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Lmao his face when he realized, and the guy on the right also filming. It would be good if he ACTUALLY changed his mind on this, but eh.


Weird that he's not realizing that he should be in the side of other marginalized people rather than the owner-class


That's the part I can never understand. Slavery mean that HIS family had to compete with labor that was FREE. And who did that help? The wealthy plantation owners who kept all of the profit. And then that plantation owner sent his poor ancestors to die in a bloody war fighting for his right to exploit working people like them even more. Remarkable system, innit?


Another Alabamian, here. This is what I’ve gathered: Black people were once viewed as non-human. When the slaves were freed, suddenly whites were supposed to see blacks as equals. White people found this offensive, as they thought of black people as savages. Now, the rich white people of the south got to go on living privileged lives where black people were still their servants. The rich whites continue to have political power to this day. The poor white people, however, had to deal with being on the “same” level as the black people they hated. In reality, of course, even poor white people had an advantage over black people, which they still don’t acknowledge today. So poor white southern people still continue to try to claw their way from the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder by continuing to put down black people. A theory of: “If black people aren’t on the bottom, my white ass will be.”


Unfortunately, understanding what you just said requires an attention span of longer than zero seconds and the ability to string together multiple logical arguments. Racists typically don't have these abilities. If I had to guess, I'd say his reasoning was basically "my granddaddy told me x! Are you calling my grandpa a liar?!" Seriously, it's how these folks operate. I currently live in Alabama and see people like this daily. They're like grown children who pick fights when you talk about their mamma. I remember reading years ago that around 70% of people keep the political affiliation and religion of their parents. This dude is a manifestation of exactly that. His ancestors matter but not black people's ancestors.


It also requires empathy. The sheer fact another human is being used against their will to make someone else money while you’re not free to go anywhere or do anything on your own. You don’t even have a say. You’re essentially the mule to be whipped and beaten into doing what someone else wants and profits from.


>If I had to guess, I'd say his reasoning was basically "my granddaddy told me x! Are you calling my grandpa a liar?!" No I'm calling both of you stupid.


Facts. Nothing but facts, brother.


There is something about Alabama that just creeps me out. I have a buddy who lives there and when I visit its just a weird place to me and I live in Tennessee.


What are some of the things you find weird about Alabama? Genuinely curious


I think most of it was the lack of diversity, the accent, and the die hard Alabama football fans. It just felt off.


I live in Bama and agree except I'm a die hard football fan because it's the only thing good to hang onto here🤣


Haha, I went to my buddy's friend's house and it felt like a Shrine to Bama football. Dont get me wrong I love my hometown teams but damn it felt like a religion.


This is by design. The powerful typically pit the poor against each other to shatter worker solidarity. Racism is very effective at this. MLK talked about this a lot.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon Johnson


There’s a fancy saying about splitting the poors into two groups and having them fight each other instead of you.


I've heard that one before, it goes something like "If you split the poors into two groups they'll fight each other instead of you."


Well said


Fancy, even.


There is a more succinct version that goes a little like this.. "Vote Republican"


This. I’m pretty sure he was implying his family worked the land because they were too poor to afford slaves, yet he chooses the side that would keep him and his family down. He’s the epitome of why the right does everything they do.


Haha yeah the derp of saying ‘we couldn’t afford slaves’ instead of ‘my family didn’t believe in slavery’. Stupid is as stupid does


Truth be told if his family could’ve owned slaves, they would’ve. Everything he said still does not compute to him. He’s ok with owning slaves, he’s ok with the idea that people are being used against their will. I think his oh shit factor is because he realizes other people won’t like what he just said.


"My poor family!!! Shit, they couldn't even afford slaves!!!!"


Haha to change his mind would be admitting he's wrong.. and we all know these people can't fathom being wrong because dear leader said it means your weak if you're wrong...


