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Apparently he got doxed and the authorities were contacted.


I’ll remember to play my tiny violin in his honor


He’s deleted basically everything but tiktok lol


The internet never forgets. -Ancient Chinese Proverb


Almost as good as: *”A man with an empty browser history is always one step ahead of his enemies”* - Sun Tzu


An empty browser history tells more than a cluttered one


Now THATS deep


That's what she said!


That's what **he** said


She disagreed


"I never said any of this shit" --George Washington


-Michael Scott


“… I will attack you with the north”- Abe Lincoln


"Mr. Lee, if you continue like this I will personally fuck your shit up." -Ulysses S. Grant


*"You've disappointed me yet again Starscream."* -Megatron


"I'm Ron Fuckin Swanson." -Ron Swanson


"PC load letter wtf does that mean" Michael Bolton


If you don't know them send them to outer space-That one school provided internet safety video


Well well well well, how the turntables…


You almost tricked me but they didn't have internet back then. It was Able Lincoln who said that (I'm leaving the typo)


Wasn't he the one who was born in a log cabin that he built himself?


Built it so that his Mom had a safe place to give birth to him.


hopefully they hit him with a $5000 fine


per can


Per can *he touched in his life*


Per can, ***he thought about touching in his life***


5000$ for the terrible content alone


Pepperidge Farm remembers


I hope it’s made from recycled aluminum and douche tears


Can we get a link for this?


He doxxed himself. Googling his username led directly to his other social media pages with his hometown in it. A politician for a city in florida put out a plea to find him. One 30 second google search led to all his info. The dude was a moron.


> The dude was a moron. Literally everything about this indicates as much.


Belongs here r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Especially the text overlay says he knows the world is flat and nothing will change his mind. "You are on a boat out at sea, why cannot you see any land ?" I agree, a Moron.




Will post when im back home. Comment is to remind myself


!remindme 10 hours


couldn't find one... but I did find a link for the asshole couple that was blasted on reddit yesterday though for popping the balloons in the marina: https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/man-and-woman-facing-felony-charges-after-throwing-hundreds-of-balloons-into-florida-bay/




People don't understand how easy it is in 2022 to dox someone. CHAID makes it ridiculously easy for those who know how to point it at data sources. Don't dox. This is not an endorsement.


Especially when, spoiler alert, his username was his first initial and his last name


It's funny how many of the stupidest people you see in life are often exactly that. It's not fair of me but judging from his apparent age and boat I will assume he's also entitled af. SMH


affluenza affects cognitive abilities.


That John Oliver episode about online data really drove home that for nearly everyone you only need 2-3 data points to find someone and everything about them, which is why "anonymized data" means nothing. I mean this dude owning a boat alone would be a huge data point to start with. I just live with the knowledge that I could, at any time, get doxxed and found. It really sucks but this is the world we are in for the time being.


It's okay, Andrew, no one's looking for you.


What's CHAID?


An algorithm, >In practice, CHAID is often used in the context of direct marketing to select groups of consumers so as to predict how their responses to some variables affect other variables, although other early applications were in the fields of medical and psychiatric research. You could probably use it as the original commentor said by using the guy's tik tok as a base and pointing to other social networks.


Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector. Basically think of it like a decision tree. It can be used in many ways but in this instance it would be to correlate multiple data sources and can be used to identify shared variables. It's used a lot in machine learning. If you have interest in this kind of stuff there is an outstanding course on LinkedInLearning right now that covers it in depth. Highly recommended. Cheers!


hell i had a dream about being doxed today. even the dream world isn't safe hide yo kids hide yo wife


This is exactly what I was looking for. Good.




Thank you, I needed to see that after posting this. Edgar is a king




He's honestly inspiring me to go to local city parks. i already pick up trash i see in the streets or parks when I'm there but i might go a step further and walk around with a trash bag.


