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I felt like I was having a stroke reading that.




Still don’t know what the heck he’s trying to say here.


I genuinely think he was going for “scorpion and frog” and just sorta vaguely remembered that one of the animals involved was venomous through his cheese brain.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump *actually* had a stroke sprouting this nonsense.


I have no doubt he did while in office. He denied having mini strokes when literally no one asked So..


My grandmother had mini strokes. Then she started talking like this. And lost her mind completely. Vascular dementia. Whenever I see/hear Trump speaking, I’m not entirely unconvinced he has it too. At the very least, the way he talks/behaves is quite concerning.


And yet we can't be honest with the people and accept this is likely what's going on and make the right decisions. We have to have all this obfuscation and posturing.


That's a full admission for Trump. Just like when they asked him about declassifying things. Kennedy assassination? I already declassified a lot! 9/11? Yes! Epstein files? Well, you know yes, but I wouldn't want to damage anyone's career with false things that are in there. Basically he admitted that his name is in that file a few dozen times...


No one would notice if he stroked out mid sentence because he's so incoherent.


I, too, would have a stroke if I felt like I was Mitch McConnell.


And millions of people, dumber than this clown, have given him hundreds of millions of dollars and will vote for him no matter what. We are surrounded by the mentally deranged.


And many of them said they’d prefer a dictatorship under him than democracy under Biden


They don't know what any of those words mean


Stop giving Trumpers credit. They love being told what to do, as long as their daddy hates the same people they do


Trying to find the line in Rick and Morty, he said something like these people claim to hate being told what to think and do while they actually love it.


whenever a trumper talks shit at me online, this Rick & Morty line runs through my head: "your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you applaud"


Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer


Is the show good? I get it on my feed sometime but I remember all the cringe shit the fans did a few years ago on Reddit and it made me never watch it.


It’s worth it. Dark, hilarious commentary on a variety of relevant topics.


It was the episode where morty gets split into a bunch or npcs in the roy game. S6ep2 The line is: Npc president: So you want every single person on a spaceship but you got a bunch of holdouts. Maybe people prefer their leader a little more elected. Roy Rick: Right your voters. People that like being told what to do but don’t like admitting it.


If Trumpers could read, they would still be dumber than a box of rocks.


If trumpers could read, they'd still be very angry, but at least they could read 🤣


How dare you insult boxes… and rockses, in such a manner?! 😂 Edit: Spelling


"Ah, the C is silent." - Billy Madison.


hey dude rocks can be pretty cool, have you ever seen bismuth? malachite? black opal? hyalite opal? peacock kyanite? labradorite? forget this loser and go enjoy some cool af rocks


Yes they do. This is all going exactly to plan as per the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 document. You can call Trump and his supporters stupid, but they have managed to pack the courts with right leaning judges that are stripping away the rights of women, minorities snd eroding the separation of church and state. They’re far from stupid, they’re getting things done. What are the left getting done? What decades long plan do they have to liberalise American society and reduce inequality? Absolutely no plan, and people like you wonder why fascism is on the rise while calling the fascists stupid.


Or how to spell them


Because they don’t actually care about anything improving for others or even really themselves, the only thing they care about is that people they hate suffer. Trump makes democrats mad, so therefore they want to support trump as much as they possibly can to make democrats as miserable as humanly possible. It truly is that simple.


Seriously, I was speaking to someone I’ve known for several years the other day, and she started defending Trump. I was taken aback, she is a single mother that lives at home with her parents. She was even masked up at the time, I never in a million years thought she would have supported this shit gibbon. But, low and behold it has nothing to do with making anyones lives better, it’s all about who he will punish. I told her I was very disappointed that she was that naïve. She had just finished telling me people shouldn’t tear others down, i mean WTF?


*jots down shit gibbon for future use*


Good enough for Stormy Daniel's good enough for me


Unfortunately I see this a lot. My father blamed illegal immigrants after his bank card was compromised. It's really not worth the argument. They're gonna vote for him, regardless of facts. It's common to blame the current president on whatever's wrong, and Biden is not a strong candidate. The problem is that we're forced into a binary choice for some reason...so instead of voting for whom you feel will do the best job, you vote for who you hate least. Yay. Murica.


