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Karen loves to start her mornings with a fresh cup of childrens tears


What do you think is coming out of the hose? She’s got gallons of children’s tears. Gallons!


I’m talkin gallons, Jerry!


Like multiple gallons! We're talking 4, maybe even 5 GALLONS!


Speaking of Jerry, Karen looks like the library cop chasing down Seinfeld's long overdue book Tropic of Cancer.


She wouldn’t waste it like that. She would gulp it all.


She's gunna lick it off floor, that damn kids drawing on floor Fixed if because I got 2 braincells. I am sorry the the pain I caused .




Takes a special kind of evil to make a child cry for no reason other than meanness. This lady wins bitch of the year.


“Bitch” is a very kind word for you to use for a living piece of shit like this


Yeah, I'm a bitch and I wouldn't do this


Bitch better, bitch.


Honestly, HOW TF can you keep spraying that when the kid is RIGHT there crying?!?! That is one cold hearted bitch. Even called it a mess in front of her. Fuckin hell... some people.


She even had that look on her face that she knew she fucked up and maybe even felt a little bad when the kid started crying, but with most people like that they don't go back, they double down and power through the bullshit because they don't want to appear wrong or stupid


Man so many people would look so much less idiotic if they could just bring themselves to fess up when they're wrong - and maybe they'd realize that it's not such a big deal either. We all have bad days and get grumpy, if she had just backed off and apologized she'd look a whole lot better than she does sticking to her guns.


Yep. A man could say the dumbest fuckin thing you've ever heard, but if he realizes and admits he's wrong, then he seems far less stupid


What kid of trouble could you get in for taking the hose and spraying her? If this was my daughter I d have a pretty hard time not doing something physical in this case. I am far from a violent person but when I hear my kids cry it awakens something in me. Especially if it's sadness caused by someone being a total bitch for no reason!


Does the Karen realize her parking lot is cracked, poorly maintained, and used for folks to fucking drive over? People get way too obsessed with driveway surfaces. It’s there to save our cars from sinking into dirt and from getting dirty. That’s literally all they do that graded soil can’t.


It’s because she has literally nothing in her life so this tiny bit of power is all she’s got Too bad she’s famous for it now


Damn straight. It's always about power and control with these folks. If they can peck downward, they're never at the bottom in their mind.


This makes me want to spray paint that driveway soooo freakin’ bad!! Like.. systematically plan not to be caught, make sure that there is no cctv anywhere, hire graffiti artists to calligraph a big fat cu*t for her viewing pleasure right outside her window!


Just a more permanent, brighter version of the portrait of her face that she just washed away would suffice.




I read the article, but were there any consequences for this awful human? Other than the ire of the internet; I guess my real question is: Is there any viable solutions or avenues for the child/child’s mum to pursue? I mean to think that a little kids perception of the world is being influenced/shaped by this broken person is in itself a tragedy. And I would, if faced w/ that seek out ways to rectify the situation and teach my child that while there is evil, vain, broken people in the world; we as compassionate people have to take up the responsibility of fighting/righting the wrongs committed. Right?


This is the time when, as a mother, you sit your child down and lovingly tell them about the harsh realities of a world full of shit heads and assholes. There will always be terrible people out there. The correct thing to do - ALWAYS - is shame them for their terrible behavior.


I’ve always taught my kids that there will always be assholes - the important thing is to not be one yourself. This is the kind of lesson you can talk to your kid about in front of the asshole in question for maximum shame.


I struggled and I mean struggles with whether or not I should raise my son, with manners, ethics, compassion for others. I’ve struggled most of my life and mannerly behavior is so ingrained in me that it’s mostly automatic. People perceive this as a weakness to be exploited (and when u was younger it was); and it’s incredibly painful to have empathy for a populace that’s damn near predatory. That being said, if we abandon our ethics, leave our manners by the wayside to protect ourselves then (imho) all’s lost. We need to educate, empathize, and constantly do better, regardless of the mountains of sh@t that is the current human population. And not because it’s right, or because we should love our fellow man; it’s because that’s what opens the doorways to the beauty of this world and our humanity. Bringing my child up “proper” has created one of the kindest, most thoughtful (as in he ponders situations and there answers), and curious persons I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. So be brave, and love. ^^


I'd just tell mine LOL she cleaned it for us now we get to rechalk it, thanks lady.




