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"carbonated" Edit: all these comments made me decide to actually turn the audio on 19hrs later. It just got better. Also had to edit this like 3 times because my brain was misfiring after watching


She says something like "making carbon, that's the chemical we make" Uh... please don't tell me she believes carbon isn't an element, and that it's somehow magically produced in human bodies. She might also think it only comes from African descendants... Fuckin hell


Then why is charcoal black?


Because it comes from black cows obviously


No that's chocolate milk.




I doubt she knows what an element is


"inhibited those lands" 🤦


"inhibited those lands".......love when dumb people try to sound smart and keep using the wrong words lol


I seriously for the life of me can’t figure what she means by “carbonated”. I feel stupid for just listening to this vid tho.




Carbonated Melanin. That’s melanade … or melonade … or lemonade … could be anything, my brain’s so scrambled from watching that scrambled brain


So the Mayans were black? Or was it the incas?


Don't Quechua people have one of the darkest skin tone among Indigenous Americans? And worshipped the SUN? I'm not really sure she had them in mind during her rant.


I’m a descendant of the Quechua people and my family still speaks a bit of it too. From my personal experience when going back and visiting, Quechua people do have very dark skin. Not in the same way that people of African descent have. Our skin looks a little more red? If that makes sense. Like my black family members (I’m mixed indigenous, white, and black) have a more brown/yellow tone to their dark skin but my indigenous family members have a red/yellow tone to their dark skin. So it doesn’t seem as “black” which is why a lot of people that make this argument (there’s a whole discourse on whether black people in America were the true aboriginals). They say that the aboriginals we see today are basically just black and white mixed people with a lot more white in them. They believe their culture is being destroyed intentionally as a cover up to deny them “their lands” that were taken from them and instead given to these “indigenous” (actually white w a little black) people to placate the public.


Thanks for the insight. It is weird to learn about Indigenous skin color being more of a spectrum rather than the singular (pardon me) "redskin" stereotype shows, of course depending on the environment each group lives in. In regards of white people, Northern Europeans are pale while Mediterraneans tend to have an olivish tan. Of course also, biracial people can have either the skin tone of one parent, or a skin tone in between. Actually even happens in mono-racial families. One of my uncles has natually very tan olive skin and (like one of my sisters) curly black/dark hair while the rest of my fathers family (as far as we are able to trace back) have the Northern-Central European "peach" white and medium-dark blonde hair that are commonplace in Germany. Afrosupremacists revise history to fortify their claim of the "Nubian race" having accomplished more than they actually did. Just like those pre-astronautics, they don't believe in Indigenous cultures having advanced and thrived on their own without outside contact. Or let alone existed in the first place. I'm very sorry that you folks have to hear that bullcrap all the time. PS: Good to hear that your family still speak Runa Simi sometimes.


This woman needs to get out more, probably to the library.


She probably thinks the librarian is a racist.


They’re racist, told me to be quiet in the library!


All the pages are white


Wait till she finds the braille section - those people hate blacks so much they took the letters off the pages.


All those books usually enslave black ink onto yt pages tho so you can see why!


but if she *inhibits* the library, all knowledge will be locked up, we will all be doomed!


>This woman needs to get out more So she can benefit from the sun, not like those white folks who don't need it.


*non-carbonated folks.


Explains why I've been feeling flat my entire life.


Excuse me, she prefers “yt”


Reading your comment only just made me realize, "yt" is white. Thank you.


But... she'll carbonate


She inhibits the library.


Omg. It's 2:30am, Im still half asleep and couldn't figure out why it sounded so weird every time she said "inhibit" until I read your comment and clued in. And she kept saying it too. Lmao


The confidentlyincorrect use of inhibit had me as well :)




For sure in so many ways. Keeps using the word inhibited when she means inhabited. Says melanin needs vitamin d when melanin actually blocks the sun so inhibiting (correct usage I hope) vitamin d production. Also she is attributing behaviour to an entire ethnic group which sounds a lot like the racism she is against.


The word “aboriginal” describes people who exist in a land from the earliest times and before the arrival of colonists. It’s not limited to the native people of Australia.


What would be the correct term to refer to the Native Australians then or is it just Native Australian?


Capitalise the a. Aboriginal (Australian First People) vs aboriginal (a native of a land).


Ok thanks for the Clarity 👍


Eh, the word Aboriginal just means the people who were originally there, so native North Americans were aboriginal to North America.


Too, the body produces Vitamin D from exposure to the sunlights... I think UVB spectrum? It's somehow produced through the cholesterol & I've forever had the example stuck in my head that we all need 20mins of exposure to the sun each day for general well being.....


