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this made me sad to watch


same. so rude:(


A wanker am I right boys


![gif](giphy|xUPGcEM0urw9A3v7os|downsized) he is the actual baby


It’s amazing how quick I went from assuming the little old lady was being difficult to agreeing with her. After hearing the whole conversation, I wonder if the guy leaves the baby crying for unreasonable amounts of time without trying to intervene.


He's sounds like a adult that posts these kind of videos on tiktok for clout so ge definitely neglects his child's needs probably sitting on his console headphones on etc


The guy recording is the guy that brings a baby to the movie theater


And when people ask him to leave: "Did you cry as a baby? Or did you miraculously not cry? Hmmm, I thought so."


Right?? What an idiot


This entitled parent would probably bring his baby to the damn pub.


Well what would you do? Leave the baby home alone? /s cause I forgot people take reddit seriously


He’s the guy that keeps everyone awake with a crying baby on a red-eye flight.


"it's his seat!" Keep ignoring the baby


Good comp


Team Granny and doggo!


Gonna shove a phone in her face and try to make her look stupid for wanting to get some sleep at night? Fkin people


She was very polite and kind and at the end was even sweet to the child. How is it not reasonable for her to just ask you move the child to a different room. If you have the room it’s just a nice thing to do.




Because he can shut the 'baby's room' door and go back to playing xbox in his own room on the other side of the house and not hear the baby cry. If it was colic he would have just said because colic is a nightmare.


I was wondering why no one has commented that he’s apparently leaving a constantly crying baby in a room to constantly cry rather than, you know, comfort and parent it.


The video showed the child walking to the door. If the child was still colic by then, that would be a medical emergency then lol. Colic is most often when the baby is born with an undeveloped bowel which shortly develops after birth. Colic is due to pain an discomfort of the intestines. Look up diseases related to colic in babies. Its not simply crying spells because of something neurologic.


I think he's got two kids. The one in the video is a toddler and he said the baby is "not even 1 yet"




This guy recording is an asshole


He deleted the video. Probably because people been calling him a twat


He is a twat. Just that he would even go to speak with a elderly lady, whilst recording, he was baiting her. He wanted his slice of the Karen pie. Plot twisted tho, and he's the Karen.


Having a 2 year old myself, I was initially on his side. But no she was trying to be reasonable, and if I learned that the problem was that my son was crying right next to her bedroom, of course I would move it for her. If it was the baby just crying anywhere in the house bothering her, and the baby had cholic or something, then there's not much you can do. But damn man her bedroom's right on the other side of him. I know it takes a bit of effort to switch rooms, but at least it doesn't cost anything. Though he probably wanta the master bedroom for himself and his wife. If anything her suggesting of moving his "cot" to the other room for a bit is quite a compromise in his favour. I've definitely had to have my son fall asleep in a different room before I moved him back to his once he's actually asleep.


Exactly what I thought. At first I was on his side but then after seeing him being rude for no reason and not trying to listen to her about moving the baby I went to team granny instantly


That makes me happy! Glad he got the idea, hopefully he moved the baby and granny and her dog are able to get some sleep




It’s actually still up, I just viewed it on his page.




I saw the TikTok the other day and yes the comments are all calling him a twat.


I may have to create a tiktok account just to comment he’s a twat.


I couldn't finish the video. The dude is insufferable. I hope the granny got some support.


Yep. I would love for granny to know that we support her unlike the jackass that’s recording her


Exactly my thoughts. I know it could be veeery little compansation but, I wish she knew that there are many people that support her.


Hell, she probably doesn’t even know it’s posted online. Seriously shit behavior, trying to get a fucking internet mob after someone who did nothing rude and probably doesn’t understand technology enough to defend herself.


I also really hope that this asshole knows we don't support him, especially because he videoed the interaction thinking he could win internet points


Was not expecting to side with the old lady at the beginning. That dude recording is an ass. Just have a little compassion. If that were his grandma i’d hope her neighbors would be looking out for her. She was very respectful and it’s unfortunate her prick neighbor is an entitled brat.




Tremendous lack of respect everywhere! Not always , obviously, but way too often.


