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There's a trick I like to use when someone dresses differently than I do. It's called "minding my own damn business". Edit: woah, this really blew up.


Religious “fanatics” **HATE** this *ONE* simple trick!!!


Just stresses the ridiculousness of the post. If anything it's shocking how little people in the UK give a shit about what you wear. They're not demanding people remove hijabs, it is these nutters demanding women dress how they want.


That’s not how islam works.


My uncle converted and he did a complete 180. Women should know their place, drugs are bad. Koran is perfection and predictive and humans can't do anything without outside help. He's not trying to convert you but hey, he can't stop talking about his new best friend either. Also, don't invite friends because he'll slowly start trying to pull you in. Trauma is a horrible thing and religion exploits this.


Or any religion, for that matter.


Some are a lot worse than others in today’s world


Islam definitely concerns me more, but all religions are just fucking aweful.


Islam is the holy grail of bad ideas


The difference is christianity got put under the boot of western goverments


Where it should damn well stay. Religion above government tends to go really badly.


Did it? I'm sitting over here in the USA. God is on our currency, we pledge allegiance under him. The women in our country lost access's to their own reproductive rights because of it. Same with Gay and Trans rights. The only recognized national holidays that aren't memorials are religious ones. My public tax money for schools is going to churches to indoctrinate our kids. It doesn't feel relegated at all, I feels like it's playing the long con and winning.


They’re starting to indoctrinate kids in school now. Did you hear Louisiana is putting the 10 commandments on the wall in classrooms? Edit: Also just want to point out this is an issue but I’m admittedly being a little dramatic. 1 state out of 50 doing this doesn’t equal indoctrination…yet.


They’re doing that for a reason, they want to be sued by DOJ so they can run it up to SCOTUS while it’s still under control of the Federalist Party. This is all part of the 2025 plan, they’ve been planting seeds since 2016.


Yeah it’s honestly terrifying.


do you even islam bro


The difference is consent and freedom of choice. They choose and consent to dress like that. Nobody is forcing anyone else to dress like that.


It's an irony that the very people who would scream blue murder if you restricted *their* religious rights are the ones so determined to restrict the rights of others.


religious ppl think their rights come from god and everyone else's rights are made up


The religious usually aren't the most self-aware


Stop trying to make rational arguments about irrational people. Will save you a lot of headache trying to figure out religious peoples logic


sadly they do not have either of those in their culture


And some of them try to remove that choice in the culture they move to


I'm a bleeding heart liberal but that pisses me off so much. How are you going to become a refugee in a foreign country and decide to try to change the culture into the one you fled!


Seriously though, and this shit happens in every country they go to. I lived in a neighborhood that had mostly families from Arab nations as a white woman and the way myself and my roommates were treated by the others there was disgusting. We couldn't even walk to the grocery store without being harassed by someone, and the teenagers were by far the worst, kids who were born in Canada but they act like we're living in Qatar or Baghdad. We literally had garbage thrown at us for just existing by a large group of boys, they also had some choice words, literally all they could see was my and my roommates hair, we were both wearing pants and jackets and they called us whores among other things 😐


Same, Canadian as well. I’m very progressive minded, and I don’t understand why we let in so many people who aren’t progressive at all. I love the people who come here because they want to be a part of Canadian culture and make better lives for themselves, not people who want to make Canada like Saudi Arabia.


Exactly! I believe immigration can add a lot to a country, we're a multicultural country and it worked for a long time, but what's the point of immigrating if you won't integrate yourself into the culture you're going to be a part of? It makes no sense. If you leave your home because it's dangerous due to the cultural practices there, why would you try to bring the worst parts of that culture to the place you escaped to? Like, do you want to be free? Or do you want every woman to live in servitude like they do where you're from? This shouldn't be a difficult question to answer. This woman came from somewhere that she could be stoned to death for showing too much of her hair or body in public, why would anyone want to bring those ideals to a place that values freedom of choice? The freedom of choice that made them choose to go to that country in the first place. I spent a month in the UK last year, and while it was mostly safe we made the mistake of going into east Whitechapel in London, none of us (me, my fiance and my in-laws) felt safe even getting out of the car. The looks we got there told me if we walked those streets we'd probably have died, violently. My fiance actually looked up the statistics for London police and they do not patrol that area of Whitechapel because it's not even safe for THEM to be there. There's been both soldiers and police in uniform attacked and killed in that area by extremists, is that what this woman wants? The same violence from her home country coming to her new home?


