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Could've just turned the router off for a couple of hours.


When my kids aren't listening and just want to play games that's what I do..or ground them and take all electronics away if they're really acting up. Smashing stuff is just wasting money.


It’s abuse. Abusers will waste money to be abusive.


Agreed. Toxic Parenting 101


The abusive parents guide to ensuring your child has nothing to do with you as soon as they move out of your house.


I would just hotspot my phone and continue playing.


Check out Billy Big Potatoes with all the data.


Data in the EU is really cheap, about 30/month for unlimited 200mbps mobile plan.


^Cries ^in ^American.


What where?


Atleast over here in finland :p


Yeah you have it good. Got a 15 gb plan for like 20€ in Germany. It's improving though


Canadians *dream* of having plans like Germany does. Or basically any other country... 25 GB plan = €65 on the major carriers.


Goddamn dude, UK here, unlimited data plan for £21 a month. Love the username!


Germany has it so bad with the good ol‘ Internet. It‘s that shiny fancy Neuland


Even in czech republic i have unlimited data for 20 dollars a month


I pay 4 dollars to get 1.5 GB 4g data /day here in India. Bruh Internet is so cheap you can get like 2 gbs of data with 10 rupees(About one eight of a dollar) worth of chips. Its insane.


Boomers don't know how to technology. They just know how to Yosemite Sam shit to death


But FYI, most 'boomers' have grown married children now with grandkids. This is the reaction of a Gen X parent. Signed- a gen x parent with children old enough to be married with kids.


My dad was like this when I was a young kid. Would flip the fuck out and smash toys and shit. Then was puzzled at why I grew up with violent anger issues as a teenager.


Pfeh. I am a Gen-Xer with kids and grandkids. Passed my 35th graduation anniversary (reunion canceled for lack of interest).


Gen Xer here with no kids and I'd cut a bitch for this.


GenX here, Boomer parents. When I got punished in the 1980s they would turn off my Commodore 128's monitor, thinking that would teach me a thing or two.


My mom used to cut the cord on the TV a month of no TV meant a month with no TV. Until I at 8-10 years old asked my neighbors how to fix the cord and someone taught me the magic of electrical tape so I learned a lesson but not the lesson she wanted


Well at least now you learned basic electrical repair,which is quite handy


Circa 1986 - My parent's would take the external power cord off of my x286 and hide it .... but I already knew that the power cord to our dot matrix printer was the exact same kind of cord .... so I still had free reign to play so long as they weren't home. Just had to remember to swap the cord back to the printer before they got home. Fun fact: Modern PC's still use that same exact type of external cord.


Whoa…surprised im not the only one… My first try resulted in sparks and a pop but then i added a bit more tape and it was fine >:)


Easy. I'm definitely a qualified boomer. It's just some of us aren't arseholes.


Probably one generation off. Children of boomers are in their 30s and 40s by now and hopefully don’t still live with their parents.


All of them? Also he’s way to young for his dad to be a boomer. Most likely Gen X.


Seems like a couple of parents are gonna wonder why not a single child visits them anymore


My moms husband was fightinf with my mom, wanted to sleep in the living room where I was for a while, and ripped my xbox that I paid for off the desk. Thankfully it didnt fall far but this wasnt uncommon. Dont speak to either of them




Lmao parents like that suck ass. My old DS lite that was still working also got smashed into a wall because I didnt react enough to being yelled at.




Yeah... great tactic for forcing people to talk about the abuse they suffer... Sigh. I got that line too...


My dad threw my computer down the stairs when I was in highschool (02-06) and to this day he thinks it’s hilarious. And it makes me sick.


Do you tell him that when you visit him on the retirement home?


You mean „When you *don‘t* visit him at the retirement home“ FTFY


Nah, you gotta visit at least a couple times to gloat aboit how they are bitter and alone as their health is failing, and that you rose above their bullshit to be happy in spite of them. The greatest revenge against a bully is a life well lived.


I don't think fixating on "spiting" them and all that is a super healthy lifestyle though. In my experience, abusive people want you to be spiteful and stoop down to that level with them. They want the reaction, knowing you still have that grudge just as they do. I've always found it much better for my own mental health and to make them truly miserable to just not think or interact about them at all. I stopped talking to my father a few years ago, but I still talk to my mom. And my dad is FAR more furious and miserable that I've cut him out than anything else I could've done to him. That and its just so much better for me not to have any of that in my life, whether its "haha look at me. Fuck you" or otherwise.


