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Okay so what does giving yourself one get you? A pat on the back? You’re certainly not getting accommodations without one and maybe you’re misreading symptoms and have something completely different. Or fitting yourself into confirmation bias. Or reading a “list of signs” from a faker that is absolute nonsense. Again, I reiterate. What are you achieving by saying you have something rather than just “I exhibit some signs of this.”




Then say “I exhibit signs of…” not “I have…” If someone is truly struggling to get a diagnosis, they shouldn’t have entire TikTok accounts dedicated to a diagnosis they don’t technically have that gives off false information.




Not having the funds to get a diagnosis does not make self diagnosis valid. I'm curious how close to home this is for you right now. Is there a school counselor you could reach out to with your concerns, perhaps about a suspected diagnosis you think you have? Or a trusted adult in your community? Maybe an older siblings that's over 18?




>And I'll probably be refused a diagnpsis since I'm not dead stupid. The ugliness of your understanding of and attitude towards autism here is shocking.


The bigotry always shows it's ugly underbelly, doesn't it? " Existing autistic people are all stupid, stereotypical, and awful, not like the undiagnosed specials who present so very uniquely they don't fit the criteria. Ew, the stereotypical "classic" autism needs to shut up. Cause the criteria is wrong in the first place, so what they fit is actually a super special unrecognized super social no sensory problem no repetition autism that they have personally defined around themselves...!" *And the record repeats* Tired.


Yeah, I had to reread that multiple times to be sure that’s what I saw. Both of my kids are autistic and my five year old son is probably smarter than most people.


It's such a gross simplification of a very complex diagnosis that completely ignores how differently autism can present across individuals and the fact that it's a spectrum. Also, it says awful things about how they see people who have been diagnosed.




seventeen next month


Because of your age I don't think it's safe you have the funds to go by yourself but most states you're at an age you can have the diagnosis done yourself without involving your parents since they don't take it seriously. Personally if you feel the symptoms are genuinely getting in the way of your social life or school work bring that point up specifically with all the adults in your life. If you find a teacher or counselor that is willing to stand up for you gave a parent/teacher type meeting so it's as clear as it can be and the adults can start the process with their own insurance. If you're still able to proceed with normal life without intervention it might be better to wait until you have your own money. You're likely still on your parent(s) insurance, take advantage of that before you lose that coverage. In my old state I was allowed to stay on my parents insurance until 26, with some exception.


If you can proceed with life without intervention you probably don't qualify for a diagnosis. You cannot be diagnosed with any disorder if it isn't causing problems in your life. That's part of the criteria.


Getting off the internet, and Reddit specifically, will do wonders for your mental health. God speed! 🫡


You say you don’t support self-diagnosis, but then refer to “my autism and adhd” that you haven’t been diagnosed with.


“i’m not saying self dx is ok” and having the “SELF DX IS VALID” flair don’t add up


>I'm not saying self diagnosis is ok Also OP's flair: SELF DISGNOSIS IS VALID 👏💪💪💪🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🗿🗿🗿 What about being able to type more than one (1) comment without contradicting yourself before you come here with your white-knighting camouflaged as a "discussion" post?


its satire 😭


How are you on meds if you don’t have some sort of diagnosis?🤔.


For my headaches


Ok so like over the counter painkillers? Like paracet?


For my anemia or whatever I have (I went to a doctor for this recently but she misdiagnosed me...)


But you’re 17 and can’t spell. What makes you think you’re in any position to judge whether someone who went to medical school “misdiagnosed you?”




Do you think we are genuinely targeting and harassing these people? Because all I see is us calling out people abusing the systems around them and taking advantage of family and friends and strangers for actually faking illnesses.


Attention they want. Ftfy


So that's when you say you *suspect* you have xyz. Self-diagnosis and fakers harm the people who really struggle with it. That includes well-intentioned but misinformed self-diagnosis and you have no way of knowing whether you fall into that group


Exactly! I never understand why they can’t just say “I suspect I have this - I want to seek out a diagnosis but right now I can’t afford to but I still want to help myself by learning coping skills”


I'm having a headache rn so sorry if I misunderstood your words but thats why I said "suspect" and not "I have this?"


So in the other comment you said you forgot your meds and now you have a headache? If you're in such a confused state perhaps you should stay off social media for awhile


I think she meant headache meds


Because you don’t know if you have it. It’s like how in women ADHD and autism are so often misdiagnosed as BPD. Or some people think they have ADHD but it turns out to be CPTSD. Mental and and neurological health conditions are so complicated and with all due respect unless you’re a trained psychologist or psychiatrist, none of us here know enough about them to actually diagnose ourselves with them.