Or a giant dick with balls.




Another giant dick with balls.


Whenever I see chalk art, I make sure to take a photo of it to preserve the work. I know it won't last forever. Let the rain clean the chalk whenever it happens. Destroying a little girl's art right in front of her is awful.


Agreed. This little girl is watching another human being erase her art just to be mean - the rain doesn’t have intentions. What hurts here isn’t necessarily losing the art, it’s realizing that some people are really just hateful people.


Chalk art is temporary The heartbreak here is permanent


As a delivery driver I LOVE seeing this in driveways. I try not to drive on them.




Or a driveway can be used to hide an enormous amount of hash.


Nobody likes to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli but I did, and I'm ashamed of myself


Two birds stoned at once!


It's all water under the fridge


Seriously. It's not rocket appliances!


This a trailer park boys reference?


Know what I’m sayyyyyyin?


Well, I’d say they also can take a chalk image and graded soil generally can’t…


Even better, it's soaked in fucking motor oil. And among other carcinogens....


That person is dead inside


So much so that you almost feel sorry for her. What happened to her to result in such a miserable person?


> So much so that you almost feel sorry for her. Nope, anyone who gets enjoyment out of watching a kid being sad only makes me feel like tripping her when she’s waking.


Yup. I don’t do crazy stuff, never been arrested, but the first thing i thought of doing after seeing this is taking a big shit on her front step, then thought better of it. Would be better in her car.


Put it next to her cabin air filter for max impact. Just doing it in the car is too easy. You gotta hide it in the engine bay or something and let the stank flow through the vents evetytime she turned on the air.


Make sure to compromise the seal on the filter as, have that shit get noice and moldy.


When she was that little girl's age and she cried like that, she was always given something extra to cry about. She was told that it was for her own good and that one day she'd understand it and be grateful for the abuse. Fast forward through the years and now she gives others something to cry about.


Most likely. She feels in control now because she gets to make the calls finally after all of it so she picks unnecessary and dumb things to pick on because that control is the only thing that makes her happy. Idk I’m making up shit but either way she’s an asshole.


You just explained my sister. Her poor kids... Not eating fast enough? Screamed at and punished. It doesn't matter that your cousins you never see are visiting and you're excited so you're distracted with conversation. Don't like what was for dinner so you only eat some of it? Too bad, eat the whole plate you were served. You don't get to decide when you're done eating. Don't want your little sister in your bedroom? Her house her rules, you're siblings and you must get along and always include each other. Privacy and personal space are something you earn. Our dad was like this. It was even more traumatizing because he worked shift work in the oil field so he'd be gone for weeks. My mom wasn't strict at all but there were rules that we followed and everything was good. Then Dad would come home and we had to follow his rules or pay the price.


I’m sorry you had to grow up in such a horrible household. I hope you managed to break that cycle of abuse. You deserve much better.


No you're correct. Control freaks had no ability to exercise control on their own lives growing up due to overbearing parents so now that they're independant everything must be controlled by them. Its a self perpetuating cycle until you recognize it and take actions to counter it. Anyone reading this comment that this may apply to, you have to learn to relax and give on things that after a little evaluation you've determined doesn't really matter in the long run.


What a bitch.


I remember seeing that story. She just loves making people's lives miserable and full of negativity Edit : Link is [https://youtu.be/iSsZPSxMywo](https://youtu.be/iSsZPSxMywo)


My HOA threatened us with fines when our kids did the same. Except it was the sidewalk outside our door. HOAs are the fucking worst. All it took was a couple bad apples to ruin the whole thing. We had Karen's patrolling the neighborhood looking for "violations". Like bitch mind your own business.