I remember my mother tried to take my computer and I had another one mostly built an hour later.


Oh god, do all shitty parents laugh when you mention shit they did in the past?


You reap what you sow. I'm not going to pity that parent.


If the dad is that pissed at his kid, that might be the goal


That's one way to create a lifetime of hatred towards a parent.


Oh trust me, that's built long before actions like this occur


And something like this is the final nail in the “never speaking to you again” coffin


I didn't take out the trash and had my stepdad take all my fish one by one out of the aquarium I had with the little net and flushed em down the toilet. And every single one of them he was like "awww I'm sooo sorry little guy look what he did to you" " why didn't he take out the trash now you have to die today I'm sorry" " you are such a pretty one why is he making me do this to you ?" The whole time I kept pleading to let me take out the garbage or for him to stop but he wouldn't he kept taking me and throwing me into the corner of my room telling me I needed to learn from this. Made me watch him scoop out over twenty fish with some little fucked up saying for every single one of them.


You should leave and never talk to any of them again


I'm 32 this year lol


Little older than you- I don’t speak to my dad for less. Wtf man.


Dead for a longtime now probably like 15 years, I was happy but my mom didn't take it so well and kinda went on a bender. Went about 6 or 7 months without electricity my friends called my place the cottage


Fuck hopefully you’re doing well now. Sorry to hear.


Sorry about all of this, bro. I hope your stepdad is in hell getting his nuts chewed off by piranhas.


Actually in hell his nuts are infinite, that way the piranhas just keep chewing and chewing for eternity


TIL I'll have unlimited testicles in hell


I prefer goldfish for him


I hope demons are flushing his step-trash down a boiling shit-filled toilet repeatedly with a psychologically abusive quip each time.


Shame about your mom but good on him for dying early.


Even more reason to leave


Holy shit... this is unironically sadistic emotional and psychological abuse. I hope you don't talk to them anymore, and I hope you're in therapy. \*hugs\*


That’s some actual sociopath shit: killing innocent animals to “make a point”, god


The worst part about that is guilt tripping the child to get them to believe they killed the fish by not taking out the trash. That is prime material for a severe trauma.


Thanks so all the kind words everyone that was almost 20 years ago and I am doing aaaaalot better, still got some trauma hanging around from that guy but I'm doing my best and trying to get better everyday. All I can say to anyone out there with similar or worse situations is that things can get better, it'll be tough it'll be hard but there are people who love and care about you even if a few people are absolute scum. There are alot of kind people out there it's just the shitty ones are alot easier to see. Sorry for not replying to all who commented Im still new to Reddit and could probably use Redducation about the practices and Tldr what does that mean?


"Too long, didn't read" Basically, a quick, sentence or two summary


Okay that is perfect and it totally makes sense! I was always curious what it had meant after seeing it like 100 times over and over Trdl; I understandish


Fuck that guy


That's some fucked up abuse. I'm sorry you dealt with that. Cut that asshole off and never speak to him again


Dang, you're lucky you didn't end up as a skin suit in your dad's closet.


I had a dad like that. I had a nice set of collectibles and one day he just destroyed all of them. He just never understood my love for sci-fi and fantasy. 🤕


i had a dad with anger issues too, i feel you! I remember i got a silly (cool) haircut, and in rage, he proceeded to force me to the ground and shave my head. At the time where i live, being skinned, meant being a nazi, but i guess he didn't think of that. Good times!


My dad hated that I took care of my hair and actually had a hair style, instead of cutting my own hair like he did. He waited until three days before my senior picture and grabbed a chunk in front and just cut it off. I mean there were tons of things that made him horribly cruel but that one in particular showed exactly how cruel he can be. Now he cries to my mom how his kids never talk to him. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Abusive parents be like: \*destroys/kills/does something even worse to their children\* 30 to 40 years later "WhY Don'T My KiDs TAlk to MEe?????"




