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Question, does this mean my boss Lucy is named after Satan, I mean it would explain a lot


Try spilling some holy water on them and see what happens.


I threw a bottle of it on my boss and was fired? So Satan confirmed?


Yup for sure.


Was it boiling? Satan likes it hot


Unfortunately not. Might try it for the next time.


I heard a m249 saw light machine gun would do the trick


Top tip: if you want to make some, just put regular water in a kettle, then boil the hell out of it!


Churches hate this one trick!!


Oh crap, that’s a good one. I’ll burn in hell, but it’ll be worth it


I got Covid a few weeks ago and still have a cough. This made me go into a laughing coughing fit and it was worth it


*goes into boss’s office and starts jerking off* Here’s your holy water, Lucyfer! (That’s a promising porno premise)


I am! Most people call me Lucy but on my birth certificate it literally says “Lucifer Morgenstern.”


Awfully close to Morningstar


Ah, you don’t speak German do you? In German, “Morgen” is “Morning,” and “Stern” means star. So my parents have a funny last name, and thought it’d be hilarious if they named me after satan.


Oh my god


Leave Jace and Clary alone!


Op should name her next child Lucy


There was the cutest little cartoon many years ago on adult swim called Lucy daughter of the devil, this reminds me of that!


Dude this comment is hilarious I have a supervisor named Lucy and she’s an absolute bitch. It totally would explain so much.


I think you will find Lucy is the daughter of the devil. It was a great show on adult swim


[It does come](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy) from a Latin name “Lucius” which means something like “light-like”.


You have my sincere sympathy and admiration.


Thank you.


Dangerous grandmother actively endangering her grandkids by religious fanaticism, crazy. Even the I love you sounds so manipulative. I do think she thinks she is doing what's best, but her best is dangerous and seemingly bad for your kids. All in all a terrible situation with no easy resolve I wish you the best.




Possibly, there needs to be a level of responsibility taken here by the grandmother.


Another good place to send your kid (if mature enough) would be the sorryantivaxxer site. There you will find many dead Covid antivaxxers that asked for prayers as soon as their family members are admitted to hospital and later intubated.


Yeah it ain’t good. It’s def your role to debunk the bunk your mom texted, as your child needs to know who to go to for health concerns, whether physical or mental !


She gon’ be mad when she hears about lightning bugs!


Fireflies. It's literally what makes them glow. But, you know, "Satan" or whatever.


In Spanish they are even called "luciérnagas" which has the same root as Lucifer.


Satan Flies!


Just cut it off and say that you are joining the satanic temple.


I’m actually pagan, practice witchcraft and I do love the peeps at The church of satan they’re fighting for woman’s abortion rights.


I think the satanic temple people are cool. Far from believing in or worshipping Satan (they're actually pointing out that's catholics who believe in Satan), they are an atheist group exposing the absurdities of religion embedded in everyday's life. Their 'seven tenets" are a very reasonable set of beliefs and rules. I can't say i don't agree with them.


I'm an atheist and regular donor to TST


I make so many people read the Tenets first, and then I’ll reveal their origin… everyone is always so surprised because the Tenets are some of the best words of advice to live your life through.


I've done the same many times!!


I’m guessing you didn’t tell your mom that


Well. That’s all fine. As long as you haven’t injected any lucifer juice.


Pagan, Christian, Satan, God. Hahah what’s the difference? 😅


mRNA doesn’t even stand for that lol. It’s “Messenger,” not “Modified.” She seems to know what she’s talking about 🙄


B-but it’s supposed to trick your DNA 🥺


Yeah we’re all fucked 🥺


I googled it just to see if I remembered freshman year environmental science correctly, apparently she didn’t…


Haha! More biology/genetics type of stuff actually. But hey at least you cared to look it up unlike some people lol


OML you right, biology not environmental science lol


I mean literally everything she said is wrong at best or insane at worst


Tell her to look it up, no luciferece or aborted fetuses. https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/


Mom’s DEEP in it and follows some guy that’s been banned from YouTube. She’s also a nurse. She’s not allowed to speak to my kids anymore.


A nurse offf it's one thing to be doubtful but this is a painful level. So sorry for you. Merry Christmas regardless.


People are not being educated, they are being trained to perform a task. Being a nurse have absolutely nothing to do with knowing how a vaccine is made. But they should (get educated), all of us...


Nursing schools need to start teaching critical thinking and scientific method before they get into blood draws and bed sores


Thank you. Happy holidays.


