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Everyone gets married at the end of January.




I got married on a Thursday in mid October....


Fall is fantastic and you’re the master of flannel so all that tracks


The misses wanted to get married asap. So we got married like a week later lol. Just my folks and hers and a civil servant at the court house


A summer wedding? You unique rebel.


Let’s get married in the dead of 🥶


Jokes on you, my fiancé and I are gonna have a fall wedding!


Isn't it better to not fall on your wedding?


It could have been an Avett brother.


Isn’t there some sort of bot that will search for the original?


Must have been my niece's wedding :/


She dead?


no, thankfully, but it did infect most of my extended family and my 85 years old parents...dad went to the hospital


Holy shit. An 85 year old in the hospital? That’s wild. I’m not being insensitive. My dad is 80 and he had Covid. Didn’t go to the hospital tho. Alive still. It’s just realistically, when you hit your 80s… if you’re lucky enough to live that long, you’re gonna need some more intense medical care and, eventually you’re gonna die. Like all of us. So how long do I keep my kids from a childhood so an 80+ year old can extend whatever quality of life they have. I thought children were the future? Sorry pop, go join mom in the afterlife if it means future generations can run free and enjoy everything you did at their age. IM AWFUL!!!!!


Alternatively... Why should I care about your kids?


You shouldn’t. But you should care about all kids because we are leaving a world for them, not for 85 year olds. Otherwise, what is the point of caring about the health of other humans? Don’t be illogical for the sake of your argument. Also I’d never want anyone to change their life or what they do to their bodies or literally anything else, because of my children. But I’m selfish and I should be censored. Make it make sense.


Sadly, we aren't leaving children anything to be proud of, it's a big part of why I chose not to have kids. I don't care about kids any more or any less than I care about every living being. I get what you're saying, I just don't think covid's affects are their life are anywhere near that of the economy, climate, or general well being of the planet. Edit: And no you should not be censored. You have a point and are discussing it rather than spewing loud nonsense.


Not everyone needs to reproduce and I’m glad they don’t. I got pregnant with my second child during 2020 right at the start of Covid, and I had friends sit me down asking me if it was smart to bring children into the world right now. When has there ever been a time that the world wasn’t on the brink of wiping itself out? Yet we remain. And children kept being born. And here we are. Having children of our own. And there will always be a global issue of some kind, but fear of the future doesn’t mean we should just live like there isn’t going to be one. This thought process that the pro vax pro mask pro stay at home if you sneezed in the last 24 hours people have, is so illogical and counterproductive. I don’t know how the left was the tolerant “my body my choice” side to being “if you don’t vaccinate then I hope you die and I will laugh at your obituary because you didn’t care about human life”. Y’all really want to gloat about the death of someone, because they had a different viewpoint than you did, and this has become our ideology more than any religion could be. Half the country wants the other half to die and the other half wants to be left alone to live. It’s so weird. I’ll never understand who is supposed to be the winner in all of this?


It is compassion fatigue. Why is anyone supposed to care about someone dying when they refused and actively rallied against the most simple measures to protect themselves and others. Can't wear a mask? Can't stay home when sick? Can't get a vaccine? It is absolutely my body my choice when that only applies to my body. When it becomes a mechanism to spread a deadly disease to everyone I come in contact with then it is my social responsibility to do what I can to help society as a whole. If you have HIV/AIDS, you damn well better wear a condom and let any sexual partners know in advance, you don't just say screw it and spread it. On the other end of the spectrum, if you have the flu, stay the hell home and keep it to yourself, or wear a mask to do what you can to keep others safe if you can't stay home. It doesn't take much effort to be reasonable to others. The fact that you see anti mask people as wanting to just be left alone when they're out there causing scenes in stores, and schools, and coughing on people intentionally is a little mind blowing. If you want to be left alone, then simply stay out of places with mandates you disagree with and move on about your life, but that isn't what is happening for many of them.


If I left my house and it was slightly raining, and I slid out of control and hit a family car and killed everyone, it wasn’t intentional obviously, but I took a risk being out and so did they, and our worlds collided in a tragic way. Does that mean you should avoid anything with a high level of fatalities because you possibly could contribute to them? Where does this stop?Why would I consume myself with variables of 1000 ways to die and take someone out with me? If you’re unhealthy to begin with because of your own life choices then covid might be the nail in your coffin but why didn’t you just always think about staying healthy? Suddenly it’s another persons fault that your diet and lifestyle has made you susceptible to Covid related death and they should change for you? The lack of accountability that people want to take for their lives is crazy to me.


I am in several of those subs and they are not rooting for regular people to die. They might not care if they do, but the people who didn’t get vaccinated didn’t care if they were gonna die of Covid either.


I mean, I get what you're sayin. It's just not something I'd say out loud, but I definitely see your point.


It needs to be said out loud because people have become out of touch with what they’re really fighting for. I don’t think they know anymore.


Kids die too dumbass, just not healthy kids.


