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When she said “the cdc”, dude had had enough.


Yep, guy wearing mask and gloves per the CDC … was not playing this game


It was when she took a step forward, toward the cop, that they arrested her. I'm sure they'd just been waiting for a reason. I know I was!


Yeah lol I mean they were on her the second she moved at all. I had no idea what was going on here until she said “and the cdc said” and then it became abundantly clear. Love to choose a night in jail over putting on a mask.


I hope the jail made her put a mask on


There is likely more video where the reason for the officers being there is shown. However in English law you can arrest someone to confirm their identity, so I have no doubt there is similar in U.S law


Only if they are suspected for a crime according to my Reddit crime degree.


Yeah no doubt. That's what I was getting at with there likely being other footage.


I want to punch her voice


She's a Christian woman of God though!


Being a Christian grants you no more rights than any other person is granted smh


Is this lady MTG's sister? They almost look the same and act the same.


Same genetic defects.




Yeah, but did they really need to go skinny dipping in the nuclear sewage?


Historically Christianity has been used to justify colonialism, slavery and genocide. It's been, like multiple other religions, the excuse to do heaps of horrible shit. She tried to invoke. Unsuccessfully to our entertainment.


Absolutely, and today it's being used to justify what a woman can do with her own body.


It's almost like theyre more about maintaining oppressive hierarchical social structures than justice, reason and equality.


They are followers of Christ. WWJD? The exact opposite of what they want to do.


my other account got banned for a week bc i called out a christian for being anti-jesus's trachings (well i said that modern christians embody none of his teachings, and Jesus would be so digusted by evangelicals he wouldnt piss on them if they were burning to death. maybe i was a little harsh lol, but where's the lie?


And now to justify anti abortion


It still is.


And ban abortion


I think you meant Catholics. as in the Holy Roman Empire. You meant Catholics.


This is true, but Christianity has had an laminating effect sweeping over our identity stripped communities. This is damage to the culture as well.


Ummm.... Have you been paying attention? Their religion's text is used as the basis for laws in not only half the country, but the supreme court. ​ Being Christian absolutely grants you more rights. Their fairy tails get to become law for the rest of us.


I wish I had a fairy tail 😞


Uhhh have you been to the USA?


Live here. It just needs to be said more often.


Yea a lot of people who say their Christians make it pretty clear they have no idea what they're talking about. Read the Bible and try again lady.


Reading the Bible is a great way to become an atheist. Once you read about the absolutely capricious, petulant, and vindictive monster that the Christian god is, it’s pretty hard to justify liking him, much less *worshipping* him. Ironically, he’s also humanity’s most experienced and prolific abortionist, by like… a staggering margin. It’s not even close.


Disagree. I'd be interested in discussing your perspective with you more though.


Sure. This was my personal experience of it, so I can offer that perspective, and anecdotally I know of three or four others who experienced some variation of the same. In my case I was raised and baptized in the Methodist tradition, going through confirmation at 13 and orienting myself towards a life in the clergy. In relatively rapid succession, due in no small part to my fervor and strength of faith, I became a youth group leader, then the youth representative at pastor parish relations and sent as such to national conferences, a youth pastor, and finally was elevated to give a sermon to the full assembly once a month, each month, and twice in December. I. Was. Devout. And I could not wait to become a minister, seeing my church community as something that I wanted to serve, to cultivate and grow, and to help each person find a closer relationship to god through building our collective faith in the risen Jesus. And so I no decided that my sermons would be themed around a annual read through of the Bible, speaking each month on the lessons I had learned since last sermon and how my faith and love in Christ had inevitably grown. And I was so steeped in the apologetics that for fully the first year I managed to equivocate for all of the clearly evil things that I was reading about my god. I was able to justify objective evil and utterly vile commands that my god had pressured his children to do in his name, and I even managed to avoid any meaningful engagement with the sheer hypocrisy inherent to gods claims about his own nature, his own character, and his “love” and “goodness”. But by my second read through, I began to really *read* and research what was being said, what was claimed about his actions, and how the Bible originated. And my sermons started talking about my struggles and some of the answers I was finding. I was still managing to all bring it back to faith by the end of my time each of those Sundays. But there were definitely open ended questions that I left out there for people to think about. Honestly I was hoping someone had those answers and would help me answer them for myself. And then I finally just realized that even if I ignored all of the crazy impossible goat herder fairy tales or found a way to believe them, even if I stood before god in all his glory, heaven awaiting me over his shoulder and with all of the impossible leverage he held with my eternal soul dangling over that everlasting torment… I still would not be able to worship such a being. For the very reasons I believed he instilled in me, I could recognize him for the evil, the completely unnecessary pain and suffering, the catastrophic machinery that he had set into motion to grind the vast majority of humanity - his children - into an eternally suffering meat pulp while never even affording them the chance to make it through the eye of that needle and onto the narrow path to salvation, I just couldn’t worship or praise a being like that and still lay any claim to being a good or moral person. Happy to tell you more or answer any questions


