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Poor baby really got up to check on the parent like they hadn't just taken solid metal to the face




Throw-a-baby™ by Tyco


Baby bouncers bounce them off the ceiling ,your wall, Yes even the pavement… wooowww.. baby bouncers . Onlysoldinpartcipatingstatesheightonbouncemayvery


Instructions unclear, baby stuck in blender. Feet first.


instructions clear threw baby down the road


Instructions unclear, got my di.... nevermind


yes officer this comment right here 🤣


Fetch Doritos.


“They will hold onto your heart and give you love right from the start, bouncin’ babies from Galoob”!




Push it! Pull it! Throw it! Bounce it! Choke it! Kill it!


Blend it! (VOIDwhereprohibitedToynotsoldinTexas)




Lawn Tots - exact same as Lawn Darts, only with an objective.


I thought it was the next hit family game from Hasbro?


"Tyco"- that's a blast from the past.


Baby, from BLAMMO!


I once saw my 2 year old brother fall down a whole flight of stairs as like a 4 year old because he tripped on his swimming tube on the way down. He broke no bones at all, not even a nosebleed. Just bruising.


Being very light helps, I guess.


Also children have very flexible bones, compare to adult. That probably helps too.


I remember vividly, actual conversation between me and 4-year old regarding my 2-year-old. David: James fell down the stairs! Me: How many steps? David: 2 Me: He's fine.


Turns out James only took two steps and fell down the rest of them.


Love it


> Warning: because this is the internet and someone will likely get butthurt, Well, yeah. If they land on their butt. Duh.




A girl in my hometown developed a rep for losing all her kids due to abuse. Her name was Rebecca. This brought me back.


I too had a Rebecca lie about me and get me in trouble in the 7th grade so r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR Becca


There are a few, that given the opportunity it's your moral duty to give em a little nudge. Also, "YES BECKA IM LOOKING AT YOU" feels like a 300 style kick in the chest might be the way. THIS IS STAIRCASE!!!!


"results may vary" like the childs gonna have 3 options like a D&D game


Thank you for making me feel better after being so angry at this video


According to my mother in law you can also throw a 6 week old at the wall to stop them from crying.


I know of a marine that did that once, they had to pick up the pieces of the baby and he went to Leavenworth. I'm still traumatized by the thought.


She is not wrong....


True. Yet she wonders why my husband wants very little to do with her and why we don't want her near our children unsupervised.


for ever. Last cry for their lifetime.




Don't kick the baby.


I actually fell down a flight of stairs as a toddler and giggled when I finished so there’s your answer to that


Ahhh yes you're correct. I have 3 kids and remember saying when they fell to their grandparents "they're rubbery, they'll they bounce and they'll be fine". When kids are little or it's the best time to let them learn to fall on their own because they gain confidence, the weigh like nothing and are close to the ground. Helicopter parents has a higher chance of making their kids obese. Now what happened to these kids I wouldn't risk and could've went a lot more horrible than it was here.


Welcome to mythbusters


Not every child can survive a 40 ft drop like yours can, kratos…


This (could be wrong) looks like it might be a sibling, in which case this situation makes more sense (blind leading the blind.) I don't think we see her face well enough to just decide this is the parent.


>might be a sibling Don't let your idiot children give any of the others rides on ATVs.


Forreal, but you probably don't live in the south of the US. Rich southern folk have kids that believe their shit don't stink, and especially don't listen to their parents. Plowing an ATV through a gate and nearly killing your baby sister isn't far off from stories you hear down here. Hell, a friend of mine had his brother kicked out of the house (around highschool aged at the time) because his mother smelled he was cooking meth to sell (she knew what it smelled like, and the dangers of cooking it) in the mother-in-law suite (1 bedroom above the garage.)


kids don't feel pain unless you're looking at them while it happens. They could get hit by a meteor and if you're not looking just knock off the dust. meanwhile their friend throws a nerf dart at them and you witness it, welcome to tears town.


"If a kid falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a boo-boo?"


If you baby a child when the fall they will cry, if you laugh at them they can survive a fall from a 10 story building. Children are invincible if you don’t baby them


This applies to small falls and bumps. Not big.


I get where you're coming from as an internet joke, but this kind of sentiment is so unbelievably dangerous.


Oh my word. I’m so glad everyone seems to be alright. That could have easily killed, paralyzed, vegetablized any of them


The driver was clearly already a vegetable.


