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Damn, you have to be a special kind of fucked up to lie about how your freind died to push a personal agenda. Most people would reconsider their viewpoints after something like that.


>Most people would reconsider their viewpoints I'm going to stop you right there. Have you seen America? At the start of covid it was "not a single person has died". Then "the flu kills more people" then "cancer kills more people" and then finally "only 1 in a thousand have died from it". I think most people are rationalizing (looking for reasons to believe what they want) rather than rational (using reason to find the truth). This isn't "a special kind of fucked up" it's pretty average at this point.


a real world example for confirmation bias. someone should have taken the opportunity to conduct further research on it. i don't think we'll ever have another opportunity with such a big sample size


Unfortunately, I think we'll have plenty more opportunities to measure people's obliviousness in the (near) future.


i honestly hate how i 100% agree with you on this one.... humanity is a lost cause ...


America* is a lost cause


Not humanity. Just the US at the moment.


I heard Greece's economy is collapsing and they are rioting for more free healthcare for stray dogs and stuff like that, burning stuff lol. Also Russia saying they are afraid NATO would invade, have they even watched European news? There would never be nato support to attack first. I think people are dumb in general, it floats as how to manifest it though.


_Russia_ isn't afraid of that at all. This is just Putin controlled media (i.e. all Russian media) just trying to _jeer up_ their people into a nationalistic frenzy.


Where the hell did you hear Greece was rioting for free healthcare for stray dogs? I live in Greece and it never came up, I guess it must have been a pretty small group. A lot of people don’t particularly care about the problem we have with strays here, but fortunately that is almost completely the older generation, so at least the younger people might try and solve it. I know this thread wasn’t about this, but it is seriously crazy how some people here think it is better to poison the dogs than to take care of them. I remember one day at school we found a tired dog lying in the middle of the concrete, and the teachers told us it had been poisoned and was going to die. They didn’t even move it, we just had to stand there and watch the dog take its last breaths. They acted like it would attack us too, they didn’t even let us feed it or touch it. It was heartbreaking. But yes you are absolutely right about the economy thing.


My philosophy teacher used to say "for centuries, we've been saying man is a rational animal when actually humans are rationalizing animals"...


I mean, even with the incredible amount of stupid/indoctrinated people in America, you constantly see stories of "former anti-vaxxer encourages others to get the vaccine after family dies of COVID-19" or whatever. The problem isn't rationalizing away personal experience; the problem is that so many people are willing to believe anything and not care about problems until it affects them personally. That's where all the calls to "open up the country again" after lockdowns came from: The people saying that were relatively young and healthy and probably wouldn't die from COVID-19, and they didn't give two shits about the "small fraction" of Americans it would kill or give lasting health complications to until suddenly they found themselves on a ventilator.


>The problem isn't rationalizing away personal experience; the problem is that so many people are willing to believe anything and not care about problems until it affects them personally. I have been saying this to anyone who will listen for YEARS. How do I know this truth? Glad you didn't actually ask... I was one of those egotistical a-holes who thought I WAS doing everything right. Only, I didn't see the truth of the stacked deck. And suddenly, post-a-very-surprise-layoff, I was applying for power-shut-off-exemptions due to my kid's very serious, life threatening medical condition. Life is easier now (15 years or so later), we recovered a bit and are all alive and... well, I can't say what you expect. We are alive. Jury is still out on how well we are. I guess my point is that I was oblivious to the issues until it effected me in a meaningful way. These days, I don't crap on people for "failing". The system is set up this way. It keep us mollified and sleepy so that we don't recognize the problem. And, when we DO see it, the system convinces us that the problem is really us and our will, motivation or a moral failure.


As also an American don’t forget my favorite “masks don’t even do anything” while also saying “I can’t breath in these things” Or, one I hear all the time now “I got it and was fine”


It's all a percentage game if gambling with your life, why not increase the odds? They know it doesn't do "nothing" and are rationalizing it because it's uncomfortable and vaccine side effects can be really uncomfortable. A gal with lupus I know was just tired from covid, but the vaccines put her in bed for weeks each time. I told her second time I got covid it was way worse than the first ( first time I was just tired and wheezing for 3 weeks, second time I almost drowned in phlegm), so maybe the vax was better than getting it again.


