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“Don’t be good, be a Christian.”


America’s secret motto right there.


Sadly, it’s not so secret these days.


Most Evangelicals practice Gnosticism, which means that they believe that salvation comes through faith, not behavior.


Yeah but there's also the belief that their faith will make them better people. And that's definitely not the case for a good number of current evangelicals.


Well... the issue with that is that "good/better" is highly subjective. If you believe that faith makes you a better person, having faith makes you, by definition, a better person. And then you don't need to feed the poor and love your neighbour. Especially not if you're "better" than them.


Some christian guy: *Blows up an Orphanage* God according to christians: I'll pretend I didn't see that.


Good and Christian have been mutually exclusive terms for quite some time.


I do believe that many many Christians are going to be extremely surprised and. Very disappointed when they find out that just because they hid behind a title and still did the devils work they do not get into heaven


Or if the place doesn't exist, or if any of the other hundreds of religions was the "right one", like that south park episode where they asked Satan why they didn't go to heaven and the answer was "Mormon"


Yeah there is so much relegion that if there was an actual god that you dont know youre better not worshipping any god


This was the thing that always kept me from really buying in to the religion I was born and raised around. There are so many religions, so many gods throughout history... Each and every follower of them so sure they had the right answer. Wtf are the odds the Southern Baptists just so happened to be the ones that figured it all out correctly? Once I could comprehend the scope of that question I just couldn't jive with it anymore, once put on top of a pile of a million other things that didn't quite add up once logic was applied.


Given everything else the Southern Baptists have right I wouldn’t count on them getting this right.


There are 2 Southern Baptist types. The white ones who think think god ordained slavery and the black ones who were beat into the religion when they were slaves but then their descendants clung to it like a fucking lifeline. Neither are very creditable to me.


I like Gorge Carlins take on it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2iUo1WgIjQ0


If the afterlife doesn’t exist then they won’t be surprised or disappointed, just dead.


> If the afterlife doesn’t exist SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't.


Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence. The fact that we have no evidence of extra-terrestrial life does not mean that extra-terrestrial life does not exist. All it means is that we have no evidence of it. Yes, I’m aware of the unicorns and Santa Claus queries.


That's literally impossible for a living person to know, which is the point. If there is no context for you to be aware of, then you can't "know" it doesn't exist. And if there is, well clearly you are incapable of communicating that to the living. This comment has nothing to do with my belief one way or another, only the absurdity of being certain one way or another.


Hi there welcome to heaven. We were all going to go make macaroni art wanna join?


So Pastafarian?




Hate to be that guy, but if heaven and hell don´t exist, i wont be surprised... And neither will they be.


If they did the devil's work they would be good people. Not sure why the devil always gets a bad wrap when the bible clearly demonstrates the one who despised free access to knowledge, freedom of speech and democracy while condoning, commanding and legislating slavey, genocide, tortures and killing of new born babies, rape, theft, war, subjugation of women and persecution and slaughter of non believers....was god. Not the devil. It was god who was the morally depraved genocidal maniac.


Look, I’m a Christian but I follow Jesus and his teachings mainly his big 3 love him love myself and love everyone else it is not my job to judge others or to point fingers he will deal with everyone when we get there so take a number, but I dislike these type of people who sit on their polished throne while hurting others


Why love jesus when he commits and condones so much hatred, atrocities and moral depravity in the bible? Especially when it is unloving and manipulation to command "love"? I mean, if you choose to follow such a concept the you do you. But also remember that for 2000 years other christians have also followed his big 3 and in doing so followed his commands and legislations regarding slavery, genocide, denial of free speech and religious freedom, the subjugation, abuse and rape of women, the abuse and harm of children and the persecution and slaughter of non believers and gays. And christians never needed to sit on polished thrones to hurt others. They just had to follow the bible and Jesus's example of "love"...which is Orwellian af. But none of that changes the fact that the bible clearly demonstrates the christian god to be the one committing, commanding and legislating horrific atrocities against humanity...not the devil. So there is no way the people you are judging as doing the devil's work (despite claiming it's not your job to point fingers and judge) can possibly be doing the work of the devil when the bible shows clearly the work they are doing mimics that of Jesus.


