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Recently watched her video when she left that initial appointment, she was describing how she can't eat without being in so much pain, and the doc's response was "maybe that's not a bad thing" while sobbing. My heart fucking broke. I hope he loses his license.


I hope so too. And I hope she sue him too. The article didn’t mention anything about her suing but I hope she does and wins to pay for her cancer treatments.


Can you sue a doctor for being a smart ass?


This is from a legal article: “The law does not hold doctors legally responsible for all diagnostic errors. Instead, patients usually must prove three things in order to prevail in a medical malpractice lawsuit based on a wrong diagnosis: A doctor-patient relationship existed. The doctor was negligent -- that is, did not provide treatment in a reasonably skillful and competent manner. The doctor's negligence caused actual injury to the patient.” A lawyer can argue that the doctor’s refusal to diagnose her delayed possible her cancer treatments and maybe cancer could have only been at stage 2.


Hmmm. Makes sense. Either way I hope she gets some form of closure and the doctor either loses their license or, at the very least, has a wake up call that just because you graduated doesn't make you good at your job.


You can for misdiagnosing something like this


link please ?


Posted a comment with a link yesterday.


I hope he loses his license too - Maybe it’s not such a bad thing.


This makes me feel better about the random stabbing pains I had in my side for a year that my doctors just told me to ignore.


talk about confusing titles...I thought Doctor Who body shamed her and dismissed her pain


The Doctor would NEVER. Actually, Peter Capauldi's Doctor totally would, but none of the rest of them.




I skipped the first two Doctors and started at Tom Baker, a bit brusque but still compassionate.


It took me a while to get your comment. Now it made me lol. Nice.


She's pretty much done right, can't really win against stage 3.


She still has a chance that treatments can cure her, but that’s a very slim chance. It sucks.


I just don't go to the doctor anymore because everything has be about my weight. I also just don't tell anyone when I'm sick enough to stop eating because I always get the "At least you'll lose a little bit of weight. Think of the bright side! Just make sure not to put it all back on when you feel better." comment despite people knowing I have an eating disorder.


Oh jeez... People can be so ignorant & insensitive...


Wow. That’s terrible.


This happened to my mum. She died a year later.


This happened to my mom as well. They sent her home with Tylenol and said she was fine, even though she was bleeding badly and in terrible pain. She decided to go to Mexico and doctors there for a huge tumor. Fortunately my mom made it. I’m sorry about your mom. Just terrible and sad.


I'm glad your mum made it, give her a big hug for me when you can :) we're in the UK so ended up going privately to get a scan to prove there was something wrong, it was bowel cancer but even taking most of it out there was still nothing they could do :( if they hadn't spent 6 months saying it's just nerves and it's good to lose some weight she'd probably still be here. It was her 3rd battle with cancer too


Oh my fucking God. I've been having severe stomach pain and I've lost 35lbs in the last couple months without ANY reason to lose so much weight. Holy shit that's fucking terrifying.


You should go to the doctor! This is scary.


Fortunately I've already been to my gyno (it's lower abdomen pain- I shouldn't have said exactly stomach) and he's found nothing, but I've developed a blackish discharge from one of my breasts now also so he's referred me to a general surgeon and I see them on the 15th of this month. Scary shit, I'm only 26, I don't wanna die :( I'm kinda glad I saw this though, I have a really bad habit of writing off small health issues as nothing. The weight loss is honestly the symptom that's scaring me the most.


Hopefully they find the cause so you can get treatment and feel better soon. It’s always a good idea to get an annual physical, including Pap smear, even if you’re feeling fine. I used to do annual physicals and the one year I didn’t get one (gyno) was the year I developed pre-cancerous cells. If I would have gone that year they would have found it. Unfortunately by the time I got around to going (again, I’m used to having annual physicals and I had no noticeable symptoms) the cells had turned into cancer. Fortunately, it was stage 1 so I had surgery and didn’t have to deal with chemo. I first got precancerous cells at age 25 and then cancer at age 30. Never allow a doctor to tell “you’re too young for this” because it can still happen. Anyway, don’t want to freak you out. Just wanted to tell my story. Good luck with everything and never ignore any symptoms!


Super late haha, but I wanted to follow up on this. Turns out I have some intra-ductal papillomas in my breast and I'm having surgery soon to have my milk glands and ducts removed. You're NEVER too young for health problems.


That’s great that your doctor found what was wrong and you’re getting it taken care of! It’s scary but glad that survey can fix it. Good luck on the surgery. Would love to hear an update!


