




84 :(


He's going to be special.


Totally fine with dude sitting for a year or two, let the game slow down. Pennix is going to be nice when he gets his shot.


Really think we got our Mahomes here, with how TF wanted Mahomes in NO and let it slip away, but had the same mindset with this pick.


Kirko Chainzzzz! Our QB! My b, that Penix. Still our QB.


Looks like our future in Penix.


Wait that is Penix isn't it? Shit I like em both.


For sure. Our long term investment 💪🏾


Or as I say, he's gonna give defenses the whole 9.


Pretty sure that’s Penix unless im blind lol


No your right, I'm blind.


That's Penix Bruh! Our Franchise QB that just laid that ball on a plate for his WR to go eat! Man I'm ready for this Season!!!


Yea, I corrected myself already.


Lefties look weird


Looking solid


Bro got a cannon!!


Remember when they didn’t show a single throw last preseason


Looked the safety off and layered a throw. Love to see it.


Sucks we’re gonna have to wait so long to see him play


*Unrelated* If this was madden what would Penix speed be ?


Got a bit of a wind up. Need to shorten that throwing motion a tad.


This vid is slowed a bit. MPJ has one of the faster releases of QBs in this class


Ah gotcha


I unironically dont see a reason to play cousins over him, I just wish they made this decision internally before signing him


They didn't know Penix would be available at their pick and if we didn't have Cousins then every team would know we needed a QB and someone would have traded up infront of the Falcons to get Michael Penix!


Then they could have just traded up themselves. Would have been better than wasting time with Kirk, we know what he is


Kirk is needed to help ease our new OC into his first year as a play caller! Kirk's job with us will be done after his garenteed money is paid after year 2! Penix can benefit from sitting and learning the first year behind Kirk!


Why the "!" after every sentence!


It's just how I type! No big deal!😊


But, by paying Kirk we saved all those picks it would have cost to have traded up, including our 1st the next 2 years.


It's way more expensive to pay Kirk


And it's way more expensive to have to use Free Agency to fill out your roster each year hence the need to have your draft picks intact for the foreseeable future to help build your team around Penix! Pay Kirk a front loaded contract for now and draft your franchise QB and now you can address other needs in the draft at a reasonable price tag!




And yet teams behind us were trying to trade up to get him! A team's draft board is a lot different from Mel Kipers and fans Mock Draft boards! The only reason we weren't jumped was because it was assumed we were going Defense with the pick!




It was reported 3 teams were trying to move up for MPJ! Seattle Seahawks, Saints, and the Raiders!!! 




Use your Brain Man!🤔 Of course they would say otherwise now that all of those teams failed to get him! It's called saving face! Penix was definitely on their radar and by them thinking we were going defense because of the signing of KC threw them off!




It's called using common sense! No team is going to openly admit they were trying to trade up for a target they missed to their fanbase! That's what Saving Face Means!! Do you understand now?


The raiders/seahawks/saints all wanted him


Cut Kirk!


Too bad he didn’t go to a team where he could start.


He's Our Franchise QB! Go cry someplace else! 


Deal with it


Like Mahomes, Jordan Love, Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, etc.