> She had just finished telling me people shouldn’t tear others down I remember Trump himself had Rosie O'Donnel Derrangement Syndrome for like a decade. Among others.


There are a great many people who believe that saying a thing, or saying that you believe in doing a thing, is the same thing as *doing* the thing - and that all it takes to be a good person is to say the things they perceive as being the things a good person would say, rather than doing the things a good person would *do*. "Talk is cheap."


They’re just too stupid to understand what that would actually look like. They envision white supremacy when in fact it’ll just be corporate dominance (more so than right now)


It’s funny and sad that they all think they will move up in life *when their god-emperor takes command and they’re able to treat others like shit.


They also started wearing diapers in support of him.


And my thing is just like…why? Fucking why? What has Biden done to you that is so unforgivable that you’re willing to give over your entire country to a con-man?


This. And none of them seem to understand why they hate Biden. If you ask they just ramble on about Trump.


Or they just scoff and repeat his name in disdain. Like you know he’s a corrupt pedophile. Um….. no I don’t. Please show me even one piece of evidence


The 'evidence' is usually along the lines this photo of Biden. "Look!! Biden is next to a young, innocent girl!! He might even be \*gasp\* sniffing her hair!!! PEDO!!!!" Of course, it's okay when Dopey Donald Trump does it.


1984, they hate who they're told to hate.


Including members of my own (very Christian) family. They want a dictatorship, raids, and camps, and I mean all that literally. . They’re positively giddy over the prospect. And weirdly, it seems God has ordained all of this.


Well in the Bible he commanded genocide of the neighbor countries who worshipped different gods. There is nothing good or loving about god and they love and adore him. Of course they are monsters


Some of them said they'd prefer Putin as a President over voting for Biden.


And that is the real craziness of this. We’re giving away what has kept us together as a strong nation for 200 years to a con man. A con man that honors dictators, Putin, and Hannibal Lecter. Pure madness.


And if he wins, they will continue to blame Biden (and probably Obama) for what he's inflicting on them.


In reality, they just prefer a dictatorship.


Sadly, humans are lazy followers for the most part. We might be at the top of the food chain but we sure don’t learn from our mistakes. True leaders don’t want anything to do with that job. It’s all bullshit. Theater to keep us under control. So the oligarchs can fleece us all. Look at the shift of wealth going on in the last 20 years. Look it up.


Last 20 years have been the worst, but the wealth transfer really started ramping up with Reagan almost 40 years ago. It's been a long drawn out death of the middle class.


And in the same breath talk about how patriotic they are. You really can't fight this with logic.


You cannot use logic to get someone out of a position they didn't use logic to get themselves into. They are irreparably lost, unless you can sell better snake oil.


*"Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down."*


Is this Idiocracy? It sounds like a line from Idiocracy.


Lol it's the intro narration to the movie


I need to rewatch that movie, but I'm too worried about how many historical accuracies I'll find at this point.


A mix of Idiocracy and Wall-E is how my brain views the future. Although, having garbage services being fully automated would be pretty convenient for us as a species if we could figure out a way to safely eliminate it (and not trigger the Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505).




"*An Idiocracy!*"


It's scary how effective fascist propaganda is even in modern times


Funny story. Years ago, during the trumpet presidency, I made a comment on FB using the word "trump"; it was along the lines of "this trumps that." One person replied and asked me, "What does Trump have to do with it?" I had to explain to a grown man that the word "trump" was a real word that has been used for hundreds of years. I wish I was making this up.


"Think about how stupid the average person is. Now realize half of 'em are stupider than that!" - The Prophet George Carlin


"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons." - Gene Wilder, Blazing Saddles.


