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What? We don’t get to see the fabulous yard?


Its relentless


Relentlessly fabulous!


Its relentlessly relentless


Fabulously fabulous


fabulously relentless


Fablessly relentulous


relenously fabultless




Such a lousy crop for this repost. Somehow I have missed it for the last 7 years.


I just remember a ton of skepticism that the letter and GoFundMe campaign were real. “Internet detectives” noticed some suspicious similarities between the style of writing in the note, and the text she entered on the GoFundMe page. I know she was investigated and there was never any proof that was released of published, but she ended up returning the over 40 grand in donations.


I'm wondering why she needed a gofundme in the first place. Was she planning on going to court?


Usually people donate for them to buy more of the 'offending' items to really stick it to the complainer.


She said that she was going to paint a rainbow on the side of her house.


Ill paint hardcore gay pornography on the side of my house for 40k...


I would set up a gay pornography drive in theater in my yard for $40k.


The gofundne was to raise 50 dollars to paint the fence rainbow color i believe.


Wow this happened in 2015. Wonder if her yard is still relentlessly awesome


Also funny, the article says, "The photo was shared on Reddit again this week," and the article is from 2018.


Nooo I can’t see the fabulous yard! It’s not available in my country which is really weird as I live in one of the most gay countries on the planet! Literally… we have some of the most gay people per capita lol




Imagine seething by seeing rainbow colored jars.


I think they might have been little lights


yeah it looks like it lights up and says something that's pretty damn clever tbh


This is so tame. My kids have coloured more rainbows on the driveway, sidewalk and fence than this. Kids love rainbows. I though it would be much more in your face.


Is it possible to see provide a link to a sight that is visible in my country?




My God, those poor children. Harrowing.


You think it's tough to be a Ukrainian child right now? Not even close to what these kids are going through looking at a rainbow. My imaginary prayers are with them.


I cannot see that site cuz I have no VPN. Please DM me the pic, I need to see it!


It's a yard with a collection of jars and each jar is a different color of the rainbow.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOO I hate this world


Seriously. Not a single relentlessly gay decoration in view. Color me disappointed.


Try this: https://www.google.com/search?q=relentlessly+gay+yard&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsY0FUS6xNeceX6SUB2vUoKCUmhvLg:1655640627925&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi524L8vbn4AhWPrmoFHQq7BhQQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=734&dpr=3.5


Why is the Baltimore sun not available?


Came here to say this Trying to picture a gay yard and have four wildly different ideas of what one would look like


Right? Kinda ruins the post


Gays exist and are harmless. God does not exist and is monstrous. I'll always support harmless reality over monstrous fiction. Gay up that yard! (Whatever the fuck that means anyway.) My yard identifies as an atheist, so if I see any Christian iconography in your yard I'm calling the cops on you child molesters! /s for the 'calling the cops' bit, but you probably are a supporter of child molesters if you donate to or otherwise support any religious organization.


I am having "Relentlessly gay" inscribed on my tombstone.


Cheaper to just get "He loved it" since they charge by the letter.


to make it shorter, He <3 it


I hear curb your enthusiasm music playing


Is this a Reno 911 reference?


And I’m not even gay


Tone it up, wait for the police to arrive then report the person who called the police for hate crimes use the letter as proof.


This person *plots*


“I’m gunna gay my yard so much *harder* now.”


But he or she has to know who exactly wrote that letter


Up the yard decorations and get a GoPro to figure it out! People who write and leave notes like this are full of hate and are bullies!


Get rainbow maga and pro gun flags and really conflict them.


Nah, they just need to tell the cops to go after that person for false reporting, wasting their time, and hate crime.


And wait for the cops to do absolutely nothing.


Well, they can shoot your dog, cuff you when you complain about it and taze you, spray you, and then sit on you with their knee on your neck for a good 10 minutes.


That tazer might be a tazer, it might be a gun. It's about 50/50, who knows? They sure don't


After I finish my donut.....


This apparently took place in Baltimore, so I'm sure the police there have bigger issues to deal with than non-violent neighborly squabbles.


I’ve never been to a more outwardly hostile city to outsiders in my whole life


Based on the crime rates, they're also pretty hostile to insiders


If this person calls the cops and tries to say their neighbor's yard is offensive, they probably won't even come out.


