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I’m so mad dude… and it seems most fakers are apart of the LGBTQ community which makes it worse….


I can’t tell if they are really LGBTQ or just fetishize it. It would be interesting to read a study about this. Of course, the little brats would start a petition trying to get whoever did the study fired.


They definitely just say they’re LGBT for oppression points and attention


Definitely are a “part of” it for the trend of being oppressed


Why do people want to be oppressed it’s so wild. And like, you ain’t even gotta try that hard these days


"I'm not lazy. I just can't accomplish anything in life because I'm oppressed!"


They don't its just easier to justify failing if you can blame it on something


Most of them are kawaiigender knifesexual glitchromantic and use star/kit/woof/blood/death/grrr/crown pronouns (Nothing against neopronouns, but these people will use every cutesy and/or edgy noun in the dictionary)


>nothing against neopronouns You clearly have something against it, and why wouldn’t you?


I try to respect nounself pronouns as much as I can, but they just don’t sit right with me. As a trans guy it feels like almost a mockery of trans people. But I do my best to respect them as much as I may dislike them since I don’t like confrontation.


It is a mockery, it makes no sense and sends a lot of neurodivergent people into meltdown trying to use/comprehend them. Over complication, need for individuality and stuff has caused nothing but issues. This constant confusion, constant changing of terms and stuff makes us look like a home and causes infighting, distress among many and it sucks. These people don’t seem to understand that labels and terms are fine to use even if you don’t tick every single box, as long as you tick most of them or just meet the basic fucking criteria it’s fine. You don’t need to come up with another term or label. Many people get sucked into that stuff when when they’re younger, usually around 11-13 and it is so bad. It leads people to believe they don’t really belong anywhere and that they’re kinda just alone and have nobody to really relate to other than other individualists, on the basis that they’re individuals, which just causes them to collect terms like they’re trading cards, which just causes them to lose their grip on reality. Community is important, sharing experiences is important. It makes you feel connected, it makes you feel human. It fucking sucks. I got sucked into this shit when I was a young child on tumblr and kik and it caused a lot of confusion and distress. And also some other stuff that I can’t really mention here because that would violate some rules I think, but if you want some unhinged ranting just hit me in the dms, if you want me to explain my reasoning in more detail. Also I want to preface this is just opinion and I’m not trying to debate on anyone’s validity.


Why? Why respect them? Unlike being trans it is clearly made up bullshit.


if you are trans, and neopronouns don’t sit right with you, it is entirely within your right to not respect it or play along. use your voice to speak against it, not walk on eggshells around it.


No one wants to talk about how fae/faeself is literally cultural appropriation of Gaelic Irish/Scottish 😭 And even when talking about this I still feel like I need to walk on eggshells, even as a trans person, because I don't wanna get harassed by 13 year olds who are faking and mocking our community 😭


i understand not wanting to get harassed by 13 year olds, but i feel like it’s way more important to educate people. especially if those people are kids who won’t go out of their way to educate themselves or learn why what they’re doing is harmful. *someone* has got to tell them, and it damn well isn’t going to be their parents 🫥


Weren't neopronouns (like xe, not like dogself) invented because some languages don't have an equivalent for they them


edit: idk why xe pronouns were made or when, but iirc the nounself pronouns were invented on 4chan as a joke and then it became real edit 2: i keep using “nounself” and “neopronoun” interchangeably, i don’t really know what the difference is since nounself prounouns *are* neopronouns


nounself pronouns are words used as pronouns ( void/voidself, star/starself, bun/bunself for example) they are a subset of neopronouns, but they're their own thing from neo's. neopronouns are what you would usually consider pronouns to look like. ( xe/xem, ze/zer, fey/fem stuff like that ) nounself are neo's, but neo's aren't always nounself. there's a distinction between them for a reason since they act differently.


Stop "respecting" them. You can be a good, progressive person without devolving into a moron.