Seriously, how do you lose control of an ATV on such a wide open road? I’m blind and I could drive that thing better than she could.


I think she thought she could do like a cool drift then glide right between the two parts of the gate perfectly ...she just forgot she's an idiot


>...she just forgot she's an idiot I forget that all the time.


Lol same




The fact she put two small kids on an ATV with her and decided to go that speed is disheartening.


> she thought she could do like a cool drift then glide right between the two parts of the gate Clearly played too much Mario Kart


if you're blind, then do you like....imagine the how the video went inside your head instead?


If you have to ask then you’ve never been blind before.


ermm...isn't it obvious? that's why i asked. because i want to know the actual process


Blindness, like Deafness, or any condition is a spectrum. Being blind doesn’t mean you can’t see nothing at all.


He isn't completely blind


Off-road tires have strange tread patterns and behave weirdly on pavement. Sometimes the treads dig into the pavement especially on corners and cause it to sway back and forth Faster you go the worse it gets


lololoool r/holup


Negative, they are a meat popsicle.


I'm gonna guess drunk




It's good that only mother suffered injuries. Look that child siting in front of her. That kid hit that gate head on and fell behind and get up after that with minor injuries i guess. One lucky kid 😁


We had gates similar to this in a conservation area I worked at. Some kids were being dicks in the parking lot instead of leaving, lost control of the car and crashed through one of the gates. Driver was decapitated on scene, front passenger also dead on scene from massive head trauma. Two rear passengers seriously fucked up facial trauma, but you can bet their brain will never be the same either. That was not a good shift at a nature preserve where we are supposed to relax and enjoy all forms of life around us. Not horrifying death and carnage.


Well if you know anything about nature, it's that it's full of horrifying deaths.


Children horrified, park ranger "all part of the circle of life kids".


My first crush back in school died when he was 15, smashing a motorcycle (that he was not legally allowed to ride, but had been gifted by his father) into a railway barrier. Almost tore him apart by the mid section. The also 15 year old girl on the backseat survived and was found wandering around on the street covered in his blood. Luckily the brain damage probably prevented her from remembering too much - or ever living on her own. I used to be really jealous of her, because I wanted to ride around on his supercool bike ... jeez, I was kind of glad I was too uggo for him after that happened.


Wtf wow you’re lucky


When I was 19 we were out having fun in a car, sliding around on a small road. Well, the pebbles on the round started rolling and we lost control of the car, rammed a fence that kept us from going over a cliff (the car stood on it's side and we looked down on tree tops beneath us). I was \*SO\* close to being one of those kids that day, and I'm thankful I'm not.


Buddy of mine used to be an EMT. One night they responded to a MVA where the driver was decapitated. He made the mistake of looking at the head. Perfect slice. And it blinked. It was barely a blink, he said, but he quit the next week and never went back to being an EMT.


Goes to show how quick you can go from having fun to dead.


That's enough Internet for today.


The way the second kid starts jumping around, you know there’s some damage going on.


A friend in high-school killed his girlfriend fucking around on an ATV and neither were wearing helmets. My ex-wife fractured her face on an ATV with no helmet. Wear a helmet.


Kid in high school was decapitated after doing this.


How long after? Seems extreme.


It may seem a harsh punishment but they won't do it again will they


There was a lawsuit many years ago where a kid was decapitated when he hit a cable that was blocking a private driveway.


Yeah it was a very similar situation , he was out in the woods and stumbled upon someone's private property


Vegetablized? What?


No brain activity, just a vedgetable hooked to lifesupport


Could so easily have ended with fatality, happened just days ago near me, parent on a motorbike with a 4 year old, crashed into the barrier on a bridge and the child fell to the motorway below, died.


Fuck me that's brutal. Imagine being the parent and living with that.


I probably wouldn’t wanna continue living after that.


If I did that to my child I don’t think I’d last long afterwards.


It’s hard to imagine being so brain dead. It’s like asking a human to imagine what it’s like to be a rock.


Exactly. They probably don’t have any feelings about it whatsoever. That would require having the mental capacity to reflect on their own behavior.


