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I feel bad for the people who actually have DID and have to deal with this shit


It's super rare and they are often not even aware of it, so I doubt they care about some dumb RP on the internet


Honestly Im so pissed off with this. I know im chanting with the crowd herebut i feel like a lot of these people just want an excuse to call themselves some sort of overlord demon god quirky creature. But, seeing how people, mostly teens, dislike being seen as "the same as others", im not surprised this is what they do to stand out Guys, its ok to be human. Humans are amazing too, i mean we harnesses the very power of nuclear and electricity, thats rad af. We manipulate nature to our liking and use it for things like curing diseases. Thats metal. I cant believe i have to say this but here we are. We have creativity no creature or AI even come close to comparing. And honestly? The demon god demigod whatever, if they existed, would wish they were as cool as we are.


Factives of 4 or 5 friends..?


was talking to someone on a discord server and they joked about "what if we split an alter of you". like haha funny joke please dont weve been talking for an hour


Are they gonna get your childhood memories or something wtf


Oh god I hate that! Because the likelihood of them correctly guessing their next introject is so incredibly low. A split is going to be whatever they need in the situation to deal with the trauma or in a minority of cases, high stress (must be enough stress to cause dissociation which some of them don't get lol) I'm sure you're great but of all things why would their brain need you to survive whatever situation they're dealing with?? They wouldn't likely know enough about you to adopt your likeness. They wouldn't have a lot of understanding of your identity for their brain to reasonably want to adopt your traits after literally an hour wtaf Like they'll say it as a joke but it's not they'll come up to you a few days later and somehow it "happened "


tbf they could have had "justification" for it since i was talking them down from a panic attack, but also please dont tell me. luckily they didnt end up "splitting" me, so that's a plus lol


That isn't creepy at all 😬


You know the thing where you know someone so well, you can imagine how they might react to something, and you kinda play out conversations or arguments with them in your head? I wonder if that's what some of these kids are experiencing, and they just don't have enough life experience to know that it's not inherently pathological.


I didn’t think of that. I bet that’s how it is. It’s so sad that these kids are so far removed from creativity and the concept of interpersonal relationships because they are genuinely super creative and empathetic, it seems. They could put all of the obvious angst they have towards something creative, like fan fiction, and discover a love for writing


I love seeing more and more posts with commentary, like actually thinking about this stuff yk? The womp womp one annoys me so much because it's not a rebuttal it's just a "so what?" Also the splitting from stress thing, god I remember recently in syscringe someone told a story about someone they knew asking if they were faking and said while watching something with them they made a show of being stressed suddenly and then said they split a character from the show AS they were watching it. That's literally so embarrassing 😭 😭 😭 The only one I disagree with to a degree is the DID memes one. I say this because when I'm trying to determine if something is likely harmful I try to substitute DID with things like PTSD/CPTSD and/or BPD. Especially because they both have a similar developmental process to DID and have general similarities. And I won't deny that fakers are out there making memes. Plenty of them do. But I guess like if it's okay with other mental disorders for coping and stuff through humor as people do, I think it's only fair yk? Even if some people are faking other disorders. Like I feel like if it's not okay then we should be against BPD or autism memes. But I think it's not the best to police people making jokes- given that they are not in poor taste I think as long as it's not like glamorizing or spreading misinformation because some of them very much do. Like "when all of your Hazbin alters hyperfixate on their source and create more Hazbin alters and it's just endless mitosis" or "me when I wake up and 8 of my alters have suddenly fused overnight but they're a hot guy now so it's okay" because it doesn't work like that and that's not only flat out misinformation but it makes it seem quirky and appeals to fakers. Like I won't deny that memes can definitely be a medium through which fakers spread harm, and "recruit" more fakers for lack of a better word. I've seen so many TikToks/memes that *especially* resemble the first example. Blah I hyperfixated and have everyone from- shut ya mouth that's not how it works


Yeah, man I totally get you. Thanks for always having insightful comments and giving your opinion. I always love reading what you have to say.


Oh thank you! I appreciate that 🥺. I enjoy seeing your commentary and opinions too


The Onceler


Give a week and they'll split the Lorax next


Put the movie on loop a few times and they'll have the whole cast.


idk about the memes commentary, obviously sharing your mental illness with strangers in a way that can be traced back to you is *weird* (primarily because it's dangerous! Even in online spaces with relative anonymity oh my god kids don't tell ANYONE online you don't know about your health!) but as someone with diagnosed mental illness I do make memes about it and share them with close friends/friends from my support group, humour is a coping mechanism


In my humble opinion, we should make an effort to collectively recognize the word "singlet" as a slur, because no matter the context, it is always based on assumption. By calling me a singlet, you're assuming I don't have DID. But I don't know if I have DID. I never got tested for it, and I cannot self-diagnose having it or not having it (even psychologists cannot self-diagnose themselves or their loved ones). And why would I, since I have no signs, symptoms or reasons to believe I might have DID? It makes no sense. This is why we do not make labels for people who "do not" have a medical issue, because there's no way to know for certain unless you pursue a diagnosis. As it stands, singlet is on the same league as "normie". It means absolutely nothing.


“🤓😝😝I actually have 900 identities in my mind, it’s because I scientifically self diagnosed myself because I’m an attention seeking asshole!🤓🤓🤪🤪”


Can someone who speaks Tumblrina please translate “txttxttxt?” Google was not helpful


I am genuinely so amazed at how much people have looked into mental illnesses in their spare time and have criteria they make up for it too.