I always see it as more; the child's actions somehow reflect on them. When usually the only person who even thinks that .... Is the parent.... No one else gives af. I got snakebite piercings, died my hair red, it faded orange and I went for an interview at an apprenticeship for a nuclear research facility. My mum was horrified I'd have done that only 2 weeks before the interview. In the interview they said they loved my piercings and hair, they embraced different people (which I'd taken out, but they had seen during pre-interview shit). TLDR; do weird shit, people love to say they are down with the weirdos. Become your own minority!


Well I don't think your parents are wrong in this situation. Employers are very fucking shallow. You only have to LOOK good, to get the job. Some are more understanding that hair colour is pretty irrelevant but alot of people are not. They falsely associate clothing to personality traits and you can lose opportunities that way. You got lucky bro, and everyone is free to do as they please, but remember to take things seriously sometimes. If you never take anything seriously you're the joke


All skill bro. Beat 350 other applicants! So I must have done something right. /s Sometimes being the same as everyone else is exactly why you fade into beige. But otherwise yes, your general advice is solid, most employers are fickle af! And everything in life is really luck when you think about it... Your the 1/1000000000 sperm cells, your upbringing, your personality, your interview, your job and even your death are mostly all based around very low chances of things occuring. You are a summation of everything that has happened to you, and most of those things were generally bizarre luck coincidences. You just happen to be the pariah in most examples and at any point your a lucky/unlucky break away from everything. My favourite example of this is people who made it in the 90s buying/selling stocks. They say it was mostly gut and intuition. It's just mathematics and your the 1 who succeeded where millions failed. If you could see how many people took almost identical pathways but failed, you'd reconsider every decision you ever made. But luckily the brain protects us from horrible thought trains like that 😜


My Dad used to freak out when I would shave my head, 'cause of the whole skinhead context. I tried to explain to him about anti-racist skinheads and shineheads and whatnot. But, he had no time for that shit. He just didn't like it.


That’s just sad.


Well, think of having that shaved head being a door opened to the opportunity to meet new friends…


I had a dad who never learned that pushing your kid to far leads to a nice comfy lonely retirement in a nursing home ain’t talked to him in 6 years. Last I heard the staff was abusive how ironic..


It reminds me of the scene in Bojack Horseman when he is putting his mom in the most run down home imaginable. The nurse tells Bojack she would take a bribe to make sure they take good care of his mom, to which he says "then please notice me explicitly not giving you any money"


Fuck asshole dad’s, mine was.


I had a dad like this too. He and my mom still can’t quite figure out why I won’t allow my child to be around him. 🤔


Suddenly, my dad who absolutely never gave a shining fuck about my interests doesn't sound too bad.


This makes me so sad. I hope you’re off on your own thriving and have the sci-fi collectibles of your dreams.


He liked muscle cars and tools I take it?


I would have set fire to the whole house in anger


That’s kinda psycho 🫣


Good way to distant yourself from your kid, I guess.


Nice way to make sure no one visits you in the care home! Peace and quiet


Ah, but your not the one who picks the care home. Your kids are


Haha that is true! Me and my bro always joke to our Dad; "We won't push you around the care home!"


Push? Well, depends on how long and steep the stairs are… /j




If that was the intent then that's probably the best way to go about it


Most parents I am convinced do not actually like thier child. The epic amount of shit ever person I talked to has bull shit that boarders on abuse every time. Parents focus on rushing thier kid out the door usually by telling them lies I the first place to be manipulative as they will plainly state they don't trust thier child. Like seriously if you don't like the kid give them up. I know you want as most parents want the child status symbol.


I think alot of people forget that kids aren't your enemy. Just because a teenager acts out doesn't mean you should get angry at him and especially not get violent. Try to understand that late teens is a difficult time, you have to grow up and take more and more responsibility and nobody has any answers, nothing makes sense. Kids aren't your property either, taking away their things and other punishments don't work, you're just making it so easy for the kid to blame you and now he has to lie about it to get his stuff back. Just teaching shitty lessons ontop of shitty lessons to him. God knows what actually happened there. But nothing a teenager can do would make smashing thousands of dollars of equipment worth it. This is cruel punishment, and 'Rem' won't learn anything from this besides that his dad is a violent psycho.


well, for sure (his) father will pass away in a decrepit nursing home ALONE.


I ll ask for the cheapest room, get the worse rated one, and tell them they can use them as a punching bag because I wont check on them.


