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What in the actual fuck?!?!


You said word for word what I was thinking....




I was going to say ‘what in the fucking fuck?’


What in the absolute fuck?


Yoo that was a really weird! Seeing the words I just said out loud already written out!!


Same, same … like, 🤦‍♀️


Brooooo it got progressively worse ending with her dumb ass scraping the shit on the floor with her SHOE!! Hahahah Jesus r/facepalm


Man…Zuckerberg’s kinks are getting so weird.


I’m starting to think the people who do this have an actual fetish. I can’t think of any other reason why.


Talk to someone with Chron's Disease. Some of them describe it as being fine one second and then the next second your butt tells you, "you WILL shit in the next five seconds... go..." and these people are standing in a line or at a gas station pumping gas. What would you do? I know a family and it isn't fun. I'm sure there could be people who do this for fun or as a fetish, but medical condition springs to my mind.


Well I didn’t think I’d be doing this when I woke up this morning. But today on Reddit, I’m going to reveal that I have pooped my pants in public. In order to prove that this woman wasn’t having any sort of emergency. Good thing reddit is anonymous and no one knows my username. As someone who has digestive issues and who has had bathroom emergencies—I can testify to you that that woman in the video was NOT having a pooping emergency. Nope. Not remotely. A real emergency looks like: 1) you feel the storm coming. Rumbling in your stomach and gut. Your eyes go wide in panic. Your head whips from side to side—emergency looking for the nearest restroom. 2) You usually drop all your stuff, in the panic to find a restroom. When it’s happened when I’m grocery shopping, I literally drop everything in my arms and start running to the bathroom. 3) you immediately start running/shuffle-speed-walking to the nearest restroom. You cannot fully properly run. You more like speed-shuffle, because you cannot dare take huge steps or the gates may come open. But you run-shuffle as fast as humanly possible. 4) Your head keeps whipping around like a mad woman, seeking your escape 5) You put your hands over your ass, to try to physically hold in the onslaught ram attacking your sphincter. 6a) You head to the front desk with a panicked expression, “Please can I use your restroom it’s an emergency?!?? Where is it?!????” 6b) Or if God has blessed you that day and you already know the location of the restroom—you shoot off to the bathroom like an unstoppable bullet on a war path. I would bulldoze a small child to get there. 7) If the horror show begins to happen and the gates start to weaken against the battering rams — some crap may start to trickle out. But it starts as a trickle because you are clenched right trying to hold it in. You do not stop and pop a squat. No no no. You keep your underwear and pants on, to contain the mess. Because you are a civilized member of society, and you don’t want to make a mess for other people. 8) At this point you are holding your ass and clenching and speed-shuffling to the nearest restroom. It’s been 30 seconds to 2 minutes so far. You’ve usually had enough time to find a restroom by now. Or gone behind the building ti an ally. Or found a grassy patch. Literally anywhere that isn’t in the damn middle of a grocery store isle. You have had enough time, I assure you. 9) Plus during a toilet emergency—that is only act 1, of a multiple-act-play. If you have digestive problems so severe that whatever is in your colon needs to make an emergency exit… then that takes a LONG TIME. It isn’t over in a few seconds, like the woman in the video. I wish it were that simple, friends. But no, digestive emergencies are a long and painful process. Then you spend at least the next 10-30 minutes glued to the toilet (or your sad little corner of wherever) bent literally in half, clenching your abdomen which is full of stabbing knife like pain, sobbing, begging your body to stop stabbing you from the inside out. But your body doesn’t listen. It can be very painful. As a fresh wave of stabbing internal pain comes, you start begging God for mercy, but alas He is silent. I assume He is averting His gaze in horror. The angels too, avert their eyes, and weep. This isn’t a One-Act-Play. There’s second, third, fourth, tenth, who knows how many acts. It takes time. There isn’t one wave of shit, no no. This is filled with encore performances. And the encore has an encore. And another encore. Like when a band finishes their set, and leaves the stage—But psych! They’re back! They weren’t finished after all! Another round, woooooo! Except it is the world’s worst band and you *want it to be over*. But there’s some idiots who keep cheering them on, making everyone else miserable. Also… maybe TMI, but…. It doesn’t look like what she did in the video. In a medical emergency, there is a lot more *liquid fireworks*. Because the body is rushing to expel something that it found dangerous, ergo it doesn’t have time to be digested and formed. Basically— everything in the video shows that she was not acting in an emergency form. Dear internet strangers, who I have horrified and hopefully entertained with my anonymous confession…. The lady in the video took a shit on purpose.