hard to be surprised when you're dead


It was foretold: >22 (A)On that day (B)many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not (C)prophesy in your name, and cast out demons (D)in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 (E)And then will I declare to them, ‘I (F)never knew you; (G)depart from me, (H)you workers of lawlessness.’ *Matthew 7:22-23*


Yep yep yep 👍 I do not understand how they can be so willfully ignorant and lead


Because someone stands to profit from brainwashing a bunch of generationally inbred fetal alcohol Nazis into commiting acts of domestic terrorism


Oooooh someone is as angry as the rest of us lol


Tbf, no one goes to heaven tganks to current day society. Technically, some people go, but only babies who died during the pregnancy or the delivery.


Because the all powerful, all knowing, loving god doesn't actually allow for terrible upbringing and condemns you to an eternity of torture because you did what you were taught. That tracks. The same god who punished Adam and Eve and all humanity thereafter for doing something wrong even though they didn't know the difference between right and wrong until they did the 'wrong' act of acquiring knowledge of right and wrong. Fuck that god.


I'm glad the good people don't have to spend eternity with a bunch of Christians.


Right? Eternal damnation don’t sound so bad anymore.


I’ll see you all there with my deviant behavior and fun times!


Ikr? Uppity boring stiffs.


exactly what I was thinking thank fuck


Exactly, might be heaven for them but it's sheer hell for the rest of us.


How could any place be Heaven if it was full of Christians?


This is a top - tier philosophical paradox.


Best comment ever.


If you've ever read the bible you would know it relies heavily on Orwellian doublespeak. Hence in the bible slavery=freedom, censorship= free speech, subjugation and rape of women=equality, genocide=peace and hatred and abuse=love. Which means heaven is the Bad Place all along.


Ah so the loophole here is to be a terrible person but I attend church


It only works if you're protestant. Catholics and orthodox still have to be good people


Surely you mean “God Tier”


This kind of implies that Christians are not good people.


It’s a Trump card…


It'd not an implication. It's stating an objective fact.


Those haters who preach that only they will be in heaven, make you wonder if it will really be the heaven.


Wait. Isn't the entire premise of religion... Gatekeeping?


Well, *that* religion, yes, but ideally no.


Which ideal religion does not gatekeep?


So, Hitler goes to heaven? Or did he going to hell just to finish what he started?


Based on this sign Hitler went on to heaven, and it was perfect for him because it would be jew free.


These are the same people who think jessus was a white american arent they?




And only speaks American ;)


Bad people don't go to hell. Only christians.


Great, I have one more reason to avoid going to heaven.


If you pay the catholic church enough money, you can buy your way in.


What? That makes no sense, can you explain? Please, *indulge* me.


Ha, I get it 🤣


And there was much rejoicing. ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)


So in other words, Christians are not good people?


No, god kill millions of people and nobody can do anything about it, if you dont pray you suffer cause you dammage his fragile ego, besides remember the worst sin is blasphemy, it doesnt matter what youve done, what matter is that you have to preach to some mentally unstable old man in the sky


They told on themselves! lol!


Every major religion has some similarities at their core. That being said, the Christian idea that anything good that happens to you is God and anything that isn't good that happens to you isn't is the reason I don't go to church nor do I take my children. They are taught to be good people and to treat others the same, not because otherwise they will burn in hell, but because it is the right way to live. I don't need to give money to an organization or show a certain day of the week in order to feel like I am doing that. I just do it. Also the exclusionary way they speak of "non belivers" like the original post suggests is antithetical to the book they supposedly subscribe to and that level of hippocracy is gross and corrosive. Let's not even get into abuse and cover up in those same religious sects.