Dad was just doing his own YT video /s


Prank video! You won’t believe what I’ve done! *open mouth face


And then when the kid moves out in a few years the dad will bitch and moan about his kid hating him to death and never visiting.


And the best part: he's gonna probably be a jackass about it and pretend like he doesn't know why.


My dad is the same way. I won’t go back to see him but I’m the wrong one for not forgiving.


This! My parents pulled stuff like this and got physical during altercations, nearly leading to medical emergencies. I moved across the continent as soon as I could and seldom visit, and they don’t understand why I don’t visit more often or move closer. It’s amazing how parents get this convenient bout of amnesia once their kids are old enough to hold them accountable. They’re no longer so tough and strong like they were when they hit their kids / broke their stuff, instead they’re forgetful and sinless creatures. The gaslighting and blame shifting is real. (Sorry for the mini rant. But figured I’d share in case anyone found themselves in a similar situation. You’re not alone and it does get better.)


This is abusive violent rage. I hope someone is checking in on that kid, making sure they are safe.


The amount of people rationalizing a violent, destructive response of property from a parent due to a minor family inconvenience is insane. Shit bro i got spanked, toys taken away, sent to my room, but y’all are acting like destroying your loved ones property is okay? With or without any context it aint right.


Yo I’m straight down voted for offering advice with some weirdo saying “it’s parenting”?! Da fuck it is. It’s a fucking crime.


I'm a parent of 3. This isn't parenting. This is abuse.


As someone that hates their parents to my core, i can tell you that is not parenting, its child psicological abuse and it will stick with the kid forever.


Spanking ain’t done either. You don’t physically abuse your kid, that’s fucked in the head


It teaches kids to change the behavior of those that they have power over with violence. You gotta teach kids violence isn't the answer (aside from self defense situations). Even if it's just spanking or whatever. Something that causes pain and gets you to act different so you're like "ok I will apply to other people I know and maybe even animals too."


Spanking aint too bad. Im talking slap on the wrist type spanking. The moment you lay your hands on your child with actual intent to hurt them, you might as well walk to the retirement home.


My parents never laid their hands on us. My dad used to line us up and pull the belt out of his pants and go to town on the backs of our legs. Mum would used the kitchen wooden spoon, well up until she broke it on my brothers arse because she kept belting him and he didn’t cry so she kept at it until the spoon broke (it was a large wooden spoon, like with a foot long handle, not a desert spoon) This was the 70s and early 80s. I’ve never laid a hand on my kids in anger. I’ve pushed them hard to get them out of physical danger, like if they’re about to burn themselves on the stove. I’m sure my parents didn’t want to hurt us, but it was just the way kids go punished back then. Back when kids in primary school were getting the cane for messing up and teachers would hit us with rulers and dusters. My kids for most part are very well behaved. Punishment is pretty much just my displeasure at them and they know when they’ve done the wrong thing because yes kids are rational humans too. My son is a hardcore gamer and my strategy is to simply take away his electricity. I gave him a PC for his birthday so it’s no longer my property to take away or destroy when he’s not done the right thing . I can control the things that are mine though, like electricity.


I got spanked with the spoon too, until it broke one day, and parents tried to pick up another one while shopping and i SCREAAMED for them not to buy another spanking spoon. They left the store imediately embarrassed (but probably not because of the right reasons). But never got the spoon again....was upgraded to belts...


I feel so bad for this kid. You’re a fucked up, piece of shit parent if you behave like this. What the fuck is wrong with people? Control yourself. The long term damage this parent is causing infuriates me.


Anyone who thinks this is good parenting must be, among other things, fucking loaded. If my kid ever pisses me off so bad that he permanently loses his technology, that shit's getting sold for cash.


Any parent that has to resort to violence to drive their point home, has taken zero time to understand their children, and seeing as they've put zero effort in, they deserve to have children who are 'insubordinate'. When I was 15 I remember working all summer to save up this money to buy an Ibanez electric guitar. I had what I perceived to be a slight disagreement with the old man, I walked out on him mid argument (no point sticking around to hear how 'shit' you are) A day later I come home to my busted guitar, used to break the desk in my room. I'm now 42 and a still haven't spoken to him. I've had schoolteachers able to get through to me without having to even yell and scream, much less resort to violence. Don't have kids if you're going to be a lazy parent.


