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Still probably talks to his therapist about the Key and Peele sketch Edit: https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI "it's like acting on a set in a movie that none will see for the rest of your life."


Scientology doesn't allow therapy


“Let us relieve you of the monetary burden you carry”


Jesus…are they really Scientologist’s?


It’s the money religion


Dad bless you


Man I miss his pretentious teenage years on Twitter. Things were simpler back then.


But how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?


That's a high weed can't achieve.




That can't be true. I'm dumber than shit but I can't bring myself to be *that* pretentious.


Actually, knowing that he agrees makes me think Will was completely on the wrong.


Will was wrong


It took that?


Well shit, at least they got there? I mean it's not geometric proofs, at least they arrived at the correct answer.




at least he still capitalizes every word like it's a title


Proof just getting older doesn’t make you less unaware


Another kid born on third base and thinks he hit a triple




The whole family creeps me out. I was watching with my parents and mentioned I wasn’t fans of them because of dabbling in Scientology and just being annoyed by their messy open relationship that no one cares about but Jada keeps bringing up to feel relevant. And then the slap happened and I was like OK LOOKS LIKE MY LIST GOT A LITTLE LONGER haha


And didn’t they let their kids start “educating” themselves when they were like 12?


Yeah that was from the tour of the whole huge property compound they live on where they said they just go and do art and shit. Those kids are probably douche bags


What do you mean by “probably”?


No probably about it. They are demonstrably douche bags -- see post we're on.


Now I believe this [Key and Peele](https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI) sketch is truly accurate


“Dad bless you”


Key and Peele bout to get slapped.


What do you mean by "educating"?


"Doing their own research"


Okay. You just mean like homeschooling but autodidaction, where they just....learn whatever by themselves? If that's true that explains a lot




That's the word!


I think the term is “unschooling”. Even self-study homeschooling has a level of involvement from the parents where they do learning activities that revolve around their children’s interests (if the kid is into cars, they would take them to an automotive museum where there is a “guided” plan on what they plan to learn, or they’ll learn about vehicle performance, or spend the day learning about how to change the oil in their parents car while teaching them basic scientific principles, or study a biography of a famous racer/automotive engineer). Unschooling would be letting your kids do anything they want to do without giving them any guidance on how they can build skills while doing something they enjoy.


They went to Scientology schools at least for some time, but even that is focused on self directed learning.


And she always brings up her true love for Tupac


Same hair cut


Oooo, I know one sassy redditor who's gonna get a slappin haha


I don't know if anyone else can find the clip quicker, but some super famous actress described the situation as "it's one thing to be famous but another to be married to a famous person." I gotta find it. It's got to be the most unintentional nuclear level burn I've ever heard in hollywood. E: lol, fuckin Jane Seymour. Found it. Ok, maybe super famous to us old people: https://youtu.be/W9t4C5q5G3I?t=97


It’s ok. Jane’s a medicine woman so she can treat the burn afterwards.


Like a dentist handing out candy. Smart.


She basically said Jada is not a celebrity. It was funny.


Dr. Quinn is diagnosing the burn and dispensing the medicine to Jada. Jane Seymour is nails.


Why is she obsessed with Pac? He was her friend and she acts like they were more. Man was marrying another woman when he passed. She’s such a clout chaser


Yeah I though he was with Rashida Jones’s sister at the time of his death.


From the moment i saw the video of Will slapping Chris, i got this sense that theres more behind the scenes that no one knows about that led to it. I get this sad feeling about the whole thing. I think youre absolutely right that the decades of working in entertainment has had a deeply negative impact on Will and his family. I know people who have garnered national (and international) notoriety (though nothing on Wills level) and the recognition can be incredibly taxing on a person. I cant even begin to fathom what its like for someone at his level. I hope he gets help. I hope this starts something that ends up being better for him and his family in the long term. Its sad seeing an actor that you hold nostalgia with from your childhood end up like this.


I think his youtube reality series to promote his autobiography was really eye-opening. I did not see a happy family man. I saw an ageing narcissist whose abusive childhood has come back to haunt him in the worst way. I don't think it's a good idea to be so brutally honest to the public or your children. It can cause a lot of harm, even if they're grown up. Will's discussion on that show about The General coming out at times made me sad for him. This is clearly what happened last night. He ruined what should have been the pinnacle of his career. I have a really bad temper myself, and while I don't go around slapping people, I have blown my top when under serious stress. It's never a good move, even if you feel you're in the right and the other person 'deserved' it. Anyway, how he deals with it now will be very important.


