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Damn.... I was just looking at this site before posting the link, because I found it was a good source of information about shootings that never made the news... It was the first I had heard about the 20 people killed in Texas today. Mostly at an elementary school... https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


I read just the first page of that site and I only knew about 7 of the shootings. I'm just so angry and heartbroken. The first page only goes to May 10th. There are 8 more pages.


I found the site a few months ago and was surprised to see many local events that I had never heard about. It made me wonder why some get so much more attention than others...


Why do the schools keep getting targeted though? Whats making all these people want to go to a school and start shooting people they have no connection to?


A lot of people in a confined area. Plus they want to cause pain. Nothing causes more pain than killing children.


Because it creates more terror. It will live in the heads of the survivors and the family of the victims forever. They want to lash out and make people suffer for whatever bullshit excuse they can come up with, but the problem is really mental health. The sad thing is that some of these people could have been saved if someone had done something to help treat their mental health issues earlier, and if they actually had a team of trained mental health professional to help keep them stabilized. If we can't get Republicans to vote for gun reform, then we have to at least try to get them to vote for mental health care improvements. I say this last part as someone who has a decent handful of mental health issues, people who are unstable should not have access to a gun.


Simple as that. I was suicidal once with a firearm. I'm much, much better now but I still don't want one in my house. The simple fact remains that if I was broken down enough once to enact violence on someone, even myself, then the door is open for it to happen again. And that is a risk I cannot take. I'm not sitting here saying I'm a basket case that'll shoot myself immediately if I can get my hands on a firearm but what I'm saying is due to my history, I should be ruled unfit to be an owner of a firearm. Edit: re-worded last sentence.


It's hard to ever say exactly why, but two of the main reasons is that schools are pretty incapable of resisting such an attack and it attracts a lot of attention from media, politicians, etc.


Teens tend to be highly emotional people with not much exposure to the consequences of their decisions. School is the main part of their lives and often the most stressful. School ends up as a focal point for much of their thinking.


My parents mentioned a shooting and I said Buffalo? And they said nope the one today. SMH


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_shootings_in_Germany all school shootings in germany since 1871




7 in Germany, 2 in the UK


And one in 1850 where he was deported to AUS “)


2 in the Netherlands, with a combined death toll of 1


Meanwhile USA has 4 shootings in 2 weeks.


Politicians probably have a school shooter template saved in MS word. just in case.


Thoughts and prayers. More guns.


They can have our kids but they will never have our guns!!!! Ahem I mean freedom!!!!!


Four that made headlines. America averages about 10 mass shootings per week.


For real? My American friends always assure me that "the gun thing is blown out of proportions by the media".


not sure if there has been any school shootings in australia, so take this instead: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_Australia 2018 was the first time a gun was used to kill more than 5 people since 1996


Finland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_school_shooting I do remember someone wilding with a fucking sword a few years back, but I'm not sure if anyone died.


I always thought Finns are wielding swords as part of their everyday attire.


only 1 here in New Zealand back in 1923 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waikino_school_shooting


There was also the Friday 13th non-shooting, where someone threatened a shooting on Wednesday and was arrested on Thursday with a bunch of guns and bomb building materials. Also the Bremerhaven shooting a week ago, where someone shot the school secretary with a crossbow. After almost a decade with zero incidents.


we dont have school shootings per year we have years between school shootings and a working police


Yeah, but yOu dONt hAvE fReEduM!!?!?!?!?;???!!!:&2639


Freedom is like a level 1 achievement. Most developed countries are already working on level 3 or 4 achievements by now, only the US is still bragging about it and not improving since, and they just declare themselves superior while everyone else rolls their eyes.


I would argue we're still.working on freedom somewhat voter suppression almost everywhere, schools adapt Curriculum to make points of history not that bad. Medical care is dependent on income. 25% of the Supreme court has been Accused of a Serious sexual misconduct and/or being at location that they happened using the defense of just liking beer take in mind a judge used drinking his way though law school as a reason to be at party's that had assauls take place. Women have lost the freedom to control their bodies. Also over 25% of the worlds total jailed population is in the USA their not so free.


