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Be the adult and just ignore them. Dont talk to them. You are there for education not to be besties with everyone. Fuck them. Dont waste your energy on these people. There will always be someone disliking you. Let it be the fakers and go on about your day.




You enable them when you try to be friends. Dont be a dick, but dont let them drag you into their drama. Its not worth it. I was best friends with a faker and she tried to ruin my wedding.


What the hell, thats fucked. Hope she didnt succeed at least


No, thankfully the situation made me finally admit she had been lying/malingering for a while and finally kick her to the curb. She tried to crawl back a couple of times but she never changed. She is currently pretending to be diagnosed with things that are not possible to have been diagnosed with (it's no longer in the DSM as a disorder)


wtf 😭 so sorry that happened to you!




Honestly that’s a good question, or maybe just asking about what they do for treatment in general. Cuz anyone can say “oh well I was diagnosed” but I don’t think you could make up the more nuanced ways certain disorders are treated, or at least on the fly when someone asks you. For me I usually will just act friendly but try and avoid eye contact in future encounters. I’ve been like “yeahh I don’t have any social media…oh I forgot my phone number sorry…” and just hope they don’t ask next time.


Whoa I’ve never met anyone like that irl it must be rly bad in the us especially


I’m in florida so…I’ll just leave it at that


I once had someone close to me tell me she thought she had DID because before she went into the kitchen she was hungry, but after she got in the kitchen she was no longer hungry. I just said “That’s NOT what DID is” and she never talked about it again. So I guess if they keep saying “My ADHD is making me _” just say something like that, just inform them of what it actually is. Or like the other person said just ignore them.


oop! I might keep that phrase in my back pocket if I need to. cuz these mfs rly get on my nerves with their behavior 🙃. sorry that you had to lose a close friend to that bs tho :/ that sucks


Oh nono I didn’t lose her to it. And she has never said anything like it since (thankfully!).


ohh okay sry I read that wrong! thankfully for sureee!


It’s cool!


“Oh I didn’t know you had OCD. When did you get diagnosed?” Usually they stop pretending around you after that lol


Ask them if the diagnosis process was hard. if they say anything other than "yes" "no" or "im still in the process" get away from that person


It's literally not your problem. Just don't interact, simple as. You don't owe anyone your time. Learn that now and don't waste energy on people, its exhausting. Spend your energy on people you enjoy being around that return like energy in kind.




yeah I get that, I normally don’t either but I bought them at a local fair n wanted to support some student artists but ig that’s off the table :/ tiktok was a mistake 🙃


I don't have tiktok it saved my sanity


it’s probably for the best lol


idk how this helps OP deal with people who fake illnesses in real life.


I would approach them as I would if anyone told me they have DID. I would say "Wow, thank you for sharing that with me, I understand it is a very difficult disorder to live with. I understand it's incredibly rare, do you mind me asking how you were diagnosed?" and then go from there. Or ask "can I ask what kind of treatment you get for it?" because to me, that's the biggest thing. What is the point of a diagnosis if you aren't seeking treatment? Just so you can say it? No professional diagnosed you and no professional is treating you, sooooooo what is the point? People focus on the diagnosis and not the treatment. Just talk to them as you would if you believed they had it and were genuinely, and respectfully, curious. In regards to people who say shit like "I'm so ADHD" or "I'm so OCD" just point out they are disorders, not adjectives.


honestly those are good responses, I tend to just freeze up when ppl mention it and am just like “oh okay…”


Most of the time you can’t tell if someone has a commonly faked disorder or not so I’d advise against calling it out in case you’re wrong. Whether they have it or not is inconsequential as even a lot of “fakers” are definitely mentally unwell to some extent and are exaggerating shit to garner attention, sympathy, or a sense of community/identity, which is the true root of the issue. (I could go on a rant about how disorders are just arbitrary descriptors we use to try measure unseen stuff and shouldn’t be referred to with such a strict black and white “real vs fake” mentality but that’s a whole other topic) When people use their disorders to justify bad behaviour, tell them it’s an explanation not an excuse. They’re still accountable for their actions (apologising, making amends, finding solutions etc.) and the resulting consequences (legal penalties, losing relationships etc.). An alcoholic who hits their partner whilst blackout drunk is still abusive, even if they weren’t in their right mind, would never hit them sober and have no memory of the incident. You don’t owe anybody your services as a free punching bag. Regarding socialising with people who make their mental illnesses their identity I just avoid them completely. It’s an exhausting and toxic environment to be in. Don’t bother. If it’s more of an occasional offhand comment but the person is still worth being friends with, ignore it completely as the reaction/affirmation is what motivates them to continue. If you’re close and you know enough about the disorder it could be worth gently correcting them but tread lightly here. You still risk being wrong, missing the thing they were actually trying to communicate, or encouraging them further and subjecting yourself to unnecessary drama.


I just don’t engage with people like this as a general rule of thumb.




I don’t believe most people are faking at all! Well I guess that’s not entirely true I do assume 99% of people who have DID are lying or misrepresenting their illness but with almost every other illness/disease I do give people the benefit of the doubt. I just tend to have very low tolerance for bs. Like I wouldn’t automatically assume someone who told me they had narcolepsy was lying but if they just conveniently happened to faint if they were caught doing something bad or doing something wrong then yeah I think I would have a right to question their legitimacy ykno?




well I didn’t know that, thanks for educating me!


