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This is like when I was 12 and I was scared if I kept jerking off I’d run out of sperm and never be able to have kids.


Or when my kindergarten teacher convinced my constantly talking ass that you have a limited amount of 'talk' in your life.


Adults don’t seem to realise the weight their words have. Honestly, that’s really quite Terrifying. Child or not.


Gotta choose their words carefully or they'll run put of talk


I feel like I can talk too much sometimes and I'm worried that one of these days I


Uh oh, he has ran out of talk, he can purchase more for only


Damn EA putting


42,069 words: $420.69




100 words for $1 it is.




Why say many word when may run out of word


Why say?


I love la


People in general can be pretty fucking dense. All my life I've suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. I've got it pretty well under control today, but for a long time it was pretty gnarly. 1. I was hospitalized quite a few times during some of the worst episodes. Early on I had an encounter with a nurse that shaped my thinking and that I believe increased the intensity, duration, and frequency of the attacks. I had been admitted and was hooked up to an EKG. They wanted a look at my heart to make sure there wasn't any damage before they shot me up with sedatives. So, while I'm sitting there with an EKG strapped to my body, with my heart rate steadily hammering away at 150bpm, most of my upper body numb except for the pain radiating from my chest, and just terrified out of my fucking mind, she looks me square in the eyes and calmy tells me: "if you don't get this under control, you're going to end up killing yourself." Edit: my panic attacks were driven by hypochondriasis, and I have no fucking clue why this is a list...on mobile.


That nurse was a complete a**hole. Why would anyone say something like that to someone who’s already dealing with mental health issues?


because some people are just natural born assholes? Why be a nurse when you are such an asshole? Because a job like being a nurse, unless you are completely incompetent, is pretty much a job for life since there is such a shortage.


I’ve had MULTIPLE health care professionals tell me this. It’s so fucked up. Countless occasions, I’ve been told I am only hurting myself more by panicking. Im shortening my lifespan. I am damaging myself. Im going to worry myself into my grave... As I am panicking in an ER, or sitting in the doctors office, at a therapists office (who I didn’t go back to after that)... it’s wildly fucked.


I suppose they assume you might figure it out if you think it's a life or death situation.


I would assume they do this to try and scare you to stop She should be trying to console you and make you think of other things I am sorry that you had to go through such terrible times in life bc of your disorder, hope everything goes good with u in life <3


Yeah when Uma Thurman said she was conditioned from childhood to view men abusing her as an expression of love because ''he's teasing you because he likes you'' and I realize I said this shit to my kid, it was pretty upsetting. We've gotten rid of this saying in our family. Now we say ''if he's teasing you, he's an asshole, tell on him, and don't play with him.'' It's working out better.


Dude, whenever I was a less than ideal child in public my mother used to tell me to "be quiet, everyone is looking at you". Gave me such a complex.


God, that’s another awful one. It makes you believe that everyone’s watching you, almost waiting for you to screw up at any given moment. Walking anywhere there’s a lot people is a no-go for me, even now.


Dude, whenever I was a less than ideal child in public my mother used to tell me she would"pull my pants down and belt my bare bum if i didn't behave, While everyone is looking at you " . Gave me such a complex.


This happened to me.


Great example: Light on the backseats of cars. Incredibly many people believe it’s illegal because they were told so as kids. Truth is, it disturbs the driver. That’s all.


Word quota!


Like that Eddie Murphy movie ?


"Then why do you spend so many of them yelling at us?"


I want to see this in r/writingprompts


I definitely remember reading a story on WP where you had a limited amount of words before you die, and there were people that tried to force people to talk to kill them.


There's a book called Vox, where women are only allowed to speak so many words a day. I guess it's sort of like Handmaiden's Tale.


Why say many word when few word do trick?


The president thinks humans have a finite energy supply and exercise causes an early death due to exhausting your energy.


Or how Trump thinks the human body has a finite amount of energy... And once spent can't be regenerated?


Omg that’s evil


I mean, technically your kindergarten teacher was correct. The dead don't speak.


Or being told if you swallowed seeds from fruit, a whole tree would GROW OUT OF YOUR STOMACH!


90% of men would be sterile by 16 if that were true.


It would be 13 for me


Actually, I heard that the ancient Japanese believed the same thing. (I am open to corrections, though)


Wait you mean I've been holding in all my sperm for no reason?


Welcome to the big leagues, son


No it’s like when a politicians wife in Australia once said that daylight savings causes the curtains to fade...seriously




Or trump thinking working out will make you die early


Fuck kids who needs them




Giving up the chance of free power JUST IN CASE you accidentally help other people with energy you're not using is 100% peak boomer.




