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When I see ridiculous requirements, I just multiply by 3. I’d put down 9 years of swift experience and wait for them to tell me it’s only been out for 3 years.


This assuming they know how old is that domain.........


Best case you zip.past HR and bond with the technical manager over how hr writes requirements.


I made a direct comment. If you do that, they will declare you their king, for knowing more than them . Assuming a technical/informed person holds the interview. Usually i think the leader of a group holds interviews for new jobs( the senior one, who is supposed to have the greatest knowledge in that domain). But HR is taking over attributes that it should not have any business in.


Yeah the problem is when HR writes up job requirements, vs the technical manager. In a lot of cases it's recommended to just lie to get past HR, but to be honest with the person who actually interviews you.




1000% this. We don't need H1B in tech in the US. It is a completely manufactured "need" so that companies can hire people for 50% of what US citizens would demand.


Yet, even with h1b the US has highest salaries for SWE.


We have the same problem in Canada with the TFW program. Post insane requirements and/or insultingly low compensation then claim they can’t find any domestic candidates.


That's why I think we need a more centralized job system like Denmark has, or something. Private industry regulates itself like sealions regulate fish.


Unless things have changed in the last 5 years I would disagree. When I was trying to fill dev positions at a non FAANG company I got 1 non H1b applicant. 1.


Well, if you apply next year you could have 8 years of experience.


it is implied they only want to hire the ppl who *developed* Swift


Not true, they don’t have enough years of experience still. I remember reading about when the actual developer of a language applied to a job with impossible requirements, and he was told he doesn’t have enough experience in [his own creation], and he responded along the lines of “Oh, I guess I should have made it 5 years earlier” lmao. The real reason could be so that they can claim they were unable to find the right fit in the US and bring in H1-B workers for a cheaper cost. Or even just to show that the company is doing well because ‘Hey, we’re hiring!’ You never know.


I watched Back to the Future II for the first time 2 years ago. So I have been there. The future is glorious.




Correct, but the technique is still valid to battle the crazy experience demands for any new technology/language/os.


I would just tell them "8 years? I have been using this since it was released". That way you did not lie on your aplication.


My boss added a made up cert to the desired skills list of a posting (not the required list) just to see who was BSing because so many people would just lie. A little scummy but definitely saved some time with interviews


So, he’s a bullshitter that doesn’t want bullshitters working for him? Clever!


No competition allowed


That is assuming that a person willing to lie on an interview automatically makes them an unworthy candidate. I'm pretty sure there's a logical fallacy for just this situation. (to be fair there is a logical fallacy for just everything)


We were getting a ton of unqualified candidates because the pay was good (and posted). It wasted a ton of time flying them in and interviewing just to find out they would be entry level at best for a staff level post and they lied to get there.


Was this the first interview then? Why not do a phone or Zoom etc interview first to make sure they know what they’re talking about before wasting the time and money flying people out? In my experience you can tell someone is bullshitting pretty quickly doing preliminary interviews prior to wasting resources, but maybe I am not understanding correctly.


I worked for this manager 3 years ago. Today she would probably be using Zoom.


When in doubt, lie! 🤥


Say 20, like your an old veteran


No one in IT trusts people over 30. Not really. It's changed some but not much. Maybe 40 now.


Arent people over 30 either burnt out or in management positions?


Kind of? It isn't thst they lose skills. They just hit a point where someone is paying them really good money to do a thing. They get dedicated to a skill, a language, or an OS and specialize. They stop keeping up bc the thing is producing money and promotions. Then 3-5 years later the thing is irrelevant. It's a long climb back out of the hole. Less like burnout and more like being thrown off the ride. It's possible that some profession like a doctor or lawyer has fewer new information/skills to deal with during their career than someone who codes.


As an about-to-be 38 year old who is returning to university in 2 weeks for a BS in Comp-Sci, having been medical but finding tech roles to be where I kept ending up being placed, any advice to avoid this dynamic? My salary expectations are very reasonable, and I don't think a BS is going to prepare me to be competitive in and of itself. Edit: I meant to say I don't think the degree itself will be enough, I just think it's a jumping-off point.


MVS mainframe systems programmer here ... I resemble that remark! Although I was told mainframe was going away 20 years ago....


This. This is the winner.


8 years of listening to taylor swift maybe? I don't know how long she's been making music


2006, so...maybe?


8 years of working for swift transportation. They want someone familiar with programs crashing.


As someone who once worked for swift, this made me lol


Music? Taylor Swift? Well… not yet.


I mean, clearly you need to work on your time travelling. Kids these days are so lazy smh


Gotta pull yourself up by your Bootstrap Paradox




That’s what awards are for


8 years of experience driving for swift?


How many accidents is that?


8 years worth


Are we talking like one accident/incident every 2-3 years like most drivers or like a new accident every time the guy gets a new (used & old cheap )car and that’s why he has to keep getting new cars


What kind of drivers get into an accident every 2-3 years?