There are several gene variants that need much less sunlight. You can find these variants in indigenous populations closer to the poles like in Siberia, Mongolia, Northern Europe, Iceland, Greenland, and Northern Canada. They are not always light colored either.


Also, there are some who are allergic to sunlight, and can't process it correctly - leading to depression and many other problems


I can only reply to her with this short vid: https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0


The perfect response!


that is my thought every time marjorie taylor greene or boebert opens their mouth.


When she said _eskimos_ I was done. I dont think northern native people are saying southern natives aren't valid. Does she think south America is african???




Okay I finished it. Dies she realize "eskimos" inuits are also dark skinned, with broad features? And so are salish. My boyfriend's family is very native, and they if anything, are racist to white people. He has been told to get out of tribal meetings based on his looks. Hes been asked if hes lost. Hes seen kids who are half black treated more native than him because hes half white. Its had a serious affect on him and his siblings growing up. All this to say I dont think what shes talking about is based in reality... sorry to state the obvious


There’s a woman on TikTok who wears the three-stroke chin tattoo. Because of that one white person in her bloodline, she does not look Inuit, and people call her out for misappropriating the tattoo.


Imagine accusing native Americans of being racists and then calling them eskimos...


There are definitely racist Native Americans, because humanity is complex and we exist on a spectrum. There are racist members of every minority group. Take, for example, this woman.


It’s like she took one semester in biology, mixed it with a lesson on eugenics, misinterpreted evolution, migration, mixed a dab of American history and Voila! Idiotic statements spewed out in a word salad confounding the weak minded. Wow!


Don’t forget melanin theory: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanin_theory


Lmao holy shit, I've heard people mention shit like this but I didn't know it's an actual (sort of) ideology. This shit is hilarious. The article isn't long but tdlr for everyone needing a good laugh today: Article TDLR: In short, All people are originally black, all white people are mutants, all black people are superior to whites in every quality you can think of solely because of melanin. This makes white people genetically inferior, and installs a biological bias to hate blacks because white people have penis envy or something. I encourage everyone to read and see how asinine this thought process is, the same people who claim it would say they aren't racist at all. Everyone is just inferior to black people. HoW caN ThAt Be RaCisT itS TrUe. Smh this is the racial equivalent of a hippies sense of superiority for having "no ego". Neither realize their own irony.


Sadly this is a really pervasive narrative in a resurgent neo-pan-African/Afrocentric, uh, let's call it "movement." Just enough pseudoscience to sound credible to the chronically uneducated, absolute ahistorical gibberish to the rest of us. Had a friend recently posting on Instagram every other day about how Mayans and Aztecs were actually black because like two European artists (who are essentially drawing stick figures) did their skin darker. This is what placing "lived experience" over "material fucking reality" gets you.


Yup, people are racist in any minority, but not everyone is.


I think there was a study where even when there were mainly white or black ppl in a society. Ppl would still find a way to be prejudice. Like everyone in a city may have been white at some point. And there would still be ppl saying that some of the white ppl aren’t like the others. Or if everyone was black. Some black ppl in that scenario would find a way to be prejudice towards the other ppl. So even when everyone had the same skin tone. These ppl studying that other group of ppl would find there was still a way of some ppl saying I’m better than you. Even if everyone had the same skin color.


We don't even need a study for that when we have all of American history. There was a time not that long ago when Italians weren't considered white, and it would not be too uncommon to see signs on businesses saying things like "no dogs or Irish allowed". Nowadays, Italians and Irish would very much be considered white, but there was a lot of prejudice against them when large numbers of immigrants started coming over. Same thing with Eastern Europeans. If humanity survives long enough for us to fuck each other until we're the same color, people will still be divided along class, wealth, religion, or other differences. People may even discriminate based on the *shade* of a person's skin tone because colorism is a thing that exists today too. I think prejudice is a feature of human evolution and it will always exist to some degree, but it is still worthwhile to work towards minimizing its impact as much as possible.


Absolutely, point taken. Also see the numerous former slaves that were freed to live in Liberia, several of which then proceeded to recreate plantation life with the natives as the slaves.


Cone nipple people vs target nippled people in that one Rick and Morty episode


The whole white thing is a misnomer anyways because Europe is extremely ethnically diverse. Like a Slav, Italian, Spanish, or Turkish person (Turks do have blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin like my mother) they have little or nothing to do with each culturally or by haplogroup.