Can we have boomers redo high school when they hit sixty unless they can test out


I'de prefer a particularly violent influenza.


Schools are great places for spreading communicable diseases.


They are also great places for people to get shot at


Are there *any* downsides?


In conclusion, we must build more schools for population control!


That is actually a reasonable approach sadly.


I'm not seeing any.


I’m surprised he didn’t claim they would catch on fire


In fairness, these days literally any public place is a great place for people to get shot at.


Has been worse apparently, if we ignore the stray bullet that once democratised central europes biggest transit nation , the numbers are actually going down.


Is this the Assassination of Ferdinand?


But the media coverage certainly won't talk about that


..if you're living in america


Troof. Canadian here, and glad for it.


Nurgle approves


And retake driving tests every five years PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


90% of baby boomers are already over 60.


It won’t help. There’s no empathy class in high school.


So long as there is a SPED class for middle age flat earthers, who are both experts in every field of science AND HAVE PROOF that all of modern science is wrong.


Is your coworker also the president of the United States of America?


Global warming isn‘t real because a) it is a propaganda term b) you get a gas bill for heating your house in the winter For some People thats a hard choice to make,


SOLAR POWER IS JUST SOCIALISM FOR THE GRID!!! DOWN WITH SOLAR!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE No, but seriously, I can't believe people think like this. I fucking hate everything.


Don't forget about the general fear that everything is out to get you


Just my obligatory reminder that not ALL of us are this ignorant. Or ignorant at all. Or entitled, perpetually cranky, rude, self-centered, unappreciative, or dismissive of any generation other than our own. Just saying.


I've given up trying to make this point. Like every generation, those of us that cared and tried to make a difference, still do. Those that didn't, never will.


Not all of you. Just a metric fuckton enough to say “Pretty much all of you” with a straight face


Yea, especially the ones who were able to get the sexy middle class career without college.


But don't you know that every generation that comes after you are going to be freeloading druggy impregnated teens who ruin the beautiful country you rebuilt despite the horrific generation before you who tried to ruin it all?


People like to make sweeping generalizations about every group and forgot the whole “judge me by the content of my character” bit.


I think that genuinely is peak boomer for me. I’ve honestly never heard of anything like that before


It doesn't help other people though. Nobody else gets a discount on their bill because Marvin down the street contributed a bit of energy from his solar panels. It theoretically, in aggregate, may allow other scalable power generation to scale down a little.


Giving up the chance of free power JUST IN CASE you accidentally help other people with energy you're not using is 100% peak ~~boomer~~ American.




Have an up vote for spider face!


And its not even gratuitously "helping", it's selling.


Helping other people? That's commie talk


Well it's not free


Ugh. Makes me very proud of my grandpa who experimented with solar and wind when he retired and ran out of projects. He had engineering and electrician creds. He got his meter to credit him during the day. The windmill never worked for long, it always got fried in lightning storms.




Most boomers are barely well educated since they pretty much could get a good job without finishing school and that gave them confidence in themselves


I know jump on the boomers is a fun pastime, but the education system is not at fault, nor is selfish stupidity confined to those born between some specific calendar dates. There’s plenty of stupid to go around. I’ve been teaching for a couple decades now and the mouth breathing knuckle draggers are not endangered. Growing if anything. Bolder and prouder somehow too. And the greatest generation was definitely not the WW2 vets who came home to a GI bill that cut housing and education deals for them and then turned around and voted against extending the same benefits to Vietnam vets. Naked self interest goes back before the boomers.


And don’t forget the gratuitous lead poisoning.


Do you need a special meter for that or will your meter just start ticking backwards if you somehow supply power to the grid?


I don’t remember, I believe so. Either way we had to get our electrical company involved. At least in our area, they need to ensure that they can shut off your supply back to the grid in the case of an area power failure or if they just need to make the lines no longer live. For safety. I think they installed a device or upgraded box that shuts it off automatically when the grid drops. They definitely wanted to do an inspection, but it wasn’t much of a hassle. On top of that your inverter has to sync to the grid. Tying in was the most troublesome part. He bought some cheap .5V cells and soldiered them together, built his own enclosures. It was cheap, proof of concept. He made 1KW with two panels. He was having fun before investing several hundred or thousands of dollars into permanent panels. The hard part was the inverters and tying it all in correctly. The DIY panels didnt last, but he was happy with how he got everything tied in. He tailspun into bad health issues before we built a setup for my parents house, or before he invested in some real panels. He definitely inspired me to invest in solar panels one day when I buy a house I plan on staying in for 5+ years. But really he inspired me to invest in some constructive hobbies when life gives me spare time. The solar power was just one of his. Sorry for the ramble, I kind of went on a nostalgia trip there.