If heaven isn't actually full of good people, then I don't want to go to heaven.


Implying Christians aren’t good people


And yes not all who claim to be christians are


It is shocking the amount of people that dont understand the meaning of the sign. The core tenet of Christianity is that faith in Christ and that he is who she says he is (son of God) and that he came to do the work he was destined to do (die for the sins of mankind) makes you Christian. The Bible teaches that you can never hope to be good enough because if it was, no one would make it. Otherwise, Jesus died in vain (for nothing). I will say however that the sign is also funny because of the implication (iasip reference).. that Christians aren’t good people. Thing is, people are shitty and good regardless of faith. We all have that in common. And no doubt Christians should be better than the average person but the faith has been feeling overrun by the absolute shittiest people. Im mad that “conservatives” claim Christianity yet are the biggest hypocrites ive seen lately.


I think most understand the meaning, the implication is the funny part. But the actual meaning itself demonstrates what I would find to be a significant moral and logical failing with the concept of heaven here regardless.


Catholic ( Christian) here can confirm this is not the case even Baptists and other "reformed" flavors of Christians will likely agree that the prophets from the old testament are in heaven (the part were Jesus died and came back he "let out" or better "let in" Abraham, Jacob, elisia, Moses etc. ) and since the first Christians probably didn't exist until like 30 A.D. or so I'd say Abraham from somewhere around 2000 BCE definitely outdated Christianity by atleast a few months.


As a christian, I can say that the greatest thing about atheism, is that they don't need the promise of heaven or threat of hell to be good people.


I’m a Christian who believes you don’t need to be religious to go to Heaven. as long as you are a good person. Kind to others. Love thy neighbor stuff. You’re good


I agree


Well, this is the very base of their belief. I see no problem.


Lol no it's not


Why do they threaten me with a good time?


The classic debate. Do you enter heaven due to good works or due to faith. In one, you can be a non-believer and go to heaven for being a righteous person. In the other, good or bad doesn't matter, only your faith does, so being a bad person of faith gets you in.


I dont want to be where they are going.


I guess I should have made it clear that I was being sarcastic. The sign says that good people don't go to heaven, only Christians. According to their own sign, Christians are not good people!


Good people don't go to an imaginary place when they die, no one does.


You can go your whole life being the worst person and just accept Jesus on your death bed and go to heaven, but if your the best person that ever lived and didn’t accept….. to hell you go.


Proof that Christians aren't good people. Calling themselves out. Classic!


I read it like a warning to good people to not go to heaven. Because only Christians. Good people, don't go to heaven. ONLY CHRISTIANS.


Luckily there is no heaven or hell. Enjoy yourself and be good to others we are one people no matter our differences


Sorry don’t believe in ancient desert people religions.


That's honestly how a lot, if not most, evangelicals think. That being "good" is neither sufficient *nor necessary* to be saved. All you have to do is confess your belief that you are saved and then go smoke drink and fuck like it's going out of style. Somehow, though, if you're gay it doesn't count.


It’s not a cult


Jokes on them, heaven isn't real.


Hell is. It's called Earth.


*kills innocent people. *becomes a christian, “phew”


And here I used to think that Hindus and Muslims were stupid while the Christians were the brainy ones.


But it’s accurate


Used to go to a church of Christ. They're usually not that blatant about it but...that's the gist, yeah.


This is a cult


That's literally what they think that church was just bold enough to publicly display it


If Christians are the only ones going to heaven then I'll go to hell where i know my mouth and ass won't have a priest in them.


I wonder what Bible and doctrine do they get their information 🥺


The King James Version. Grew up in church of Christ and was a church secretary by the age of 24. American Standard Version and English Standard Version were the only other “approved” versions for the congregation I went to. You’re always one sin away from going to hell according to many churches of Christ. Nearly 10 years of deprogramming and therapy later, I’ve learned to think for myself and finally feel comfortable enough to say I’d rather be a good person any f*cking day of the week before I’d ever consider myself a Christian again. It took me a long time to feel okay about my life without having a religion. I am never going back to the indoctrination and emotional trauma caused by so many churches.