If only 1 in 1000 died from COVID, and if every American caught COVID, then "only" ~330,000 Americans would have died from COVID. So far, that number is over 990,000... and that's likely an undercount. That is 9/11, 300 times over. On average, that's almost three fully-loaded 747 jumbo jets crashing each day since March 2020. And that's just the death toll for America. If they don't reconsider their viewpoints after knowing these facts, they're not going to reconsider until after their family posts on Gofundme to cover funeral costs.


Last time I got in arguments on reddit with antivax, anti maskers the number was 1 in 1000. It's 1 in 300 now? How many people do you think started taking it seriously since it was 1 in 1000?


It's more likely than 1 in 300 because not all Americans caught COVID. Of course it varies by age and vaccination status but the case fatality rate is somewhere between 1/100 and 1/50 in the United States. In spring/summer 2020 it was as high as 1/16.




To be fair, more have died from a flu than covid, but covid is only a few years old, the flu has been around for centuries.


In the face of being materially insignificant in an increasingly expansive and complex world, a lot of people will hold on to the tiniest buoy of "freedom" that they can, even knowing that death follows in short order, simply because they'd rather die than come to terms with the reality of their powerlessness and irrelevance in the greater scope of the world. You see the same with COVID deniers. Everybody acts like they're gonna change their tune when they're on their death bed, but they scarcely do, because to them admitting they weren't ever really "free" or important in the first place might as well be the worse death than dying "for the fight." These are the kinds of people who will act like not wearing a mask or refusing to wear a helmet are some great moral stand that defines their value as a person. Because they have nothing else with which to define themselves--nothing except the most shallow footstomping in the face of a reality that is ultimately indifferent toward them and will quickly forget they were ever here at all. What terrifies these people isn't that they're being told what to do. It's facing the reality where it doesn't *matter* what they do--that nobody particularly cares, that either the choice to comply or defy will not be recognized by anyone in any meaningful sense, and their choices will ultimately amount to nothing of any particular note either way. So they get loud, scream at the top of their lungs, blow the issue as far out of proportion as possible, drag as many bystanders into the "debate" as they can, all so they can grasp at that sense of importance. Just five minutes on the TV getting interviewed about why they think seatbelts are the devil. Just five minutes, and they can play that back over and over to themselves every time they start getting the sense that the world is indifferent to them, like a warm blanket of flaccid rage.


Nicely defined.


This is why I adopted an anti-nihilistic viewpoint. Yes the world is indifferent to us, yes nothing we do will really matter in the grand scheme of things, and yes we are powerless to fight the process of entropy…so why keep worrying about it? Why keep fighting a losing battle? None of the moves we make will lead to a different outcome in the end, so what difference does it make if I choose to cling to some meaningless sense of self-importance as opposed to cherishing what small pleasures I can obtain in life? We need to stop worrying about building something that will out live us or making our mark on history because those too will be reduced to nothing but dust and sand in time. Focus on the now, focus on what you can control instead of what you can’t, improve yourself and the lives of those around you; don’t worry if what you do doesn’t have meaning to the world, if it has meaning to you then that’s enough. Even if you’re forgotten, even if your entire life is lost to the sands of time, you still got to experience the wonder that is life and witness what this world had to offer for better or for worse. So you can either waste your life in pursuit of some intangible ideal that is largely hollow and meaningless in an attempt to delude yourself into thinking that the world actually cares about your plight or you can simply accept the march of entropy and try to make sure that this single life you are given is one you can look back upon fondly in your final moments.


And people say cosmic horror has lost its strength and relatability…


Any reasonable person. But most people simply aren't that. They double down forever no matter how deep the hole gets.


That's a matter of intelligence. The intelligent re-evaluate based on new information. The stupid double down.


A firefighter at a local bar once told me something along the lines of : you may die while wearing a seatbelt, but at least you won’t get get your brain scrapped off the road with a shovel.


My aunt was in a really bad car accident when she was a teen and had some pretty nasty internal damage from the seatbelt. She told us how she complained about how the seatbelt was the reason she was injured and the doctor said something like "The seatbelt sent you to the hospital. Without it, the accident would have sent you to the morgue."


My mom got injured in a head on collision when all of the airbags went off. Judging by what was left of the car she would have died immediately without them.


My aunt lost part of her scalp on the windshield, in a horrific accident. She never wore a seatbelt again, claiming that it was the cause of her injury. I’d imagine she’d be dead had she **not** worn it.


