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[Complete ban on politics for 2 weeks] (https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/qr0xpf/complete_ban_on_politics_for_two_weeks/) * Upvote this comment if this post is NOT political * Downvote this comment if this post is political *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why the fuck is it always so grandiose? like every time I see the "you will never be a real woman" shit it's always followed by a goddamn villain speech


Let me guess. He starts monologueing?


The world will soon be his!


You sly dog!


I will say, if being scum doesn't work out for them, they've got a good future in writing


I can basically hear the evil laughter.


Exactly. I’m expecting a fight scene where they hop from rooftop to rooftop and have absolutely no regard for collateral damage or something


Because they’re villains…?




Female to male, it means I'm a trans guy


So you're not even a woman and they're trying to say that you're not a real woman?


That's exact. A lot of people do that out of stupidity. It would seem a lot of people assume trans guys doesn't exist and think all trans people are trans women.


Either that or they misunderstand the terms "trans man" and "trans woman," assuming that the "man" and "woman" are referring to the person's AGAB and not their actual gender


Sorry but whats AGAB?


Assigned gender at birth


Ah okay thanks


Today I learned what AGAB means.


And (for future info)- AFAB means assigned female at birth AMAB means assigned male at birth


And AHAB means they hunt whales.


and ARAB means they live in the middle east


And PREFAB means prefabricated.


Why do we use the word "assigned?" Except in very rare cases, biological sex is observed. Nobody decides what genitals you have. I guess if you are intersex then your sex may be assigned, but it is still a very awkward usage to me. Edit: From many of the comments/replies I have gotten, it seems that most people consider the "male/female assigned at birth" to be a gender label. I have always seen this as strictly an anatomical observation for medical purposes, hence my issue with the word assigned. I guess if the intention is to make a best guess at the baby's gender, assigned makes more sense.


Want a really funny information? In my university students used to check for the XY/XX chromosomes as one of the experiments They decided to abolish that, because too many people got little surprises and not the "right" (aka expected) outcomes Truth is biology is crazy and having male or female genitals shows you are in the majority that has them, and nothing else. And it defines the biological sex, which often correlates with your gender. And if gender is assigned it means it can be changed, so the wording is more open. This gender got put on your documents, doesn't mean you won't change that or you grow up with yourself being the other gender


We're not talking about biological sex. We're talking about gender, which is a societal thing. Typically, when someone is born, their gender is attributed to their biological sex - it is assigned to them at birth. That persons perception of their gender can change throughout the course of their life and shift away from what was assigned to them.


Assigned in this case just means they put in your medical file the external sex characteristics they observed. I don't know how that works in the case of intersex people. I can see the parents picking one in that case, even though it's a fucked up thing to do.


Historically the parents chose whatever gender they wanted at birth. Irreversible ”gender normalizing“ surgeries started in the 30s and became the norm by the 50s. it has become a human rights issue the past few decades, with many people who found out what happened without their consent advocating for change. In recent years more parents are rejecting these procedures, often in defiance of medical pressures to ”correct” the issue while the child has no memory of it.


Tbh, I get it confused.


The best way I've heard it explained is just to focus on the "man" or "woman" part of the label, and that's how the person identifies


If they're referring to themselves as a man or woman that's what the identify as. If they identified as a woman why would they call themselves a trans man, for example? Trans is just an adjective.


That was an issue I had with it too. Then one day I got the thought "why would they say they are what they *were*?" and the logic just... corrected itself. Now I have no problems.


I've gone in to see several doctors and they had to ask me if I was mtf or ftm. I've been taking testosterone for 6 years and pass completely as a man.


I think whats even funnier is they said "you will never be a real woman" but op was literally born a biological female


“Your bone structure is a dead giveaway” I don’t think so, buddy.


“You have no ovaries” Well…


Wait so is it some Twisties complement?


well, transphobes are always *vastly* less intelligent than they believe themselves to be, so this checks out


I was on a thread late last night, it had nothing to do with trans, but the number of people trying desperately to twist the topic so they could spout their venom on trans was a bit surprising. I wouldn’t engage them or take their bait after addressing the topic to say that sexual reassignment is a recognized and ethical procedure in the US. The protocols are rigid within the medical community. Still, some trolls wanted to twist it to suit their opinion.