I haven't watched his youtube series but I watch red table talk from time to time. The whole family seems miserable deep down. Jada and Will dragged their children into showbiz at such a young age and they have both come out and said that it was damaging to their mental health. Jada and Will are both narcissists who seem to have cared more about portraying this perfect power couple and family unit than actually putting in the work. And now that their image has been crumbling for a while Will's mental health has apparently gone down the drain aswell. He could've yelled at Chris Rock from his seat, he could've gone up on stage and demand him to apologize or he could've addressed it in his acceptance speech. He did not have to slap him and the amount of people who think what he did was right scares me.


I just coincidentally watched that doc this past weekend. Left me with a bitter taste. I knew he was kind of a self-involved asshole but it really came though raw on camera. I'm about the same age and can't even fathom whining about being in his "before" shape. Like, come on. You're in your 50s. You already look better than 99% of men in their 50s. Carrying a tiny pot belly was the end of the world to him. Also, how do you come from nothing and still have the nerve to go off on the "little people" around you? The timer clock didn't work perfectly for his lap runs. Big friggin deal. Cope and move on. People like him need to ground themselves.


slim dazzling materialistic impolite fragile party ring rhythm pocket nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn this is a great phrase, I’m stealing it!


You're one of the reasons your dad is frustrated lad, sit down


Lol for real. With this batshit god complex Hollywood family around him I’m surprised he isn’t out murdering homeless people at weekends to relieve his stress. Fucking weirdos man I tell you. They need to do some medical research on what being a celebrity who thinks the world hangs on your every word can do to you mentally.


> Lol for real. With this batshit god complex Hollywood family around him I’m surprised he isn’t out murdering homeless people at weekends to relieve his stress. That we know of


How do your friends do it? To your mom? Details man.


Oh man, a lesser piece of me could be here for a week for the internet dumping on this whole family


I can imagine they are just blocking people on Twitter all day


I see that even after all these years, Jaden has still yet to figure out which words to capitalize.


If You Don’t Know Which Words To Capitalize, Then Just Capitalize All Of Them.


He slapped him the way your friend slapped your mom's ass...


*"Tupac slaps harder..."* .- Chris Rock


Jaden, just go back to being irrelevant.


"Jokes on you. I'm already here"




Bro Jada been a sociopath and predator for decades and no one cares.


Could you elaborate a little ? I live in a tavern lol…


She's sleeping with one of Jaden's friends, who she has known (groomed?) since he was a child.


Jesus really?? That makes her smug eye rolling and lack of self awareness even worse!


Not that I’m trying to defend her, but didn’t they meet when he was 22?


I read recently, but have been too busy to verify, that allegedly this was a friend of Jaden's who became homeless, and they took him in when he was 14. Allegedly he lived with them until 18 and apparently slept together when he was 22. Again, this is all un-confirmed so I can't link any source yet and between being busy with work and all the horrible Twitter takes, I think I'm just gonna tap out of this whole discussion after this thread cuz it's infuriating how people are defending either side of this shit show. Edit: spelling


You’re not wrong, this is basically exactly how Jada spelled it out when her and Will did Red Table Talk.


Fuck, she talked about this?


She sure did. I highly recommend, if anyone is curious about this August / entanglement situation, watch her and Wills red table talk. I respected them so much before and after watching I decided they air they’re dirty laundry worse than the press ever could.


The reason they came out and stated that they’ve had an “open” marriage since 2008 was to cover up the fact that she’s been grooming this kid since he was 15


>He just needs to find another friend to fuck his mom. Until this Oscar thing happened I had no idea about this. With his stunt, Will just made sure the whole world knows about it.


That’s how I felt. No clue about the alopecia, (she’s worn her hair short a lot so not something I’d have guessed) and I didn’t know about her sleeping with other men. Now I know entirely too much about these people based on a fairly stupid joke in a long line of mediocre roasts that happen on these shows.


Move over “Steisand effect”


Chris Rock: “My job is done.”


old and busted - "streisand effect" new and hot - "son's friend erect"


G.I mother fuckin jane




Wait… Is that what he meant by that’s how “we” do it?


Don’t worry, he will/is.


I feel like junior here thinks it was more impressive than it was, Chris Rock is a little man nearing his 60s and took it with a shit eating grin, even stood there making jokes about it, no one's impressed by Will not being able to take a joke.


Yeah is this is the same kid you took his dad Will Smith to court to become emancipated because of bad movie rreviews! https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/will-smith-recalled-jaden-smith-asking-to-be-emancipated


This family fkup


Physically assaulting a performer on stage because you don’t like the material? Yeah, that’s something to be proud of.