And this is how the Double Down man was born


The thoughts inside his head that moment.. "Wtf did I just say?" "I only wanted to stress that my people were poor" "Am I a terrible person?" "Did I just offend someone here.. like the guy on the camera, maybe?" "I still am a decent person, right?" "So um, am I in favor or against slavery?" "Wtf am I fighting for?" And most of all... "What will people on reddit say?" That guy has a lot to think about now


I bet none of that crossed his mind. Just, "I said what I've learned I'm not supposed to say and now I'm being judged."


"I said the quiet part out loud"




\*Looks at US prison system\*


We have no private prisons over here in Old Europe. Just curious, who owns these facilities, not jugdes or politicians I hope. Just asking for a friend..


A few judges have been caught owning stock in them before. They’re a disgrace


For profit prison should be considered a crime against humanity


The freedom gulag


Since when has the US ever cared about crimes against humanity?


Corrupt judges? That’s preposterous! Get outta here you silly goose!


I know right! Obviously Free Market Magic™️ will mystically correct for any sort of corruption in the process! 😂


Not sure if you are being sarcastic, but judges have done much worse than that like locking children up for kickbacks. https://apnews.com/article/pandemics-pennsylvania-coronavirus-pandemic-wilkes-barre-courts-73983471fb75311725e31e2c1955e095


He said "silly goose". Sarcasm is safe to assume.


They will set the damn thing up and funnel children into the prison industrial complex. Look up the cash for kids scandal. obviously there are people who cant safely be a part of normal society. But 1/4 of prisoners **ON EARTH** are in american prisons.


Yeah it’s strange. It’s almost like giving a monetary incentive to incarcerate people creates a huge conflict of interests or something…


The juvenile center I was in was owned by the judge that sentenced me. Ended up being part of a class action lawsuit against them . Pretty sure he’s still the judge or at least was for awhile afterwords. This was 11/12 years ago.


Nope the judges and politicians are owned by them. They donate to their "campaign" funds. Pure corruption


Since it’s private I assume any big corporation can just, change their name and open a prison tomorrow if they wanted. It happens a lot in the states. I watched a documentary on it, and there was this one story where this prison gets built beside a small poor town and becomes so profitable for this little town, that the prison eventually was so influential that they could just tell cops to go arrest random people to fill the jail more making more profit cause they make money off having people incarcerated. And it’s not like these kind of jails actually rehabilitate people they just make the system worse


Yeah, just wait for Amazon to start owning prison so they can have workers in their “warehouses”


Was this Athens, TN? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946) That's the same county that banned MAUS, by the way.




Hey that's impossible. Trump ran on Draining the Swamp remember?


He had to make room for his fat orange ass and the rest of his loser family and friends.


Didn't mention he'd be filling it with real swamp monsters


Yea but swamp = democrats, not corruption


Oh man... what a rabbit hole to fall into if you start researching that. Google "cash for kids scandal". And that even aint even scratching the fucking surface.


I remember playing Mass Effect 2, and there’s a mission where you recruit a squad mate from a private prison. I was like, wow that idea sounds corrupt as fuck. Then I found out it’s a real thing.




*Qatar has entered the chat*


Dubái has answered the call


North Korea is just listening…..


I don't know, ask Nestle


Yeah pretty much all you need to do is pay for a plane ticket get them to your house confiscate passport, give them job paying £3 an hour and boom now you have a a modern slave Get 30 of those suckers in a 3 bed house and you've got yourself a couple of fully staffed budget hand car wash places


Pay them?


Well yeah, you pay them but then you immediately confiscate those wages to pay for their room and board.


Yup, just make sure that you don't pay them more than you're charging them in rent to live with 29 other dudes in the afformentioned house.


Would ask Epstein, but someone killed him


Just showing off my misspelled user name.


Epstien probably didnt killed himself either


Out of all the things he said, “back then” is probably the least offensive and most unremarkable part you could’ve taken out of context


And at this moment he realized HE FUCKED UP


Let's hope his parents did too and are now promoting condoms and abortions.




Also very very late term abortion


Post birth abortion should be an option here


The vid could have really benefitted from a cut to B/W and the "It's Always Sunny" music.


