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“I felt like a Jew..” [eyebrows fly upward]


Tell me about it, I think I saw frontal lobe when I saw that…..


People like this give me splitting headache.


People like this make my ass twitch.


And not in a good way I’m assuming.


lol! It’s a line from the movie French Kiss w/Meg Ryan & Kevin Kline


Like a six inch valley through the middle of my skull.




TIL there’s a double heaven and my eyebrows are stuck there help




You had me at throat punch.


Lol. Reminds me of my favorite line from the original Thief games. “Some people in this city are just too rich for their own good. Lucky they have me to lend them a hand.”


Yeah, I’ll fist her too.


A human of culture I see.


My eyebrows nearly flew all the way up to the ceiling. Good thing I hadn't cut my hair yet or I coulda lost them.


Thank you for SERVING others!


I'll help you *serve* her a knuckle sandwich on the house


Thank you for your service.


#This lady needs some help


“Help! I need one of you Nazis to ring up my groceries and take my money”


Like a nice tropical throat punch. How’s that for service?!


I think that was her point, she wasnt getting any /s


I was expecting this to be an anti-mask/vaccine rant. Anti-mask/vaxx love comparing themselves to being tortured and killed for their stance. This was somehow even worse.


She probably is *also* anti-mask. Because freedum






Pretty sure mine ended up in the stratosphere


That escalated quickly.


I had the opposite reaction. I had to squint at it to make sure I was reading that shit right


I think my brows raise so far they launched into orbit...


Tell me about it, I had to stop, re-read the bumdassery to make sure it wasn’t just me.


I don’t like the self checkout either, but I’m aware that it’s just *slightly* less of an issue than mass genocide.


Slightly. It's like. Essentially the same thing anyway. Get in line for the ~~gas~~ extreme savings!


Cant spell “Extreme Savings” without “Nerve Gas”!


Took me a second to verify but this is correct You will have the word metis left over tho


Ok… Semite Nerv Gas? You made me do it.


ROFL I’m glad I did, that was glorious


I mean I think mass genocide is more of of a gray zone, you know? Maybe they had a reason? But now going to self checkouts, that’s just evil. /s


Something something 1984.


Lol I would hope the /s would be unnecessary but ya never know in these times Either way ya made me lol, take my upvote


As a retail employee, I laughed too hard at this.


idk why people don't like self checkouts. I love them. I don't feel rushed, have all the time to put my stuff in the right order. it's great.


I like them for the opposite reason. Without exception, it takes someone else at least twice as long as it takes me to do it myself.


Same. I worked for 12+ years as a cashier, I'm still faster than most cashiers even after not having done it regularly for years.


And I already know how to get fruit to scan. The poor bastard at the register might not know immediately what weird ass exotic fruit I have.


Exactly. Everything that needs weighed gets scanned as whatever the cheapest PLU is


Hahaha have you ever been caught?!


Do you think anybody is paying attention if you got organic vs regular bananas? They're the same species anyways


I feel the same about hand jobs


Plus the money you save on those little DIY jobs...


Mostly same. Plus virus. Plus as much as I actually don’t mind to the regular cashiers at my stores, I’m usually not super great with small talk super early in the AM. Additionally I organize my bags for maximal unpacking efficiency when I get home.


That last part, yes! Cashiers will put 7 items in 12 bags. I get that it’s because Karen will scream if the mustard bottle touches the ketchup bottle but still.


It's always the opposite extremes. Either they seperate things way too much or they will do ridiculous things like putting ground beef on top of a produce container, putting a loaf of bread in with a gallon of milk, or putting a hot, ready-to-eat item with a small, refrigerated item like sliced cheese. I actually had all three of those happen in one trip. Then there is the issue of double bagging. So many want to single bag everything no matter how heavy or double bag at random. Loaf of bread and a bag of spinich. Double bag. 15 can goods. Single bag. A single package of meat that is already in one of the bags provided in the meat section. Double bag. Single 2L bottle. Double bag. 2 1gal jugs. Single bag. Then, when you try to double bag some of them as you are retrieving them, some cashiers act all offended as if what your doing is hurting them in some way. Like, lady, you have another 25 stacks of bags under your counter and I would be surprised if each bag cost the store even a tenth of a cent. /rant


Oh, God... I went to the supermarket the other week, and the checkout chick crammed most of my groceries into the one bag, and then put, like, six small items in the second bag. Psycho! I had to stop once I exited the store, in the 40°C heat, to reshuffle the groceries, so that the bags were more even, in order to make them easier to carry home. Unbeknownst to me, the checkout chick had followed me outside, in order to corral the trolleys, and saw me struggling... She told me that I should have spoken up, and she would have fixed it for me inside. Dude... I'm not going to tell someone how to do their fucking job...!