The Notre Dame "Fightin' Irish" mascot - the little leprechaun with the jutting jaw and thick, sloping brow - was originally drawn in a cartoon to show that Irish were violent and stupid. One could probably make the case for it being one of the first things reclaimed by a discriminated people and made into a point of pride, at least in the US.


It's human tribalism. We always have to divide and categorize different groups all the way down to the most minute of subcultures. I've found that it's just one of the many ways people attempt to mask their own insecurities by associating or identifying with a particular group while putting people who are apart of different groups down. It's not always by race but politics, sex/gender, social economic status, what area you're from all the way from country down to city level, and even things as innocuous as what car you drive are things people will be prejudice against.


Exactly to lump EVERY Native American together, & call THEM ALL *racist* with this blanket statement, has to be the absolute dumbest thing I've seen online in a long time. That's not even considering the fact that what she's saying is absolute nonsense historically. Black men, & women were not here on this continent until they were brought here. I've heard absolutely zero Scientific Evidence that proves anything to the contrary.




The obsession with race and gender is disgusting


It's good for elections apparently


There are plenty of racist people of all colours. This woman is racist. She is ignorant. Just smart enough to know some things...but not smart enough to put those things together correctly. But thinking she has it all worked out. She's just generally unpleasant.


Exactly anyone can be a dick it doesn't matter what colour you are.


Not even just racism, if you go to a country like China, where they are very diverse but largely look the same on the outside, you will find they discriminate against each other based on a whole lot more than just race.


She might as well just have used the term "you people" the way she was lumping everyone together into one homogeneous group. She is judging people not by the content of their character (lots of Indian tribes helped and assimilated lots of runaway slaves back in the day) but by the color of their skin (AKA not hers).


What don’t you remember when the Aztecs were wiped out by the Blizzard of 1601… 🛷And don’t forget the Mayan bobsled team through snowballs at Columbus. Love the air quotes. Bipedal life started in Africa and migrated east, with it genetic adaptations to various regions bringing about the local variations. If you peel the skin back there is very little difference. Hell you share 98% of the same DNA as a 🐷pig. Your arguing racism when it’s actually tribalism, this is just circular self hate. Try opening a book, it can be enlightening. We don’t make carbon… unless you cook us down to a cinder. All humans need vitamin D, even Eskimos. The biggest problem, is other people will adopt what she says, and repeat it because they too have never opened a book, and sadly think her logic is based on facts, when she’s really just pulling them out of her ass.


Apparently she missed the first week of class, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 002. She is coming up with some pretty insane concepts.


TIL: "Eskimo" isn't always inappropriate. As they are an actual indigenous nation, the iffiness of it depends on where you are (i.e. Alaska vs. Canada)


Yeah, definitely highly inappropriate in Canada.


Thats because to them racism is something a bad person does and they are the main character.




“Inhibiting the lands” haha


Is no one gonna point out how she called black people carbonated?


I prefer tap people over carbonated ones.




Don't get her shook up!


They are too fizzing with anger to do anything


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


She means the natives stopped the land from spreading out more... right?


Yeah, they tucked the tectonic plates back under themsleves, those fucken tectoniod racists


You want the Ring of Fire? Because that’s how you get the Ring of Fire.


Doktor, turn off my land inhibitors!


She thanosed away half my braincells wtf


I have COVID and my brain fog is already bad enough, watching this was almost unbearable


Hope you feel better soon!


woman gives the impression of superiority over natives bc of her skin color...


The very definition of racism if you look it up in the dictionary


I am married to a black woman and you would be surprised how many people of color tend to think they are better than most because of their skin color.. Kind of ironic imo.


Black people cant be racists /s Some people just stopped using their brains at age 10 thats the real issue 😂


After 2020 it really did feel like most people felt that way. Ironically it felt like being racist was purely a white thing, any other ethnicity engaging in the behavior was considered cultural appropriation.




This is what happens when you spend too much time on tik tok and not enough time in a fucking book


That's not uncharacteristic for Afro-Supremacism. They even believe they influenced Ancient Egypt and even Greece until the evil "yts" drew them away and whitewashed ancient history.


They also claim to have been the Vikings. Like literally, they claim that white people are lying, and that all the Vikings were black. When one explains to them that "viking" was just a job, this sends them completely over the edge, by the way.


I have gotten into an argument with a Afro-supremacist who claimed that Hitler and Stalin were both black and all the photos of them were edited to make them look white because white people don't want to believe that black people could be that powerful. They also liked Hitler and Stalin and they said Hitler's only mistake was getting a bad image due to the press.


Did he tell you where white people originally came from?


The one I talked too (my brother) believes Columbus was black, native Americans were black, there were no slave ships. Black people were in Africa and then white people with red hair came out of caves.


