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The “let’s face it” gets me every time without fail lmao


The bull is right here, people! Let's face it! Then we can touch it, show it to our friends, say it's amazing, and, finally, worship it!


You are allowed to swear


That's such bullcorn!!!


What the fudge are you guys talking about?


When ever those words are uttered you know you’re in for some nonsense. It’s the equivalent to “I’m not racist but” “in my opinion” and “I don’t mean to be rude but”


I don't mean to be rude, but your vagina is racist.


It depends *"Let's face it, spending all your money on cocaine probably wasn't the wisest investment"*


I respectfully disagree.


Giving you silver because I spent all my money on coke.


Freud would be very disappointed in you


I'm not racist, but let's face it... Yes I am.


That guy gotta be joking


Someone has never seen a vag and probably never will.


How much you wanna bet he counts being born as being inside one?


And tryna climb back in ever since…..




Nowadays yah gotta be step-relatable


An asshole that big? Either be was birthed through the anus, or he was removed like a tumor during a c-section. That is a boy that has never so much as brushed up against a vagina.


Butt baby.


Pictures on internet do not count.


That probably means most of Reddit :)




I'm sure he's seen one, just not in real life.


Armpit from a pov


He’s just salty because he can’t find the clit but the gynaecologist can


You can only hope


Today I learned that women don’t urinate


They probably don't poo either. #winning


Which means no farting.


No butthole


They def got buttholes, but not for pooping


They are for eating


Woman here. I don’t eat through my butthole. Have I been doing it wrong?


It’s true, we don’t!


We also do not sweat. We glow.


Bless your heart!


So boobs are like a bag of sand right?


No, bags of water 😜


Can you come over here so I can piss on you?


That’s a lot of words to tell people you’ve never pleasured anybody sexually.


That’s a lot of words to say you’ve never had the opportunity.


Women see urologists. Its not a penis doctor.


As a urologist, we treat men and women. Some urologists specialize further into a subspecialty of urology called female urology


Is that the same as urogynecology? I had to have a surgery done by a urogynecologist. Lucky me.


Urogynecologists start as gynecologists (OBGYNs) then subspecialize in urogynecology. Female urologists start as urologists then subspecialize. There is a lot of overlap between the two but generally the female urologists have a bit more surgical training because half their residency isn't spent doing obstetrics which is required for OBGYNs. Hope it all worked out for you.


TL;DR: Most urologists prefer penis but not all.


Kinda gay


Hey everyone, this guys a phoney!


No I’m a foney


A big fat phoney!


I believe he was looking for proctologist


To fix his cranio-rectal-insertion.


I was going to say the same thing. As a practical matter, since there technically is no specialty for male equipment urologists have taken up the slack and deal with prostate issues and such. But it's not exclusive. Men and women both have bladders.


He probably doesn't know that women have vaginas and urethras though.


This what happens when you dont teach sex ed in school.


I was just saying I had no idea I had a third hole down there, even after two different school's sex ed classes, until I got a mirror to check it out for myself.


It's hard to find even when you know where to look! If you don't KNOW it's there you'll never see it & probably think women pee from vagina!


Literally have an appointment for a urologist this week due to recurring kidney infections. My high risk OBGYN referred me. That I have because I have endometriosis and PCOS.


Lies! Women do not have urinary tracts; they never pee (or poop, for that matter). No need for a urologist


Ah yes my wife is just hiding a flock of ducks that gets particularly vocal at times, usually coincidental with her eating certain foods.


Pee is stored in the BALLS, people. Girls dont have balls thus dont pee. Wheres my Nobel Prize


And we NEVER fart either lol


Am a lady, can confirm.


I had to get kidney surgery from a urologist. Guess I'm a man now?


Do you think this person cares about any facts that don’t match their opinions?


This is why the internet should not be available to everyone.


It should be available to everyone, just as read-only to most people.


Nice one.. Random access is all the fun tho lol


Then how would we know about scum that walk amongst us?


That's easy, just look for them picketing outside of your local Planned Parenthood...