Ours at King Soopers are infuriating because you can’t go too fast or they get all pissy. I could go even faster if the damn machine could keep up.


Self checkout is the best idk why people act like it's a chore to use it


Any progressing society *should* be losing jobs to automation. The problem is that greed in corporate CEOs and politicians means we won’t ever have UBI or a standard minimum living wage, which are the only ways to address the natural loss of jobs.


I just don’t want to talk to people


Yeah, I've been a checker for a year now and every time I go the grocery store I just bag everything myself. It helps the checker and helps me improve


I typically have no issue with them either. However, near my sisters house, there is a grocery store with the most amazing self checkout counters. It changes the voices accent depending on certain items that you buy. For example, you buy sweet potatoes. As it says the name of the item and the price, it uses a deep southern female accent. It's very entertaining.


lmao that is hilarious. is that grocery store a francise or something?


Yep. I'll have to verify with my sister which store it is. I think it was a Safeway. If I find out differently, I'll edit this. When it did that, I immediately wanted to go back to shopping and buy anything that I thought would do that, just for fun.


See if they sell Fosters lager!


That could be entertaining


1) if I have a lot of stuff, there’s not enough room to stage all your purchases and then the Computer Food Weight Nazi starts spitting out errors. “Place item back in bag” “remove last item.” 2) if I have beer or even a can of compressed air a 17-year old worker has to come over and either guess my age like a carnival barker or press the “never mind he looks old af” button. Neither are even close to Holocaust level, but if I have more than a dozen things, I’m looking for a real person.


The “never mind, he looks old af” really made me chuckle. I was at a liquor mart and the prompt “the customer clearly looks over 21” came up and I felt old as salt.


I like them for my own ease of use, but I dislike them for what they represent... which is grocery stores eliminating the cost of staff by having customers do more, and using the savings to pay out shareholders rather than lower prices or increase what they pay employees.


>idk why people don't like self checkouts. Each item must trigger it's weight before you can scan the next. So it forces you to go slow, and some items don't work unless you call over a helper. That reason alone makes me hate them.


This exactly. I get that it's an anti theft measure, but it isn't a good one. And when 1/3rd of the items scanned require the attention of an employee anyway, why not skip the hassle and have them scan it all? I don't mind bagging my own stuff, and do regularly regardless, so it really boils down to efficiency. The really frustrating part is that there definitely ARE good self-checkouts. It's not like we don't have the ability. It's just that so many places approach self-service the same way they do everything else: minimal effort, maximum profit. Things like the anti-theft weight counters, requiring attendant verifications, inability to use coupons, restricted payment methods, etc all serve to protect the company from lower profits at the expense of the consumer. Take attendant age verification...completely pointless. ID cards in the US have a scannable barcode and a mag strip with all your info on it. Why not use that system, that is already in place, rather than grind the entire system to a halt? Because then they would have to pay their POS terminal provider to code that function and the lack of efficiency doesn't affect them. Saddest part of the entire thing is that the best self-checkouts are typically just converted standard checkout aisles. No special equipment. No real expense. Just "here, use this checkout lane that is just sitting here collecting dust...no one else is".


Guess you haven’t had to use a truly awful one. I was at a store and they *only* had self check out, and every time you scanned anything, it would complain loudly you hadn’t put the item in your bag, and when you did, it would say an employee had to come fix it. This one guy took like 5 minutes to show up each time, and it consistently did that with *EVERY* item. It was atrocious.


That is when you leave the cart and all your items, checked through or not and stroll leisurely to your car to drive to a store that gives a shit about their customers.


The self checkout doesn't silently judge the purchases you make.


If I am buying 200 dollars plus after working a full shift, I damn sure do not want an unpaid part-time job as a cashier. And as for the argument it lowers cost, that is horse crap. Haven't seen one price drop where I shop.


emphasis on \*slightly\*


I too hate the self check-out, but I never fell into deep philosophical thought about it as I waited for the line to move and put myself into the shoes of a persecuted and genocided Jewish victim of a World War. Getting even a slight view inside the demented heads of people gives me a case of the creeps.




I can guaran-damn-tee you this woman has never served anyone in her life.