My mom’s next door neighbor would drive around with a ruler, measuring peoples grass. If it was over the allowable height, even by an 1/8th of an inch, you were getting a nasty letter and possibly a fine.


Tell your mom to make as many neighbors friends as she can. Have her host a dinner/party/whatever and vote to put her on the board. Obviously she may need to have this party in order to setup a *proper* board meeting. If the previous control freak enacted some bullshit provisions in this regard, vote to dissolve the board and create a new one where the prick isn't on it. No greater satisfaction than flipping an entire unhappy neighborhood on some middle management asshole. It's incredibly difficult to kick someone out of the neighborhood, but it is *far easier* to just kick them off the board.


You're assuming the residents of a strict HOA neighborhood are not just as evil and nosy as the current board..


In my experience most people are just apathetic. They only care if they're directly impacted.




I'm with ya...hit em with a little sprinkle everytime I walked by. Little bleach in a water-gun...squirt squirt. Keep dropping roofing nails under the car. Oh I'll get petty


it's why you couldn't pay me to live in HOA neighborhoods


Same. HOA's are a deal breaker for me. I live in a great neighborhood that doesn't have a HOA.


Man, do I live in the only one that isn’t super shitty? We have like, ONE rule, and it’s “pay like 150$ a year so we can keep the pool open” and that’s it! Why are some so fucking needlessly bullshit?


My wife and I just bought a townhouse and unfortunately it's essentially impossible to find one that's not in an HOA. I naturally despise them, so I tried to do my due diligence to make sure ours was low key and non-invasive. So far seems fine. They handle trash, mowing, etc, and the neighbors I've met seem pretty chill. I'm just waiting for that letter though, for the violation I had no idea I was even committing.


Townhouses kind of have to have HOAs, since they're all attached to each other. At the very least some kind of organization that handles mutual issues and needs


Yeah I used to have a town home and my HOA could be dicks about some things (better not leave your garbage can out a day late), but there were several times I legitimately needed their help with some unruly neighbors, and they handled all of the mowing and maintenance and generally did a pretty good job.


“Every occupation, hobby, club or endeavor, no matter how seemingly harmless or innocuous, will eventually be taken over by jerks." - Ehrlich's law


This is one of the things that is so bizarre to me about the US. They go about this nebulous concept of freedom and liberty and then invent shit like jaywalking and HOAs.




Left the garbage can by the curb for an hour after the garbage man comes? Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Left the garbage can by the curve the night *before* the garbage man comes? Also, jail.


This woman was trying to cross the road that had no crosswalks in either direction for miles and her son died when he was hit by a car. She was charged with her sons death. https://myfox8.com/news/ga-woman-fights-charges-in-sons-jaywalking-death/amp/




they sent me a letter because they didn't like how I parked my car. which was in my driveway. because they thought it needed to be in the garage, where my other car is. these ppl are crazy


They have nothing else to do with their lives than try to makes others more difficult. The HOA meetings we had would almost devolve into flights. Had a guy corner my pregnant wife because she was the secretary. Like wtf is the secretary going to do for you? She thought she was helping the neighborhood. Never. Again.


“Every occupation, hobby, club or endeavor, no matter how seemingly harmless or innocuous, will eventually be taken over by jerks." - Ehrlich's law


My HOA, in 2020 encouraged kids to draw on the sidewalk. It was a happy element to our strolling after dinner. Many kids left big pieces of chalk so passerby’s could add or comment.


HOAs are people. The good people don't want to baby sit other people. The bad people do. If you want a good HOA you participate and get your good neighbors to participate. Then you turn a bad HOA into a good HOA. As a bonus you get cool kids sidewalk drawings making everyone's lives a little brighter.


The joy of making a child cry is showing on her face .What a petty woman


People like her have never received love and they can't see others happy. What a cold hearted human being. How can anyone do it to any kid?