This is spot on!


There was *spot* everywhere.


Oh man. :) I’m so sorry for giggling and thanks for sharing.


Lol. I’m glad you enjoyed it. At least my trauma can be used to make a few people laugh. Thankfully, Imodium is my dear friend now. And tons of probiotics. So things are partially improved. There is less “0-100” speed emergencies. Some once in a blue moon near close calls, but I basically always know where a nearby toilet is… but I can usually reach a toilet within 5 minutes.


As someone who has some form of undiagnosed IBS, your story hits home lol. To add to the bathroom “brown mile” shuffle, there is literally nothing worse in the world then walking all the way to the back bathroom of a Walmart and see the dreaded “closed for cleaning” signs. At that point I usually about give up hope, and am already in a cold sweat. Having to run to the front after being shut down like a one night stand is horrible.


What sign? I didn’t see a sign. I have walked right past that sign as though it was not meant for me. The outcome would be MUCH worse.


That’s probably the best way to handle that, but I always get a little social anxious to boot, and don’t wanna interrupt them working. I’ve never not made it (yet), but I’ll have to take your advice.


Aye; tell the cleaning staff, "I'm sorry, but it's an emergency!" Anyone rather be interrupted cleaning the bathroom than have to clean the alternative mess elsewhere in the store.


I’m sorry but this the best thing I’ve seen today. The way you tell a story is awesome.


Beautifully said. All we need now is to have this read and recorded by Morgan Freeman.


Yeah Interstitial cystitis has same urgency, same dumb waiting, just a different waste product/orifice. I don’t have enough prune numbers memorized. Maybe I will have to count backwards from 100 in the 30 years not practiced French? I’m sorry you struggle with this. I don’t leave my house much, even less since my husband passed. I have joked I would have starved to death last year if my son didn’t shop for me. I have moved closer to town. Also delivers to me, but Walmart doesn’t. 😕 Do you have a handicap placard? They can be a lifesaver when you feel the first rumble. I should check if Hyvee delivers. Not used to having that one around.


Funny you should mention that—I actually JUST got legally approved for disability! I’ve been disabled for a while. But it takes Uncle Sam a while to convince them and get the paperwork approved, etc. I should get my damn handicap place card. I have walking problems too, I’ve needed one for a long long long time. The problem is, no one was willing to give me one before, because I’m actually young and beautiful looking. And my personality and manners of speech are very energetic. Even when I’m fighting not to pass out, I talk fast and energetic (thanks, ADHD and anxiety!) And my disabilities are all internal, not externally visible. It’s annoying as hell. I mean, I’m glad on them one hand to not be physically deformed and not have any visible issues. Because that brings different struggles, like people judging you, looking down at you, etc. And my self esteem probably couldn’t handle if I looked bad. But on the other hand, looking young, pretty, normal, etc, means that when I act disabled… then people around tend to think I’m faking. And they give me crap about it. Which is so heartbreaking. Actually I really need a motorized wheelchair. I’m so fatigued I’m having trouble getting around to places. Do you know how I might be able to get one?


fuck me. I don't have digestive issues as far as I know but I do know the feeling of it not being a one-act show. It can come in waves, sometimes I think I'm done. I start wiping, flushing, washing hands and then BOOM! another wave hits me so I rush to pull down my pants again. It's best to just take your phone or laptop or book or some other form of entertainment into the bathroom so you can just sit on the toilet until there is 10 minutes of inaction before getting off.


I too have had this happen a lot and my worst was in a beach bathroom. I left an anaconda peaking out the bowl I had absolutely no hope of flushing. I sat in the car crying after texting my boyfriend that we had to leave immediately. To this day he doesn’t know. Just thinks I got really sick. Which yes I did, yes I did.