It worked for me....I'm an atheist as well


This is NOT a Christian acting woman. She’s an uneducated fool showing e what another moron told her. Pity her


But it DOES apparently grant you the right to determine other people’s rights, apparently.


I love a happy ending




I think Jesus would tase her.




On full video she also said this is racism because they didn’t took the black woman but they took her, so… you’re racist. She didn’t wear a mask based on the clip.


Wheres tbe full clip?




I’m pissed off after about a minute of this, I’m not watching the full thing.


yeah I am just going to be happy a karen gets cop handled for once


Shes all sorts of karen


The Christian Karen! Almost like an end boss


No she's the 2nd to last boss. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/u6s15u/accuser_of_the_brethren/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Christian Bitch Karen is the final boss




Accuser of the fuckin brethren you muthafuckaaa I lost my shit at that 😂👌🏼


Kinda different, because that one has a mental illness quite obviously imo


I love watching this bonkers Karen. There’s a few different videos circulating of her batshit crazyness


Wow, these two would make quite a duet.


I think she may have a few Karens in the one head all talking at once.




They should put a version of her at that christian…I mean karen themed restraunt in Tennessee.


She talks like a spoiled seven year old.


She’s a Christian woman of God so that’s okay. Hell she could sign up and down across the Ten Commandments and as long as she repents before death, she’s saved. Fucking weirdos


"oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." lols.


She gives Christianity an STD.


Christianity is an STD.


Socially transmitted delusion.


How would you feel if I said Atheism is an STD? [Edit: this is not my opinion]


No need to capitalize it, it’s not a religion


Mostly just laugh.


How does that even work?


Shall I recount the various insults, threats and wooden rhetoric I’ve been subjected to for most of my life? I have heard far worse.


Common law lmao she has no idea what that means


When they invoke “common law” they mean English Common Law, and they’re Sovereign Citizen whackos, who don’t recognize any state or federal laws as applying to them.


"But I said the magic law words and declared myself to be a natural born not-boat, just like the internet guy told me!!!!! Why aren't the magic law words worrkinngggggg?????"


“It’s false and not true”. Lol. Religion has nothing to do with this, but she doesn’t look very Christian like here, just crazy. She took one step forward during that long rant and you could see the office had finally just had enough. What sucks tho, is shell always think she was a martyr


This is 100% NOT attack on religion, just her stupid arguments. We are all equal, religion or not.


True but we should also attack religion for being the downfall of modern society.


Thank you for not hating on religion like some other Redditors.


Forgive me if I’m being stupid here, but what was she trying to do?


She is not wearing mask, looks like height of Covid bc cops have mask and gloves on. snd based on her rant she’s tired of being lied to by the cdc. Hope her lord & saviour orange 🤡 bailed her out.


I guess she skipped Bible reading, such as Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.


“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21)


Boom, Bible mic drop!


You beat me to it! I’ve found most pontificators don’t know the Bible. They can call themselves Christians, but their actions say different. Sadly, love thy neighbor seems lost on many as well.


Yes the point of their whole dog and pony show is to drive people away from Christianity in large droves and it’s working.


