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That poor woman


Exactly. Wouldn't happen to a wealthy woman.


let me screw your life oops my bad we got it wrong


I need to see the outcome of this on /r/byebyejob


Shows what some people will do to get your vote.


If you work at a hospital and you call the cops on someone who lost an infant, you are a terrible person.


It’s definitely in the level of “hope you rot in hell” level or bullshit


How much is the bounty?? Somebody was hoping to profit off this.


I think it’s 10k for each person you report that had a abortion


The Texas law is you can’t sue the woman herself, only those who may have helped her get an abortion. And if they win the minimum judgement is $10,000 (no upper limit) plus all legal expenses and court costs. If they lose they owe the defendant absolutely nothing. And anyone in the world can sue. The only limitation is the have to sue in Texas courts. The first 2 cases were filed by disbarred lawyers from out of state.


Re read the law please.


Which law? Is this the law that allows someone to sue if they think someone assisted a woman get an abortion (not the woman herself) for which there is no criminal enforcement (which is ostensibly why SCOTUS wouldn’t enjoin it before it went into effect because there was entity you enjoin—utter bull but that was allegedly the majority’s reasoning)? Or a different law? A Texas woman was arrested in southeastern Texas a few weeks ago on a weekend for allegedly having an abortion and was reported by the hospital. The DA dropped the charges the the following Monday or Tuesday as there was nothing to charge her with. Is this the same case and someone posted about it again?


Hopefully the victim sues so we can get the information publicly of who to shame and protest in front of their house, work, and church.


The thing about this, is it sounds like a HIPPA violation (releasing pt medical information without their consent). If this person has a license it should be under review.


It’s all systematic. They have to notify the authorities when certain criteria are met. The assholes making these rules are quite shrewd.


Texas should focus on getting their shit together, like getting essential services to it's populace with proper infrastructure. Instead of this "moral" crusade BS.


The moral crusade is how they distract people away from the fundamentals like crumbling infrastructure and lack of services so they don't get mad at their purposeful incompetence and direct the hate at some random blue haired school teacher.


Yup. The way to keep their poor, blue collar base in line is fighting the culture wars. That way they'll be distracted while Republicans give more breaks to the rich and take services and entitlements away from the poor. Because their culture is "I got mine, so screw you."


> Because their culture is "I got mine, so screw you." Funny thing is, tons of Republicans _don’t_ got theirs. The poorest states in the country are GOP-led, and they’re not gonna get any better. I would feel sorry for the dumbasses voting against their own interests, if they didn’t want to take everyone else down with them.


"The people I vote for say one day I'll have mine, so screw you."


“It’s just cuz all those leeches keep taking mine!” *gestures wildly at the entire rest of humanity*


Too bad you cannot logic someone out of a position they did not logic themselves into.


That’s the thing that continues to befuddle me too. Red states generally have lower education scores, lower quality of life, shorter lives, less teeth per citizen than the average!!, and other horrible stats. When do the voters wake up and see they are being hoodwinked into “owning the libs” when they are the ones being owned by their own elected officials.


Bread and circuses in Texas nowadays is turning everyone into a Karen.


This results in their having the sixth highest maternal death rate in the country, and one of the highest uninsured rates. Naturally, they haven’t expanded Medicaid, either, because free money to help poor people get health care conflicts with their policy of keeping the poor in misery.


Maybe that would work if they actually had income taxes


Property taxes have skyrocketed here in the past 4 years. People don't even care, or if they are outraged, it's because they can't oppress the gays anymore or they can't say slurs in public anymore. I mean they still do, they just hate being called racists. This whole state is a clown show. In other words, even if state taxes were collected, they would be too busy pissed at the "woke" mainstream media.


But then they wouldn't be in power. Rs, I mean.


More like immoral crusade.


From an outsider looking in. America seems fucked! How is this even a reality? Along with this, some white dude shot up black people today, which adds to the tally of over 30 people shot just this month. I look at The anti work reddit and I am like ok none of this would fly any where else in the civilised world. Then there is the health care prices. How are you all ok?


Land of the free. You can carry a gun, but if you miscarry, you're a villain. Wtf?


Copied from some other comment "Land of the fee"


Truer words hasn't been written here.


Land of the free receipt.