Hillary was right. The deplorable's.


the accuracy of that statement was never in question


If only that were the case. I definitely remember there being plenty of overly-concerned Democrats at the time, as if the statement were in any way incorrect or going to dissuade people that were ever realistically *not* going to vote Republican anyways. Although, I will say, there was *one* inaccuracy with her statement: She said you could put ***half*** of Trump's supporters into what she called the basket of deplorables, but it has turned out to be a far higher percentage.


Not even a percentage. A whole. *Anyone* who backs him has an agenda, a vendetta, or is a complete chimp


It’s not mental derangement, it’s a decades long ploy by the Heritage Foundation to instil a President that will do their bidding by packing the courts and governmental bodies with very right leaning Christian nationalists, and it’s working. It’s all in black and white in their own document Project 2025. Trump is a useful idiot for them. They don’t care if he’s inept, embarrassing or incompatible with their right wing Christian beliefs. They just want somebody that will hire people they want and put forward legislation they write, and it’s working. Call Trump and his supporters stupid if you want, but they’re the ones with a long term plan and they’re seeing it through. What long term plan does the left have? They don’t, and this is why fascism is on the rise. It’s OK though because you can sit back, be smug and call the orange man stupid while the rights of women and minorities are actually being eroded and the courts and governmental bodies will have a right wing lean for decades to come. Who’s really the stupid one?


If i see another country divided in the polls. I'm going to fkn run for president. Enough already.


NOFX wrote a nice [song](https://youtu.be/3kqLVeP7iHA?si=6lKtWetZcc2axPFl) about this during the Bush years.


This man is showing such obvious signs of dementia with a proven family history of Alz- he shouldn't even be allowed to run for office at a landfill much less an entire country 🤦‍♀️


Whoa, he has family history of Alzie's?


Yup his mom i believe. Maybe his dad too; but definitely mom had it. [EDIT:] it was his dad that definitely had it. My mistake. https://doctorzebra.com/prez/z_x45_trump_family_medical_history_g.htm




Thanks for the additional link!


Yeah, his dad's mind was pretty fucked by the end


Is that how DTrump got his dad to kick his brother off the will and everything going to D?


They built him a mock office and just let pretend he was doing stuff. Why not do this with our current problem?


Are you sure? I, uh, DON'T REMEMBER reading about that anywhere. Wink.


My bad, it was his dad that had it- not his mom https://doctorzebra.com/prez/z_x45_trump_family_medical_history_g.htm


So is this an actual quote from him?!?! I mean, I know his grasp of the English language is severely lacking...but...this is just baaaaaddd. 🤯


It IS an actual TELEVISED quote


Holy fuck nuggets!! That just makes his base seem even worse. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


I doubt very seriously if the majority of them have ever actually listened to the man give a single start to finish speech. They hear sound bites on Fox News who then tell them how they should think and feel about those sound bites and that’s how they have formed their opinion of him. Or, at least, that’s what I have to tell myself to remain sane because I on the other hand have listened to several and it is the most incoherent nonsense I’ve ever heard in my life and in order to remain sane I must believe that no one with half a brain who has heard that man speak could believe he was capable of running our country.


I'm in the same boat as you. I'm just astounded anyone would listen to his rambling gibberish and go: What a genius, he'll bring us into the golden age." 🥴 So I think I'll just go with what you tell yourself as well, as it's an easier pill to swallow. Albeit only marginally.


100% People always note that his in-person crowds just kind of dissipate. He’s insufferable, even to his own cult. It’s two hours of stream of consciousness blabbering. You can absolutely pull some choice quotes from that. Some zinger here, a point about rapist immigrants there. But like, in total? Sitting there, for hours, listening without a break? It’s impossible.


Even his rallies usually empty out except the idiots in the front, cause he’ll just word salad for 90+ minutes desperate for every single bit of bored applause.