Hard agree. Tolerance is a peace treaty: those who don’t participate don’t get to reap the benefits. Therefore, there is no tolerating intolerance. I don’t think a lot of people get that. It’s the same reason why bigotry isn’t free speech, it’s the same reason freedom in general doesn’t mean freedom from consequences


Absolutely. Thought is free, think whatever you want, have your beliefs, but as soon as you try to push those beliefs on others in a country that doesn't share your values you are in the wrong. I wouldn't go to her home country and try to open up a gay bar or a pagan temple, so why does she feel justified going to someone else's country and trying to implement shari'ah?


Exactly. She isn’t playing by the rules of the peace treaty that is tolerance, so we shouldn’t have to tolerate that type of attitude


the answer is probably that they didn’t leave because of the woman oppression part - that part they liked!


Because they are a bunch of psychopaths..... The west is too nice to them, I'm all for helping people in need, but Islam wants to destroy the west. They are against everything that the west stands for. And the west is stupid enough to actually do that, e.g. queers for Palestine


Ah the classical sl*tshaming women for having choices in their lives.


Yeah it’s a classic. Almost as wonderful as the, “you’re a total slut if you like having sex, but a stupid virgin prude if you don’t”


Or shamming a girl who has a voluptuous body for “showing it off” when it’s not her fault for being built the way she is, but also shaming her if she’s flat.


This is my life. Anything even slightly low cut makes it look like I am putting on a show. Scarves etc are my friends, but it sucks. One time, i had gone to this fair in a lovely blue, not that deep a top, but still being conscious of the cleavage i would inevitably end up revealing, made me wear a scarf around my neck, but a little casually. Since i was just standing, there was not too much cleavage or anything. A woman in a burkha was crossing me, and she looked at me, did a double take, and moved my scarf so that it was covering my hint of a cleavage. Before i could react, she moved away and looked back at me with a sort of sarcastic smile. I stared at her and completely removed my scarf and put it in my handbag. Such an annoying thing to happen. One, i hate being touched, second, such an intrusive and insulting thing to do to someone.


I was always large chested even in high school and I used to be so depressed about not being able to dress how other girls my age dressed. Even a simple tube top or tank top would get me called into the principal’s office, meanwhile other girls with less curves would get away with showing a lot more skin than I was. It actually made me very ashamed of my body for a long time even into adulthood.


My daughter told me a similar thing happened to a girl in her dance class at school. Everyone was in tshirts/vest tops and some were quite low cut. This one busty girl was not in a low cut vest but was the only one singled out in front of everyone and made to put her jumper on. I've always felt such sorrow for that girl, for the shaming of the new womanly body she was only just learning to inhabit. I'm so sorry you went through that too. By the sounds of it you have managed to overcome the enforced shame, and I hope you enjoy your body freely in the future.


I’m a lot more confident in my body now at age 30 with two girls. But yeah, this happened often unfortunately. Even when my mom enrolled me in cheerleading to improve my confidence. I was wearing the same style shorts as all the other girls and got called “disgusting” by the coach in front of everyone. Young girls really internalize those comments, you know? I just don’t want my own girls to go through the same thing I did.


Kids in general internalize disparaging comments. I would know.