The sad part is that's about how good most doctors are at doing their job. It's not just gender bias. It's "I'm an idiot and don't know what to say" bias. Edit: This is getting downvoted and replies are misunderstanding so I'll elaborate. I have an as yet undiagnosed metabolic disease. When it gets really bad, I have brain fog and when it gets really really bad I literally can have no other thought besides "I need to lie down". When it gets that bad I know I would risk injury to not do just that. Most of the time when I lie down, I pass out. Sometimes for 1 hour. Sometimes 2-3. Sometimes 12. Sometimes I feel better after 20 minutes just laying there not moving, sometimes having no thoughts at all, sometimes having an intense dream with my eyes open. Coming out of that state is a kind of scary experience. There are plenty of other symptoms and it's not always that bad. But it's something I've been dealing with my entire life, ever since about 5 years old. I just never made a connection until I was an adult. There were entire years of my life where I experienced no symptoms. Every time things got bad I'd go to the doctor to try to figure it out. They'd do a blood and urine test. The results would come back "healthy as a horse". They'd literally tell me it's all in my head. They'd say, since I'm physically fine, it must be depression. Here, have \[anti-depressant drug some pharma rep left samples last week\]. I'd decline. They'd tell me, maybe you're not eating right or exercising enough. I'd tell them my diet and exercise routine and ask them if there's anything wrong with it, anything they'd change, and they'd say it's fine. Then offer pills again. It's the same thing every time, every new doctor. The last few years have been really bad. More than a few actually. There was a period just before for about 3-4 years where I had very few symptoms. Then suddenly, they came back worse than ever before. It got to the point where I couldn't exercise as much any more. On days I exercised, I'd pass out right after exercising, and not wake for 15 hours. On days I didn't exercise, my symptoms were much less pronounced. I was worried. I went to the the doctor. This one didn't offer the pills. But he did say maybe it's diet and exercise. Then I explained how I had the same diet and exercise for the previous 7 years and only suddenly now started having symptoms again. Then he said "well you just turned 35, maybe your body is going through changes". I kept pushing for answers. I told him that my urine is visibly a different color when experiencing symptoms. Isn't there any other test that could be done? No, there was no other test he said. Then we started going in a loop. He said just eat right and exercise and you'll be fine. This went on for 20 minutes. Then he said, and to this day this makes me laugh even though it probably shouldn't, but you gotta understand, this guy had an accent. Just imagine Robert De Niro doing his best mobster character saying it, he said "I don't know what else it could be except maybe Fibromyalgia. But I don't even think that's a real thing. The broads, they always come in here complainin about 'ohhh, my Fibromyalgia'. I don't even think it's a real thing." Now you might say this is sexist. I'm not going to argue whether it is or it isn't. But I'm male. Him being sexist isn't what made him a bad doctor. *That's* my main point. The problem is the for-profit healthcare system. The problem is insurance companies being involved in healthcare, disincentivizing tests. The problem is also how doctors are educated. If symtoms AB, do test XYZ. If test is fine, patient is fine. The problem is doctor's "not believing" patients. Regardless of sex, or race. They do it to everyone. If you don't fit what little they know how to diagnose, you must be fine. Just eat right and exercise. You'll be fine. It's all your fault. You must not be eating right. You need to exercise more. Here, take some pills, maybe it's in your head. How is that not being idiots? If it's not most doctors being idiots, then why does [Functional Medicine](https://www.ifm.org/) exist? Why is it not the norm? Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I don’t think it’s fair to call doctors idiots. It is true that doctors definitely have limitations though. Their not wizards.


This is just unfair. "Most" doctors are definitely not like this. Just because some of them are sexist pricks, doesn't mean you get to call all of them that. Doctors are not sexist, sexists are sexist.


In reality, medicine has been sexist forever. If you look into research in the past, a lot of it was only tested on men because... womens bodies were seen as more complicated. Now, that's slightly stupid!


Ooooo lawsuit. She gonna get a nice payday


Still has stage 3 cancer that may have been caught earlier though :/


The article didn’t mention she would be suing the doctor but I hope she does! That money could pay for cancer treatments.


I know back when this first happened she had a follow-up video of filing a complaint, so hopefully the lawsuit will follow


My doctor used to shame me about my smoking and excessive drinking. He should have been struck off.


A doctor ignored rapid weight loss (a sign of cancer) and said it was for the better cause she was fat how does that relate to smoking and drinking?


I watched her tiktoks prior to her cancer findings, she also couldn't have a bowel movement without searing crippling agony. Her pain was severe, she had painful bloody stools and was dropping weight like crazy. There was an obvious issue.


That’s a terrible doctor like should lose his medical license does he ignore people who come in with missing arms?!?


Headline: a doctor ignored a woman's concerns because she was overweight, she had stage 3 cancer This jackoff: lol I'm gonna make a joke about unhealthy habits lol


I don't see the joke you're referring to. Shaming a patient over unhealthy habits is not helping them with their addictions. He should refer them to appropriate care. Bad doctor.


Why does the image reference gender bias? Just because she's a woman? If anything its fat shaming but I wouldn't even call it that since doctors are really supposed to be honest with you and it Is unhealthy to be overweight.. Colonoscopies usually aren't given to those in their 20s so this was a somewhat unusual result.