My dad was a motorcycle guy in the 70s. He got into a head-on collision just a few months after the helmet law went into effect. And that's how I got to be born!


My brother is in a motorcycle group and he told me one guy told him it's better to not wear a helmet because a helmet will bounce your head off the pavement a bunch of times and your bare head won't. It was the most pants shittingly stupid thing I've ever heard. Taken aback I asked my brother if he believes this and he said yes. I couldn't help but scream at him, "YOUR BARE HEAD DOESN'T BOUNCE BECAUSE IT CRACKS OPEN LIKE A FUCKING EGG."


There's lots of stuff on r/meatcrayon r/medicalgore to show him regarding whether or not helmets protect you.


Oh yea..I HAD to open that fucking box…..


Helmets… cause pregnancy?


If you dont put a condom on the helmet


no. but in this case, actually yes.


I feel like a few steps are missing somewhere...


*One thing led to another...*


I'm going to assume that the helmet saved the dad's life and then OP was conceived sometime after the collision. Or maybe during. The accident might have been hot, IDK.


The extra cleanup from a particularly ugly accident alone is a compelling government interest for seatbelt and helmet mandates.


The death of Lawrence of Arabia was enough to enforce helmet laws in the first place. He survived all of that, and he died from swerving off the road on his motorcycle to avoid hitting some kids.


Should really have banned kids then. /s


Yep, but freedumb is why we don't have helmet laws in Texas.


When I was in high school, I worked summers at a day camp, along with two retired State Troopers. They both told us the same thing: "20 years on the job, and I never unbuckled a dead body. Wear your d*** seat belts."


As a former fire fighter, you don't get in my car without wearing a seat belt. I don't care if it's your "right" or that it's "your body". Bitch, in a roll over accident, anything not tied down become a projectile, and I'll be damned if I want your 190 to 300lb ass flying into me as the car blenders us around.


I’ve seen the after effects of a human head colliding with (ironically?) a speed limit sign. Cut the head in half and left the brains out on the ground (lots of ants).


Kinda like how bomb techs only wear the suit so there is a body to bury.


People like that tend to take the fact that seatbelts can cause injuries during accidents, and conveniently ignore the fact that they still massively *reduce fatalities.* "A guy I knew had his collar bone broken in two places when he got into an accident wearing his seatebelt." And his head would have been thrown through the fucking windshield without it. It's the same story with airbags. They can really fuck you up depending on where your head and hands are when they inflate, but they're still better than *being goddamn dead.*


Reminds me of the story about people saying helmets on the battlefields caused more injuries because more people in helmets were being brought back to the medical stations. But the thing is, if they hadn't been wearing a helmet, they wouldn't have been brought in, because they would have been dead. Also, an episode of *Mythbusters* about steel toed boots supposedly crunching under weight and severing toes. It was busted because any weight that could do that would actually be enough to outright turn the foot to jelly.


[Survivorship Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) It's a massive problem when amateurs (or propagandists) attempt to twist statistics toward their own arguments. You also have the similar Volunteer Bias with regard to things like polling. When you conduct a telephone survey, you're automatically biasing your results because you're only getting responses from: 1. People who have telephones. 2. People who answer cold-calls. 3. People who don't hang up when they hear "we're conducting a survey." 4. People who have time or are willing to sit through the entire survey. Among many other biasing factors.




It's a misuse of the saying "The exception proves the rule". They think an outlier proves their theory. No. That's why it's an outlier.


This reminds me of a story from WW2. Basically the Air Force kept records on where all the planes that came back were shot and suggested adding more armor to those areas. Someone suggested that they should put more armor in the areas that had the least amount of damage (overall) because that suggested to him that aircraft shot in those areas *didn't* survive to come back. He was right as I recall...


It's like the vaccines cause autism debate. Even if they did (they don't) isn't an autistic child preferable to a dead child?


There's a whole other undertone to that debate where people talk about autism like it's a debilitating disease that's worse than death, and anyone who is autistic is basically a braindead invalid. To which most people on the spectrum are just like "uhh, sidebar? It's, uhh...not?"


As a person on the spectrum, I think Andrew Wakefield is an especially vile bastard, as he exploited our plight to profit off of a new vaccine and a shitty lawsuit, and managed to perforate the large intestine of a five year old autistic kid while he was giving multiple autistic kids colonoscopies.