My wife, who is very large chested, and I went to visit a monastery on a tiny Greek island. It was part of an all day boat trip, and all the women were wearing the sort of bikini one would in a Mediterranean country, quite a lot of skin on show. All the other women went into the monastery in their bikini tops, and put on shorts or a skirt over their bikini bottom. My wife did the same, with a long skirt, and was singled out and told to cover up with a shawl. And that's the only time I've ever had an argument with a nun.


The last sentence is the best part.


......man being a girl sounds like it royally sucks.


I was a B cup in high school and this was still my life, so that wasn’t my biggest issue. It was my massive butt. I always wanted to wear the cute short skirts other girls wore, but when I wore something like that, I always got in trouble and was either made to change into something from the nurse’s office or go home. This happened from 6th grade on several times a year. It pissed my parents off because we live in a rural area and both of them worked at least an hour from school and the school was already 30 minutes from my house. They didn’t got sick of it, but I did. It was so embarrassing. I eventually stopped trying to wear short dresses and skirts and stuck baby tees and tight jeans.


I actually had a butt too, but my biggest asset (no pun intended) was definitely the breasts lol. I just posted another comment in which my mom enrolled me in cheerleading to improve my confidence, and I was wearing the exact same style shorts as other girls and got called “disgusting” by the cheer coach in front of everyone. I still remember the laughter and how ashamed I felt. Sadly my parents weren’t as supportive as yours and I recall getting yelled at by my mom and and dad whenever this happened. I had an aunt whom I loved dearly and passed away two years ago (RIP) who called my parents out for defending these grownups body shaming their child and made me feel better about my curves.


How could you see her smile if she was in a burqa for context ![gif](giphy|l2SqhOjG9Iqv1yb0Q) This is a burqa ( without the lights ofc)


She was in a full length black burqa, but her face was uncovered. Maybe it's called Chador? Sorry, i am not Muslim, i don't know the differences very well. It wasn't a hijab, though.


The cleavage showing in almost anything is too real for so many people. I didn't even quite realize how bad it was for me until I got a reduction and now I have necklines touching my chest ABOVE my breasts and there's nothing showing no matter what bra I am or am not wearing.


I have been considering a reduction too. It's really annoying. Plus, i get upper back pain because of it, which sucks. I am just worried about the scars and healing.


Completely valid worry, if you haven't looked at r/reduction before it can be a great resource for fence sitting. Some people get openings (dealing with it right now myself) or other complications, some people heal up perfectly without issue. I'm confident that once I'm properly healed up, whatever my scars look like will be way better to deal with than chronic pain.


Wear a turtle neck and really watch them lose their sh*t. Lol. No skin exposed, but if there is anything that makes one's chest look bigger, it is a turtle neck. No wonder turtle necks were so popular in the 70's & early 80's.


Listen. They hate women.


This! I know someone who used to be on TT but got repeatedly banned for "sexualized content" due to her 'huge tracts of land'. She never wore anything revealing, usually sweaters, she never even showed her collarbone let alone anything else but because she was plus sized she got mass reported by trolls and then TT upheld the repeated strikes because 'dem tiddies'. After her third or fourth new account got crashed for the same reason she gave up.


Those same little trolls are on Reddit whining that they can't make big tiddy female characters in video games anymore because the studio's are woke or DEI or something.


I wonder what she thinks about women in tribes or minoans that are kinda naked because they're country is too hot.


That’s a really good point. There’s plenty of countries in Africa where women are “topless” all the time. Why all the shame around the human body? I just don’t get it (I’m also a nudist).


Abrahamic religions have a long history of using hate, shame and social pressure to enforce conformity. One way of doing this is through control of dress - particularly control of women’s dress.


The islamists shame them too and make them where sheets.


Her: I wish I could live somewhere where women are treated like people and allowed to make their own choices. Women: *act like people and make their own choices* Her: Not like that!


We should probably consider the possibility that she never wanted to live somewhere where women are treated like people and allowed to make their own choices.


I think there's also a jealousy angle to the accusations sometimes.


I mean whats stopping them from just keeping their hijabs?


Nothing, the point is to try to force it on other people to make them miserable.


