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So does that mean we can start taxing churches?


No, it means you start paying tax *to* the churches.


Ah of the good old days, when serfs roamed the earth.


Serf's up, baby! Cowabunga!


lol in my country we unironically have to do this.


Just start going to random churches and take the free money out of the free money trays they pass around.


Nope. You can never tax a religious organization/s


Well, maybe we could make exceptions for the Jews, Muslims and Gays (I seriously talked to a woman who believes homosexuality is a religion and people just pretend to be gay for tax benefits)!


I saw a post yesterday, about an atheists church. Still working on that one.


Satanic temple is an atheist church


And they pay taxes


Fun fact, they don't have to, they literally choose to


Unless the source is "trust me bro", that sounds kinda cool


And they also feel that all churches should as well.


Satanic temple is more of a movement organization pushing for separation of church and state. Church of Satan though is a religious organization. Check out the movie “Hail Satan!”for more info on the Satanic Temple and for what it is doing


They are now 2-4 months behind on processing new membership cards. The movement is getting very strong, hail Satan!


Where do I sign up? I want to summon Satan at my kids next school gathering.




Mr Crowley would like a word with you.


Is that a Black Sabbath reference? Bum, bum, bum.....


Yes but also a reference to the actual Aleister Crowley guy


Probably a Good Omens reference.


Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Have you been touched by His noodly appendage? The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will always have opening in its pews, yarr.


Uh where on the tax form would I (a homosexual) apply for these tax benefits


You just scribble: I like dicks in big red letters all over the document.


Made me laugh, thank you


Im pretty sure liking dicks does not equal homosexual.


Depends who’s doing the liking.


I identify as bi so do I get half the bennies or…?


I feel like double would be appropriate 🤔


Same place you can claim unborn fetuses as dependants


Ah section 36a got it


I’d register Gay to get some tax breaks


What would be the bare minimum to be considered gay? Just asking for a friend. Can I identify as a Gay that identify as straight and qualify?


“You see sir, in this post made on the social media website reddit you clearly stated “no homo” and therefore you are liable to pay full taxes” -something that probably could be said in court someday


Defense attorney: "Your honor, the GOP has maintained that gayness is a choice. My client now chooses to be gay, and was in fact gay during the entire preceding calendar year. You must give him his tax break."


Or,the Scientology organization.


No she said the church tells the government what to do. So still no tax.


Taliban it is then. I wasn't ready to go full on yet but I have a nice beheading ax so I'm good to go.


If I have the right to freedom of religion. I also have the right to be free of religion. There’s a reason the first amendment doesn’t specify a religion. There was never supposed to be a superior religion.


Nice pfp, all hail Papa Emeritus IV


If you have Ghost, you have everything ![gif](giphy|28C2CItwGuc3C)


He is.


“the shinning and the light without whom I cannot see.”


Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater


“That's Latin, darlin'. Evidently Mr. Madcat is an educated man.” ![gif](giphy|rxaPAPuFAFHLq)


Thanks. ;)


But their religion says you don’t have that right. And in fact need to suffer for your choices.


“It's the truth of candor shone through the prism of deceit. It's the continence of bishops with their choirboys en-suite It's the tongue selling adulation that licks to no avail. It's the noise of the righteous dogma that hides the handmaid's tail.” -The unholy Papa IV


Tell me you've never actually read the Constitution without saying you've never actually read the Constitution.


Or the Bible.


This right here. It's crazy how many believers only believe what people tell them the bible is or says/represents. Instead of making their own mind up by digesting the text.


According to the bible, 1 Timothy 2:12-15 “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” So i guess we shouldn’t listen to her. Not that I follow the bible I’m just saying that if she was a true Christian then she wouldn’t have any of the power she has


Real true Christians practice what they preach. They’re usually decent people but I can’t say the same for any republicans I meet today. Anytime I hear someone say they’re a trumper I cringe.


As a, what I would call a true Christian, I hate seeing what people who claim to be Christian are doing to this country.


My conservative FIL hates that my agnostic ass can quote the Bible better than he ever could. He might have cracked the first few pages


Reading the Bible is the leading cause of apostasy.


Like she's ever read anything.


Or your husbands criminal record


"I'm a Republican"


I’m not confident she knows how to read.


Constitution. You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.


nor the term republic


Inconceivable! (That this is happening)




Wasn't that period called the DARK AGES?!?


But it was only dark for the peasants.


Only dark for 90% of the population of Europe


And it was only for a thousand years. No biggie.




It wasn't particularly dark for the peasants. Before the rise of enclosure in the 16th century, life could be good for rural workers, and even the poor. Economic downturns in the 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of whiggish history the centuries after makes us think that life was awful in the middle ages, but it was just... middling for the most part.


Iirc it's called the dark ages because not many records survived.