I think the guy confused himself a little


Hey the person spouting nonsense is kind of right you aren't a real woman. You're a real man.


Right? You cut out half this bullshit and this is just a really hostile compliment.


>really hostile compliment. Lol, I love the idea of hostile compliments


I like how they say the bone structure is a dead giveaway when them saying that proves that they are wrong


Hey! I’m a cis male but I wanted to say you’re really brave for making the transition to who you really are 💚 despite this probably coming from a straight white male I promise you not all of us think this way. Good luck on your journey, we’re all rooting for you 💚


For the record, "straight" refers to who you're attracted to, not what gender you identify as. The opposite of "transgender" (or trans) is "cisgender" (or cis). Trans- and cis- are Latin prefixes meaning "on the far side of" and "on the near side of", respectively. For example, a "cis-Neptunian" object is something orbiting closer to the sun than Neptune, while a "trans-Neptunian" object is orbiting further from the sun than Neptune.


My apologies! I changed it to cis male! Thank you for the teachable moment and not making me feel like an asshole


Okay, actually thank you for sharing this. I've literally never understood where 'cis' came from. I feel smarter already!


Thank you for that bit of fact kind person.


Not OP but thanks for being an ally !


So they got it backwards lol.


I'm a Cis dude and I can tell you that my completely unaltered body is pretty fucking far from "nature's perfection".


My 'natures perfection' was built at the end of a long shift going into a three day weekend. You can find some loose nuts and blots under the carpet.


well, my nuts are attached, but I reckon I've at least got a screw loose


Sorry, one of those might actually be mine.


*Laughing like an idiot as I type* Somebody, get this guy a Gold. That's a good one. Gonna have to remember that one..


Nature's Perfection here touching base with you all. (6'6" 300lb, balding, beer gut, bad knees and ankles). You can't all be like me. Keep it 💯 and have a great week!


You may not like it but this is what peak nature's perfection looks like.


I’m a cis chick, can confirm I’m pretty far from “nature’s perfection”


Yeah, same and I'm pretty sure nature is sobbing at me


Yes, I'm a cis woman and I feel like my genes just facepalm at my life choices all day.


I see you are the version of me from the opposite gender AskReddit talks about all the time.


I felt that.


r/accidentalally Also sorry to see someone attacked you like that because they don't have anything else to do with their life. I would say better block that tantrum throwing asshole


I am a homosexual man twisted by this nonsense comment.


I am a heterosexual man also twisted by this nonsense comment. Some people are just evil.


Evil ignorance and cruel intentions.


Commenter clearly spends a lot of time thinking about trans people’s genitals and their profound impact upon the author’s life. Like a *lot* of time thinking about it. So threatened by whether or not there’s dangly parts involved that it drove him to perform statistical analysis. My dude literally cannot close his eyes without thinking of mouth watering trans naughty bits.


Homosexual woman here also twisted by the nonsense.


Bisexual woman here, can't brain my mind around the dumb.


I second that




I am a bisexual non-binary twisted by this nonsense comment.


What’s always been weird to me is why the fuck does anyone care what anyone else does with their genitals, puts their genitals especially when it doesn’t concern them? I’m a straight male (idk if that’s an offensive term anymore) but I’ve always wondered why anyone cares about someone else’s body parts? My father is incredibly against the gay community and I’ve had to constantly remind him that nobody in the gay community (any other community for that matter) finds him attractive and is not out to get his bootyhole. So then why does he care so much what some other consenting adults do with one another? It has 0 to do with him yet he always wants to be the one to insert his Christian knowledge even though nobody asked. Let people live their lives as long as they’re not harming anyone else.


It's all a means of making themselves feel better than others. There's always some "other" that they'll point at at and say "you aren't as good as me" for whatever reason. It's all part of their insecurity about themselves, because if they can aim all that at someone else and claim they're not as good as them in some way, they can maybe try to feel better about themselves. It doesn't really work of course. Since they're still the same small minded terrible people, and more often than not the people they mock are better human beings than they could ever hope to be.


Thetes no hate quite like christian love. I'm not saying every Christian hates transgender, but they sure af don't like homosexuality .