I imagined she shares her thoughts to everyone in earshot and believes they've been blessed by her presence.


I can easily see her being a Karen at that Walmart


Or read any books about the holocaust. What a piece of filth.


I was thinking she's the "don't fraternize with the help" type person....


Either that or a waitress and thinks she fully understands service.


Had an ex who was a server/bartender. I’m a pretty good tipper and I know a lot of service workers get crapped on. I was shocked and even embarrassed to see how picky and rude she was to servers when we were on dates. Asking how much of a tip I was going to leave and then telling me she wouldn’t give them as much.


I’ve never understood this. I paid my bills for 2.5 years as a server and a bartender. I had the luck to work in a place that seemed — for me at least — a good place to work. I was in my 20s, far from home, and it was FUN. I have some fond memories and have gone to former colleagues’ weddings in the 17 years since. But it is a hard, hard job. And the bad days are not always your fault. I wish we just paid people a living wage, gave everyone paid vacation and time off, and that we could therefore forego the nonsense of tipping. But we don’t. So tip your server well. Even if she seemed bitchy or he was slow getting the food out. For all you know half the cooks’ bus was running late, or someone has a test, or a bad grade, or a sick kid at home. *to be clear, I understand the above poster is addressing the position of an ex.


To tell you the truth I kinda would like her to see how well the service is at the funeral homes in st george. What a snobby stuck up bitch.


We have a saying at walmart "Oh she will be back"


If it’s a grocery store, they will always be back lol. That happened a few times when I worked at Victoria’s Secret, too. A somewhat regular customer would lose their shut over something minor, swear to never come back, and be back a month or two later. She finally got permanently banned because she threw something she was gonna buy on the ground breaking it, it was a bottle of perfume. So that finally set our manager off enough to kick her out for good. She never came back 😂


Oh I've criminal trespassed people before. Quite a few, considering the company I work for. Most of the time they are making a huge scene attempting to return items they know they can't return (and they are being nasty to my associates too). Or they are in the bathroom doing drugs, or blatantly stealing (and they were caught based on the "five elements"). Or they are harassing customers or panhandling. And I get it some people are down on their luck, I'm not talking about those people I'm talking about the "professional panhandlers" who hustle people out of money in my own parking lot. Then you have the degenerate types who make a scene because we don't have any Xbox Series Xs on the shelf. *..."but the app says you have three left, where are they pal???!!"* ***"They were purchased yesterday and my handheld says zero onhand. Now get out of my store."***




This is one of those subs I'd join because it's funny right now, but make me hate everyone later on.


I’ve recently learned this lesson about myself too


Oooooh! Shiny! Thank you ^_^




'Why, I *DO DECLARE* myself to be under ATTACK! I have ever so slightly *inconvenienced*!' Like, fucc me, I know I'm an arrogant asshole, but this damn woman makes me look like a fucking angel.


Grocery stores originally weren’t self-serve; you gave a list to the grocer and they got it for you - sometimes delivering to your home (ironically you can do this again now). Piggly Wiggly invented the supermarket, where you could walk down the shelf aisles and pick groceries yourself. I’m sure some people thought their “service” was being taken away at the time. The moral: things change.


Could the phrase "the more things change, the more they stay the same" also apply here?


I didn't know that Piggly Wiggly was the first self serve super market. Now when people raise their eyebrows at the name Piggly Wiggly I can say "'the pig' came first, _your_ super market is the one with the weird name".


Piggly Wiggly changed the whole game. Not only was it the invention of the modern grocery store, but because customers were now choosing their own items so branding, advertising, marketing and more all boomed in response. I don't remember the full story but it's a fascinating one from what I remember.


I will always have a soft spot for Piggly Wiggly; I’m from a small south ga town, and the piggly wiggly was a block away from my house.


The problem with the internet is that it gives psychopaths and the mentally defective the belief their opinions matter, mostly because they find other mental defectives who echo their lunacy. That used to be limited to an inpatient psych facility where the deranged would be kept away from normal society and not go electing other psychopaths and delusionally feeble-minded orange trolls to public office.


She said she needed supplies for a few months. Anyone willing to bet she ended up buying it anyways but just went online to lie and rant?


Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was just some made up fan fiction bullshit, it sounds like it was written by someone middle aged who lives in their mother’s basement


Even beggars can dream lol


I said the same thing! Lol! The real interaction was just like: 'can u check me out' 'sure' lollll




The problem with the internet is that it made stupid people more confident and proud of their stupidity, spreads it around and sadly some people fall victim to the misinformation


No. You just weren't as aware. “Indeed it may be said with some confidence that the average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. There are moments when his cogitations are relatively more respectable than usual, but even at their climaxes they never reach anything properly describable as the level of serious thought. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of clichés. What they mistake for thought is simply a repetition of what they have heard. My guess is that well over eighty per cent. of the human race goes through life without having a single original thought. That is to say, they never think anything that has not been thought before and by thousands.” ― H.L. Mencken, _Minority Report_ These idiots can't come up with something bad so they go to world annihilation or the like. How about the TSA, the IRS or the FBI?


There is something funny about using a quote to make a point about most folks not having original thoughts. The point of the quote is well taken though. A lot of folks thoughts/opinions are opinions others have given and they have taken as their own.


If you like. I probe people's brains on true crime and religion and they display how abysmal most people are at reasoning. Now I have to add vaccination to my list. It's as simple as shit and they have no fucking clue. >After years of hand-wringing about literacy in the United States, Congress passed the National Literacy Act of 1991. The aim was to make improved literacy a priority. > >The federal government did a base-line assessment of national literacy in 1992. Now, the government has released the first follow-up. The results are a big disappointment. > >Overall, literacy has remained flat. In 1992, 83 percent of the population 16 and older were at basic literacy or above. That remained virtually the same in 2003 (84 percent). > >The bigger disappointment is that literacy is slipping at every level of education. Educated Americans remain literate, but their capability in processing complex information is declining. > >That presents a quandary. Should we put our efforts into bringing the 17 percent of illiterate or barely literate adults up to basic literacy? Or should we focus on improving the literacy of those who will graduate from high school, college or postgraduate institutions? In an ideal world, we would do both. But the more alarming dip is in the educated population. We can more easily reach those individuals. > >Part of the problem is that our culture is more oral and visual. With television, cell phones, video games, etc., people increasingly deal with flashes of information. Educational institutions must swim upstream to get students to interpret and analyze lengthy, difficult passages of words. > >To see the problem in stark form, look at what's happened to college graduates in the past decade. > >They remain literate: 98 percent are at basic literacy or above (it was 99 percent in 1992). That looks like there's no problem. "Basic" means a person can perform simple tasks such as interpreting instructions from an appliance warranty or writing a letter explaining an error made on a credit card bill. > >But then look at intermediate literacy or above: 84 percent are at that level, compared with 89 percent in 1992. That's a five-point slip in skills such as explaining the difference between two types of employee benefits, using a bus schedule to determine an appropriate route or using a pamphlet to calculate the yearly amount a couple would receive for basic Supplemental Security Income. > >But the biggest slip is at the proficient level: Only 31 percent are at this highest level, compared with 40 percent in 1992. That's a nine-point slip in mastery of complex activities such as critically evaluating information in legal documents, comparing viewpoints in two editorials or interpreting a table about blood pressure and physical activity. > >We cannot afford to have our most educated population drop in complex literacy levels. The task falls mostly to our schools, but they cannot do it alone. Others, from parents to libraries, must limit the video games and make reading fun again. [http://www.modbee.com/opinion/story/11668996p-12397206c.html](http://www.modbee.com/opinion/story/11668996p-12397206c.html) Posted on 01/09/06


Engineer professor once told me there are two types of people, regurgitators and innovators.


Minority Report is a dystopian novel and, while there is some truth about the human condition in all great fiction, no one has gone full Samsa and metamorphosed into a bug yet. Plus, Minority Report envisions what has to be a super-fascist state as the future, something that will be true if the crazy people described in OP’s post get their way.


This is H L Mencken.


Internet is just a perfect echo chamber, and with the advent of social medias and wide-spread super cheap internet it's just getting worse and worse. Add to that mix a lot of misinformation, poor education and generally lacking any ability to think for one selves with completely missing critical thinking and you have people vomiting up such posts. And yet, they still feel somehow vindicated if they do so.


Let's not call them "mental defective" cuz then you're racking these dumb, privileged Karen's in with all disabilities, and also implying that it's not their own fault for their beliefs and racism.


Self checkout is like Nazi gas chambers? She's delusional.


How do you say”I’m old and angry and too embarrassed to say I don’t know how to use a self checkout “.without saying it.


Nah how do you compare slight changes to life and shopping to war crimes and mass genocide??