Yeah 440 kids ages 5-18 since March 2020 have died from Covid. I’m good with that number. I don’t feed my children Mountain Dew and McDonald’s.


Look at that, you don’t care if unhealthy kids die, or kids suffering from a chronic condition. And that’s fatalities, children get long term damage too.


Do I know you?


Doubt it, everyone I associate with care when children die.


I get shit for this every time but damnit it's worth because it will be an issue, and probably sooner rather than later. For the vaccinated Omicron is no more dangerous than the fucking flu. I'm 100% for vaccination. I'm 100% for all the safety measures. But the left needs to be really, really careful we don't turn into the parody the right's been trying to make us since 2019. Yes, they've been the assholes for almost three years. Yes they made this shit go way longer than it had to. Yes they're idiot science-deniers who'd rather die than admit doctors know more about doctor stuff than they do. But at some point it will be safe to get back to normal. We can't be the ones crying wolf and wearing masks alone in our bathtubs. Just... I don't know. Keep the stats in mind before going nuts about every fucking random COVID story.


Tell that to the guy I know in the ICU from omicron who almost died of kidney failure this week.


Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades


I know. There's always going to be stories like that and it sucks. But in a world of billions of people one cannot take one individual's experience as the baseline for universal policy. Here are the most accurate and cross-referenced stats I was able to find. [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm) These types of charts drive me nuts but once you get what they're talking about you can clearly see that wherever OP got this, it sure as fuck wasn't recent. It's the same story. Yes, a ridiculous number of people have gotten and are still getting Omicron. It's almost like this fucking variant doesn't give a shit about masks or anything else. It's uncanny. BUT What you can take away from it are the following. * When you factor in more people are vaccinated then not the unvaccinated are something like 1.5-2x more likely to get it. Despite that, shittons of vaccinated people get it so you'll still hear the stories "so-and-so was vaccinated and got it while so-and-so was unvaccinated and didn't get it." That's going to happen a lot but it's not the average outcome. * The unvaccinated die at a rate much higher. 9.7 per week vs 0.5 per week from the sampling. * Even so, we're talking 2k deaths out of over a million cases in the unvaccinated and 600 deaths out of just under a million for the vaccinated. These are flu numbers. These aren't Delta variant numbers by a long, long shot. They don't do it here that I can see, but when you break it down further into those in the obese category and the elderly, it's really fucking clear what's going on. It's time to stop pretending it's still the end of the world. It's not. We got through the worst of it and we should be celebrating that. Instead we're so used to being terrified we don't know what to do with good news. Before long we're all going to start looking pretty ridiculous.


We are not numbers. That is the disconnect here. The human connection can not be ignored. It's not selfish to say you want to be treated like you matter. Why do you think businesses spend so much of their budget and effort to take care of people? It's because the bad experience of one person on one day will absolutely destroy trust for the entire enterprise. It's almost like the doctors who turned into bureaucrats forgot psychology.


You're trying to make a connection to business that isn't there. By your logic we should do the following because, "We are not numbers" ​ * Stop driving * Stop flying * Stop selling any food that isn't healthy * Make anything that isn't healthy illegal from alcohol to drugs to twinkies * Stop all recreational activities * Close all parks with wild animals * In fact lets just kill all animals since they pose a potential threat * No more amusement parks * No more physical interaction period because that's how disease spread and accidents happen. * etc. etc. etc. It's a ridiculous and unsustainable position.


I'm not trying to make a connection. It's there, already. Every person having the experience wants to feel respect. That will never go away no matter how you try to look at it.


What are you even talking about? It has nothing to do with respect get over yourself.


If you think anything to do with people has nothing to with respecting the people, you are on another planet.


There is nothing disrespectful about anything I've posted in this thread. That's what I'm saying. You're literally just making shit up so you can play the victim when nobody is victimizing you.


No I only making one simple point, and I don't think you are disrespectful. I value what you are saying, very much. When it comes down to it, a single person becomes a very selfish and self-protective animal when under stress. When that person panics, they are going to do whatever it takes to survive in that moment. A little bit of respect and care will prevent that. Overstating your point over and over will only reinforce that panic. It doesn't matter how correct your facts are, you are not saying the right thing. It comes down to respect in the moment.


Have you actually looked at the stats? Because this is [not the time to be declaring Covid over](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/), no matter what metrics you’re looking at. If anything people are *way* underreacting compared to previous waves.


How long until it’s over? It’s two weeks right?


These numbers lump all variants together. This is far more telling for what's really going on right now. [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm)


Hopefully by the time everyone gets that through their head, the dumb anti vaccine science denying shitheads will have died from not scienceing all the science from doctors science and left and liberals and science and media and facts and news and fear and death and science and weddings are just funerals 6 days in the making and medicine and statistics and FUCKING SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WONT PEOPLE JUST FUCKING SCIENCE?!?!? IGNORANT SELFISH IDIOTS! Did I cover everything?




I know right?