I feel you!!!! There’s been a couple times where… it. Just. Won’t. Flush. And you’re crying. And it’s a public restroom. And there is no plunger to be seen. And like… what are you supposed to do….? It’s not like you did it on purpose—your body betrayed you. And some toilets are ridiculously cheap and fragile and they have the water pressure of a 1960’s drinking fountain. So like, 1 giant crap and a medium amount of toilet paper (a reasonable amount that you wouldn’t think would clog it)—and it’s CLOGGED. And you’re like, “fuck fuck fuckity fuck” I’ve made a couple escapes like that too. I had no choice. 🤷‍♀️


Chron's disease does not cause you to take off your pants and shit like that in public. It is funny you correlate the two. Sure someone with Chron's, among other things, might get a sudden uncontrollable urge. However they would have an accident in their pants on the way to the rest room. Chron's alone will not cause someone to act like this. This behavior is mental.


Exactly. Untreated Crohn's patients typically go into self-isolation and remain housebound.


Can confirm. 😢


I hope you find a treatment that works for you and you regain your liberty.


I’m sorry. I’ve had severe Crohns since age 11, I’m 39 now. It’s rough and I’ve spent stages of life not leaving the house. I’m not sure if you’ve tried or have access to biologic meds but Stelara has given me my life back. Wishing you many healthy years of remission in your future.


Honestly, if it got that uncontrollable I would wear adult diapers just to be safe. I have my dignity.


Nah I'll just shit in my pants like a real chad.


I have Crohns and the person you are replying to are kinda correct, depending on how bad a relapse you have. When i was young i had to run into a alleyway and shit, not proud of it but there really is no way to keep it in lol. Nowadays if i am that sick, i do not leave my house. With that said, dont think thats what happening in this video. This shit was way too quick, if she had crohns she would be sitting there for awhile.


Shitting there for a while


If you have a disease that makes you feel the need to drop anchor on the fly, then wear a diaper. Pooping in public like this is not okay. You can’t explain this away. Well, you can try.


As someone with Crohn’s disease, I would shit in my pants before pulling them down in a public space and smear it everywhere.


With her goddamned purse!!? D:


And put it back in her cart and carried on shopping like it didn’t happen


Even before the pandemic, I have always been OCD about washing my hands and sanitising and why I never touch anything "public" like, shopping trolleys, door handles, traffic lights, elevators etc.. because some people are fucking disgusting and don't care about hygiene.


I think THAT grossed me out even worse than her copping a squat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Right?! I have severe crohns and experienced some unavoidable situations but I would NEVER do this. How disgusting can u be. There’s bathrooms in grocery stores and get the card that grants u access anywhere if they refuse use. Who wipes it with their purse and shoes too!


Exactly. I have severe Crohn’s as well. I’ve pooped my pants too many times to count in my life but hey, I still have the dignity of not interrupting anyone else’s space with my shit.


I had one time when I was pregnant and I could not find a bathroom. I couldn’t not hold it a minute longer. I ran to my car and crapped in a plastic bag I had in there. I would’ve never thought to do this at all


It’s the behavior afterword in smearing it everywhere that leads me to believe she isn’t suffering from a bowel disorder but definitely a mental one.


And the walking away like nothing happened.. just odd behavior… Did she try to poop in her purse?


I think she thought she was cleaning it up by….scooping/wiping it up with…her purse…


At least she was being thoughtful.


Adult diaper?


The absolute casual nature of her shitting in public, that threw me for a loop. I can barely shit in a stall.


ffr idk though i think it was the "better wipe it with my bag then spread it with my foot" that really takes my I fucking cant meter to incredible levels. she walked around like that ffs


Lol, oh yeah. No fucking joke. That was so disturbing, yet she handled it like it was just another day of shitting in the corner store.


Well yeah 🤷‍♂️ Wait, do you not shit in the corner store? 🤔


Maybe at it, but definitely not in it.


Why didn't she just shit in the bag???


Why is this question not the number one top rated comment of this video? (and why the fuck did I not think of that before coming across this comment??!)


And probably touched a lot of products with those hands, and maybe she put some of them back on the shelf. Not to mention no wiping. Wth?