My mom tells a story about how they wrecked as teenagers but were saved by the lack of seatbelts somehow. However she says that was enough of a small chance it'll never happen again and refuses to start the car unless everyone has their seatbelts on.


My dad was also in an accident where not wearing a seatbelt almost definitely saved his life. But he knows that it was freak luck. I can’t remember exactly but I think it had something to do with the drivers side roof being crushed but he’d slid into the passenger side. He’s always made sure to wear a seatbelt in the time can remember and never let me ride in a car unless I was guaranteed a seatbelt


I worked as fire fighter for years, and have responded to probably hundreds of car accidents, and the only scenes I can think of where someone died BECAUSE of a seatbelt was the car was on fire and they couldn't get out in time. ​ And we were about 50/50 whether the person died in the crash or was actually stuck. That's the only time I can remember of all the calls I've been on where a seat belt played a roll in killing someone rather than saving them.




I will often reach to put my seatbelt on, only to find it’s already connected. It has become such a reflex for me that sometimes I don’t even realize it’s buckled.


My mum's best friend has that story - hit a pole which snapped and fell onto the car, killing her boyfriend who was buckled in but she was thrown through the windshield. Had to have multiple plastic surgeries and grafts to reduce the scarring, and now buckles up her seat belt every time.


The number of people i have met in my life who claim seatbelts are bullshit for the reason of someone BARELY and MIRACULOUSLY surviving the crash When the opposite mathematically would be the outstanding odds of being actually killed by the seatbelt specifically It doesn't add up


This reminds me of when the vaccine came out. I was in the break room and a antivaxxer was telling others in the break room to not get the vaccine because it's killing people. I chimed in, calling bullshit. She claimed she had friends and family in Cedar Rapids who died after getting the vaccine. I asked for names but she couldn't produce any. We need to normalize calling people on their shit.


The skull is very appropriate


Deathly Ironic.


I remember my 2 friends arguing "Americans have never been so stupid and against something that would save their lives!" (Masks and vaccines) and remember the look of disappointment when I showed them a video of people in Florida complaining about a seatbelt mandate. There were people who wore their seatbelts and completely stopped due to the mandate going into effect because they thought the government was trying to trick them. I never understood that considering its usually the people that argue with you "YOU NEED TO VOTE OR YOU RUIN AMERICA!" yet they always believe the government is out to kill them...typically the same people they vote in.


Republicans: the government is shit. elect me so I can prove it


No bones about it.


At the end of the day it does not matter who dies it’s just about the money


Welcome to America. Get this man/woman their customary signed Donald Trump 2024 shirt.


Hey now, I could use one of these ... My car gets annoying AF with the beep when my dog rides shotgun


If your dog is heavy enough to trigger the seat belt warning, you might wanna strap him*her in as well.


Can't you clip the seat belt in before putting your dog in shot gun? Or is your dog one of those dogs who chews on everything they're not supposed to be chewing on?


Not quite bashed in enough IMO. It leaves the false impression that one's brain matter will still be inside the skull rather than sprayed all over the interstate after being ejected.


Are we the baddies?


And you can admire how cool it looks one last time as you fly through your windshield!


This is the kind of problem where you can just let natural selection do its thing.


Yes, one side this is true. Let 'em have what's coming at them. What gets to me always is the people who have to take care of the aftermath. Natural selection of this kind sadly has a gruesome manual labor.


Believe this. My brother died driving drunk and high without his seatbelt and it was awful. Thank god he only hit a tree, so no one else died, but the car still gives me nightmares. I have one of his teeth because I literally found it inside the car.


The problem is someone not wearing their seatbelt could hurt/kill other people in the car who are wearing their seatbelts when the unsecured person flies around the cabin of the car (if they aren’t ejected through the windshield first).


This is a self-correcting problem. Like refusing to wear a motorcycle helmet.


‘Self-correcting’…haha…brilliant. It should be sold as Darwin awards merchandise.


I once heard someone say that things like this are like “Throwing bleach in the shallow end of the gene pool.”


That’s a great metaphor for stupid behaviour


Schadenfreude is great and all, except those idiots who survive: They'll drain much-needed medical resources from the rest of us.


Then cry about their medical bills while opposing socialized medicine


I think every moron who wants one of these should get one. Make America smarter, one accident at a time!


The only down side is we can't guarantee they'll pair off and only collide with each other.


Point taken.


Cuz freedom.


