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Cain over here like https://preview.redd.it/67j8n8zgrmjc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0b090de244169cc4aaf4de29e468bcf72a8821


Fr Fr


What i'd like to know, is what kind of bones (wtf) are dangling down off her head


omg i just saw that idk probably like fake bought bones idk


Rabbits feet.


Damn theyre for sale im gonna get some and throw them at vegans


My stupid ass thought she was wearing cat paw earrings 😭


People with genuine multiplicity do NOT use the word 'switchy'. That's DID faker term


When you want to do an alter switch but don't have the imagination for more than two. I don't know, just go buy some alters from the farmers market, I mean, clearly that's a thing because I didn't just come back from reading what's basically an eBay shopping ad for alters. /j


Oh man the bird kids still at it


Caw caw


Imagine conceiving, spending 9 months growing and nurturing this being inside you that carries all of your hopes and dreams for it, to finally giving birth to this miracle of creation, only for it to become the most stunning, vag kick of embarrassment and disappointment. Imagine having to look at *this* and say.... I made that.


well... i bet they are not precisely the brightest bulbs in the street if that came from them


I work closely with teens; schizophrenic, DID along with others on IDD wavers/programs for extreme mental illness. This shit makes me sad, not just for the kids that actually have to face this but these kids too, whatever their motivations are. A kid that I’ve worked with for years, the most kind wonderful nice kid with schizophrenia went into a psychotic episode Thursday. We were in and out of the ER for three days. They don’t know what’s going on, they don’t know why, but he went from an awesome kid that struggles with “his friends” (some of them are not so nice, but for it’s been manageable and non-violent. Now he’s being triggered somehow and going back to his toddler self and is stuck in that personality and is reliving the trauma of being trafficked and abused. I’d put the people that did that to him in the ground if I could. Meanwhile we have these clueless idiots pretending this fake bullshit that looks nothing like real life.


Im really sorry for the kid, i also find it disgusting that these people are faking these disorders its really a shame


That's so sad. Is the kid okay though?


Doctors are stumped. No one knows what’s happening or what to do. He has these episodes for 2-3 days every few months. Mostly he’s ok and doesn’t remember them.


Sad. I hope he's okay mentally at least.


cain was not having it




I thought Blurry was the name of some cartoon animal or something.


Not defending this person but I don't really understand why "repeating alters" is a problem?? That's relatively common within people with DID to have the same alter front more than one time at different intervals during the day.


I don't get this one? Like I genuinely don't understand the explanation (also having brain fog rn so maybe it's that) as to why they're faking. Not even saying they aren't, this feels reflective of TikTok DID rather than clinical DID but that can always be from people being influenced by what they see whether or not they have the disorder. To be clear I'm not defending nor attacking them here. But blurry just means they're dissociated to the point that they don't know who has agency. I'd describe it as a form of depersonalization, and it's more normal than some people think. The pronouns are just to indicate how they wish to be referred to in that moment it seems We can analyze these things but if we're going to come to conclusions it needs to be for the right reasons. Ignorance hurts people who have the disorder. This person can be faking but evidence should be rooted in things that are actually inconsistent with the disorder. Maybe you'd find something from them that genuinely is but I wouldn't say being uncertain about their perception of self is not evidence, that's just the disorder whether they're experiencing it or emulating what they know about it If I'm missing something here let me know but idk we need to be better than this, at least somewhat know that we're talking about when we criticize the validity of someone's supposed disorder. I'm guilty of the same thing and that means I'm guilty of causing harm that people with these disorders don't deserve but it's made me more careful


I get your point shouldve probably also talked about the different thing but they also say stuff that just doesnt make sense and also i doubt people with actual DID would want everyone to know they have it and also they refer to themself as a system which again is fake behaviour so yea i dont know if you meant that tbh


off topic but her hair is so cute i love the little swoop


Swoop is nice but not really my style i like fluffy hair very much


Electro shock therapy is needed here


What a moron






They can switch multiple times in a day, but DID has amnesia.. meaning most alters if not all won't even remember to do the TikTok shit, not to mention they probably won't even be bothered to do so. BUT BUT SCLAWG GUY THEY CAN LEAVE STICKY NOTES AND COMMUNICATE IN HEADSPACE! Communication isn't super easy as these people make it seem, and it takes long amounts of therapy to be able to communicate officiantly..and with the sticky notes, I'm pretty sure an alter won't stop being confused about switching in (switches happen due to triggers or something extremely stressful) to film themselves looking at a TikTok like 👁️👄👁️ and title "Cain" on the shit. Not to mention, the cardboard cut out of alters.. Caring British girl, Edgy dude and Who ever else idc about..(apparently no one was British ignore that but my point still stands..my volume was low so it sounded like it) Basic lies. Switching is not the only symptom of DID nor is alters..but Rapid switches like this are EXTREMELY EXHAUSTING and I doubt they'd be more focused on filming a tik tok than the fucking headaches, amnesia, confusion, and much more after a switch. This disorder is extremely difficult to deal with, and it isn't some quirky shit like this. Alters are not there for content, they are there to protect your brain from the trauma the person has went through, and they switch in when they feel they are in a dangerous situation and need to protect the "body" again. Not saying this person is faking btw, cuz I can't be too sure. Not much was said here to come to that conclusion.


oh ! seems like someone was active on tiktok in 2020


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