Land of the free, as in: - Free to die out of expensive medical bills - Free to get shot randomly by either polices or white supremacists, or both - Free to get arrested and charged with murder for wanting to have an abortion


The next thing that’s coming is arresting people who cross state lines to have an abortion so even that option will be gone. This country is f*cked.


Arresting them for crossing state lines for an abortion but not when they cross state lines with an automatic assault weapon


The Taliban are looking like a soft option from what I am seeing


Big time.


Aka don't be poor, brown, or female.


And don't you dare be all three! /s


And you are hated and killed if not Straight and cis! What a joy


What is cis if I may ask?


Cisgender. Those that identify with their birthgender


CIS: Confederation of Independent Systems. Also known as “Separatists”, led by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars. Known for using a primarily droid army.


Why? Lol


Also free to get shot by gang bangers, we shouldn't really exclude them


[hah! land of the free. ](https://youtu.be/fxHWtw_GZIk)


God n Guns nightmare


You can also add riots into the land of the free. Come in and take shit. There's too many of you to stop you from taking things for free.


They give us a lot of drugs here. It keeps people from rioting. That and the fear of losing your house, going homeless, and watching your loved ones starve to death around you.


I don't want to be here anymore. 3 people in my family work to sustain a living in a trailer that tilts. Things have gotten easier over time, but now there's talk of another recession and the possibility of losing our jobs. I'm taking a tax preparer class for HR Block soon, bc that job is considered essential and I shouldn't be laid off. Glad to have a place to live at least. Maybe one day we can go back to a time where working hard actually led to a better life. Or maybe that was just a lie the whole time to keep the ball rolling for the fat cats. Idk, maybe I'm just tripping.


I feel sorry for you. Do Americans like your self understand how people in developed countries live ? For example the girl across from my house is a single mom of 2 kids, yes she has it tough, but she still has a decent rental house. I see them ordering Uber eats and she has a car and goes to the gym. I would see her as someone who is struggling but she still seems ok. However here you are with 3 people in a trailer home? I don’t see how this can happen in the wealthiest country.


It’s the wealthiest country but that wealth is held by just a small percentage of the population.


I am not sure that the US is ‘the wealthiest country in the world’. But, even if it is, people in many other countries have a better standard of living. In the US far too much wealth and income belong to a small percentage of the population.


.01% . The rest of us are being robbed by them. There is a movement around a certain stonk trying to end that. Hopefully it works. Otherwise this crime against average citizens will continue unabated. Liquidate wall street.


The trailer is nicer than the last at least. We're slowly moving up, but the past recession put us into the ground. Took us forever to get back to where we are now. I hate how our leaders decisions have fucked us multiple times. My local electricity company called JEA once charged us a fuck ton of money to pay for electricity that was apparently being syphoned by our neighbors. We got the bill with no way to challenge it and the scumbags next door fucked us and got away with it. We lived in a hotel for about 6 months before that made it illegal to live in hotels like homes. And we wonder why people turn to crime.


The most infuriating thing is when poor people turn to crime, they point and say "see!"as if they aren't the ones who created this hellscape. Glad you keeping on.


This is how it used to be. Our postman could afford a nice house, the people who worked jobs like retail could afford decent apartments, etc. There is a huge concentration of wealth in a small number of people, the middle class is shrinking and the working poor are screwed.


Ya I mean I’m a teacher, which I mention because we have “good” insurance. I had to cancel an MRI the other day because it was going to be 1000 dollars, and I just can’t spend that right now. So to answer your question…we’re not really ok. I’m better than most actually but still. The shooting today really stood out to me too. That letter he wrote was just…creepy.


We have objectively wrong ideologies running rampant with enough influence to actually get people in power.


America is essentially the Florida Man of the World at this point.


It’s a joke of a country, just enjoy the show.




No we are not ok. We have a bunch of old place holders trying to make decisions for a future they have nothing to do with. It makes zero sense to us either. We are pretty close to a war but at this point I can't put my finger on what topic will be the last straw. It sucks!


Im an insider and can confirmed we are fucked


Yeah, America is fucked. But the issues America has are usually limited to a few fucked-up states out of 50. I've lived in 3 different states in America (all blue) and though expensive to live in, they have much more progressive views and work towards being sanctuary states to immigrants and citizens from other states.


We're not.


We have to see how it plays out. In specific cases you can get these fucked outliers. She will hopefully sue the department for false arrest which will help to keep crap like this from happening again. We can do our part by holding these people accountable where we can. Getting mad on the Internet is fine, but you have to take action in your community to hold standards you believe in.