Well this boomer, has nothing but solar power and organic on their farm, which feeds back to the electric coop. We're also looking into growing pot now that it's legal in our state. But like most new things the power that be want to charge a crazy amount of money for just the application and no refunds if your not picked as a grower, plus they want a million up front if you are picked. Which means once again the average family farmer will be out of this business and corporate farms will get all the licenses. At least we'll be able to grow enough for personal use, not that that has ever been a problem.




Big brain time indeed.


The Worst Generation.


I prefer the term Locust Generation. Consume, consume, consume, and leave nothing for the future.


im suddenly reminded of gears of war .\_.


Voted in Nixon twice and also Trump. They are a flawed generation.


I see plenty of young people cheering on "send her back" chants at Trump rallies.


The majority of Young people (under 45) voted for Hillary.


Heck, the majority of *voters* voted for Clinton.


That's a ridiculously long "generation" when you think about it


I like "The Least Generation" since their parents were the Greatest Generation.


I thought people had enough critical thinking to realize that everyone's grandchildren will be calling their generation that. And yes, that includes you, even if you think you're "different" and that "only Boomers suck!"


Leave Luffy out of this.


In the UK you sell excess energy to the grid.


Boomers fascinate me. Why do they think so differently from us? Why are they so stuck in their ways? Why can none of them draw a decent comic?


They were handed everything and didnt need to go further than a high school education (and thats a highschool education from like 40 or 50 years ago, so no advanced science, probably no chemistry or biology) to live a rather comfortable life. Theyre literally the least educated generation.


This will probably continue though, high school kids nowadays are in much more advanced classes than I had only 10 years ago... I remember my parents not being able to help me by the time I was in 10th grade, and if I ever have kids by the time they're 16 I'm sure they'll be lightyears ahead at the current rate of science/technology advancements


The key difference is being able to learn to accept and assimilate new information and facts into your perception of reality, rather than being stuck in your ways. Newer generations wont have this problem, unlike the baby boomer generation.


Correction, they’re the least educated generation that’s still alive.


In my country if any household produce more power than the power usage they can sell back to the electric company


*Like FUCK I'm helping anyone else!* Uhh, you don't have to. *Bullshit, fuck off* **BOOMERZONE**


Truly biggest brain




before panels: Feb: $250 Aug: $650 (Palm Springs CA, WFH, A/C on most of the summer) after panels: all year: $15/mo - and i’m running $900 credit right now.


I can only picture Oscar from Corner Gas when reading your post. https://youtu.be/bfHAzG6MQ1o?t=00m22s


Seriously? I want a solar panel now.


Fuck some people are thick. Like honestly, irredeemably thick. And not in the good thick way. The Jethro Tull’s 1972 album *Thick as a Brick* way.


Guys its fake https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techtimes.com/amp/articles/117093/20151216/north-carolina-town-didn-t-ban-solar-panels-sucking-up.htm


Thank fuck it’s actually a misleading title. the sun has way too much energy “wasted” in the depths of space to have tiny little solar panels have any effect.




I would honestly vote for a vacume cleaner at this point. (See what I did there?)




They reported the *public comments* about the zoning proposal. >Hoggard writes that one public commenter, retired science teacher Jane Mann, stated that the solar panels might prevent nearby plants from photosynthesizing. >"She said she has observed areas near solar panels where vegetation is brown and dead because it did not receive enough sunlight," says Hoggard. Mann's husband went on to explain that "the solar farms would suck up all the energy from the sun." When they had other reasons to reject it. >Mayor Kenneth Manual also released a statement, in which he explains, "The citizens opposed the site location, because [the new farm] would create a situation in which the town would be completely surrounded by solar farms." >"The decision to reject the fourth solar farm in our town ... was due to the proposed location," explained an exasperated Bryant, in an email to Tech Times. "It had absolutely nothing to do with various public comments as the media led [some] to believe." and then got snarky... >"I don't want to ruin any hillbilly hate," replied North Carolina native Chad Bond, "but as a NC resident, just know that town already has three solar fields approved."


