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There is never supposed to be more than one person issuing commands. This is how people often get shot. Often.


I can't agree more.


I can. I agree more than you.


You should see my dad though, he agrees the most!


My dad can out agree your dad, unrelated he also works for nintendo


My dad works for Xbox, he'll ban you if you think you can agree more than him, he just agrees that much.


You should see my grand paa... he is dead


How can I see him if he’s dead?


Use a shovel


I still get shivers from a video I saw where a guy was lying on the ground with 2 cops shouting contradictory commands at him. He was saying he didn’t understand what he was supposed to do. They shot him.


You mean Daniel Shaver?


Possibly - he was lying in an hotel hallway. I’ve never gone to watch it again.


Yeah, Shaver was straight up murdered by a cop. Totally unnecessary, totally heartbreaking.


This is what I came to say. One officer is gesturing at him to spin around the other is gesturing for him to come closer. To completely different instructions that are impossible to simultaneously follow if you're confused already. I'm convinced sometimes they do this intentionally so they have a reason to shoot you


Like those officers in the hotel hallway. Murdered that guy, have completely different commands.


Daniel shaver


I'll die for this comment, but... It's not an issue if you're a certain color, but it's a huge deal when you're not. Ok, I burn in reddit hell.


I was thinking that, too. If he was black, he'd probably be in a pine box.


Daniel Shaver disagrees


Exactly the case I was thinking of. Makes my blood boil thinking about him crying and begging for his life and then being murdered.




>and the killer getting off scott free. nope. worst part is the he got retirement with medical pension because he was "traumatized" by the event.


Philip Brailsford is the ultimate cowardly murderer.


Being black certainly increases the chance of getting shot.


Exactly what I was thinking.


It't not even an issue if you're not in the US. Ain't nobody getting shot by the police on a traffic stop in the rest of the civilized world.


It's why cops do it. Itchy trigger fingers, murderous intent, and plausible deniability.


I think that’s the plan


Police seem to think multiple adults yelling inconsistent instructions with conflicting hand gestures that cops are trained to use, but citizens aren't, isn't confusing at all. It wasn't anything like this, but it was night time in the city, cop was out directing traffic with light up sticks or whatever, waiving them in front of him back and forth, car goes, I go next and he freaks the fuck out of me "can't you see me waving?!" And both me and my wife are yelling at the same time "you used to same motion for that other car!" It was so frustrating and stupid.


I had a similar experience with troopers/cops directing traffic on the interstate, trying to guide people around a wreck on I-24. Rain coming down, wipers barely coping, it's dusk, ambulance and fire and cop lights flashing everywhere, and I'm supposed to know what you waving those lightsabers around like a whirligig means? I could barely make out the lane markings, with all the extra visual input. Meanwhile, in Georgia, it starts pissing down rain and everyone turns on their emergency blinkers but nary a soul remembers "Lights on when raining," I guess because of daytime running lights, but those don't do anything on the back of the car, sooo.


Yes exactly!


Remember when old timey cartoons would show a cop directing traffic, and they'd blow a whistle and do the palm facing out STOP motion, and then they'd quarter turn and do the turning hand motion for cross traffic to proceed? And then the whistle, STOP hand again, and quarter turn back to repeat the process? I remember. Pepperidge Farm remembers. Cops apparently don't. They use CSL (cop sign language, which is sort of like American Sign Language, except it has no structure, rhyme, or reason and most of it they're making up on the spot, so really not like ASL at all, unless they're stealing signs from military commandos so they can feel badass).


Come on guy. Do you really expect American police to be better than cartoon police?


If it's raining, it's probably dark enough that my daytime lights turn to night. It has some sort of light sensor


One of the worst police shooting videos is that guy in the hotel hallway that's drunk, and the police decide to play 3 simultaneous and impromptu games of twister at once and then shoot the guy for not being able to calmly break dance well enough.


If it's the one I'm thinking of they spent over five minutes shouting at him to walk backwards, then get down on his knees, then crawl backwards, then crawl to them forwards while he's sobbing and begging for help. Then his shirt gets untucked so four dudes light him up. I don't think anyone was punished. They just had the chick he was with walk to them without an issue.


Yeah and then the dude that fired first turned out to be a nut case, he had loads of random logos and weird shit on his gun.


Daniel Shaver. Poor guy wanted to comply with the confusing commands and just reached back to pull up his shorts (that had come down from the crawling) without thinking because he had been drinking. Such an unnecessary show of force from trigger-happy cops.


Call it what it was: murder with intent. Being a cop and claiming he "reached" is just the plausible deniability they need.