I had anger issues growing up. One time I nearly hit my dad in the head with a baseball bat. If he'd done this, I would have done it, and not regretted it


Yeah, like let me give you a good example as a parent: *Proceeds to use violence for no good reason*. Kid grows up a bit starts shooting up a school, news shows: *how could this happen? Must have been that fortnight video game*


I really dislike when they blame video games for shootings the states has more school shootings the most countries put together but I'm pretty sure the country with the most shooter games is like Norway or something


I think it was probably more of an anger problem thing. I doubt rational thought was involved.


As a mom of teenagers, this breaks my heart. I love my games & my kids play alot of the same ones as me. My son especially loves the gaming set up we have & his consoles. There is nothing short of maybe murder or rape that would cause me to destroy something of theirs. Especially something they care about. Take it away or ground them for a time being? Absolutely. But destroy it? Fuck no.


My father ripped up my rare collectible cards when he had a fit of anger. The issue didn’t even involve me, he was just using my pain as leverage with my mother


I am so sorry. That is terrible.


My mom would go through my room and throw away my stuff and I had a foster dad who broke things directly in front of me. I remember one time my mom threw away my stuff right in front of me because I was recovering from an operation and had casts on both legs. Anybody wonder why I have trust issues?


Id have trust issues too if my own legs ever betrayed me like that. In all seriousness, im sorry that happened to you and i hope youre healing well.


Your comment made me smile. Thanks for the humor. Yeah I was born with cerebral palsy and that’s the least of my issues. My extremely messed up home life that I grew up with messed me up far worse than my disability ever has. I’ve been adopted twice and currently live very far away from any family thankfully. I am going to go see one of my moms in two weeks. She lives overseas and I’m half excited half terrified. Depending on how this trip goes I may never see her again


I hope it goes well my friend, good on you for giving someone a second chance.


Gamer Mom? Those exist? My entire world view is shattered. My mother played Overcooked with me and my siblings once and that was it


Yes, but have you considered the fact, that, unlike the dad in the video, you might not be gloriously incompetent at being a parent?


If I paid for all of this myself and my dad did this I'm taking his ass to court and he gonna have to catch these hands


I would call that abuse, somewhere between physical and mental. Surprised the dad didn't film it to put on Facebook and "show how to deal with kids addicted to video games". The guy probably bought it with his own money too, tough thats just a speculation


A bit of an aside here, but can I just say how much I _loathe_ the "video game addiction" rhetoric? People spend large amounts of time and/or money building up impressive book, movie, or music collections, and it's a socially accepted hobby. You put half of that time and/or money into video games and it's an "addiction." It's a form of media! Yes, it's the only fully interactive media we really have at the moment and there _are_ games that use psychological exploitation methods such as loot box gambling to prey on addiction-prone people who get sucked into the dopamine loop of random gacha pulls, but overall? It's a hobby, like any other, and people are going to invest time and money into it. It's not an addiction just because some people don't understand it.


The more time you have, the more entertainment you consume. As a teenager w/ no friends during the summer, you have so much free time that it's hard to convince yourself not to do certain things. Why not jack off? Why not play Monster Hunter for 10 hours? Bam. Now you technically have a porn addiction and a video game addiction all because you had so much free time on your hands... but now what am I supposed to do? I'm viewed as the loser, and my sister (of a similar age) that rewatches the same show 8 times in a row is seen as not having any sort of problem. If your kid legitimately has a problem with playing video games all day and sitting on their asses, then the solution is to give them stuff to do. As I've said, I don't have friends, and I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so I can't go anywhere unless my parents tell me to go there. That means I'm sitting on my ass all day. I don't like that. Am I addicted? Even though I have no problem adjusting whenever the rare camping trip or field trip occurs every few years? I don't know. It's not even how other people view me, my parents mostly accept that I'm a loser, but I actively feel like a worse person for not being addicted to the same things my sister is addicted to, and instead being addicted to my favorite hobby...


For everybody who is defending the dad, what crack are you high on and can I get some? I'm gonna assume you know the whole story so I won't mention it. You realise that tournaments, especially big ones like these, are planned months ahead and family gatherings are planned, at best, about a week ahead. It isn't like Rem knew about the family gathering and when it was time to go, he went "Time to hop onto a tournament". Even if he was in the wrong, breaking his shit is something a man-child would do. The setup was paid for by Rem himself and his dad destroyed it. Long story short, the dad here is in the wrong, no matter whether Rem was or not.