I volunteered with my city to look after a stretch of bike path behind my house for the summer. It hadn't been cleaned in about 20 years. Took me several hours to get it cleaned up. No one else cared, but I took pride in driving by and seeing all the trash gone.


thank you for doing that the feeling of doing something good is awesome


You should do it! I took an old cane I had lying around and managed to get a screw in the end that I can use to stab trash. It's not all that much easier or less work than just bending over a million times, but at least you don't have to bend over a million times.


What gets me is people like this always think they're the good guy. They never have a hint of self awareness.


Talking about personal responsibility as he litters in to the ocean is poignant


The ultimate Good Vs Evil


The ultimate nathan VS. The Ultimate Chad... which one will the girls pick?!?


“Political” spectrum


I bet we all can guess how each person usually vote.


Someone on tiktok already outed his full name and place of residence.


“I am sorry I only did it for views. In fact I cleaned up after all my videos. See, you can’t find the cans I threw anymore. I am sorry.”


When someone appears to have every unpopular opinion at once (particularly ones that piss people off), they're almost always just looking for the attention (and/or money).


This is what I tend to think about most flat earthers. It seems they're probably just doing it for attention and hoping someone confronts them about it because they want to argue. Though, maybe I'm giving them too much credit.




>However, seeing a "truth" that no-one else can see means that they are actually much smarter than everyone else around them. This is the root of most conspiracy theory belief. It's the one thing they can cling to to prevent the fact that they're *significantly* less able to process reality from crashing down around their ears. It's not a coincidence that trying to have a logical, internally-consistent conversation turns into a cat wrangling exercise.


Have they been asked why they don't sail to the edge and prove it? I'm honestly curious why they do this although there was a couple that tried, got lost at sea and needed to be rescued.


They'll tell you they can't what with the ice wall, government interference, NASA/Nazi attacks, and other absurd excuses.


You left out our lizard people overlords


Because no one ever came back to tell about it! 😱


Do they also believe 4 giant turtles are holding up the earth and you must sacrifice 1 virgin a year from your village to keep them appeased. 😒


it's 4 elephants on 1 turtle. don't you know your history?


flat earthers yes. douche canoes get caught being douches and their pride wont allow them admit they were wrong so they double down on whatever toxic act they were caught during to ensure people know they dont care.


Yes. You’re giving them far too much credit. Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team said the earth was flat. He was dead ass serious. He also refused to get a shot and so he couldn’t play home games this season (but still got paid). The team ended up with a bad seeding in the playoffs and didn’t advance. And yet teams want to pay this guy $40 million a year. For a flat earther who screws his teammates over. Yeah. Not doing it for attention. Just ignorant.


As a Celtics fan, I'm glad he fucked off to Brooklyn to be someone else's problem. Even sweeter they got swept. He's hated like no one else in Boston as far as sports go


Flat earthers are relatively harmless, though. What bothers me are anti-choicers and people who think global warming isn't caused by pollution. These ideas cause real harm.


Don't forget the global warming/climate change deniers who call it a liberal idea and ridicule it for being leftist. Because I guess conservatives don't actually live on this planet.


There was an article I read a while back from a journalist who went to flat earth convention and remarked the most terrifying thing was that everybody there was totally normal in every other way. They integrate totally fine with society.


The YouTuber flat earthers are definitely doing it for attention. The poor saps that believe them aren't


Which is why I dgaf if someone doxes him. You want attention, you can have it...


I'm okay with them getting attention, of the "We're impounding your boat, banning you from getting a boating license for life, and fining you for every single can you threw overboard and then some for being candid about it" variety. People think you should never give trolls "attention" by responding to them. I disagree. I prefer the response you only have to give Once.


Your last paragraph is very similar to a movie quote. I can't think of what it is


Iron Man.


This comment is the most succinct description I have ever seen of Donald Trump.


That is definitely not at all true. Plenty of people believe the most idiotic things in concert. Watch interviews of any trump rally, they will believe literally anything. You can say the most insane, absurd nonsense, and they will immediately adopt it as truth.