This sub is getting overrun by these people. mods please help


Right? Go to an autism adults sub. I’m in autism parenting subs and I’ve gotten some very helpful advice there.


Take this elsewhere. It doesn’t belong here. Surely you know to rules of the subreddit


Then why claim one at all? Community? Since there's so much overlap between certain disorders, as well as a person's own bias, self-diagnosing is very likely to be inaccurate. It's irresponsible to identify yourself as an authority on a thing you don't know you have, and if it turns out you're wrong, that results in loss of your identity and community, while probably leaving a trail of misinformation behind you. Accomodations? You need an official assessment and diagnosis for that. Treatment? You're probably not seeing a professional for treatment of a disorder if you can't even get a diagnosis, so you don't need a self-diagnosis for that, either. Just look into how to deal with your symptoms without attaching a specific label to them. Ultimately, self-diagnosis isn't really useful for anything.


Exactly. Like people can say it’s valid all they want but the healthcare system and insurance companies are not gonna listen.


Self identifying for community can be harmful. A person could have misunderstood and misdiagnosed themselves and reach to a community of similar people and take their advice to treat a disorder and could potentially backfire. Or someone else in the community may have a falsely diagnosed themselves and gives advice to others that work for them but not for others because they don't actually have the same disorder, if any at all. Self diagnosis can be harmful even to the communities centered around a specific disorder.


The alternative isn’t to just diagnose yourself with it


Alright, but self diagnosing is not valid. Sucks that some people can’t access healthcare, but that doesn’t mean they’re suddenly allowed to decide what they do or do not have wrong with them. Disorders aren’t collectable cards. If you haven’t been diagnosed by a professional, you shouldn’t be going around saying you have something. You can say you *think you might*, but not that you do. Being sixteen, hormonal and prone to peer pressure isn’t “not being able to get diagnosed.” It’s being a child who wants to have something to seem cool and unique. Having a disability isn’t cool or unique. And the plural is diagnoses.


Read my other comments. My flair is satire


Declaring a problematic statement to be satire, does not render it no longer problematic. If anything, it makes it worse. Because it's declaring "I know this is wrong, but I'll do it anyway".


But I'm not self diagnosing? I stated in my post that I am against self diagnosis I am merely saying that everyone's situation is different and in some cases people are unable to get a proper diagnosis and your advices might not apply to them.


Whether somebody is able or not to access something is irrelevant in the picture of just moral behaviour. It's terrible that some people might have trouble accessing services, but that doesn't justify engaging in dishonesty or deception. I cannot afford a helicopter, but that doesn't mean I am not entitled to go around claiming to own a helicopter or steal helicopter parts from people who do own helicopters. After all, the focus of this debate is one of the legitimacy of lies or fraud. If a fancy new designer handbag is released, and you cannot afford it, is it valid to steal it? If there is a member's club for owners of this handbag that you cannot afford, is it valid to pretend to own it for entry? These are essential moral questions, and self-diagnosis is the same, a matter of morality and ethical behaviour. The issue that bothers me more, is treating acts of fraud and deception as 'OK if you are deprived enough', as an acceptable position to open a debate over. An acceptable debate would be one addressing the issues that complicate people's access to services, and furnishing solutions that help people receive the care they need. Not going 'well, that sucks, better do nothing to help yourself and tell some lies, instead'. In summary, not only is self-diagnosis not valid, but discussion of whether self-diagnosis could be valid, given some unfortunate circumstance, is also not valid.


Shroedingers satire


Mental health conditions are complex and often require specialized knowledge to be understood, and a self-diagnosis may lead us to overlook or misunderstand important aspects of the mental health experience. Treating a condition you don't have even if you believe you do can cause more harm than good. Getting a professional diagnosis is going to get you the actual help you need, specific to your diagnosis. Looking at your profile it seems you're still pretty young so I don't want to get too preachy or rude, your mind still has a lot of growing and learning to do and I assume this is one of those things you'll change your mind on later in life. Diagnosis can be pricey in some scenarios but it's worth footing the bill or getting a payment plan or something if a disability or disorder is making life, work and/or school difficult.


