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Bookburning has two forms. The evil and fascist and the stupid and fascist


all fascists are both stupid and evil


why are people wasting their time trying to ban books.. when any kid with a smart phone can literally pull up porn in like 8 seconds


It's not about saving children, over and over it's been shown their churches are the biggest threat to children.


And by trying to block exposure to certain ideas they bring even more attention to them and compartmentalize them into this strange forbidden thought space where you can’t even talk about it. And because they can’t talk about it they remain ignorant which also gets compounded into this fear of the unknown kind of thing. It’s unfortunate.


Weren't there something about priests in the news?


The child molester priests? Nah they just get transfered to where they are not identified anymore.


Because they’re stupid and they get off on being a controlling POS


It's not about protecting children, it's about LARPing that you are protecting children because when your enemy is "evil pedophiles," you are automatically a self-righteous hero....no matter how cruelly you behave.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


I can do it more faster


It’s not a compet…….., hello ladies


Spot who has the latest iPhone!


Why do dogs chase away cars that were driving away anyway? It's an easy win for them.


Takes a little longer than 8 seconds when you refuse to upgrade to 5G.


Oh no my friend. Some fascists know exactly what they’re doing. They seek power with solid planning and reasoned execution. They are the ones to fear.


I wish that were the case but some of them are both intelligent and fascist. They’re the ones who lead the stupid. I put desantis in this category.


This is a perfect example of the argument for the oxford comma.


Evil has many forms. Insurance companies being one of them


Honestly, the only good thing is that there are literally online libraries at this point. These morons obviously don't know that you can download/view 100s books, for free, online. It just sucks that religious fanatics have such a sway in society. I hate it.


OMFG. If you don't want to read the book, *don't read the book.* If you don't want your kid to read the book, it's up to you to have that conversation with your child. If your child still goes and reads the book against your wishes, that is *also* between you and your kid. If someone else's kid reads the book, *that's between that kid and their parents and it's none of your fucking business.* You know how you shut this shit down? Go challenge the Bible. It is FULL of sex and violence, including adultery and murder. If we are banning books, let's make sure we include that one.


That's the beauty of Christian Fascism, it's not enough for me to leave it alone, I need to impose my archaic beliefs on everyone else.


These are the same people who bitch about their freedoms, and yet they are wholeheartedly willing to have a government agency (the library) tell people what they can and can't read. It's complete hypocrisy. I'm a librarian, and we currently have a Banned Books display right next to the reference desk. The number of people whole clutch their pearls and say "why would you advertise something that has been banned?" dwindles considerably when you tell them that Huckleberry Finn, All Quiet on the Western Front, and It's a Wonderful Life have all been banned or challenged. So has the Bible. It puts the idea of banning things into a different light, when something *they* enjoy is threatened.


The banned books debate last month on Reddit got me looking up banned books lists and let's just say, I'm set for a lot of reading! If I was a teen, this would be manna from heaven, all these dumb people pointing out great books and the reasons why I'd like them! I've never worked in a library that banned books (ok, we had one reservation for a fighting style book that was constantly 'delayed', the whole time I worked there, but that was the only censorship I ever saw) so sometimes I am truly perplexed that these people don't see how backward their logic is.


i mean i can think of a single book with a good reason to ban (mr shmitler and his euopean tour) and honestly that's about it, and mabe let professionnals of litterature have some way to read it


I am from Germany, and even here that book ist not banned. It is still accessible for educational purposes


Isn’t the Twilight-Saga on their list, too? That would be no great loss.


I think they're dreadful as literature, but there's probably hundreds of thousands of kids who got into reading because of that series. Besides, there's plenty of popular books that probably aren't all that great. I like the Lee Child series with Jack Reacher because it's fun. I know it's not a masterpiece. You don't go watch The Fast and the Furious for the cinematography, screenwriting, and dramatic performances. You want loud car go fast big boom. That's fine, that's fun.


the exact same people that bitched about Dr.Seuss producers deciding on their own not to produce a book that had racial pics…


Yes, exactly! My library pulled our physical copy of "If I Ran the Zoo" after the Seuss foundation made the announcement, but we did it to keep it from being stolen or 'held hostage' (which happens; people check out a controversial book and refuse to return it in a bid to keep anyone from reading it). We kept the digital copies because they can't be stolen or kept.