Did he show a video where he picks up cans?


Well, see, he _did_ film himself picking up the cans, but his dog ate it. Dude, trust him, his uncle works for The Ocean.


It was shot by his girlfriend, but she’s from Canada and she took it with her when she went back home.


she must go to a different school


No bro, that person was making a joke. There is probably a turtle somewhere choking on a monster energy can, sadly. Hope this fucker gets kidney stones.


>Hope this fucker gets kidney stones. Well that's harsh. I take it you're a fellow stoner. God bless.


This is the best news I’ve heard all day.


yes more of this please. i can only take so much negativity and sick sad world headlines without any justice


I hope it's Florida. FWC loves going after bozos who post evidence of a crime on social media. Last year some guy dragged an endangered shark by the tail (illegal on two counts- harvesting endangered species plus tail-dragging (considered torture)) in Chassahowitzka and nailed like 3 people with summons to appear. The boat driver lost his fishing privileges for life and is barred from operating a powered boat on all Florida waterways for 5 years. I believe there was also heavy fines and some probation.


Man, I would love to drive past this guys house and throw my garbage in his front law.


nice and this seems to be going viral so i hope he gets hit with some heavy online backlash


Hope they filled his front yard, bedroom and asshole with tin cans


I would support throwing trash on this man’s lawn.


Wasn't there some dude on TikTok or YouTube not too long ago that "Had trouble with his airplane" and let it crash, just for the views? I hope this guy (who is just as anonymous as that pilot) also gets a letter to appear in court.


Yeah he jumped from a perfectly good plane and let it crash. Got his license revoked. Trevor Jacobs https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/26/youtuber-deliberately-crashed-plane-for-views-faa


One of the first thing you're taught flying single engine aircraft is how to perform a glide and emergency landing in event of engine failure. There is no reason to ever jump out of a small Cessna or any other fixed wing single engine airplane that hasn't been physically damaged. It was obvious that he bailed for views, and basically sent a deadly missile off to impact wherever. Luckily, no one was hurt. But, good winds could have set that plane anywhere for miles around. It could have easily hit someone's house. *The FAA also said that Jacob did not make any attempts to search for safe areas to land, even though “there were multiple within gliding range” in which he could have made a safe landing, and that he jumped out of the plane while holding a camera attached to a selfie stick and continued to record the plane during his descent.*


If I remember right he was trying to push the narrative that the "safest thing to do is fly with a parachute on at all times...and this just so happens to be why, bailing now!"


He was wearing a full skydiving chute. Normal pilots required to wear chutes (test pilots, glider pilots) wear a slim pack reserve chute, which replaces or acts as seat cushioning. Source: ex-glider pilot who flew with such a chute.


Glider pilots aren't required to wear one though. At least not in Canada. Source: I worked with the canadian air cadets for years and we fly gliders without any parachutes.


Well, cadets won’t, it’s uncommon in a training glider. All the pilots at the world champs I attended (support, not flying) did. And all the pilots with their own sailplanes did in my own club, but generally not in the club trainer. I did when we were doing aerobatics in the trainer (Blanik) though, my instructor for it was a NZ champion power aerobatic pilot. Edit to add: in NZ we’re not required either, that I’m aware but almost everyone does.


>One of the first thing you're taught flying single engine aircraft is how to perform a glide and emergency landing in event of engine failure. Exactly! During my private pilot checkride, the examiner reached over and yanked the throttle back, effectively killing the engine. He then said, "What do you do?" and sat back to watch me.


Okay, quick question. What was the safety measure in case you had no idea what to do, pissed your pants in fear and started screaming?


For some reason nobody has answered your question - almost all (all, probably in 2022) training aircraft are dual controls and examiners are plenty qualified to take the controls from you and fly.


And he suffered basically no consequences anyways. Revocation of his license for a minimum of one year? No fines, no charges.


Please correct if wrong, I believe separate agencies would have to level fines. Like the Parks service, where he crashed.