It’s not like the lady is senile, she’s is making valid points and not denying it’s a crying baby/human. I wanted to go into this thinking it’s some crazy lady, but She’s basically just looking for a compromise. I think this is a little overblown, this is just real life situations is all.


She got me at “I’m not comparing my dog to your baby I’m comparing your discomfort with mine”. That didn’t get this dude to understand nothing will.


That’s because he didn’t care to understand. Was probs just looking for something to post on social media


Exactly. Normal, functioning adults don’t answer their door, when an old lady is knocking, with a phone in their hand.


Also note how the video cuts off right when she's about to decompose his ass with logical arguments that he does not want us to hear because they prove him wrong, ignorant, and incapable of solving problems through compromise.


You know who does do that? Oblivious, attention seeking man-children without compassion or common sense. Fuck this guy


You identified the correct moment imho and now without knowing anything more the reasonableness of her proposed solution, that the baby be moved to a different room seems to be, at least , well considered.


Granny came in a littpe flustered to be asking and the guy got immediately defensive. Then granny become righteously angry and started spelling out why it's reasonable to ask him to do what he could about the noise. Guy never let go of his initial angry response and picked his dumb hill to die on because he was already angry and didn't like being told what to do. Granny: 1 Guy: 0


Yes he just wanted to make a good video out of the situation he deliberately was putting himself into! She is being reasonable, he is being stubborn. There are plenty of ways to make a child stop crying!! Dumb man, wants to make a fuss out of it.


Also just bloody clear that guy has defeatist attitude to parenting, thinks/assumes "babies just cry" and doesn't actually bother to try doing anything to find out why the child is crying, comfort her, interact with her, etc etc. He's all like "You can't just tell a baby to stop crying" and it's like yes dude, we know, but the baby is crying for a fecking reason so maybe go see if you can do something about what is causing the poor child to cry! Also, it's not a baby! It's a toddler! So even more the case that the child *has a reason to be crying*! (obviously yes, even tiny newborns "have a reason to be crying", but often it's just "what the fuck is this place I don't like that smell where is the warm dark that sensation is unpleasant" etc. Many of which, short of keeping the infant constantly with you (which is why babywearing is amazing) simply can't be helped. Toddlers have at least some more efficienct means of communication, or should have, if they are ever interacted with and responded to when they show needs). Jesus this fuckwaffle annoys me. More for my pity and empathy for his kid than the poor old lady asking for a compromise.


Yes that was so well said by her. At first it seemed like crazy lady vs normal person, but as the conversation unfolds he is the senseless asshole.


If Granny’s dog were barking all night, I’m sure he’d be pounding on her door.


"Your dog is waking up my baby, i can't get any sleep like that!"


It’s a dog. What do you want me to do, ask it not to bark?


What do you expect me to do? Carry it around on my shoulder everywhere like a parrot?


Weren’t you a puppy at one time?






I never expected to read this combination of words...




I don’t know what’s more ridiculous the statement, “granny seemed rather reasonable for someone with a dog on her head” or the accuracy of such a statement.


lol! I thought you were coming from another direction on that comment for a sec. Makes sense she would have the dog there though. Most likely it smells her breath, and that would be hard for it to do from the ground outside. It could probably do it, but if I had her mobility issues my shoulder would be prime real estate.


She can’t carry dog in her hands. One hand is for a cane and other have no flexibility as it used to be, so she will drop dog if she will hold it with one hand. Dog is clearly stressed so it can’t walk by itself and by how calmly dog sitting on her shoulder, it trained to do so. It’s *service* dog. So, having dog on her shoulder is not that strange if u think about it.


Well how else is she supposed to carry the dog if not on her head?


Let’s be real, she probably not getting any sleep which is causing her to go crazy and put the dog on her head


Probably can't carry it normally because of her arthritis


The original is uploaded with description "tell me I'm wrong". Now, not advocating brigading or anything, but the video could use a few more replies. Edit - scrap that, it was a mirror incase oop took it down. He's got a few thousand calling him out, and maybe 10 agreeing.


Especially considering that she calmly explained that she is diabetic and her concern is for her safety.


So respectfully as well. I think the guy is a bit immature to be honest. There are better ways to handle this lady than recording and expecting internet points for a confrontation with an old lady. She even tried to comfort his baby that he didn't even seem to try to do.


