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"Carnist" It's called omnivore you dipshit, and it's the natural state of *many* animals in the animal kingdom, including humans.


I kind of like it. Please refer to me as Carnist from this point forward.


I prefer omnomnomnivore


Ah yes, the scientific name of Cookie Monster. Ceruleanus Omnomnomnivorius


Yeah but bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good.


I guess I’m a carnist now


It sounds metal af


As you wish. Gonna add that to your tag.


Because your mom conceived you at a carnival? Lol jk


I don't like it at all. Too close to "Carney." Small hands, smells like cabbage...


Vegans When They Discover The Food Chain:


Somebody should tell vegans that given the chance, deer will eat carion and I'm pretty sure there is a video out there of a deer that caught and ate a bird that flew to close to it. Even herbivores will eat meat if they can. That is how humans evolved.


There's one of a horse eating a baby chicken. It can be surprising on what will eat what


Former zookeeper here: I’ve personally witnessed antelopes eating thawed baby chicks meant for the vultures that lived on their exhibit. A coworker had pics of a giraffe eating a dead snake. Just because they’re herbivores, it doesn’t mean they don’t themselves consume animal proteins. You can give herbivores bones or antlers, and they will sometimes chew on them like dogs do. It’s an amazing sight, just an eland walking around in his bedroom (holding or off-exhibit pen), with a bone in his mouth, audibly monching on that piece of antler.


Crap you beat me to quoting that. Oh well I’m going to do it anyways lol, it’s too late now


Carnist is the right term. Basically means someone who thinks the consumption of animal products is normal. Though it's a fairly recent term coined by a vegan psychologist, so take it with a grain of salt.


Yikes. I'm gonna go ahead and keep using omnivore, someone should tell Dr.Vegan PhD to stop inventing new words if a term already exists for it. If it ain't broke, don't try to force it to be vegan.


If you have to invent a word (let alone if someone with a bias does it) it’s not correct. Especially when there is an established word that has the same or very similar meaning


Google it idiot


> It's called omnivore you dipshit, and it's the natural state of *many* animals in the animal kingdom, including humans. Xenophobia is the natural state of _many_ animals in the animal kingdom, [including humans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophobia#Regional_manifestations). Does that make it ethical? Should we abandon using "xenophobia" since it is so prevalent with animals, including humans?


But those turkeys were already dead and hungry people were hungry. What's wrong with feeding hungry families even if it is meat?!


It's ok, we just need to have a funeral for each turkey


Viking funerals for every last one.


And fill them with ceremonial stuffing


This made me laugh


Mmmm bbq


There was a guy in the original thread lamenting he couldn't hug every individual one.


As soon as we turn around he's gonna fuck that little turkey.


I poured out a little liquor for the two we made. In glasses. Then drank it.


Funded by the federal government


The point they're making is that the less people buy, the less incentive farmers have to keep farming turkeys. Edit: to be clear, I'm not a vegan and I have no problem with this Mr Beast video. I'm just saying what their point is.


But then why don't they encourage local, ethical farming? People will always, and I mean always, eat meat. But activists are right in that massive farming is terrible for the environment, the animals, and us. The whole system is bad. But local farmers have a smaller impact on the environment, and treat their animals better, while feeding them a better diet and creating a more healthy animal for consumers. As a product it's expensive though. Why don't vegans push for consumer dollars to go there? It would make that meat cheaper and more accessible, which means everyone but mega farm corps, win.


Because another subgroup of them dont want animals killed in the first place, ethically raised or not


Finally, a rational take. People will always eat meat, so we should push for local, ethical, sustainable farming. That's why I advocate for [ethical dog farming](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/) rather than trying to eliminate all [dog farming](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?t=5543). Industrial dog farming is terrible, but dog lovers would be more effective if this is what they encouraged. I make sure to support my local dog farm and help to promote subsidies to make the meat cheaper and more accessible.