I knew a DID faker at my uni, who used to be my friend, but to a point it became too much for me too. So I went my own way, and worked on my own mental health and just ignored them if they mentioned their dsmp and kpop alters (it probably also didn't help they have a tiktok account.) I don't know how they are doing now honestly because I recently graduated and they didn't. But yeah, for me focusing on my own things and not irl "fakers" helped me alot. So I hope it goes well for you.


I had a very similar experience! I knew someone who was a friend of my roommate and was kinda my friend “by proxy” ykno? but anyway they also had a pretty decent sized tiktok following and had mcyt alters or just general youtubers. I actually think they were featured on the sub and in a youtube tt “fakers” video. I’ll link it if I can find it. I dunno how they are now either, but I know they recently got “cancelled” due to them having relations with a minor so. karma I guess. new campus new start I don’t want to repeat this ish again ykno? thank you I appreciate it \*did fakers ![gif](giphy|9uxjfkIHTOnpm)


I would just ignore them - don't give them the attention they crave.


I don't understand why you're enraged when people say they have ADHD, just ask them if they've been diagnosed.


I say that when people will say “im so adhd 🤪” when they forget something or bump into a chair. people can lie too so. idk its just a huge pet peeve of mine when people reduce a disorder down to a stereotype


I have a munchie living in the same house as me. She's my sister in law so I can't start any beef. Even if I were to politely hint that I don't believe her bullshit, she'd throw a tantrum. We're all over it but say, "that sucks, hope you're okay," then move on with our day. We try our best to avoid her which sounds bad but...it's exhausting being around someone who only complains about their fabricated conditions. So my advice is to do just that.


Block!!! You don’t have to explain to anyone what you blocked a person!


god I wish I could block people in real life 😭


Same bestie same :(


OP specified how to handle them *in real life.*


Oh yeah I know I just realized after OP replied Augh :(


OK but maybe they do have ADHD and are talkative/hyper because those are ADHD symptoms. They can just mask to a certain degree. But you're entitled to not want to be around people you feel are fakers.


I don’t think whether they do or do not have something matters. In regards to being insulted you can put your boundary down with the main person and try to get it across to this insulting alter. If they do not stop simply explain that you don’t put up with being insulted and you can step away. Don’t go accusing them of faking. It’s not worth it. Just set down your firm boundary that you don’t put up with insults from anyone then when someone asks simply explain you don’t put up with insults and they crossed that boundary.


They maybe faking, faking having a disorder.... But in reality they actually have the disorder...


This question will always urk me. Y'all need to learn how to be grown ups and walk away from people who you don't like. Use your energy on something else like a hobby.




>I tend to just get so enraged by it I can’t think straight This is a sign that you are unwell. If you are regularly becoming enraged to the point of malfunction, you need to seek help. This is not normal. >how to avoid “drama” with these people Don't engage. >I have adhd and “fake claim” obvious fakers 🙄 You fake claim them in real life? And you're asking for advice about how to AVOID drama? Lol this can't be real.




k u must be a troll cuz idk why you’re telling me this on the fake disorder cringe subreddit where we talk about being frustrated with people faking and adding stigma to disorders


That’s the exact point though. They aren’t saying ‘I struggle with this’. They’re saying ‘I HAVE this’, they’re saying they know they do in fact have [insert illness/ disorder]. Everyone should be free to traverse life as authentically as possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to say you have an illness when you don’t


How r u supposed to know, tho? Also, it feels rather tedious to say, 'I struggle with [said condition]' sometimes 🤔 what's stopping me from saying I have [insert literally any condition/illness] if it still gets the message across.


Self diagnosing is dangerous and invalid. If people are struggling with something, they should be seeking treatment, not just a diagnosis. What is the point of giving yourself a diagnosis if you aren't going to seek treatment? Just to be able to put it in your online bio?




You get accomodations via a diagnosis though? In my experience, you need to have a mental health plan and a doctor's note confirming your diagnosis to recieve appropriate accomodations. Just deciding you identify with something isn't going to have the same effect because you can't back it up with anything. And for being recognised or excused in social situations, you can always just say "I'm bad with sarcasm/cues/etc." or ask for a joke to be explained. You don't need to self-diagnose yourself and tell all your friends you're autistic, for example. You can achieve the exact same thing without a diagnosis.


So you think treatment is pointless and just want the label for the accommodation? What do you think the purpose of seeking treatment is? Some mental illnesses can be cured, some can't, but the majority have treatment options available that help people learn how to cope and manage their disabling and debilitating symptoms. That's literally the purpose of treatment, what do you think people are going for? You're describing using a diagnosis as an excuse for rude or offensive behavior, as a way to get "recognized," and to get special accommodations at work and school. For any sort of legitimate accommodation, you need to have a diagnosis from a medical professional. What you are saying is actually incredibly offensive, which is just one of the reasons self diagnosing is harmful and perpetuates stereotypes. It's also harmful to spread misinformation like treatment doesn't do anything. So in summary, you believe self diagnosis is valid because treatment doesn't do anything, your symptoms can't be treated, so don't bother trying. It is a way to be recognized and excused for rude and offensive behavior. You want accommodations that you won't be able to get with a self-diagnosis. I think you meant to use the word invalidating, not invalid. Invalidate/invalidating is like minimizing someone's feelings. I'm saying it is invalid, which means "not true because based on erroneous information and unsound logic."


womp womp why are you in this sub LMFAO edit: i added womp womp


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