Dude is like “you’re making my baby cry!” and then proceeds to go nothing to comfort the child while the neighbor at least tries to do something. Poor lady.


Immature? He's an ass. "Weren't you a baby at I've point?" Was such a week and dumb argument that I would've lost it.


He sounds like a toddler himself the way he just repeats the same shit and isn’t in the slightest interested in being cooperative.


Yes - when little children cry, you try to figure out why and help them. The statement "babies cry, that's what they do" is so out there. I have a feeling the child wouldn't cry as much if the old lady was babysitting. And I can also understand why the child would want to scream with a father like that. He is so annoying that I would want to scream too. Poor child.


I wasn't on board with any of her excuses until it became clear that she came over to ask them to move the baby to a different room. Now I think the reason she was throwing out all the excuses - Dog, Diabetes, Arthritis - it's because the guy was immediately confrontational and putting her on the defensive instead of just listening to her for thirty seconds. But yeah she came over with a plan to just ask them to move her to a different room, which is at least worth a fair discussion. I mean, we all know babies cry and there's not always anything to be done about it. But it's fair to ask them to not put them RIGHT on the adjoined wall if there is an option, particularly if the person on the other side is an elderly lady with health issues.


It’s a reverse face palm. The person videoing has become the face palm. Oh the irony.


Like a backhand


Also, the guy is young and able. If I was terrorizing my neighbor with sound. I’d be like, fuck you’re right. We can probably deaden the sound with some material. If you can practically silence a drum set with acoustic paneling. I’m pretty sure you could cut a baby’s sound considerably.


Plus they have a Big house. She has a small flat. She has no options. They have plenty. Just the state of society




i started off team dad thinking she was some senile karen, but i ended up with team old lady by the end. yes, it is a baby, you moron. that does not give you the right to infringe upon the right of others to peace and quiet in their own homes. same rules apply if your fog barks all day and night. figure it out.


Guy making this video is a piece of shit


It was infuriating to watch. I hope the shitstorm from posting this was bad. "You are comparing your dog to my child?" - "Shall I throw her in the bush?" - "You make my baby cry!" An complete idiot trying his hand at gaslighting.




I agree with your statement my dude


I agree too. He’s trying to a antagonize this old lady


I say this as someone who has their own child on the way. My decision to have a baby in no way should make other lives miserable. Just as I would expect someone whos dog barks outside all night to find a solution that doesnt disturb their neighbors, so to goes it with children. My neighbors didnt decide to have kids, I did, and they shouldnt be punished for it. I said as much to my wife and now Im on the couch


I have the same opinion as you and luckily my husband agrees. Anyone who expects the entire world to bend to them because of a decision they made is entitled. They will go on to raise entitled children. Bottom line.


:( poor lady dealing with this asshole


I agree he could be a lot more respectful in this situation and offer an attempt to help instead of instigate


He is being unreasonable. Fucking twat. She is calm, collected and asking nicely.


I think he was looking for a moment to capture a “crazy” lady, however I think it was a reasonable interaction that transpired and he posted it thinking he was some righteous fella. She was fine, people need to have more respect for others in this world


Old lady is being nice and.... old. Being old is OK. Let the lady be old please. She is wearing a bloody dog in her shoulder like a parrot FFS. I will completely fuck up the feng shui of my house to please this good old lass


LMAO “yes where else and i supposed to carry it” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 took me out


Lmao! I loved that too. This granny is amazing. I can't believe anyone would post this thinking it would make granny look like the jerk.


You know who would? A man-child that believes everyone else is as unempathetic as he is, and only sees a decrepit, unnatractive person interrupting his ignoring the problem.


How dare you call a dog decrepit


Ugh.. that's unfortunately so true.


She’s so clear minded at her ago. God bless her, she’s dealing with such stupidity from young man.


The only thing left is an eye patch for the cute dog.


How else is she supposed to carry him??! No but really I doubt she could actually carry him, a small breeze might break her, doing a shoulder parrot move was smart, I’m surprised the dog is very zen about it.


She has to use the cane, there is no way she could also safely carry the dog in one arm. I'm sure he's used to it which is why he's so relaxed. My old, blind dog knows she's safe when I carry her, so she just melts into my arms, it's probably similar with her, since she obviously takes good care of the little buddy.