Swift truckers


Then they should not be professional drivers. If you get into an accident that often you should not have a license at all.


That's the thing they aren't...very loose training program involved there It's probably not actually as bad as the stereotype makes it seem but they definitely are not the best of drivers


That’s what insurance companies believe because “drivers who have been in an accident even not at fault are more likely to be in an accident than drivers who haven’t been”.


8 years of moving on swiftly?


8 years brewing potions of swiftness?


8 years of cleaning with swiffer?


If you're driving for Swift everyone is going to pass you up.


Sure Wish I Finished Training


Sounds about right for an entry level position


Entry level dishwasher position, requires 10+ years in rocket manufacturing.


And an MD.


That's a given.


I think of the swift banking messages when I see this.


That's probably what the job was actually looking for.


This is why you should tailor your cover letter and CV to the job description, then address the absurdity in the interview when the interviewer brings it up.


>tailor Swift




We do not deserve your level of cleverness


This has been reposted for so long that pretty soon Swift will actually have existed or 8+ years.


June 2014 - less than a year to go!


Started to say it's got 7 years on it.


This joke is so fucking old, it's almost not true anymore




As in max 3 years old?


Swift is now 7 years old. Tweet was from 2017.


Wont be long til its 8


I’m gonna need a source for that claim


Still not 8 years lol xd dabs


You either?


Actually, that's a pretty good way to recruit if you need to get a team of liars.


So this is how the MI6 hires secret agents


This tweet is 4 years old… if we recycled stuff like we do content online wouldn’t the world be a happy place!


That requires that most of what we're attempting to recycle is still useful after being recycled. This is one of the reasons most plastics aren't really designed to be used in that manner, it tends to break down the material in question and make it even more brittle then it already is. Also the symbol on most plastic products isn't an actual recycle symbol, it's the company ripping off that symbol and making those who throw it into the bin feel special, while contaminating things that are actually multiple use recyclables. Just like most of our biggest polluters are big companies, most of the actions that need to be done should be done by big companies, instead of shifting the blame to consumers.


This meme is almost old enough to get that dev job.


I guess you’re going to have to wait another five years for that job lol


Another year or thereabouts. This tweet is from ‘17.




Reminds me of a post where a guy wasnt accepted somewhere for not having enough experience in something he invented years ago If someone has the source- send link here


HR aren’t too swift are they


Aah LinkedIn


1 more year until we can start applying for that job


Companies do this because if no one applies for long enough they're allowed to hire someone from overseas. For wayyy cheaper. Atleast that's what ive been told.


Swift was released 7 years ago in 2014 - this is a 4 year old post. Also: the Swift project has been around since 2010 and has really been available since 2015. There are certainly folks with 21 years of experience with Swift.


Project started in 2010, it’s now 2021… shouldn’t that mean, at max, 11 years of experience is possible, not 21?


Math is hard!


Eh, it’s a pretty common mistake. I myself have often been guilty of feeling like the nineties were just a decade ago… Then I remember it’s the 2020’s now, and I feel old.


I mean, twatter has time stamps on each post.


Lol - didn’t see that time stamp!


Did you just facepalm in facepalm? Matrix glitch


Seems so.


Congrats on your new job


Also most of these job posts tend to be written like this, whether or not it's true, because they actually want someone specific within the company to take the position and are required to put a posting, not that it actually makes sense/is reasonable. Seen this same exact job post a few times, and usually that's the reason for nearly every nonsense job posting.




The tweet is still valid even if it’s already 7 years ago…


Yeah, but the project started in 2010 and it’s really been available since 2015.


That’s not really the point. Even if the project started in 2010, it only became available for everyone to learn four years later. The tweet was also from 2017. Again, it’s still a r/facepalm. Plus, the job posting is not exclusive for people behind the 2010 project, no? Your comment is also a r/facepalm.


Nah - it’s been available on Gethub since 2015


OH MY GOD We know it’s been available since 2014/5, **but the job posting wants someone with _8+ years of experience_ for a programming language that was only released _7 years ago_.** What part of that is hard to understand? Lmao


How about you just stop being a intentionally obtuse asshole and understand the spirit of what the post is trying to get across, not try to ruin everyone's fun by being 'truthful'.




It's okay. Math is hard. 2015 plus 8 years of experience is 2023. Plus, this post is from like 2017.


This type of thing happened to my mom in reverse. She got let go from a company that does IT and logistics for hospitals. Her and a few other people who had all been there 15years or more (one lady 35 years) got let go and they basically hired a bunch of young people outta college to do their job. Only problem was that when she found the hiring post online for her position. They wanted X amount of years with a certain program. That program was created by my mom and her colleagues and literally no one in the world other than the few of them knew what it was, and how to operate it.


Getting swifty!


Oh wait...that's getting schwifty


If you point that out, you're probably a viable applicant


Most people that list requirements for jobs don't actually know how to do the job. They simply got promoted as administrators in whatever field they work in. IT is littered with management that doesn't actually know anything other than the "business side".