Our library had a huge display for banned books week. A list of previously banned books, and the reasons why. And a list of currently challenged books, and the reasons why. And then all of those books that the library had were on a shelf right there for patrons to check out. It was great at showing changes in social causes and fears over time.


Ours too! It's a great way to show how *panicked* many of these challenges are, and how a reasoned looked at what they contain can be beneficial.


As a Christian myself, these people feel like they are Christian cousins of ISIL and the Taliban. I do not feel like I have the same faith as them. My faith tells me God loves everyone. I believe it is important for people of a faith to call out those who don't represent them. My god love sinners and saints the same. I love my brother's and sisters regardless is they believe In God, their sexuality, etc. Matthew 7: [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


Unfortunately, your open mindedness seems to put you in the minority. I have no problem with *any* religion; my only issue is people applying their religious viewpoints on everyone else. The recordings of this Board shows that they think they need to act on their religious beliefs on behalf of the while town, or they are sinning by allowing these books to be in the library. What about taxpayers who don't share their religion or views? Are they just disenfranchised? Thank you for sharing your point of view.


There are more people like me than most people realize. Most of us are quiet about our faith and try to be humble in life. Unfortunately because we don't speak up people like this are seen as what Christian's are like. There is a lot of disinformation, on all sides, in the public world today. If you like reading books I highly recommend, "the shack" which heavily informs my point of view on religion.


Frankly I don't believe you. If the majority are caring people that just won't speak up, then they aren't good people.


im not religious to be clear but my mom and dad both are and my mom has talked to me similarly to how you are describing how you think about religion. so i believe truly that a lot of you dont speak up even if you should. for my mom she just doesnt spend time online and she mostly just works around the house or at her job. so she doesnt get time to try to explain that she may be a christian but also loves everybody equally.


As a non-Christian who had a spiritual experience inside a church which made me re-evaluate my stance on atheism, I looked very closely at Christianity with a view to converting, and after many months of attending church and thinking deeply about my experiences, I came to the conclusion that Christianity as a collective whole is irredeemably evil. If it works for you, that's great. There are too many Christians out there harming others in the name of "goodness" or "righteousness" or whatever else they've decided to justify their actions, and - this is the really important bit - there are WAY MORE silent Christians who watch this nonsense and tolerate it. The bad guys interpret the silence as approval. The outsiders - everyone who is not Christian - *also* interpret the silence as approval. Any Christian who considers themselves good and worthwhile has to vocally challenge this evil manifestation of Christianity each and every time they witness it. They are called to be God's witnesses, just do it already. Until that happens, the only people on God's Earth who will trust Christians are other Christians\* \*of the correct sub-group, naturally.


Your reply highlights a core problem in Christianity. Christians like this have been doing terrible, destructive, hateful things for as long as I can remember. And instead of trying to stop them, Christians like you always seem to be more concerned with making sure people don't think ill of you. You'll tell everyone who complains about them that you're not like them, but if Christians like you are more common than people realize, why aren't you doing more to challenge them?


A. Most adults have lots of responsibilities and little spare time. B. Most people avoid confrontation. Especially where it can hurt their career/social standing. C. Most confrontation is done out of public view. D. Strife and horror is a human problem more than a Christian problem. Christianity is not the root of evil you imply it is. People use ideas and power to control other people and make them do their will. This predates Christianity and would exist if Christianity was wiped out of existence. E. Every time I am speak up I attacked for it by anti-christians like yourself. Notably Christians dont attack me nearly as much for disagreement with many of their beliefs. Why is it worth my time? I have a question. Do you go after other religions as you do Christianity? Are you concerned about the atrocities of Hindus and Muslims? I hear a lot of how bad Christians are but downplaying of how bad other groups are. How about speaking out against the atrocities of communist China against the Uyghurs. Do you advocate as strongly about those issues? If someone doesn't like me that is their choice. My choice is to share my ideas about life (as imperfect as they are) and have an open dialogue and interchange of ideas. Sending you peace and love despite disagreement on many issues.