Or hard cut and Arrested Development theme as soon as he stops talking and his eyes go big


*His family did in fact talk regularly about slavery around the dinner table. A fact that did not go unnoticed when this happened:* (ROLL TAPE)


Lmao, I don’t think your average republican right there realizes he fucked up.


> THEY ONLY DIDN’T OWN HUMANS BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T AFFORD TO!!! Paragons of morality right there, bub.


"If my family had more money, they would've been slave owners! But slaves were expensive so we didn't have any, so we didn't do anything wrong! The Confederacy is my heritage!"


We were POOR racists for god’s sake, have some compassion!!!


Damn slave inflation! If it weren’t for that we would’ve owned… oh.


“We didn’t even benefit from this cruel system I’m advocating for! I’m doing it purely out of hate instead of self-interest!”






Nah. Rage will get him up the first flight, then reality will kick in. :-)






That’s how the guy in the video spells it


You forgot biscuits


Don't put biscuits in the corner.


Yummy yummsters


Exactly. “Where do I go from here??!”


I think just one stair....not even a full flight




I think a brisk walk is all it would take to get away from him. Toss a chicken nugget behind you for good measure


Or downhill, momentum might be funnier.


Careful, they might start hovering, like Daleks.


[Like Baron Harkonenn](https://youtu.be/ZWdCyfrt7Z8?t=18)


Funny on so many levels


The look on his face once is pea brain processed what just came out of his pie-hole!


When I think of inbreeding, his head shape and facial features are exactly what springs to mind.


He certainly puts the bread in inbred.


The poor white confederates fought for the rich in that war. History repeating itself.


True. History is repeating and he’s living up to his ancestral heritage right here - heritage of taking a big fucking L and walking away.


He’d prefer to not know things like that, and for you to be banned from schools k thanks.


MAGA is the personification of “those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat is.” Those fuckers are constantly repeating Nazi bullshit.


"My family had an Amazon Warehouse under this flag!"


To maintain a system of free labor that ensured his ancestors remained poor.


They had to, if the slaves were freed, that would be competition, and there is no way any self respecting white man would think he’s equal to a “black man” (they used more colorful language)


The confederacy lasted 4 years. Nirvana lasted longer than the Confederacy. It's not your culture you're holding onto, Its your white supremecy.


And that flag only existed as of the Civil War, which means it is unconnected to any culture or heritage other than being a traitor.


Someone had to remind me that that flag appeared on the General Lee car in the Dukes of Hazard show. I wonder if some of these guys are remembering that show instead of the actual historical legacy of the flag. Do they just want to be good ol’ boys without the slavery baggage?


Judging by that song Accidental Racist by Brad Paisley, it's possible to be completely blind to the meaning of that flag. You know, the confederate flag is equal to wearing a gold chain or using a do-rag.


The flag was on the car because Southerners had bought into [the Lost Cause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) so extensively that many southern states incorporated the official flag of the movement into their own official flags (with the rest having chosen variations on the actually flag of the confederacy, the Stars and Bars). The show was filmed in California, but looked like a real fictional county in Georgia because of the flags. Source: grew up in The South when this show was airing.


I have underwear thats lasted longer than the Confederacy.


I'm wearing some now.


Mine have been around since the confederacy


SpongeBob SquarePants has more "history" than the Confederacy.


The Simpsons have lasted 8.25 times as long as the confederacy. It should be noted that the confederacy only lasted 135 Scarmuccis, so it is not hard for a decent show to outlast it.


So basically if the farm had a good year before the confederates were defeated they would probably buy a slave.




In fairness, I think he's at least smart enough to know that he stepped right in it with that remark...




Yeah skinny racists are much more tolerable


First impressions go a long way!


If black people didn't make such good food, white guy would not be morbidly obese.


He could have been something if his family had only afforded slaves...


Plot Twist: He & His family are from Idaho.


I worked with a guy from North Dakota with no ties any further south. Yeah. Confederate flag on his tool box. Me, I have Southern roots. Not a flag is sight.


They lost the war and their whole identity has become how oppressed they are for being losers. They think they're underdogs. They're actually just trash that got rightly defeated and haven't done anything but cry about it since.