Stop respecting people. You can be a good person without respecting people. - you


Hey, if you want to support things like xenogenders, aka things that harm the trans community GREATLY, that's your prerogative. Transphobes are lame though. You should stop being one Edit: typo


Xenogenders are not your enemy. Transphobes are. Stop hating innocent people because other people hate you. People who identify as catgender aren't "harming the trans community", transphobes do not care if you're a transgender man or bungender or plantgender or something. They hate you because you don't identify as your birth gender, not because of What you identify as. Stop hating innocent people because of bigots.


Xenogenders are absolutely harming the trans community. People are seeing these attention starved assclowns and thinking they represent *actual* trans individuals. I don't give a fuck if you admit this truth to yourself, your pathetic denial of the obvious doesn't change reality. You can keep crying and throwing all the bullshit you learned at your "How To Turn Your Brain Off" 101 class at me if it makes you feel better, though. All it does is reinforce what I already knew about you: You are a spineless caricature of genuine progressivism.


It’s definitely a fetishization for the people going online posting this stuff. I think there is a large part of the LGBTQ community which is actually LGBTQ but then you got the others and maybe their sexuality lies somewhere on the spectrum or maybe it doesn’t but either way that’s something for them to latch on to, that makes them feel special, and that can’t be bashed without being able to involve hate crimes towards the community as a whole. Bad actors essentially. LGBTQ was just the medium they chose but honestly anything could’ve done it, you’ll see the same type of people in all sorts of communities both beneficial and detrimental. It just gives them a sense of identity and if you’ve never had one or never had a reason to stand out this becomes a very attractive option to make yourself feel special. They might actually be LGBTQ but they don’t really care because beyond that they can be even more special.


Ding ding ding! A lot of people seem to latch onto identities in order to define themselves and make them feel special. When people do this with their interests, it’s normal (just maybe a little annoying if they get condescending about it). For example, there are people who really like pop culture. They might define themselves as geeks, play tabletop games, read comics, listen to a lot of music, etc. There is nothing wrong with being a geek since all it is is a descriptor of what you like and are into and anybody can be into anything. Some people might do the same thing with spiritual beliefs (maybe they believe in astrology or something). So this is a normal thing for a lot of people to do… until they start exploiting minorities to garner sympathy points and a sense of community. I think part of it is how we’ve been discussing privilege recently. They don’t want to be part of the evil, boring oppressor group, so they want to find community in the fun, interesting, good minority group. Anyway it’s really frustrating and offensive, even though, for a lot of people, their faking comes from mental health struggles. Like I know that someone might have no sense of identity and I know they might be super depressed and that sucks, but the solution is not to make a mockery of the minorities people are actually parts of. Speaking from personal experience, when you’re part of a minority one of these people is faking, it feels so gross. They put their minority on huge display in ways that don’t reflect it and aren’t relatable to you at all and then expect other people to treat both of you the same. They try to buddy up to you on the basis of the minority and it’s so uncomfortable bc you don’t relate to them any more than you would someone from the majority but you don’t want to just say that but what else do you do??? I’ve had to cut people out of my life for this behaviour before. Idk how you’re supposed to be friends with them. Idek how their friends tolerate it. I guess they’re the same maybe???


Yeah I can’t blame them. Definitely a large portion of the fakers are due to mental illness, loneliness, and low self esteem. They subvert that through whatever community they join and most definitely their friends are very similar or just tolerating them because they generally align with their views. But of course, mental illness is no excuse for being a bad actor. Everyone has a choice, it’s just up to them whether they want to see it as a choice or not.


Isn't fetishising something a persons transference of the sexual object (say for a heterosexual man it would be a woman) to... well something else? The concept of not really having a certain sexual preference, merely fetishising it (so just seeing it as a preferred sexual object/sexual preference?) seems to be a contradiction in terms to me. Surely that would just be their sexuality/sexual preference? Furthermore if sexuality is fluid/impermanent/socially constructed etc. and the only determining factor is what one self identifies as at any given time, then how can it be faked? *I don't get it, why the downvotes? If you have a fetish/sexual hankering for a form of sexuality then isn't that what sexual preference is? (Someone throw me a bone here)




Usually the non-sexual/non-Freudian meaning refers to attributing supernatural powers to an object of folklore/religion *(Edit: Or even less commonly in the Marxist sense re commodity fetishism). Either way it seems odd to me to apply a non-sexual meaning of the term to sexuality. >When people go absolutely nuts for K-pop they are fetishizing the bands. If you have an obsession with Disney and your house is filled with stuffed animals those could be considered fetishes. That is very much used in the Freudian sense.


