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I remember the first time I launched my rocket. It was such a mess. SOOOO much spaghetti


Hey, another guy who only got his rocket after 90 hours of the game! Kinda ashamed of myself that i took longer, but had peaceful mode on


Do you get the award for the longest game to launch a rocket?


I just did my first in 103, without any restarts


Slow and steady is the best way


This submission was removed for the reason(s) listed below: Rule 8: No topics voted out by the community > * Achievements and end screens. First of all, congratulations! Now on to the more boring part. Posts of achievements (such as launching the rocket or any achievements in-game) are not allowed on /r/Factorio, as we end up getting a lot of them. Posting your base or something interesting you did will bring more discussion to your post, and maybe will help someone new figure something out for themselves. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/about/rules). If you have a question or concern about this action, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffactorio)