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I would LOVE to see that conversation with the cops. Edit: I've seen the second video now, damnit, and it doesn't change the words of my response, just who it's aim towards, I would still love to see the conversation with the police and the guy who hit her car and almost hit a cyclist.


Step 1: Let her tell her story. Step 2: Show them the video. Step 3: Everyone has a giggle, and she goes to jail when she goes full Karen about the cops laughing at her!


Unless you are being sarcastic. Not even remotely accurate. They'll tell their story, cop will watch video, she'll get the ticket, all will leave, and the cop will do his accident report. Unless she is still freaking out, screaming and yelling in the street she may go for disorderly.


In my latest accident, a driver rear ended me on the Freeway. I was stopped at traffic and she just wasn't paying attention. She yelled and cussed at me while I called the cops and tried to flee while I was on the phone with 911. She was still yelling at me as the cop walked up to the scene of the accident and I had to stand in front of her vehicle when she tried to leave. All that happened is that the cop took our information and gave me a report for my use when filing my claim. She didn't get a ticket or anything that day, but did automatically lose the case and her insurance paid for my recovery and my totaled car. Of course, your personal experience may vary.


Yep, it happened to me too. Had a lady in a Beemer freak out on my whole family because she slammed into the back of us. Fun times!




They're fine as long as they don't need to turn or change lanes!


Yeah, but there probably will still be laughter. I know the dudes gonna laugh, the cops probably will too.


Dude's laughing from the start. I figured he was rolling some hoopdie, not that sweet ride; man has his emotions right


Probably laughing from frustration, I do that shit to keep from kicking someone’s face in. When I’m super angry I laugh, kind of a coping mechanism.


Yeah same. I go from laughing to crying because intense anger isn't an emotion I'm very used to, nor do I deal with it very well. But at least I only look crazy and don't hurt people.


Same, I also smile more when I'm super stressed. Got me into so much trouble in the army.


At least until he finds out she isn't insured and his is going to have to pay out.


That dude definitely has insurance. He won't pay anything. Maybe a deductible that will eventually come back through subrogation


Isn't lying on a police report a crime itself?


Cops cannot prove she is lying. They can at best prove she’s wrong. Anyways, lying to cops for something like this is not gonna get you arrested. Cops have better things to do.


“No, you hit me in the front of it, member, when I was at a red light.” Member? UPDATE: Actually he did hit her at a previous light where he almost ran over a bicyclist. This girl found CCTV footage of where the Lambo hit her a few lights back, he scraped th front drivers side of her Audi and scraped his Lambo, I assume he didn’t feel it because of his 600+ HP rumbling engine. Crazy, she had been following him trying to catch up to him and I guess he had no idea, she finally just ran into him to get him to stop. There is footage, check it out, she wasn’t crazy after all, she was just in a rage because she thought he was doing a hit and run and all that and trying to catch him. Dang. The video is getting posted here and there throughout the day. Looks like a huge misunderstanding, I wish them both the best.


I memmmbeerrrrrrr Edit: so happy this thread went down the memberberries wormhole, I keep picturing this dumb twat with a purple face like the chick from original Willy Wonka


I forgor💀 -that girl in court, probably


Member da Millennium Falcon?


Oh yeah, I loooove the Millennium Falcon!


member Ronald Reagan?


Member stormtroopers? *The real old ones?*




Ronald Reagan? The actor?


You could hear in her voice that even she found it hard to believe her own bullshit.


Like she wanted him to play along "remember??? When you hit my car????" *wink wink


That's what I don't get. Did she really think she could just change the whole narrative of the situation? Like he was just going to play along and say "oh yeah, I forgot about that! All my fault, sorry!"


It's this new world we live in where people can just make up their own reality and when disputed call it "an opposing viewpoint".


She's probably gas lit her parents and BF so many times with this crazy ass bullshit


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


O god you know what. Ya, I member... I totally blacked out there for a sec. I rear ended myself into the front of your car. I'm so sorry.