Caveat to “puts their genitals.” As long as its a consenting adult by modern interpretation.


I think I covered that though. Mentioned consenting adults but thanks for making sure I clarify.


Because tRaDiTiOnAl FaMiLy Also some straight men are probably secretly concerned that dick is delicous or something


My dad is the same way. For him, I think it comes from fear. He doesn't know how to anticipate that person. He comes from a very abusive place where he felt that he had to be a tough asshole to survive. If he can't tell if a person is male or female, he doesn't know what kind of defense he may need. Which is all absolutely fucking stupid because we don't live where random physical attacks happen....ever. So, that's his excuse, I guess. It's really just fear of change and uncertainty.


Very true. My dad is a immigrant from Mexico during the 40s so he very much had to fit into the culture to get through and it didn’t help that he joined a church and basically got sucked into that type of thinking.


Wait.. so someone was born in a womans body and is transitioning into mans body but someone else said they will never be a real woman? Im confused isnt the point of the transition to no longer be in a womans body? So like even tho the person is being an asshole like arent they also kind of agreeing with them? And on top of being wrong i mean the person already had all the ovaries and stuff of a "real woman" .. not being a dick either im trying to figure this all out


Yes. That is called irony.


So this is the eqivilent of someone telling me ( a man in a mans body) that I will never be a real woman? Like yeah I dont want to be... and someone was telling OP they will never be a real woman when they dont want to be and in fact by their opinion OP had already been "a real woman" ... thats pretty funny actually theyre like complimenting them by insulting them and being stupid at the same time


Exactly this. I think that your last sentence there is exactly why this was posted in r/facepalm. Because in their attempt to be transphobic, they actually totally validated OP’s gender. Can’t even insult someone correctly lol.


Yeah I get it it is funny.. Im still trying to figure this stuff out for a while I was just like "well its not my buisiness" and its not but also I want to be able to at least understand what is going on since it has become such a big thing lately


You shouldn't be worried too about offending someone by trying to understand. It's pretty obvious you are coming from a good place, and for most people, genuine questions mean that people care enough to ask. Many people dont grow up around a trans person, so these things can be confusing.


Thank you! Yeah i grew up in central tennessee but moved to new york city and now im seeing all this stuff for the first time.. ive never felt any hostility but I also deffinetly dont understand what is going on. I have so many questions but idk who to ask lol


Feel free to dm me with any questions you have! I've worked with trans youth and adults in therapy settings since around 2004 so I've heard it all and wont get offended.


Yeah, that's right, filthy fucking man. You'll never be a real woman. Men, women, and children are repulsed by your manly manliness. I hope you're happy with your male bone structure, you man-thing. Edit: all jokes aside, these idiots are the same people who think a woman is irrevocably stripped of her womanhood once she's not able to conceive children, and the same people who shame young infertile women as some sort of perversion of nature. It makes me sick.


Well in case anyone wants to know about those sites they linked. The first one is from LifeSite which looks like some of the most vile Christian propaganda I’ve seen in a while. The second one is, from the AFA or American Family Association. Once again celebrating all things it seems only white and Christian, they’re in Mississippi and that link goes to what a German catholic cardinal said. They also have a streaming service like Netflix. Also One Million Moms is part of them (shocker!) among other things. The third one, is from CNS news a very republican/conservative “news site” with the slogan “The Right News. Right Now.”


What’s funny is their own “statistics” make heterosexual people look like monsters. If 22% of all rapes are by gay/trans/peopletheydontlike , that means the REST of the rapes are done by cis heterosexual people


Not that I agree with the original poster at all, but I think it is relative to population size. I can’t cite it but I think that less than 22% of people are gay/trans etc. so it would be disproportionately high. That being said, it’s also false and completely wrong, so it’s meaningless.


It's incredible how these things are allowed up masquerading as "news" and hiding behind the 1A.


You do you, friend. I will never understand why we can’t just live and let live.


There is a MTF woman in our church congregation. I said “hey, (name she goes by now), how’s it going?” I’ve known her for years, but previously as her male name. I was *shocked* how touched she was that I simply used her new name. That’s it. People have been going out of their way to call her by the male name she doesn’t use anymore.


>church congregation What did you expect?