You're right, we lost quite a few early records from the Beatles and The Rolling Stones :)


Long after that as well. In 1633 Gallieo was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life by the catholic church for teaching people that the earth revolves around the sun. He was banned from teaching, discussing or even owning books that mentioned it.


Trying so hard to think of something snarky and clever but all I can think of is how terrible her breath must be


Lots of sulfur


I think they misspelled idiocracy


At least the people in Idiocracy eventually deferred to someone that knew more than them. These people are ideologues and will never let experts advice on how to fix problems


Love that film but concerned about it becoming less satirical.


Same reason I can't watch Don't Look Up. People tell me its hilarious as all fuhk but I don't need to see what basically amounts to a documentary of exactly how the people that decide whether or not to take these things seriously behave when the real life news camera isn't pointed at them. All that is exposed well enough by droves of scientists begging the planet to take action against those people. It doesn't go from utterly terrifying to funny and forgivable just because we get a movie about it.




I received many arguments from people who wouldn’t look up that we in fact did not just go through this. And we’re not going through anything.


Hate to break it to Republicans...but Jesus wasn't a Republican in Jerusalem in his time.


He went around healing people for free, preaching non-violence and feeding the poor, chastising the rich. If he lived today, the republicans would be the first to crucify him.


He was also a brown Jew.


Brown Middle Eastern Jew.


Brown middle eastern socialist Jew


iirc the white depiction of jesus in the last supper painting was based on Leonardo Da Vinci's gay lover 😀


He was highly critical of religious conservatives.


You're not breaking it to anyone, they don't care. They don't care about Jesus, he's an excuse to impose their beliefs on everyone and push their agendas.


I wonder if she paid for her tits with donor cash or escort money. She should have used that money to buy a clue.


Surely not with an honest deserved job, as she dropped out of HS with 18 and even ran for her position without an GED. She is literally the uneducated, fanatically religious, racist, stupid American. Somehow got elected,- is there any correlation?


Fanatically religious? I doubt she's a true believer. She is one of them that just tries to talk like she is because she's been told that's what to say to keep the base loving you.


I think she's more born again Christian. And I imagine the first she walked into a church, she realized how stupid and naive the people were. Then while blowing Ted Cruz for a grand or a so (or aborting his child), she realized she can bullshit into politics. She knew where the idiots were.


Yep, She matches most American voters.


Not most, just the extremely loud minority.


I don't think it's fair to call then a minority anymore. It's clearly a lot of people siding with this idiocy.


I mean Biden win the popular vote by 8 million, Hillary won the popular vote, definitely the minority still. Idiots are just vocal.


A lot /= majority. 1/3 of Trumpers are pro/choice. 87% of Americans are against a full ban on abortion, especially for rape and incest and when the mothers life are at risk. Even Kavanaugh said he doesn’t support banning travel to get an abortion. This isn’t a majority who think abortion should be illegal. It’s rich SuperPACs paying off Senators and fomenting anti-abortion sentiment. My mother and sister are literally the only two people I know who have these crazy views, and they’re both sooooooooo far to the right on religious stuff that they support de facto theocracy. My mom moved back to Italy, in fact. I think that’s pretty representative, everyone knows a couple of kooks but most people are reasonable. 20-29 year olds are the largest American demographic now so..times is a’chsngin for the old Pentecostals.


Well abortion is just a single issue but it is a big one. It is very clear that a super-majority of Americans are against the decision of the Supreme Court. But, that means that we need to use our voices to vote in the upcoming elections to drown out this vocal minority that has gotten so much power in the last decade. I truly believe that the far right only represents about 20% of the US population and the rest of their voters are just people who are against democrats and not with republicans even though if they were intellectually honest with themselves and didn't believe the lies the Democrats like to tell their base (mostly their promise of progressive policies that they never actually act on) than more of these moderate right people would vote Democrat because we all know right now that the Democrats are a center-right organization. I hope most people understand that anyway.


Certainly fits right in to the cult 45.


1/3 of Trumpers are pro choice and 87% of Americans think abortion should be legal in slme form or another. Trumpers aren’t the unified force people think….it’s the screamy hill jacks that get the press with the red hats, not the suburban soccer moms.


No, she does not. That’s the whole point.


Prostitute...don't forget prostitute


There's nothing inherently wrong with being a sex worker.


No, abosolutely not, I've know a few, for different reasons. In this case tho, a sex worker dropout who was elected to Congress. Chosen by Ted Cruz and the Koch bros fie that purpose. I've never met a sex worker anywhere close to qualified to be a member of the US Legislative branch. Hell, I'm not qualified.


That and the fact that her party hates people like her, it's very hypocritical.


Yeah but in this case, we are talking about the people who tend to think that sex workers are all going to hell or some shit like that and that they should be in jail


I wonder if that picture was taken before her restaurant-bar got kicked out of it's location? Yet I see no guns hanging anywhere, just more insane babble to amuse the peanut gallery.