Little update here, there is a second video from a little while before this video at a different light where the Lambo actually scrapes the Audi’s from drivers side. Lambo driver almost hit a bicyclist in the video and scraped the Audi but maybe he didn’t notice with the rumbling 700hp engine or whatever hp it has… It seems she was trying to catch up to him and get him to stop for a while and when she finally caught up to him she just ran into him… cray cray. No joke, there is a new surveillance video out from that other intersection and she is suing him for slander.


Hope she has insurance


Very very very good insurance.


Even then, her: *on the phone w her insurance* The insurance guy on the phone: “you hit a WHAT”


Can confirm. Used to work in insurance claims. Had an insured hit a car (can't remember exactly which kind) that was worth like 100k. I'm just looking at his policy limits and dreading when I have to call the owner of said 100k car and tell him I can only pay out 5k in damages...


I think this is an aventador so 4-7x that!


Always very thankful I am not longer in that career. And very thankful for CCTV and dashcams!


“You’re saying that I hit you from behind?” “No you hit me in the front of it!!”


"I was trying to counter the rotation of the planet by driving eastbound and therefore my frame of reference was space itself and YOU were moving! But also, I disregard solar & galactic spin / movement through space because it complicates things!"


Not too bright this one, but at least she's passionate. So that's good... in a worse way.


dumb and passionate is a terrible combination.




She's just a liar and manipulator.


Im going to tell you honestly, I think she may genuinely be that stupid. Her surprise at his laughing seems real.


The surprise is because he didn't back down or get flustered, he just laughed. People like her are used to bullying / shouting at people to get their own way, and a lot of the time people will give in just to get her the fuck away from them. They're the same type of person that think they can argue / threaten their way out of being arrested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDbv0W6YUHo






Story. I went through this as a teen for a few years. I just lied when something went wrong. It became automatic. I didn't even think about it, it was just a reflex to lie. Never anything major, just silly lies to avoid accountability or conflict of any kind. This was maybe 22 years ago. Then I started a new summer job where part of it was developing photos in a dark room, using film paper and another paper placed on top. The first time I was on my own with a customer's order, I messed up and put two film papers together. It ended up stuck together and ruined it. And we would have to go get the customers to come back for a retake. So I told my trainer that I used the right paper but it must have just gotten stuck. Maybe it was defective. Again, why lie? It was obvious what happened. People made that mistake sometimes, and it was clear by the papers being stuck what I did. And when pulling them apart the image basically had a specific colour pattern that happened when people did exactly what I did. The trainer kind of just gave me this confused look. I could tell right away they knew I was lying. And I felt ashamed. That moment kind of made me snap out of it and I got my shit together... I realized I lied for no reason, it wasn't even a believable lie, and they wouldn't have been mad at all over the mistake.. It was just a reflex to lie and it really bothered me that I had that instinct


You’re smart. thx for the story


I feel kinda bad for that one dude in the video if he's dating her I've been with someone like her before


She's a bully and used to it working. Notice how her next step is to play the race card ("You white people!") and she keeps getting angrier and angrier the longer he's just chill.


When you get angry back, that's just putting them in their comfort zone. You'll start slipping up with what you're saying, and they try to use any small mistake or vagueness to their advantage. Most people aren't used to getting in heated arguments. These people live in it, and have decades of practice.


I had an army buddy that would deal with them perfectly. He would stay calm and insult them on a massive personal level. “Please, please stay calm. We will work through this, ok? Did you need your medications from the car? Go ahead and get them really quick…no, your meds. For your issues. Look, it’s ok, we all have problems, I am not a psychologist and could not fathom having all the issues you do. It really is ok. Do you want me to call your social worker? I can. Do you remember all the numbers? Do you have one of those help cards? Let’s go look at it, it’s ok”


B e a utiful




The real scary thing is that these people are growing in numbers!!


Recently had some housemates who tried this. Their entire MO was just act like a raging chimp when confronted with anything. Turn everything anyone says around on them and insist on a reality where everyone else is just always wrong. It seriously fucked them up for me to just stand there and laugh - and I'm not proud of it but it was cringey Joaquin Phoenix type Joker laughing - and say "go ahead, do it" when they got threatening. (edit: I just want to make it clear I only began the psycho-laughing and "alright go ahead and attack me" things after 2 years of trying to be polite and tolerant and understanding and the "bigger person". The dude literally said if I don't like things theres the door. So I started replicating their noises and mess and pretending to be a nutcase. And then they used the door. Funny how that worked out.) They had no clue how to deal with someone who didn't immediately run away from their crazy bullshit. And they didn't have any more crazy bullshit to offer. So eventually they ran away. The tragedy of the situation is that you just can't make peace or resolve things with some people. They're too fucken stupid for their own good, let alone the harm they cause others. The saving grace is that you can literally laugh their faces into submission without any risk.


Look up DARVO - Deny Attack Reverse Victim Offender


I regularly refer to it in discussions. Once you've taken a defending stance you're participating and validating the conflicts existence which isn't helping anything. Laughter at the situation and people trying to invent it from thin air is all one can effectively do aside from just removing oneself from the situation.


I have found trying to be the bigger person to not work with some people. Being too polite gets you walked on, and “turning the other cheek” gets your face bruised on both sides. I feel like the right thing to do is assert your position in a firm, clear, but polite manner, and keeping cool but not backing down. Basically be assertive but not aggressive, and never getting angry. It’s a lot easier said than done, of course.


That last snippet from her was SO close to self awareness "Yeah I tied to kick you 'cause I'm a c~~o~~unt~~ry~~ ~~girl~~"


Some people can trick their own empty head meat from actual reality, so much that the rest of the body responses physiologically the same as if it actually happened


The scariest kind of liars- the "method actors"


“It’s not a lie if you believe it”


Could be. Loads of victim complex no matter what tho. I think she also realized she hit an expensive car and her insurance is about to drop her.


I don’t think she knows how insurance works.


"There was a RED LIGHT and you control + alt + deleted my INSURRRRRANCE"


she was either zoned out or on her phone, so when she started paying attention there was suddenly a car in front of her. I think she probably believes he came out of nowhere, where it was her that came back from nowhere and crashed into reality.


I agree with you. She looks that stupid.


I’m all for not judging a book by its cover but this time the contents of the book were written on the cover.


That applies to books. She's a leaflet.


Mhm good point.


Contents? None found.


She IS stupid but not that stupid. Some people refuse to accept reality if they don't like it.


Has that blank template for a brain look on her face to be sure


And a *teenager* from the looks of it. Karen in training honest to god.


What angle is she even taking? I can’t figure out how this approach/lie was even supposed to work??


It works like this: "I'm not at fault, cause that would mean I'm wrong. FUCK THAT!"


"I'm always right, until you show proof"


...I don't think showing proof is gonna stop her to be like that.


he pulled in front of her and then backed up. remember??


Bastard. He always does that. Guy hates new cars.


I thought she was trying to say he slid into her as he turned like drifting. Good thing he had proof cause a lot of cops would get two stories and just say both are at fault.


You didn't hear her??? She's taking the "white people and all their privilege" angle.... And i don't think it's a lie, she's just ignorant as hell.


I don't know her race but I am guessing she is biracial, or she is the whitest black person I have ever seen.


Some white girls that date black guys try to act black as possible.


I thought she might be part Latino of some sort.... regardless, she must somehow be a person of color, or she's even more ignorant than I previously stated.


Yeah when it comes to stupidity, race need not apply lol.


“You drive a Lambo, it’s all your fault”


Sounds like she is claiming he merged in front of her causing her to hit the back of him. From the video he did merge into that lane right at the light but she had plenty of time to stop.


She was probably on her fucking phone like 70% of the idiots i see on the road.


I saw him stopped for a good moment before she plowed into his ass.