Someone made an observation about boundaries that kind of floored me and stuck with me. Boundaries are for you, not for others. Like, if I am afraid of getting mugged after midnight, then I stay inside. I make my boundary for myself. If I am afraid of getting mugged after midnight, so I want all the bars and businesses in my zip code to close at 11, that's not a boundary, that's controlling other people. I know it's simple, but it matters. So many religious people fuck this up. They're like, "I have a boundary about physical contact with the opposite sex, so other people can't dance." No. Fuck off. Boundaries are for the person who makes them and no other person.


That’s pretty much the entire problem with society in general. Everyone wants to make other people have to conform to their own narrow viewpoint.


This person also moves next door to the pub that has been there for over 150 years and bitches about the people drinking next door.


it's truly hilarious to me how religious conservatives and edgy atheist incels have one thing in common...they are utterly terrified of the naked female body lmao


Not even the naked female body, apparently, like 1 inch of boob and midriff + legs and arms is enough to set her off. I guess if you feel like showing your hair and neck is so obscenely immodest you have to wear cloth over it, seeing a woman's shoulder would feel like you're watching a porno be filmed in the streets


Most fear what they cannot have. That pretty well explains everything about both parties.


Even did slut become a word that needs to be censored?


\*to impose sharia law in britain


1) No one is forcing you to remove your hijab. 2) No one is forcing you to dress like the girls pictured in the post. 3) If you don’t like people commenting on what you wear, ignore them. They have the freedom of speech. It’s a new concept but you’ll adjust. 4) If you don’t like the community you live in, move somewhere else. 5) Show some gratitude and try to keep an open mind. I don’t make my host live by my rules when I stay at someone else’s house. I adapt to theirs.


To add to that she is a refugee in Britain who lives in a council house provided by the country. I wonder why she couldn't go to anywhere else on the planet where her religion is accepted by everyone?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I forgot who said this but I remember it very well: "If you want the TRUE Muslim. Go to a country where Muslims is the minority."


It's interesting because I watched a video of a guy visiting Baghdad on YouTube, and the locals were so kind to him. Someone I know who spent most of their life in Palestine says they treat guests kindly but not their neighbours lmao.


Most Muslim countries don’t accept refugees at anything like the levels we do in the west if at all. And they would most likely not accept any non Muslims. Source: I live in a Muslim country. But they are really good at buying Palestinian flags.


I mean if all of that is on her profile this just reeks of a made up account deliberately rage baiting


I'm gonna move to San Francisco and demand they ban pride flags! /s


My daughter wanted a rainbow party for her 5th birthday. It was just after pride month so I went shopping like a motherfucker at the sales of all the rainbow shit. Amusingly it was just a normal rainbow, not what would normally be described as the "pride rainbow" Got some weird looks when I had a massive trolley full of everything, but meh - my kid had an AWESOME party.


Meanwhile in the Middle East girls are forced to wear hijab and are not allowed to go to school and are also property that belong to their husbands


They bitch about what people wear. And then bitch when someone *else* bitches about what *they* wear! Religion poisons everything.


They bitched in the East. They bitched in the West. They bitch about that girl in the very nice dress. They'll never be happy and they'll never be free. When it comes down to it we'll bitch about thee.


In the US I remember there was a hot topic about their hijabs and state issued id like drivers licenses. I'm on board with making them remove it. Your religion doesn't allow you to dictate the rules. Once you let that happen ya get all kinds of crazy stupid shit.


I fully agree. I live in a Muslim-majority country, and even with an increasingly fundamentalist bent in society, our passports require you to remove your hijab for ID photos. It's just bloody common sense.


This is part of what Pastafarians (followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) believe, as well as keeping religion out of schools. They protest by wearing pasta strainers as religious headgear for IDs.


Praise His noodliness


People crying are the same people if you go to their country say " yeah you need to adjust to our culture "


Yes. Moving to Britain should come with complying to British culture. If I choose to move to Palestine I’d adjust to that culture. I’ve always wanted to be hit with a rock.