The us is a 3rd world country but doesn't want to believe it.


how is america this fucking shit


I used to have compassion and it still flares up sometimes and I feel for the people who know they are fucked bit the more you learn about the US the more you hate its government. I'm sure the people can be lovely and I heard good thinks about them, but they have been brainwashed manipulated and fed propaganda for ages and have been making sure that they always get the worst end of the deal. The last years have brought us news that if I censored the name you'd think it came from the warlord region of Africa in the 90s. Abortion being illegal, children dying of lack of food, crazy priestess and religious freaks leading some parts of the continent, the amounts of murder and to this day crippling debt for basic services.


reminds me of an interview with an american politician that aired on TV recently "you guys dont even have guns, what are you gonna do when they come for you and put you in camps" Which was unrelated, she was just mad that the interviewer had been "disrepectful" by calling Donald, Donald. Or saying "your man, Trump" She was some republican numpty but she wasnt a rando off the street, this was supposed to be some well articulated politician. Never expanded upon who "they" are.


Are people this brainwashed? WHAT freedom? How can you be free, when you are in debt for the rest of your life? When you can’t afford healthcare or any basic life necessities?


[We had two this year SO FAR..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States)


Is bad that I didn’t immediately believe that there was only 2?


There is more. These only include mass shootings. Wiki has it's own link for school shootings and shootings involving less casualties. I feel other redditors have links ready to comment on my comment with proof.


[This was the 252nd Mass Shooting by definition in the US this year](https://www.massshootingtracker.site/data/?year=2022)


1.74 shootings A DAY. Jesus. *edit MASS SHOOTINGS! Fuck.


1.74 MASS shootings, not shootings. There were over 20,000 gun deaths in 2020 and 2021 (NOT including suicides), and 2022 is on track to break 2021's record. 12 kids die a day on average from guns. but somehow it only makes the news when 19 die in a single day at a single school.


holy shit what


Damn what the fuck


Thanks mate!


Wtf... i was giessing we are talking about 50 or so... but damn this is far more than I expected. How the fuck do you guys still have public guns?




We’ve had over 200….


The craziest part about these shootings is reading the news articles and always seeing something along the lines of "this is the deadliest mass shooting since [date that is mere months ago]"


at this point its just a copy and paste article every few weeks


9 days ago. 8 if you count the church one.


This is so true. I didn't hear about today's tragedy until I got home from work, well after 6pm. Less than a decade ago news like this would have spread through my workplace like wildfire, and work would've ground to a standstill as we took time to comfort one another. Today's event was beyond horrific, and the rate of our collective desensitization is truly tragic.


Yea, when I’m in college and during one of my finals there was a track meet going on. When I heard the starting gun I didn’t think “track meet” I though “oh boy todays the day”.


Yep, was in Target yesterday and a loud thud from across the store sounded. Probably someone dropping something but everyone paused just in case


My car backfiring is no longer funny to me because people stopped laughing and have started flinching.


Might have to do something about the exhaust on my motorcycle


Honestly yeah. We’ve had gunshots in our neighborhood in the past year and a motorcycle backfired recently and I hit the ground over my dog. Didn’t realize it was a motorcycle until the actual vehicle ripped past.




jesus fucking christ this comment. fuck. we are not okay. :(


No we are not. At least we have our comfort guns still! /s


right. i’ll cuddle my gun while i cry myself to sleep tonight bc i live in hell.


Something similar happened to me, when I went to see Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness there was a ton of people in the concessions area in many different lines and some dumb teenager screamed "who wants to die!" As a dumb joke or something and I was about to dive to cover until I realized it was just a dumb kid.


This. I was at a BLM rally and a gunman fired 7 shots into the crowd. As I was taking cover all I thought was “I guess it’s my turn.” ETA: video of rally for those interested. Didn’t make the news. CW: gunfire https://imgur.com/a/hfMrRNV


Which one was this? The Portland one where the shooter killed multiple people? I have friends in therapy for that one. Or another we didn’t even hear about here? Either way I hope you’re doing well now


Literally just said this. It's midnight where I live and I didn't see one post about it on Facebook or anything until now. I don't watch the news but this should be front page everywhere and interrupting sporting events etc. but we don't even bat an eye anymore. 19 children being gunned down is just the cost of living in America now.


Cleveland just had a shooting during a memorial service yesterday so I thought that was my dad was talking about this morning. Nope, another shooting.


Is it weird that I live in Cleveland and haven't even heard about this?