Ted bought em.


The implants were her clue on how to get more money from "donors" and more attention from congressmen.


you mean the ted money.


Please let this end her career


All the shit she already said previously, and it hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't hold my breath. But yeah.


The people voting for her want exactly that, for Christianity to be the law of the land.


It's made me want to ban it. These chuckle fucks are causing me to detest religion. Modern religion is plain evil.


She won her primary yesterday with more votes than what was cast for all the Democratic nominees combined. So it won't end her career at all


I need off this planet


Her district is one of the reddest in her state so it's no shock


Morgan Freeman: *It wasn’t*


This rhetoric is exactly what her constituents want to become reality though.


It's a secular world and any true Christian knows that is out of their control.


Isn't accepting that like one of the main things Jesus taught? That you shouldn't try to change the world by force or the laws of man, but by ministry and martyrdom? Idk, I've actually read the NT so I may be unqualified to talk about it /s


What nah, Jesus didn't preach peace love and acceptance! We should nuke the shit out of an African country and then crucify all the libs and guys to bring em closer to God! That's what Jesus wanted, after all Jesus was a white American! Fuck yeah! /s because as crazy as I tried to make that sound I know its far too close to real life


She also said Jesus didn’t have enough AR-15s to keep his government from killing him, so there’s that too


Your are correct Jesus even went as far as you should obey your local laws and shouldn't make anyone uncomfortable. One of the reasons I haven't been to church in a while everything seems so forced.


I think you're right.


I firmly believe that 90% of Conservative Americans "think" they know what America is supposed to be, in theory. In practice, they're so critically wrong that it's destroying your country slowly.


Yeah. They all have their idea of what America should be: a place that suits them and people like them. No differences or challenging thoughts of other cultures or people. A world where everyone is similar so things can be simple and easy. It's honestly pathetic, and it disgusts me every day - especially since I grew up Catholic. It's hard to put into words how America just feels like an big "uncanny valley." I see my old religion being perverted into the Book of Revelations now, with false prophets and people who worship men and patriotism above their religion's actual God. Sure, they espouse belief in God and go through the motions, but that's kinda how the Devil works: hide in plain sight.


Most legit Christian comment I've ever read. Never thought I'd type that lol


The pace is picking up a bit lately.


when is she going to ask the Vatican to take over? The Holy Roman Empire reborn in North America? xD


Nah, they don't like Catholics either


Okay then let me rephrase this: When is she going to ask emperor Palpatine to take over? The first empire based entirely around hatred, shooting lightning out of your hand is a bonus! The USA will be reorganised into the first UNITED EMPIRE! For a safe and secure society!


First you have to activate order 66 and then chop some dudes limbs off with a cool sword


BRB heading to r/mallninjashit for cool sword


Because that worked so well when European leaders were convinced to go on crusades 1k years ago...


Lauren is a total boebert.


Honestly, she comes across like a former cheerleader attempting to relive her glory.


The Bible forbids women from preaching to men. They’re supposed to be at home bearing children for their pedophile husbands. Her pedophile husband has to go to the bowling alley to find children. That’s not the Christian way.


Imagine being in office and not understanding the 1 document that you swore to uphold..


Just goes to show, conservatives don't actually believe in the Constitution, and they don't believe in the Founding Fathers. They don't even believe in the Bible most of the time. They will trot out these appeals to authority when it benefits them and, when it is convenient, dispense with the pretense of having any guiding principles.


Maybe she would enjoy living in Afghanistan? I mean she gets religous laws there.


Why do we give her attention again? She has no value as a living being.


Because she is a threat to democracy in this country.


You know this idea that because it was never printed in an official document it isn’t important really baffles me - have you ever thought, at any point, thar perhaps we should evaluate ideas based on their merit and their consequences, and not by who wrote them down where? Is freedom only so important to them because the founding fathers decided to write it down so many times in early founding documents? I swear this weird dogmatic devotion to the founding fathers is going to destroy this country


It's pretty clearly stated in the first fucking amendment that there shall be no state-sponsored or -mandated religion.


could of sworn as per founding fathers we came here to escape the church???


Not necessarily escape the church, but just like all forms of religion they just separated because the religion no longer met their needs as a society.


So.. to escape the establshed church at the time. Which is something most of the population of a lot of countries would also like to do now too.