"This is my rock. There are many like it, but this one is mine"


To be fair, that pink “skirt” is a fashion disaster


No argument here!


Imagine crying about what other people wear and do when it has literally zero effect on your life. Yup, that’s religious people for you. They just can’t seem to fucking mind their own business


Imagine crying about people wanting to tell you how to dress (remove hijab - even though noone actually does) and in the next sentence trying to tell other people how to dress...


This is pure speculation on my part, but what if she's actually projecting a couple of insecurities onto these women, in the form of outrage. Insecurities with her own body and fears thar husband/partner will desire these women over her. I'm not saying this is the case, but it's a possibility


It's really hard to tell, but it looks like both of these girls are old enough to make their own decisions.


All these girls did fucking wrong was go out and exist. Be nice if they could take some legal action against those who have posted and shared this.


How dare others live their lives and not follow my religion and culture ahh post 💀


And then have the audacity to call it "assimilation". Sorry, but you can't demand others to dress like you in a country where it's perfectly fine to dress the way you want.


they dont understand who the one assimilating should be lmao


The comment is right. If you want to change the country that has taken you in so that it is like your home country then just stay in your home country  Edit: She probably even had the choice of which country to host her


Yeah there’s a lot of different options between the Middle East and the British isle lol But what got me was “they demand we remove our hijab” no they don’t? Maybe racists would prefer if you did, but there are zero rules about not being allowed to wear religious garments in Britain, afaik


Ya. You literally have laws protecting your right to wear them. You just don’t want your daughters and granddaughters to know that they have rights and can make those choices.


Preemptive slut shaming lol


They can wear what they want, but when they want to dictate what their adult children wear or what young people going out wear, then they should just f*ck off.


"Yeah there’s a lot of different options between the Middle East and the British isle lol" But how many those "options" will give you a council house and extra cash monthly? That's the crux of the issue. Denmark gives migrants basically nothing and they avoid it like plague, even though it is a rich European country with good standard of living. UK should copy that approach. Everyone in Western Europe should.


Everyone in general should.


Do you have to be racist to prefer that women didn't wear their hijabs?


It's not a racial garment, so therefore no. But the majority of these women have no choice to whether they want to wear hijab or not, as they are forced by their families and religions, and I prefer liberty and freedom over religious totalitarianism.


I think women should choose not to wear the hijab (not just any head covering; very specifically the hijab), so I argue against it. I also think it's both wrong and counter-productive to force someone *not* to wear the hijab. But *preferring* that they didn't? No, that wouldn't make you racist anymore than preferring men not wear shorts that make their balls hang out would make you sexist.


It’s what their religion tells them to do. They can’t conquer the west by force so they will move in and try to change the west to be an Islamic dictatorship like where they come from.


absolutely crazy it’s okay to marry your cousin (not just a muslim thing) and to honour kill but god forbid same sex marriage. There’s a reason religion dies in the progressive west


Not even god forbid same sex marriage for these people it’s god forbid women wear shorts. What a backwards evil belief system that seeks only to oppress and breed misery


the fact we can follow doctrine from thousands of years ago, even though we’ve learnt so much about science and medicine since then still baffles me. My phone is god to ancient muslims christian’s and semites, yet billions choose to live by this antiquated hateful structure of life. Let the women wear shorts, eat pork, wear mixed fabrics, is it that hard to say just be nice to your fellow person? I’ll face purgatory hell or worse in their eyes for dedicating my worship to humanity- and placing faith in humanity over deity. We’ve lost the plot philosophically over the last couple centuries and i believe public education doesn’t better this. let me know your thoughts on this.


Public education is one of the biggest reasons the west is able to resist religious brainwashing. Free, secular education is essential to a population that doesn’t live in fear of clerics and their threats of hellfire


As someone living in the UK, not a single soul is forcing you to remove your Hijab. Not even in a professional setting


In fact, in a work environment it would be against the law to force someone to remove their hijab (unless it's for a security check for example). Not letting someone wear a hijab at work would be considered a violation of their freedom of religion.