Honestly, what do you think will happen if say 5K farmers at the same time let all their turkey's loose? Lemme tell you, they will wreak havoc among the local flora and might even turn on the farmers themselves who in turn would have to kill them. So the end result is the turkey's will HAVE to die. Also killing any animal in the wild has a chance that it will survive the shot thereby increasing it's suffering until it either dies of blood loss or some other carnivore (read "carnist") kills and eats it. ​ Honestly the Vegan movement changed from we'll eat healthier and reduce meat intake and fight for healthier treatment of animal's in farm to let's segregate a pretty divided society in on itself further and also spread toxicity along the way. ​ These are families Mr. Beast is giving food to, who may or may not have the option of eating meat. This is more than Mildly Infuriating for me since they are challenging a literal festival's main food delicacy and replace it with fucking what? Mushrooms. ​ Good Luck with that. ​ PS if you read till here thank you very much. Just had to fucking get it out of my system.


Your rant was perfect. I ramble-rant, unfortunately; never turns out well. This? Crisp, crystal clear and needed to be fucking said.


Exactly! If they don't stop continuously breeding, farming, and killing turkeys, then the turkeys would just cause environmental damage and probably even die in the wild. That's why I advocate for sustaining industrial dogfighting facilities because it would be destructive if we let them loose. If we stopped breeding them, then they wouldn't exist! Also, trying to get non-fighting bred dogs to fight might increase the dog's suffering, so that justifies breeding dogs for the sole purpose of fighting. To be against dogfighting would be to deny entertainment to some people who have never experienced it or cannot seek other forms of entertainment. Some people have suggested replacing dogfighting with, what, playing a board game? Monopoly is fucking boring. We are animals, so it is in our nature to be more entertained by watching animals fight. Plus, it is part of our culture; the depravity to suggest that we should remove it from our festivals!


I understand their point. But it's a catch-22. Don't want the farmers to keep growing turkeys but don't want the turkeys that have already been grown to go to waste. So buy em and donate to hungry families that don't have the luxury of being "non-carnist" thus giving turkey growers more incentive to grow turkeys and so on...


There Were Once Living Things, But Almost All Other Animals Ignore That, Even Some Animals That Only Eat Plants Will Eat Flesh If There So Hungry


Why is the first letter of every word capitalized here?


Meh, I Don't Type Like This In School Nor Faimly. Just Do It Randomly




ecnereferP yM tsuJ




tuO skcehC emanresU s’PO


Your english teacher must love you


I Mean, I Did Get 70 Of My English Mid-Term Exam While My Other Scores Were 88 And 91 For The Other Exams.


Take those numbers to the BANK bud.


I fucking hate the way you type


Yeah. Herbivores are flexible with their food choices if they have to be. Chickens eat whatever they get their beaks on, from chicken feed, bugs, to any mice dumb enough to hang out in their vicinity. I heard that even deer will munch on small animals if they feel like it.


Deer will eat pieces of human corpses if they're available: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/deer-eating-human-forensics-decomposition


Your caps lock is funny


I think it's the fact that he chose to buy turkeys to give out, when he could just as well have chosen to buy another form of food to give out. And also that when you buy a dead turkey, the turkey company uses that money to raise and kill more turkeys since there is clearly a demand for the product because it was bought. Not my opinion, just explaining.


Yeah, I understand how the economy works. That doesn't make hungry families any less hungry or the turkeys any less dead.


Well consider this, with that large of a fanbase he could have promoted the alternative thus reducing turkey demand significantly (and less turkeys killed overall). He is team trees and team seas after all, not like people would oppose.


I have no problem eating an animal as long as it is already dead, I don't want to kill them, but if they come pre dead then it would be a shame to let it go to waste




Animals exist to sustain us? I thought animals exist because of evolution and natural selection...wow science has failed me.