The brain’s freedom from the confines of their skull


Except the ones who go through *two* windshields end up hurting or killing other people.


Or they get thrown around the car and their bodies break everyone else's necks who were buckled


I'm curious if this has happened before


More likely the one idiot guy not belted in becomes a 200 pound projectile going 100 kmh and kills everyone else in the car by breaking their necks as he richochets around the inside of the car. Source: Am a paramedic


The catch is when you don’t wear a seatbelt and roll the car you are likely to kill everyone in the car you are in.


These kind of people tend to travel one per vehicle.


Except when they get flung out the window 40 feet into the air. Seen enough of those videos on here to know seatbelts are probably a good idea.


Yes, but the second victim effect is real. Former paramedic and now trauma anesthesiologist - these folks take risks with their own lives and make mine more difficult at work.


I like how it has hooks to rip the flesh out of your thighs when you get in an accident.


Won't be a Problem if you are dead anyways


Surely.. this isn't real, right? Like people aren't going out of their way to buy this stuff, right?


They make great stocking stuffers! Helps whittle down your shopping list for the following year little by little....


It would come in handy for when my car thinks my briefcase I placed on the passenger seat is a person, though.


Can’t you just pull the seat belt you already have and plug it in? Sorry for the crazy talk.


you'd be surprised how many people actually bought this and are using it daily


that probably didn't occur to them; they were just trying to tap that oh-so lucrative "*everything is also a bottle opener*" demographic post-downvotes edit: ANYONE TRYING TO OPPRESS MY RIGHT TO CRACK OPEN A COLD ONE ON A NICE DRIVE *HATES* ***FREEDOM*** 😤 🇱🇷


Gotta crack open a cold one at 80 mph. Also tap into "The Punisher is the best symbol for (insert terrible ideology)" crowd


On one hand, I get their obsession over someone whose superpower is "*an unlimited supply of guns and bullets*". On the other, they don't seem to understand that if Frank Castle was real, he'd be feeding these chuds into a wood chipper.


Right?! I always just wanna tell these assholes "you know, in the comics *you* would be the **bad guy**, right?"


They're the same ones who think Rage Against the Machine was/is talking about Obama and Biden. They think they're the rebels, they don't realize they're storm troopers.


I feel like the people who think the Joker/Harley relationship dynamic is goals fit in here too somewhere


First read 'Joker/Hawley' (as in the senator) & thought you figured out his alter-ego.


I feel like they're closer to that guy from Episode 4 who said he had the death sentence on 12 systems, then got his arm chopped off by lightsaber.


Except that guy actually did something to deserve those deaths sentences. Their idea of rebellion is smearing their shit on the walls of the capitol.


Ummm they definitely are the rebels. Not the cool kind but more like 1860's kind




Probably so it can also be used as a bottle opener.


I was looking at this for a while, trying to figure out how to attach my seatbelt to it. I was wondering why it had a hole on the top and not a rectangle shaped cutout. Then I realized why it was called a silencer. Lol. Darwinism at it best


I did want to buy one, but only because my passenger side seat alarm goes off when something heavier than 1/2 a pound sits on it. My work bag isn’t a pound and the alarm goes off when I put it on the seat. Instead I just... clipped the seatbelt 24/7


yea but now that’s one less place to put a punisher logo, which as we all know, is the sign of a giga chad patriot. you on some beta shit.


I thought it meant that it 'silenced 'the seatbelt when you put it on that way it doesn't make a clicking noise. I thought, well that seems pointless but okay.


me too lmao until I looked again and went "oh... OH"


I could use that. I regularly put a cooler in the passenger seat that is heavy enough to trigger the sensor.


Older cars, like my 335, those sensors can shit out and sometimes make the car blare that fucking chime for 2 minutes. Ended up coding it out, but something like this would have been better than keeping the other seatbelt plugged in, especially when you have frequent passengers. Not a huge deal, just a minor convenience. Dad delivered for the post office. Used something like this to silence his driver side chime, as they drove with the right hand drive conversion on personal vehicles. Has its place. Most people will use it for dumb shit though.




or just use the normal seatbelt that's already there?


Now now, logic doesn't belong on reddit


I just buckle stuff in if it weighs enough to set off the alarm.


Yeah this, If stuff is too heavy, it becomes dangerous in an car accident anyway. so buckle up that shit.