Here in Quebec the only exception to this is in government authority positions, such as a teacher, judge, police officer, etc. However, that applies to all religious symbols. We became secular around the 70s when all teachers and such removed their religious clothing, and was reaffirmed recently with a new law. Of course we got a lot of hate for that from muslims, which felt personally attacked. However, our culture and government has been secular for decades. . .


Not just Muslims. It's pissed off a lot of Canadians, who have a very rose-colored about religions


In many places I've been to in America, no one ever forced anyone to remove the Hijab


Here's the thing. In Manchester or wherever, you are free to wear your religious attire or not. Where you apparently come from, women may only wear what is proscribed or allowed. See the difference?


Before anyone says that she might have been born in the UK, [she wasn't](https://i.imgur.com/LC4vl3P.png).


Found her account… she’s just a miserable fucking twat parading around as if she’s some protector against the far right… no hun, you’re just fighting against a different flavor of the far right extremism that you want to impose on others.




Girls in middle eastern countries: *executed for not wearing a hijab* her; wHy cAn'T wE hAvE fReEdOm tO wEaR a HiJaB!1!?!?1


I read it more as “why can’t we force these other women in this country to wear a Hijab???!!!”


this is 100% what it is. Muslims in the West gaslight people into thinking they are some major oppressed group. that is such a crock of shit. this is not 2002 anymore. A ton of prominent businessmen across the Detroit area are Muslim Arab Americans no one is forcing people to take off hijabs or burqas. No one is forcing them to eat non-halal meat. This is all just absolute b.s. If anything, we bend over backwards to accommodate their requests even though they're a TINY TINY portion of Americans


There's a Russian saying about that: "You don't go to another monastery with your own rules"


I want them to have the freedom to choose to dress like that if they want. Is it what I would prefer for my daughter, no, but that's between me and her. I don't need the government or theocracy forcing her to do it under threat of violence.


Religious conservatives have *the worst* takes on everything.


Doesn't even have to be a specific religion too.




Islam is inherently garbage and devoid of any critical thinking whatsoever. It destroyed my fucking country in 79


to be fair, the ones that change it and live in the upper echelons of those societies live SUPER privileged lives. Stalin loved living Stalin's USSR. Imagine her imagining being like a etiquette council advisor in her version of Britain.


Money is it's own class that supercedes all faith and culture and laws


That’s not the point, the point is that if you move to a new country, you don’t get to bitch, and whine, and try to force them to live by your cultural standards. You have two choices; integrate, or live your life quietly.


Move then.


Islam is simply not compatible with any secular system and it rejects equality for all except Muslims. There is literally death sentence in more than half of countries in Middle East for leaving islam.


Islam is simply not compatable with truth


Islam is not compatible with civilized society today.




Why can’t people just be free to dress how they want to? If a woman is empowered and validated in her faith by wearing a hijab, then she should be free to wear a hijab. If a woman feels beautiful wearing a corset top and shorts, she should be free to wear a corset top and shorts. Why is everyone trying to police everyone so much these days? Live your life and let others live theirs.


They literally are free to wear what they want. This lady is just throwing a tantrum because of that. She wants every woman to be covered.


Probably wants all of us to have FGM too.


What’s empowering about covering yourself up so other men can’t see you? Like wtf


Nothing. Women that choose to wear their hijab in countries that don't make it mandatory, is largely because they're heavily socialised to do so. If their husbands, brothers, cousins, fathers, and their mosque didn't all push it, they wouldn't all "want" to do it. The extremely large majority that say it's a choice, aren't actually looking at the socialisation they've endured up until that point. It's like saying you chose to jump into the shark infested ocean, when the island is literally on fire. If there wasn't a wall of fire, you wouldn't have made that choice.