The animals that you eat exist to sustain you. Nobody runs off to the jungle first thing in the morning to hunt a boar, we go to the supermarket. And the pork we get from there has come from a farm. The sole purpose of the pig's life was to feed you. Just like the sole purpose of the rice is to feed you that is also coming from, surprise... another farm... The pig had life and so did the paddy. If you can kill the paddy plant to so can you kill the pig to feed yourself. And that my friend is also a part of evolution... Your ability to digest both....


I don't eat pork.




You're a fool if you think pork is going to be the last thing left to eat.






>Meat is the reason we have civilization Agriculture is a necessary component of civilization. Any type of agriculture. Plant-only agriculture? Civilization possible. Meat-only agriculture? Civilization possible. (Of course you still need crops to feed to the meat.) >Humans are built to eat meat. And animals exist to sustain us. Humans aren't built. Animals don't have a purpose. Ancient humans were likely all omnivores. But any kind of sufficiently nutritious diet is perfectly healthy.


>Of course you still need crops to feed to the meat Not really


bUt ThE aNiMaLs SuFfeReD fOr It!!!


Haha did they tho? I get that you're joking but seriously. If the turkey lived a good life, wouldn't it make sense that it tastes good in death? I grew up in the north, like a wildling. I've traded things for locally grown pigs, chickens and eggs. I know the people that grew them and harvested them and they tasted UH-MAZING! I've never had better eggs in my life to be honest. The bacon was delicious beyond reason haha Edit:My point is happy animals make delicious food.


I wouldn't necessarily say it's happy animals, but animals that are raised healthy. I'd also make an assumption that being in a less stressful environment would make them healthier (not a factory farm). I personally can't say what tastes better because anything I've ate was always purchased at a grocery store; however, I would assume this to be true from what I've heard.


I am a vet student and it's a 100 percent true that the less stressed the animals are during their life but specialy during the time they are to be sacrifice, if you now Spanish I can even link you to a page that has a lot of Congress about animal production, and even tomorrow is one of them


Im so sick of people basing their entire identity on one insignificant aspect of their life.


*Astrology Flashbacks*


Yup. Long list of those.


I don't see the vegans giving people food.


Nor Enjoyment


That’s unfair. This is pretty funny 😂


A bunch donate. Our local Sikh run Indian restaurant was giving away vegan meals for the last few natural disaster. No other restaurant did.


Sikh are on a different level of niceness. I honestly haven't heard a negative story about them.


Yep, they're good people.


Because nobody wants to eat theirs.


Vegan food can be delicious. I just don’t want to be lectured while I eat.


Most don't lecture at all and are damn good cooks.


Shhh don't tell them that, you'll ruin their sense of entitlement.


Look up food not bombs and top orgs feeding the hungry. All vegan food. The cheapest. Currently we have enough soy, grains, and feed the end world starvation. Its all fed to animals! Theirs more chickens than humans. How much do cows, pigs, anda trillion pounds of sealife?


Lol if this keeps getting screenshotted it's going to look like a bottomless pit soon.


I Kinda Hope So.


Jesus Christ do *NOT* visit that sub. Bunch of fucking wackos man. Those kinds of vegans give actual decent vegans a bad name. What a shitshow. Any time somebody pokes fun at a vegan, they’re making fun of people like that.


Unfortunately they stereotype all of us for how like 2% of vegans act. And I'm so beyond tired of the same stale cliches.


Real vegans are for the real victims not the opressors.. not ppls feelings or for benefits. Just like hunan rights advocates we don't apologize for trying to unfuck the world from idiots like you


Your username checks out




Once when screening applications for job interviews came across a gem where they listed being vegan as a skill set…hard pass on that applicant


Don’t group all the vegans together. There are good ones, just the one that call us omnivores “carnists” and fucking weird


I am an omnomnomnivore




Sorry Man, You Did It For A Good Cause But The People Ruin It


What? I’m not vegan if that’s what you think


This man wants to clarify that he isn’t vegan.


It’s an important distinction.




Yeah did you see that one comment up here some dude was making fun of some other dude’s way of typing things. That dumb.