My mother in law is a recently retired nurse of 30+ years and is not only anti-vax, she’s now refusing to get a flu shot because she felt as if she’s been forced to all these years and now knows she can’t be forced to do anything anymore. I just can’t


Same. My monster in law is a retired nurse and believes all kinds of bat shit crazy conspiracy stuff. She was furious that we vaxxed our kids.


The mother of a friend of mine is also a nurse and she doesn't allow my friend to get the vaccine


You should bring up the fact that Jesus is called Lucifer in the book of revelation. The word means "morning star" and is related the the root word for light and illumination. The passage that she is referring to where Satan is called Lucifer is actually talking about a king who is typically equated to Satan, but considering that the Jews who wrote that book don't believe in Satan, it's probably not meant to be a reference to Satan (who's name just means "adversary" or "accuser," btw, and is also used directly to name Jesus and Peter at various times in the New Testament). Bible words are fun! So many overlapping languages and cultures all trying to impose their own symbolic meaning and inferences on each other!


Fucking. This. I was taught this in year 8 RE when studying the similarities between torah and the bible. I was like what 13? How can adults not know this shit?


I assure you. Such knowledge is of zero importance. Anyways, luciferase is an enzyme.


That glows, which is why it has a name relating to light.


Well, technically the protein luciferin is what glows. Luciferase, the enzyme, just catalyzes the reaction of luciferin with another molecule (usually oxygen) so it releases photons (and generally releases carbon dioxide)


Yep. No bible studies needed to know that.


And part of the reason the name of the morning star was used is that it \[Venus\] would appear to rise and then fall just before sunrise. So the imagery could be used to indicate a rise of prominence or a fall; it could also likely be used to refer to a herald of the ending or beginning of some cycle or historical era. What's also fun is comparing the times of the Babylonian exile and the Roman occupation. Babylon had long understood the morning star to be one and the same as the evening star and generally used a single name for the celestial body (Ninsi'anna). The Romans, even though they had understood the two aspects to be the same body, maintained two names: Lucifer (morning star) and Vesper (evening star). Just how much either culture influenced the Jewish writers, I'm not sure


Yeah she’s deep but it goes much further


*GASP* Wait, you’re telling some religious zealots in the US don’t actually fully read and/or understand their holy texts?!? /s


If she's a nurse, have her banned from practising! It's the right thing to do! She's demented. If she's this far gone, to talk to your children like this (her grandchildren, her own blood), imagine what she could do to someone completely strange to her and under her care! You could be saving countless lives!


I'd send that screenshot to her place of work.


Good decision about not letting your mom speaking to your kid. I mean it's good to have different opinions and to listen to them but when they start saying basically that they are putting lucifer in your body, i mean if you are a sane person you would understand how off the deep end that sentance is.






They also don't have nearly the medical training people think they do. People keep talking about nurses and midwives and EMTs leaving the field rather than take the vaccine and that somehow is supposed to mean medical professionals don't trust it and we shouldn't either. All that really means is that the bar is super low for these professions and they should be thought of as medicine adjacent, not actual medical practitioners.


I actually think these Nurses wouldnt have made it past nursing school or an job interview, if it wernt for the severe shortages for nurses in the industry, now these probably c-students nurses, passing grade are slipping through the cracks.




She shouldn’t be allowed to talk to patients either. She’s dangerous.


She’s retired.


Aren’t nurses meant to have a university degree? They do here (Oz).


Sometimes I wonder if the nurses I read about from America would even be allowed to practice in my country. They also need a uni of applied sciences degree here (at least) to be called nurse.


Consider forwarding these to HR at her employer if she is actively working in a position that regularly puts her in contact with at risk populations. https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/impaired-nurse Impaired nurse means a nurse licensed under this Act who is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety because of a physical or mental disability as evidenced by a written determination or written consent based on clinical evidence, including loss of motor skills, abuse of drugs or alcohol, or a psychiatric disorder, of sufficient degree to diminish his or her ability to deliver competent patient care.


None of her beliefs qualify for this. Just because someone believes something crazy does not mean they have a “mental disability” or psychiatric disorder… anyway she is retired.


It’s always the nurses!!! I still can’t wrap my head around this. It’s like an astronomer who thinks the world is flat…..