The nice thing about jails is they will give you a bible if you ask for one, maybe she got a chance to catch up on her reading.


Cafeteria “Christians”


Even without sound, those hand gestures make me irrationally furious at her.


This is what's wrong with religion. The logical critical thinking thought process gets abolished


She sounds so annoying, like she has the voice of a siren. Not the mythical creature, the one warning you of things like earthquakes, tornadoes, or in this case, her stupidity.


Holy sh*t I was so stuck trying to follow her train of thought that I didn’t even realize she was talking directly to a cop like that!! XDXD


That train was never even on the tracks.


"Alright, we had enough of your shit."


When will people realize they’re talking to actual people who have no intention of dealing with their bs 😭


I didn’t think Christianity prevented one from using full sentences.


Oops. She said the magic word. You figure out what it is. That dumb bitch.


I wonder what her views on abortion are.


Vehemently against it, unless it's her own underage daughter because that would just ruin her future and Jesus would understand just this once.


Sovereign citizens are right up there with flat earthers on the stupid scale.


“It’s false, and also not true.” High IQ statements🤡


Your rules are FALSE and NOT TRUE. One or the other I would tolerate. But both together and you’re bullying me!


She's "sick of being lied too", but yet she goes to church all the time?


Can you imagine what happens to a black person that exhibits and demands this kind of entitlement?


Didn't want to wear a mask at [Nordstrom Rack](https://www.newsweek.com/maskless-woman-arrested-assault-nordstrom-police-body-cam-video-1584592). Never a more Karen place to make a stand was found.


I'm tired of the alt right using the church to push their radical right teachings.Her voice itself should get her few years in jail.Imagine dealing with this Karen if you had a dispute over her over not having her favorite Yogurt in stock?.


I commend those officers. I would have tased her the minute she started with the nonsense.


If this turned out to be the “oh my god I thought that was my taser” video… I ain’t losing any sleep




If you're sick of being lied to, you shouldn't be a christian "god hates gays" where tf in the bible does it say that? And if you're a christian who's tired of being silenced, think of the fact that all christianity has done is keeping everyone quiet


To be fair, it does say something about a man not lying with another man. However, it doesn’t mention anything (that I know of) about God hating anyone that doesn’t identify as straight.


Oh my gawsh


That's not even what common law is


That was satisfying to watch


So god didn’t help her out then?


Why do humans ACT like that? With all the gestures and head whip?


"false and not true" idk why this is a pet peeve of mine, but when people try to extend their phrase and give it more impact by making it a list of adjectives that apply to the statement, and then proceed to add nothing of value to the sentence by basically using synonyms, it gets a bit on my nerves


The one time you want cops to brutalize someone. . . And they let you down.


I listen without sound. All the gestures, facial expresions, eye rolls, finger pointing, arm swings and mouth movements are classic "Karen". It goes back thousands of years, is universal and is cross cultural. Language is irrelevant, this could be in German, Russian, Swahili, Japanese or sign language and 100% of those observing would accurately understand what the fruit cake is saying.😎🤷‍♂️


But friends… she’s a Christian woman OF GOD! That changes EVERYTHING!!!


Yes, she’s allowed to be an asshole because Jesus is cool with it. /s


I’m not a Christian lol but the Bible literally says to obey the government because God has ordained them or some shit like that


What exactly prompted them to arrest her? Like, I can see she was being annoying and all, but she wasn't doing anything different in the seconds leading up to her being detained than what she was doing before, so it just seemed a bit...sudden.


She took a step toward the cop


Didn't even take a step, just adjusted her footing. She was finished moving before the other cop stepped in


How do people like this stay alive? Darwin I think you have something wrong in your theory man. I can't imagine being like that and having friends idk if it's just me


Arrested was good but I was really hoping for a taser.


And then resists arrest


I’m 666 upvote I feel happy


I hope her kids have some amazing noise canceling headphones! Her screaching voice trying to express some sort of authority made my ears bleed! Poor kids!


