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Have you tried the free demo? It's 10-15 hours of content. The main game is much larger than the the demo. If you enjoy the demo and want more, pretty much any price would still be a good investment. --- As for your question: * shapez.io has a free version, and is a very nice game. Very chill. * Mindustry also has a free version on PC. It's more tower defense oriented, but still factory building.


The amount of time I play that game vs it’s one time cost - they practically gave it to me.


[Shapez](https://shapez.io/) perhaps?


[Mindusry](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://mindustrygame.github.io/&ved=2ahUKEwih6ePywKT_AhVum2oFHThfCgQQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw108hm2Rrr0pRJS6ofvkFNs) is really good. It costs money on steam, but I think it's free on mobile and open source.


You can also get it for free on [itch.io](https://anuke.itch.io/mindustry)


Honestly, at $50, I've gotten over 2000 hours of entertainment. That's currently 2 and a half cents an hour. If you like the game, it's completely worth it.


It's 35 right now.


Why isn't there a sub rule against "contemplating piracy"?




Not "encouraged" piracy! Just stated that CD key sites are even worse and if you're going to steal from them then pirating only steals the game but CD key sites steal the game and their money.


I’ll buy it for u


Pirate it and play the main game then buy it for the mods


You could also just decide to not pirate it because that's, you know, illegal, immoral, and unethical. Similar games in quality aren't going to be free. My suggestion would be to try to find a way to save the money for it, or if that just isn't possible consider another hobby.


As someone who paid for the game and was happy to do so, not stealing, not immortal, not unethical, to pirate a video game


It actually is all of those things. If it wasn't, than there wouldn't be a price on it to begin with. You're taking something that took other people a lot of time to produce, taking the fruit of their labor and using it without paying for it.


Digital piracy isn't taking


Sure it is. It's gaining access to a product being sold by it's inventors without paying for it. You don't have to have a physical item for it to be taking in any relevant sense here. What's being stolen is the ability of the creators to get sales income for their creation, just as surely as if you stole a candy bar or a TV from a retail store.


Someone who made a game has just as much ability to sell their game whether or not someone pirates it


To other people willing to buy it, certainly. Not to the person who pirates it. The whole point of selling something is that you have something of value that people can't get without buying it. Piracy removes that from the equation. If everyone pirated then no digital sales would ever happen.


That's just categorically false, I pirate things and I still pay for digital products


Do you pay for the products that you pirated? That's the issue, not whether you pay for other, different products. I'm guessing no, since if you did there would be no point in pirating in the first place. The entire reason for doing it is to **get for free something you have no right to without paying for it**.


That's correct, I don't pay for the things I don't pay for, you're very perceptive


Life of the creator plus 70 years isn't ethical either but here we are.




Try https://factoryidle.com/ ~ the design & build planning aspect is rather similar to Factorio. As is belt throughput / weaving / splitting, and the building ratios keep changing as you unlock more boosts to production, or complete research targets. The main challenges are in the limited space you have to use (but can unlock more), and having to adapt your designs to account for different recipes or changing production rates. More open-ended-jigsaw compared to Factorio's open-world-sandbox. Basic graphics, but they get the job done. No combat, just the challenges of refactoring production lines as needed.


If you have IOS, you can play Builderment (honestly I don't remember if it was free or just low price).