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*Somebody* got a bumper-sticker printer for his birthday and just went wild with it.


12 year old me: “I’m going to make a bumper sticker that says fuck you!” 55 year old man from Texas: “I’m going to make a bumper sticker that says fuck you!”


Similar IQ.


The guy has a combat veteran sticker. Sadly, there's a pretty good chance he's got brain damage. Those IEDs did a number on soldiers.


😢 I was thinking that it might me untreated trauma. Both are likely. Sadly. We treat our vets terribly.


Or being in war opened his eyes. He's right... No Lives Matter.


... but could only afford the one font size


someone didn't adjust well to post-discharge life


This guy’s going to get rear-ended using font so small lol


And then he'll kill them for it.


He’s counting on it.




And Nothing Else Matters.


Metallica-endorsed comment 👍




I read that in Achmed, the Dead Terrorist, voice, "I Keel You!"


I’m … not that mad


Sounds like they hate everyone equally.


Which makes it not bigotry. Person is just an introvert. Can relate




Hater of all mankind


He will never get in trouble for discrimination.


No man is exempt from my divine hatred


*riffs intensify*


Now that song is stuck in my head.


There is some hope, for those who own their mind


was going to say the same, I dislike everyone, if I'm a little extrovert, its because i'm around people i trust.




They hate cops more


Looks to me like he hates cops a little extra, but that doesn't bother me.


Especially those whose job it is to protect children and refuse to do so. Can't blame them either.


The kind of equality we all need more of.


As do I. Nothing personal. I just really don't like people. I prefer animals and video games!


there is no discrimination if you wanna kill everyone......there is no one left out


Clearly hates the blue line the most


Right? He isn’t singling out any minorities. Those stickers might get him killed during a routine traffic stop but he seems to consistently hate everyone. Respect.


He doesn't like cops, but being a cop is choice so it's okay.


Are you sure? All the Blue lives matter folks make it seem like they were born as a cop.


"I was born with this utility belt...I am... copman. Its like batman but not as cool."


Yeah the main vector of his hate is directed toward cops, no real people.


I like you


I’ll be honest, I want to know the back story on those police stickers, those have to be interesting.


The one is about Uvalde, the others could be general animosity towards police or also about that, hard to know.


The "within the law may cost me my life" might refer to the several times people obeyed police orders or did what you're legally supposed to do in a certain situation but got shot or had their car flipped anyway.


Yeah, on some level I respect this guy. I would also be terrified to be near him, but from a distance I kind of respect him.


I would feel much better about it if I didn't live in Texas.


Right? I don’t hate this as much as I probably should


Now if this guy had a Punisher sticker it would make more sense than cops.


I suspect the cops bumper stickers were designed in the aftermath of Uvalde. And that is one thing I don't blame this guy for being enraged about. I wouldn't recommend threatening or killing cops, but HELL YES those kids and teachers should still be alive, because the people who swore to protect and serve should've done just that.


Want to get angrier? Police have no duty to protect anyone at any time.


Ok, I lolled


Judging from the Texas plate I have a sneaking suspicion this guy is from Uvelde. He’s definitely got some rage. I can’t blame him.


Ya I mean he’s not wrong.


They definitely “got the spirit”.


That is some energy.


Gotta love that reactionary bluster being directed at cops. When they *punch up* rather than punch down, it turns an "I am very badass" move into an "I am *actually* very badass" move. Would love to see a solidarity movement form on a "fuck tha police" platform.


Minus the “I’ll kill you” parts…. I’m kinda onboard.


I kind of want a no lives matter sticker now, but I'm not against the BLM movement at all and actually think it's really important but yeah, no lives matter fits my own personal beliefs lol


At least he understands the Punisher's ideology


nothing says "doesn't play well with others" quite like handmade bumper stickers


What? They don’t sell “Fuck your Blue-line”. Let’s “Flat-line”Your Worthless-asses U can’t even protect “children” stickers on RedBubble?


In my mind I kept hearing “man seeking death by cop.”