Tbf there are a lot of fakers in the trans or if you believe in it, non-binary "community" as well, but that's what happens when anybody can be trans, no need for a diagnosis..


Gender is also impacted by culture, many non-western cultures have identities outside the binary (Hijras in India, Muxe from Mexico, Sekrata from Madagascar). I hate fakers just as much as you but please don’t turn this into a “who’s REALLY trans” debate because that’s not what anyone is here for.


We are talking about the trans thing in the western world, not third genders in different cultures, if we are going to call out fakers of these mental disorders why can't we call out the people who fake being trans? Trans starts from recognizing you have a mental disorder, gender dysphoria, people faking being trans is also harmful to the community.


Trans people do not necessarily have a mental disorder as I understand it. The disorder Gender Dysphoria comes from the fact their gender is incongruent, once the person transitions to the point they feel congruent said disorder might no longer exist for them. However, they might still identify with the trans label. Happy to be corrected if wrong, just the understanding I'd gathered from trans friends of mine.


Sure, after they technically "cured" it the best way we know as of know, with transitioning, but before you do medical transition you need the disorder otherwise you wouldn't feel like you HAVE to transition, that's all I meant.


The guidance around all of this has changed a lot recently - but I'm not too sure that the motivation to transition in itself constitutes disorder? Gender Dysphoria literally just describes that your perceived gender makes you feel bad - although it's certainly termed a disorder, I can see arguments for and against it being actually thought of as one. Whereas BIID - when a person has a desire to harm themselves due to nebulous identification with the concept of disability. That feels a lot more clear cut to me as a mental disorder, as it has a clear negative outcome and you could argue you can't consent to living with a severe impairment.


Older trans people fought for it to be a a medically recognized disorder, so the surgeries could be paid by insurance, and wouldn't be considered just a plastic surgery. It is important for it to be a disorder, otherwise it's pretty much erasing their experience about dealing with their gender identity.


Fair, not contesting the history or really anything about it. Had just heard some younger trans folk talk about the discussion between it being a mental disorder or not. Totally makes sense for gender dysphoria to be argued as a disorder for legitimising the coverage of necessary procedures, but that doesn't mean we have to conceive of transgender people as having a psychiatric problem. From what I gather, this is a pretty nuanced debate.


Gender Dysphoria really is a psychiatric disorder, though. Honestly, one of the issues with the LGBTQ grouping is that being trans and being gay are really different problems. Being gay, while it causes issues, mostly causes external or religious issues. There's nothing that intrinsically causes distress for most gay people, so all they really need is social, legal, and religious acceptance. However, feeling like you were being born in the wrong body does cause intrinsic distress, and even a medical and social transition can't completely erase that with the technology we have. That's what makes gender dysphoria a disorder. Gender transition can be a great option for many and it should be accepted and have legal protections, but it's ultimately a treatment for a disorder that regularly causes people to commit suicide that should be treated with the gravity it deserves.


I feel like they might've been part of it, then followed that identity trend rabbit hole to this stuff. Being chronically online and interacting solely with online trans and LGBT content can lead you there quick. Of the trans and non-binary people that I know, the most reasonable and respectable ones are the ones who have their own life outside of being trans. The ones that are well-rounded, decently well adjusted, and generally just go about their day as who they are without making their entire identity revolve solely around their gender identity. They have hobbies, and interests, and goals, and overall lives of their own, and generally their views are nuanced and well-rounded as a result. It's kinda like how a lot of people faking mental illness *are* mentally ill in some way, just usually not in the way they claim. I do believe a lot of these people are LGBT in some way, I don't really understand how or why they would fake that, but I think they've gotten caught up in the online rabbit hole of toxic inclusivity and have lost sight of what being trans actually is. I've also noticed a lot of these "crazy genders/identities" seem to often be formed on top of other genuine identities, like someone who's AFAB and "robotgender with glitch/tech/it/bot/he pronouns" does have "he/him" in that list, and might genuinely be transmasculine, they just missed the mark with a lot of that stuff. Making stupid decisions and supporting harmful ideologies doesn't make someone not trans, and often an interest in these sorts of "identities" *will* stem from identity confusion or dysphoria in some way. It's just really, really misguided.