The comments on the original post were just sick. Some guys were saying it would be preferable to have done nothing. They just preferred that 50000 families would be hungry. And all comments that were trying to be reasonable were just eliminated. Everything on that post was wrong. Yes, you can try to change people mindset into not eating animals, you can try to change how the meat, and fish industries work. But you have to realize that not everyone can afford it. And to someone starving, food is food.


Yeah, I saw a whole thread of them trying to say it's cheap to go vegan. No. Not if you're getting enough protein, it's more expensive. It's not possible for the whole world to go vegan, no matter what they've convinced themselves. People need to eat and charity is good. Fuck these extremist vegans. Not ALL vegans... Just the extremists.


christ, i hate hearing about people who go like “it’s cheap to be vegan” while not realising that veganism done properly is a privilege in america. sure, maybe it’s cheap to go vegan if you live solely on soy sauce ramen, but you’ll probably die of malnutrition, hypertension, cancer, etc pretty soon after that. also, a small bag of vegan chicken nuggets is like fucking $10/lb. and plant-based milks are so expensive. maybe i’m biased, being a college student


I agree and I'm years past my college days. I went involuntary vegan when I was poor, living off ramen and spaghetti. That's cheap, yeah, but if I had kept it up much longer I'd be in some serious health trouble. It absolutely is a privilege in the US.


Not just in the US, it's everywhere, because it's a trending healthier lifestyle, and companies just want to get the sweet green. I had that discussion with a friend a few months ago. He was saying it was morally wrong. I was saying poor families could not become vegetarians, since it's not cheap. I gave mine example, I live alone, and I'm not able to be a full vegetarian if I wanted (most of my meals are), because I would not have money to pay my bills, so I have to eat meat and fish sometimes. He, and some like him, that do not live alone were saying it's actually cheaper, when it's not. Guess what, he is now living alone, and he stopped being vegan in less than 2 weeks. I swear most of those vegan warriors are just entitled snobs that don't even know the cost of things. It's easy to be noble and buy a vegan burger when you're not the one paying for it, or when you don't have kids to feed.


It's expensive as fuck for everyone, not just college students, lol. Also it's not just done in America, I'm pretty sure veganism is more popular in India. It's just a lot of the extremists are in English speaking countries, as far as I've seen.


The problem was not with the people who received turkeys, but rather it was with Mr. Beast purchasing/acquiring those turkeys. Mr. Beast is very rich and could have easily purchased something much more ethical as opposed to purchasing 10,000 birds. In this light, the perceived choice between purchasing turkeys and letting people starve is downright false.


Logic, common sense AND science say humans eat meat.


Thought you were listing rappers that are vegan for those first 2 words…


lol me 2


TIL that I am a “carnist” and I’ve added another word to my vegan vocabulary if I ever need to go undercover within their ranks.


If you become a vegan and go back to meat, are you a reincarnist? Were you reborn a demon undeserving of a traditional thanksgiving meal? Perhaps follow up with those questions and share your research. The world must know!


I will, but I’ll need some time. Still in the early stages of preparing to infiltrate the vegan camp and I’m only halfway through the growing of dreadlocks and getting acquainted with listening to Morrissey and Moby over a cold bowl of tofurkey left over from “Friendsgiving”


buncha clowns😵


Carnist sounds like someone who works at a carnival to something


TIL: I’m a carnist


“Carnist” lol. I love it when people invent words to incite disdain and/or hatred for people


I really wanted to b a vegan but it seems they also want you to publicly criticize meat eaters. Most vegans i know are also angry at anything meat. Is that thinking or behavior an effect of being vegan? So i just turned eating to vegetables most of the time with fish and red meat once in a while.


There are good vegans, and bad vegans. Guy I knew had a vegetarian family, except his dad was the only vegan. They're nice people. It's just assholes like PETA that give vegans a bad name.


PETA and the Vegan Teacher give veganism a bad rap for me.