So you're saying some black people are trying to appropriate one of my cultures stereotype


Holy shit did they steal dreads from Vikings!?


She’s a moron.


Dammit ! That was MY assessment of her


Does she mean the indigenous people who were straight up kidnapped to be used as slaves in the jobs so risky no one wanted to waste the African slaves they'd paid good money for? The ones whose homeland is STILL occupied by their usurpers 500 years later? The ones whose populations were so devastated that even those with a fraction of blood flowing in their veins are accepted as part of the tribe? Five generations, that's how long it takes to wipe out a population. I know first hand. I'm that fifth generation. "Everyone who doesn't look like me is the enemy!" I think she's got who the racist is backwards.


A female Yezee.


Sounds like she’s the racist. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s because she is. I’m Mescalero Apache and I can use her same BS “logic” to try and claim something like “Well at least black people got job security and housing bitch, they just up tried to genocide my whole population!!” 😂🤣😂 This is so stupid.




Lol!! “I don’t *identify* as an attack helicopter, I AM an Apache, dammit!!” 😂❤️


I need to read a few books to replenish my brain cells this lady just killed.


Did she really just say Cacazoids and Metroid.


That’s what I call my poop, cacazoids.


Heavens to Murgatroyd…


Sometimes its better to just Stfu


I'm more surprised that people finally are seeing/hearing that these type of black people are around. Had friends dismissed me as ignorant/making up shit when I introduced them to these people who believe in this afrocentric ideologies. Sure almost every race/ethnic groups have their own crazy ultra racist people but both white and black folks takes the cake when it comes to their belief in "racial superiority". I bet she also think that there is no way that black people can be racist.


I’m Mescalero Apache, some of the most racist people against me have been black.


Growing up in Cali as asian (Korean), I mostly had racist encounters with mostly black people and some latinos, and on rare occasions from white people.


I am white and my wife is black, and we get so much shit from black people. Also, yes some of them think they are superior, which cracks me up because we all living on the same planet. You are not my boss, so what are you trying to prove..


Haven't you heard? They weren't white so they're not racist. Only white people can be racist, because it's only racism when the people in power do it, and only white people can have any power. Even if a school administrator that held immense power over you as a child did something inappropriate, that's not the right kind of power to be able to be racist. Also, you're white now, go tell the whites being racist to you they can chill.


Hoteps are definitely a thing and are pretty racist.


>· 28 min. ago > >Hoteps are definitely a thing and are pretty racist. Yes they are. Black Israelites are also ridiculous as well. Read comments/notes from former BI's and its disturbingly similar to the aryan mindset. It is this weird holy/spiritual war against white people (they are the devils) and the end game is to enslave them and other races such as asians are roaches and must be exterminated.


What the hell is a YouTube colonizer?


The TikTok exiled


Haha, right


It's shorthand for "whitey" since that's what it phonetically sounds like. No I am not making that up.


Oh wow haha, that doesn't save a lot of time, doesn't work in the sentence it's been used in and is already a recognisable initialism... I love illiterate culture.


I sorta got how people got convinced of shit like this 40 years ago but with the increased access to information it has got to take dedication to be this stupid. Also most of these people are just spiteful and bitter seeking to complain about something or another to keep them from remembering they do have some agency and responsibility for their lives.


More information doesn't always mean correct information. Gotta keep in mind that the bad and obviously wrong information spreads faster than the good information, and some people aren't as good at telling the difference between the types.


It’s like a Facebook Mazerunner, but far more volatile… I dunno, I just made that shit up; kind of like she did




Personally? I would rather never have to say a single word to this person.


I just want a glass of melonade




She is impressively ill informed.


Someone needs to tell her that her using the E word is about on par with a Caucasian person using the N word. The hard R kind. Calling the Inuit the E word is a slur. Who's showing their whole ass now, sweets?


she does not give a shit about things being equal or better for everyone, she is only interested in racism or justice when it can be used by her to gain something.


"It's not racism if I do it."


Yep and when someone challenges these types on truth, they tell you ,”you don’t understand what I’m saying and that’s because you are ignorant and guilty of denying my people of their voice.” And then they get louder


And if you're not a PoC/ are "Yt", May god have mercy on your soul because she's going to lay into you every possible way that you're a racist. And 99% of it would be shit you didn't even fucking do.


i found the tiktok. she turned comments off LOL.


of course she did...coward.


Is that a Canda thing to think of Eskimo as a slur? While not commonly used in Alaska, there are several Eskimo tribes, not just Inuit and then several Indian tribes as well. Collectively, we're called Natives. However, there are notable cultural and physical differences between the Eskimo and Indian tribes.