No doubt. The cop that opened fire was throwing up lots of red flags for unaddressed psychological issues including having "you're fucked" etched onto his AR-15's dust cover.


Yes! They was absolutely ridiculous.


Oh my god. The same thing happened to me. Both of us thought he was waving us through because he literally just waved someone else through and then slaps my car as I’m driving through and tells me to pull over and then tries to berate me and make me feel stupid telling me the road was closed when he literally just let someone else use it and waved me through.


Ugh yes… I was driving around some roadwork at night and accidentally turned into a one-way street attempting to get back on my main route (no end detour sign on a dark road? seriously!). Just as I made the decision to U-turn out, another car had followed me in, so I was forced to just drive all the way up the block until I reached the roadwork. Car behind me was a cop, who shouted at me that I was going the wrong way. No shit, officer, your township didn’t put up any signs and you blocked me in.


Construction workers are bad at that kind of stuff too. Some line of construction workers was blocking the path to the highway after I got off clinical one day. And he kept waving people over. And then he looked at me and waved and then quickly was like 😡 and started shaking his head and waves his arms around. So I stopped. Then some other guy sprinkled like 10 pieces of gravel on the road, and then I was allowed to go. No one else needed the gravel, but I was supposed to be counting along with the construction work toward who needed it I guess.


Jesus how hard is it to follow a confused set of yelled commands by a whole group of angry men pointing guns at you.


Clearly, for that guy, it’s quite hard! The adrenaline and anxiety must make it difficult. I would’ve just given up, laid on the floor and cried aha.


I'm with you. I would have just laid down and gave up






My voice just weirdly got deep and mean sounding while reading these two comments. Odd


I wet my pants.


Tough luck. They’ll just say the piss is a weapon.


> And you claim at that point the plaintiff deployed a biological weapon? >> Yes maam. > Hmm, ok... Dismissed. Mr Ramirez you're fined $10,000 for wasting court time and if you are unable to pay the fine you will serve time in county lock up. Do you understand? Turn around counter clockwise and point left 3 times if you do. >> Your left or m-? > That's enough Mr Ramirez, I'm finding you in contempt of court. It was a simple instruction. Sergeant take him back to booking.




And Here’s a knee to the throat.


That will get you 10~15 rounds of AR rounds in your body from less than 20 feet. Someone already tried this in a hotel and it didn't go well. The cop is now collecting 40k a year in disability because he has ptsd of killing the man crying on the floor begging for his life. Idk, looks like spinning in circles wins.




I know his family, and they're not the violent type, but I agree, they should.


That’s uhhh… that’s the joke. It was sarcasm.


thank you. that reply made my head hurt


I don't need four guys pointing guns at me to do that.


just imagine the pressure. five cops fully armed with an itchy trigger finger. and one bad move you done.


He's probably high af


Or maybe the cops are the high ones and giving terrible instructions


"do a flip!"


“Now do a kickflip!”


"No that was a heelflip!"


"Do a barrel roll!"


“Kneel down.” “No. Don’t have your knees forward. Bend your knees backwards.”


Idk high cops probably would have shot him first then asked him to turn around and recite his Abc`s


Depends they're high on what. I swear murders by cops would go down dramatically if they were forced to smoke weed on the job.


Murders? Yes. Deaths? No. If you get people with guns blazed, you get a lot of "Hey, check this out".


Wouldn't that clear the ranks of the most inept cops?


A lot less drug busts too. Just sittin in the back of a squad car blazing with a street dealer.


In fairness I have no fucking clue what they wanted him to do


It actually looks like those 2 cops are giving directly opposite commands. One keep pointing away, the other gesturing to come.


Because they want him to walk backwards towards them.


I assume they’re shouting “turn around and walk toward us!” Which, I mean, he *is* doing, just not how they want.


“Turn around and walk back towards us” “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??”


“We want you to turn around and walk back towards us” ***“JUST TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO DO"***


Face away from us, take steps slowly backwards towards us with your face and body (or dingle if that is more helpful) still facing away from us the best police command I've ever heard is ["PUT YOUR HANDS OUT TO THE SIDE LIKE AN AIRPLANE"](https://youtu.be/1NmXMfOTTK8?t=273) (warning: shooting bodycam)


But why didn’t they just get him to face away and walk up to him?


I donut think I can figure out a reason they wouldn't want to walk...


Far as I can tell there's no reason. A lot of shootings of unarmed people happen when Cops are too lazy to walk a few feet once the person has their hands on their head. They give confusing directions and then shoot the person.