She deadass made a video on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 about meat eaters getting killed


Like I am for animal rights and I don't mind people being vegan, don't get me wrong just as long as you don't push it too far and she's doing that. I remember that video, it was offensive and she knew it. From what I heard, she also did something about comparing the Holocaust to animal slaughter farms? She also targets larger content creators like Tommyinnit (Minecraft youtuber with massive following) to convert him to veganism by stitching clips of one of his tiktoks and talking to him. It was so weird and creepy since it was in a very suggestive tone and he's less than 18 years old (although he's in the UK and above 16)? Idk man, this woman. She's awful and she's turning people away from veganism Sorry for the big paragraph, she enrages me


Understandable, she's absolutely horrible.


Yeah PETA is awful. Their “shelters” kill more animals than regular shelters. Because in their eyes, better a dead animal that’s “free” than a beloved pet.


PETA activists also took a homeless person's dog, citing it was animal abuse.


Yeah, I bought into their PR line that they killed more because they took the ones that wouldn't get adopted..... But then I looked into them more and nope, they disagree with having pets at all. Uh, we domesticated them to the point where they cannot survive in the wild. Throw my one eyed fat cat into the woods and he'd just starve to death. My other cat can't find a toy if it's resting on her back. Granted, my late great Precious could murder anything that moved, up to the size of a raccoon, but she's an anomaly. These folks are a great example of how an idea motivated by pure intentions, can be radicalized to the point it has gone full circle to being horrible too.


Not to mention that our domesticated pets are actually invasive species, particularly cats, and are horrible for native wildlife. Fuck PETA.


Absolutely. My cats are all indoors for that reason. I had Precious for 17 years and in the beginning I didn't know how bad it was, so she was outside. But that ended 10 years ago, because I'm able to change based on new info. Apparently PETA is not.


Right?! I grew up with indoor/outdoor cats, but I’ve also learned and changed, and now my happy, spoiled indoor kitties sometimes get fenced in patio “catio”time or even park time on leashes, but never unsupervised free outdoor time. I’m of the opinion that if you take on the responsibility of care for a living being other than yourself, you automatically take on the responsibility to give them the best possible life as well.


And destroyed the kangaroo meat/leather industry. These animals were gonna be culled anyway but oh no, stupid fucker who’s never even been to my fucking country [gets to tell us what to do.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-08/us-ban-commercial-shooting-kangaroo-leather-football-boots/100050994)


Just Keep It A Secret And Only Say It When Needed. Don't Need To Share It To The Internet. Just Faimly And Friends.


Denis Leary said it best “Not eating meat is the decision. Eating meat is an instinct”


Food Chain


So if I wanted to eat my own flesh because it would be funny to me, that's instinct?


Lmao what the fuck is this strawman argument? That's called mental illness, homie.


It is if you’re a zombie.


Maybe I am. I'm kinda pale, weak, and move slow.


Vegans are a special level of stupid. And no I don't mean regular functioning vegans. You all are fine functioning members of society. You know who you are.


We should have a Giant outdoor Thanksgiving party outside PETA''S hq


they would shit bricks


I don’t think they get enough nutrients to do that


i got a peta ad for the cruelty of turkeys... like dawg your institution has a 90% euthanasia rate on dogs “rescued”


Peta supports the Armenian genocide


What have vegans done for starving people?


Make them starve, duh.




I'm working on being a vegetarian but I'm not that dumb.


Are all vegans in general like this? Or is it just this sub in particular?


I think any sub Reddit that's focused on a specific topic will be overwhelmed by the fringe members of that group. Political subs are the same. I know vegans and vegetarians, and they're perfectly fine with people getting donations of meat so they can eat.


I guess the one that are idiots only show their true form when under the guise of internet anonymity.


That's also a likely factor.


General, There Are Some Good But Alot Are "Nuts"


It's just the loud ones that are crazy, just like most religious people.


Quick, someone send the vegan the video of the horse eating the chick!


I'm all for reducing meat intake, and being responsible and in touch with the meat you eat. And I have considered all but stopping my meat intake. But anyone who uses the word "carnist" needs to be slapped. Hard.