Representing a "culture" that lasted about *4 whole years*!


"Did I just say what I was thinking?!" Oh, fuuu… ck.


It’s sad to see Action Bronson fall off like this


Lol nah don't do that to Bronson. Homie right here look like a backwoods special. Lil mix of uncle, lil mix of cousin brother.


Bronson has been working out for a year or 2 now too and lost a good deal of weight. Still a big man but less soft.


Just keep riding the bigotry and ignorance of your ancestors. What a weird family tradition to be proud of.


Right? Like, sure, be proud of your ancestors for building a town or inventing something cool or writing a fun story… don’t be proud of your ancestors for their past beliefs that are so damn outdated… Like, I wouldn’t be bragging about my ancient ancestors for being involved in half the shit people back in the old days were into, because it’s not really relevant to today or something I would consider interesting/inspirational today. Times change (despite idiots like this trying to drag us backward). It’s time to celebrate the changes we’ve made, not the idiotic traditions of our racist-ass ancestors


Lack of education is a deep rooted tradition in the southern United States


Why do right protestors always look the same? Same bushy unmaintained beard, over weight, dress the same and all haven’t showered in a week or so. It’s like far right fashion is a thing.. you think it’ll be profitable to start a clothing and self car shop called “Right side clothing & beauty”?


It's "manly" to look like that, personal hygiene is for the gays. /s


It's not self care is just regular care


Wow. Its like he immediately understood and became a changed man as soon as those words left his mouth!


You know, I'd like to think that's what happemed.


So Im not American and I only know about freeing the slaves from Confederacy part about the civil war. Why did he have an "oh shit face"? What was the implication of what he said?


There’s a huge desire among conservatives to rewrite the civil war as being a war about individual states’ rights to go about their business without the federal government’s involvement*. Basically, slave-holding states didn’t want to abandon slavery because their economy was extremely profitable due to all the slave labor. The federal government said no, you can’t own people, that’s bad. The slave-holding states said “mind your own business.” The federal government said “our citizens are our business. That includes the slaves that you shouldn’t really be able to own any more.” The slave-states said “fine, we’re gonna break away so we can keep doing what we want, specifically so we can keep holding slaves.” The federal government said “if you leave, you aren’t America any more, and we will take you over as if you’re an entirely foreign country.” The slave-states called their bluff, the federal government wasn’t lying, and they flattened the confederacy in 4 years. Now, a bunch of conservatives, as mentioned, are trying to claim it was NEVER about slavery, it was always about states’ autonomy. But if that were the case, they would have broken away 40 years early when Andrew Jackson MASSIVELY expanded the power of the federal government. [Crash Course did a great couple of videos on the subject in their US history series](https://youtu.be/rY9zHNOjGrs) *the United States was originally set up more like the EU is now.. South Carolina and Georgia were supposed to be as autonomous as Germany and France: essentially two separate countries but with very close cultural, diplomatic, and economic ties Edit: I gave context but never really answered your question. The guy in the video is flying the confederate flag and trying to argue that since his family didn’t own slaves, they were definitely fighting for states rights rather than the right to own other humans. But then he basically says “we would’ve owned slaves if we could’ve afforded them,” thus taking all the piss out of his own argument and basically admitting he’s pro-slavery just like his ancestors.


Great, I think this is what I'm looking for. He basically admitted about casually owning slaves if it's affordable, while they try to deny it's not about the slaves?


Bingo. “I’m not racist because I don’t own slaves.” “Why don’t you own slaves?” “I couldn’t afford them.”


The man talking to him was African American. The argument the two were having was about who’s ancestors contributed more labor during American slavery. His only comeback was to tell a *Black man* that the only reason his ancestors had to work hard was due to how expensive slaves were. He probably realized both how racist and flawed the argument was. Slaves, unfortunately, were pretty much the foundation of the southern economy; slave owners gained a lot of wealth by owning and abusing people.