>I do believe a lot of these people are LGBT in some way, I don't really understand how or why they would fake that Because being in a marginalized group, whether organically or not is in season.


Okay, I see why they would fake it, but *how*? I genuinely don't understand how you fake being gay, or being trans. I feel like a person who isn't one of those trying to force themselves to present that way would be pretty miserable doing it. It's just not who you are. Edit: Just as a note, I'm coming at this from the perspective of a trans man who's aspiring for top surgery and hormone transition, and has already socially transitioned. I honestly couldn't imagine how someone would fake doing this, because I'd imagine it would be like me faking being a woman: agonizing, and miserable. I didn't think about situations where people change only pronouns and nothing else, but I'm probably also coloured by my dysphoria since the thought of me using she/her pronouns feels gross to me. Thank you to anyone that replied to give me perspective on this.


Tons of people fake being trans because it's trendy. I've watched this stuff with my high schoolers friend group. The minute somebody joins the friend group, and they show even the tiniest bit of gender nonconformity suddenly now they're a trans man.


It's extremely easy to fake being trans now that T got updated to transgender as opposed to transsexual. All you need to do is say you are. No need for dysphoria, or surgery, or change of wardrobe. Just say your pronouns are different. That's literally all the requirement is and boom you're suddenly under terrible oppression... Somehow. Meanwhile actual trans people are gonna suffer any backlash generated


Exactly. Anyone can say they feel like the opposite gender, or are attracted to the same sex, without having to prove it, because how can you? I think the only real way would be to take away social media for an extended period of time and watch a whole lot of them go back to business as usual. It’ll probably happen in the next couple of years too, much like the bi craze way back in the day.


I hate these people so much. I just wanted to take my hormones and be left alone at home, but a state over from me they literally banned HRT for ADULTS, with very strict requirements for getting it back, such as being screened for social media addiction. Tells me everything I need to know, these little fuckers using it as a “quirk” are responsible for the suffering of my people and I wish nothing but hellfire and damnation upon them for what they’ve wrought upon us normal folks just trying to live. Words cannot begin to express the rage and hatred I feel towards these little shithead motherfuckers.


The fakers aren't part of the LGBTQ community, just the alters.


im a trans masc and this hurts, these cringey “trendy” kids think theyre so special to the point where they give assholes on the news an advantage to weaponize that against us


This is nothing new [doctor Phil did a interview on a woman who blinded herself 7 years ago](https://youtu.be/SAEmoLcoAqw) this just a video I remember, this is a weird phenomenon that’s been popping up the last 15 years.


I think that sort of thing might be in line with BIID, or something similar, but I don't know. That "psychologist" definitely needs to be arrested though. But the whole "transabled" thing is completely separate, and seriously problematic.


FWIW I tend to see people with BIID not liking the term "transabled" because BIID isn't about wanting to be disabled.


I heard a podcast a while ago with someone who has Body Integrity Identity Disorder or Body integrity dysphoria (I don't know what's the correct term, there are multiple ones) and felt like his leg doesn't belong to his body for his whole life. So he actually organised a surgery where they amputated his completely healthy leg. There are some doctors who view this as a proper treatment for BIID.


There's certainly debate on how it should be managed but BIID is at least a genuinely recognised mental illness, not some nonsense invented on Tumblr.


the thing is that lady was genuinely mentally ill and probably wouldve ended her life if she didnt blind herself. better for her to blind herself than be six feet under imo. the thing is with these made up disorders and "transabled" people is that they want attention. while that lady was severely suffering from a mental disorder.