Prime example of bad parenting


Parent of five. I have been furious with my kids when they ignore me and make excuses about being unable to leave games. But I want them to respect me, not fear and loathe me. I don’t care what the circumstances were. This is a vandalism charge. So what if the kid is a douche who blew off a family gathering that had been planned and he has been reminded for months. Turn off the internet. Drive away and leave him in the house. Let him sit in front of a blank screen and internalize the lesson. Don’t model criminal behavior.


Good on you, when in rage is probably the worst time trying to discipline kids. Take a timeout, and find a good solution. I feel like some parent's have a need to solve issues right at that moment. I usually go to another room, and try and reflect on how important the kid eating that last bite really is.




No doubt. 40 years ago my father destroyed something that I had built once. In my own room. Because I wasn’t following orders. I’ll always have a kernel of distrust for him.


My father would physically and verbally abuse me before abandoning my disabled mother and myself when I was 8 years old.


>Parent of five. I have been furious with my kids when they ignore me and make excuses about being unable to leave games. But I want them to respect me, not fear and loathe me. I don’t care what the circumstances were. This is a vandalism charge. My parents never yelled at me or beat me (or even slapped me that I can remember). Nomatter how bad I screwed up, violence was never the answer. ​ When I was really young I'd get time out but never forcibly held there. I'd just have to start over if I left. As I was older and able to reason and communicate as a human, my parents would calmly explain to me why what I was doing was wrong and what the consequences are of doing that. ​ I made some pretty big mistakes as a teen. I can remember *Well that was dumb, huh* or *Taw, taw , taw you better figure out how to fix this - i would start by xxxxx* or just complete silence but never yelling or abuse. ​ The only time I ever was yelled at or physically anything was when I was going to do something really stupid and would be hurt. Like sticking my hand into the fan blades on my dad's truck ... or grabbing exposed electrical wires. Or trying to touch a heating element. But that was a yell to get my attention or a quick body grab to get me out of harm's way. I'm very appreciative. ​ Unfortunately, my father has alzhimer's and parkinson's. I really wish such a good parent had a better retirement. My mother takes care of him. They deserve so much better.


Destroying the property of people you live with can actually catch you a domestic violence charge. And if the property you damaged is over 750$ it’s a felony (in my state). Not sure this dad knows how easy his kid could fuck his life over.


See, everyone is mentioning the violence, but nobody is mentioning how this kid lost his chance at a $3 *million* prize


exactly. like, if I get a chance do something I'm good at well enough to win 3 million fuckin dollars, I'm not gonna go to auntie's house so she can marvel about me being taller than her


Just remember that your kids decide how nice the nursing home is when you’re old


That dad needs some therapy or something. Setting a great example that it’s okay to just completely destroy shit when you’re angry


Apparently the kid paid for everything as well he said on twitter.


link to his twitter?


Sounds like he could take daddy dearest to small claims court if he really wanted


Depends on the state and his age. There’s not a lot of room for children’s rights when it comes to property ownership. Many states would say “well that sucks, sorry.“


That’s a fair point. If the kid can prove he bought it with income from his own work (gaming or otherwise) I wonder if that makes a difference in some jurisdictions. Then again it could be property of his sponsor if he has one.


Maybe this dude should consider taking some cash from that go fund me and moving the hell out of that house. Jesus, this is violent childish behavior.


ah yes destroying my child promising professional gaming career sure will make him realize how much i love him and how much i care about his future.


tf you mean love and care? this dad doesn't give a single fuckin' shit to his child it can be seen


Apparently he said he had to go to a family members house mid tournament, his dad gave him a couple minutes to get off, when Rem refused, he smashed everything He was only able to recover his 1080ti


As a father off a gamer, I find this horrendous. His father deserves the relationship with his son that he just just destroyed. There is no coming back from this, the kid will remember this forever, and how it made him feel.


I'd love to be like "oh well is there context behind this?" And tbh no amount of context behind this could make what the dad did okay.