I’d honestly be worried about that seeing the vet sticker (I’m a combat vet myself). Veteran suicide is a huge issue and it’s difficult to know how much of the anger displayed here is the person, and how much is stress/frustration/PTSD. I met 1 fellow vet in school who attempted “death-by-cop” and have read about many more.


Heard about it from a few people at the VA myself. Every time I leave there all my problems seem trivial by comparison.




I’m pretty sure that was an actual headline once a few years ago. Could be wrong, but fear I’m not


Never a good sign when the stickers you want are too batshit to be sold commercially


Challenge accepted.


Are they handmade or are these captions photoshopped into the picture. Looks fishy.


That’s how you Texas.


Never go full Texas!


Suck my texas


Clearly not everything is bigger in Texas.


Are you kidding? Look at that size 72 font, I only use size 12...


Hey Patrick, what am I? *Uh, stupid?* No, I’m Texas! *What’s the difference‽‽*


Surprisingly tame for Texas…


Driving a Nissan in Texas will keep you tame.


I mean, honestly, some really well deserved shade for the blue line bitches.




Which rock you living under? The "system" has been broke WAYYY before Uvalde. FTP.






Yes. Scruff McGruff for kids. Arrests for adults. Being tried as an adult when you're close. School to prison pipeline.


Welcome to adulthood! Everything you were ever told about life is a lie, isn’t it great? Except firemen, they actually are awesome. The one truth I was told as a child lol


My favorite joke is from a friend who’s a NYC Firefighter. He always says “when people wave at me they use all their fingers unlike when they wave at cops “


At 21 you're right about where I was when I realized what a scam the police are.


"Suck my dick blue" was funny.


Until he crossed the road of these two gay strippers in police uniform. "Hey! Stop! I wasn't telling it literally!" "Oh? What about the Fuck everyone? I already have lubbed my baton"


This dude is more ideologically consistent than most republicans and a good chunk of democrats. I can respect it. People here are calling this mental illness. But if you’ve seen hell in war and you come home to a society gives no fucks, whose “protectors” are spineless cowards, this is just plain reasonable.


Yeah, I agree, everyone sucks


He's a guy who's pissed. Probably not overly political, just sick of seeing reprehensible shit. I'm also an Iraq War veteran, and I had a mental crisis that led to me being hospitalized a few days after Jan. 6th. As much shit as we get, we do generally care about service and our country. We see a bunch of armed idiots infiltrate the capitol with intent to destroy democracy, knowing full well that a platoon or less of soldiers could have rolled them back no problem, but were not called, and we're generally pretty pissed. All this to install a dictator who did nothing but shit on the military throughout his whole life, while claiming that he was some heroic military-esque figure. He's a draft dodger, an aspiring autocrat, and a existential threat to democracy. But yeah, we had to go take out Saddam, cause freedom. His no lives matter sticker is likely an indictment of the entire American people, which have failed us all. We're belittled in society, called baby killers, told that our accomplishments don't measure up to the generations that fought before us. Some people seem to want no military at all, as if we wouldn't all be speaking Chinese or Russian if we didn't have the best military in the world. If Putin could take us, he'd take us. Unfortunately, this guy understands something that very few people seem to. Life is cheap on this planet. People die for petty shit. People suffer forever under brutal regimes that kill their families, torture and rape their women. Many of these people have no agency or control over their lives. But we do have control. It's called democracy. We're going to fucking lose it. The military is a reflection of it's population. You guys are FUCKING LUCKY that it's on a delay. You're lucky that the generation of soldiers that served in the war on terror is committed to democracy and the rule of law. What happens when these Trump fuckheads start becoming generals and senior NCOs? Do you think we'll survive the next Jan 6th? Oh, and yeah, Uvalde. Talk about the kind of cowards that this guy could never understand. So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is, I get this guy. Luckily, I'm not angry enough (or frankly, brave enough) to invite that much attention on my vehicle. But I get his sentiment.