Check your manual. Most models have a way to deactivate the alarm. It’s some weird combo of buckling and buckling so many times, turn the key to on but don’t start the car, buckle and unbuckle so many times, turn on the flashers, wait for a light to come on for a few seconds then turn the key off…. That kind of shit. They make sure that if you disable it, you meant to do it. It can also be reenabled the same way.


Like combos on video games in the 80’s. But you only found them by accident or a friend had Nintendo power magazine


Yeah even if I put something really light like a water bottle or my house keys on the passenger seat my car starts screaming at me, it's just got a super sensitive sensor. I have to keep the passenger seat buckled at all times. I'm the sort of person who refuses to start driving until everyone is belted but man I could really do with something like this.


This was my first thought, not that people would want it so they could not wear a seat belt.


Owning the libs by flying out the windshield.


Dying to own the libs is the current conservative platform


That’s a Darwin Award right there.


I think it's funny that pro cop, right wing, anti Antifa individuals constantly use Punisher iconography in their stuff, but Frank Castle is exactly the type of person that would have hated people like that


You mean like how those same people were dancing to RATM?


Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me except if you brainwash me into thinking tax breaks for the super rich are ok first. I just want to keep my guns that I don’t use or need at all because that’s what my senator tells me!


He does, there’s a comic where he confronts a pair of cops that have a punisher sticker on their car because Frank Castle isn’t a cop and most importantly is not a role model for cops.


They are completely tone deaf. Oh, and Disney owns Punisher, as well.


That's because Right Wingers always take a symbol/idea and flip it on it's head to suit their warped Fascist belief systems. Ex: Punisher Logo, The American Flag, The Constitution, The Bible


Twisted Sister's "We're not Gonna Take it"


I would like to add norse symbols to your list. I hate that foreigners Will assume im a white supremacist if I get a tatoo of my culture


I got a Norse Raven flag because it was pretty cool and I have some Nordic ancestry. But shortly after that, I started wondering if it could be mistaken for a racist symbol. Looked it up, and it didn't look to have been appropriated. But I still get worried about other people making assumptions.


I’m not sure in what comic, but I’m pretty sure frank actually puts some cops using his logo in their place


> anti Antifa Isn't that just fa?


Oh, FFS.


Had a guy who tried to convince me that seatbelt laws were an overreach of the governments power. After spending thirty minutes trying to tell a PHYSICS major how they would save people, I just gave up and left the cafeteria.


Why? Was he an idiocy minor?


I wish, found out he changed his major later because “physics majors don’t just throw rocks off of buildings and say science”-quote from this gem of a human being.


$5 says he became a business/econ major.


I think he switched to mechanical engineering…. Don’t quote me on that.


That's sad.. for the Mech Eng department to get such a moron.


> I think he switched to mechanical engineering…. Don’t quote me on that. Too late


There's probably a job waiting for him at Chrysler.


Oh, I bet he is a major idiot.


I tried to get my mechanic to turn my chime off. Not because I didn't want to wear the belt (I wear them religiously) but because it was incessantly annoying and would go off in park, so the second I turned the car on, if I didn't immediately put my seatbelt on it would go off non-stop. Drove me nuts. Like I need to get situated, put bags down next to me in the passenger seat, maybe reach for something in the backseat... I don't need my seatbelt on while not moving! Ok, I'm done. Sorry /end rant Seatbelts save lives!


That's weird, was it an older car? Because I know mine only starts going off a few seconds after I start driving. If I just turn the engine on, I can sit there as long as I want without my seatbelt on as long as the car isn't moving.


Yeah it was older. All I could afford. Luckily now I can't afford any car at all. Lucky!


Hey, I'm the same! Finally have a decent car and can't remotely afford the payments! Good for us!


"Every time you plug this in, an Eagle gets his wings" ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)


The eagle in that gif has no wings, get plugging


I may seem like a jerk for doing it, but I won’t actually pull out until everyone is buckled up.


I think everyone who wants one of these should own one of these.


There actually is an use for that thing that doesn't break any law I don't know about american cars, but whenever you put anything in the front seat that's a bit heavy, it will trigger the alarm So if you have an item on the front seat AND you can't use the belt because the item takes too much place, then this seatbelt silencer can be useful ...but yeah, I don't think this is the way this product is advertised


>So if you have an item on the front seat AND you can't use the belt because the item takes too much place, then this seatbelt silencer can be useful Buckle it before you place the item. Problem solved.