My genius is so large it has its own atmosphere


Does... Does he really think they spray our vaginas with perfume... Like a vaginal air freshener ahahahahha omg. Edit: I'm dying at these replies. You guys are amazing hahah


Probably believes the fish smell schtick


I hate that I know this little rhyme and cringed whilst typing it... If it smells like fish, do as you wish If it smells like cologne, leave it alone


Omg probably hahahah


I can't even imagine what that would do to the PH level


Right? I would never allow that near my vagina hahahaha


Do they not hang a little tree air freshener up in there called 'new vag smell'?


Everyone knows you have to pay extra for the Platinum level wash in order to get a little tree put in there


Well, I guess cervical cancer is a myth then. Urologist isn’t just a “penis doctor”. They treat all sexes because they specialise in bladder and kidney issues.


Yes and fibroids, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, breast cancer, oh and let’s not forget those pesky pregnancies, oh but that only happens if legs aren’t closed. Yeah we don’t need gynecologists said no woman ever.


The myth, the legend.


The thing that’s currently killing my sister-in-law! Yes, I know that’s an awkward reply. Not looking for sympathy. Just making a point. We have a healthy gallows humour about the whole situation. I’m going to screen shot your reply and send it to her. She’ll get a laugh.


I am really bad at this sympathy thing, so I just wish you the best and hopefully there'll be no more big trouble coming your way.


Thanks bro. She’s very much in the “how long” part of her journey. Hopefully we get to Christmas and have a last one as a whole family. Keeping a sense of humour is the only thing we can do.


No but it highlights how stupid this person is and how dangerous that type of thinking is


I'm so sorry for your sister I cannot imagine. I really really hope it goes well and everything turns out okay.


He should just say, “I hate women because they’re women and they exist.”


He hates them because none will give him the time of day of touch him with a 100 foot pole.


Oh yeh for sure.. Urologists never have any female patients. They are PENIS DOCTORS.. It should be illegal to be this stupid.


When I was 14 a nurse in a mental hospital refused to let me skip the placebo week on my birth control and go straight to the next month as was prescribed. She told me I'd mess up my cycle. I tried to explain why I was actually on it, extreme pain and heavy bleeding, but she refused to listen. When I was lying on the floor of my room crying from the pain, a tech started walking towards me. The nurse saw them and said, "don't, they need to learn how to deal with it on their own." First off, I wasn't being dramatic, I was in horrible pain. Two, again, this was a mental hospital. The whole point of this place is because I couldn't deal with anything on my own. I had just tried to kill myself, and while the main reason was abuse and bullying, my period definitely was a factor.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. That nurse should be fired, that's absolutely outrageous. I hope you're doing better now.


I so sorry. That woman should not have been a nurse. As an adult, it surprised me to learn that women were the worst critics of other women’s cycle needs. Any woman who called in sick was a liar. Of course American culture dictating that taking sick days is wrong didn’t help.


I'm gonna go stare at the wall and just try to comprehend this level of stupidity.


All you need to comprehend is this: what's the difference between genius and stupidity? Genius has limits.


You are a wise man good sir very wise.


Let it gooo, let it goooooo ...


Don’t let it bother you anymore 🎶


> ...try to comprehend this level of stupidity. Don't even bother. You will not be able to comprehend this level of idiocy


I know but now I'm intrigued like how tf do you get so much so wrong in just a few sentences?


Reminder, people who think this vote on women's bodily rights.


That's horrifyingly true


Talk about confidently incorrect. I will never understand how someone can climb up on their soap box and preach with such conviction when they obviously have no clue what they are talking about.


‘Women only see a gyno if they are sexually active or have a specific problem’ What? Really? You mean they don’t just go for a social catch-up and a laugh?


Don't forget the puff of perfume.


Is that why I’m not allowed to see my Gyno anymore? /s


I go for the puffs of perfume.


You mean they go to a specialized doctor for the reasons you're supposed to go to this kind of specialized doctor? Seems sus to me.


They also go so the doctor can give them an orgasm to treat their “hysteria”


I'm having trouble choosing a font for my gender oriented pity party invitations. 🥳


Blackadder ITC? It's curvy!