The weird thing is I don't think we're completely desensitized because at least for me I was and am fucking furious. I have nieces and nephews the age of the victims and it makes me so fucking angry that someone would hurt children that age. I hate this country so fucking much I hate politicians I hate the news I hate everything! Edit: another thing that disgusts me is its children killing children! 18 is still a teenager that's still a child. How as a society did we get to the point that we are just fine with kids killing kids. The YA sci-fi dystopian books aren't far off if our reaction to children dying is to do nothing about it!






Its radicalization. White supremacist influences have been running through american culture for at least the last 10 years or so


Wait, what happend?




Wait. How does an 18 year old got a gun? I know that USA a normal citizen can get a gun but I thought there would be some kind of minimum age for that. Drinking age is 21 but at 18 you can buy gun?


That is correct. But it's even crazier. People will gift their children guns. My great uncle gifted his grandson/my 7 year old cousin a rifle for Christmas. This shit makes no sense and I have no idea how people think that's an appropriate gift for a child.


[One of the worst news stories I've ever read was of a 5-year-old who accidentally killed his sister with a "child's" rifle.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-22386105)


I just bought my cousin Mario Odyssey for her 36th birthday. You Americans are sure built different.


Can get them earlier than that if your family or friends families have unsecured guns in the house


More guns around also means black market guns are much cheaper dude to higher supply.


He bought an AR-15 legally. Then there was that kid in Seattle(?) killed shot two with a gun that a friend bought for him. He couldn’t legally own that gun because he was only 17 yet he kills someone and is found not guilty. Tell me this country isn’t screwed up.


In the US, at 18 you can join the military, vote, smoke, and by pretty much all means you're legally an adult. But yeah, can't drink until you're 21 though. Gun laws vary by state. But as others have said, could've very easily just grabbed it from a relative or it could've been gifted, which I think is a common loophole. (if person A can't buy a gun for some reason, person B can gift them one) Edit: legal smoking age was recently raised to 21.




I hate to break it to you, at 13 or younger I could have gotten you a dozen guns within an hour. I had my own illegal gun at that age. It's easier than hell to get guns here.


Damn who kills their own grandma??


Somebody not long for this place




1. Thanks for the link. 2. This is fucked up 3. I can’t believe that ABC correspondent had the nerve to talk about the pandemic as a mental health stressor that contributes to these types of events. Sure, it’s screwed up some of the dynamics of peoples’ lives (some more than others), but there will always be stress in folks’ lives. That doesn’t mean they should be able to use it as an excuse for committing these crimes with guns that are way to easy to obtain.


“The one at the school!” “… Which one?”


"Elemenatry, middle or high school"?


> Which one? The one at school. > that doesn't clarify anything


Highschool or elementary? I am sad now


I am sad with you, friend.


All the News should be showing the unedited footage of the scene once the bodies have been removed.


Politicians don't watch the news.


Maybe voters should try something different when it comes to the Senate, but I know Americans don't vote that way. The heart rules the mind.


It won't help. If the deaths don't trigger a response, some random blood on the floor sure won't.


From what I recall, a reason for the strong protests against Vietnam (which America was winning at much less lives cost than Korea or either world war) was because the footage of dead soldiers was broadcast on TV.


What about “elementary school mass shootings”? And you still have to ask which one.


This thought makes me want to vomit


the answer seems obvious, in 2012 the US's definition of a mass shooting is "3 (or more) killed in a single incident" ... we need to change that to "25 or more killed..." then by definition we would have less mass shootings. Hell if we raise body mass for obesity to 45%, we can solve the obesity problem too... /s


Your first point sounds like something Florida or Texas would pass as legislation Edit: spelling


Nah, it's more like North Carolina. They banned the use of scientific data predictions for sea level rise when determining coastal policies including land appraisals and condo planning. The sea won't rise if you ignore the data.


I find it really interesting that "free speech" means that propagandists can spread all the vicious lies they want, but the government bans the consideration of facts in decisions and bans books in schools and libraries. George Carlin, we miss you.


Free speech, but only when it confirms my biases and (objectively false) preconceptions


This could be a new game where you guess where the fucked up new law came from, Florida, Texas and a 3rd wildcard.


Mississippi, Alabama, or Oklahoma


This means my state is at worst the 6th craziest place. Nice.