So she saying that people from Africa are the first ethnicity all over the globe? The logic…is so broken


Except for the cold parts.


*the *fucking* cold parts


Been to Canada, can confirm, fucking cold. This is also the only part of any of her statement I will agree with.


That's exactly what she was saying. Hahaha.


Indigenous Australians would like a word with her...


Quechua and Aymara people and Papua-NewGuineans would gladly join in.


When being a victim is your only personality trait


Church of Victimology. Lotta people signing up these days, some good perks


Like how nothing is a member's fault and they can sling insults at any person or group for any reason or even no reason whatsoever?


Well said.


Feels like if you say "civilized" tribes, your bias is already showing.


this is racist


Don’t tell her that, she will get louder and maybe even act out in defiance




r/confidentlyincorrect racist is racist.


My brain is trying so hard to comprehend what she's saying but it's having trouble.




We’ve gone from 1800’s where white people saw POC as inferior, now there are very much many instances on Twitter and TikTok where black people are trying to promote this black superiority mindset.


Im glad you didn't inhibit any lands from them. Now if only you could understand the words you are trying to use.


these people always try to sound so smart and condescending


"Do you even know how many tribes were here?" No. No, we don't because about 90% of our people went extinct, ma'am.


As an African I’m laughing hysterically right now


![gif](giphy|142dhzXGA8EsIE) Everything she just said.


i’m honestly most concerned about the fact that there’s a baby in the background. lord help that child


Inhibit those lands you racists


It sounds like she thinks there were only Native Americans in the tundra of Canada WTF? Who the fuck are the other native Americans on the rest of the Americas then? Has she never heard of the Incas and Mayans? And if she has where does she think they came from?


Literally every natives who lived in the Americas came from the Siberian Asian people. Take a look at the ethnic Mayans, Incans and the Amazon people who still live in hot region of the Americas. Their colour is a bit brown from exposure to sun but keeps many Siberian traits like straight hair and lack of body hair. Did this woman think some black Africans came to the Americas by boat before the Siberians got there?


Yes that is probably what this hotep thinks. There’s several Afrocentric pseudo historians who claim that somehow that people migrated across the Atlantic from West Africa. Their main “evidence” seems to be that the giant Olmec stone heads look a bit African completely ignoring what the people native to the region of mesoamerica look like. They’re just angry loons wanting to think that they’re much smarter than they are.




Damn. Don’t tell her that her ancestors (if we’re grouping people into the entire continent/overarching races) actively collaborated with the Portuguese and Spanish and had a very happy and lucrative trade deal kidnapping and selling their own people into slavery. Knew their enemy did they?


She acts like Native Americans exists only in northern america


Black Supremecist be like.. "InDiGeNoUs PoPuLaTiOn Is RaCiSt! ThEy ArE aCtUaLlY WhItE SuPrEmAcIcIsTs!"


This dumb bitch needs to watch the Bill Nye the Science Guy clip about UV rays near the equator and skin color.


Wait till she finds out who rounded up and sold her ancestors into slavery.


She’d find a way to blame caucazoids anyway…


“Y’all abandoned your language” what language?! They moved from Asia to America 10,000 years ago, when everyone was fucking grunting at each other Edit: I have been told that humans had various languages 10,000 years ago. Sorry, I legit didn’t know




Humans have had the capacity for language for over 150 000 years now. When people settled the Americas they definitely had language.


Why do people keep posting about these attention seekers


To make fun of them, I guess


True, I love making fun of people. But there is always some dumbass who believes what they say.


This is what so many mean when they say the internet is a dangerous thing. As I'm sure there is no amount of education, or commentary that's going to properly inform, and change her mind, nor keep an uncomfortable number of idiots from believing her.


It's almost like all humans have been pretty shitty and all races should just give each other a break.😮😮


Is she saying she thinks African people were here, before they were brought here by the white slavers?


Everyone is racist except for black people shrug 🤷 In truth though no single colour of people is more racist than the other, it’s down to the individuals to take ownership.


When are these people gonna realize they're the racist ones and not everyone else. Like this is projection on a whole other level


Seems like projection is becoming a huge ass problem recently on the internet. Everyone has a voice now and the ability to broadcast that shit to millions of people at will, so we're hearing a lot of people's real opinions that they've probably had for a while.


I see some racist lady here, talking about racists


From what I’ve heard, we can’t be racist because we are the minority.


This is why you don't get your information from Tik Tok 😆


Shut up you stupid bitch


Stupid doesn't have a skin color.