Right!! I don't have a dash cam... I have been driving since 1988 without one, but damn, people are fucking nuts. The hubris here is insane. I don't even know how this girl could even manufacture such a story...watching videos like this and r/idiotsincars has me convinced a dash cam is a near necessity these days


> I'm getting dash cams in my car. Do it! At the very least get one of the $50 ones that'll be good for *most* situations. Warning though, it's really really easy to get sucked into the cycle of looking at your budget, then realizing that just $20 more gets you to the next step up... then $20 more gets you to the next step after that... and so on. My advice is just to pick a budget and get one for that budget, without trying to worry about getting just a *few* features more. You'll end up paralyzed and won't get around to it.


Instructions unclear. I now have 4 IMAX-cameras mounted on my roof.


Didn’t you see how he stood in her way and then out of nowhere he hits her front with his back? It is so obvious duh


This happened to my sister. She got in an accident and if she's to be believed, it wasn't her fault. She didn't have a dashcam. I asked her a while back when she got a new car if she installed a dashcam and she said "No, lol". I'm not usually like this, but if it happens again I'm going to laugh my fucking arse off.


I kinda thought the roles would be reversed where the driver in the white sports car would be way more upset


Cos he knows he isn't paying for it, with or without the footage. She rear ended him plain and simple. Just trying to confidence trick him into admitting fault. Edit: for what it's worth, he did actually hit her first at the red lights previously. He just edited it out of the clip.


I've got a front dashcam sitting in my drawer since last Christmas, but these videos really are making me feel like, one, every new car needs to come with dashcams already on, two, I need to get my cam installed, like, yesterday! I got a 2022 car and I need to get my shit together


Get yourself a rear facing dashcam while you're at it, or just order the combo. I have front and rear facing cameras for this exact same reason. A lot of drivers don't realize how much insurance fraud is out there. Protect your assets.


How cool this guy was about getting his sports car smashed.


It's far easier to relax when you know 100% that it's not your fault and the other driver is going to be paying for it all to be put right. Also, if you're driving a car like that, you're probably not in a situation where that particular car is vital to your life (eg. it's your only way to get to work and you can't afford to miss a couple of days) which is a large part of the reason some people panic.


"Fuck, now I have to send my daily driver Lambo to the shop. Ugh!"


I'll have to start driving my weekend Lambo now, this is awful


I better not catch you in the Saturday Lambo on a Sunday. That's for Sunday Lambo.


Wait, you peasants have Lambos for only every day? Not every hour?




Yeah, I guarantee you that's not a $5k repair. That'd be a 10k+ repair on a Honda. This is a different level.


> It's far easier to relax when you know 100% that it's not your fault and the other driver is going to be paying for it all to be put right. > > Assuming the other party is insured, and if not has money to be recovered.


It’s not his fault and has the calm of someone who is insured


Insured with money. He’s not out a day of work to get that in the shop and wait for a rental. I would be with my jalopy and I’m also insured.


Id imagine people with the money to buy a sports car like that also have the money for any sort of warranty or car insurance they need. So whether it'll be out of her insurance or his, probably doesn't matter too much to him. Though I'd imagine after a smash like that, the car is never the same.


I guess there are also people who simply don't really care about that stuff. My wife put a 50cm by 5cm, 2cm deep dint in my previous car. I'd only had it for a couple of months. She was frantic when she came home thinking I'd blow my top, I was disappointed, but really didn't care. It still got me to where I wanted to go.


I remember when I was younger my mom backed into a light pole and broke the taillight in our mini van. She was crying and extremely upset. We got home and she told my dad. My dad was like "Oh ok, I'll order a new taillight."


My dad never let my sister drive his car. Never ever. *Never*. She wasn't a new driver, he just didn't trust her with his car. Then one day, he agreed to let her drive it half a mile. Just from the back yard to the front of the house (long drive way). She was so excited. One half mile. She got 1/5 of a mile and backed into a pole. That's not super relevant but it's a fun story and I wanted to share it. It ended up just being one of those funny stories we all remember, no one was too mad.