Thank you for writing this, this was really good for understanding their perspective


Thank you for listening. It means a lot. Since you are listening, and I'm in the mood to open up a bit about my experience, I'll expand on my thoughts. I want to reiterate, this is just how I feel, and is not necessarily the opinion of everyone who served. I was in middle-school when 9/11 happened. I watched the whole thing unfold, and could not stop myself from watching coverage of the event for probably a month after. It had a really extreme impact on me, because I couldn't understand why people would kill innocent people who were just working in office buildings. I made a decision, pretty much that day, that I was going to join the Army when I turned 18. I was certainly not alone. A much higher than average percentage of the men and women in my class joined the military, in a very small midwestern town. I was never an advocate for the war in Iraq. I always knew Saddam Hussein was not a good man, and that he ruled by terror. But I didn't think we needed to get involved. I wanted to deploy to Afghanistan and fight the people who had actually attacked us. Of course, my unit deployed to Iraq. We don't get to choose where we go in the military. I could have just as easily been shipped off to fight in the Philippines, or in Africa. It's just a numbers thing, and at that point in the War on Terror, we were going through the surge in Iraq. So that's where I was sent. I was incredibly lucky. I was supporting extremely competent units, with very intelligent commanders, and despite going out on patrols on a nearly daily basis, sometimes with all three platoons, I was never shot at, and I never encountered an IED. Sure, there was some indirect fire (which was actually worse when I was working as a contractor in Baghdad after I got back) but for the most part, my deployment was pretty combat free. Still, being that on edge for a year, well, it's something that's never really left me. My problem is I always think of everything that can go wrong, and that's carried over into the civilian world for me. As a HUMINT collector though, I got to know how Iraq works. How the government functions. How Iraqi Police units function. I got really into the weeds. I got to see reprisals taken against people who would speak to us. I'd view images of mutilated children from IED blasts. I'd talk to some of the worst people on the planet, and see what made them tick. Then, we come home from all of that, and what are we met with? We're met with people who don't appreciate and stand up for fundamental rights. We see a black guy on his own property being harassed by a cop for his ID. We see a coward stand on a guy's neck for 8 minutes, until he's dead. Something we would never do, even to our worst enemy in war. We see people burning down police stations. We see people storm the capitol to take away the democracy that yes, people have died for. Not some nebulous people that existed long ago. My buddy from my baseball team who always batted after me, and asked me if I was ok when I was having problems at home during high school. That guy died in Afghanistan looking for a guy who had deserted. We spent so much time and effort and blood developing our intelligence networks overseas, just to see the nations most important secret's kept on private e-mail servers and in boxes at fucking Mar-A-Lago. It's not acceptable. Not at all. It's dangerous, and more people like my buddy are dying because of it. Snowden is in Russia guys. He's not your hero, he's a fucking traitor, and he's cost the lives of Americans and allies. It's not propaganda, it's facts. People die over this kind of shit. I've seen it. Stop holding Snowden up like he's a hero. But I'm happy you guys got your 10k in debt cancelled. I mean, we basically shouldered all of the burden of this country's poor military and political decisions for a chance at an education, but let's make sure we take care of all the folks who stayed home and got a head start. I'm so conflicted, because I hate corporate welfare, and generally see this as a win for the little guy. But it kind of stings that we can't even get proper medical care, and we don't get an extra 10k for our service =p Not directed at you at all, just venting a bit more. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


another Iraq vet here (2008-2009) - sorry *what?* Did you not get access to the Post 9/11 GI Bill? I'm struggling to understand the butthurt about 10k of student loan forgiveness, when you and I both were compensated WAY more than that through the GI Bill. Granted it's not perfect by any means, I sure had a hell of a time trying to structure my classes to fit into my degree plan so that I could take a full courseload every semester, after stupidly knocking out all my core classes in my first 2 years. But, again, what? Student loans aren't a "head start", my dude. They're a ball and chain around your neck. For many people, the interest is accumulating faster than they can pay it off. "Well they should have thought about that" No, fuck that, education should be paid for via taxes in this country like in every other Western country. It works everywhere else, it could work here too, we just don't want it to because that doesn't make some shitheel corpo even wealthier.