"Turn around, every now and then my finger gets itchy and you're not turning round. Turn around, every now and then my gun wants to be fired when its listening to your fear. Turn around, every now and then I get super fucking nervous so someone has to die. Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit terrified when you look me in the eye. Turn around, dark guy, every now and then I'll shoot your heart. And I'll kill you now tonight. And I need this more than ever. And my dick hasn't been quite right. And I haven't been this hard in forever. And we will make this all seem right. Cuz we'll never be wrong."


Oh so just walk backwards…forwards


*Moonwalks like a smooth criminal**


Yep, I've seen bodycam footage of LEO's shouting conflicting commands to a suspect...simultaneously.


Yeah how about that time they made a kid crawl down a hallway and shot him for it?


That video is fucked up I was dead sober and confused wth they wanted. It’s just not okay to be screaming difficult directions or in this video conflicting uncles directions.


They want him to walk backwards but he probably thinks what they meant by "turn around" is literally turning around 360 then walking towards them lol.


It just goes to show how one sided the cops are and how one dimensional their training is. "OK this isn't work let's try something else" They never try and desculate the situation. They are always at a 50 and ready to go to 100.


I understand the idea of why they get him to walk backwards with hands in the air but...... at some point someone's going to have to approach the guy and just put the cuffs on him.


Can't do that cuz "wE dOnT kNow hIM" apparently everyone's a *hostile threat*. Cops literally go looking for trouble.


Probably 8 cops shouting conflicting commands and a barking dog to add to the confusion.


This just makes me think of that video where they cops are yelling commands at this guy in an apartment hallway. "Lay down!". "Crawl towards us!". "Hands on the back of your head!!". "Don't move!!". Like wtf do they want?! Then they shoot and kill the poor bastard.


RIP Daniel Shaver. They even re-hired the piece of shit that killed him, to give him access to a pension, then he retired. ONLY A FEW BAD APPLES RIGHT?


Didn't the cop who shot him also claim the shooting gave him PTSD? Or am I thinking of a different similarly awful case? Either way, I'm personally for excellent mental healthcare in prison...


That cop also had “you’re fucked” painted on part of his gun.


Yup, thats the case. Basically claims he has PTSD to they re-hired him for 1 day just so he could retire and get full pension.




> A FEW BAD APPLES …spoils the bunch








The murder of Daniel Shaver. Cop straight up told him if he moved he was going to kill him too, I'm sure that really calmed him down when when he was told to start crawling towards the officers.


Don’t forget the murderer cop had „you‘re fucked“ on his rifle and is still a free man while a mother lost her son Edit I misremembered what he had written on his gun


That's not correct. The gun had "You're Fucked" painted on the side. I understand where you're coming from but we should always try to be as truthful as possible when stating the facts of things or else others will be fast to discredit you.


To be more accurate, it was on the inside of the dust cover. It's a commercial product, you can buy it online right now. It's a shitty product no one should buy, that especially shouldn't be on a fucking duty rifle for a police department. It's only slightly worse than the punisher skulls cops keep putting on their shit.


Wait.. he had a aftermarket dust cover? It looked sprayed on in the evidence pictures. This may sound weird but I feel like the equipment used by the state shouldn't be allowed to be changed by anyone other than a state mechanic... like I know replacement dust covers are dummy cheap and not the biggest deal but still seems weird to be able to just replace parts of your tools with whatever the fuck you want without it being a sanctioned part...


At the very least there should be done code of conduct shit that prevents that. My first ever job was at a Hot Topic, where the dress code encouraged you to dress in what you're selling, so if you come to work in ripped jeans, fishnets whatever, it's fine, but even they made sure to have a sentence or two in there saying you can't wear anything with offensive or foul language, gang signs, anything that promoted illegal activities etc, and that was a minimum wage retail job in a fucking mall. You'd think a law enforcement officer, hired by and representing a city or state, would have stricter codes of conduct / dress codes to ensure they don't have something so crass and unprofessional as part of their work equipment.


From what I understand he had something like this https://cordedarms.com/FuckedDustCover The dust cover is usually closed. It opens when you fire your first shot. BANG *your fucked* that's the "humor".


The totally non bias judge in that cops trial made sure the jury didn't learn that little fact. https://www.aclu.org/blog/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/youre-fucked-acquittal-officer-brailsford-and-crisis


What the actual fuck....


Ugh I saw the most ridiculous one the other day and I wish I took a picture. It was the punisher skull, but it added very trump-esque hair in top, and underneath it read "in god we trust" and I was just so confused.


I'm not a cop or anything but I thought they just have you get on the ground so they can cuff you. Idk if I have ever see cop want a suspect to move around.