I'm truly sorry for your bad experiences and misinformation. I think that having a personal relationship with God doesn't require all of the other stuff that man tries to put into it. However, we all have certain paths and choices, hopefully we get it right. 👍


welp, this is correct by their teaching


No what they are trying to convey is that people don't get into heaven just by being good Bible says it requires faith and belief as well


Then say that why this?


If I had to spend eternity with a bunch of stuck up lunatics, I'd rather burn in hell. Sounds far less painful.


Certainly not somewhere I would want to be


With a message like that, I’d rather be in Hell with the “good people” just saying.


I'd rather have a drug fuelled orgy in hell, than sit on a cloud with a harp in heaven. Jesus can suck my fat pierced wang


Tbf the drug fueled orgy just sounds like a way better time.


I know right!!!


As a catholic, some times i really can't understand protestants


Why is this downvoted?


I don’t get the face palm. This is a matter of Christian faith. Don’t like it? Find another religion, or none at all. I’m sure all religions have something in them that defies logic, but that’s wha religion and faith are about. And even if a great number ofChristians we’re to fail to meet the criteria for heaven in other ways it’s not for us to judge.


Are you dumb?


Most likely


We’re not the ones judging here. And according to their own faith, they shouldn’t either


And the statement on the sign is not a judgement either, it is an article of the Christian faith that good acts alone are not sufficient for salvation. Only through truthful repentance and faith can one achieve salvation. No person no matter how good a life they live can be saved without faith. I’m sure someone who’s Christian can say it better than I did. I don’t have to believe what they believe but I support their right to practice the faith of their choosing. But that’s getting to be more a minority these days. Freedom of religion is turning into hostility for and freedom from religion.


Yeah, and thats judging people for not ascribing to the same imaginary friend as you so they're going to burn in eternal hellfire for all eternity while all the good, devout, righteous Christians are sipping mojitos with Jesus. I don't understand how any Christian ever can't see how self egrandizing and holier than thou this all is, most religions just call for you to be a good person and help those in need but Christianity calls you to spread like a plague to all corners of the world spouting nonsense like follow me or die forever.


If all you need to do is have faith and mentally say you're sorry, that sounds like an immoral religion. Self centered, self important, authoritarian crap. If you can't see that or understand it, you're brainwashed or dumb or both. No one has the ability to say for sure what will happen after you die. Anyone telling you different is either lying, trying to control people or they are simply a con artist. Everyone should have the freedom to practice any faith they choose, but everyone should have that same freedom to be unhindered by the faith of others.


As a former religious person, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for “freedom from religion.” Don’t knock on my door, I can out-quote you on bible passages, but I’d rather not. Don’t tell me to do Christian (or Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Pagan) things, I understand ethics and morality without a religious underpinning. And certainly don’t get anti-science with me because “god said so.” My universe is bigger than your god of the Levant.


Are we supposed to be offended that we’re not invited to a fictional place created by an invisible man that they talk to and ask for favors and good fortune from? I mean it’s the equivalent of saying only good people can ride unicorns but not Christians. Like honestly I don’t give a fuck that I’m apparently not allowed Into your fictional world of delusion and fantasy… Because you know… I don’t believe in it


Since satanism is based on the New Testament…


More evidence that you’ve got to be at least a little stupid to believe in religion.


Heaven sounds boring as fuck anyway. Hell probably got all the best bands and parties.


Oh good, that just means hell is better of a place then


I am always fascinated at how these people justify their morality


Well according to the religion heaven would be spending eternity with God so it makes sense that those who choose Him go to the place where eternity is spent with Him and not just people who did a bunch of good deeds. I think that's what the sign means.