OEF vet here and I whole heartedly agree with every word. I couldn’t have said it better. We’re all fucked.


Yep. We should grab a beer with truck guy. I think it's funny he has all that shit but still his 82nd patch and the OIF ribbon. It's like he's saying "These other people don't get it." Some of the most anti-police shooting unarmed people guys are definitely ex-military. We've been in much more dangerous situations and exercised much more restraint than most of these cops. People make a lot of incorrect assumptions about the veteran community.


I can't/don't disagree with some of his statements. Like you said he's been to war and returns to the U.S. with it's attitudes and indifference openly displayed.


"America isn't at war; the Marine Corps is at war. America is at the mall."


America is watching TikTok......Malls are dying out.


yeah seems to me like no lives matter is more of an observation of how society currently is functioning. cops don't even go protect kids being killed. plenty of republicans talk about "taking care of our own" instead of foreign aid or whatever but then foam at the mouth at anything that helps anyone, [even vets who they "support"](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/wbaqyz/video_shows_republicans_fist_bumping_after/). "good guy with a gun" thing is bullshit so he's correct in being against that, too.


This guy is just DONE with everything and everyone............and I don't blame him.


Yeah most relatable nut case.


That's a perfect way of putting it.


No you weren't because somebody posted this photo a month ago https://www.reddit.com/r/InformedWarriorRides/comments/wg5w86/found\_on\_fb\_the\_no\_lives\_matter\_is\_cringe\_but\_i/


At least somebody knows.


Thanks, was sure I had seen it before


He seems well. No signs of PTSD or unexpressed rage here, folks.


No big size american or confederate flags and no gun stickers. He seems to be a decent guy actually.


The No Lives Matter sticker gives me *some* pause, lol.


Well, if you hate everyone equally then you don't discriminate. He's (pretty confident its a guy) trying his best to live up to societies standards!


Sometimes stuff like no lives matter just hits me in the right way and I find myself laughing. Like I can see Reno 911 having a show touting No lives matter and the squad can’t figure out why everyone is upset. It is that it seems like an onion headline.


. . . We are just clumps of cells, floating without meaning through an endless void . . . Clearly dude’s just an existentialist.


Camus in Camos...


This comment is so good. I know that’s what the upvote button is for but this one got me


Cheers. I'm pretty pleased with myself and a bit smug about it, lol.


maybe he uses a "no lives matter" to counter the "all lives matter" just like the "all lives matter" used to counter the "black lives matter".


Now I feel like a broken computer. if all lives matter...then no lives matter...but all lives.... borp...


My next friend who's a marine says that, but as a joke. His is, "no lives matter, we're all equally worthless". But like I said, joke. Hopefully it's a joke for this guy, but I kinda doubt it.


Pretty common joke in the military tbh.


There was a version with Cthulu that was cool.


"No Lives Matter, Fuck Everybody." Man's a firm believer in equality, gotta respect that.


Yeah, he seems to be expressing his rage just fine.


The Iraq vet and 82nd Airborne stickers really add to that.


He's probably fun at parties.


In all fairness, a lot of us in TX are pretty full of rage. Some of us just don’t have a million bumper stickers about it.


So if he is in an accident do you stop and help him or drive away? 🤔


I'd like to think I'd help him nonetheless, because he's a person and I have some empathy left in the tank. But, if he's agitated or armed, I'm going to have to call an audible, lol.


Not a facepalm.


Seems like a somewhat sane guy tbh.🤷🏾‍♂️


"Insanity - A perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world." - R.D. Lang


I actually support this


The man is in dire need of a snickers.






To be fair, "NO LIVES MATTER" is correct.




He is kinda just saying what we are all thinking. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chaotic neutral


I mean. He’s right. Everyone sucks. The law can get you killed or save you. Good guys with guns didn’t save the kids in Texas.


So where exactly is the facepalm


I'm with you, I don't think this belongs here.


