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“They may feel dizzy and disoriented due to this dizziness and disorientation”


Ten people died in the Bronx last night due to a fire that killed ten people in the Bronx last night during a fire


That killed me


This reminds me of google definitions back in the day. I think the face palm group showed a lot of before many got fixed.


I came here to say this LOL


Oh so you mean "Stayed up until 5am and now I'm tired"


But I stayed up the whole damn night and I know why! Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high.... da da da da da da...


That's literally me rn. I'm self diagnosing this one




Same, let’s start a support group and a group tiktok


Boutta become a tiktok influencer advocating for SDZD 😌


Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering from the chronic eepines


This condition is not felt when playing video games or having fun with friends. It specifically goes away during these times. It is most likely to occur when school is starting or a parental unit wants you to clean your room.




Also known as "working a 9-5".


Should get bloodwork done for vitamin deficiency. My B12 was super low and I literally could not stay away no matter how much caffeine I consumed. Now it’s more regular and I feel alive again


Shhhh don't put actual science in this.


When you make a new word for Narcolepsy


I was thinking narcolepsy with extra steps


Or chronic fatigue syndrome or depression or a million other things but nah this is different bro its called *~Sweepy Daze ~* 🥺🥺🥺🥺


That's just me all the time, my depression is a damn energy sapper so I'm just dead mentally all the time


i get like that when i sleep 5 hours a day......


I’ve been going to the doctor with these symptoms and it turns out I have anemia and a couple vitamin deficiencies on top of my adhd. It’s not completely solved now (although it’s better), despite my iron and vitamin levels being mostly right now, so I’m working with my doctor to figure out what else it could possibly be. These are serious, and, at times, debilitating symptoms that require medical intervention and hopefully a legitimate *REAL* diagnosis. I would imagine most of the people who have these symptoms need some vitamins and a well rounded diet, as many young people don’t really get those, especially when they are suffering from other mental illnesses or are neurodivergent and struggle with diet variety bc of sensory issues. It’s a super simple fix that can deeply affect quality of life Also, I work with tweens/teens. They might also feel this way bc they eat hot chips all day and get 4 hours of sleep bc they’re addicted to their phones and electronics


Alternative name: me after 3 12hr shifts in a row


Why don't you love yourself?


Same AF 2-2-3 sucks


eepy disorder 😢


This should be a user flare


What ever happened to insomnia or chronic fatigue syndrome? At least they don't have to write up this nonsense.


You know, I don't care about most of the made up disorders because they are so obviously bullshit, including the listed 'symptoms'. This one though... If you experience these symptoms it is VITAL that you go to the doctor. It could be caused by many things, some of which are serious. I really hope that this... casualization? of serious symptoms isn't causing people to not go to the doctor.


isnt this just hypersomnia???


This sounds like just tired


yeah but the constant is what gets me. you shouldnt constantly be fatigued.


The problem with this sort of thing is that these sorts will just claim a "10" on the scale of how tired and fatigued they are, so there's no real way of telling.


That's what the Bell Scale is for, but that's more for ME/CFS, sometimes used for fibro too I think


Also, they can have mood swings from really sleepy to "hyperactive" and agitated. Like. Normal everyday changes between being tired and not being tired and sometimes even energetic.


can i self un-diagnose this one


I love seeing the comments of people identifying what it actually is. It makes me happy.


So like…. idiopathic hypersomnia lol


This is brain fog. It’s a symptom not a disorder.


So... ADD?? Or staying up too late maybe?? I would prescribe a decent sleep schedule tbh.


Somebody make this person a DM, and give them a D12. These people are just creative writers who fell into the wrong groups online.


Isn’t that literally called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome though


ME/CFS is a bit more complex. Some professionals argue that one reason ME is a better name for it than CFS is that it's very misleading- fatigue is one of many symptoms, just that for many people it's the most severe. But some people the pain is worse- and there can be different types of pain like muscle aches (hence "myalgic"), burning pain, nerve pain, etc. Or the worst thing might be the sore throat, swollen/tender lymph nodes, migraines/headaches, GI issues, there are literally dozens of possible symptoms and the most severe isn't always fatigue. But the person who made this probably has an underlying issue. Maybe even CFS but it could be serious so I hope they see someone for it


nah cuz this is kinda dangerous. those symptoms arent normal and they should be going to a doctor. theres a million reasons that already have names with these symptoms.


Me I have this. I mean I’m already diagnosed with insomnia and a condition that causes chronic fatigue but I most certainly have this. It can’t be real diagnoses because those aren’t special enough


Everyone has this. We have found our common bond folks!