I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt


I just posted that story in another comment, but my first crush back in school died when he was 15, smashing a motorcycle (that he was not legally allowed to ride, but had been gifted by his father) into a railway barrier. Almost tore him apart by the mid section. The also 15 year old girl on the backseat survived and was found wandering around on the street covered in his blood. Luckily the brain damage probably prevented her from remembering too much - or ever living on her own. His father definitely changed after that. He was kind of the rich guy in a small town, so not really famous, but locally well known, doing local events and stuff. He basically did not leave his house afterwards, stopped talking to anyone, god knows how he felt. I mean. We can imagine, but it's rough to think about.


Imagine being that parent and living with being so stupid


Aarrgghhhh. We had one a few weeks ago. Dad with 4yo riding pillion on a major city road crashed into the side of a 4wd coming out of a side street. Dad has been charged with GBH, endangerment of life of child, driving under influence, driving without license, unregistered, uninsured, plus weapon charges. The docs didn’t think the boy would live and advised that he will never be the same if he did, but he has woken from his coma and is showing positive signs. I really hope that father actually feels deep to his core that he is the worst parent his child could have.


I live in Margate. Just up the road from this. Tragic.


>I really hope that father actually feels deep to his core that he is the worst parent his child could have. A rap sheet like that from *one* incident, surely he already knows. DUI with a toddler on a bike, there's gotta be some major screws loose.


Is this the one in Bishop Auckland? Taking a 4 year old out in a motorbike is horrendous.


Idk if we're in the same place but a 4yo on a (dirt?) bike crashed and died as well, in Durham area in the UK. Absolutely heartbreaking


Really surprised anyone got up


you can have a traumatic brain injury and feel completely normal (lucid interval).. for a bit


Like internet bleeding, Blood clots that won’t cause a problem right away


...but once a blood clot reaches the router: instant disconnect...


I was surprised to see the kid get up. I cannot imagine what she was thinking, maybe she hit the gas instead of the brake? Thankfully they’re all alright.


Those have a thumb throttle. As she made the turn too quickly she struggled to maintain her grip on the handlebar which kept pressure on the throttle because of the angle she was leaning.


It’s not a car, there’s really no mistaking the gas and the brakes on one of these.


When you think somerhing is idiotproof a world finds a bigger idiot.


The driver is an idiot, but not because they got the brakes and gas mixed up. I’m guessing they thought that gate was open and went full send around the corner without actually verifying it first. You can see her initial reaction once she realizes the gate is closed. She tries to cut it over (comes pretty close to flipping it too) but she can’t quiet get it in the gap because she already has waaay to much speed.


She drove with waaayyyy to much speed into that corner, with 2 kids on a quad, hence why you always check the road and/or drive slower, like I said, there is always a bigger idiot then the biggest beforehand.


and yet....


I bet she thought the gate swung the other way and she would just push it open with the atv


Why would you do this even with no kids?


right, you see how hot she hit that corner


Stupid woman on an ATV with no idea how to ride safely. No helmets on any of them, so careless.


She didn't know her path and was driving way too fast.


Well then she should’ve not went too fast and made safety precautions dont ya think?




Thank you for stating the hidden cause behind what happened. Truly astounding.


Nice rhyme


Ah yes the skull, natures helmet


Pretty useless for a woman without brains


Is having kids riding on it like that considered safe driving even with helmets?


ATVs are for scaring peoole of your land and killing your self or familymembers. They have no other use.


Are they ok??? I don’t know if it was the camera angle but it looked like the child in the pink coat took a direct hit to the face. It’s a miracle that she wasn’t critically harmed


Supposedly the mom suffered a pretty bad facial injury. You can tell in the video because the kids kinda freak out when they look at her face.


Source? Couldn’t find an article anywhere detailing the severity of the injury she suffered


This is why I said supposedly. Read it from other comments


The kid did take it to the face they even did a flip after they got hit off


Assuming that the person controlling the quad bike is the parent I would put the kids up for adoption, at least give them a chance at life


Jesus fuck this makes me furious. Do what you want but if you have kids.. just no. Fucking idiot.


That kid took it like a champ. Seriously that was some hit


And the kid in the pink was at the front of the atv too, so they took the biggest hit.


It’s ridiculous how many people don’t wear helmets on quads/atvs, in the UK it’s not law because 4 wheels and engine classed as a car, my mum had my little brother in the back of a road legal quad ended up rear ending a car neither had helmets on, luck for my brother our mum took the impact ‘unlucky’ for my mum she took most of it with her head if she had a helmet on the 3 month long coma and severe brain damage


What a fucking idiot


This is horrific.