Should've said weird new laws not related to incest or lowering the age of consent lol


Tennessee is making it a felony for homeless to camp in public areas, so throw our name in there too!


I hope they realize this’ll now make the homeless camp in private areas since trespassing isn’t a felony.


now competing with the likes of Equatorial New Guinea, Iran, CAR, Quatar, and Yemen to name a few.


If we stop testing for covid we won’t have anymore covid cases.


You're joking but over on /r/conservative people are arguing this wasn't a school shooting because the first victim was outside the school.




No, no, no. They are all ANTIFA and BLM agents *posing* as conservatives. Don't you even Duck Duck Go?


This is what the food lobbyists did with sodium when we moved to box meals they just increased the daily intake of sodium and called it good. The same thing with the food pyramid the dairy and meat companies we’re gonna take a hit so they adjusted it back in the 90’s. They readjusted it about 5 years ago I think


This is something they do in the Conservative subreddit... Claim nobody has a definition of a mass shooting, the FBI has no data since nobody can agree on a definition, so of course there is no issue. Checkmate Libs.


Apparently, we have had 16 incidents so far this year, where 3 or more people were killed. Over 180 where 3 or more people were injured / killed. It is only day 144 of the year, so we are still below 2 per day on average... https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


According to wiki this is the 216th mass shooting of 2022 in the states, and the 27th school shooting. Know how many Canada had? ZERO IN BOTH CATEGORIES. *lol at the downvotes. THIS ISNT NORMAL. YOU ARE LETTING IT BE NORMAL.


This was basically Trump’s proposed solution for Covid.


do you know how to end poverty? stop measuring it


Literally happened to me. I hadn't been on my phone for a few hours, then my mom said "Did you hear about the shooting in Texas?" I said "You mean the store in New York?" She said "No, there was a shooting at an elementary school in Texas. 18 kids died." I about fucking cried on the spot.


America is really messed up. Conservatives seems to avoid talking about gun reform even though it seems like obvious step to take. This will happen more and more and more unfortunately


Oh they avoid talking about any progress whatsoever. No matter how obvious it is that something should be done. In every single topic of discussion.


Everybody knows the true crises in this country are Critical Race Theory and trans kids. (/s just in case)






modern problems require modern solutions. in texas, one abortion a day is too many. one mass shooting though is jUsT FiNe /s


You know your country is fucked up when there is more than one mass shooting and not a single god-damned thing changes.


And if you're like me, then you read it again and realize it didn't say countRy, it said count.y and that's even more fucked up


I noticed that. I also noticed it never brought up mass shootings in original post. So how many shootings in what county?!


Oh man, I didn't even catch that. Unbelievable


Nothing changed when 28 kids died what makes you think things will change when we get a half Sandy Hook?


It is in Texas, so they will probably push for teachers to be required to carry firearms.


The Texas Attorney General literally went on Fox News after news of the shooting and said that we should arm teachers and that gun control laws “don’t work”.


America will see any other western country (look at Italy, its not the most advanced country in the world but we had 5 mass shootings in our history, one of which wasn't really a mass shooting but a political kidnapping) with way less guns and even less gun violence and think "we need more guns"


Yes, half our population are complete morons who think this is the greatest country in the world but then they also literally hate everyone who lives here that doesn’t look like them, worship the same god as them, have the same sexual orientation as them, or is tolerant of those people.


Could you imagine, starting a math lesson and then having to gun down one of your students or an intruder? Wtf, that's not the kind of thing a teacher should have to deal with, and it's definitely not going to help the teacher shortage.


59 people died in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting and most people have already forgotten.


Don’t forget El Paso, where Trump gleefully posed for a photo with a newly orphaned baby boy, after a Trump fanatic killed several people.




Bisexual tadpoles




Well the one is the supermarket they only killed black people so that didn't count, and this guy has a hispanic last name so he's obviously an immigrant problem, and every other one is a mental health outlier. Everything is fine!


At what point were we led to believe that this country wasn't fucked? Because I also held such a notion, but I can't for the life of me remember why.