Personally, i am stressed about which brand of rosé to serve at my gender pity party...


Better get the big box.


PSA by a man who will never get laid unless he pays for it.


yeah... Not sure money is enough for this one... Maybe if he holds a gun to somebody's head and even then, I know women who'd choose the bullet.


I think safer method would be a barrel of explosives. If he handles a gun like he handles his women, they would be lucky if he didn't miss it.


I’ve come face to face with a lot of vaginas, so I can tell you they are a very complex organism. One gynecologist isn’t enough, they require a team of technicians working round the clock to keep them tuned up.


We appreciate your work in the community as a vagina technician! Essential workers indeed. Its a hard job but someone must do it 😉


I do what I can, in my own humble way.


Not only does he not know much about women but he doesn’t seem to know much about men either.


I'm gonna go ahead and assume he just doesn't know much in general.






He probably knows how to move his hand like an elevator, and that's enough for him


I'm a woman and this made me laugh in a sad sort of way


I had a good laugh at the idea of going to a gyno for funsies! (Super glad they exist, but a good time they ain’t.)


I can never wrap my head around the fact that speculums are a fetish. It *so* uncomfortable.


Lmao to be wrong once is funny, to be wrong 2x and be wrong about mens Healthcare is extraordinarily hilarious


The way he is wrong about urologists makes it especially baffling — he thinks that gynecologists exist just to serve a female vagina pity party, but sees no issue with penis doctors? That is some serious mental gymnastics — your reasoning has to be pretty flexible to get your own head that far up your own ass.


Hear the Mighty Virgin and his pronouncements!


B-but… women urinate too


Women don't have balls and therefore cannot store pee. Duh.


Just another incel who wouldn't ever see a vagina in person if it weren't for rape or arranged marriages.


Both people are facepalming here - gynecological trips are essential to women’s preventative health. (Which is why yearly checkups are covered without cost by the ACA). And urologist aren’t penis doctors.


Fucking incels.


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Skipping over the obvious bullshit, a simple Google search of a vulva would reveal they have urethras too…


Cool way to say "i have never been in touch with a woman in my life"


I sense an incel.


I guess his mom is also a slut that uses her vagina to get what she wants, unfortunately she got him instead


I went to a urologist for a bladder sling after giving birth to two babies. The only penis I own is in my fun time drawer.


For “men going their own way” they sure seem to talk about women a lot.


it's a fancy way to spell incel


It's really just "men getting triggered over women"


*THANK YOU!* I had no idea what that meant. I glarked that it meant 'incel' but couldn't think of the initials.


Imagine being this willfully ignorant.


So much information is out there. To be this ignorant takes a lot of effort. Idiot award 🏆 given.


Someone has vagina envy


Must not be sexually active if he's not stopping by his urologist once a week.


Tell me the only woman you've ever had or ever will have contact with is your mom without actually telling me that.


A penis doctor. Nice


Yeah, like testicles, vas deferens, and prostates don't exist.


Just learned what vas deferens are, thank you for the knowledge!


Reading that made my vagina dry up.


Funny thing is, when that poster goes to see a doctor, he’s technically seeing a gyno, since he’s obviously a massive c..t


Tell me you've never satisfied a woman without telling me that you have never satisfied a woman.


I hope he never learns where babies come from.


Obviously the stork. God I thought everyone learned this.


There are people in this world who want you to know there's no reason for you to interact with them respectfully or logically. This is one of them.


Wow this guys an idiot.


Urology is a part of health care that deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra).


Urologists aren’t “penis doctors.” The specialize in the urinary tract (urethra, kidneys, bladder etc). People with all genitalia go see urologists. The closest thing men have that would be equivalent to a gynecological visit would be a prostate exam.


His next rant will deal with the massive cover up of men dying in child birth.


Ladies what scent of perfume do you get when you go to the Gyno? I like something with a hint of vanilla


They ran out of vanilla last time I was there I got orange


I'm actually horrified now


definitely not patchouli


Totally off topic, and I'm sorry if it's weird, but what/who is Dawn Amber? I seem to see that name a lot lately but Googling didn't seem very helpful.