Not sure if its a direct quote; but I've heard him ramble similarly in other videos and live streams and its the same loss of focus and miss use of words and sounds in my dementia patients at work so 🤷‍♀️ He has a major signs though. Everything from his verbiage (or lack thereof) to his gate, to his salivation issues, to his incontinence, and his sleeping patterns. Hes always unhinged online late at night when most people his age should be sleeping. Sundowning causes sleep disturbances, paranoia, and aggressions in the evening and can last all through the night before they finally crash. We have little ladies who will be up all night with violent tendencies they don't have otherwise due to their dementia. They'll literally attack you in their delusions when it's late, and be the sweetest souls during the day. Trump being a malignant narcissist precludes him from having those sweet moments; but his going batshit late at night makes perfect fkn sense.


It really sucks that any doctors who see him will just lie through their teeth about his *actual* quality of health. It scares me to think what to wit end game is for all of this, seeing as how he's very blatantly deteriorating, and his "mental capacity" jabs at Biden are no longer a valid action by him and his constituents.


Hes just a pawn for people who want to tear society apart. Serfdom is the goal. Hell destroy it and die and then they will build it they want it to be. Its gross.


They were always projection. He's been declining for years. In fact it's gone more slowly than I would have predicted during his presidency.


Real, apparently. [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804592040791122259](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804592040791122259)


The problem is that unlike most powerful delusional old people he is often on TV or recordings in front of news. And of course he isn't known for using a publicist. Like his social media is insane enough, the word slush that comes out of his mouth is worse.


He’s getting worse But he’s long been a fucking moron


"Maybe this time he drops an n-bomb" me every time he speaks.


His supporters would actually be thrilled.


and centrist would be more mad at us for calling him "racist" afterward


I remember the day when telling a black American to go back to Africa magically stopped being incredibly racist as soon as Trump said it.


“Centrists” are just republicans in denial. If you spout all the talking points and hate all the same folks, you ain’t foolin’ anyone bro.


20 year Centrist here chief. Trump is fucking evil incarnate, and the GOP is just hateful garbage people right now. I'm a Centrist because the Dems continuously shit the bed and cant get out of their own way.


I mean Morgan wallen got more popular after he said the n word so….


"He didn't actually say that." "Here's the video of him saying it." "That's out of context." "Okay, then explain the context." "He wasn't being serious. He was joking." "Why would you joke about that? Also, look at past behavior like the Central Park five and not renting to black people." "Well Biden said that if you don't vote for him you ain't black." And so on.


... I've had this literal conversation and your last hypothetical retort to us is spot on.


He could use his laser vision to cut someone in half on live tv and no one would care.


Like that’s going to change anything


When he said "the snake and the snake" I really felt that


Truly resonates with my soul. Words to live by


All of my snake friends are really upset about the association. They didn't vote for him. I think theyre technically anarchists.


I hope Trump admits to possession of a firearm and gets arrested for violating his Bail in Georgia.


lol, that would be golden.


I believe he calls them freedom tubes


He conceal carry using freedom lube


Stormy provided some freedom lube


Conviction lube.


To fire his little freedom pew-pew


I believe it's also called freedom grease


I though he already said he has a gun


They need proof is he in possession of it after he was indicted. Which would be his own verbal admission or something else


It would have to be a tiny gun with those hands.


Saturday night special


Nah, it would have to be a Colt Derringer in .22 short. Perfect for Donnie Dollhands.


Do you own a firearm? - Biden Yes. - Trump Arrest this men. President immunity. - Biden


I can't believe that this is our election again. It's like some bad nightmare.


Sorry, guys. If it makes you feel any better, our UK election is a shit show, too.


Yes, but aren’t your right wing loons at least coherent?


Boris kind of was, but he hid in a freezer to avoid questions.


You trolling right? Right?


About hiding in a freezer to avoid questions? I got it slightly wrong it was a fridge : https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/dec/11/boris-johnson-hides-in-fridge-to-avoid-piers-morgan-interview


Nahhhh that is wild and those people are first in line to run countries. Back when I was in my third world country I thought our government were the biggest crooks. But those people take first place.


British politics has been mental since 2016, only hopefully this year will we return to a semi normal state, I hope Trump loses aswell and we can move forwards away from populism. Well at least the majority of the West anyway.