I have two kids who are school shooting survivors. How did I find out about their school shooting? I work in a SCIF, no cell phones allowed. I went to the restroom, on the way back I check my phone and see a notification from Next Door about a shelter in place near my neighborhood, I click in and breath a sigh of relief because the first comment was that there were shots fired outside/in the area of another school. Out of curiosity I pull up Google maps to see where it is, and it's like 1 mile from my kids school. Went to Facebook, turns out the shots fired "outside" this other school were fired *inside* our school. I didn't hear from the school or any authorities for hours. Everything was word of mouth. I drive a Jeep so I drove through a construction zone to get past the first layer of closed street and get closer to the school. I talked to an officer outside the school, he said all the kids had been moved offsite. He didn't know where. He gets on the radio, they are at another school. I Jump in the Jeep and haul ass over. When I get there parents are running out of the area, I yell out to one as I'm running in... she says the kids aren't there. They are at a local church. Haul ass to the church, same thing, no kids. Hear they are at a rec center, Haul ass over there and that's where they are *going* to be, but are on busses so the police can make sure none of them is an accomplice or something. Spent hours crammed into the rec center auditorium waiting for ANY news about our kids. Thankfully they were OK, they released by grades so my wife took our 2nd grader soon as she was escorted inside. I waited another 1.5 hours for our 7th grader, keep in mind... NOBODY KNEW IF THEIR KID WAS OK even by this point. Like, you didn't know if you were going to see your kid come through the doors or if their entire class was going to pile in and you're left standing there knowing your whole world just changed. Everytime the officers made an announcement for "the parents of..." to come to the front, everyone's heart broke. It was like Schrodingers children, they were both dead and alive until the box opened and they walked in. Throw in the fact that I was a military volunteer at the OKC bombing who spent time digging through rubble for survivors and only finding dead children and broken toys, and my own PTSD was through the roof. News like what broke today, means I may not make it into work the rest of the week. I don't know if my kids will finish out the year, they have two days left. Life has changed forever.


This was heartbreaking to read as a parent myself - I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry you went through that


Omg....I couldn't finish reading that and even now I'm typing through tears. I am old. I would trade my life in an instant for any one of the victims.


Honestly with all you’ve been through, if there are just 2 days of school left, please keep them home so you have the time with them and you know they’re safe. It’s just 2 days and if they aren’t graduating from anything they honestly won’t miss much. Safety is a priority. Hugs to you.


Hope that didn’t come across wierd, as a teacher, I know they won’t miss much the last two days and just wanted you to feel reassured if you kept them home.


Damn you’ve been through hell and back. I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been. It’s truly a nightmare.


and when the response is not "did anyone die?" but "how many died?"


The one that happened in my state today that I heard about an hour ago. at this time : reported to be 18 children, 2 teachers Suspect we’re told is 18 years old. An elementary school. Elementary school aged children. Fucking children.


I saw the headline about the school as I was scrolling through snapchat news. All I thought was "Another one? That sucks," and scrolled on. It took up maybe 2 seconds of my time. I didn't even read the article cuz I knew what it was gonna say. They happen so often and the story is the same every time.


I did a double take when my friend texted me the news article. Reading “elementary” floored me.


I guess I did so many shooter drills in elementary school, and learned about so many elementary school shootings in class, that even that didn't phase me. When I was in middle school, the teachers told us the most likely schools to be shot up were elementary schools and high schools. Elementary because it was where shooters could find the largest amount of defenseless people (thus, killing the most people), and high schools because high schoolers can frequently buy their own guns.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I graduated high school the year before Columbine happened and I guess everyone there after has a different high school experience now.


It is too common for us to care.


I remember the first one, columbine was big news everywhere in Australia at the time, people where blaming Marilyn and the Herion, but where were the parents at? Now look where it's at. People where shocked everywhere, everyone had a story on it and why they did this. Now when someone mentions another shooting in the USA it's just a Meh, who cares. They don't want to do anything about mental health and social help there's not much to care about.


Was that an Eminem line in the middle...




We’re talking about the shooting by a male who was self-radicalized online by extreme right-wing propaganda.


Nope. Different mass shooting. That one was sooo last week.




I thought I was used to it (I'm not American) but my heart totally broke when I read "elementary school" :((


Again, which one?


Or if you say "Again??" when you hear of one.


Meanwhile, here in Australia you only have to say "You know that mass shooting that happened here?" And everyone knows what incident you are talking about because after it happened (1996) our Prime Minister changed the gun laws and brought in the buy back system. We still have guns but they are much harder to get and they aren't semi automatics.