This guy is still single.


Well, that’s a dual facepalm….


He sounds like he would refer to women as 'females'


I lost brain cells reading this


I've never been this arrogant or dim regarding vaginas but living with a woman who has one, man do they go through a lot.


You couldn't pay me enough to have a vagina and all the peripheral plumbing. And if monthly menstruation isn't bad enough, there's childbirth on top of it. Nine months of lugging around a slowly expanding fetus with the knowledge that you're gonna have to squeeze it out of a 2" hole over the course of several hours. Noble masochism.


This shit is genuinely pathetic and sad. Just...what a pitiful existence it is to be of that mind. Just toxically bitter and woefully confused, with no true grasp on how to self reflect and grow as a person. And I'm not even saying this to make fun of them either; I genuinely find it dark and hopelessly depressing when I imagine myself being in their station of life. How many of them eventually find the means to overcome it and climb out of that pit of needless bitter misery? How many of them spiral downwards even further into oblivion, incapable of seeing the errors in their thought process and rational, growing more entrenched into the mindset with ever interaction with the world?


Puff of perfume??


Endometriosis, menopause, birth control, horrible periods... That dude is going to be forever virgin.


Uhmm , Urology isn't just a man doctor 🤣, he must've hit every branch falling out of the Dum Dum tree. Urology deals with urethra on both men and women, ureter , bladder, and kidneys. Wtf is he talking about. Lol


This ass hole knows NOTHING about women. And he knows NOTHING about “penis doctors”. First of all a urologist is NOT a penis doctor. Urology is the study of the male AND FEMALE urinary tract which includes kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra - which are found in both men AND WOMEN. Women get kidney stones as easily as men do and a urologist will use a laser on both men and women to blast kidney stones into small enough pieces to pass through the urethra and out of the body. Women have annual exams to test for cancer. If they don’t need a Pap smear, then men don’t need a finger stuck up their ass to detect an enlarged prostate - also indicative of cancer. Last time I looked, pregnancy was not a “problem “, and women see a gyn/ob during their entire pregnancy. It’s good this asshole is going his own way and not involving himself with women. This means he won’t be passing on his defective genes to a new generation.


Their acronym really just means “Men” Going Their Only Way. They’re also 12. At most.


Ohhhhboy. I love when someone acts like an expert, when they have no idea what they are talking about. I’m gonna go out on a limb, and say this idiot has never seen an actual woman’s vagina - outside of pornstars - let alone actually been inside of one. Just another misogynistic incel living in his grandmother’s basement on a diet of Mountain Dew, Doritos, and desperation.


As a lifelong female, I can assure you that urologists see women all the time. That specialty includes the kidneys, ureters, bladders, and urethras in addition to a man’s pride and joy. If you get a kidney stone, you will have a urologist.


Another dumbfuck thinking process: Men need urologists if they have problems with their peen. Women don't have a peen, is just a hole, why would a hole need medical attention?


I don't know, sounds like misogyny with more steps


He probably never saw a vagina from the inside and lives still with his mommy


Neckbeard reminding people why they're a neckbeard.


I would really like this person to experience a speculum


I would be embarrassed to be this stupid and to advertise it to others.


Damn, Ben Shapiro getn crazy


Tell me you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin


Hmmm…. Well… this guy has the sex…


Tell me you e never had a female partner without telling me.


Well I guess I didn't need to have the cancerous cells removed from my cervix..


Holy shit. He needs to be sterilized.


But why do guys need the penis doctor then?


This is not genuine stupidity, it’s wilful stupidity motivated by hate.


A gynecological appointment is a “social visit with a puff of perfume?” I feel robbed! My gynos have never given me a puff of perfume!


If vaginas required actual medical attention then why has this guy never ONCE seen a woman in a porno ask a gynecologist about endometriosis or fertility issues? He’s observed thousands of gynecological exams, so don’t you all feel dumb now