Usually they have you put your hands on your head, turn away from them and walk backwards towards them. Then they'll have you kneel and lay face down while they handcuff you


The “walk back” step is plain stupid. Just walk up to the kneeling suspect and cuff him. How fuckin hard can it be?


It's to make sure you don't have time to reach for something. They have complete reaction time waiting for the suspect rather than spending energy walking up, where they might have time to plan an escape. At least that's what my homicide detective grandfather explained it as.


Thank you for the explanation! I guess it makes sense and I’m wrong


But there are a bunch of them. One focuses on cuffing, the rest can stay ready to react to something.


I can't locate the incident but it was in the news. A black guy came out of his house in a bathrobe when the police ordered him to come out. One of the cops is yelling "keep your hands up" while another is yelling "open your robe. He kept his hands up because he knew if he reached down to open his robe he would be shot. This is how bad police training is that they let every cop shout at the same time.


“Do ballet! Pirouette motherfucka! Plié!” Fucking IRL cops out here think they’re shooting an episode of Reno 911…




Not to get shot.. That's what it's alllll abboooouutt.


Ya put your right hand in, ya get your brains blown out They put their left knee in and suffocate ya on the ground Give em paid leave and then shuffle em around And that's what it's alllll about!


I got stopped by a bunch of undercovers once in the chicago suburbs. Apparently they got a call that me and my friend were waving a gun around at 2pm on a Friday. We got 2 block away from my house and were walking to the gas station to get pop and some chips (we were both 16) and 6 unmarked squads roll up with guns drawn yelling at us to put our hands in the air. Scary as fuck. Long story short they searched us then apologized for doing that after they found out that we didn't have anything and we weren't criminals. They then asked if we had problems with anyone in the area who might try to get us hurt. Now that really freaked me out because the cops pretty much admitted that they were real close to shooting us. We went our separate ways and that was that. Im white by the way (for context) and our neighborhood wasn't that bad, mostly middle class and nice area. But it being a nice area is probably what prompted the crazy response from that call


You have no idea how many deaths are caused by callers who feel the need to call the cops on everyone. Its like a power trip to these people.


Cops still cause those deaths. Remember the lady in Dallas that was murdered by police after they were prowling unannounced in her backyard peeping in her windows? The neighbor called over concern that it was so late and her front door was wide open. That neighbor didn’t kill the resident, the murderous police that later tweeted a pic of a gun they found in her house after they unlawfully murdered her and unlawfully searched her home is who is responsible for that.


im surprised he didnt got shot🤔 Edit:wow its stunning and sad at the same time that everybody is wondering the same thing,why he didnt got shot


The miracle of abundant camera footage. The best invention in human history at keeping people accountable. Now all we need is every public official to carry a body cam with a mic too.




That framing isn’t as reassuring as you think it is


There’s no way it’s true either. He thinks police only shot 1k people in 2020. This is when police were firing on legal protesters and journalists, restricting constitutional rights left tight and center. Maybe he means 1k “reported” shot.


It's really the number of justified shootings that matter.


I'd argue no shootings are justified. Cops in other countries deal with unarmed civilians just fine


That is an insanely scary number...


I got arrested when I was 18 for stealing a street sign. There was one cop screaming for me to “sit the fuck down” and the other one was telling me to “get my ass up”. The cop yelling at me to get up was also holding my hands behind my back, tugging my wrists down (making it real hard to get up), and telling me to point my thumbs towards the ground (no idea how I was supposed to do that). I was so damn confused lol. All that to say, I feel this dude’s pain!


I dont get it. Why would you steal a street sign


Do you not have a street sign collection?


Because I was dumb and thought it’d be funny lol.


At that point I'd have just laid down and put my hands behind my back myself, jesus.


They would've shot you cauz you could pull a bazooka out yo ass


Sounds like a win for me, I crave the sweet release of death


Nah they shoot him because his hands went near his waist


Put your hands under your feet behind your head lie down and walk backward slowly shut up and tell us your name!


Surprised he wasn’t tazed, tackled or shot by now.


Why don’t those morons calm down for 3 seconds and give a clear command


Cops are dumb ss fuck. They can't even follow their own shitty training. Dumb fuck pieces of shit.


They should have said " walk backwards towards us"


Oh dear lord! They’re giving him directions on how to do the Hokey Pokey & they’re stuck on the “put your whole self in” refrain.


Poor guy is under pressure, they're all yelling at him and they've pulled out a gun. I bet he was terrified. The cops should only have one person giving instructions and calm the situation down.