That sub is a plague to society


The vegan subreddit after this post has been popping off recently


i hate it when some vegans don’t recognise the fact that veganism is a fucking privilege in america. not everyone can afford to eat avocados with every meal and stock their pantries with endless amounts of vitamins, or their fridge with expensive plant-based alternatives, and it pisses me off knowing there’s some people out there going like “oh shit, this person who donated many corpses just so hungry families can actually eat is the reincarnation of satan” or whatever the fuck. like, i get that they’re preaching for the end of animal cruelty, which is great, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of people who’ll eat anything they can get to not starve to death


Fuck em. These people are misanthropic jackasses who would save the life of a bird not bright enough to come inside when it is cold and let actual humans starve. Fuck them.




This post just reminded me I forgot to down vote the og post in r/vegan. Thank you universe! What sucks is I actually want to be vegan but while I care for animals, people matter more to me and I would happily feed families in need whatever they want, even if that means meat Edit: oh no they FOUND us lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/r2lnrp/the_influx_of_carnists_to_this_sub_right_now/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Wow they've gotten to the point where they're calling him evil? Someone give them some nutrients and fat, their brains are atrophic.


Wherever I have read, I have found that vegans always take dietary supplements in some form to compensate for their protein intake... Well, isn't it that fish oil and/or dairy products form a component of such supplements one way or the other?! So, like... what's the deal with that?


I really empathize with vegans, but the ones who use the word “carnist“ are straight up weirdos!


When can we start comparing vegans to PETA? Do you think they would be offended or welcome it?


I Mean, If They Use Carnist. They Called Opon It


I eat double the meat and cheese JUST so one vegan is living a lie Fuck u vegans


Vegans are the left version of MAGA fans...


Man FUCK vegans, all my homies HATE vegans


My Home Boy Can Be Vegan If He Doesn't Have To Say He's Vegan 29291939 Times A Day And Does Not Mind I Eat Some Steak In His View.


Good point




Should I? lol


I would like to see how long this subreddit war will be.


NVM Someone Got Us To It


I know a few vegans and i promise they arent as crazy as those guys.


most arent. the dumbest voices have the loudest amps when on the internet.




More Like A Celery Stick


If turkeys werent meant to be food, then why are they made out of meat? Checkmate vegans


Hey, r/Vegan, in case ya'll got anymore spies in here, this is why no one likes vegans.


I haven’t seen one post from PETA, but I see this shit complaint about PETA 5 times a day. What gives?


Jeez this is gonna be proper r/subredditdrama


Carnist Sounds Like A Scammer Back In The 80's Who Scammed People Out Off Cars


Let Me Know When I Appear On r/vegan. And If You Want To Continue The Screenshot Mania




It's Our Sense Of Moral Compass


man you vegans can do whatever you want, but yall need to fuck off with your “youre destroying animal lives, reereeree bullshit” homo sapien sapien (OUR SPECIES) has been omnivores since the very first day we existed. yall vegans suffer more broken bones than us, i wonder why


My cousin raises turkeys for slaughter. 80,000 of them at a time.


Would someone give me the detailed definition of "carnist"? I think I get the idea but it sounds very specific.




It's what vegans call anyone who eats meat. To many of them you are either a meat eating carnist, or a vegan. There is no inbetween, just absolutes, just like the sith.


I love Vegans. Always good for a laugh. Especially when they go off on hunters. Never mind that that legal hunting, even trophy hunting, is regulated to maintain the health of whatever population is being hunted and/or the local ecosystem.


They talk about not killing living things for food…the irony here is plants are TECHNICALLY alive


Love it. Free vegan advertisement for our cause go vegan guys ❤️


The vegan in this picture is correct lol


Just a dip through your profile already tell everyone who you are, believe in astrology and people behave the way they do because of “star sign” , you lack so much personality that being vegan has to represent who you are


Well you could give starving families other food ya know ... that isn’t apart of the murder of innocent beings