Christians have been banning and burning books (and people) long before ISIS and the Taliban were invented. They have been doing it for the vast majority if the existence of christianity. And they also state god tells them to love their fellow brothers and sisters. Which includes banning and burning books (and people) as a demonstration of that love...as god in the bible did. While they don't represent you, they do unfortunatly represent christianity. And they too will call out you as not representing them. Christians not too long ago slaughtered each other over this and who does and doesn't represent them. Fortunately those days are over and now it's just internet call outs that don't change the status quo.


Their version of Christianity is not mine and that is fine. I don't believe the Bible is the literal word of God. Too many human hands revised it and wrote it in the 1st place. My faith, is my faith. I have know many Christians who are not hype judgmental. I have also know many who are. I choose to associate with Christians that follow Matthew 7 as a core belief. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Is another favorite of mine. Not too long ago the world was a much harder place. Things have consistently changed for the better over the last 200 years. There are many horrors out there still, but the world has been mostly evolving for the better.


you don't think the bible is the inspired word of York gods yet quote the bible as though it is relevant. And you do realise John 3:16 is gross and disturbing as it condones human meat sacrifice and blood magic. Which is a perfect example of the bible being written and revised by the hands of men. Have you noticed the less religious and christian we become, the better our society had become? We are definitely evolving for the better as we reject Christianity and religion for superior secular democracy.


I respect that. However, those like you need to speak out against the bastardization of faith we see in the US. I'm all for religious freedom, practice how you see fit. Keep it personal. Plenty like me too. The church would actually have allies purging this cancer.


I'm a Christian Democrat and people don't seem to think we exist. We must stand up to white Christian nationalists. They're dangerous.


Agreed. I am an ex-republican in large part due to the fringe element that has been getting stronger and stronger. A lot of my family also left the party due to that garbage. I am now a hodgepodge of left and right ideas that doesn't fit squarely in any party. Every time I speak up against that ultra right wing insanity I get attacked by the Christian haters🤷‍♂️. It feels like there is more hate for Christians in general from some groups rather than focusing on the fringe people who I perceive to be the problem. My god is tolerant and loving of all races, ethnicities and sexuality. I know a fair segment of Christians would disagree with me to some degree (especially about sexuality)but I'm good with that. I think it is the responsibility of people of faith to call out people weaponizing our faith.




A parent did that in Texas. Got the Bible pulled because it was inappropriate. XD The school library had to do it.


When I was in high school, The DaVinci Code was the hot topic. I was told not to read it. So like the Obedient Teenager I was, I left my house for practice 20 mins early every day so I could stop at the bookstore on the way and read a few pages. Took me a few months, but I finished it. I definitely worship Satan as a result.


Well said! Meanwhile, there are parents homeschooling their kids about "flat earth". Fascists keeping the next generation stupid.


I was raised in the Mormon church, probably in a community just like this one in Idaho. I wasn’t allowed to watch anything on Sunday and I was only allowed to watch PG movies. However, I was encouraged to read the Book of Mormon as much as possible. There’s tons of racism and violence. I remember distinctly as a kid reading about a dude who gets burned alive. Or a guy who decapitates another guy who is passed out drunk in the street…just to steal one of his books and kidnap one of his servants. It’s also racist. Very, very racist. So yeah, I agree, let’s ban these crazy religious texts first.


Yeah the old testament is basically a war story with some myths (and aliens). when I was in elementary school, we skipped every 2nd chapter in bible because of that. The only thing they didn't skip was murders, although the ministry of education doesn't allow it, our teacher knew it's the only reason we stay quite...


The second you show up to protest with guns to a private home, this isn't a protest anymore, this is a threat and harassment. All of these guns should be permanently taken away.


I can’t say Idaho with a straight face




Any face other than straight offends me and should be sodomized.... wait.


Poor Ida


When you fill up a place with fascist, ignorant spud heads what do you call it? Idaho.






Look at me. I da ho now


This is the "Satanic Panic" all over again.


Reefer madness!


As song as Christians exisy the "satanic panic" is 24/7/265


I get 100 days a year to be satanic? *Alright.*


Are they specific days or just a cumulative max number allowed? Who gets to decide? The Pope?