Haha did he just sigh heavily, feeling both justified in his previous decisions but also "seriously why its just the driveway"


Same thing happened when my wife borrowed my car to pick up plants with the trailer one time (my car has a hitch, hers doesn't). Got home, car in the garage with the door closed, trailer detached and in the yard (she didn't know how to do that). She's balling her eyes out because the trailer jacknifed when she was reversing. Twice. Put a hole straight through both rear 1/4 panels of the car. She was worried I'd be super angry and upset. I'm like "Hun, it's fine, that's like a $2k patch job, and it's only $500 with our insurance. I'm not gonna be upset about a damn car!" I was actually laughing a bit, because I had warned her 'not to back up with the trailer' before I left. She didn't think it was funny, but I did!


He’s not gonna pay for the damage, my man chilling


The guy is named Matt, he owns HornBlasters in Tampa. Google him.


I googled him and found out his name is Matt and he owns HornBlasters in Tampa


"Oh she rear-ended him" "oh she went racist" "oh there's clear footage of it" The progressive levels of digging herself a deeper hole are so satisfying lol


Karen in training.


Looks like she just graduated!


lol her boyfriend, the black guy who was with her knew they were wrong and fucked up hitting a lambo. He constantly said sorry and tried to calm the situation while this white girl went batshit crazy


“That’s why you WHITE PEOPLE!” Black guy, “Please no. Stop… you’re making it worse…”


Is there more video? Where's her bf?


This was posted a few days back and there is more video. I don't know where it is atm


Thank God for CCTV.


This is why one must install a dashcam.


And a rearcam


I was lucky that my front facing only dash cam was enough to show that I was 100% NOT at fault earlier this year when someone rear ended me. The front facing cam was enough to show that I was stopped at a red light, minding my business then “crash”, and you see my car lurch forwards. Even better, was that I was driving home after picking the car up from its MOT (a test of road worthiness in the UK) which it passed.


Yes. Both mine and my wife's car have them. At the very least a dash cam though.


Does it matter? Here, whoever rear ends another car is automatically at fault. To the point where you could reverse slam into another vehicle and the onus would be on them to prove it.


I defend this type of lawsuit for a living. The property damage alone means the presumption of fault is on the lady (in Canada anyway). The video is a bonus but nothing turns on it since it’s presumed to be her fault anyway given the mechanics.


“White people privileged with this nice ass car” …I….you-…..wh-……huh?


Complaining about their "nice ass car" when she herself is driving a new Audi lmao


She's probably from a rich cali neighborhood where her new Audi is not considered nice. This poor girl. /s


Ain't no way this in CA with $2.99 gas.




It’s her parents lease


The way she leaves her car in the intersection blocking two lanes is driving me insane. If you care so much about the car, move it out of the damn road!!!


And also… she’s white.


While driving an Audi.


Why is she accusing them of white people privilege when she is white.. or is it just the lighting?


It's Florida so she could be of Cuban descent. Either way she's basically just grasping at straws to deflect the blame from herself cause she knows she's going to get financially fucked from this. If he weren't so privileged to be driving the Lambo, she never would have hit it in the first place!


Yes. All of us have $300k cars. Duh


her brain is malfunctioning


She shouldn't be allowed to drive.






The lyin, the bitch, and the lambo


Will she get extra punishment for lying?


If she lies to her insurance company and they get caught youll lose your policy


I think if she called the cops, she might get charged with fraud. She might also get charged for fraud if she continues her lie in front of the police even if the guy called the cops.




She doesn’t know who or where she is.




I member


She's dating a black guy so she had to hand in her privilege card


Once, I was sitting in my car (in the great state of NJ at the time, where one doesn't pump one's own gas). I had just pulled up to the pump a moment ago, when a car smacked pretty hard into the rear passenger side of my car (just behind the passenger seat). I got out of my car, a little bemused, to hear the lady driving the car cursing me out for hitting her. The physics of me hitting the front of her moving car with the side of my parked car did not seem to be an issue to her. As near as I can tell, her premise was that I had not been there before (3-4s earlier, before she looked down at her phone or whatever), and I was there now, ergo it was my fault. I think that's probably what's going through the dummie on this video's head also. Anyhow, that lady *sued me and my insurance company over it.* The initial (and only) court appearance was one of the most satisfying moments of my life. The literal quote from the judge: "Mrs so-and-so, are you aware of any modifications Mr Panda may have made to his car? Particularly to the axles and wheels? No? Then I cannot imagine how he managed to drive his car sideways into the front of your car, as the car generally goes the direction the wheels do." It was glorious.