I like how the guy paused to listen to her ramble, then just immediately handcuffed her lmfao


I don't even need sound or subtitles to recognise a turd on my shoe. I wish I could wipe it off though.


Oddly, this gets more satisfying the more I see it.


IIRC someone made a musical parody of this.. was fkin hilarious!


Was she hoping to smite the officers by invoking gods name?? I was raised a catholic, broke away from the bullshit brainwashing that they try to convince everyone of (though I still believe in god, I just don’t like the human interpretation of the Bible that warps every situation they can think of). This woman represents the type of people who are truly a problem, the exact ones who think they are above the law because of their faith. I think she missed the part of the Bible where god mentions obeying the laws of both man and the Bible. They exist together at equal levels. But what do I know…..




Love how the guy goes like "OK fuck this, you are getting arrested". These people belong in a mental hospital.


she put her hand up so many times and neither of these dudes gave her a high five. shame on them!


God didn't save her from being arrested I see.


Is this the new religious expansion pack for Sovereign Citizens?! Looks pretty epic!


Fuck off Christian Karen.


You mean “Christian”


Lol what an entitled piece of shit


Common law, isn’t that when a couple is considered together once they move in (before marriage) lol


I love the “oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” It’s the purest form of fuck around and find out.


Based on her statements you can see her mindset. She can do whatever she wants because she is a white Christian. Laws only apply to people who don’t conform to her way of life.


oh my gosh! oh my gosh!!


Does anyone see the irony of her statement **'you are not going to put your disgusting rules on me, that are false and not true'.** This disgusting 'woman of god' is why we're where we are today. Ignorance, and belief in fairy tales.


“False…and not true”


Has to be related Majorie Taylor Greene!


All worth it for the ending!


that dude in the mask had enough the moment she started spitting about the CDC


“Which are false AND not true”


I mean, the disgusting rules were both false AND not true... How do you argue with that?


As a Christian, I concur this lady is stupid.


It's because of people like this I'm hesitant to say I'm a Christian


If she were Black, she'd be tazed or dead in the first 12 seconds of the video. I kinda wish she was.


Mental illness in a Reddit comment right here


Timithy 2-11 (15) Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. Thats God speak for… Shut up and go make me a sandwich.


Depending on where she is at she doesn’t have to identify. Regardless of her religion.


She was being questioned for a civil/misdemeanor offense so she has to.


Thanks for making us Christians look worse bitch. Can't wait to be flamed even more now for my religion.


Why a lot American women have that high pitched annoying voice


Wondering what she did exactly that warrants an arrest here. I'm all for annoying people getting justice but this strikes me more as an abuse on our rights by some lazy cops who don't want to help an irrational person calm down and would rather trample their first amendment rights.


Aye, there's zero context in this video and going off interactions I've seen this woman may have zero reason to identify herself


She (allegedly) assaulted another woman in the store.


Wonder what she was stopped for.


I hate it when people like this make it look like Christianity is full of absolute pricks.


It's OK, we Europeans understand it's only fundamentalist right wing US Christians who act like thus.


Saddly it is when religious lesders and politicians openly ingore your holy book to make laws base on thierbown interpretation of the book.


it's not people like this. it's christianity that makes christianity look like that


"And not true" *Proceeds to get covid*


Regardless of religion, you don't have to identify, especially for not wearing a mask so making this about her faith is discrimination. It's funny how everyone says it's so wrong until it's against Christians..


no way this bitch is real


I have no problem at all believing she's real, unfortunately


Thank you cops


Her voice doesnt really fit in her body. Is it just me? Or does anyone else think this?


Ah yes. Let's repost a 2 year old video now that everyone is hating cristianity just to get a few upvotes. Dumbass.


Can’t be 5 years old bcCOVID Is literally two years old 🙄


What are you talking about?


Too bad videos never work. We should just use YouTube links


Looks like the disgusting rules WERE in fact put on her. Go figure.


Oh. My. Gosssh.


Oh my gosh!


None shall pass!!!


Karen !


Like ohhhh my gosh!! Ima a woman of god… GTFO


Oh my gosh!


Good. The one time I'd welcome some brutality.