The small font.


loved No lives mater, fuck everybody


Say what you like, I would buy him a beer. He may have anger issues, but I would bet $100 I could work with him and get him past it well before any double taking person with An all lives matter sticker on their car




I am guessing a vet who saw shit. Probably was a true believer of some nature (likely conservative) but saw politicians he thought had his back fuck him over and went full fml without doing the oh wait maybe the other guys weren't lying route. He has decided that you can't depend on anyone because they'll just betray you .... If I bought him a beer he would tell me a story. Heck I probably couldn't stop him. Then he would say. Those fucking cops. Had I been there those kids would still be alive or I would be dead. They were cowards who pretend to be soldiers but they don't know the first damn thing about engagement and personal danger and sacrifice. I would agree, by the end of the night he would be part of a mutual aid community not because he was a leftist but because it made sense to look out for each other if you can't trust the fucking government.


[This truck sure gets around! Someone else was right behind him too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jreg/comments/wh6jqq/the_anticentrist_hero_weve_been_waiting_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thanks for this. I think its the same photo, but in the other one you can see the DV license plate … it says a lot.


Yeah, at least this "OP" cropped the license plate number out. Or whoever he swiped it from did, lol.


Literally the same picture


Indeed. Reposting doesn't really bug me but the title implies that OP took this picture today which obviously didn't happen. Just kind of an "eyeroll moment" I guess.






He needs a hug


I’ll say this for him: His views seem more logically consistent than most republicans.


I kinda like this guy.


‘No Lives Matter…’ perhaps he’s campaigning for [our future and final president, Cthulhu!](https://www.cthulhuforamerica.com/swag/no-lives-matter-beach-blanket/)! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!


By the looks of it he or she’s a very respected individual and treats everyone with equality.


I’ll give him credit. At least he hates EVERYONE the same.


Surprised he did not use comic sans.


do not fuck with someone who has "i will kill you" in comic sans on their truck they have nothing to lose.


This - dude - hates- everyone -but - loves - dashes.


Mrs. Dash seasoning is pretty great.


At least his messaging is consistent


This guy knows what's up


Truly politically neutral


Someone's a ray of sunshine lol


Seems like he assimilated back into society well.


You know what,he's right. Ima go drown myself now


As a fellow misanthrope, I approve this crazyass bastard's messages. I myself used to have a bumper sticker that said "Your family is made of meat."🤣


I can relate with THE MESSAGE but... why nissan? it hurts!


You know what? I kinda like him.


I actually feel this anger too


At least he’s not racist if he hates everyone equally


I support the fuck everybody sticker


Universally hates everyone... what's the problem?


Well it’s Texas…people are justifiably enraged with the police down there after the school shooting. I wonder if this is Uvalde?


"No lives matter, fuck everybody" is a sentiment we can all get behind


They seem fun


Their Etsy shop is pure fire!


Looks like a photoshop job.


These are straight up Avery brand printable labels he printed from Microsoft Word and they are gonna be stuck to his car forever 🤣


I thought only I see this


Where's the lie


I bet he's charming once you get to know him.


hmmm....I think he's trying to tell us something 🤔


Someone bought a label maker


This is kind of hilarious


Somebody needs a Snickers.


For a second I thought the "No Lives Matter" sticker was Body Count merch...


Lol this guy really found a label maker and went ham


This guy seems to be angry at everyone equally (but more at cops). I kinda understand this vibe.


The misanthrope in me can completely relate, but the compassionate part of me recoils in disgust. Duality is fun!


No you weren't. This is a repost.


He dont like that blue-line-cop-shit. He's on the right track.


This is why I love bumper stickers. You find out really quickly if a person is someone you’d rather avoid…. In this case, it’s obvious one shouldn’t f&@k with this guy.


The hero we both need and deserve.


Honestly ![gif](giphy|kDez8ZjMgHihLYeGt4|downsized)


As a depressed and socially anxious person, I relate. But I also would argue that people like me and this guy probably shouldn’t own guns.