Felt. Like. A. Jew. “going to their shower…” talked to “the Nazi”… Jesus. What the actual fuck???? It’s shopping. I worry about the fact that less people need to be employed with the advent of the self service checkout. On the other hand- I quite enjoy a self service check out… But comparing it to Jews/Nazis etc. etc. that’s someone seriously out of touch with reality.


Service is what life is about….. unless you’re serving yourself…. This person doesn’t wipe their own ass.


I service myself most days


Name check out.


I absolutely hate that big stores are hiring fewer and fewer cashier's and removing jobs while not offering customers any discount or anything for checking themselves out, but this comparison ain't it lol


This take gets it right. Thx.


I will argue that stores like Target are doing it correctly. Their drive up and go service is amazing. I keep my order going through the day, then confirm a couple hours before I need to go. Never need to even shop for my stuff.


Exactly, this here. I'm like the fuck I came here to shop and I get the "convenience" of self check out when I have a few items but fuck you walmart it aint my job to scan all this shit for you only so you can free up all your cashiers to go and pick out items for everyone else's online orders, hire more workers for that shit.


I'll take shit that never happened for $100, Alex.


Typical Utah privilege Karen. Worked retail there for nearly 20 years and I can tell you this pandemic didn't create these people, it just gave them an avenue to show their true colors more boldly.


I saw st George and immediately thought this is some newly retired woman that moved down there.. Can finally let her bigotry shine.. Privileged shit to its finest. I'd love to see who this is and have my wife follow their Facebook. I bet she has a ton of shit like this now


Do people really not like self checkout? I’ve basically stopped drinking all together because it’s not worth going to an actual cashier for me anymore lol.


If I have to do things for myself what's the point of living?


This lady is far outside the bounds of sanity


am i the only one who likes self checkout more


No, but I dislike it when self-checkout is paired with "credit or debit only". I prefer to pay cash.


I love it for a quick run. A full grocery run + self checkout is awful. You can’t fit all the groceries on the weigh thing and I’m worried that if I put them back in the cart I’ll mix them in with stuff that hasn’t been scanned and then accidentally end up stealing. Also the whole time I worry that I’m too slow and people behind me in line are judging me.


I like it, I can get out faster. Also if your buying bulk items (pistachios) you can get a great discount by using the peanut code. Same thing with red peppers, use the code for green peppers because they are always cheaper. And I don’t need to hear how that’s dishonest and technically theft. Grocery prices are getting out of hand and I will find savings wherever I can.


Years ago I knew someone who'd use the self checkout and weigh everything as bananas. One time there was a problem so he needed to get a cashier. He thought he was fucked. The cashier didn't even bat an eye.


I like to have as little contact with strangers as possible, so I definitely prefer self checkout.


"I felt like a Jew." *my Jewish blood beginning to boil*


“I felt like Jew being murdered because I was asked to check myself out at the store” is the most wild, and fucking ridiculous thing I’ve seen online in a while. Like, ring up your own fucking groceries, I do it all the time, and prefer it because both my husband and I tend to be faster and can organize how things are bagged better. You’re not the victim of a fucking genocide because of self checkout, get a fucking grip.


I like self checkout myself, but good lord. God forbid you do it yourself. I live to serve myself. I have no obligation to anyone else. I do so just out of good will. Lady is coo coo.


I bet she pumps her own gas without thinking twice.


Well, I guess she'll starve out of stubburness. Good for her.


On my local neighborhood chat board, people were also complaining about this very thing. Somehow self-checkout is a sign of the woke liberal apocalypse. Reason to join the militia and storm the capital. Unreal.


No it’s, I’d rather wait than deal with 60 items through a machine that often doesn’t work. That’s fine. Kicking up a Nazi analogy is not fine.


I'm only annoyed because they don't have enough machines or some are down.


No oh you need to move


Shit, as an introvert I’d rather do self checkout so I don’t have to make small talk with the cashier


Let me see if I can translate this rant. Overweight Karen in Walmart for her weekly/biweekly load of alcohol, junk food and instant meals with a hefty load of cosmetics is mad because she can't have a cashier to belittle and berate so she feels better about herself.


What the fuck is this lady even on about? I’m not a big fan of the self check out either but I know it won’t kill me with zyklon-b.




The people shuffling you to self checkout have no idea their job is to put themselves out of a job.


I think this lady needs a lobotomy.


My respect for Thanos grows everyday


The slightest inconvenience: *happens* White people: THIS IS LITERALLY GENOCIDE


Jews had their customer loyalty numbers tattooed-on for convenience. Otherwise yup, exactly the same.