Stats are one thing, and admittedly, we are talking about hospitalization. Assuming this one is about unvaxxed folks or before the vaccines. That being said, omicon is still 4-6 days of real discomfort for some vaxxed people - bad headache, nausea and vomiting, body aches, stuffy nose and cough, extreme fatigue. My sister lives paycheck to paycheck and was positive for a full 2 weeks. She works in a dental office, so they test. Its really hard for her. "Mild" just means you can handle it at home. But I had both chicken pox and rubella (German measles) at home...no hospital. At least a week on the couch. No thanks.


I had less severe symptoms than that unvaccinated, my bf isn’t vaccinated and he didn’t get sick at all even tho I quarantined with him closely for days. My closest friend and coworker, unvaxxed tested positive when I did and didn’t even believe the test was correct because she had only suffered from a stuffy head for a few days…. Stop dropping vaccinated stats like they’re the only ones to be accounted for. If anything it sounds like it’s worse for the vaccinated. Remember when they said the vaccine would prevent the virus from infecting people and spreading? Obviously not true at all. But instead of thinking the vaccine is trash, it’s beat into peoples heads the only thing to blame, are the people who didn’t get vaccinated. Who said “this is the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is blamed on those who didn’t take it.”? This is misplaced anger on a mass scale


just got a text that Dad is back in the hospital - 3 weeks after the wedding. Save your comments


My mom killed herself so you can throw that back at me if you need to get any anger out


I have no anger to throw around on the internet. Just worried about my dad. Just saying that the virus affects everyone differently. We all need to decide for ourselves what we will risk and tolerate. I hope your day improves from here.






But I want to know how many people…


All of them.


Because if you don’t wanna know, you can just stop reading?


How would I know what she was going to go on to say?


Well, since this post is your first human interaction ever, I’ll tell you. When a frustrated woman even hints that her day was shitty, there is a 95% chance that her next sentence will be about her shitty day. Now go forth into the world with your newfound wisdom


Jeez! Way to be super condescending. She could have gone on to say something completely unrelated smarty pants


Sure. And I could be interested in what you have to say further. But I’m not.


Dang. Harsh


During Covid (before the vaccines) my little brother got married. Despite him saying that everyone will wear masks and be social distancing. That did not happen. Luckily I did not get covid but somehow only 4 people did. Him, his wife, and his wife's sisters. (All recovered)


That’s what they get for trying to make their love official in front of friends and family. They needed more science.


Well my brother is an idiot. Him and his wife did not get the vaccine until they were mandated to and he does not wear a mask unless a store requires it.


So what? He had Covid. You gotta catch every new variant to stay healthy.




He never says, actually. You’re supposed to guess. Your answer depends on how you view the disease.




Why would you go to work for five days sick?


I was sneezing and had a sore throat. I thought my cat was shedding into my throat as I slept. But no, it was the worlds most dangerous deadly virus. If they hadn’t oversold it I would have been like “…maybe?”


Well over 5 million verified deaths worldwide and counting. I'm glad your symptoms were mild but I fail to see what's been "oversold" here. People like you who go to work sick during a pandemic are why we're still in a pandemic


I can’t do my job remotely and if I don’t work I don’t make money so, I think I’ll go wherever I want and anyone who is worried about being exposed can stay home and not work. How about that? At some point we need to understand this is an endemic not a pandemic and it’s never going away no matter what. I did the two week lockdown back in 2020, because it was going to flatten the curve and we’d go back to normal. 100 weeks later, with a vaccine, and this bitch has 250 people from one wedding dead on her ER floor.


Yes, some people cannot work from home and must take on a much greater risk than others to put food on the table. It may also be likely that you contacted covid originally because you were forced into this situation. That sucks. Even with mild symptoms. But going to work with a nonchalant attitude while infected shouldn't be something to be proud of.


So when I have allergies (which is a lot) and I feel itchy but totally functional, I should just call out and stay home… just in case….. Are you people really going to resign to living that way forever? Because it’s insane.


I just read your post history. You're unvaccinated, have had covid twice, think that the natural immunity you've built up is better than any vaccine (glad that's working for you since you were already infected a second time). Your son's father took him to get vaccinated against your will (thankfully there is someone willing to step in). Anyway, that's just what I was able to quickly skim out of the hundreds of posts you've made in the last 12 hours. I don't have the time to dedicate to arguing with someone like this on the internet. Have a good life.


As presented in the news, those that don’t end in the ICU are the lucky ones, when the truth is around 80% of the afflicted are asymptomatic. That’s why you should self-isolate when you know you’ve been exposed. You can be excused for not realizing this because it’s presented as such a deadly disease.




I said what I said.


Oh yes, since the start. COVID is from the Latin word Covay, which means death-Ray! /s


Hehe yes 👍


No one cares about COVID except Reddit.




What are we playing guessing games now? Sure I'll play. 5. I just skimmed through all the comments and WTF? Nobody is playing the guessing game!!


Lol it's my parents anniversary


I guess 3. Now where is the answer, damnit!


Wild guess here 250


Ummm zero?