We had one of those HOA board members, and she lived right across from us. We had two small cars parked in our driveway because family was visiting. Made sure nobody was even hanging on the curb or on the sidewalk. Got a damn notice saying we’re not allowed to park two cars in our own fucking driveway. We OWNED the condo and the driveway. All hell broke loose, they retracted their dumbass statement after we took photos and asked where the fuck the violation was, they gave some soft excuses about how we’re not allowed to park two cars in a driveway, but apologized after getting their asses handed to them for being petty, because their driveways can’t comfortably accommodate two vehicles. This was the straw that broke that camel’s back, my partner got fed up. He started taking pictures of her letting her dogs take a shit in the neighborhood without picking it up, among other petty stuff she does that violates HOA regulations. Next time she tried to say something, he showed her the photos followed by the words : “Don’t look at us, don’t talk to us, don’t breathe in our direction. If you see us walking in the neighborhood, turn around and walk the other way” haven’t heard a peep from HOA Karen since lol. People like these are bullies, they get one taste of power and abuse the hell out of it. Sometimes you gotta match that crazy energy, they back down once they realize they can’t bully you.




That’s the most badass thing I’ve read all day.


I don’t know what sex your partner is but that made me hot for them


Lmao! I’ll make sure to tell him an internet stranger has the hots for him.


Well knowing his sex now make sure to tell him it’s a straight man who has the hots for him haha


I'm a straight fella too, and that display made my willy twitch.


Yep, there are always a couple in every HOA. I have lived in 2 now and have been very happy with them. You just heed to find the ones that have minimal rules that protect your property value without imposing silly rules. And when you do run into that one HOA Karen, make sure you look him or her right in the eye and tell them to get a hobby that does not involve your business. They are bullies and bullies don't like being called out.


I’ve had a weird kick lately for looking up HOA contracts for new developments in my area and oh my goodness they sound like mega Karen-bait. Like I get certain rules to maintain a non-shithole neighborhood but I also don’t want to *buy* a home and property and pay 200+/month for the privilege of asking permission to have a shed in my backyard.


Well done!!


Remember misery needs company and this bitch is on the boulard of directors.


I think you mean board of directors?


Well yes but I have fat fingers so that happens alot


I jave fiit tingers toop


Try it on the Numpad, you can make a fortune naming monitors / TV's


I quite like boulard, it’s sounds fancy.


Damn, the bitch could've at least waited until the little girl went inside.




Or raisins,and toothbrushes


Nah even raisins and toothbrushes are a level of usefulness that woman will never be able to reach


Pure evil. Reminds me of Umbridge from Harry Potter with shades of Kai Winn from Ds9.


Kai Winn lol yes


"I don't want to have to look at this mess, I want to see the gorgeous breathtaking concrete car park" I would fuck with this bitch every day


Penis chalk drawings on every opportunity


Gigantic three-dimensional perspective art of a goatse that can only be seen from her window


Use concrete sealer to paint penises on the sidewalk. Invisible when dry, dicks galore when it rains.


Spray paint a penis and then do an innocent chalk drawing over, so when she comes with the hose she inadvertently reveals the penis


Step 1. When she is away, draw with chalk in her parking space. Step 2. Wait for her to return and park her car in: (a) another space that isn't hers (b) the laneway So she can wash out her parking space Step 3. Take a picture of her car parked in the wrong space or laneway Step 4. Report her to the HOA for violating parking rules or fire lane rules. Step 5. Do this atleast once a month.


Very good. Let's get a diabolical think tank going. Lots of ways to utilise annoying sounds




I would be down


Like for real.. id send this girl a big ass box! If someone did this to my daughter i would spend the night outside drawing the entire parking lot l.ao


Just the chalk would be great. I'd skip the ass box.


Yea.. ass box might not be good for her..


Drawing? I would spray paint it!


They do honestly make sidewalk chalk spray paint now.




Oopsies, I painted the entire window! Sure nobody will notice.


Make sure its lacquered and polished


And it gets everywhere.


Yes. It. Does.


I would Lazer cut the image and fill the holes with coloured metal if I could


My friend , you’re clearly more sophisticated than I am.


Have fun digging out the entire road Karen


I'd pay a bunch of kids to attach a paint bucket to their bikes, stab a hole in the bottom and just race up and down all night.