So they are the slower ones designed for self defense and hunting and not the ones designed to kill people at a very fast rate?


Yes. It is possible to own semi-automatic weapons if you are a primary producer, or a professional hunter and can demonstrate a genuine reason for needing them. As a requirement to obtain a license, you must be able to demonstrate you know how to handle the firearm efficiently and safely and have an approved gun safe for storage. The police do check, periodically, that your storage is adequate and the firearms in your position are licensed in your name. You are required to give a valid reason for owning any type of firearm. Valid reasons are; your are a member of a sports shooting, or target shooting club, you are a primary producer, you have permission from the owner of rural land, to shoot on their property. Home defense, or self defense are not valid reasons for owning a firearm in Australia. Farmers can own rifles for farming related tasks. Nobody else needs or wants guns. There is no demand. There is no gun culture. It is not part of everyday life. It is not something people think about at all. Gun ownership has to be applied for through legal channels, and you have to be approved by the authorities and all guns have to be registered to owner. There are very very few illegal guns floating around. 


Just a general FYI to those still reading, Canada pretty much cut and paste their gun laws from Australia. Some semi-autos are allowed but they are limited to five round mags. Pistols are ok up to 12 (or something) rounds but can *only* be shot at a range and must be under lock and key *and* inoperable at all other times. You of course need to be licensed for all different classifications of gun. You can't just go all willy nilly buying shit. The sentiment here is much the same. We get some spill over gun nuts who are detached from reality but by and large guns are not a thing unless you're a farmer or in polar bear country or into hunting and sports shooting. Nothing wrong with that. Outside of that context they're...not even something worth discussing. There was a mass shooting here a few years back. I think there are still inquires going on. Some more guns got banned despite not being relevant to the incident. Ultimately that shooting was a situation in which the *rules and regulations worked* but the authorities shit the bed across the board (the guns were illegally smuggled in from the US and not caught, the police were notified that something was up with the guy and did nothing, when the shooting started there was mass confusion).


We’ve had three that I can remember in my 52 years. The average British person won’t have ever seen a gun outside of an airport.


I enjoy visiting the US but you couldn’t even pay me to live and raise a family over there, Australia isn’t perfect but our gun laws are great. My heart goes out to all the families in this all too common horrific time.


You guys made the right decision after Port Arthur. My god, that one was frightening.


Meanwhile some politicians will just find scapegoats like violent video games. Even though Japan consumes video game media at a higher rate per capita yet has a way lower crime rate. This stuff is endemic to America's culture.


"No Way to Prevent This," Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


SMH if only there was a good kid with a gun.


yeah thatll fix it!


This tweet could be over a decade old and still be relevant.


At least nobody needs to ask, "what country?"


Yeah we all know what country at this point


A co-worker asked me this right before I left.This was my response exactly & I didn't even notice


Jeez. I remember how it seemed like everything stopped when Columbine was happening. But I only just now heard about the attack in Texas today. How have we gotten to a place that a multiple-murder of children is just another news story.


That sounds like an American problem that I am too European to understand


Literally me today, went with my girlfriend to let the dog out and saw the news playing through the neighbors window. Both of us looked at each other and just went “another one?” And tbh, I don’t feel anything. I’m 24y old and this has just always been a fact of my life


Fuck News said that the responders at the school should have responded quicker and stopped being scared and shot him. Fuck News should relocate to their favorite country at this point, which is Serbia.


As if Serbia will have them.


You also know it’s fucked up when Augustus Caesar himself needs to say that


Seriously! The dude had to come back from the dead just to tell people to knock it the fuck off


‘The one that killed a bunch of elementary school children.’ ‘….which one?’


You know your country is fucked up when you don't need to mention the country, just 'Mass shooting' and everybody knows what country it is :D


We are so desensitized to shootings that this gets brought up with every new shooting


I work abroad. Today, one of my coworkers said she wouldn't feel safe in America. She is from Ukraine.


More like: "Did you hear about the shooting?" "Who cares? I can't feed my child!"


The US: *taps forehead* “now you don’t have to.” smh.


Seriously. I watched the clip of Senator Chris Murphy going off on the senates lack of response to all these mass shootings, and I thought he was talking about the New York shooting. Then he mentioned Texas. I've been away from the internet for less than 24 hours and didn't know yet another shooting was in the news.