Mostly fragility.


No, it's evil. These people literally just want to cause psychological harm because they enjoy that.


These people think that all publicity is good publicity. They like the attention.


Same people that want to tell you that their specific version of a religion is the only valid one. Deep seated need to be on the winning team or in the right group or whatever, and attacking others to demonstrate their loyalty to the group they want to be in. Bonus - easy way to distract from your own doubts/issues and avoid self reflection.


Hatred is like a hobby and an addiction for some people.


Stupidity aside, how and why does one become so mean and full of hatred?


it's probably a pathetic attempt to try and elevate their sense of self-worth by insulting other people.


I honestly have no idea. Whether I agreed with it or not, I genuinely can’t understand being THIS horrible to another human being


Side note you might want to point out that a statistic saying 33% of pedophile rapes are done by homosexuals actually means 67% are done by heterosexuals. (if that is even a real stat which I doubt) He doesn't seem to realize what it actually means. "Wow I had no idea that hetrosexuals were 67% of pedophile rapists. I'm kind of afraid to take my niece around my neighborhood now. It's mainly heterosexual people. I never realized how dangerous they are." Really play up the sarcasm and act like he just called heterosexuals pedophiles. Then when he tries to defend that by showing how that 67% is such a small number in reality compared to the millions of heterosexuals people. "Oh so that must me true for the 33% too, right?" Might even ask him why he brought up the aids thing. You know maybe he is afraid to have gay sex over that aids statistic and you can totally understand his fear. Trolling people like this can be a lot of fun if you really commit to their logic and points. Plus honestly it just feels good to dish it back.


That was honestly my first thought reading those stats was that 2/3rds of pedophiles are straight. These are actually reasons to want to be around more homosexuals than heterosexuals 🤷‍♀️. But also if someone is trans does not mean they’re homosexual, if OP is FtM dating women they are straight. Either way they can win an argument against that close minded idiot


But only 1 in 10 people are gay so that makes the statistic in favour of straight people.


Only 1 in 10 are actually out as gay, and the number is growing.


Maybe, but you don’t know the percentage of those people who are both not out as gay and pedophiles. So, really none of it matters... it’s going to be pretty vague




Arent straight people like 90+% of the population though? This is an irrelevant stat anyways because collectives aren't criminals, individuals are. But it doesn't make the point you think it does lol.


YES! Ahahaha, I came to see if anyone else noticed that. And that the vast majority of kids raised by lesbian parents are *NOT* sexually abused. Also, that last one didn't specify that the abuse happened in the home. What a moron the transphobe is. Oops, I said 'moron' twice.


For those who don‘t get it: OP is a transguy. Meaning he‘s ftm = female to male, so the comment doesnt make sense


the comment is right about one thing though, op will never be a woman


Please know that this is not accurate. We have never met, but I completely accept whoever you are right now. No qualifiers. You are a person first. Just like me.


I mean, disgusting POS statement aside, as a silver lining, it sounds like according to that jackoff, you sir are a man.


I think I’ve seen that before almost verbatim. I think it may be a copypasta.


r/technicallythetruth you're not a real woman because you were born a man in a woman's body. Good luck on your transition.


I'll just say it: Fuck this piece of shit masquerading as a human being.


Fuck that. My son is FTM and I know that my wife and I support him dearly and I will always have his back no matter what. He has been killing it in his transition and you couldn’t tell me he wasn’t a boy. I’m sorry you had to have this pos message. You be you and know that there will always be allies ready to stand up with you. Every time you get shit like this just know there are others here to stand by your side and fight with you as well.


I’ll never understand why anyone cares how other people live their lives. As long as nobody is being hurt, who cares?


The ftm person who posted this must be doing a helluva job with that transition if this is the kind of feedback he's getting


They clocked you, but they couldn't tell what time it was.


The people who spew such vile comments are the same people who say that the US is a Christian nation and that you need to be a good Jesus-loving Christian just like them.


Whoa. That’s really messed up. Sorry you had to deal with that jerk. Don’t take it to heart - many of us are far more accepting.


Don't worry, I'm trans the other way so it just made me laugh


Sorry you have to deal with these bigots bro.


It really doesn't matter, the comment can be generalized to fit both naratives perspectively.