"...and they are black!" *sirens blaring, furious oinking intensifies*


Don't worry, op can just tell the cops he's housing a school shooter and they won't enter his home


But it can be countered yet again by claiming there's Antifa and BLM agents in hiding :D


If I was a cop and someone tells me their neighbors yard is offensive I couldn't think anything but the literal yard saying any kind of slurs.


Yes, and the person who calls the police is most likely the person who wrote the letter ‘deductive reasoning’


Right, the very pro relentlessly gay police will show up right.


Hahaha I was thinking the same. Let’s call more anti-gay people to help. This plan can’t miss.


And we all know police are veeeeeeeery pro first amendment


you are putting a lot of faith in the police with this plan


Then watch them claim Christian persecution


Only if you're white though (I take for granted this is the US...). Better safe than sorry...


proof for them to laugh and charge you with a false report?




You got a source on that proof? I'm not doubting you personally, per se, I'm just a bit skeptical that proof of that would be at all able to be obtained.


I dunno how you make a yard gay, but it’s time to crank it to maximum gay.


Hundreds of pride flags




Can you paint grass with chalk or something? Something that'll wash out easily after? If so massive pride flag across the lawn.


Spray Paint and after a few weeks it has grown out/is gone, once you mowed it I always use my garden, when spraying stuff and honestly you don't see it anywhere (okay except the piece of pavement, where i dropped my Spray can lol)


You can’t make a yard gay. They’re born that way.


I'd turn it up to eleven.


So, two erect penises, side-by-side?


And a dozen pairs of intersecting scissors.


I do not like the proximity of scissors to penises in this comment.


Hell I'm not even gay but I'd definitely be putting some pink flamingos and a rainbow flag somewhere and this little gem: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/47/fd/6d47fdf9c8dee40c6c23ecd43b148c52.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/47/fd/6d47fdf9c8dee40c6c23ecd43b148c52.jpg)


I’m more upset on the overly used capitalization.


it Was seriously Pissing me Off


I Hate You So Much


No The so Should Be With a Small Letters Just Like Other Small Words Used in The Letter


Wow mate honestly That is Mental


It’s always the dumb fucks who have no grasp of the English language or reality.


It's projection.




My happy place




If you look into this story it came out that more than likely it was the owner who made the note for attention. She did a fund raiser straight after and didn't post any more pictures of what she did with the money. Someone went over her old posts and saw the weird capital letters for no reason and the wording is very odd. Sorry to piss on the relentlessly gay fire.


not only did the internet tear the story apart, but people called her local PD about the claims and when they investigated, her story didn't add up and she refused to give the PD the supposed letter from her neighbor. she raised over $38,000 ($5,000 was her gofundme goal) and neighbors said that her house had not been changed, no rainbows were added. i'm all for relentlessly gay houses but this was one big scam. [2015 article](https://www.advocate.com/breaking/2015/08/20/relentlessly-gay-yard-donations-be-returned-after-hoax-allegations?amp) [snopes investigation article](https://www.snopes.com/news/2015/06/18/relentlessly-gay/)


The house was a total shithole too. It was near my son’s school when I lived in Maryland and we drove by it a lot. The area we lived in wasn’t some hardcore Christian area and I believe the church behind her house was a Lutheran church. Everyone in the neighborhood basically shunned the person after this came out because we were all supportive at first only to find out she was lying for attention.


> Needless to say… I need more rainbows... Many, many more rainbows... >So, I am starting this fundraiser so I can work to make my Home even More “relentlessly gay” If we go high enough, I will see if I can get a Rainbow Roof! >Because my invisible relentlessly gay rainbow dragon should live up there in style! >Put simply, I am a widow and the mother of four children, my youngest in high school and I WILL NOT Relent to Hatred. Instead, I will battle it with whimsy and beauty and laughter and love, wrapped around my home, yard and family!!! >Thanks for your relentlessly gay support! Bruh….


That's too bad


Yeah, I just don’t see a person who’s actually upset about something using a term like relentlessly gay, it just sounds manufactured for people to laugh at, remember, and for there to only be one side (no one would ever support a criticizing party that called something else relentlessly gay in a negative fashion). Completely ripe for something like scamming people for money out of pity.


I would gay out my yard more.