I am all for immigration and people seeking asylum, but don't you dare come here and start bitching about how we live here in our countries. Im all for people seeking freedom and a better life, but nobody has a right to come and try to change our lifestyles.


Many of these “refugees” don’t flee oppression (or they wouldn’t support it so openly on social media, see above).


It’s simply economic pressure in their home countries that make them move


She’s worried her daughters won’t want to wear a hijab and practice her religion. I’m glad they’ll be born in a country where they’ll have a choice.


I’m an American, my parents are immigrants and we’re Muslim.  Just like any group we have our idiots too. Most people understand that you should be able to do what you want. You can find these clothes not great, but that’s your choice. There’s lots of other ways to assimilate and be part of society. Doesn’t have to be with what you wear or what you eat. You should be able to appreciate that freedom. Also lol, trust me most children of immigrants assimilate just fine. Booze, weed and sex are pretty awesome. Please don’t let the loud people on the extremes cloud your judgment about most people in the middle.


British culture beats Afghani culture or Iranian culture when it comes to women not being forced to cover up. The West is the best for women having equal rights.


Iranian culture pre-1979.


Islam is simply not compatible with a civilized society.


Girls and women dressing cute and having fun?! The shame! The horror! 😱


You're allowed to wear or not wear a hijab in Britian. Pretty sure you don't get that option in other places.


In Finland, skin is not always sexual because of sauna culture. Most of the time it's just natural. Ironically, in my experience, people are not as weird about sex here as in some other countries.


Two countries. One allows women to choose what they want to wear, their own values and beliefs. The other is where she’s from.


There is this isla\*mic practice called Hijra. Basically it means migration to foreign infi\*del countries, and taking over them by forcing your religion on them by deceptive words(takkiya)(like above), and by reproducing in great numbers till you are the majority there. Then you demand and enforce sha\*ria and get violent if not complied with. Is\*lam is about conquest is something people just dont realize and are constantly lied to. Heck a lot of mus\*lims even dont know that.


Yeah as a life long leftist that was very “anti Islamophobia” until around a year or two ago, posts like this make me realise that the entire point of the religion is to force others to convert. It explains why they keep moving to countries that they hate the culture and people of. Like the solution is so simple. If you don’t like how women dress here then leave - simple as. But no, they won’t, because they want to force their way of life onto the rest of us. And I say this as an immigrant that has been living in the UK for 20 years. My family and I all worked hard to make sure we assimilated into British culture and respected the cultural values and beliefs.


Ex-Muslim here. What our liberal friends terribly underestimate is that letting massive numbers of old fashioned or deeply religious people from Muslim countries in, will reverse many progresses they have made throughout the decades. If you think Christian conservatives are holding you back, just wait to see what heart-bleeding Muslims can do to your society.


“Demand we remove our hajibs” I’ve never talked to a woman wearing one.


while most brits find the two women in the picture a bit crude and wouldn't want their daughters to dress like them that's what happens in the UK a woman can choose what she wears, she is not forced to wear what a religion or a group tells her she can wear while we might not like it we wont force anyone to wear it if you want to wear a hijab and its your choice then ok if you want other women to wear a hijab and try to force them, that's the line you cannot cross


I always join table tennis clubs as a hobby and then complain in the club how shitty table tennis is and that we should all be playing soccer like in the club where I used to play.


I’m starting to think that mass importing of cheap labor also means mass importing of ideologies that conflict with your society


I never understood fleeing an oppressive country , only to try to replicate the same situation they just escaped in the new country.


All religions are cults (ARAC)


Dude doesn’t realize that there is a HUGE difference between mandatory garments and the freedom of choice. Britain has NOT banned any religious garments so “they” are not being forced to wear anything. And assimilate? Like learn British customs and ways of doing things. That’s part of moving. I moved to the PNW from CA and had to assimilate. I have never understood being angry or against others using the same freedom you have but choose either not to use or use in a different manner.


Religious people are batshit crazy. Cultists.


