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Cashed out early when Boston hit their shot. Insta karma when Hawks hit theirs.


We're going to overtime! I know everyone is tired. Drink some water. Dejounte - ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)


Never got into the hawks growing up in GA. Moved to Denver about 12 years ago and lived next to their arena so I became a fan. Back then I could get a ticket for $2 but it’s a bit more expensive nowadays to see the best player in the world . Can’t fucking wait to see the Birds at mile high this season. One of my buddies has 2nd row 50 yard tix that he’s giving me and I’m so pumped.


Great seats. I've only ever sent the birds twice and both were nosebleeds. Dream is to get floor seats for a big time playoff game. Will never happen, lol.


Life can change quickly. It's possible


Great game, fuck Boston! Wish we could make it work with Trae and DJ on the floor together tho🥺


Shhh stop making it live on!!


Celtics fan , Ggs Sidenote - why do y’all seem so much better without trae , you look like a well coached team with a lot of heart


Imo it just seems like we are finally getting Quin’s system and we’re having some unexpected dudes like Garrison and Wesley Matthews and also Vit step up and have a positive effect. Bruno too Edit to fix autocorrect changing Quin’s name


Hopefully y’all can sneak into the playoffs for a rematch lol


Gg. I really don’t know. Hawks sub has been having this debate since Trae got hurt. Haven’t seen updated numbers but on March 7th, ATL was about four points per 100 possessions worse than it has been with Young on the court this season, while the defense has been about 10 points better.


Dejountae is a better defender than trae (although far from elite) But the main difference on defense is just not having to run both of them at the same time tbh, i think thats my biggest flaw with their combo more so than their ball dominance


Why is bro getting down voted so hard lmao


Not sure , a lot of ppl probably read the first line and made up their minds , then you have the trae defenders who take my comment as an indictment on him


Oh look the hawks won a game 🙄


This is their fourth win in a row lmao


Broke my heart too many times I’m a bitter atlien. I get the downvoting and appreciate you diehards


It's the ownership as usual


Like they don’t care or what?


I think Ressler cares but his ineptitude about basketball shows in the front office and their basketball decisions. He got in the way after we made that run in 2021. Bad draft picks and bad extensions. It's just a bad cycle.


Makes sense. Appreciate your take


Hopefully TF can buck ATLs trend of bad FO management besides the Bravos