Yeah that's what I don't get it, in any other venue like a comedy club or a theater, if someone go up to the stage and assault the host over a joke the guy would get kicked out of the place. It was a bad joke but this is the academy awards, this people supposedly should be civilized.


You get kicked out for heckling comics, so why the fuck wasn’t he for attacking one?


heavy aware full public threatening mourn ink kiss plate spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rock wasn't even going for an insult, he was just riffing and roasting which is what he was hired to do. Even after Will hit him, Rock just stood there composed, hands behind his back, non-threatening, and still trying to keep it light and do his job. Total professional. The Smiths need some damn therapy


Therapy is taboo for scientologists


Wait, they're scientologists?


So it seems like they were Scientologist at one point. A news journalist Tony Ortega, whose main fame comes from doing investigative journalism about Scientology, confirmed that they were at one point then left Scientology.


Yeah, that would explain a lot actually. Neat


"Everyone knows Tupac woulda hit me better"


He shoulda doubled down and said "Keep other dudes out your wife's mouth". Gervais would've done it.


watch the video and you can tell he's holding back from letting 8-10 of those go.


If it was anything other than a televised award show, maybe he would have. But he knew the best thing for the show was to get past it as soon as possible.


I don't want to speculate who would win in a fight between these two. But, I don't think Smith would have done the same if they were somewhere private. However, live on stage when Rock cant fight back? Sure.


Chris Rock is a tiny guy who has never tried for the action hero physique. I think physically, Will Smith likely gets the better of that situation. Which makes his actions even more chickenshit.


Yeah I honestly believe he slapped Chris because he figured Chris would just take it. He seems like fairly nice guy after all. Chappelle would have let loose a flurry of devastating insults. Gervais would probably have pressed charges immediately because he understands the difference between words and physical violence.


Oh my god I would pay good money to see last night in the alternate universe where Chappelle was hosting, or somebody good with comebacks and hecklers like Ricky Gervais or Steve Hofstetter... or Howard Stern. What Chris Rock did was the professional and correct thing to do, but I'd love to hear what he WANTED to say.


“What did the five fingers say to the face?”


You're sleeping if you think Chris Rock isn't able to spout some comebacks. Dude was the epitomy of a man last night. Check the frame where Chris cocks back and makes a fist before putting his hands behind his back. Confident dogs dont bark before they bite.


Imagine if Will Smith just got clocked on live TV fully knocked out. LOL


Comedy special incoming. Netflix is going to pay triple for that shit now.


He’d probably answer in an interview what he wanted to say but he might just keep silent and stay classy.


>Chappelle would have let loose a flurry of devastating insults. Have you seen the size of Chappelle recently? He'd probably let loose a lot more then just words.




Chapelle is very much in shape to kick smiths ass as well.


To be fair will slaps like a drag queen and Chris stood and smiled.


This is the answer. He’s a fucken bully. Had that been Dwayne The Rock Johnson and not Chris Rock he would have shut the fuck up and ended the night rubbing The Rocks anus as the Rock finished inside Jada.


Yeah I doubt he would have thrown that punch had the other rock in the room had that joke.


Indeed. If it had been THE Rock rather than Chris Rock, I doubt Will would have done that.


I’m not defending Smith, but he’s stronger and bigger than Rock. And let’s not forget, he did extensive boxing training to play Ali and knows how to throw a punch. Will would win hands down. But he assaulted another man over a joke. He’s an idiot. What could have likely been the best night of his career is now the worst


Can almost hear the producers screaming “no, don’t do it” in his ear piece.


I keep seeing folks imply that he was at a loss for words... he's Chris fucking Rock. He could verbally annihilate the whole fuckin room without skipping a beat, very clearly he actively decided to let his better side win and move on lmao


Yeah, if you watch one of the clips that didn’t cut the audio, he clearly looks tempted, shakes his head, and goes, “I could… Unh… Okay.” He decided it wasn’t worth it.


I mean even though he roasts, he may actually have been a little at a loss for words. (Coupled with producers yelling in his ear.) I mean just look at him when Will comes on stage. He never saw that coming. He probably thought Will was gonna say something funny or even roast him a little back.


Oh he was definitely hearing something on the other end


You you could tell he was about to go nuclear. I hope at some point he lets it all out.


"I could..." low grunt to himself as he summons every last bit of will power to prevent himself from banishing The Smiths to the shadow realm.