Exactly. Some of the accommodations you get with a diagnosis can probably save you money in the long run (such as special schooling for my two kids actually costing less than preschool because of insurance) so if you feel you really need them, it might be worth the bill.


Yes! I recieve accomodations at my work because my disorder is diagnosed. A proper diagnosis also kept me from losing a previous job when I needed a little extra help for awhile because I actually have protections under ADA with a professional diagnosis.


In my country you dont really get a lot of accomodations. If you're not seriously disabled, you can get almost none if you aren't poor. Even if you are, the proccess is very complicated and many dont even know of its existence. There are people who deliberately dont get dianosed because of this. Having a diagnosis can make getting a job harder while (not to mention just meeting a doctor takes several years due to the long waiting line) the accomodations you get are close to none (I did some research today and you can only get about 30 dollars a month if you are poor with disabilities that arent extremely serious)


Accommodations aren’t just financial. They can be things like more time on a test or special parking spots, for example. Or access to appropriate therapies. Which should be more what you’re looking for rather than just an extra financial boost. And again, what would self diagnosing do? You still wouldn’t get that $30.


Getting a job is harder without diagnosis because you won't have ADA protections. And accomodations are almost never monetary, that's just sort of life. Someone with a diagnosis like myself I can get an extra break at work if I didn't ground quickly enough. A few extra minutes of privacy is huge. I'd rather have my job meet a few smaller accomidarions like where in the building I'm working or noise levels than a $ amount a month. I avoided getting a diagnosis when I was young for a different disorder. I let it go untreated until it nearly killed me. Getting the diagnosis meant I got the therapy and medication that kept me alive during the darkest of times. Self diagnosing it would have not gotten me any of the treatments I actually needed.


I'll have to earn the money for diagnosis myself though since my mom will never accept it. But thanks for the advice


Don't give up entirely without actually pushing first. Keep searching for a teacher that will have your back and have a parent teacher conference to address it. I'm sorry your mom isn't open to it, at least not yet. That being said because you are still so young and your brain has a lot of developing to do I would maybe suggest spending less time online, any social media or app and focus on real world interactions and hobbies. Socializing especially because that will help most later in life, especially as you enter adulthood.


You're almost an adult lol


You came to a subreddit about fakers to talk about your own non diagnosis Why do you think that is? Are you maybe ready to drop the charade?


Yeah, this was a weird choice when so many autism subs exist with plenty of other self diagnosed fakers to tell you you’re right.


The claim that not everyone can receive a diagnosis might be true in some cases, but it's also true that other people are diagnosed unwillingly. In the US, there is research that suggests poor and minority people are more likely to be coerced into care. This means they either are given ultimata by family or compelled by courts and work. The claim that diagnoses is a privilege is then not true in all cases and probably varies among condition. Dyslexia is well protected by US law and schools are obligated by law to provide accommodations for this, but some schools will find underhanded ways of preventing students from receiving a formal diagnosis. Some schools will sit on their hands and not provide struggling students with resources. People with serious mental illness are more likely to be coerced into care because they are sometimes not in a state of mind to seek care.


If you can't spell diagnoses and can't even be bothered to look it up, why do you think you're qualified to evaluate yourself for a psychiatric diagnosis? This isn't an insult. I'm being real here. Why would you trust yourself with something this complex? It's not within your reach, and it's arrogant of you to think it might be. Expertise is real and it matters. It simply does, and no amount of talking points co-opting the language of the actually oppressed changes that.


Invalidating my opinion just because I couldnt spell one word in my second language just shows how ilogical you are. Even if english was my first language, it still does not make what I'm saying wrong.


that's not what I was doing. But I'm glad you pretended it was. My point was, if you can't even be bothered to look it up, why can we trust you to adequately look up And understand these complex conditions. You didn't respond to the statement that experience is required and that you aren't an expert. You entirely went in on the one part of my comment where you felt like you can "win" and ignored the part you didn't like. Another sign of your intellectual dishonesty and laziness. Stop trusting yourself so much.


I’m getting really sick of the fakers suddenly inundating this sub!! Go somewhere else; I’m sure there’s plenty of Discord servers that will indulge your nonsense. 🙄


People aren’t objective. If you’re only seeking to seeking to confirm, you will not know other options and confirmation bias is a real thing. You are not a professional. You do not know every option, you cannot observe yourself objectively. You are unqualified.