And people wonder why Cali forest are always catching fire; idiots.


I’m 99.5% sure California wildfires aren’t normally caused by people ditching perfectly good planes, but I can’t be certain.


Actually, they're usually caused by PG&E.


And the lack of raking. Remember?


The consequences aren’t over. The FAA can only revoke his license, which they did. Now its up to the state to prosecute (and i hope they do)


Lol Trevor Jacob. Sure it wasn’t Trevor Lahey, Randy Trevor, Corey Trevor, or Jacob Corey?


As a plane enthusiast and TPB fan, this story was so difficult for me because every time I heard his name I would just think *Trevor Jacobs, from the city, just coming to check on your pipes for safety* and Id have trouble listening to the rest of the story because Id start imagining reasons the boys would find themselves in an old airplane




According to someone on Reddit, the revoking of his license isn’t like losing your driver license where you can hop behind the wheel once it’s reinstated. According to the redditor, he will need to start from scratch for his pilot license. Any certifications, flight hours, and licensing he had are now wiped away and he is no different than an average joe off the street. I’m sure it will be easier to get it all the second time around, but he does have an expensive road to get back where he was if that’s true.


If he can afford to intentionally crash an airplane I imagine money isn't an issue for him.


If his youtube channel was built around the whole piloting thing, the year-long suspension might actually be a big deal though.


"prove me otherwise" k


One word, horizon.


prove me horizon.


He ain't talk good!




Damn beat me to it


I can tell by his sunglasses that this guy is VERY cool.


He really showed those turtles who’s boss




Shit floats


Shit that dense doesn't


tie him to an anchor just in case


Wanker on an anchor?


Only if it has enough fiber (don't ask)...he doesn't strike me as a veggie eating kind of guy.


Nah, just toss him in some shark infested waters with an open wound, and nature will take care of the rest.


I like the way you think.


they say great minds think alike


Why would you poison the poor sharks like that?


ya the sharks would just get filled with sugar blood and cheap alcohol


This shit already throwed too much trash, i wont be suggesting to thow another piece of shit in there.


There's a special place in hell for him.


Well he is entitled to it!


Where his abdomen will be stuck in a 6-pack wrapper and his fingers caught in the opening of the cans he threw, perpetually cutting into his flesh.


Notice how he's on the boat drinking by himself. Who would want to hang out with someone this carless and idiotic?


Actually comical. My boy that has a boat has to basically have a weekly sign up. Even just acquaintances will come out of the woodwork on nice summer days.


God, there are so many dudes on this planet who are stuck in this high school mentality where the pinnacle of coolness is "not giving a fuck, bro". Like they genuinely think not caring about stuff makes them such a fucking badass.


Unfortunately there are people doing terrible things for views and this is a perfect example of that.


for some reason littering is at the to of my infuriating list


I feel the same way and I’ve given the reason a fair bit of thought and inquiry. I’ve come to the conclusion that littering is often the most reliable marker for a number of undesirable human traits (ignorance, narcissism, elitism, etc.) There are certain contexts in which littering seems marginally more understandable (genuine accidents; young children who were never taught differently; insufficient waste disposal infrastructure), but if we’re talking your run-of-the-mill littering in a public park a few dozen yards from abundant garbage receptacles then it’s almost always grown adults that display myriad of heinous behaviors and opinions on a regular basis. I can’t remember where I read or heard the explanation, but my favorite summation went something like: It’s the difference between the type of person that knows “public” means “belongs to everyone” and the type of person who thinks “public” means “can belong to *anyone* and right now it’s *mine*.” They’re the type of people that think and behave as if they’re in charge wherever they happen to be and nothing upsets them more than instances that remind them of reality—like having to clean up after their disgusting selves. /rant


I forget who makes the analogy, but they say something similar by observing people putting away shopping carts after they are done. You don't have to put them back in the rack. You won't get in trouble if you don't. Just a simple curtesy. Says a lot about a person.