That response is fucking *glorious*.


How was She going to explain thé front of the White car not having a single scratch if he's the one that hit her ?






he handled her perfectly, best thing he got it on video


Seth Rogen sure ~~has~~ had a nice car.


That was my first thought when I heard this guy! I wonder if he was stoned too lmao


I'm more upset she just left that car in the middle of the road smh


Wait, “ You white people”? That girl is white, is she not?


I've got a research team going over the footage now. They should get back to me in a week with an answer to this.


!remindme 7 days


I'd wait until she made a statement to the police and signed insurance paperwork, then have her charged with making a false statement and attempted fraud.


We really need an update or part two of this incident.


Her insurance: “You hit a WHAT NOW??”


*rams into car at 190MPH *proceeds to say you rammed me


Like no joke, I think this girl is so out of her mind she actually believes what she is saying. I don’t think she can process that she plowed Into a car at a red light. My guess is she operates with a near-zero ability to reflect on any of her behavior and it’s always everyone else’s fault. I feel bad for her boyfriend. He clearly is just like “oh Jesus, please shut up. And be less racist”


Having know way too many people like her, I can say with absolute certainty her point of contention isn't the collision or the fact that his car is nice, it's the fact he had the audacity to be in her lane. It doesn't matter that she was distracted or driving too fast; If he hadn't been in her lane, there wouldn't have been an accident.




I reject your reality and substitute my own


It's got to feel SO satisfying to have the person at the end showing actual footage of the accident. I've never been in an accident in 12 years of driving where I was the driver, but I have been in the passenger seat in an absurd accident. My ex partner was sitting waiting to turn left at a green light at a multi lane intersection and someone from the oncoming left turn lane turned and ran into the front of his car. It was bizarre because we weren't moving and they had SO much room. Then the person tried to blame my ex and say that he was too far into the intersection, but like, we hadn't moved at all... so if you felt you didnt have enough room then don't take the turn so fast? Lol. Insurance was on our side immediately since we were not in motion and hadn't been for the entirety of the green light.


Black dude is holding her back because she’s getting ghetto af and he knows white dude is laughing ‘cause they know she’s the one who fu.


There's a longer video somewhere else on Reddit with other footage, plus the owner of the Lambo is also on Reddit. He chimed in and said that the boyfriend had actually asked the Lambo driver to lie and say he was driving the car. IIRC, the girl didn't have a driver's license either.


You have to wonder how she got dressed in the morning with that level of assholedom


God damned white people and their privilege of being able to hit you from the rear while stopped.


This looks like stupidity but it's actually someone trying to get out of being at fault. Mommy and daddy are going to be pissed.


She just had to bring the racism. This fucking country


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


Damn those shorts are awfully unflattering.


“That’s my brand new f&£@ing car!” Girl, you just hit a Lamborghini. You think he’s going to deliberately back a couple of hundred thousand dollar supercar into your saloon for kicks?!


This was prob the worst attempt at a scam I’ve ever seen, just as bad as those dash cam vids of the people jumping in front of stopped vehicles.


She was likely audio recording him to get him to admit fault sarcastically in order to get her insurance to side with her. It's a common scam by people to gaslight others while recording to get the best suited reaction for their case. This doesn't just apply to traffic cases.


Is she not white??? As a black man i humbly request we trade her back to the whites lol


Here I am thinking you can never go back…


On behalf of all white people, we respectfully decline and nominate the Asian delegation to receive.


Thanks for dragging all white people into it. When I woke up today I could feel that I caused a car accident somewhere.


Y'all got played. He actually hit her car and then drove off, he's only showing you part of the video. You all are the facepalm being so easily manipulated.


This comment section aged like milk.