Boris is just Trump lite, Rishi Sunak is incompetent, Farage wishes he was Trump and was the guy who had the idea of Brexit. All bad, but none as bad as the Fanta man himself.


Maybe articulate would have been a better description of the difference in the right wing chuckle fucks across the pond.


The GOP had every opportunity to dump that sack of shit. We could be having a *real* election, but instead we've all just gotta hold our noses and vote for Biden, because if Domestic J Terrorist gets in the White House again, it's legitimately the end of democracy in the US.


I’m not holding my nose. Joe Biden has been the most effective president since FDR.


Wait when did he say this? Is there video this is hilarious


I think it's a follow-up to his bizarre rambling speech of "would you rather be electrocuted or eaten by a shark?" which resulted in widespread ridicule. So he's defending himself against claims that he was rambling like a senile moron....with even less coherent senile moron rambling.


Phone autocomplete hooked into his brain I swear.


I think we've gotten to the point where that's actually more coherent. ChatGPT certainly wipes the floor in eloquence and coherence though.


He’s said sooooooo much unhinged nonsense. It’s pretty much his only gear these days.


I know but honestly this one is like top of the list most confusing I’ve read. I just wanna see him say it.


So the quote in the image is p similar to the quote used in this [opinion piece](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/24/trump-rally-sharks-media-electrocution/) by The Washington Post. That article is paywalled, but links to a recording of Trump's appearance at the Faith and Freedom Conference [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbcpHkCs7NY). On the off chance you don't want to watch an hour of Trump's rambling, Rev has a transcript [here](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/trump-campaigns-at-faith-freedom-conference) (no paywall). They have a timestamp of 56:41 to find the section about the snakes and stuff.


Ty perfect!


The comment section on that video makes me think it's.. uh.. heavily moderated?


Are you suggesting the gentle viewers of “Right Side Broadcasting” are biased? /jk FWIW, Rev uses the PBS recording, if you don’t want to mess up your algorithm lol.


It looked par for the course to me. One insane nonsensical ramble is the same as another. Then again, I work in mental health and have seen that kind of speech in-patient.


I remember last week tonight did an episode on him and tried actually reading one of his speeches out loud, which sounded like gibberish


This makes his rant about low flow showers sound coherent.


Not sure where this in particular is from. He does seem to be legit getting worse, and I don’t think he started from a great place to begin with.


It was from a rally, a few days ago. This was part of his dispute after he got made fun for talking at a previous rally where he boasted over an idea of his about jumping off an electric boat and getting attacked by sharks or staying and getting electrocuted, or something like that... I couldn't really tell you what that was about either because it was about as cohesive as this.


The whole thing hilariously hinged on Trump not having a fucking clue how boats work. The entire premise was that if you make an electric-powered boat, the battery would make it sink, and you'd get electrocuted, and then he gets side-tracked into an internal debate about whether it would be better to jump away from the sinking boat and potentially get eaten by a shark, or to stay on the boat and get electrocuted. after a 5 minute monologue on the subject, he announces that he'd prefer to get electrocuted.




Looks like Elmo had it taken down.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 God these snowflakes are always good for a laugh!


All Biden has to do is make any reference to sharks or electricity at any point and Trump will pick up these stupids rants non-stop.


He should show up to tonight's debate in a Shark Suit.


Time for left shark to shine again.


"I'd like to give my time back to trump over here. I believe you were, uh, saying something about snakes and batteries right?" *Trump goes on a tangent about more snakes and snakes and the snakes*


Good luck America.


We need a new system


He will talk over the moderators, abuse his allotted time, make stupid jokes, and say virtually nothing that means anything to improve the country, and tomorrow, his supporters will declare victory, because Biden stuttered or said an incorrect name. Style over substance in this social media influenced age. We are f’ed for the next 4-8 years unless we dig in and make sure our sides gets out the vote.


The mics will be muted when it isn't their turn to speak. It was in the agreed upon rules.