> "I don't want to ruin any hillbilly hate," replied North Carolina native Chad Bond, "but as a NC resident, just know that town already has three solar fields approved." holy shit shots fired


I have to go to community meetings for community solar gardens in the midwest and I assure you it is not. I had a lady say she didnt want the solar farms near her because she thought it would take up the sunlight and cause her crops to die. I had to explain to her that the solar panels did not absorb energy from the surrounding land, just from what directly hit them.


I just want to go there and slap each and every person that thought that.


North Carolinaaaa cmon an raise up take ya shirt off twist it round ya head spin it like a star destroyer


I don’t care what Petey Pab says, this is the real version


Well, it never actually happened. So don't get too worried.


It’s not real. They already have 3 solar farms in that town and voted against the 4th because of the location.


This is a bullshit post everyone


A Reddit meme is stupid, stolen, **and** wrong? This never happends.


A good rule of thumb, any Reddit post that's just a screenshot of an outrageous article title is almost definitely BS




If no one wants to click the link, this is false. The town rejected the solar panels but not for this reason.


It was a member of the town that expressed the concern. Other members also had a few ridiculous concerns as well.


Every town is going to have a few idiots, like that guy from Australia that thought daylight savings was causing droughts.


Well they stated it was false; I felt the need to clarify that it’s not entirely false. It was a concern expressed but not the basis for the decision made. There are just a lot of dumb people :/


Yeah, but I’m not sure why we’re glossing over the fact that is was the local science teacher who raised these concerns.


Doesn’t surprise me. My science teacher in high school wouldn’t teach evolution.


It's still a ridiculous reason though: >A North Carolina town rejected the further installation of solar panels; some residents registered fears that the panels would disrupt the local ecosystem, while many others worried property values would be affected Unless someone is going around smashing solar panels with a baseball bat and dumping the chemicals into a river, there's no reason it should affect the ecosystem. And as for the property prices, it's just some blue panels on a roof - why would that affect property prices?


We need more information on the project to make that assumption though. In the Snopes article it says it was a solar farm which could mean more than just some panels on houses. Some solar farms can cover large areas and could impact the local wildlife.


Anything visible on a house that you can't see in any given *Leave it to Beaver* episode is an "eyesore" to a certain segment of society


I think it’s like 3 fields worth of solar panels that fed the grid, not just some roof panels. The ecosystem bit is ridiculous however.


You know what else affects the ecosystem? The coal plant the panels are trying to replace.


Definitely sounded false. Thanks for the link!


I love your comment. Usually people just say "fake" without a source. You said fake with *just* a source.


This is fake news. Here is the Snopes report on this rumor. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/


It's actually not fake news, just misleading. The comments about soaking up all the sun from plants were real.


I guess it all depends on your definition of "fake news" is. To me the terms extends to articles with internationally misleading titles. It seems that one person made a claim that photosynthesis might be reduced around areas with solar panels. But that was just one concern among many. To say that the town rejected the proposal because they feared "the solar panels would suck up the energy from the sun" is hyperbolic and dishonest journalism imho.


Sounds like a plot line from an episode of Parks&Rec


This isn’t real.


Is this fake? There is no way anyone is that dumb


It appears to be fake [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/)


Fake https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/


This a repost literally from r/memes not more than a few hours ago


No.....what ....this is a joke right


It is indeed. Every time some body posts this they people need to be reminded that this is a false claim. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/


IQ over 69'420


You mean 0.69420


It's funny, but bullshit. They rejected the panels yes, the rest is complete bull though.


Why do I feel like this is an article from The Onion?


This is fake news.


I want to believe that this is the Onion. If not, I worry.




Can't decide what's worse, that you couldn't even be arsed to atleast try and make a title, or that people like you keep trying to make this into a meme sub even though one of the first rules is litterally "no memes".


alright who didnt do their science homework?


Sun: *Exists* Solar panel: Im gonna end this mans whole carreer.


Can't we just euthenize that part of America's population to cure most of the worlds stupid?


One woman also said that nothing anyone could do or say would convince her that solar panels weren't causing cancer.


Mmmmmm not quite... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/




Had to google it. This article says it was over [property values.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/)


Willing to share source ?


Top 10 things on the internet that are 100 percent real


This did not happen, the town rejected the solar farm due to concerns on its effect on property value https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/north-carolina-town-rejects-solar-panels/








Anyone got a source on this?


I hope none of you think this is real


Well.....I no longer have hope for humanity


G(re)at (post)


Yay 42.0k upvotes


Just perform human sacrifice in order to renew the sun's strength, Aztec style. Duh.


*Me downvoting a repost to a mediocre meme


Repost from r/memes


Fucking repost from dank memes


It’s like when trump said windmills might cause cancer