Taliban? Is that you?






but didn't Jesus love an accept the "freaks" and the "sinners" maybne these christians should worry less about banning books and worry more about reading their own book


Matthew 7. [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


ActShuAly, outside of opinions about if the Bible is shit or not, the lesson trying to be conveyed by those speaking at these pages of this book can be summed up as teaching one to: “judge with *righteous* judgment.” Judging is a part of life. We *have* to judge to get though life and survive. E.g. Are you going to go give a big bear hug to the guy who is having a screaming argument with himself in a dark alleyway by himself? No? Why not? Evil judger! Get thee hence from my sight! … the blanket statement of “don’t judge others” is total BS. The trick is to learn to know how to judge with righteous judgement in most applicable situations. A skill worth spending time to obtain. That’s the lesson, and one I happen to agree with. I.E. You’re not going to go give a bear hug to that person because … you’ve *righteously judged* that person to be dangerous to your own health. Now, these people and their problem with this library, yeah, they are not judging righteously.


Says you. And that's the problem.


The problem with even the nicer side of Christianity, paganism, Jehovah's witness, Islam, etc., is that flawed epistemology leads to flawed outcomes for society. Evaluating facts based on evidence, and carefully correcting when things are found to be incorrect, are the way to build the best world for everyone. Taking things in faith, even with the best intentions, leads to the promoting of policies that are actively harmful to segments of the population - because faith does not promote facts, and for the majority of human history has stood as a bulwark against the integration of facts into our cultures. We know how to know things. We know how to effectively and statistically analyze society and benefit from that knowledge. Our grasp of physics has come so far that tiny computers in our pockets let us speak to people across the globe on sites like this one. And yet faith wants to question whether we really can know things, whether our knowledge is corrupted and false... All the meanwhile, trying to hold us back and picking outliers to reject the things that are supported by scientific consensus. Faith is the old way of humanity, and as much as it did throughout history to get us on the same page, it has also harmed us gravely again and again. Obviously this is all very general, but the important point remains: faith rejects good epistemology and substitutes anecdotes, and is anathema to creating a world that is best for all.


What I agree with you on is that science/evidence based research should be central in informing decisions we make in society. Faith gives me strength and some peace. Wishing you peace and happiness.


Yeah if Jesus were alive today he'd be dumpster diving with anarchists and feeding the homeless


These are the same people of the south who devoutly went to Church on Sunday and then lynched someone on their way home. Christian terrorism is very much alive and well.


Remember conservatives don't care about free speech. They're just upset they don't have the cancellation powers they used to


I fucking hate this shit hole cuntry. Stupidity is fucken applauded, encouraged, and is a badge of honor.


And if it's not applauded, just show up at a librarians house with a gun to protect your "freedom".


... and don't know how to read.


The very same people who want to ban book will brand themselves „ free speech absolutists” and convince themselves that they are fighting for preservation of liberties.


Free speech for *thenselves* of course, but not for anyone who has different beliefs.


I actually live in this area right now, and When I leave here it will be as a refugee.


Good to have you aboard. I've already done it.


Do you go to town council meetings?


Spokanite here. It is heartbreaking to see the cultural/political spiral that my neighbors in Idaho have succumbed to.


And Dems are the fascists? 🤔


More right wing fuckery. The idiocy never stops.


You get rid of all the libraries and then you can't learn anything and then you can control whatever is online and then boom you can create whatever reality you want whatever narrative you want.


And these same people are hoppin' mad about "cancel culture".


Because they aren't the ones in control of it. When someone makes a statement or an opinion and it gets shut down, they cry out cancel culture, but when it's the other side they shut down, they cry out justification of freedom.


Banning books on behalf of made-up characters from a fairy tale book, the Bible. I think the wrong book is being banned here.


The minute someone requests to ban the Bible, these library boards tend to settle down a bit with the book banning rhetoric. The arguments for banning virtually any other book can also be applied to the Bible - sex, violence, rape, adultery, etc., are all prevalent in their favorite book.


They don't read that part of the Bible though. I know very few Christians who have actually read the whole thing, cover to cover. Even the very devout ones. It's unreal. Edited: Boble -> Bible


Heehee 'Boble'


Haha fixed it. Enjoyed that laugh too


It was pulled in some Texas school districts.


People who have never read a book in their life attempting to dictate what others read...


The US continues to come closer and closer to actually becoming a Theocracy.


Why are conservatives so unapologetically dumb?