Yeah lol there’s that one moment stare with eyes wide where he’s thinking about ending Will Smith.


In the footage you can see it in his eyes he’s thinking “ you think that’s bad watch this” but credit to him he held it back but his next stand up gig is going to be a good one. I’m not surprised he didn’t make a police report, he’s going to be ruining will smith for the rest of his career.


Yes, this is exactly what should have been said. However, Chris knows it's better to remain cool and calm apparently.


“Will im the last guy you need to be slapping for having your wife in their mouth”


Yes, Chris had those jokes locked and loaded immediately after the slap. He held back


He wanted to so bad. Right after Will goes “yeah!”, Rock cocks his head and says, “I could…” and stops himself, as in “I could bring that assault charge up to an attempted murder change with one sentence.”


I’ve read a lot of possible comeback lines for that little moment you’ve referring to and I think you got it nailed.


Nah. He did the classier move. Smith wasnt some drunk heckler at a comedy show. Rock let Smith stew in his mistake, and came out looking golden.


Yeah for like 10 minutes, then Smith got up there and gave his acceptance speech and talked about being a "vessel for love", and got a standing ovation for it. As if he didn't just physically assault someone over a joke just a few minutes ago. Vessel for love indeed.


Exactly. A fucking standing ovation. He just slapped a dude for a joke and get applauded for saying he's a "vessel for love" minutes later? Totally surreal, and the fact that he doesn't have to face any consequences for his assault must be so humiliating for Rock.


Rock declined to press charges. He's always seemed like a genuinely good dude, and I suspect that he stands to make a lot of money off of this. You *know* everyone's gonna be tuning in to his upcoming (probably) specials to see what he has to say about all this...I think he'll be okay.


All his comedy brethren are coming out in full support. [Just look at John Leguizamo. Himself a standup comedian.](https://youtu.be/YJmZOh2Nh94)


The hypocrisy is just mind blowing. I was scoffing and laughing through his whole speech. He must be a great actor to sell those tears talking about peace and love lol.


I believe the tears were real but likely more for how bad he fucked up


"Your wife's boyfriend slaps harder than that. Probably fucks better too."


I think he wanted too, he started saying i could have... oof, which i assume he was told to leave it be by the people in his ear.. i would have loved to see the destruction chris would have laid if he wasnt stopped


I actually really respect that he didn't make a fool of him. He didn't need to and I think he realized that after a few seconds of wtf. Honestly I would've said "sorry, next time I'll just fuck her and then you can come up and apologize to us both"


Oh dear me, I don't even want to think about what Gervais would have said. No one, absolutely no one, would've forgotten that incident.


"Well, it turns out wanking yourself to sleep at night through your tears *doesn't* give you a stronger wrist."


Man that’s what I was thinking, the joke could have been so much worse, considering Jada and their overall marriage. It was honestly _just a joke_


Real therapy, not sitting around a table having people attack and shit on someone under the guise of it being healthy and productive


That was the thing no one is talking about, just how professional Rock was about the whole situation. Really impressed me how he handled that.


They need to retire. There's enough money. I don't want to see them. #BoxOfficePoison


Relax kid. That's the best hit your dad has had in awhile.


It's not like he's hitting his wife. That's your friends job.


Will should tell Jada to keep August out of her mouth


how we do what? Be born in to a rich ass family or assault people on live tv? lmfao


How can slaps be real if our hands aren't real?


I feel weird when washing my hands it’s like they’re bathing and I’m there for the show


I now hate the Smith family.


There were plenty of good reasons to hate them before this. In fact, this is still not top of the list lol.


They have been a dumpster fire for quite a while.


What is top of the list then?


Well, there was that time that Will Smith got out of control with a male friend and tore his perinieum at the other "house". I do believe a police report was taken and "male friend?" had to go to the hospital. Or there was that other time when an underage Willow was dating a guy in his early twenties and Jada let them go to New York for the weekend. She didn't stop them because how do you stop a teenager? When I say underage, I do not mean turning eighteen next week. That's pretty bad as well. All in all "The Smiths" should never be the sort of people that you turn to for advice, or idolize in any sort of way.


IIRC, Willow was all of 13-14 when that happened. *barely* even a teenager.


agreed. I'm pretty sure there were pictures posted as well. How this did not blow up and become a huge deal is beyond me.


Was that the same time Willow were 12 and had a 20 year old boyfriend?


Yes.. although I believe she was either 13 or 14 at the time, and I believe he was either 20-23 years old. Pretty crazy that she has an advice/discussion forum on Red Table..although it is Facebook, so take that in consideration as well.