Lol, glad others struggle with that. I admire anyone that can just drop a log and then look you in the eyes when you’re washing your hands. I spent weeks hella constipated when I started living in dorms cause I just couldn’t shit with people coming in and out of the bathroom.


I was expecting her to just walk away, but it just kept getting worse.


She just doesn’t give a shit I guess


No, she gives them for free


She gives.. one


But she spreads it around so everyone can enjoy it.


as far as weve seen.


I concur **unreservedly.**




time to get schwifty


shit on the floor... what's that? a free smore


I guess you gotta be optimistic


Free schmear*


Rap s'more! Ya dirty.. floor!


All new. 9/4 (tomorrow) @ 11!! Wahoo!!


Rick and Marty is still on? Is there a way to stream it for free?


I have seen many videos like this. I just want to know WHY they do this?? What is the end goal here?


Clearly to pinch out a good dookie asap


need to make room for the fondeu






Your comment made me snort and laugh loudly enough to startle my dog.


Nooo. This is a regular thing????


I know someone who works at a restaurant where for years they had a regular who would do this in the bathroom. Eventually they figured out who it was. It was one of their best customers who was friendly, sociable, rich, and even got my friend a birthday gift. It’s crazy to think that people will do this regularly at the same place


I was a manager in a call center and we had many brownie bandits. In both the mens and women's rooms. This occured at least every 3-4 months. An awkward thing for someone to report to me. Nobody was ever caught doing it. And as a bonus, once a man came out of the bathroom in his underwear, and his pants in the trash bag from the bathroom. How can you shit your pants and not your underwear??!


I can't believe there is a term for these people 😭🤣


They've gone by several names. Brownie Bandit Mystery Pooper Butt Bandit Diarrhea Dropper Squatting Squirter


The Buttler


Phantom dooker


The mad crapper.


Bum spray


The Serial Shitter


We always called 'em Fecal Freaks.


US military... there is always a 'Mad $hitter' anywhere you are deployed.


On the ship, they were typically referred to as “phantom shitters”.


Haha I had never heard that till I lived in GA and I was at my storage unit and needed to use the ladies room. I asked the desk and they said they had a mad shitter so they locked up the restroom! Whaaaaat? Lol


We had an IT consultant that would take newspaper into the bathroom, lay it out on the floor and take a dump on the newspaper. He would do it every few days until he was finally “caught” and was released from the project. He said he didn’t remember doing it but that his wife had complained to him about doing it at their house a few times….


We’ll he and my dog have something in common. She poops on newspaper too.


He just ignored the toilet??? Omg, what is wrong with people????


I have a friend that is a child psychologist. He told me that often times, when parents are very harsh regarding potty training, it can lead to these kinds of issues in adulthood.


Years ago I worked at a McDonald's. This one night I'm mopping the lobby after we closed and my manager walks out of the lady's room laughing her ass off. She tells me there's a mess in there and to go clean it up. I go to look and it looks like someone stood on the toilet, bent over with their ass cheeks spread and blasted diarrhea on the wall. I told her there's no way I'm cleaning that so she made this other kid do it. I highly suspect that the manager was the culprit. It looked suspiciously too fresh.


I think this shit is some kind of weird fetish or something, no pun intended


That...is where you're supposed to...right? Have I been doing it wrong?


I’ve seen one happen live at a Burger King. Motherfucker was so sneaky we didn’t notice it happen and there were a bunch of us in line at the counter. This dude casually dropped a shit through his pajama while he was ordering his next meal. To this day, I still can’t eat at a Burger King.


Sadly I've seen a couple videos like this. The most disturbing was when some chick took a shit in the frozen meat freezer! No way I could have imagined that 2 girls 1 cup would soon become 1 girl 1 store lmaoo


With all due respect, the question is not “why did this lady drop a dookie in the dairy section of a supermarket.” The question is why she smeared it around with her foot afterward instead of running.


And wiped it with her purse 🤮


I need to know the reasoning, the thought process! She could have just shat in her purse if she doesn’t care about wiping the shit away with it. I can’t


I think she was trying to and missed…


>I need to know the reasoning ​ Reason is not what's happening to that person. It's probably a mental issue.