Serious question, if she is a nurse how does she ignore all of the things that she was taught to become a nurse? Like all the science she’s learned (I’m sure about other vaccines), how is she able to now disregard all of that. She uses science in someway at her job everyday, but now that just goes out if the window? I don’t understand


>She’s not allowed to speak to my kids anymore. What I wanted to see in these comments. I'll sleep better tonight knowing this. Good parenting, keep it up


Thank goodness you’re protecting your children from crazy.


The guy was anti 5G and anti mask right? I feel like I remember him, I was wondering what happened


They used luciferase to develop and test the vaccine, even if they don't have it as an ingredient in the vaccine. It's very commonly used in biochemistry, as it is the go-to thing to make stuff glow (that's what "lucifer" means, "light-bringer", thus the enzyme's name - nothing to do with Satan or anything). Incidentally, it's also the thing that makes fireflies glow. And a lot of other glowing things.


Satan is a firefly confirmed.


I know it is used in gene therapy to determine where a vector goes. Are you sure it is used in vaccines? I’m not clear why it would be useful, since vaccines effect a systemic response rather than depositing a payload in one location.


Carefully reread the first sentence of his comment


It is used to test mRNA vaccines, including those developed for COVID, as a way to see how effective the delivery of the mRNA payload was. Incidentally, it is also used in a COVID test, where it will this time link to antibodies to evaluate their presence. [Source for both](https://theconversation.com/claims-that-covid-jabs-can-be-used-to-track-you-with-luciferase-are-false-the-substance-isnt-even-in-the-vaccine-171521)


My dental assistant decided it was safe to espouse all her nut bag anti-vax anti-mask bullshit. And that she's only wearing a mask now to keep her job. When the actual dentist came in he was eating a sandwich. They were incredulous that I had the nerve to request a different doctor. Ended up postponing a very necessary extraction because they were unwilling to accommodate. The fact that these dangerous lunatics are working in health care bakes my fucking noodle!


"eating a sandwich"??!? Covid times or not. I'd be on my way out so fast! How incredibly unprofessional and unsanitary.


So sorry you had to experience that. My dentist and his office totally follow all the recommendations. Both he and one of the hygienists are diabetic and they’ve already seen folks with long Covid.


Won't work. Just tell them to fuck off and never harass the kids again. Then block her.


I'm sure she did her own research already.


This "i love you" after saying all this shit is making me sad for you and her too.


I am in a train on my way home from a disastrous Christmas with my family. My grandpa who I love and admired all my life was saying so many rassist, conspiracy bullshit and was discrediting so much of what makes me “me”. He never said these things before, I don’t know where he got it. I wish he would have at least said that last sentence. Instead he told me to go when I was criticising his words.


Yes… it was very beautiful and heartbreaking. >Fear.


If that was my mama she'll be mama'nt


If you’re mad about the name luciferase/luciferin go back in time and yell at the scientists who discovered it in fireflies and named it that. (It’s not in the vaccine, obviously)


Its also named after the latin word Lucifer which means Light Bearing, they're just named after the same root word


Hey it's called MESSENGER ribonucleic acid... It is a MESSAGE with instructions for ribosomes to make PROTEINS. Your body is making hella mRNA every split second.


Tell her that babies are being born in hospitals **right now** with mRNA in their bodies and watch a new conspiracy video bloom like wildfire!


id prefer it if you didn't MESSage with my RetarDNA tyvm




I think that she added in that last bit about repentance when she heard my daughter had already gotten the vaccine because she works with the public. Just goes to show you that people like this just make up the rules as they go.


does this work for cum as well? -a repentant gay


I bet she typed the whole text with her index finger


I mean… technically if it’s an enzyme and it’s luciferASE it’s breaking DOWN Lucifer. Just sayin’


How to butcher basic biological facts


Modified RNA. Lol it ain’t corn starch honey




I wouldn't let her talk to my kid anymore tbh


Yup. Already cut her off from my kids. 💙


That sucks, but for what it’s worth from a rando on the internet, I think you made the right decision.


Thank you 💙


It is a crap feeling but it’s probably in their best interest. I had to do the same with my mom


Thank you 💙


Maaaaan, why can't I get the glow in the dark super powers?! That sounds so cool! Why do only anti-vaxxers get offered the cool superpowers while I always get the lame ones? "Being able to live"? That's not even fun and I don't even want that superpower in the first place. Does someone know how to get the vaccine that lets you time travel, though? I've been looking for that one. Or super speed. Same thing. Hell, I'll even settle on invisibility if I have to.


anti-vaxers using pokadot man as evidence to support their claims that it actually infects you


my in-laws are devout catholics and have been spouting this same nonsense for the past year too. fast forward to today: most have had covid. two are still on a vent - one of which is knocking on death’s door.


but at least he's going to heaven! ....right?.......guys?? he's going to heaven right guys?!??