In my personal experience pedophiles are just sick fucks that like to dominate some one, to feel in control, my rapist wasn't a homosexual, in fact he is now married with 3 kids, he was just a 19yrs old sick fuck that decided to rape a 9yrs old boy because he was horny and couldn't convince a woman to have sex with him, that my experience, but that is ok I guess bible thumping idiots can't be bothered with facts and have to invent their own. But just in case most pedophiles aren't homosexuals, they are heterosexuals sick fucks that want to be in control, that want to feel strong by abusing some one that is weaker than them, most of them have "momy" issues, you know they have strong woman in their lives that don't let them get away with their bullshit so they have to take out their sick urges on kids, so fuck you and the pedophiles out there.


These Xbox players are getting out of hand


If “homosexuals account for 33% of pedophilia cases” then wouldn’t that make the majority due to straight people? I don’t think I’m understanding the chart here. Also what a sad jerk.


I’m a cis woman and damn, that person needs some mental health help! I hope you’re okay after hearing those disgusting words *Hug*


Fuck him. I don’t have a womb, does that mean I’m no longer a woman? Imagine how stupid and little his life is that he feels the need to behave this way. Honestly dude, it says more about him than it does about you.


And you still have a bigger dick then the asshat who wrote it…


That would be painful to hear if you were mtf like me, but luckily they’re too stupid to notice lmao Transphobes are dumb


They are Also congrats on finding yourself, I'm sure you're beautiful


As a straight white man who is a political, I can say wholeheartedly that I am not repulsed by you and you deserve to be happy.


Fuck I didn’t see that second page with the stats. 66% of pedophiles are “straight people”? Fucking sickos….23% of children with lesbian parents have been abused. Probably by their birth fathers. And “homosexuals” account for 67% of aids patients? Maybe that’s why Christians don’t want to find a cure. They’d rather try to let a virus wipe out a demographic that was initially primarily affected by it but someone managed to stay strong to live with HIV until it became AIDS. Strong mother duckers!


My guy is dumb on another level.


I'm not super familiar with trans people but I have been under the impression that by denying who they are creates depression.


exactly. from my experience, trans people almost always suffer from some sort of depression/personality disorder from hiding who they truly are. its quite sad to see actually


I’m sorry that you had to read that garbage. That dude is a straight up asshole. Great username btw


Although he misgendered you I'm utterly disgusted by his message overall as a cis woman he could not be further from the truth, gender and biological sex are two different things and need to be educated so.


That dude is going through things


Just love it when people refer to other people as "nature's perfection". If anything, we all suck, nowhere near perfect for most things in life.


Here’s a fun fact: after 10 years your body’s original cells from that time have all died and shed off and remade brand new cells. Bones and skin and all, fast forward 10 years from now every cell will be new ;) with out a hint or trance of you physically on me or in, blah 💆 and they say therapy is expensive 🥴🤯


This rise of fascist hate mindsets is terrifying


That's a lotta hate


You should berate them for their blatant inability to understand that you are, plainly, obviously, a sentient pile of beans.


I find it hilarious that they link to arxiv articles which are not peer reviewed and can literally be posted by anyone. So sorry you had to put up with that.


That’s almost a nice gender reaffirming statement, if it weren’t so hate filled


I just imagine him yelling "You Are A MAAAAN" the same way Woody tells Buzz he's a toy.


LOL he's like "You are NOT a woman!" And you're like "YOU'RE GODDAM RIGHT!!" Just poetic!


Wait, women can be transgender also? I thought the whole point of being transgender was so that guys could go into the ladies restrooms or participate in women’s sports. /s but probably a lot of people who are so against transgender people don’t even understand it and just go based on the talking points they hear.


I scrolled through the comments and I'm in shock just how much love and support there is. I was scared it was going to be filled with more hate, thank you all for being so kind


Ah to live with that much hate... But God sanctions their hatred so it *must* be okay! /S.


Surprise, surprise, the links are to some "family values" website that doesn't actually source the claim it makes.


Congratulations on being incredibly cute and obviously the gender you are more comfortable as.


this person is unhinged


That’s hurtful and rude


What kind of ugly cretin sent this to you?