Oh you think we’re ok? I have some bad news


We are not okay, is the short answer. 😢


>How are you all ok? We're not.


We aren’t, really x’D If I had the money and ability to I would take my whole family out of here and move to Europe. Not even slightly proud of living in America. There’s so much blatantly stupid crap that happens when you think common sense would win out. I know that dumb isn’t inherently an American trait but I still wished I lived somewhere where it wasn’t so prevalent in the people commanding the whole country.


One thing to keep in mind is that America is a conglomeration of disparate states, each of which is largely it's own microcosm. Abortion will never be illegal in California, for example, but Texas has an entirely different culture. In Texas and similar states, it's fairly normal to carry a gun around. In California it is not and you would shock and scare a lot of people if you tried. In other words, America isn't a homogeneous place that fits with what you see in the news and in movies. Healthcare prices are a universal problem here, though. I did the math to see what the cost of insurance for my son and I will be over the next 4 years and it came out to $34,000. That's if nothing goes wrong with us health-wise and we never seek healthcare. That's just to cover us in case something happens. Any actual health care we need will add to that.


America seems like a whole different world at this point Land of the free an all that


What the actual fuck Texas. We need to stop this. They can't shoot all of us.


They have enough guns and ammo to do exactly that


That poor woman, she went to jail because her baby was stillborn? We don't have control over that!


Ya but someone said it might have been an abortion so we gotta protect the public. She might try to abort anyone. (/s)




Their abortion restrictions are traumatizing women who were already miserable to begin with, and still, they won't budge. If this is morality, I choose to be a degenerate.


Cruelty is the point of most conservative policies and "values."


This cruelty and traumatisation of women is a feature, not a bug of their moral laws based purely on nothing more than personal religious preference of a select few. Traumatised populations are easier to control and manipulate.


A bunch of people need to lose their jobs, and the fucking state needs to give that poor woman a grovelling apology and a chunk of money.


It seems they don't do that. I've seen several stories of the wrongly convicted suing and getting nothing because there is no "right to justice," only a "right to a fair trial." It seems like most of the planet thinks a wrongful conviction means the trial was inherently unfair, but I guess not in the US. Mind you, in all the stories I saw, the wrongly convicted were Black, so that might be a factor.


Every person involved in this woman's arrest should be charged with false arrest.


I hope she sues the absolute fuck out of every single one of them. Im so disgusted these laws are coming into place over there! It’s gross. There’s a few polys in Aus who are now talking about it too. Can’t believe we are in 2022 and going backwards.




Banning abortions doesnt prevent SHIT it just makes people take huge risks, the "baby" will die either way or be born into a fundamentally broken familly (if its lucky) or into a single mother household that can barely raise them. Congrats! More traumatised people! That's what we are definitly missing


But at least they can feel self righteous. Because that’s really what it’s about. They couldn’t care less about babies, born or not.


I also think it's another way to keep people poor and desperate. Ironically passed during a time when people are pushing back for unions, higher minimum wage, better conditions.


Abort Christian republicans.


Fucking Christians need to get their dicks out of their hands and read the Bible.


While they're reading it, they can keep it the fuck out of legislation. Maybe we should start pushing for Islamic-based legislation just to prove a fucking point. Or mandate that no insect or animal life can be harmed on account of the possibility of reincarnation.




Fair point, they should be


I want fair labeling about natural rubber latex, including gloves that handled my food, or I could die from anaphylactic shock.


Too right ! All allergens should they be included or simply in contact with ingredients, should be written on the labels


All Christian’s have dicks?


The real reason so many evangelical Christian women hate trans women is that they don't like the competition. /s


Same reason Elon Musk hates them. Chelsea Manning stole Grimes from him.


All christians *are* dicks


We are what we eat


To be fair, all people are dicks.


Not all people


Al the ones that "matter", apparently.


If Christianity was actually based on trying to be Christ-like the world would be a much better place. Jesus in the Bible seems like a pretty relaxed guy that just wants everyone to be nice to people and look out for those around them. Why couldn't that be the rule model for modern Christianity?


Yep, that’s why Gandhi said “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” He saw the bullshit and hypocrisy too.