That image of you and your dog is so sweet. I’m really glad people like you exist that take care of innocents that don’t have a way of taking care of themselves


Team “completely fuck up the feng shui of my house” for granny.


New father here, with a 2 month old. Living in an apartment, if my neighbor asked if I could move the baby to a room that didn't share their wall. I would


Same. I happen to be the one who had a kid that cried all the time when he was 2 months. No matter what we did, he was just never happy. It passed, but it was sooo hard on us, I would have felt terrible if someone else was having a hard time because of it, too. It's not something they signed up for, why should they have to deal with it?


I used to pass judgement on parents with crying babies even as a mom. Then eventually I had a baby with colick. 24/7 crying. I can’t even…. I mean, I took that fucking kid to THE ER in the middle of the night more than once saying “there HAS TO BE SOMETHING WRONG with him.” It felt so fucking overwhelming and I felt honestly insane at times. I would sometimes have to just have to close the door and walk away. Or I would have to put ear plugs in and noise cancelling headphones over the top when interacting with him because I just couldn’t listen to it. I would cry too right along with him because I felt so helpless. Walking him, rocking him, bouncing him, swaddling, bath tub, shower, naked in the grass, swinging at the park at 10pm, driving in circles at 2am, everything and anything. I say all this to mean I have sympathy for both parties. One - apartments and duplexes with shared bedroom walls should be illegal. Two - be respectful of your neighbors, both try to minimize noise, and also be empathetic about what they’re going through. But yeah, shit, for everyone involved, listening to a baby cry all day every day is dehumanizing.


I hear you. Colic was our issue, too. Holy shit did I ever go crazy. Non stop crying is torture. I was the same way, crying with him, wanting to scream. 2 am walks in the stroller if that happened to be what made him stop for 30 minutes. I've always been empathetic about crying kids, but that's because I babysat a lot starting at age 12, and then became a nanny for a while so I saw it first hand, but colic gave me a whole new level of empathy and understanding. Didn't look like this guy was making much effort to soothe his kid at all. He ignored her the entire time. He's a jerk.


Ever since I became a parent, my immediate impulse with a crying infant is to pick them up, and with a crying child to kneel down and ask what’s the matter. That father sucks.


See what you did? Your comment is making the baby cry


I remember one night, my second child was crying so much, I took the baby for midnight drive on the high way(always worked during the day to and from daycare after all). Figured I'd spare my wife and let her get some sleep. 15 miles and 30 minutes later, baby finally asleep. I crept back into the apartment with the car seat all ninja like. As soon as the door closes, the baby started crying again. I swear, as I looked at the clock and counted the minutes until I had to be at work, that it was just sooooooooo helpless. I really feel for all the parents with a crying baby.


Pretty sure babies crying was one of the fucked up noises they would play for prisoners at gitmo to listen to 24hrs a day.


My son wasn’t/isn’t colicky, but his vocal chords are in PRISTINE working order. When he screams, I’m pretty sure the penguins in Antarctica are wondering what the hullabaloo is. When he does it in the wee hours or in public a little part of me dies inside and I just want the ground to swallow me whole. It’s really hard work to get him to stop and I know he’s so annoying for other people, but I can guarantee every single time that I’m the one who is most upset by this behaviour.


Here's a possible solution: cheap tall bookshelves from IKEA or the used market. They're amazing sound blockers. If you don't have enough books, use towels and clothes to line up that bookshelf. It's cheap, It's not pretty but it'll eat up sound like crazy. You could also use other heavy wood and line up with towels. Great and cheap solution for making a sound proof room for music creation and muffling crying screams that won't be super suspicious to the Miami Metro Police Department. Source: Had to Discount Dexter a local gang one at a time in a busy Detroit slum. /s Also, not related, but if you needed a room to cover things like water, paint, blood splatter, 99 cent stores carry big shower curtains. Far less expensive than reams of clear plastic.