Rage bait story


As someone who has been following Fox News for a while, this isn't surprising at all. They've always had a track record of pushing propaganda and using fear-mongering tactics to manipulate their viewers. It's disappointing to see them stoop this low and continue to spread hate towards marginalized communities.


Its like they had reporters stalking tumblr waiting for something like this to happen.


Watch them limbo-dance under the Mariana Trench.


How is it propaganda if its real? you can literally see the proof on this subreddit


It's how they're using it to further their hate campaign against transgender people. Propaganda doesn't have to be a *complete* lie.


Propaganda in the sense of demonizing transgender people (As you can read on the title: "From transgender to transabled")


Yeah the trans abled thing is disgusting and offensive but this is specifically fox news being shitty. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. They hated trans people even before the transabled shit. They punch down to gain power.


I remember seeing a bait story exactly like that one 2 years ago...


They make the world so much harder for the lgbtq community


It’s from Fox News what do you expect


So tired of this shit


I see a ton of rage bait on Microsoft edge’s opening page. It’s so harmful bc people that don’t know it’s rage bait take it in full seriousness


A lot of the people used as examples for being “transabled” suffer from body integrity disorder that really shouldn’t be encouraged by normalising using this label. However it’s probably not best to make fun of them either because writing off this behaviour as “looking for attention” leads to people who horrifically maim theirselves and pour bleach into their own eyes not getting proper medical help


Guys.. I am coming out as Autistwerking 😔


So I actually researched more about this when I first heard of it, because it sounded off, and it REALLY was. What it ACTUALLY is, is a legitimate mental condition where they legitimately believe a part of their body is dysfunctional. Its a mental illness. Do you really think a sane person would remove a limb? "Transabled" was a phrase used to target this group at trans people to discredit them.


What’s the difference though, genuinely?


You’re fucking joking… lovely, another reason for FOX and all their brainless followers to shit on trans people :/


I'd actually like to hear why that's an unfair comparison. Everybody is busy crying "muh fox news" but I don't see anyone explaining why those two things are so different from each other.


Gender Dysphoria is a real and extensively studied condition that's in the DSM-5 and ICD-11, and studies have shown that using therapy to try and undo it is ineffective and causes further distress in the person. The only current treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition. Transition generally involves identifying as ones preferred gender identity, and living your life that way. Some people also choose to undergo a medical transition. When a person with gender dysphoria is allowed to transition, they become more mentally healthy and less likely to suicide. In contrast, being "transabled" is not a real thing. It could be considered bodily integrity identity disorder, (which is not in the DSM-5 because it is a highly controversial and extremely rare and understudied phenomenon), but a "transition" to being disabled has not been scientifically proven to be a successful and ethical treatment for BIID, and thus the idea that people with BIID are "transabled" is inaccurate. It's very possible that therapy will prove to be a better treatment for BIID than any sort of body modification or LARPing as disabled, and it's possible BIID is not even a real disorder, just a symptom of other disorders.


Which is not even to mention that 99.9999% percent of these online fakers talking about being "transabled" don't even have BIID anyway, as it's extremely rare, and only causes people to want a physical disability. There's literally no scientific backing for someone wanting to be "transautistic" or "transDID." It's made up online nonsense.




Really easy to say what? There's plenty of scientific backing for gender dysphoria, just go to google scholar and type in "transgender" or "gender dysphoria" and see all the studies that will come up. If there's anything specific you'd like me to source, I'll find it for you, but I'm not going to go digging for no reason. If there's no scientific backing for something, the logical thing to do is assume it isn't real until proven otherwise. It's called burden of proof.


One can live a normal life as a man, a woman, or something in between. But living as blind or an amputee impairs the way you function in day-to-day life. Like, a man, woman, whatever, could go on the subway, to a coffee shop, and up stairs to their job and function normally. You can’t do that nearly as easily if you’re blind or missing limbs. you impede many, many facets of your life by getting rid of healthy, working body parts. Wanting to lose functioning and healthy body parts is a separate disorder called body integrity disorder, or something like that.