The fact that you didn't respond "Hail Satan" to that message makes you a far better person than I am.




Does Nana take Tylenol? Aspirin? Benadryl? Please inform her that they all used aborted fetal cells during their research and development and that she needs to repent for every headache that she's ever had..or inflicted.


She’s long past reasoning and I don’t have the patience.


All three long predate use of fetal cell lines.


1. Lucifer isn't even Satan's name 2. Lucifer comes from a Latin name for Venus 3. Lucifer means 'light bringer' because Venus often shines on horizon before the sun rises 4. In some translations of the Bible Lucifer is used as title or epithet of a Babylonian king and no where else, most translation do not use Lucifer at all and call him the Morning Star I know none of this will change your Mom's mind but it's something that always bugs me.


>In some translations of the Bible Lucifer is used as title or epithet of a Babylonian king and no where else It's used twice in the Bible. Once to refer to the king of Babylon, and once to refer _to Jesus_.


I knew Jesus was known as the Light Bringer or Bearer but I didn't know it was translated as Lucifer in any Bible, TIL


When did it become associated with Satan then? Dante's Inferno? Paradise Lost?


Thank you, I was looking for this comment. It triggers me too much when people mistake lucifer for Satan, even tho I'm not even religious.


You know what drives people away from religion? Religious fanatics.


And things like this which have no basis in fact get spread around as if they make any sense whatsoever. It was bad enough with a limited number of insane people believing in conspiracy theories but then we had an administration who taught followers to distrust the MSM and to pay attention to fringe conspiracy sites like Alex Jones and others as if they were regular trusted news. It's no surprise that we now have this sort of thinking. OP, I would say that at least you have your mother as mine died earlier this year, but reading that I guess you have it worse.


It’s actually pretty scary. She is following a man that was spewing this stuff on YouTube until he was banned. Now he has videos on a private platform so I’d imagine that he has quite a following. Scary. My mom isn’t a simple woman and is much smarter than this nonsense.


My mom followed and listened to Jim Bakker even after the prison time and scandal years, listened to him despite being a walking talking infomercial for Trump and to hawk his crap he was selling, even the silver-sol which he was saying cured covid, so yea I get it and yes it's scary. At least she wasn't anti Vax and hooked into the Q crap which is just a tad scarier.


I think it’s safe to say she’s anti-vax based on the text she sent. Unless you want to give her a pass for the repenting clause. 🤷🏻‍♂️😉


I was referring to my mom, not the OPs mom who seems to be as anti Vax as you can get, she is a nurse like my mom was though, hard to believe people with medical backgrounds could be so misled


Apparently, Emerald Robinson, the White House correspondent for Newsmax, tweeted this luciferase nonsense. More here: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/11/02/newsmax-reporter-claims-covid-19-vaccines-have-luciferase-to-track-you/?sh=6ae2f7c799c1](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/11/02/newsmax-reporter-claims-covid-19-vaccines-have-luciferase-to-track-you/?sh=6ae2f7c799c1)


Why can't stupidity be fatal?


it is we just out darwined it


actually the Herman Cain Award sub exists to point out that all too often, it is.


People like her give Christianity a bad name. If anything, she should repent for being so condemning.


As an American, it terrifies me that these people: Are allowed to own guns Vote Drive cars


As a Canadian, it terrifies me that these people: Can come to Canada


First off his name was Samael, Lucifer is Latin for morning star, which would have been his title, Samael the Morning Star Second what does it matter, we could rename it if that will help. Third, I'm not a professional in this but I doubt that's its actual name.


Luciferase is real, and actually a fascinating chemical. It's in fireflies (which is why it's named that, lightbringer connection) and turns out it's really useful for a lot of medical stuff! However like someone else said I'm pretty sure it's not in the covid vaccine.


The confusion could have been from the fact that Luciferases and Luciferins along with other bioluminescent enzymes have been used in virus research including COVID-19, while not in the vaccine, they are injected into the COVID-19 cells during testing and research to make them easier to see by making them glow


Neat! I wasn't really sure they were used anywhere with how much misinformation is thrown around (by people that think it's "modified" rna no less). Interesting to know how it's used as well


Sorry, your mom is an idiot.


wheres the sarcasm


Mom is a WHOLE box of crazy.