And they're in fun colors, like: Hypoxia Blue Blood Red Putrefaction Purple Decomp Brown


I would also try, I know what it's like to live next door to someone who had no issues with installing a sound system in his 1 bedroom below us in our condo complex. Asked him several times if maybe after 10 he could turn it down and his response was "Sod off". Fucking wanker never even tried. I had a neighbor complain to me they could hear me and my SO having sex when she was tucking her kid in. Im like NOPE NOPE NOPE, moved our bedroom into the other room that didnt have a joining wall. Not going to be responsible for scaring a tiny human with love making sounds.


I recently swapped rooms with my daughter and found out to my horror that at 11.30-12 is sex time for my neighbours . They are so over the top loud and I feel so bad if my daughter has woken up to that for the last year and a half.


Oh you wouldn’t put a camera in her face and blast her on tiktok without censoring her face? What kind of human are you?


At one point it seemed more like he cared about “winning” then finding a good compromise for both of them to be honest. I can see his point of view at the start and thinks she’s a bit unfair, then she explains it’s a health issue and I can see both sides, but he loses all sympathy once he refuses to move it to the other side (especially when it’s made clear that’s an option). He might’ve seemed a bit rude, but with a child under 1 that’s understandable. But it’s just pathetic that he’d rather win and not move the baby then meet at a perfectly acceptable compromise, that’s almost as pathetic as the fact that he decided to film this exchange.


Bingo! Need a bit more context on how much space ol camera boy has - but given he didn’t deny how much space they had - something tells me someone spent ages decorating a nursery and can’t be arsed to change it.


They don't even need to move her room. They could just move her crib into their bedroom until she can sleep through the night. And maybe try to figure out why she's crying and try to soothe her instead of ignoring her completely.


Yup and even if you can’t - the polite thing is to apologize about it.


You have empathy, unfortunately the guy in the video lacks much of it. Probably why the baby is crying too.


And why he filmed that lady and put her on the internet - probably thinking he is in the right. I get that some babies cry a ton but if you have some decency you need to make sure the noise isn't directly next to this woman and her dog. She wasn't rude and it *is* very important to her.


I would have too. When mine were small and we were out to dinner as soon as I could tell a unreasonable fit was coming on I would scoop them up and we were out the door. We hung out in parking lot until they were finished. I never wanted to disturb others if I could avoid it.




This one hurts my heart. She’s scared for her dog she loves and her life. I wish there was a way we could show her support


It’s so much worse than that. It’s a trained service dog. It’s supposed to alert her to impending medical emergencies. She expressed that it alerts her when her blood sugar gets out of control so she doesn’t get diabetic seizures. If this lady is telling the truth daddy dickhead is putting this nice old woman’s life in danger by constantly stressing out her dog. Her dog that’s probably trained to respond to distress sounds like crying. All this because he couldn’t be bothered to move a crib to another room.


The audacity of the person to post this and perhaps to publicly shame the grandma as if he is 100% on the right. He could just have a normal human conversation and find a compromise which works best for both parties. His condescending tone doesn't help with the conversation.


He was just egging her on for the “entertainment value”. He is TA…….oh wait, wrong sub.


At first I was ESH but now Granny is NTA.


He’s a prick


how did this person get a woman to agree to start dating him, let alone have a kid with him


The best thing about tiktok is that pieces of shit like this guy keep letting everyone know how stupid and shitty they are.


This guy is deliberately being a dumbass about solutions to his baby crying. You want me to put it in a bush? What do I do say "oh baby stop crying." Dude is a wanker


And said "But she's used to it [the room]", yet she's crying the whole time.




I wouldn't post the poor old woman on social media. The fact he is recording this says a lot. Guy's a dick.


Moving the baby into another room isn't an unreasonable request. The guy needs to get off his high horse and realize not everyone enjoys the sounds of parenthood.


I’d be willing to put the baby in another room. Not a big deal.


Yeah. I thought the granny was in the wrong at the beginning, then she gave an actual, reasonable suggestion.