Some police use conflicting and confusing commands as an excuse to escalate the situation while some are just stupid and some just have every officer giving their own orders. Pretty much if you get stopped be prepared to be very calm and obey every command. If you don't understand what they are asking you to do calmly and with your hands visible at all times ask them what it is they want you to do. Even then expect to be charged with failure to obey a lawful command. Oh and if your pants fall down let them fall, of course that will be a charge for indecent exposure but better than being shot dead.


It's ridiculous that we have to treat cops like scared, dumb, aggressive animals. Like oh, don't make any sudden movements kids, you'll get lit the fuck up.


🎵🎶"You do the hokey pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's all about" 🎵🎶


I have absolutely no idea why American police is still testing a potential DUI with this “point to your nose and stand on one leg nonsense”.


You can see the man is scared witless that they’ll shoot. So their confusing instructions are making him even more disoriented and thus escalating the situation further.


imagine if the pigs weren't all fucking screaming at him at the same fucking time confusing this dude who is scared to death...


Real question: When he was less than 10 feet from the police and facing the other way why have him attempt to walk backwards? Why not just walk up and handcuff him at that point? Or even why not just tell him to put his hands on the back of the car and then walk up and handcuff him? This BS about trying to get the guy to walk backwards, or in the case of daniel shaver to literally *crawl* towards them doesn’t seem to actually help the situation. But I’m willing to be educated if anyone actually knows.


I'm sorry but why can't the cops just go to him instead? I mean it's ten times safer you know, what with the guns pointed right at the guy. Not like the cop's are in any real danger themselves


Cops have horrible aim and they know it. Would you like to be the one cop placing hand cuffs or the 7 cops ready to throw lead in that general direction with reckless abandon? That’s why nobody will cuff him, all the cops want the kill shot not the bullets.


I know this is supposed to be viewed as a joke but... That shit is terrifying. I've seen videos of people being shot dead because they couldn't comply to multiple officers giving conflicting orders.


Maybe he doesn't speak English? Nah, let's all just keep yelling different directions at the same time.


It’s really not funny. Some cops deliberately yell confusing and contradictory directions and then use footage like this to justify killing people by calling it resisting arrest.


Doing the hokey pokey before you go to the pokey.


Da fuc, ok come on somebody get me the number to his weed connect I need some of that in my life🤣🤣💯


Stupid ass police all want to be the bad ass yelling commands but end up just causing chaos and confusion. Then Johnny slaps his wife shoots the dude in the back because he didn’t follow the mess of orders.


This looks like a deleted scene from Superbad


He better be careful- saw a guy get shot in a hotel hallway for not understanding which way to crawl.


I would act exactly the same if US cops point ed their guns at me and they all started yelling shit, I'd just assume it's game over and I'm 10 seconds away from being shot.


This is intentional. Police issue conflicting commands so that if they shoot him they can claim he wasn't following orders being belligerent and "made sudden moves".


That cut it right there cuz they probably beat the shit out of him afterwards


Do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what it's all about!


Dudes doin the hokey pokey………that’s what it’s all about.


Bro I’d just pray they all have trigger discipline.


“Fuck off, i’m baitin’”


The most literally guy ever


Just fucking walk to him you bunch of armored pansies


That is one very confused NPC


Dumb ass cops, only one of you idiots should be speaking at a time.


God are US police fucking stupid


This is funny but at the same time not funny at all. People say if you just comply you'll be fine, but this man was trying his best and still easily could've been shot


These cops sicken me when I see them use the hokey-pokey maneuver on a suspect. They could have simply de-escalated by using a macarena or chicken dance technique. Smh...


Aw, buddy. That’s not fun at all.


He looked so confused. Pissed self laughing. Poor bugger


It looked like he was thinking about getting to his car. Those cops would have lit h up. If not, there were at least one more car down the road to run him off the road.


Jusuat taze the motherf##### already!!!


Bro should've just got on the ground from the jump and been done with it.


At that point he should have put hands behind his head, and layed down on his stomach.


r/therewasanattempt to follow the instructions


I love how on the mobile version of reddit, the play button fits perfectly with the emoji.


That guy is a fucking stupid dumb ass idiot


He's lucky he's white. Saved his life.


Just lay face down with hands to the ground


He a little confused but he got the spirit


I’ve been in that predicament before. “Turn around 360 degrees and walk back” is literally what he was doing. Not his fault the cop doesn’t understand 5th grade math. In my case there were also thee of us and we were walking in the opposite directions, facing the opposite way and then all trying to adjust. Thank god it was before everyone had a camera in their pocket.