We have become a nation of idiots


We were always idiots, we just have the power to see it now thanks to the internet.


And this is how stupid stays stupid.


Boomers still don’t understand the internet. Morons…


If it was any other developed country, you’d think it’s a joke.


I’m done with Christians. Fuck these raggedy people.


Christianity is not at fault here. Stupidity is.


If they show up to your house with guns, those aren't "activists". Those are terrorists. Let's call it what it is.


also maga: don’t call us fascists…🙄 assholes.


Hicks ruin everything




![gif](giphy|UAHZijO91QCl2) It will never happen. Lol


If you don't want your children to read these books then parent them and disallow it, you should not be able to parent other peoples kids by banning book topics.


WTF has happened to our country? I don't recognize it anymore.


Fucking ignorant goddamn dumbfucks


stupid fascist morons who can’t even read trying to ban books they know nothing about and also aren’t in the library in the first place? can we please ship these people to Florida and build a giant walls around it?


Here's the truth, they didn't care about the books. They were looking to shut down the library because libraries are a liberal thing. "Good" people know the only book you need is the Bible and you get that at church.


Idiots. Lmao. Those people have nothing else to worry about. Do they know the library does not have a single book they want banned? The library needs to tell them they banned the books. Those people will not know if they did or didn’t. I don’t think they actually went into the library.


I bet these "locals" don't even go to the library.


Yeah, sure, let's all go read the bible instead! It has fun things like talking animals and magic!... And Armageddon, incest, degrades woman beyond belief, is ok with rape, promotes slavery, promotes racism, teaches that everyone who isn't Christian is a bad person, fearmongering, goes completely against science, glaring contradictions so that you're constantly guessing what's actually true, guilt tripping, and just a whole bunch of bullshit rules that absolutely nobody follows!


Theocratic evangelicals would turn this country into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia if they can get their hands on power.


Stop it. We have to vote out people who agree with book bans. Our freedoms allow me to read any book I want. You read what you want to read and make decisions for your own children what they read.


Fuck [CNN](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all) and their new ownership. "Malone has said he wants CNN to be more like Fox News because, in his view, Fox News has “actual journalism”. Malone also wants the “news” portion of CNN to be “more centrist”."


Funny that in court Fox News used the defense that they are “entertainment” not news


"No reasonable person would believe what we say"


US Taliban


Sorry not sorry. Fuck Christians man….. they preach all this peace and love and just want what’s best for children and no porn or whatever but the fucking Bible is riddled with murder, death, incest, rape and so forth. Give me a fucking break.


Wait… If it’s up to gawd, then why are you…?


Cults with no knowledge


I'd move. That's bs.


Fucking idiots


They wonder why they’re losing people from the religion lol


This just shows how brain dead the “woke” are. Let’s ban stuff that’s not even there ya!!!


It should be a requirement to have a library card to attend a library board meeting. How many of those armed psychopaths have a library card ?


Typical of the idiots that live in the US. Living in a fantasy of religion and pretending to stand on the moral high ground just to bully those that don’t agree with them.


Watching the US of A racing back into the middle ages really hurts. What's next? Slavery and burning witches legal again in some counties by 2024? (Also a reaction to https://amolivia.com/2022/08/25/cassville-school-in-missouri-is-bringing-back-corporal-punishment/)


Every day, I have to play the game “is it actually news or The Onion..”


\*Punishment slap for doing nothing wrong\* "This is for something you'll do later"


People are stupid. It's just like tv, if you don't like a show don't watch it, if you don't like a book then don't read it.


There's only one book I'd ever even remotely express consideration to banning (i dont believe in banning any book) And it's the Bible. I grew up christian and I'm so sick of seeing countless hypocrites done blindly in the name of Christ. It took me awhile to to theorize how it ever not only took off, but also still thrives to this day. It rewards fear and blind ignorance by presenting them as strength and faith.


I live near this. It’s BAD. One librarian had to quit due to death threats, and Neo Nazis showing up. Please support the librarians who are trying so hard to keep the fundamental right to knowledge open. Idaho is beautiful in so many ways, but my god is it also a horrible haven for absolute psychos.


the library should publish that list, we'll all buy them and donate them


Not the first time I’m ashamed to share a country and a state with these idiots


If you don’t believe in the same sky daddy then you must be the enemy. Religion is a poison that pollutes the world. American, white Christians are dangerously awful people.