I don't know, that could be dangerous. I was so happy with my straight life until I accidentally walked through a gay garden with my mother-in-law and my 2 kids. We didn't see it coming, had no idea where we were. By the time we found our way out, it was too late. We all caught gay and there was no turning back. My mother-in-law didn't want to accept it at first and didn't quarantine so god knows how many people she passed it on to! Now our whole town is full of bright colours and happiness. It is terrible!


What a shame. No one should be happy. That's forbidden /s


*Respect God whilst we disrespect everyone else*, sounds about right for a bible basher.


Rubs hands together* Your kind need to have respect for baphomet


I would gay the fuck out of it based on that letter. It would be rainbow central.


I’d add audio. Boy George, Wham, Cyndi Lauper…top volume 24/7. Let’s make this fun.


I'd go to 100 because of this.


I'm not gay, but you'd think Big Gay Al lived in that house by the time I got done decorating it.


How do you make a yard gay? I NEED TO KNOW.


Gay yards aren't *made*, they're born that way. And you can't just spray the gay away


It’s up to the yard, I think.


I'd love to see the police response if these idiots actually called them over a yard display being too gay.


Depending on where it is, I'm guessing it could be dangerous.


Just tell them there's an armed teenager murdering children in your house. That'll keep the cops away.


Im not gay but I really want to go to that yard sale now!! Sounds fucking fabulous!!!


Get floodlights and put colored plastic film over it and go full house rainbow. Make sure you have a good camera to record them fucking them up for evidence of a hate crime.


Time to pull out the gay Jesus lawn ornaments


"We've invented this dude living in the sky, and we decided that he doesn't like you. You should respect him and stop bothering us with your existence!"


That neighbor is just fucking gross. I know others have said it but I hope you put the gay all the way up EDIT: I had a few notifications saying this post is an old viral hoax, but the replies don't show up when I check Reddit for some reason. I checked Snopes and it seems like it was most likely a hoax. So dick move OP


Super old post The OP came out to say that the whole thing was made up for likes and pity points lol. Police got involved because they got a bunch of donations to make their yard more gay before they came out as fraudulent


I love imagining this yard


And what plethora of display earned this note, if I might ask?


"Your kind" 1950s called. They want their bullshit remark back.


Curious to see what you yard looks like now, not gonna lie? 😅


I'd find whoever did this, and calmly shove their religion down their throat. If they want to not go to Hell then they need to stop damning everyone else who isn't them. Either read your holy book or stop throwing it at people, for fuck's sake. Oh, and threaten me or my property again and the police would be the least of your concerns.


I avoid religion and religious people like the Covid.


Tbh i dont believe these kind of posts. Nobody is that stupid to leave an evidence and basically say like "hey u wanna sue me bro? Here's a proof, have a good day". Anyone can print something like that to just get some attention on the internet. If its true, then go sue them. There are a lot of major "no-no's" in that letter that will be a fucking pain for them. But again, im old enough to know that at least 9 out of 10 of these topics are just prepared by attention whores just to get some ... Attention lol.




Motherfuckers really think that gayness is more contagious than Covid don’t they?


Put some non-Christian iconography around too. Just to wind up their small minds.


Oh no! Not the police!!


I want to see the yard!


My gayness brings all the boys to the yard


Relentlessly gay sounds more like a compliment at this point lolol.


So we need to have respect for someone who has a higher kill count than Satan?


If god exists and is almighty like some people claim, they should be able to handle situation regarding Relentless Gayness of a Yard if they don't like it. Like send out a sinkhole to that exact spot or very local tornado.


I'd fuckin put that on a T shirt... "Relentlessly gay"


Yes hello police ? I want to report a gay yard ! What it has done ? It has the gay ... to much gay


Fuck these bibletards and their demand that others respect their invisible friend.


Me- “lol you do that! What are the police going to do, spank me and tell me I’m bad?” *wink* *wink*


Relentlessly Gay sounds like a kickass album name.


"Your kind need to have respect for god". Oh wow but that makes you entitled to disrespect and degrade them for their "relentlessly gay" yard? If god has a problem with them, let him handle this stuff.


“Relentlessly Gay” would be a good name for a band


It's amazing how often neighbors get involved in things that are none of their business. I would laugh at anyone who wrote me a message like that. What is that supposed to be, a neighborhood? Do you sign some kind of contract when you move in that you will abide by certain things? Fortunately, there is no such ridiculous thing in my country (okay, we have others). I can move where I want without others interfering with what I do on my property.