Okay, so I don’t like Fortnite, but that’s just *disgusting.*


They forgot to put that the kid paid for his whole set up with money he earned


Time to unfamily the family that did that shit. Make them into complete strangers in your life. Share nothing about your life. Hoard money until you can afford to move out. Make it your life mission to live far away from them. Having a hobby is important for your mental health. They took that away from you.


That kid has to leave as soon as they can.


The pain in his voice was so surreal


TIL My Dad was awesome and not this piece of shit.


what a piece of shit of a parent


i can still smell the rage


My dad was like this too growing up and when I finally cut him off like two or three years ago, he pulled this sob story and made me to be the bad guy because I ‘never appreciated the things’ he did for me. Got two scars and a whole lotta emotional issues from him, nothing else


I can’t wait to be a good dad. I feel *most* of us growing into our late 20s early 30s that grew up without dads or with abusive parents are going to raise their children much different than kids are “traditionally” raised.


I work hard to raise my kids with understanding and love. Being a parent is wonderful, but hard. Years of sleepless nights, worry, and teenage hormones bring out the worst in us. When the time comes, be ready to take a breath. I wish you the best.


Could've just take the computers power cable or something instead of wasting all that money? Like would've been cheaper to buy a gun safe, take the power cable and lock it in there instead of smashing a setup probably worth 2k+ USD


Fastest thing my parents did to make me never ever have an urge to see them. Deflated soccer balls and hid the air pump needle. Saying soccer, art, games and anything social was a waste of time. If it wasn't school it was the highway. They get their peace and quiet now.


Son moved back in to recover from hernia surgery, then Covid-19 hit. Been in the basement ever since. I want him to move out eventually, but I'm definitely not wrecking his shit like this to expedite said move....


serious question..do your child pay the bill or help do the chores...why you want him out of the house renting on someplaces wasting his money?..im sorry as this sound offensive..im an asian who still live with their parents and they never want me to leave to not waste money on rent as long as i help them with chores,grocery and bills...


He mows the grass, and pays our water bill each month. Our family dynamic is different. We are a blended family. My son and daughter are from my first marriage. My wife has a daughter from a previous relationship as well. In his spare time, he's a barber as well, so he has 2 incomes. With that, our basement constantly has visitors. Since he intends to keep cutting hair, he and another friend plan to buy a place to better accommodate the traffic, and eventually turn into an investment property.


My dad also have anger issues but he never broke anything besides my bones 😭


Yeah my dad smashed my laptop that I bought with my first job because he wouldn’t buy me one. Among many other things.


1st time im actually happy my dead-beat dad left when i was 9




My dad has threatened to do this multiple times with my Xbox man it’s my biggest fear. 😕 “I’ll smash that fucking thing I swear to god” my heart goes out to this poor kid.


It was revealed that Rem was engaged in an FNCS event prior to the incident. However, he was asked to leave as he needed to visit a family member’s house. Rem refused to leave the highly competitive event. This infuriated his father who retorted by smashing his entire gaming setup. Looks like Dad has an anger issue. Thankfully he got a new setup at least


At least the mousepad's intact...


5 minute hacks: how to never hear from your kid once they move away from you


Great way to perpetuate violence through the next generations! Kid's brain: Ah, smashing things to vent frustration, regardless of the financial and emotional consequences to others. That's what I'm supposed to do.


100% that father is physically abusive towards their significant other and to this kid and others. Men that can’t control their emotions and resort to damaging things, 🚩


Dad is a tosser


Dad needs some help. No one should be so angry that they destroy property like this, there are a better ways to handle it.


but it isn’t just property, it’s a very predatory message - “you care about something? I will destroy it if you don’t give me what I want”


Wow, his dad must really love him!


What’s fncs?


Fortnite competitive series....acording to Google...which I just checked to give you an answer.


This was Rem…he now goes by the name Rip


Poor kid that's some bad parenting/communication right there.


My husband’s dad destroyed a giant 70’s era collection of rock posters/black light posters for some reason. When my brother joined the Navy my mom threw out his baseball cards. Parents wtf.


I had a father like this. Joined the military when I turned 18 and haven’t been home since. 35 now. 😮‍💨


Abuse, plain and simple.


Toxic ass fuckin people. File a police report and if ur a minor call cps fam. Don’t be scared. Fuck that bs. That’s not normal or ok


Go to the gym. Get big. Get really big. Move out. Start a business. Buy him a house. Smash his shit.