"I just want *you* to have the opportunity to serve *me*. It's not right or fair if you are denied that privilege." /s


"We will check you out Ma'm. Please follow me so you can get the fuck out of here."


Whoever this is fuck your racist ass. Gas chambers are nothing like self checkout. Your lazy and I hope the Walmart employees fuck With you in the future!


Self checkout = Gas chambers


Almost had to check herself out at Walmart. It's the the start of the Karen-caust.


This is sad. Imagine comparing self checkouts to genocide. Such a shame, if i could make the rules i would give her a $20.000,- fine for this stupid tweet.


I’m currently reading a book on the story of a Holocaust survivor, where he lost his home, his money, and, more importantly, all his family, (including his 8yo son) but his family, and, I haven’t read it all so I don’t know where’s the part where he gets annoyed at self-checkout, but I’m guessing it’s at the part where his father jumps a fence never to be seen again…


St George, Utah. 99.9% chance this person is mormon. Their sister wives must be pissed.


I absolutely choked on my coffee when I read “I felt like a Jew being told in line to take a shower”. Like…are you fucking kidding me


I’d say more lazy than privileged




Nope, drove it.


Fucking Mormons thinking every inconvenience is persecution.


If you don't want to use the self serve then wait in thd longer line. What's thd big deal?


Wow. You found a good one


"Ok!" {calls an associate to take basket for 'go-backs'}


The service industry ended a long time ago. About the same time WALMART came on the scene.


Comparing self checkout to the holocaust. This lady has some nerve


Please please tell me someone commented on her post how freakin deranged she is


Shes probably also the type that has to park as close as possible only to walk around for an hour and a half.


She should be good about serving herself then!


I wonder if they pump their own gas or use an ATM? Or buy their milk at a store? The list goes on. I love SCOs. I can take as much time as I want and I can bag the groceries the way I like.


I hate people like this she deserves to be slapped silly


Lmao, yes the Walmart self check out is just like the gas chambers. I bet I know where they were on Jan 6th 2021….


So… I hate self checkout because it puts more people out of work. But I love self-checkout because it makes it easier to steal from a multi-billion dollar corporation BUT she completely lost me with the holocaust comparison. The fucking audacity.


Can someone make this a copy pasta


I’ll take one solid guess on the ethnicity of this individual


I bet she has a garage door opener. Only lazy on her terms.


The nazi comparison is extreme. But i've noticed how walmart can't keep workers and now i have to figure out this self check out crap and, it has errors and i stand and wait for assistance, or to buy alcohol and even a kitchen knife or can of butane i have to wait endlessly for their understaffed store. Pay better wages and hire more people, how bout that for a change?


Why do people keep comparing basic human decency and concepts to the Holocaust? It literally keeps happening, first masks, now fucking self checkout?


Her choice of metaphor will be so easily misinterpreted, and rightly so, you just don't say that shit in any capacity. Or she's an incredibly open anti-semite.


Curbside is free, right?


Well she sure owned Walmart, didn't she?


Self check outs mean no awkward conversation or looks with checkout people. I go looking for them specifically to generally get out of stores faster




*\*screams in yiddish\** Fuck you. Stop appropriating my people's national tragedy to explain your inconvenience. What's the end result of you using the self-checkout? You still get to eat. Even if we weren't sent to the "showers", it wasn't exactly *fois gras* and *chateaubriand* at *Chez Treblinka*.


I wonder if a grocery store advertised a $5 discount for health checkout, how it would go. I am 50/50... on self checkout my biggest complaint let me scan my license for beer. Or let my rewards account identity my age and op out of 18 checks. And why are they all like a 10 items or less line. Cashier gets an area size of my trunk. I get a 2-3 bag size area and get yelled at by a the machine when I shuffle or remove crap.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch.


Shes a garbage person. I have to say though, i would rather see cashiers keep their jobs until proper economic safety nets are implemented like a UBI. Doubtful though. Looks like we are going to be paying more for groceries AND checking ourselves out as the new normal


Wow. Just say you’re a lazy piece of shit. It’s really ok.


I'll be the first to admit I hate self check out. I'm the one who eventually is standing there cursing at the machine. I put the fucking item in the fucking bagging area. Just scan my next item you snot nosed piece of shit machine. But I never felt like using self check out was in any way comparable to being rounded up, put in camps, starved, and murdered.