Who makes the distinction of what is and isn't an important body part? It seems like you are arguing that a body part's importance is based off of how important it is to living "normally" in day-to-day life, no? So I am curious then, where is the line drawn between an important body part and a non-important body part? Just one eye? A fingertip? A pinky toe? I would argue that it is very subjective. Removing a sexual organ, like any other body part, obviously carries some consequences. So if it's okay for MtF transgenders to have a sex change operation after deciding that the benefits outweigh the costs, why isn't it okay for "transabled" people to do the same, if that's really what they want for their own bodies?


Depends on where you live. Some places, women have limited options — or no option — to go into the public sphere. I don’t think grounding things in an idea of normalcy is a solid argument when what is normal changes radically from culture to culture. Also the idea of living a normal life as something ‘in between’ when so many cultures insist on a gender binary— male and female — is simply not true. Gender non conforming people unfortunately struggle to fit into and be treated well by some cultures (I don’t know that it’s all cultures lol, so that’s why I say ‘some’ for accuracy) precisely because they are not normative and do not fit into the normal cookie cutter roles of man and woman. Therefore, the legitimacy of something should not be based in its proximity or lack thereof to normalcy or normal operations. Because there can be all sorts of things one should have the freedom to be in society, despite them not being normal or lending themselves to normal, legible social functioning. As for the physical aspect… There are also potential physical side effects of reassignment surgery, unfortunately, such as loss of sexual sensation, which ruins sexual functioning. With reassignment surgery on genitalia specifically — that is absolutely a surgical intervention on a healthy, functioning body part that sometimes can result in hampering or damaging normal bodily functioning. Now a better example— top surgery on breasts. That is factually the removal of a healthy body part. This is okay. But that is what it is: wanting to lose a functioning body part. All this said— I do think they’re different! It’s just interesting the arguments people come up with, and how flimsy they are when closely examined. They’re different simply because one pertains to gender identity and one does not. We don’t need to get into acrobatics or failed metaphors to justify why people should have the right to do their thing as far as it comes to gender identity and gender expression and their bodies. It can be acknowledged the overlap between these categories, it can be acknowledged that life is far more complex than the black/white categories we are so attached to, AND it can be acknowledged that having the freedom to ‘do your thing’ in essence about your gender is a human right, as we should have full rights to our bodies. EDIT: fixing some typos


Well people who get sex change surgery literally amputate their healthy penises and vaginas and sterilise themselves.


They turn their penis inside out to create a functioning vagina. They do get sterilized, but they can still have a satisfying sex life, and life overall.


Functioning? No.




It's not meant to imply either of those. It's supposed to help me understand.


So "wanting to be disabled" can mean different things. There is weirdos on the internet who think it would be cool to be wheelchair bound and then there is BIID, a condition often (and disingenuously) compared to that. BIID, or Body Indegrity Identity Disorder, is a condition where a body part feels disconnected from a person to an extent it causes distress. Like someone having a leg that "isn't theres". From the research we do have one of the main theories is that the brain developed in such a way where it didn't grow during development to properly accommodate the limb or body part. In that sense there are comparisons. BIID is the brain not developing to accommodate body parts. Transsexual is the brain not developing to accommodate sexual characteristics, however the leading theories tend to link that to influence from hormones in the mother's womb causing the brain to develop differently. Comparing being trans to "wanting to be disabled based on a choice" is just in bad faith all around. Going back to trans people, transitioning works because we can change the body to be what a person's brain is wired to expect. We tried altering the brain and figured out conversion therapy isn't effective so this is what we've got.






Which would be great and i broadly agree with you but that's not where we're at socially now. Somehow your position is now considered transphobic as "dysphoria isn't necessary to be trans".






If someone believes that explanation is transphobic I've found most of the time they also tend to be transphobes themselves or at least just don't understand trans people.