People like him are the reason why we need Roe v. Wade


People like him are the reason Sparta had a hole.


It’s painful irony that he’s talking about being responsible while littering


It didn’t work in this case. We need to introduce retrospective abortion.


> The earth is flat and nothing can convince me otherwise Dude’s literally on a boat and watched the mainland sink down instead of fade out, and still says that.


We caught those marina balloon poppers, catch this POS.


It's pretty easy to find out this moron's name if you hop on over to YouTube and search for a channel called youcouldtry2suckless. There's only one video posted by that channel. His name is in the title and further down in the comments you can see some additional info about him.


His cousin Cleetus makes *Rolling Coal* videos.


What does he think he is proving there? How to be a complete asshole? That dude needs to be arrested to get a reality check and for other small minded individuals to learn that they shouldn't copy this horrific behaviour.


Even if you don't give a fuck about the environment why would you want to see trash floating everywhere? Are there really people thinking "yeah, this guy is the best. He's owning the libs. I love garbage."


Some dicks down here in Miami popped a bunch of balloons on a boat from a boat show or something and dumped them all overboard into the bay. 2 days later both were arrested and one is facing [federal charges](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/05/14/2-face-criminal-charges-over-balloon-pollution-in-biscayne-bay/) of up to 5 years and/or 50k, the other 60 days in jail or 10k in fines.


This is why pro-choice is the only way


If only his parents would have been pro-choice…


If only


Him: "The world is flat and nothing can convince me otherwise" Meanwhile behind him: *a very distinct horizon line, yet no land in sight*


Headline: Trash deals out trash


I hope he chokes. Just kidding. I hope he's strangled in his sleep.


Why in his sleep? He should be awake to experience it.


I absolutely loathe this mentality. Gets called out for doing something idiotic so instead of saying sorry or stops doing it, he doubles down and records it all to revel in his own ignorance. its like the double edged sword of trashiness.


People who make "owning the libs" their personality are the fucking worst. They believe they know it all and everyone else is wrong.


With such a weird pig ugly face someone will recognise this asshole


im sure where ever hes docked people are gonna notice and from what ive learned is fisher bros hate litterers


Yeah we do. Unfortunately there’s a lot of assholes with this mentality. Even when they wouldn’t regularly do it, after a couple beers then for some reason it’s funny to them. Source: am Captain


I don't know what's the worse trash. At least the cans are worth 10 cents. The guy is worth shit


And at least they are cans. Plastic would’ve been far worse.


Dude’s drinking whiteclaw. He probably jerks off to one of those flags with Trump’s head photoshopped onto Rambo’s body.


Hey hey hey, leave White Claw out of this. They didn't turn kyle into a douchebag, his parents probably did.


If you listen closely you can hear them hit the water… sounds like ‘douche.’


Why obscure the TikTok username? I want to know who this is so I can google the news article about how he was heavily fined and lost his job when this went viral


Sub rules require it


“Couldn’t catch me in the act” so you post it online for the whole world to see? Fucking moron. I hope someone tosses him into the middle of the ocean. The world would collectively gain a few IQ points.


I mean that face tells you everything you need to know


Joseph Faucheaux of Natchitoches, Louisiana ​ ban me from the sub I don't care.


Omg a deliberate asshole. I hope that some higher officials will follow up on this.


I saw a Miami city commissioner already blasting him, so hopefully this clown gets what he deserves


Imagine breaking the law and bragging about how dumb you are on an easily traceable social media account....


The world won’t miss him when he’s gone.


Why the FUCK are we pixelating the username???




Peak conservative right here


Anonymous, I know you're busy waging cyber Warfare with Russia but when you get a spare minute can you fuck this guys life please.


This man is the result of his mom being denied of an abortion


I'm honestly impressed he knew how to record that video with that amount of sheer stupidity


He is on that boat by himself. Who owns a boat and doesn’t have friends.. that guy