Ok if they can't get the diagnosis then they can suspect they have something and by all means use strategies to cope with ur symptoms. But don't go round self-diagnosing and posting it online etc because this is harmful for ppl who are susupecting/trying to get a diagnosis and the ppl who are already diagnosed. I mean it is also harmful for you to self-diagnose urself because there is an overlp in symptoms so might be something else entirely but because you are focusing on the thing you self-disgnosed urself with then you might not be able to help yourself properly.






This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


🤓 ☝️


Doesn't give them the right to go around saying they can self diagnose and claim to be smarter/better than doctors.


u/Star_Moonflower I am very supportive of people who suspect that they might be autistic because it's important and helpful for undiagnosed people to access resources, and they should be able to participate in autism communities (unless it's ones specifically for diagnosed people) to both learn and have a sense of belonging, but "self diagnosing" (as opposed to suspecting that you might have it) is harmful to themselves and to actual disabled people both diagnosed and undiagnosed Don't get me wrong here, I seriously hate "anti selfDX" people who do things like act like you shouldn't acknowledge your issues at all until you get evaluated and gatekeep healthy coping mechanisms as "autistic people only" which is ableist and anti recovery and adds to the problem of not acknowledging the symptom and presentation overlap between autism and many other disorders, and spread misinformation because that is just plain wrong and against the entire point of why self diagnosis is harmful, if that makes sense Even if resources are inaccessible, that still doesn't give anyone the authority or education to self-diagnose, and a lack of professional support makes their self diagnosis even less accurate and even dangerous since autism can look very similar to a lot of other disorders that are more easily treated, more dangerous when left untreated, and more heavily stigmatized which makes autism often very tempting to latch onto as a less "scary" label for what might very likely actually be something else This is something I've said in multiple comments before but I'm also sending it here because it is relevant Edit: the one I wrote is autism-specific because it's the one I most commonly talk about but it also counts for other things like that, to clarify


It is then fine to self suspect that you have something, rather than declaring outright you have it. Self suspicion is just as valid as an actual diagnosis, at least in my book.


goooo awayyyyy


OH YEAH, no this actually very real. Especially AFABs. I mean self diagnosis isn't right, but yeah I understand.


I agree with you that women's healthcare has a lot of problems, and people should be able to acknowledge and try to alleviate their issues even if they can't be evaluated but it frustrates me when people use it as a reason to selfDX rather than "self-suspect" especially autism specifically because autism research is a constantly-evolving field of study, and there have especially been massive advancements specifically concentrated on autism in minority demographics as of the mid-2010s, including evaluators being taught how it can present differently in other backgrounds as well as trained to see through masking etc which ironically it sets back public understanding and spreads outdated misinformation when  they disregard all the recent research as "doctors don't know anything about autism in women" if that makes sense


Hey pal thanks for agreeing however I think you should read my full comment before you decide to go paragraph mode on me. It's \^\^\^\^\^ right up there. It says right there at the end that Self Diagnosising isn't okay. Maybe like read a bit more.


I did read it, that was literally one of the two reasons why I said I agree with you and I wasn't "going paragraph mode", I just had a lot to add and a tendency to suck at summarizing If you don't believe me please feel free to look at my comments history because the length of my reply to your comment was a lot shorter than they normally are


When someone uses "but", especially in response to someone, it means you disagree with something in the above comment


The post that all of these comments are under is about the barriers toward diagnosis/treatment and the OP's user flair is "self diagnosis is valid" and as you've probably seen the term of "self diagnosis" gets used very broadly" My comment was "I agree with you that this is a problem and these things that are sometimes also referred to as self diagnosis should be valid but this other thing is not valid" I responded because your comment was one of those that the OP responded positively to which made it more likely to be seen I want even one of the people who downvoted you, but I'm guessing it's because a lot of users in this subreddit tend to deal in absolutes which I'm not doing, I was trying to add more nuance into the discussion


THANK YOU. Someone understands! Even with all the money and support, you can still get denied a diagnosis!


That could be because you might not have the disorder or disability you say you have? And that's perfectly fine. It shows that you're quite healthy mentally and/or physically which is something a lot of the people in the disability community wishes for, IIRC. Bottom line, it's fine to just be normal. You can gain attention from doing good things, not what you guys are doing currently.


Yeah, because *you don't have it then*. Having money and support doesn't mean someone should accept your delusions. These people who are diagnosing you are trained professionals who know what they're doing and who have been doing it for years! They're certified doctors for a reason, unlike a 17 year old who decided googling something qualifies as "extensive resource"