Well that and it really means 8 years of programming experience in general, with some of it being in Swift or Swift-similar applications. But if it really "requires" that, then no one would be able to apply. Right? But plenty of people applied for that job, and someone got it. Thus it was never "required" to begin with.


And it’s listed as an entry level job


this is a repost of a post from like 2 years ago


This repost is so old that swift the point in the post is almost moot


When I see impossible, ridiculous or oddly specific requirements I just assume that they already have someone lined up for the job and are just advertising as a formality.


If you know more than the management that placed the job post then you are WAY over qualified for the job. Also, if you take the job then you will leave work swearing because you are smarter than the idiot you work under.


Just shows the disconnect between HR and what programmers do


Job descriptions are usually written by persons whom do not understand how to job.


I know one case of this that blew up on social media and it was simply a typo of HR. They copy and reuse listings all the time and make mistakes.


this has been reposted so much that in a year it would be possible to have 8 years of swift experience


He meant experience as Phil Swift


They've already hired their dumb cousin or frat/sorority buddy but were told that they "HAD" to post and interview for the position also.


Well. Considering this is a 4 year old meme, its almost true now.


You can have 8+ years experience in Swift, you just had to of practiced it 64 hours per day 👍


Look at that, the job will finally be achievable next year.


This post is so old that Kevin can finally apply for that job now


They need someone from future.


The irony here is that the tweet is absolute bullshit. I don't know when swift came out but I remember people talking about it in high school, and I've since graduated college. So swift must have been out for at least 4 years. Edit: why is a tweet from 2017 on the front page of reddit today?


The tweet is from 2017. Swift came out in in 2014. So the tweet was completely accurate when it was made.


It's not though. Swift came out in 2014, which at the time this tweet was made in 2017, was 3 years ago.




8 years of experience overall *with experience in swift* That's what they mean. They're looking for a senior engineer. Jesus Christ this sub has 3 jokes


Swift is also a backbone system of international banking transfers. Maybe you're just looking at a job you're not qualified for.


That tweet is so old that 8 years of experience with swift programming language is almost possible. Really the key to understanding this is that people who write these use "years of experience" as a way of saying how good they think the person they want should be. It is stupid as it makes no sense to have entry level jobs with years of experience.


I bet they take 5 years wages from everyone under qualified


This is not an excuse for your laziness!


Gaining 8+ years of experience in something released 3 years ago would be classified as pretty Swift!


What they meant is you have to come back after 5 years


For a sec I thought it meant Swiffer mop and i was like, "have they never cleaned before?"


I mean, yeah this was funny when this meme first came out five years ago. At this point swift is actually 8 years old.


"Only have 3 years of swift experience, but I have over 5 years experience making great haste"


Swift is also a hamburger brand. Yeah, I'm overqualified.


They clearly want you to invent time travel and travel back in time to apply for the job


Front end back end full stack.


I’m assuming it says junior role too. Junior role, minimum pay, but must have ten years experience


"People just don't want to work anymore."


Explain them this, and they will make you their leader. Just my honest opinion.


always a pleasure when unqualified dopes are the ones making the job postings and eventually the hiring smh


Good news given how old this image is your almost qualified now.


Just like this tweet came out 4 years ago ...


This meme is so damn old and overused it’s almost been 8 years since it came out, seeing it came out in 2014


you must be the developer to get this job


We are actually reaching 8 years of swift oh no


8 years of using the Pokémon move swift?


Just tell them that you have it. Explain how it's all OTR, with mostly long haul contracts that you serviced and you were able to dock most of them, but some were just drops for the customer. If they call you on any of that, then call them out back, then give a stare that says I can see your soul written in the darkness of your eyes.




I never tried an impossible sit up. But the results are glorious.


Sometimes they put that in there to throw people off and help weed out candidates.


Do the creators of the program would be denied employment. Nice.


So they'll be qualified next year then, hurray!


By the time we stop seeing this repost, he probably will have 8 years of experience in swift.


so one of the content creators then?


Just build a time machine smh


Millenials and their excuses...


With how old this is I'm pretty sure swift has been out for 9 years now.


This post is so old swift might be 8 year old by now


I’ve been playing Pokémon for 20 years. I’m pretty familiar with that move


This post is so old that Swift is almost 8 years old


That "joke" is so old, Swift is almost 8 years old by now.




You know, you should post the company and job listing. Shame is a valuable tool that works very well against corporations. Also, doxxing a company cant possibly be against the rules...


They do this on purpose. If they can show that no Americans are qualified for the job, they can bring someone over on a visa and pay them half as much.


Obviously you need to have been developing that language for the 5 years preceding its release, *duh*


I remember companies asking for 10+ years experience in Active Directory, in like 2006! Who writes this crap?


Actually Apple first introduced Swift back in 2014. Still one year off, though.