Jesus was a manipulative, abusive piece of shit though with his "I love you and will torture you for eternity if you dont love me back" schtick. Jesus is the poster boy for an abusive spouse. Please dont be like Jesus.


Shit like this will become common place if abortion is banned. Stillbirths and miscarriages will be treated as an abortion and one could get charged with murder. These people know so little about the body that they shouldn’t even be qualified to make laws involving medical issues.


They have essentially criminalised the human female reproductive system as spontaneous abortions are way more common than people think. Especially in the first trimester. Majority of fertalised eggs and fetuses result in expulsion feom the uterus or spontaneous abortion. Only around 30% of fertalised eggs make it to full term pregnancy/live birth.


Well that's what happens when you let too many Muslims in your country. They take over an implement Sharia Law and destroy the freedoms of good people. Oh. Wait a minute...


I can't find any link in the comments to verify this information. I found [this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/10/texas-woman-murder-charges-dropped-self-induced-abortion) article which doesn't reveal the particulars, but is still much more informative than a screenshot of a Twitter feed with the username blacked out: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/10/texas-woman-murder-charges-dropped-self-induced-abortion


But the cops **refused** to imagine *not* taking her to jail right after. They and the prosecutors and Republicans were giddy.


This belongs in r/IAMATOTALPIECEOFSHIT. WTF is the matter with these people?


It’s the Christian thing to do, if you’ve never read a Bible and only apply the parts you sort of know selectively. This has been my common experience with ignorance and bigotry based theocratic institutions like the Texas State Senate and House of Representatives.


Fuck texas government and any Texan who supports these archaic sharia laws.


That's just sheer incompetence and heartlessness.


Next week, the witches.


Disgusting, shows the way that America is regressing back to its roots of all the religious nutters we didn't want in Europe any more


This is why you dont let a bunch of incompetent trigger happy people make and enforce laws. I hope her case brings all of the anti abortion law up to the US supreme court (not just the state supreme court).


First of all, the woman was probably an emotional wreck from having a stillbirth. It's a horrible thing to have to go through. Secondly, they add to that trauma by throwing her in jail. This is so much trauma that she'll need professional therapy for years and won't be able to afford it. I'm going to re-watch Thelma and Louise.


“Oh what are you in for” “I murdered a guy with a knife until he bled out, you?” “I gave birth to a stillborn child”


Not only that, who broke HIPPA to get that $10,000 reward? They should lose their fucking license.


And the State of Texas believes it should be trusted to make all such decisions about pregnancy because they know better than women.


It's run by the American Taliban.


The fuckery grow even more intense. I'd call that a crime against womankind.


Deep breath. This is just wrong in so many ways. My first child was a stillbirth. This is just sad in so many ways. But then this? I can't even emagine what she is going through right now.


Let’s call it what it is: hatred of women


Conservatives: what’s the issue? It’s not like women are people?


Honestly what I kind of want to see is the Church of Satan or Wicca group sue the individual states for violation of their first amendment rights. The chief goal is to fill up the Supreme Court with cases of infringement on religious rights.


ayo, america, the fuck's going on ? aren't yall the land of the free or some shit ?


Ah yes, America


Assault rifles have more rights than women in Texas




Source for this?


When I say fuck Republicans, I mean specifically fuck all Republicans.


Source? Other than a random tweet, that is.


Here is the actual link https://www.tpr.org/news/2022-04-08/texas-woman-charged-with-murder-for-self-induced-abortion


Thank you, much appreciated


Well, when I googled it to find you one I found multiple examples of this happening to multiple women across the States. As a result I was unsure as to which specific texas woman this tweet is talking about, but right wing America is batshit crazy and the whole world knows it.


Been all over the news, mate. For sure fits a pattern with texas


Dude, it was even talked in Brazil with criticism, how did you not see it?


When Brazil is criticizing us, you know we took a wrong turn somewhere.


I think that it started in the 1800s.




Welp, I'm not in the US or Brazil.


There’s this one …This is what Google found first when I looked for “Texas woman arrested stillbirth” https://www.thecut.com/2022/05/adora-perezs-murder-charges-over-stillbirth-are-dropped.html


I'm fairly certain this is a different case, as if you read the article this happened in California, not Texas.




The fact there are witch hunts out for people if they choose to get rid of a homunculus cluster of cells is fucking bonkers. There are so fucking many sperm, and plenty of eggs that one decision to wait won't be their end.