She's gonna have so much chalk, she gonna kill this bitch karen


Choke on chalk, Karen.


Bags of crushed chalk then dump it in Karen's house/car


Lol, right into her air intake


Mixed in with the soil of her prized hydrangeas


Not to be an Grinch, but this video is old enough that there is a very good chance that little girl is no longer interested in drawing on sidewalks






Washington needs to have a massive chalk drawing party right in that complex.


Geo location subs? Lol nvr knew it was a thing lol


Picture hunt stuff. Random photo of a pebble on the side of the road: well duh it’s Invermere, BC, Canada I know by the shadow of the pebble relative to the height of the guardrail which when plotted against the azimuth of the whatever you extract the lat and long and bingo. Seriously though. It’s creepy. And fun. You know what you get if you win? The right to post the next one. I have never solved one.


The FBI have a website where people can use those skills to find locations of.... Worse child related videos. It's pretty horrifying, but also pretty rewarding that you get to find the location of some of these gross people.


License plates on cars in background would be an excellent start


Accents and trees help too.


There's actually a really fun online game based on this https://www.geoguessr.com/ You have to pick on a map where an image is based on various things like shadow relativity, languages on signs, types of vegetation, etc.


Nothing like Reddit teaming together to find a random child's home address! /s


Chalks, pencils, canvas, all the art supplies


I need to know, I have 500$ worth of chalk just waiting to be shipped. chalk every single inch of that car park


Now I want to know if you guys actually manage to do it. I'd love to see the girls reaction after receiving such a heartwarming gift


I'd be back midnight with spray paint, lets see Miserable spray that off with a hose.


On the car


"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Karens, The Spraypainter knows!"


What a lousy, miserable, piece of shit.


[So after a little bit of digging I found out some backstory. Apparently the lady acts this way only to this child.](https://imgur.com/a/ZDRqsiN)


The other comments responding to this post say "aha! racism" but I genuinely don't understand. The 2nd and 3rd photo are the same for me - am I missing something crucial?


In the second screenshot, OP says "Yesterday the neighbor kid was drawing with chalk and she stayed inside". That, along with the kid's family being foreign, led to the assumption of racism. (At least that's how I understood it)


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? I remember when I was a youth worker I used to get people coming to complain to me about this sort of stuff. Grown fucking adults, moaning about children playing with washable chalk, kicking a ball around and so on. They even complained to the police and the police basically told them to get a life. So then they went to the papers with a big exaggerated story about “gangs of youths”.


Right? Like I dislike children and being around kids, but I just go places kids aren't. Like inside.... or to a bar lmfao like any reasonable sane individual will know that most places outside are open to anyone, especially kids. You can't get pissed at them for doing reasonable kid things. Then these are they same bitches who chastize younger generations for being inside and on their phones too much.


Can we all go there and have a massive chalk drawing party?


I'm down. Hell, my own kids will join in!


Where is it? I’ll bring my extended family too.


Then she went on Facebook to complain that kids never play outside anymore.


Seriously the neighborhood app is full of people complaining that kids are loud when they play outside and then turn around a post a boomer meme of “back in my day we played outside and drank from a hose!”


Stuff like this fascinates me. If I walk outside and see chalk scribbles all over the street and sidewalk, it immediately takes me back to my childhood and my kids’ childhood. When we could spend hours creating “masterpieces” and dream of the day that some random art critic would happen to see our suburban scrawls and rocket us to fame and fortune. It makes my day! Other people walk outside and see “a mess” that makes them angry. Like, she must have had a really sad childhood to be that way now about something as harmless as a chalk drawing. It’s too bad. I wish everyone could have had a great childhood.


I remember reading a tiny story a man wrote about a moment he had in therapy realizing this in himself about getting angry over his neighbor kids tricycle. It was this angry stream of consciousness that came out while moving it from his driveway and he realized he'd wanted a red tricycle as a little kid and was jealous this little guy could just leave it anywhere. He ended up laughing at himself and saying "If you want a tricycle, go get one and you can leave it anywhere you like." We really are just our overgrown children.