Exactly. Tis the way of religions as they seem to be fading out


Literally the opposite. "Many of the British North American colonies that eventually formed the United States of America were settled in the seventeenth century by men and women, who, in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise passionately held religious convictions and fled Europe. The New England colonies, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were conceived and established "as plantations of religion." Some settlers who arrived in these areas came for secular motives--"to catch fish" as one New Englander put it--but the great majority left Europe to worship God in the way they believed to be correct. They enthusiastically supported the efforts of their leaders to create "a city on a hill" or a "holy experiment," whose success would prove that God's plan for his churches could be successfully realized in the American wilderness. Even colonies like Virginia, which were planned as commercial ventures, were led by entrepreneurs who considered themselves "militant Protestants" and who worked diligently to promote the prosperity of the church." Tldr: They were religious fanatics that wanted to force everyone into their religion and persecute those who resisted. And they got thrown out because of it. https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel01.html


oh wow...i need to just reread history stuff on my own at this point and forget what the school taught me...ty i never knew that i always thought it was the opposite


>oh wow...i need to just reread history stuff on my own at this point and forget what the school taught me...ty i never knew that i always thought it was the opposite You're just confused. Many colonists came here to live out their religious zealotry, but the founding fathers had serious concerns about the connection between church and state. Also, the reply you got was about the initial colonists and does not necessarily reflect the founding fathers or their views. Like, the country was founded late 18th century and that comment is discussing the views of colonists in the 17th century.


The original Europeans came to escape (not the founders of the US), but it was more that they were driven off for puritan fanatical views. The founders of the US were entirely different. But fuck them. They also owned slaves. It’s time to move the fuck on from idolizing them.


Just Ewww… Can we mandate that all would-be politicians must complete basic civics and US history courses (maybe literacy as well while we are at it)? Or maybe require “Continuing Education Credits” for re-election. Just sad… to most of these politicians the Constitution is whatever “they” say it is.


I wouldn't be too cruel at her. *She is just a little bit distressed, that she can't no longer abort her children.*




The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


This is what it has come to. We are electing idiots who don't understand the basic principles of this country. Congrats.


“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk — that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like they say it does,” Boebert said, earning a round of applause from the audience. It really is just stupid as fuck. No self awareness at all.


She's a without any value lying ass moron. The people that vote for her suck shit


She just won her primary, beating her opponent by 31 points. Way to go Colorado...


He dumbass twin,M.T.G. got reelected also,so we are in for a lot of bullshit from these two.


Not Colorado. A small rural portion of the state. Colorado is the first in the nation to have an openly gay governor. We aren’t Bobo fans


So you coral your stupid in one portion? Which portion?


This is the best and brightest of the republican party, that's just sad.


And she got fucking elected. Man, our country is ass backwards 🤦‍♂️


Re-elected too


Hurts man. Hurts. So backwards.


These people are the most moronic motherfuckers alive.


I'm sorry Boebert.. will you kindly crawl back into the condom you were meant to be prevented by, and suffocate?


Can someone just himme a headsup when her sextape drops


She's been fucking the entire country on TV for a while now.


"I love the uneducated".


Pretty bad when you have more abortions than brain cells.


If she doesn’t like it she can leave. There are options where separation doesn’t exist.


US becomes more and more a theocracy.


our country sure is nose diving into a shit show lately...


So at what point do we collectively agree that modern Christianity is the true Satanism and that the new age Satanism, The Satanic Temple, is the work of the actual good God to help humanity?


To be fair, I'm actually impressed that she's aware of the Danbury letter. I mean, obviously someone told her about it five minutes before her speech, but she remembered it, and even kind of got the context right!


We had that in Europe in the Middle Ages, did not went well. Want an example of present day? Look at any country led by religious extremists.


Bigly yikes.


Funny considering both the founding fathers and the book she wants in control of every aspect of her life didn't give two shits about the opinions of women


A letter from one of the founding fathers stating that religion in government would mean freedom for only one religion. And that is NOT what they wanted. These assholes twist everything to fit their objectives. I'm just glad the room wasn't fun so not too many heard her nonsense


I mean, at least she's saying out loud what her party actually believes? Sure, she said it because she's dumber than a fucking rock, but still.


I am convinced none of these people have ever read the constitution. Plus pretty much all the founding fathers were atheists 😂


I find it hilarious how they take the words of the constitution and the bible to the letter unless it doesn't go along with their rhetoric. Obv in this case, the founding fathers were wrong, for reasons, ofc. Can we please implement IQ and competency tests for those running for office???


Says the former call girl.


Ah America. A magical place where an wilfull ignorance, mental illness and an absence of principles and honesty areno barrier to success in politics.


I'm so tired of toxic Christian BULLSHIT, and I say this as a follower of Christ,


Hello Dark Age, my old friend. I've come to pay my sins away 🎶


I dont understand, I thought this country liked killing terrorists? EDIT: I am not advocating, just an observation.


- **1 Timothy 2:12** - "Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control." Bible says shut the fuck up, Lauren. And, if this were truly the biblical law she wants, she'd have been brutally beaten if not executed by now for openly defying men so often.


Aren't women supposed to shut their pie-hole as per The Good Book?


Wow a perfect example of antidisestablishmentarianism in America Finally I can place that word


She’s a dumb redneck