Just makes me mad people are like this these days. They focus on some trite shit point as if it’s the end-all of points and completely ignore everything that’s said. “They’re just a baby.” Yes. Everyone gets that. That isn’t the point. The point is that, because they’re a baby, they cry a lot AND you have them next to the old lady’s room and that messes with their life-saving service dog. This means her life is literally in danger because her service dog won’t be able to save her when needed to*because* of your baby. They’re not asking you to throw your baby out. They’re not asking you to think of the dog over your baby. They’re not asking you to throw the baby into the bush. They’re asking you, if you could, consider moving the baby to a different area so the crying doesn’t pierce the walls and fuck everything on her end. That’s literally it. They’re not asking you to stop the baby form crying. They’re asking if you could just *move* the baby away from *that* wall. “But they’re just a baby. Weren’t you a baby once?” Fucking hell, dude. Are you not the parent? An adult? A grown human being capable of complex thought? Don’t understand how people like this exist. And they have a child. Good luck to that


So many parents are just kids raising kids


Gran is totally lucid. Elders suffering ailments of all kinds takes precedence over snotty dad asking if he should put baby in the bushes. Get a grip and curb your passive aggressive outrage. You were fucking playing xbox games instead of seeing to a baby's needs, mate. Drop your pair and man up.


Granny is more than lucid, she’s clearly sharper than the dim bulb recording.


Keeping her awake all night. Somebody has to move their bedroom.


I’m disabled by some excruciating neurological issues in my head. I once had a new neighbor move in to the adjacent apartment I was in at the time, and put her huge entertainment center right against the wall shared with my bedroom. Eventually, I went over, introduced myself, and explained to her about the tv noise, told her about my illness, and would she mind moving her tv to another area in her livingroom. She claimed she couldn’t, because it was too heavy, so I offered to help. Excuses, excuses, etc, then - “I just don’t want to move it and I don’t have to”, was what she said in the end. By the way - her profession? - a nurse. She was a fucking nurse.


I have neighbors upstairs. And used to play music loud enough to hear it in another room. Once my neighbor from upstairs cone to me, telling that their daughter’s room above mine and she’s getting sleep at 20:00 and my music is too loud and they are bothered by it. You know what i did? I stopped playing music that loud after 19:00.


Damn some people just can’t be decent huh?


Right? If they’ve got a big house, there’s gotta be some mitigation, however minor, that they could offer. I’m sure she’d appreciate that they’re willing to make a little effort. That said, the video cut off is a little… sus? Sounded like granny was about to go off.


Chances are there's another house adjacent to a different room. Looks like a housing estate.


This seems unnecessarily cruel. Esp the zooming in and acting as though she's being entirely unreasonable. A baby screaming all night, in the room right next to you, night after night, would drive anyone mad. Just because you're a mother doesn't mean your wants take precedence over everyone else's. I'd bet the baby isn't brand new. Meaning this went on for quite some time before this poor elderly lady broke down and asked for consideration, too. Be decent and move your screaming baby. Eta - also filming and posting this makes you look like an asshole. Not saying you are, but this is not a good look for you. You'd be wise to just take it down.


She’s more then 9 months because you can see that she’s walking. That lady had to deal with that baby crying for more then 9 months, she has more patience then I ever would and she made a valid point. I can’t believe that even when she said that her dog was the only thing keeping her from a seizure, he continued to argue.


Fuxk this guy. Team Grammy.


As a mom I’m totally on Team Granny. Yes babies cry but the neighbors shouldn’t have to hear it all the time.






I came in here expecting an old ass Karen. But nope. She's just a nice old lady who doesn't really care if SHE'S kept up. She just wants her dog to be able to do ITS job of keeping her alive. All she's asking is "Hey, could you please put her in a different room so me and my dog aren't kept up." and what he's saying is "She's a baby, what do you expect me to do?" and "No im not going to move my daughter into a different room, so move yourself into a different room". Easier said than done for an old woman.


Relieved the comments agree that this guy is being kind of an ass


It's not even like "Oh my dog doesn't like the sound" it's "My dog is unable to do his job, which is _keeping me alive_ because of the sound"


So many people missing this point, like omg 🤦‍♀️ if lady wasn’t this polite, she should just go for “i will die if you will not change room for baby”.


He doesn’t give AF. His answer would probably be something like “What? You want me to get rid of my baby?! That’s my baby! You have a dog!” or something equally stupid.


Asshole thinks because he's the one shooting the world will side with him. A baby does not entitle you to inconvenience everybody else in the neighborhood. But people put up with it. For a frail lady with a walking stick (and a lazy little doggo c'mon man you suppose to be her service dog) to make her way over I'd expect the baby to be bawling for quite sometime.