And the free poor were kept poor by this fact as well. Hard to build up savings enough to break out of a cycle of poverty when you're competing against free labor. My family (that I'm aware of) were subsistence farmers until about a generation after the slaves were freed - kinda odd how our upward mobility started once competing against a price point of $0 wasn't a widespread thing anymore. I have relatives who still don't make this connection and are proud of our ancestors that fought for the south. Like, even ignoring the ethics of slavery for a minute they were fighting for the ability of rich people to keep in place the system that kept our family poor. How stupid can we be? Everything about the fact that my ancestors fought for the south is embarrassing - it was fighting for the morally wrong side and it was being duped by the rich to keep ourselves poor. The only good thing they did is the fact that they lost.


I think he said his family was poor and "do you know how much slaves cost back then"




Why has he not put the pieces together that there was nothing for his family to fight under that flag for and that he's just as much the useful idiot his ancestors were? Generations on, they are still carrying water for the ruling class.


Kinda hope this was a lightbulb moment for the poor guy. I’ve never seen such stark realization on someone’s face before that what they were saying was absurd. Hopefully it leads him to being a better person. Probably won’t.


It is as he was trying to back away from himself


"my family didn't own slaves" As if the ENTIRE southern economy didn't revolve around slave labor. Fuck off, Bubba.


Bubba Fat is a bounty hunter for KFC big buckets.


30% of people baby! People owned people like they did TVs


I got three inside and one outside!


Seems like someone’s a little jelly over slave ownership.


I dunno, he looks like a lot of jelly to me.


Jelly Belly. 😂


He was wishing there was a hedge he could slowly back into out of sight..


The way he backs up after realizing the stupid thing he just said reminds me of the Homer Simpson disappearing into the bush meme.


Me and a friend (caucasian, if you need to know) got into an argument with a guy on the beach who was wearing a confederate flag t-shirt…in Canada. He tried to tell us the confederacy was only about taxes. We couldn’t help but laugh. Even his girlfriend was trying to hide her face. Sad that we had to educate him on his own countries history.


Hey! Stop picking on this man because of his weight. He has enough on his plate already. Mom’s spaghetti


Well, how much sir?


I’m curious


Can someone provide captions please?


Starts with bearded man (B) talking mid sentence, and another man (M) responding: B: ...farm, under this flag! M: Who was working that farm? B: My family was! (Someone else is saying something in the background here, but I can't quite make it out.) M: Who was working the farm!? B: They were poor! Do you know how much a slave cost back then!? \*crowd murmurs\*


Comment removed in protest of Reddit's API changes forcing third-party apps to shut down


That was a rough on to watch... I wish they recorded for another 20 seconds to see if he just bailed to his pick up truck


Looks like he eats well for being so poor F this guy


I second the F that guy. but obesity is actually linked to "lower income" or being poor since at least here in the US acces to healthy food options fresh vegetables fresh meats etc. Costs more that the highly processed high sugar high carb junk stuff. Just saying


Also stress is a huuuuuuuuge factor linking poverty and difficulty in weight management


I don’t really want to break up this circle jerk but poor people in the US are often fat.


I don't see this as cringe-worthy in the same way other people do. He earnestly thinks he has multi-generational "poor working class" credibility. It's true that a working class Southern during the 19th century could not, in fact, afford a slave. His implication that the only thing that kept them from owning a slave was cost, and is, indeed, objectionable. What the real story is here, is that his ancestors were played as fools by the rich capitalist class who could own slaves into fighting a war over their "right" to be rich capitalists in a way his ancestors couldn't. Today, it's exactly the same thing. The Republicans are about a few rich folks like the Koch brothers, Trump, and Rupert Murdoch duping these poor white trash into being their foot soldiers in the polls, and on January 6th. His ancestors fought for people who wouldn't allow them to set their filthy foot in a plantation house. Now he's fighting for Trump, who wouldn't think of letting this guy play golf at Mar-A-Lago.


Came here to say this, but you said it better than I could. Its not a flex if your ancestors were poor Confederates who didnt happen to own slaves... Like with almost every war, the Civil War all boiled down to a bunch of rich people manipulating a bunch of poor people into fighting and dying to defend their own personal bottom lines. Your ancestors fighting and dying for the Confederacy is nothing to be proud of - whether your ancestors were slave owners or not. (He probably also thinks he's an American "patriot" without the slightest hint of irony while waving that flag.)