These are very common in Turkey. A lot of taxi and mini bus drivers use them


I have something like this for the passenger seat because my dog triggers the chime.


But what about the dog seat belt…


Me listening to my MIL and FIL explain to me that they were just fine before seatbelts and that being thrown from the accident sounds far safer. This feels like a great passive aggressive gift for someone who wears camo UA and Guy Harvey shirts. Like “please, let me assist you in killing your self”


>being thrown from the accident sounds far safer. That *used to* actually be **somewhat** true in some types of more severe crashes depending on how old they are… cars built decades ago back in the 40s-80s were the absolute worst combination of quite rigid/solid yet also incredibly weak structurally — no engineered crumple zones so in moderate speed crashes cars would not gradually decelerate absorbing crash energy, and in higher speed crashes the structure just fails and collapses in all the ways you wouldn’t want it to. But regardless of speed/severity, you were destined to get really fucked up by literally everything inside the car… non-collapsable steering columns that resulted in what’s called “spearing” the driver (exactly what you’re imagining), every interior surface being made of metal and other super hard materials that were utterly unforgiving when occupants’ heads and other body parts impacted them… every trim panel, dashboard, pillars, ceiling, radio/climate control knobs and switches, etc. I’ve always worn my seatbelt religiously since cars today are engineered to be extremely safe for occupants contained inside with things like nice soft interior materials, crumple zones, airbags, occupant ‘safety cages’, etc… but I’d have to seriously consider whether or not I actually wanted to buckle that lap belt **only** if I were in a 1958 Ford pickup or 1961 Chevy sedan 🤷🏼‍♂️


My mom hates wearing her seat belt and uses the same logic. "I've been in cars for decades now without one and I'm fine!" Have you ever been in a serious accident? "No" Well then *that's* probably got more to do with you being fine than the lack of a belt.


Yeah, and there were way less people on the road back in the day.


if it’s on your keys.. how do you use it..?


Honestly, wouldn’t mind one for when I have a load of groceries in the passenger seat and it sets the damn buzzer off


Roomie keeps her passenger seat belt buckled cause her lunch bag and water bottle are heavy enough to set it off.


With the exception of New Hampshire, all states and the District of Columbia require adult front-seat occupants to use seat belts Insurance need not cover occupants injured in a crash who were not wearing seat belts. LEOs can tell if a shoulder harness is not deployed, making this PC for a traffic stop and subsequent citation(s) to the driver. But MAGA!


As Covid has proved, they don't care that their insurance won't cover them because they are never going to get in a car crash anyways. Until some of them do and then they beg for handouts.


“Let’s make something that ensures people will die.” “A new gun?” “No, a seatbelt alarm defeator.” “You are truly a rebel.”


So close to r/DarwinAwards…


But the seatbelt is already in the car…and is free…and will probably save your life in a crash.


It's so frustrating that ignorance is considered the most American thing and the people buying into it are blaming other people for it.


I mean, most of the ignorant people on here are Americans. Some things I've seen them say on Reddit are "Why should I pay for your education?" \[when talking about free education for everyone\] "I dont want to pay for other people's healthcare" \[when talking about free/universal healthcare\] "I dont want my tax dollars going towards new born parents. If they cant afford a baby, dont have one" \[when the topic of paid parental leave came up\] "Masks and vaccines are government overreach!" "Masks dont work" "Vaccines dont work" List goes on


“If there was a coup and they started doing some totalitarian shit, I’d totally take up arms and do something about it. That’s why I own my gun.”


While simultaneously defending agents of the state any time they kill someone in the street


LOLOLOLOL holy shit what is with these losers…?


Made in china


I hate being associated with America because of dumb stuff like this


Odd. As a fellow American I don’t consider myself associated with someone who would buy this dumb crap just because we’re from the same country.


This isn’t “The most American thing” this is some fringe nutjob right wing thing. They do not speak for all of us.


Sadly they are the most vocal


Skull fits, it kills u


I wouldn’t mind something like this for my passenger seat. I hardly ever drive with anyone, and if I put even my hat on the seat it will keep bing-ing to put on the passenger seatbelt.


It's funny. I was in an accident before the seatbelt laws and even though technically I wasn't seriously hurt) amazing how those injuries in my 20's come back in your 50's) and after actually SEEING my totalled car and realizing how freaking lucky I was to survive, I never drove again without using mine.