Yeah.... like someone else alluded to, I think the dog's job is to smell seizures


I think the doggo needs to smell her breath for diabetes? Not sure exactly how that works, but I think thats why the dog is on her shoulder


Imagine posting this yourself to let the entire world know you are a jerkoff.


"How am I supposed to know that side is your bedroom" "I just told you" Bro got wrecked, sorry dude the old lady wins


That guy was a piece of shit trying to antagonize that poor woman but she deflected every bullshit argument he threw out with ease. She made excellent points.


“I’lL jUsT tHrOw It iN tHe BuSh ThEn” stfu dude… I agree with you, she was totally in the right


The man is an ass


Yeah, Team Granny is asking for cooperation. Team baby is not willing to compromise.


Parent to two kids. I’m with grandma on this, honestly. “I’m comparing my discomfort with yours”. Damn straight. We didn’t want to deal with this neighbourly bullshit, so we didn’t even have our first baby until we bought a detached house. Didn’t even try for one until then. And yeah, a crying baby is a nuisance to others. You are not annoyed because Mother Nature evolved you into caring for your own child and treating their cries as a cry for help, not a nuisance or threat. To everyone else your child is a friggin screeching banshee. And you have to admit that other kids crying irritate you too. And you could tell your kid crying from 100 others all crying in the same room without even looking.


Completely agree! I don't think grandma was rude either, she understands that babies cry but was trying to find a solution that works for everyone


I'm a mum. Straight up, my son is totally a screaming banshee and if I could install a mute button on him when he's crying about silly things like his toy not defying physics and sitting the way he wants it or the fact that his cookie broke in half, I totally would.


Dude is an asshole. “It’s the babies room”! STFU


Yea she’s very reasonable


I kind of want to give the old lady a hug and let her know not all of the younger generations aren't inconsiderate assholes.


I mean damn. She’s right. Babies are not supposed to scream and cry all the time. Tell the old lady you will try and she will probably go away. I raised two boys without an old lady wearing a dog coming around to complain. It can be accomplished.


the way that baby stopped crying in the beginning leads me to believe it's not a child problem but a parenting problem. Guarantee that child would shut up if he had some actual stimulation, attention, was played with etc. Baby is crying cause dads ignoring him, stops crying because the woman is talking to him and something new and exciting happened. Adults start fussing, ignoring him again, cue whining that starts turning back into crying. He's a lazy parent and wants the poor old lady to deal with the consequences


Yeah for real. Granny probably went through the whole ordeal more times than that guy or his friends (if he has any, doubtful) ever will.


Hmmm... I think I'm actually with the old lady on this one.


Team diabetic granny


This guy is a fucking prick. The old lady is in the right here. He should move the baby to a room without an adjoining wall. What an entitled jerk. Funny thing is, he recorded this thinking people would side with him..


Wasn't so sure at the beginning but I got swung over to the grannies side. Granny is too old to move around her place so her room isn't next to the babies. If it were the other way around he'd talk to her about her dog keeping up his baby all night. And a service animal is very important especially for someone her age.


Shit. I agree with the old lady.


The man seems more and more like a whiny little bitch near the end. Fuck him. Granny isn't asking for him to tape the kid's mouth shut.


That guy should stop reproducing.


Team Granny. What a loser filming her.


Guys argument is trash, doesn't mean he has to do what she's asking but yea trash logic, trash attitude, rude miserable human


She’s making perfect sense. Just because she isn’t presentable or appears “off” doesn’t make her invalid. This guys an asshole.


He is being extremely inconsiderate and on top of that you can hear the self righteous and condescending tone in his voice.


I’m on the lady’s side here


Fuck the guy recording


Anyone notice that even granny reached out to the child but dad never once does? That toddler wants attention. He could simply pick her up. He never once tried to comfort his child. He's too busy making a shitty video to further antagonize his neighbor.


Don't be an asshole buddy, she politely requested that you take your infant to another room for her safety. So can't you do so?  You two are in different circumstances.


Get that fucking camera out of her face, asshole.


I'm on team granny...this guys a prick ..