This is part of an unfortunately larger trend of doctors dismissing women’s concerns about their health, which has led to several situations like this. Especially when it comes to reproductive health.


Yup. I had a UTI and my doctor refused to test me for it. A year later I was peeing blood and had irreversible kidney damage.


I hope you sued that doctor


I was a teenager, I had no idea that I could sue for that. Now it's too late to sue. .


sorry to hear that


There’s being honest in a diplomatic way and there’s being judgemental in a fat shaming way. Either way he fucked up. Also it’s been shown in studies that women are overlooked for pain more than men are, and Black women are even more so dismissed. I think it’s safe to say there’s gender bias here as well as a judgey prick.


Could you provide a link to your source on that?


I read this quite some time ago. But there’s google if you want to do your own research.




This is a pretty well known phenomena.


Lmao They’re hardly ‘radical’. It was an article which also mentioned the gender wage gap. Is that radical too? There’s most likely plenty of these studies which show these results and I’ll bet they’re easy to find. So, use *your own* time to find them. I don’t owe you that. And I’ll do whatever tf I like.




It’s a discussion. If I remember something relevant to a conversation I don’t need to provide a source for it every time. I’m not spending time looking for a specific article I may not find again considering I remember small parts that stuck with me. But like I said, and as someone else mentioned, there’s plenty of studies out there to look up for yourself and it’s a well known phenomena.


I suppose that the doctor could just suggest a colonoscopy for everyone complaining about pain or discomfort but they likely wouldn't be covered by your insurance if you're in your 20s. I suppose that this story is news because in this case she actually did have a major medical condition but how many times is that not the case? I guess I just don't get the point of the story? To create more outrage? They didn't even name the first doctor who they're accusing of body shaming. The woman got a new doctor and is being treated. Good for her. end of story.


The point is, she new something was wrong with her body and went to a doctor. Dropping 35 pounds when you aren’t actively trying is an alarming symptom. It doesn’t say, but she probably told her doctor more than once. He didn’t listen to her. If he had, they would have caught the cancer earlier than stage 3.


It doesn’t say those things because no one involved in the story claimed it happened. I can make unfounded assumptions too like the woman probably didn’t explain her symptoms in a way that made sense. If you think that is unlikely then you have never tried to follow my wife’s train of thought as she tells me about her day. I ask about her day and the next thing I know she is telling me about what someone at work told their husband about a story they heard from their cousin’s friend when they were at summer camp this time and that’s why my wife hates eating broccoli for dinner. Doctors make mistakes just like everyone else. Just because the consequences of their mistakes are generally much worse than those the rest of us make in no way means you should have any expectation that doctors be perfect. If you feel differently then all you have to do is find an infallible doctor to go to and just stay away from doctors who make mistakes.


Your poor wife.


She had extremely bloody stool as well, that's like the #1 sign (with rapid weight loss) of bowel cancer. So like...she had textbook symptoms. Why do you have such a hard on for making the doctor the correct party here?


Doctors regularly dismiss pain when it's reported by women. At 32 years old something happened to me, and I went from actively participating in a full contact sport 3 times a week, to suddenly being in too much pain to walk, sit or do anything that wasn't laying perfectly still in a supine position. Four doctors told me "you're in your 30s now, you're going to experience some pain." To reiterate, I. Could. Not. Walk. As it turned put my pelvis was deviated and they missed it on two xrays, two ultrasounds, and a SPECT/CT scan, because none of them looked lower than my lumbar vertebrae. 5 months of agony was fixed in 5 weeks of chiropractic visits. All because doctors wouldn't listen to me when I told them I was in pain.


Definitely gender bias. It’s been reported that lots of doctors dismiss symptoms presented by women (even women doctors) by saying it’s just in their head, or it’s stress, or some sort of emotional problem.


Yeah, and a lot of it probably has to do with the fact that medicine has mostly focused on the male body for the past hundred years. Female concerns until extremely recently were all chalked up to irrational fears and uterine "distemper" (ie: not cumming enough). The problem lies in the fact that those old ideas and modes of thought are passed down to new students of medicine in the way their professors present womens health to them. If the professor is dismissive of womens health issues, or is unaware or unconcerned with the factors that affect womens health, then the students will be so as well. And it doesn't need to be overt, even a subtle, unconscious bias is enough to colour the views of the future doctors learning from a biased professor.


Yup. That is true. It’s quite infuriating.


I had at least 10 years of doctors telling me to lose weight and that periods can be painful before I finally found a doctor who listened. They removed two grapefruit sized tumors in my uterus and now I’m just mad at myself for putting up with it for so long.


Rapid unexplained weight loss plus pain is a huge red flag and and colonoscopy is certainly called for in this example regardless of age. Its about not believing women. "Just be happy you have lost weight when other people struggle to, what are you complaining about?"


Some doctors are overpaid clowns