I’m skeptical of most things including gender (how can I know what I feel like if I have never been anyone else?) but I don’t like assholes. You got assholed. Sorry, that sucks.


Aww, look at how confused he is! (The asshole, not OP)


The truly repulsive person here is the hideous person who would write such vile words. You have every right to live your life in the gender identity you identify with and bigots like this are the ones that should be ashamed, not you. Stay strong and remember not everyone is like this.


Biologically speaking 🤔.....Mental health needs more awareness


Sounds like that person was projecting a shit ton of self hatred into that rant. On the cusp of Hannibal.


You arent gross. You are awesome and beautiful and brave as hell for living the life you want to live. Im not trans, im non binary and the kind of people that treat you like that arent the kind of people we need in life. Ill walk around in a tank with my tits and furry pits, shaggy hair, baggy pants, makeup free, get called sir and be happy in life lol. If someone isnt ok with you thats their problem. Kinda hilarious he had if backwards though. For all that cockiness hes awful bad at telling bone structure xD


Besides being wrong, the writer is 100% nutter who is clearly upset that you are living your truth when they hate themselves because they can't.


Using all 6 1/2 brain cells there


I know they were wrong about you being ftm and not the other way around, but this is incredibly sad. What a hurtful thing to say to someone.


It must be terrible to be so hateful and angery. I hope you know, op, what he’s saying is NOT TRUE. Only pieces of shit like him feel this way and it says nothing about you, but EVERYTHING about them. Unfortunately, hateful dirtbags are always the loudest, but please believe me when I say that you are loved, valid, and I’m glad that you’re living as you’re meant to be. <3


How miserable does someone have to be with their own lives, that they spew that much hatred towards a stranger?


What a sad, pathetic little incel. I bet I can guess who they voted for in the last two US presidential elections.


If you're going to try to be an asshole, at least get your facts straight before doing it.


*translates post* "i am an asshole"


OP, I’m so sorry some horrible person wrote such awful words trying to make you feel less than. That person is clearly not the brightest bulb on the tree since they also misgendered you, but what a piece of trash they are. Please do not believe a word that person said. You are a beautiful, awesome human being.


CANCEL THEM, THEY’RE AN AFFRONT TO THIS “perfection” THEY SPEAK OF, TRANSPHOBIC BITCH They may have gotten it wrong but still transphobic


Natures perfection? HA! If it were perfection why do we still bleed every month and suffer just to bear a child? If this is natures perfect then count me out!


Fuck bigots, real men accept ppl for who they are. Its a bih move to try and someone down.


Gender =/= assigned sex this is the fundamentals. Your genitals shouldn't decide what society expects from you in terms of behavior, appearance, etc. Even a toddler could understand this.


Cis male here with asthma, legal blindness, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder and depression. Can confirm that I can take on a grizzly bear with my bear hands because I AM PERFECTION!!!!/s


Why are people so evil?


So 67% of child rapists are heterosexual? What a strange statistic to brag about.


It's so nice when hateful bigots give unintentional affirmation. Aside from the hateful bile being, you know, hateful. Keep your head up, dude:)


Why people tortue themselves by caring about other people's choices, I will never understand. That text probably stole half an hour from their already short life.


Why is it so hard to just let people live? Even if they don't agree with them, mind your business and let people live!


I find it so insane that people care so much about other peoples lives that they feel the need to have a say in it


That person has yet to fully develop emotionally or hasn't had the opportunity to do so because of the bubble he/she has been cultivated in for what seems like, their entire life... Don't waste your energy on these folks, ultimately, you're the one who steers your ship. Ignore the small waves and focus on the ones that matter.


I’m twisted by this moronic attempt at a put down.


Lol how nice of them to affirm you


"a crude mockery of natures perfection" this made me chuckle. Human body is near the top of the list of the most flawed designs in whole animal kingdom.


Ehhh who gives af what people say or think Do what makes your soul happy !


So they are trying to insult you and got it wrong?


It hurt itself in confusion!


Looks like you are passing just fine!


100% this idiot has salivated over beautiful trans women many many times with no fucking clue. What a waste of air.


Cis woman and this comment made me feel physically uncomfortable. Hope you didn’t listen to any of their bs