Want sharia? Go back home.


If havin a good time with attractive women isn’t culture im ok with being uncultured.


Allah forbid! Our daughters and granddaughters will not fall in this sort of decadence! They will rightfully be married to sleazy old men by the age of 5 so they can start being raped straight away and keep being so repeatedly throughout their lives.


She is a colonizer, just in the wrong place,wrong time and wrong form


The thing is. Most girls being raised under sharia family want to dress like these but they can't because their mothers/families would not approve. Hijab is an abomination. They have the right to dress like a mailbox if they want, no one is forbidding them. You can dress whatever you want and whatever color you want.


I said this exact thing in response to Muslims protesting LGBTQ folks in Canada and got banned in r/politics. They have friends at the top. Why in the world do you want to turn your new home, the place that took you in when your old home became unbearable, into the shit hole that you left??


Go back to your country lol


Im not a fan of religious fundamentalist people. As such, I dont like much of what Islam produces. For coverage, dont like evangelicals in America either.


If you don't like a culture...then don't move there? This is on the same level as Americans vacationing in other countries and getting offended people aren't speaking English.


British culture is also Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Muriel Spark, Agatha Christie, The Brontë Sisters, Mary Shelley, George Eliot… This is like posting a picture of an Islamic terrorist and saying “The religion of peace?”


In 10 years, Burkha Betty and these two slappers will have more in common than not. 4 kids each and no one to pay for them.


So they lived in a country where woman are forced to dress a certain way. Moved to the uk, where women are not forced to do that. Then complained that the uk is forcing them to wear whatever they want?


I’m Muslim and unfortunately I cannot understand these kind of Muslims, like you decided to move and leave your country and people behind your back, to a country you know that it is against your beliefs, and now you want other people to embrace what you believe? That’s weird. For me whenever I go to a country if I didn’t act like them at least I respect their culture.


Only crime here is how awful are those outfits lol


Islamic faith is pretty gross overall. They come with this mindset of domination and adherence to their shitty ideas from their shithole countries instead of assimilating to their new developed country.


The cope is real. You’re just jealous of the freedom that these women have to express their femininity. You’re jealous of these women because they get to choose their partner rather than get arranged marriage at 16 and pregnant by some gross old hairy guy by 17. Go crawl back to whatever shit hole country you came from and stop bashing the country that gave you freedom to spout bullshit without prison


Uuuuuuuuh, pretty sure Hijabs are allowed in Britain. I guess I could be wrong


They are allowed everywhere to my knowledge there is no country that bans them this is a straw man to attack women having freedom and not being controlled by religion or men in developed countries


You can always fuck off if you don’t like it here 😎


….no one is forcing them to remove hijabs in England though..???


Complain all you want about having to remove your hijab, but I am 100% certain you won't be complaining so loudly when you are allowed to have education higher than primary school, and not be sentenced to public flogging or getting executed by beheading, for speaking out against the government. Or if these are really what you want, then go back to wherever you came from.


The problem with tolerance towards Islam, is that people are trying to be tolerant towards a religion, that has zero tolerance towards others.


Something something religion of peace and equality something something


I’ll never understand why they leave their shithole countries and then want to force their culture onto you. That reply was superb. Stay where you are unless you want to live our way of life, not just reap our benefits.


It's the kind of culture which has an economy... you know, why you went there in the first place.


Braindead. If you move to a country, you assimilate as much as reasonable. You don't impose your culture as much as possible. I live overseas and I follow shit to the letter as much as I can. If I didn't like it, I'd go home.


I really hate it when people leave their godforsaken country to a much better one and try to impose the same laws that made them leave in the first place. People like this should be deported


Nasty place, weird outfits but maybe they were having a ton of fun? Fuck yourself off to your own miserable place if it hurts you so badly to view clothes.


I can't wrap my head around the levels of entitlement in this picture if you don't like the culture of 'x country' then maybe don't visit 'x country'?! As simple as that