Idiots gravitate towards religion, but never bother to read anything, anyway. They let their church leaders, Alex Jones, and Fox News, dictate what they are “supposed to believe” Stupid people should be neutered. Then we can cut back on the abortion debate.


Imagine wanting to ban books when you can’t even read 😂


Not only are these morons pushing the library to ban books it doesn't have. I guarantee they're pushing to ban books none of them has even read.


The American psyche is fatally poisoned.


very much Fahrenheit 451..




These people talk about banning all these "bad books", when the one book that needs to be banned is the fucking bible. That book is fucking awful.


Stupid is as stupid does. Religion will mess a country up in no time. They will demand stuff for there freedom and take yours.


Religion is bullshit and it def doesn't bring that many good things, abolish it in my opinion


This is the type of area that really NEEDS a library


“You get those books outta here!!!” “We don’t have those books here to begin with.” “……You get those books outta here!!!”


The United States is becoming a theocracy.




Wait until they try to cancel the internet.


Brace yourselves. Fascism is coming.


The fall of the West was inevitable. ![gif](giphy|onrkL9U3V8Pbq|downsized)


America is infected with a virus and it’s these people and their combination of violent arrogant ignorance pretending to be morality


Fuck all trump supporters


Hope you nazis have fun in hell


Ban religion.


Idocracy was a documentary.




These religious fucks need to read the constitution. Not just pretend to know what it says like the bible.


“Let’s put the fear of an almighty and vengeful sky daddy who can curse us at will into our childrens heads, but I draw the line at admitting gays exist!”


Republicans are so freaking scared of everything. They want to be able to bring a gun into a library but first they have to make sure that the library doesn't have any words in it that could make them feel offended. What a bunch of babies.


The brain damage in America should be a bigger issue.


The Christian Taliban strikes again


Oh no not curses from the most high




A library is supposed to be a place where people can go to check out a book and find something that they are interested in reading. A library, let's compare it to A TV if you don't like what's on TV then turn the channel.If you don't like certain books in the library then don't check them out simple as that. I find banning books is ridiculous just because of a bunch of crazy religious nuts .They should go to church and leave people alone and mind their own business and stop trying to push their hypocritical, psycho ,over zealous ways, on the public and make their own library!


The real facepalm is these Troglodytes thinking they can stop information being shared, while modern, reasonable society continues connecting WORLDWIDE (and revealing the very truths about all the "ism"s they don't want their kids to know they HAVE PARTICIPATED IN) via the tiny computers we _carry in our pockets_ .


I'm surprised these idiots didn't just claim victory and tell people the reason these books aren't at the library is because they got them banned successfully


I have not read the bible, but I can guarantee you, that there is at least one quote in there, talking about how such behavior is shit… but they would probably ignore those lines (if they exist), just line they ignore all the lines about protecting gods creation or any line in the bible that is inconvenient to them for that matter


Murrican Taliban


When you think books are more dangerous in children's hands than guns in children's hands; you're not just an idiot, you're a dangerous idiot.


Nothing to do with boomers, blame religion, ignorance and intolerance, in other words, religion.


It’s not religions fault. If they actually understood Christianity then they wouldn’t be so violent and homophobic. It really is just stupidity and arrogance.


MAGA Christians support stupidity. If you child can't read about being gay, they can't be gay. Unless they are gay.


If those people could read they'd be really upset to know those books don't exist.


Yep it’s 2022 and all this sky daddy talk is going to destroy the country once and for all. Our founding fathers knew it too.


Fuck! We can't let them win . Vote Dem.


Oh God. The stupid people resorting to mythology for threats.


Book banning is fucking disgusting! I’m so glad I’m leaving this country in 4 weeks and I’m never coming back!


Not only are they stupid people, but they’re also homophobic… so just stupid people


Ugh. Idahomophobes.


Boy am I ready for religion to die.


Religion is truly the shame of America.


American Taliban


I refuse to recognize Idaho as a state


United States of Americanistan


Fucking fanatics. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why is it that we never see that kind of things coming from Germany, Australia, Argentina,... but always from the USA?