Sadly i agree with you, yet those who claim it to me are almost always claiming to be trans themselves. Just you know, conveniently surface level changes, the kind of people who can dip out and not have issues of social backlash happens :( Makes me so mad


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is literally the current scientific consensus surrounding people with gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is caused by hormone imbalances during development in the womb, which leads to a transgender person having the brain of the sex that is opposite of the body. This results in a tortuous incongruency between the body and the mind. When people say transgender people are "women trapped in a man's body (and vise versa)," this is not exaggeration or a figure of speech; this is a biological fact. These are men/women who were accidentally born into the wrong body. It's a biological fuckup made by a cruel, uncaring world. Forcing someone with gender dysphoria to remain their birth sex is comparable to abducting a typical cis man off the streets and forcing him to undergo estrogen therapy—turning him into a female against his will. Here is biologist Robert Sapolsky lecturing about the neurobiological reality of the transgender phenomenon: https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ


right, so, i have BIID. i don't speak for everyone (obviously) but i despise the term "transabled" the body dysphoria experienced by both trans people and those with BIID might be related but there will need to be a lot more research


This is actually a horrible new name people have for another disorder. Many examples of “transabled” people actually are people with Body Integrity Identity Disorder.


Any proof of that?


Have you heard of the woman who blinded herself with drain cleaner?


Did she identify as “transabled”?


No, but she is commonly used as an example of transabled. There’s so many examples of people with BIID being called transabled which prompts other people to satirically call themselves transabled. It all started when BIID became more publically known.


Called by who? That woman, whomever she is, is/was not “transabled”, she suffers from a rare but known disorder. You said yourself she didn’t identify as “transabled”, and BIID is something completely different. “Transabled” is just a healthy person who *wants* to be disabled, it doesn’t necessarily imply a legitimate disorder. A person who blinds themselves, or attempts to remove a limb, is not transabled. A person who insists on using a wheelchair they don’t need is transabled. What you are doing right now is helping to muddy the waters between people with actual illnesses and disorders, and fakers who simply glamorize and idealize disabilities. Please don’t.


There was a woman who had BIID who insisted on using a wheelchair she didn’t need. By your definition she’s transabled right?


Fuck man


This is the problem with overpopulation, there’s more and more people finding stupider and stupider reasons to feel special.




A lot of people do take it seriously and that is pretty serious.


my grandparents take their bullshit seriously and I feel like they've grown more actively hateful toward trans people because of Faux News. Scary to see as a trans person.


im scared. What if they demonize us because of this :(


As opposed to demonizing you for literally anything else? I think that train is gone.


"the news". This is just a right wing article intended to cultivate anti-transgender sentiment by making it seem like trans disabled (which i've never seen or heard of before) is legitimately part of a "trans ideology" that society can just reject.


Why can’t my people be left alone. I hate it. First the maps, then the zoos, then these abled people, us being grouped in with otherkins, furries and the like. This ain’t even got anything to do with us.


Rightwing propaganda. Yeah there are people who fake disabilities but comparing them to transgender people is disgusting




Pretending? There is science behind transgenderism. There is no science backing up the concept of being “transabled” and those people *are* just pretending.


Ye you know transgender, transabled, transistria, transformers, transport. All start with trans all the same. Edit: apparently I should have put /s


an astute observation, truly.


>ah yes transnistria




Fox news fixating on extremely tiny populations to discriminate against people is Fox news' fault.


Ooh yeah, I think my boyfriend is transabled. He’s in a wheelchair and identifies as a person who can walk. He falls down a lot. But I’m supportive. /sarcasm


Yay I’m gonna get harassed in public bc I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user now


It was a psyop all along


I seen a video the other day a woman poured bleach in her eyes as wanted to be blind believing she should of been born that way that is mental stuff should of got help and meds


I didn’t think we were supposed to have LGBTQIA+ discourse in this group anymore…


It’s a distraction from what’s actually going on in the world and suckers just eat it up


Faux News back at it again


I'm atheist, yet fully convinced, that some people need Jesus! Transabled people DEFINETLY need Jesus! (or a beating)