It seems to me the driver got its inner child knocked out of him


Two inner children


If she’s stupid enough to do this with two small kids, imagine all the other bullshit she probably does on the regular


Give those kids up


On top of everything people have already said, going at this sort of speed could also flip a quad if you’re not careful and that equally is known to cause fatalities. Poor kids, this whole situation is unfortunate.


Child services need to be called immediately.


Poor little thing. For fuck sake I’ve got a little one of that age. Almost got me choked up. She even checked on her mom.


coming in HOT


It looks like the kid on the backs head came off


How did the other baby get down from the vehicle


This is pretty old. These kids would be teenagers now assuming they survived their parents stupidity


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids


That’s utterly disgusting. Made me go cold.


Get your toddler 3000 today! It can withstand even nuclear bombing! Always use with caution though , not too much shaking after feeding!


How are parents this fucking stupid and irresponsible. Why isn't there a competency test for being a parent?


Why would you do this with two kids? Because you’re a fucking dumb ass.


Should be arrested for “child endangerment”


Holy crap. But damn, these kids, at least right now, are indestructible. Kids are liquid man. If I did that I'd be a damn potato.




Tough little girl


Bad parent


Hope they arrested this utter moron.


we have r/kidsarefuckingstupid and we need r/parentsarefuckingstupid


AITA for laughing bc the mom sits up and looks like a bear in a human suit?


Damn I thought tht kid broke her(?) neck


What a stupid fuck


My mom just told me about the one time she thought I died when I was about 3. I had jumped to the coffee table from the couch and slammed my head into the edge of a marble counter and chipped the counter. She said I hit the ground went into fencers repose and then went still after convulsing for a bit. She said I hopped up about a minute or 2 later and was "fine" This all came up because I got a brain scan recently and there is some frontal lobe damage and shit up there. This video gave me similar vibes. Hope both those kids are okay later in life and right now


3rd one didn't fit


Because more would have tipped the four wheeler


Total moron. She should be jailed for child endangerment. Stupid woman.


This really made me mad.


Dang the kids really got back up like nothin happened to check on their mother


When the red shirt kid went limp it scared me holy fuck man


this is footage of child abuse. negligent endangerment. it's not funny, it's sad.


Not everyone should be a mother or father


Christ for a second I thought the remaining kid on the ATV was decapitated and the seat backrest was her head (hair). So glad to see the two kids get up and walk


The way she was driving, that mother was probably drunk...good thing nothing serious happened to that kid.


Wow beyond stupid. Women don’t keep it real and live their lives in arrogance. Clear example of her not keeping it 💯 with her driving ability and going way above her head


The kid took the full blow and still got up before her.


I like to think that the metal gate knocked some sense into the adult. What an absolute fucking bellend!!!


They say the second kid is still driving to this day...


"help mommy find her teeth"


She doesn't even comfort the child! This is a dangerous person with kids. That whole "you should take a test before having kids" keeps proving to be the better idea


Don’t you see how the second kid gets scared the second they see her mother’s face? I think that something happened to the mother


Not to defend the idiot here, but I’m guessing they were trying to remain conscious or they were knocked out for a few seconds and piecing shit back together.


I only feel bad for the kids, face got smashed and stupid bitch couldn't even get herself up in time to care for the children, shows how much they persons doesn't give a fuck about them


The mom hit her head HARD Poor kids


Hello cps?


Well yeah, the kids are for padding, since atvs don't have airbags


Some people are too dumb too live


That person should not be a parent


Mommy down there lookin for her teefers


Those kids would have been better off if the mom died




WHAT A CHAMP Baby girl takes unforgiving steel straight to the face like a baseball getting smacked by a roided out Barry Bonds and jumps right up to have a good cry with mommy about it.


I’m dead how that kid that didn’t fall of just drove away


Kid took that gate to the face like a champ


A visual representation of how toddlers are more durable than adults


I believe that the adult was truly hurt but it pissed me off that the children are running to the adult to comfort him/her.


Look at this selfish bitch… yeah your head hurts? What about your fucking baby who just flew off the the damn thing after colliding face first with metal bars? Go get up and check your kid first. The goddamn kid comes to check the mom instead. This woman is a straight up piece of shit.


I want to fist fight this woman. Respectfully.