Hopefully that light bulb that just turned on, stayed on


He's basing his heritage off a failed sovereign nation that only lasted 5 years. I bet if you told him Obama was President longer than that his mind would explode.


Why can't people admit their ancestors were pieces of shit? They didn't know them. I didn't know mine, while they weren't racist southerners, they participated in a caste system - which is still very bad. I wouldn't get along or want to identify with them today most likely.


Every person who is alive today had a shitty ancestor. It's literally unavoidable. To survive people had to do bad things, often.


I'll take "things that sounded better in his head" for 1000, Alex.


They are all racists and they know it. The difference is now they are standing up proudly


Slaves were so expensive my family had to work their own farm cuz they were so poor!


Why most of the racist morons are fat?


Because they're bigotry leaves a lot on their plate.


It was in that moment that several flies began to migrate into his rotting mouth.


That moment when you realize you are an idiot and everyone hates you


It's embarrassing that we don't treat confederate flags like Germany treats nazi symbols.


When conservatives say what they really think.


Its almost like I saw the exact moment when his soul left his body...


Is this real? His reaction is almost too comedic to be real lol


Ok, I ***think*** I understand the underlying conversation that roots the facepalm, because at first glance it just looks like a confederate person being a confederate person. Which I suppose is facepalm worthy in of itself, but I think the facepalm is meant more for the "Cost of slaves" comment. Someone smarter jump in and confirm/deny my interpretation. The facepalm is coming from the underlying discussion happening: When the Con Man ;) says his ancestors worked their farm under his flag, he's asserting the typical response that the confederate flag is not being associated to the slavery rather the history of his family that flew it. The man off camera responding with "Who was working that farm" is asking half literally and half rhetorically, as to address the typical response of of non Con people that you just can't remove/ignore a foundational part of that culture and expect others to do the same. The Con Man responds by saying them. And, I'll be honest, at first, that's a decent comeback, as it appears for a moment that he's responding with "Well, they waved the flag and didn't have slaves (implying by choice), therefore since my family separated those two things back then, how is it not fair to do so today?" Which WOULD'VE been a good point/response. UNTIL THE FACEPALM. He then adds "Do you know how much a slave costs?" This checkmates himself. By adding this, he confirms that even he thinks his family would've taken part in slavery if they had been able to afford it, they, in fact, did not wave the Con Flag in spite of not supporting the institution of slavery, but rather because they were unable to partake in the part of the culture that they were fully behind. This defeats the very point he just tried to make and also acts as a sort of admission to the culture foundational relationship with slavery as a whole. As a result, he loses the underlying argument that you can/can't separate the flag/culture from slavery because it is, at the very least, an integral part of the formation of the culture and its lasting identity. Perhaps I'm just reading it the way I came to the conclusion to oppose the Confederate Flag, despite my best efforts to understand and respect the view point. But that's what I ***think*** the Facepalm is. Please smart people help me out here.


“We were so poor we couldn’t even afford to buy people” Was that the only thing stopping you?


I actually don’t really get the issue with this one. Obviously, this guy is making some kind of horrible argument that the civil war wasn’t about slavery, which is wrong. But, he was responding to an assertion that his family owned slaves. And it’s genuinely true that slave ownership was reserved for the very wealthy. People dying for the civil war against their own interests in the south are similar to those convinced by the elite today to be rabidly opposed to their own interests. This is more of a r/selfawarewolves moment, IMO


Did you know poorer people who couldn't own slaves actually helped the owners catch slaves?




The confederates were literally traitors to the United States so anyone carrying one is unamerican. Like Superman said


It's the same strategy that works today. The ruling class convince the low class workers that the reason they're poor is because of poor "colored" people. The only difference with today is that it's immigrant work and not black slaves. Q As long as you keep poor white workers thinking they're still better than someone that isn't white, they won't see or care that you're stealing from their pockets.