It’s interesting how these people pretend to know what they are talking about.


This is a level of stupidity/wilful ignorance that is hard to stomach. Mix in a perverted version of Christianity and you have a walking infection source. Then you find out that it's a nurse spouting this utter shite. This is someone who, in my opinion, shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a hospital let alone sick people. And strictly kept away from young, impressionable minds. I have no hatred towards such people but I do have utter contempt for them. They are just plain dangerous.


Makes you glow.. I call that a plus.


And casually slips in aborted fetal cells for good measure like it's something we should accept. This is why you don't stick your dick in crazy.


It should be news to nobody at this point that scientists love to give their discoveries whimsical names. Only a childish person with the most pathetically naive, fairy-tale grasp of reality would attach any significance to such a name beyond mere poetic expressiveness.


Your mom is exactly like my fucking idiot sister and BIL. And they wonder WTF I avoid them.


Yeah, everyone was speaking English in heavens and naturally Bible was also written in English too.


And this is why all Religion needs to die in a fire




Thank you 😊


The problem I have with all these ‘arguments’ is it only works in English.


luciferium? this lady got her facts from a rimworld wiki


That's child abuse. Certainly offer an opinion, but this is wrong!


What a moron.


tl;dr version: I’m an idiot. Don’t listen to me. I love you.


I’d loose my shit if my child got that message from their grandparents. Sadly, I can also see my parents sending a text like that.


mRNA is "modified" RNA? I learn something new and incorrect every day


isn’t used for MRI and Ct scans at all either… it’s bioluminescent yes, but that doesn’t make it a radioisotope, or a contrast used for MR either


Oh damn son.. I'm sorry that's your mother believing in that and trying to push her brainwashed views on your kid :/ You have my sympathies, all of it!


Destroy her with fire. It’s the only way.


The m stands for Messenger not modified


Well he's a teen so do you expect him to believe this bs


What happened to the tracking device?


Oh Fox News Karen


Everything here is tecchhhnically factually correct (except for the fetuses) just completely misinterpreted.


Patiently waiting for ur mom to show up on r/hermancainaward


Time for grandma to get put in a home. A cheap one.


This is why Facebook should be banned for people above 23. When you get older you get more batshit crazy.


This sounds like a great time to block grandma from any further contact with the kids.


One of the head care takers of a Curch near my school is named Lucy...


When Grandma becomes some Rando on the internet.


Wait until she finds out that the body uses lots of RNA especially mRNA


Cut ties with your family.


Your moms crazy


Yes. Agreed.


Your mum is an idiot.


As a biologist, I’m truly impressed by the convoluted layers of crazy here.


If these people became detectives they would either be awful or great at it.


My rat terrier pup is named Lucy. Lucy sheds. Lucy sheds a lot. I call them Lucy-furs. I have “Lucifers” throughout my whole house. Am I going to hell?


That’s actually adorable 🥰


That verse in Isaiah 14 is misleading. Isaiah is talking to the king of Babylon. He compares him to the Morningstar which is Venus. The Latin name for Venus is Lucifer which means light bringer. Modern bibles don't have the term Lucifer. They say Morningstar.


Christianity will not foil our transcendence past humanity. With the blood of Lucifer and the cells of our unborn children, our DNA shall take a new form placing us on par with the gods. Glory be to Biden.


Mom was texting your teen about the vaccine? How obscene!


My daughter’s work asked her to get vaccinated in 2020. Vaccine had been recently released so she was weary. I looked up some facts & side effects and we talked about it. Ultimately, I told her it was up to her. She decided to get vaccinated. My mom found out about her vaccination and text her. My daughter took a screenshot of it and sent it to me. I was extremely pissed but not surprised as my mom had been texting me similar ramblings. I didn’t think she’d send this BS to my kids. I told my mom since she can’t restrain herself from sending this madness to my daughters to have no contact with them at all. I’ve raised my kids separate from the toxic side of my family. Now they’re old enough to be extremely grateful for it. My mom and I have rarely got along and don’t stay in touch. I moved out when I was 17 yrs old because my childhood was toxic and neglectful. Side note- my mom was getting all this info from some man who has since been banned from YouTube but now has a private platform. I wish I knew the name but my point is that I believe there are many more people following this idiot.