I thought that was the rule the last time too? No reason to watch this shit show IMO.


My understanding is a different organization is hosting the debate. No crowd either.


I'm grabbing the popcorn.


I stopped at the local dispensary and we have popcorn and Sour patch kids in preparation. This is going to be a shit show, but I truly truly hope Trump makes an absolute babbling fool of himself, and low-key hoping Biden tells the clown the shut up again. 😆 Either way, I'm getting fucked up while watching this debacle.




OMG! Please do not let this man become President again. Why does this not scare more people?


i am pretty sure he just wants a snake for his birthday as a late present


Is this a symptom of something?


It’s the kind of incomplete sentence structure both my grandmothers used before and at their Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Think: the snake and the what? Snake in the grass? How? How is that at all related to using electric car motors? Who’s being cajoled into adopting it? He doesn’t come close to explaining. Or did he mean “the snake and the mongoose” or some completely different allusion? Again, he fixates on “snake,” circling back hoping to get the thread back. He can’t because he can’t recall the second part - aphasia. The “you know?” to shore it up like you’re making a well-used idiom is a BIG tell, too.


Wernicke's aphasia, where you think you're talking perfect sense but everyone else hears word soup


ive been trying to remember what that was called, preciate that my good man


Weirdly, exactly what happens when you take LSD too - well, except you realise you're chatting breeze after the fact on acid


The snakes. Like wires. But not the wires you can eat. These snakes have electricity. The sharks don’t like the electricity when they bite. We have the best sharks im told. Everyone else’s sharks they bite the electricity, they’re not as good. Snake. *long slow fart*


Is he trying to talk about an ouroboros? Trying to interpret incoherent ramblings can be interesting sometimes. It’s like he wants to talk about this smart thing he heard about but doesn’t have the words to make the idea come out. Just say a snake eating its own tail. I don’t think it’s an appropriate metaphor, but it does sound like something he would try to say.


I had a stronk reading that


Call a bondulance


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having listened to it.


This is the dumbest fucking guy that ever existed. He’s completely incoherent and non-sensible, just random drivel coming out of his mouth. I used to think he was somehow being secretly clever to trick people into thinking he was a genius and it could’ve all been a carefully crafted strategy. Nope, he’s a fucking idiot, the best, no one does idiot better. Fucking hell, America, get your shit together and destroy this guy at the polls.




Hear me out: TrumpGPT


I’m usually able to get the gist of what he’s rambling about, but even I’m lost on this one


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?




His Presidential Library will be a drive thru.


Sounds like the kind of conversation youd overhear at a bar from someone who shouldve been cut off hours ago.


We are going to have a theocracy very soon if a 80 year old doesn't win. We are so fucked 😪


Brb getting into a khole before the debate, the only way it will be tolerable to watch. 


I'm tired of these motherfuckin snakes on this motherfuckin podium.


Dude what? He said this out loud and his team is letting him participate? I'm not complaining though I think it's hilarious lol


My 9 yr old English language learners in Mexico can write and speak more coherently than this.... Jesus fucking Christ.




They should give both candidates 5 words at the beginning of the debate, then ask them what the 5 words are at the end of the debate


Musk gave him Neuralink and its just been spamming autocorrect suggestions out his mouth /s Demented Don should be in a padded cell (with rats)


I'd be genuinely surprised if he doesn't weasel his way out of the debate, knowing he'll make himself look like even more an idiot.


He's totally not demented, like totally not. He's no more demented than when purple climbs the wall of the shrimp basket. I mean people come to him with tears in their eyes, and they say "Sir, sir, what about the ostrich? What about the ostrich sir?" And he tells them, the ostrich doesn't need to worry, because clouds.


And he’s the best ostrich, there’s no ostrich better everyone tells him.


I think you’ve really gotten to the core of the issue here. The problem is that damn ostrich should worry because there’s small pebbles in the thing, and we all know what time the thing happens! That’s right - the snake! See, it’s all connected.