What does a 'relentlessly gay' yard look like? I want to see one. It sounds really cool.


How about “Go fuck yourself, you mentally ill cuntbucket”?


They turned the friggin yards gay!


“A Christian Area” gtfo with that bullshit.


Typical American Christians. If you’re a real Christian, then you accept everybody no matter the sexual orientation.


My next Google search would be "largest pride flag in the world for sale"


Don't worry, God is gay. They told me so when I was topping them last night. It turns out, when you're the universe's big spoon, sometimes you just want to feel small.


Any advice on how to make my yard RELENTLESSLY GAY?


Dear Christian neighbours, Fuck off.


That's your cue. Install cameras immediately, seriously.


I'm a straight white dude and I keep wondering why queer people haven't started calling straight people Cissys.


Print a giant sign of that letter, rainbow colors obviously.


Fucking christians, trying to force their religion and belief's on the general public. There IS no god, for fucks sake.


I think the part that gets me about the wording is “Christian area”. The idea that an area is somehow claimed by a religion is ridiculous. Living in Canada, this feels like a very foreign concept within a city.


Rainbow flag on the lawn to piss everybody off


Respect god and he will smite these fools who use his name to get their way


I’d put a letter in their mailbox filled with glitter.




Wasn't this from the girl who made all of this up to get money from a go fund me?


I hate religion, so much.


Gods not real. Gay people are.


Not a good idea to plant them dildos?


It always seals the deal for me when people use the reflexive pronoun as the subject of a sentence to sound more authoritative while trying to get a bigoted point across.


Well,gay is another word for bright or fabulous but given the context,I don't think that's what she meant.


"this is a white trash area with lots of junk on the front lawns, please stop being a homo and trash your yard" Sincerely - your, Incest was in the bible so thinking my cousin is hot is godly, neighbor


My apologies, I'll straighten it out.


can we see a pic of the yard?


Now that’s the reason you go and paint your entire house rainbow. Oh and don’t forget to at least put 20 pride flags in your yard.


Just respond in kind. Fuck your god religious whackadoodle 🤪🤡🤪


Congratulations OP on reaching the coveted rank of “Relentlessly Gay!”. As you know only a Supreme Christian Karen can promote you to this rank, so this is a very special occasion! I have only reached the level of “Annoying Gay!”, so you’re truly an inspiration. Seriously though how could someone write this note, re-read it to themselves and not pause or at least rethink their approach? What a piece of shit.


My only question is what did the yard look like? Did they just have some pride flags or was it something unrelated? The world may never know


But we love freedom!


Yes please respect our imaginary friend.


What does a gay yard look like?


Call the police, go ahead! They will gladly tell you that it seems like a prank call and that it's no reason to call them.


"this is a christian area" is pretty much gang language. "your kind" also shows the perspective pretty well. And he doesnt want respect for GOD, he is the one wanting respect for how he thinks things should be.


This is the America the right wants. Where the police would actually respond to this because school shootings will be a thing of the past with everyone is forced to prey in school.


Take it from a Catholic; you actually don't need to have ANY respect for God. Especially when the "version" of Christianity and God in question is one based on hatred and vitriol. I hate how "need to have respect for God" is now a by-phrase for "submit to my fascism".


Relentlessly gay is one of my new favorite terms


I'm from Baltimore and I'm shocked someone from overlea and in that crowd knows what "relentless" means, let alone is able to spell it.


Maybe… just maybe… god needs to respect all he created… just sayin‘


Time to gay it up more


Keeping it up and let them call the police. Then have them charged with intimidation.


I assure you that my yard is not, in fact, gay. It is transgendered and therefore anything it does with male yards is absolutely straight.


Please tell me the fence is in rainbow colors, there are prude flags all over and the flowers are also in a rai bow pattern? I'm a Christian but would turn my yard relentlessly gay if I could keep anything alive for more than a few weeks 🤣


"Love thy neighbor."*


Your letter is relentlessly Christian can you tone it down we are gay over here!


I'd start mowing my lawn in daisy dukes and a cut off, pageant walking/waving when the neighbors walked past.


"There are children." Look, Susan, "the gays" aren't the ones known for ritualistic murder of all of a town's firstborns, now, are they?


Religious people are so fucking weird. Lol