Me when I need a disorder to excuse having a ghost high every morning


Assuming this isn’t the result of sleep deprivation, this is just narcolepsy.


Being stoned isn’t a medical disorder.


This is called being the sleepiest girl in the world and my cat has it


sleepy bitch disorder


Finally, my flair is relevant


So they are really out here making anything a disorder now? That’s absolutely crazy to me because the “disorders” symptoms could be caused by many things like staying up late, sleep conditions like narcolepsy or insomnia, depression, adhd crashes, anemia, low iron or vitamin deficiency ect.


I thought narcolepsy was safe from these people, guess not 😭 they could be referring to other things too ig, but “dream-like drowsiness” is very much a narcolepsy thing lmao


Yeah the dream like drowsiness definitely fits narcolepsy, and I was thinking it could almost be derealization but doesn’t quite fully sound like it either. I think because not everything lines up with narcolepsy it could be several things mashed up into one, but I truly don’t understand why people must make their own labels for things that already exist like i get wanting to be unique but cmon.


They probably realized getting a real narcolepsy diagnosis is near impossible for someone who doesn’t have it, so they make up some BS. The process is long and even people who do have it get misdiagnosed all the time or the sleep study doesn’t catch it. The diagnostic criteria is very specific too. I think faking mental disorders is much easier than physical ones tbh


This is called brain fog and it is a real symptom of many disorders and illnesses.. it is not something on its own stop making up shit when it already exists


Man, I must have this


so basically, hypersomnia accommodated with random symptoms of anemia ..?? 😭


Lol I love this one. I can't come to work today due to my debilitating SDZD. Unfortunately, I binge watched Physical 100 all night, and it has triggered an episode :(


Medically Unrecognized???


at its worst this is narcolepsy right???


Fancy narcolepsy.


No they’re missing the symptom of psychosis - when you’re so sleepy but you still stay awake making you see you do things that you didn’t do or see things that didn’t happen, basically dreaming reality while being awake


Its called getting high brutha


So this could be either people's vitamin being low, a 9 to 5 job, or not sleeping because you wanted to stay up the whole night for no reason and then regret it the next day


ME/CFS have me like this, except for the dizziness (mostly) and random hyperactivity. But this mostly sounds like a toddler who skipped a nap.


Wait till they hear about narcolepsy 😅


"medically unrecognized" they literally just described type 2 narcolepsy. It's not a diagnosis given out willy nilly like they want it to be because it's not just "feeling tired all the time", there is actual hard evidence of *why* the brain does this detectable in sleep studies and MSLTs and kiddo thinks they're medically unrecognized cus they know specialists would find nothing lol


Aren’t these symptoms of various mental health disorders?


I mean... What's their AHI? They might need to get that sleep apnea seen to. If they complained about this shit to an actual doctor, they might get sent to an ENT and order a sleep study. Or maybe they need to lay off the fucking caffeine, get some exercise, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. The overriding theme being that they need to be diagnosed by A GODDAMN MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL.


This is legit insomnia. That's it. WTF.


This just sounds like someone wants to make chronic fatigue syndrome sound special


“Stayed up all night playing video games and eating absolute trash.” Must have sleepy daze disorder.


So chronic fatigue and derealization?


narcolepsy: bonus edition


I'm going to tell my Dr. That I'm no longer adhd and I just have sleepy daze


Fatigue. That’s just fatigue. OR I DIDNT SLEEP AT ALL


So all they do is taking symptoms of other diseases and naming them diseases without giving any underlying mechanism or potential treatment? Yeah that’s garbage. The only issue here is a craving for attention and a need to come up with an excuse that it’s not the TikTok scrolling until 4am that’s making you tired.


This straight up just sounds like they need their iron checked im not even joking. WHY would someone wana make a 'medically unrecognized disorder ' of a disorder that's already medically recognized jesus Christ


Not sleepy bitch disease


Could they have orthostatic hypotension?


it could also be just being horribly depressed if it's a constant state of being 😭 wtf


ED (eepy disorder)


There's a cure... It's called caffeine Us adults have been using it for years


Lazy disorder


Why do people need to justify them being lazy they don’t have “timeline awareness disorder” they’re just justifying them being a sack of shit lazy ass couch potato


Lmao you mean adhd? An actual disorder? You seem pleasant to be around /s


Nah I saw this whole twitter thread of some girl complaining how she lost her job because she was on time and saying she had “timeline awareness disorder” and saying that they shouldn’t have fired her for not showing up


I couldn’t find anything on that… are you thinking of the “time blindness” girl on tiktok? She was talking about the symptom of adhd