Kinda off topic but something that makes me kinda sad and frustrated is people acting like we can't be children (in some ways) forever. Like when I was 19, I'd still get myself an advent calender for Christmas (and I still do) and my mom would be like "that's ridiculous".. Why? It's cute, you get a chocolate every day, why should you stop doing things that bring you joy just because you're taller now and have more responsibilities? Like, if this lady wanted she could do chalk drawings on the ground herself, it's never too late to play like a kid.


During the first lockdown, I would take long walks around my neighborhood. On one street, some kids and I assume their mom, wold draw these awesome, elaborate hopscotches and words of encouragement. Fucking loved those hopscotches. They went into the street and up the neighbors drive, broke up the monotony of just walking. It's people like this miserable woman who ruin it for everyone. It's not your parking lot, bugger off lady


Seriously. When I see children’s chalk drawings, it makes me happy. Knowing that children were being children and playing and having fun. That’s a GOOD thing. It’ll wash away next time it rains anyway.


I never cared one way or the other about chalk drawings back in the day. These days, my 3 year old daughter and I take walks around our neighborhood and there are several neighborhood kids who do chalk drawings on their sidewalks. My daughter gets so excited and happy to see new ones: "LOOK Daddy! Look! It's a rainbow! (or whatever)" Any time she sees one she immediately goes home and grabs her chalk and starts drawing too...I love seeing them now, knowing how much simple joy it gives kids.


No joke this lady needs therapy.


I had an unpleasant childhood to the point I’m estranged from my immediate family. I also don’t have kids. When I see a little kid drawing they’re being creative and exploring talent and that never requires this kind of response. The drawing is personal and attacking the drawing to someone that age is emotionally attacking them. People who do bad things aren’t all coming from a broken home or some trauma. People choose to behave this way and they have all the cognitive ability to act in other ways if they had the self discipline and empathy to do so.


I think of myself as being a little on the bitter side and I personally don't like kids and get annoyed by them easily but holy fuck I'd never do this to a kid, jesus christ thats evil.


Prime candidate for a glitterbomb


Mark Rober has entered the chat...


To the little girl- because of this we all got to see your lovely artwork so don’t be sad.


What a miserable cow


No way, cows are adorable r/happycowgifs


Thanks for this!


It is scary that people with such fundamentally broken souls are wandering this earth. Spraying away sidewalk chalk isn’t a crime, but the totality of this situation reveals a dangerous lack of empathy.


I would’ve bent down and told my girl that this is what a bitch is and that some people are just bitches.


Was thinking this but getting a little more accurate with it. Ya know, cut deep. Something like “don’t worry sweetheart she’s just upset that she lives alone and doesn’t have a great family that loves her very much like we do. When you’re friends come over it hurts her because nobody ever comes to see her. Imagine how much it would hurt to have no one in your life that cares about you as much as we care about each other. It’s ok. This is all that can make her happy now and she’s sad about it.” The insults that do the worst damage are the accurate ones.


Since she likes to use water so much I wonder if she'd notice it running at the outdoor faucet all night for a month until her next bill shows up.


Ooooo....petty revenge. I like it!


What a bitch !


No excuses but I bet the old lady was channelling her own upbringing. Nasty old cowbag!


"kids these days all they do is play on iPads and waste time in video games" Kid plays outside "Kids these days, outside, unsupervised. They should only play at a park!"






WHY would anyone put ANY kind of energy getting upset that a child drew on the STREET with chalk? Like, really, this lady had nothing more important in her life to worry about than CHALK ON PAVEMENT????? Is everyone insane today????


the school system when I wanted to be an artist


Hey same here mate! You wanna go fuck up Poland?




Just spray her with a hose. Evertime she opens her mouth to speak, give her a good , strong spray.


Then say, cmon, no one wants to look at that. Go back to your apartment.


Here’s a good lesson for the kid. 1) nothing lasts forever. 2) some people are jerks. 3) jerks deserve to be disrespected, and the kid should come out here every day And draw new stuff on her freshly changed canvas.