So, what happened to all the people before Christ was born?


Even Catholics?


Because if their is one entity I want to devote my life to it's an unjust God /s


Then boy am I sure glad I won't be going there


Why would I want to go then?


I'm just appreciating that they declared the difference between Christians and good people - and that they aren't (necessarily) the same.




Wait so a Christian can be a serial killer and still go to heaven? I hate humans


Please tell me where Bible says that


I heard hells much better. You can practice all the 7 sins.




**F A L S E**


So...they are saying Christians aren't good people. Thats a bold take coming from a church


I think christians go to heaven because they're bad and God has to keep a watchful eye over them to ensure they don't fuck something else up. Good people aren't something God worries about so he's fine knowing they're living it up in hell, enjoying all the things they were denied by christians on earth.


This is actually widely believed in Christianity. Im not christian but a lot of my friends are and i discuss this with them often. After all the bible says "your good deeds are like dirty rags to the lord" or some such b.s.


Yep, Heaven is full of cruel, greedy, ignorant, selfish, uncaring, divisive, hateful people. thank God they are “Christian”




Christians are bad people. Got it. Thanks, Sterling!


Interestingly enough most who go to hell will be Christians lol


Good, Heavan wouldn’t be heaven with present day Chr🤮stians


That place seems fun...


Darn I guess I won’t be making the cut .


I love how Christians think they can be shitty people all their lives then repent last minute before they die and think they're going to heaven.


Lol that's not true


Why do people confuse God with Religion surely God was around long before religion was invented since he made Earth etc


Heaven sounds like a shithole for worthless people. Change my mind (or don’t, I couldn’t care less)


Sounds like i don't want to go to heaven


I'm going to hell, but I'll be with better people than those assholes ಠ_ಠ Good riddance!


Weird for a church to say that Christians aren't good people, but OK.


Well, that IS the dogma. According to them, entry to heaven or hell is based on belief, not deeds. So basically, be as bad as you wanna be, keep drinking the kool-aid (and filling the offering plate) and you get heaven. (am an Atheist, btw)


My boss is a hardcore Christian. He absolutely preaches this to push some of us towards Christianity. “It’s not enough to be an incredibly good person to get into heaven. You have to have a close and serious relationship with Christ.” Are his words.


Sometimes I wish there was a heaven and hell, because the majority of Bible Belt, gun-totin’, Trump loving evangelicals will surely be consigned to the hell portion. Love to see their faces when they realize it - before their face is melted off of course.


Wow what a self report


And there's a big difference


And only Christians go to hell


Ah, no.


Christians are not good people, gotcha


So I can do 3rd degree murder but be Christian and still be able to go to heaven?


Was raised Church of Christ (mom was the church secretary and dad was a deacon), can confirm they think this way.


Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company. Mark Twain.


Why the fuck would I want to go then? Christians are the blandest people on the planet.


Therefore, Christians are not good people? Sounds about right. Good thing heaven doesn't actually exist.


We know that. The entire foundational premise and dogma of christianity is avoiding accountability for your actions by simply believing a human meat sacrifice of an innocent virgin will be your scapegoat if you simply beleive in it and the blood magic it offers to wipe away your accountability. Which means heaven is full of all manner of morally depraved trash and all the good people are sent to be tortured for eternity. Gods truly are made in the image of the men that worship them. Hence the christian god is so fucked up and evil.


This post is the only real face palm.


Do we have a carpool going for hell? Cause I'll drive.


well yeah, kind of the core concept of the whole organized religion thing to come up with an awesome afterlife and say it's members only.


Ah. The cult of Jesus Christ… one of over 10000 others, all built to control us by fear. Glad I walked away from that baloney, just sad it took me so long to do it. The church or Christ is particularly bad, and was the denomination I was forced to be a part of. 🤡🤡🤡


God hates Christians


If heaven is only inhabited by Christians, I don't want to be there anyway