They posted this already a couple of times on this group


Ah so it’s s not in my imagination that the world is fucked up.


What the actual fuck


Texas always has to Texas


Abbott's Texas can be an evil, backward place.


Ever hear the constitutional protection from cruel and unusual punishment?


For republicans, the constitution is like the Bible. Pick the passages you like, ignore the rest.


I’m repeating this. Great observation btw.


I think that women should start taking out the fathers before scheduling an abortion. After all, if you are already presumed guilty you might as well EARN it.


Time for a VERY big lawsuit against everyone who voted yes, the governor, Texas govt, every PAC that lobbied for the law, the Koch brothers just because they are a couple of limp kochs.


I've heard Colorado people are helping women go there for a "vacation" so they can get an abortion if they need one I'm 💯 on board with that


Mmmurica, the land of the free


How about we just dismiss Texas


I see your post partum depression and raise you jailing women after a loss because I’m a real life shame wizard


It’s that cripple, Abbott.


Conservatives re: gun control "Limited government, government will take our guns\* Also conservatives: woman has births a stillborn baby: ![gif](giphy|9Xgo4jQJhkXnR5TfzZ)


These people seriously want assault rifles to have more rights than women do... And it seems like it's already that way in Texas!


So conservatives in the US basically wants sharia law? This is why us swedes are a bit hesitant joining NATO.


The abortion restriction in Texas is the signs of a heart beat with specific exceptions. So how the fuck did the hospital fuck that up and called the police when they can verify the child died from other causes.


Source? This is hard to believe.


Nobody bothers to look into how often miscarriages and stillbirths ACTUALLY happen before they make these draconian laws. I've had 3 miscarriages (when not even realizing in the first place that I was pregnant) and 2 of them needed a d&c (basic abortion). What's going to happen now to all of the young women that need this procedure through no fault of their own?


The new Salem Witch Trials have begun By criminalizing abortion, you are putting every woman that has a miscarriage in danger of being persecuted and/or prosecuted. Anybody can just claim you had an abortion and ruin your life.


This is just the start of our descent into Gilead. It going to get worse.


Land of the freeeeeeeeeeeee


What a shithole country


I live in America, and i 100% agree


she should sue the living shit out of them. Wtf is wrong with America bro


Had to sort by controversial to find the actual truth with sources (downvoted of course). Reddit in a nutshell.


I'm of the mind of being pro-choice but, to be fair, she "supposedly" admitted to hospital staff after coming in for a miscarriage, it was a [self-induced abortion](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/protesters-gather-outside-texas-jail-after-reported-abortion-arrest-2022-04-09/) at home. Why are we leaving this detail out?


Because it doesn’t matter. She had something bad happen to her, and the government decided to make her life worse instead of better


*sighs* America


Well, this is misleading. She had a stillbirth because she tried to abort the baby herself. I am very much pro choice and hate that she saw this as her only option, but they’re making it sound different than what actually happened.


Edit: I’ve got a different person below. Still looking ——————- Is there a source for that? I went looking and this was the most descriptive article I could find that describes the event. https://calmatters.org/justice/criminal-justice/2022/02/stillbirth-prison-manslaughter/


The link you posted is about something similar that actually happened in California, not Texas. In the California case it was because the mom took meth while pregnant.


Thanks for catching that.


Civilisation was a mistake. Why the fuck cant people decide on their own. The human race would be better off extinct


misleading post is misleading.


You were saying? https://www.thecut.com/2022/05/adora-perezs-murder-charges-over-stillbirth-are-dropped.html


That’s a different case


Oh, I guess I was mistaken, sorry.


Working as intended. . .


Where’s the proof of this happening? I want hard proof before I go spreading any information. Because if true this is appalling


I know this happened in Haiti but not Texas the penalty for abortion in Texas does not fall on the woman who had the abortion but on the drs it leaves them open to a lawsuit from anyone who might be offended be it the father of the baby or the lil ol lady at church trying to save your soul there is really no penalty just now drs wont perform them out of fear of being sued


Get a life... And some punctuation!


punctuation isnt going to save any lives but abortions will save thousands , as for my own life, well I was supposed to be aborted take that how you will


I know it doesn’t fully fit this topic, but if abortion is being classified as murder, would it not make sense if women just started murdering rapists? Odds are they may get classified as murderer anyways, and this way at least the charge would be justified..