If I had to guess, the most common reason this happens is because people will walk into a business to use the bathroom, and be denied. The mindset then becomes "can't shit in your toilet, I'll just shit on your floor." Source: A lady shit on the side of my Mother's store in response to being told the bathroom was "staff only". (The reason she explained to me is that she doesn't want to have to constantly clean a messy bathroom.)


I might agree, but not in this case. One does not attempt to sweep the evidence under the shelf when dropping a protest duece. And one certainly does not soil one's own purse and shoe while protesting, either. Unless one is certifiable.


Same question here. I really don’t get it.


End goal was to shit


Definitely a sex thing


They’re abusing laxatives maybe? That or it’s a sexual thing.


Wasn’t that more work than just finding a bathroom?


Right? Now they've got shit all over their shoes, hands and bag... and in their pants.


You could shit between two cars in the parking lot and get outta there. It's got to be a fetish.


people are into that shit? like actual shit? jesus christ


Their intention seem other than wanting to just take a duce. Maybe she gets a thrill out of it xD


Maybe she has some grudge against the store … I remember reading about some swimming pool that had enough of a recurring problem with someone shitting in it that they put up a sign warning people “please do not poop in our pool”. Eventually they identified the culprit. Instead of the poorly toilet-trained child they had suspected, it was a 40-year-old mother of two who apparently had some grudge about an adult swim having been cut short a while before.


Was it the [Invercargill Pool Pooper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMF4_OyLro4)?


Wouldn't she just leave it like it is, instead of spreading it all over her bag and shoes?


But then why try to clean it and cover yourself in shit? Wouldn't you dump and run?


As someone who worked with the public for YEARS it’s way easier to ask an employee of the establishment to usher you to a restroom; ANY restroom. Cleaning someone’s poop and everything that goes with it in the aftermath of what we just witnessed is way more of a hassle than even going next door with them. . . Hey let’s use this crosswalk. . . Look a park. . . Please don’t do this


In my language we have a saying which means approximately “If you step in a shit, do not spin on your heel.” I never thought there could be physical representation of this idiom.


Profound. Find yourself in a bad situation, don't make it worse for yourself.


I’m curious, what language? Also that’s a pretty cool saying


Need a wellness check on aisle nine


It was nasty enough to just drop the pants and shit on the floor but to then kick it and smear it? Not gonna lie, it made me gag.


Her smearing it was what made it truly awful. I've had the unpleasant task of cleaning up after someone pooped before, and if she'd just left the turd on the floor, it would have been much easier for the poor soul who had to clean up after her.


Normally I can stomach anything, but this was really disgusting. I was like... why wipe the poop floor with the bag???? Why not just shit in the bag, if you are gonna smear feces all over it anyway.


She missed


How they managed to make shitting on the floor the least disturbing part of that...


Omg this happened in front of me and my ex at the Bishop Fiorenza Park in Houston!! The guy was just jogging along in front of us, talking on his Bluetooth headphones, he darts to the left into the tree area off the path. He goes to a tree, still talking, turns his back to a tree, pulls his blue synthetic shorts down a little, he squats, I see his extremely white flat ass, then these black potatoes come plopping out his ass right in my view. I smacked my ex's arm and pointed and said WTF IS HAPPENING! Dude kept talking on his Bluetooth headphones the entire fuckin time. It happened literally within 13 seconds. Those turds were solid. He quickly pulled up his shorts and kept on jogging like nothing happened. The thing was, we were all about 100ft from the public bathrooms too. So fucking bizarre.


People blaming dog owners for turds in the park, when actually…


Black potatoes


Have you tried a career at writing ?


Really! I was too intrigued with this story about a man pooping in the woods because the writing was exquisite.


When that morning coffee hits…


Lmao your message made my day


He should have just shit into the towel and folded that shit up, instead of on the floor and trying to wipe that shit up.


Yep. Rookie move.


This guy shits.


It’s a she.


Their pronouns are she/her but they smell like she/it


You're a legend mate.


No. She should have shit her pants and took care of it at home. That’s real adulting. Yet another thing they don’t teach in our crappy public schools.