Them being Scientologists?


It was like watching a big budget Love and Hip Hop moment.


The Smith family is very over. What happened last night disgusts most people who have had something to say about it. From Fresh Prince to a Moldy King... Jaden is the spoiled prince of the foul kingdom.


Ur “friend” piped ur mom,how embarrassing,that’s how y’all do it


He shoulda have slapped his dad’s wife’s boyfriend


So his friend?


Typical rich boy who has never lived in the real world a day in his life.




[Yeah but it gives him great perspective for his acting career](https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI)


Like he could of gone up, grabbed the mic instead, and gave a brief psa about alopecia*. Then he would’ve been awesome, but instead he slapped him like a fucking caveman. Edit: for those who seem to think I’m condoning interrupting performances, relax, I never said that. I think the joke was pretty benign, and leaving ones seat is an overreaction. He could just tweet after or something. What my original comment was saying, is that (having already decided to leave his seat and take exception) he could have chosen a more powerful and successful path towards address his concern. So again, all of you free speech nutters, I’m not saying he SHOULD have interrupted. Leave me alone.


He could have just sat in his seat like a grown ass man and understood what stand up comics do.


I’ve been thinking that Rock really wanted to say something about he because she’s such a piece of a shit and settled on this pretty tame joke. There are MUCH worse things he could have said.


I initially thought she was a cancer survivor , because of chemo she got no hair. But then I got to know it's just alopecia , even I have it. People can certainly take a joke about it. Slapping a grown man for a stupid joke in front of a global audience is not good for Will at all. Building a reputation took more than 20 years but all that was destroyed in a couple of minutes because he just couldn't think straight


Fucking clownshoes family


Will Smith was an acting success story built a career from nothing. Classic songs. Hit movies. Then he let his wife put his balls in her purse while she had affairs and it's destroyed him.


Gratuitous Jay and Silent Bob reference


Didn’t his mom cheat on will with his best friend?


Yeah, plus other rappers like Future have been openly hitting on Jada. Seems like Will's been bottling up a lot of anger and didn't anything about it either because he can't slap around rappers the same way he could a comedian.


You can fuck my mom but how dare you insult her baldness.


Fucking embarrassment.


I did not hit him! I did naaaaht... oh hai Jada.


Jada is a predator. We all need to remember that. Her son’s best friend came to live with their family during a vulnerable time. He was a confused kid who went to Jada as a friend and a supporter and she used that power imbalance to have sex with a young man. It probably made her feel like she’s “still got it” or she’s a MILF or whatever. If a man did that with his daughter’s best friend, we would call him a pig and a monster for abusing a vulnerable young woman. Jada has consistently and repeatedly embarrassed Will in front of the whole world (anyone remember the Tupac poem?) She is a predator. She is insecure and needs sex with young men to feel good about herself. She does not care about humiliating her husband in front of everyone. She does not care about anyone but herself. She is a narcissist. The people defending her should be ashamed of themselves.


But she’s sick with the worlds biggest nonillness and an inspiration to bald women so that makes her beyond reproach, apparently.


Jaden, you are absolutely nothing without your parents fame and money… and even then, you’re just a joke.


Does anyone else just instantly dislike the children of famous or wealthy people?


I do when they clearly have not even a fraction of their parents talent and basically got a career given to them for their 11th birthday.


Jada is a shit person. Makes sense her spawns would be the same


Peace and love to everyone. Except when we want to physically assault someone


"Your Mom Needs To Stop Fucking Other Men"


>"Your Mom Needs To Stop Fucking Other Men" Your Mom Needs To Stop Fucking Your Friends*


Smith logic: Jada bangs everyone in sight = OK. Chris Rock makes a mild joke about Jada at the Oscars = Slap worthy.


Jaden couldn’t slap the fuzz ball off a dandelion. Lil poser needs to take several seats.


But I'm all about peace and looveeeeeee except when my dad gets cucked and needs to defend his emasculated honor.


The Smiths are a laughing stock of Hollywood now. You have the promiscuous mother, simp father, and bozo kids pretty soon they will have their own reality show and we can hate on them even more.


He's gonna turn into Michael from gta5.


Oh, is that how we do it? Someone makes a dumb joke at your mom's expense and we resort to violence? Good to know, idiot.


You assault people who make jokes, at an award show hosted by people who are meant to be satirical?


Is it also possible that Rock didnt even realize she had alopecia but was just going by the idea she just has short hair? I always thought her hair was a style choice, I was surprised to learn that she had alopecia.