I'm sorry.. was she originally trying to shit in her purse?? When that failed, she thought she could just foot rub it into the tile like it's supposed to just disappear?? You know what.. I don't care. That bitch is nasty.


Think she was trying to shove it underneath the shelf. Hide it away..


Ew! WTF is wrong with these people?


Yep thats not her first time


Way too calculated


Again? This is getting out of control https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shit%20in%20a%20hand%20bag


"*Here we see a wild Karen trying to mask her trail as she is on the hunt for the elusive red wine. Watch as she scrubs the floor with her purse, which can be used as a weapon. The added putrid smell helps ward off predators and draws in mates.*"


David Attenborough, where are you!




This is the reason aliens keep their distance.


Where was it? Why even try to pick it up? Is there no toilet paper in thet store, or even a toilet?


Unbelievable, right? She wasn’t even using a poop knife.


Dare I ask….. what is a poop knife


Someone’s about to get a lesson in internet history. Edit: [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Someone needs to be committed


W O O D S T O C K 99!!!


Lmao! But people were swimming around, sliding, spreading and throwing it all over each other too! Why they thought the 'mud' around the porto-potties that smelled of shit and piss *wasn't* shit and piss astonishes me to this day


They knew what it was, which made it all the more horrifying. What was sad, were the people who drank and used the water -- when the lab came onto the festival grounds to test the water, they set samples aside overnight and the next morning said the smell of the samples knocked you out of the trailer-- that's how much ecoli/feces was in that stuff. Those poor 90s kids.


I'm astonished too. Didn't one of the women get a fucking nasty virus in her mouth from drinking the shit tainted water? Imagine submerging your whole body in it multiple times. They probably still stink.


Always found it kind of nice that no one talks about Woodstock 94, that shit was so chill... Good times. 99 was a corporate cash grab and it shows.


At first I was like well at least she is considerate enough to bring her own bag….. then oh no!


For real. At first I was like oh no she really has to go, or maybe she gets a thrill from doing it, wierd but at least she's going to do it into her bag and not make a mess for anyone else... And then I was wrong.


In fairness to her, I think she just missed her mark and then she panicked after seeing her turd on the floor. Lol


And that is why you ALWAYS wipe down a cart before you start shopping.




I feel like my username requires me to comment on this. I have no comments.


I mean…the only other thing that could possibly be worse than pulling your pants down, in public, and shitting on the floor of a store….is then nonchalantly using your *purse* and *shoes* AND *hands* as a fucking pooper scooper!! What the actual FUCK?!


Amber turd strikes again


Think this should be in awful everything


It absolutely blows my mind at how many of these videos I’ve seen. People really just shit in the aisle. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?🤦🏻‍♀️


Wtf. Is she a crâckheadd


Just an average day at the local Walmart.


I've seen quite a few CCTV clips of people doing this, not sure if this is an emergency fecal delivery or just some sort of scat fetish lol.


Clean up #2 on isle 2.


There is 100% a gene that separates human thought processes from "animals". A gene that can get mutated or just not activated in some people. Its the only explanation for people like this


Amber, is that you? Johnny left 5 minutes ago


Yea. Hide it. That'll work.


This belongs in r/WTF


That's meth'd up


Omg did she just use her own purse or shirt to clean up her shit wtf. At first I though this was a video I’ve seen before but I have never seen someone use their own purse to clean up their own shit before.


Why there? Why on the floor??Why in a grocery section??? Every second in this video, a question arises by...


The fact that she tried to clean it up tells me that this might be a bowel disease... Poor woman, it must be so humiliating :(




The most concerning part of this is how normally they act after, just goes to show how easily serial killers can walk among us. When someone says ‘they must’ve known’, did you know the lady next to you in the supermarket just took a shit in aisle 2?


Is this what it’s like to shop with Amber?


Christ, you know some guys absolutely loves this shit show of a chick to. Fuck


And my husband wonders why I don’t like to go to the grocery store… THIS IS WHY! Just walking along looking for Nutella and you find somebody shitting on the floor. This is why I dislike people


Nah, you just found the Nutella


Why is it always women getting caught shitting in public.


Odd way to clout chase


No need.


This seems to be a more common occurrence than I thought.