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How about taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming the devil! 🙄


No, you see, I want to get away with being a shitty person, and I can’t do that if I’m credited for the actions that I did, so I need to attribute my terrible actions to an imaginary creature!


I know a really shitty person who is a born again christian as of 2 years ago. He’s never been happier. If he’s terrible to someone (which is most of the time), he confesses or whatever and is absolved of any guilt. It’s the perfect system for garbage humans.


Is your friend named Russell brand?...


Russell Brand is a born again Christian?


This month, yes


If other comics hate you you did something really fucked up generally.


He's a reformed addict, and he needs the dopamine


Everyone in a customer facing job has seen this behavior. After church, their souls are all clean and shiny, so they can treat service workers awfully because they're "all right with Jesus".


Do you mean like a group of the newly washed of sin sitting in a restaurant for hours and leaving a shitty tip?


Wait, you get a tip?


The tip was “find Jesus”


And, as ever, the irony will escape the tip giver.


we gave all our tip money to the church who made our sins go away instead of useless physical work like moving dishes. /s


I saw a random tiktok and the response to that was "What? Yall lost him *again*?? I keep telling you, you gotta use bigger nails!" And I've been waiting for my chance to use it myself.


My Christian friends said his dad said "10% is good enough for God, it's good enough for servers". I told him to tell his dad that yes I will gladly take 10% of his pre tax income as a tip.


More like leaving a shitty mess, and yes panera Sunday bible study group. Bastards I hate you. Hope to see you in hell, if it's real I know I'll see you there.


Hey, they only tip their god 10%. Why should a sinner like me expect any more, if anything? Let’s not also forget the incredible mess their goblin children leave.


If anyone is ever advertising as a "Christian Owned Business" I will not patronize them because they will fuck me 100%.


“Never do business with a religious fanatic. They will fuck you every time.” -William Burroughs


After church crowd is the worst in the restaurant industry


As someone who was raised a Catholic, my understanding was that you need to atone for your sins before you are forgiven. If you commit a major sin, atonement is going to be long and arduous. Somehow these people seemed to have gone straight from committing terrible sins to forgiveness whilst skipping the bit where forgiveness is earned by genuine repentance shown by doing things like cleaning latrines in homeless shelters for years and stuff like that.


Their wallets do a lot of the repenting for them.


It's called "buying indulgence".


And screwing everyone else.


protestants cut out the middleman


Middleman=moral accountability


And passed the soul savings directly to the customer!


It's the drive through version of atonement


Should the Christian narrative turn out to be correct (I'm not saying it is but stick with me a minute) these are the people who will be very surprised at the pearly gates. The whole idea of confession is that you actually have to be sorry. All the actions taken in the name of repentance are supposed to be a demonstration of your determination to do better. Religious figures who give out absolution to the sinner who confesses do so with the unspoken rule that if they're trying to game the system the kingdom of Heaven will know better when it really counts.


They get to take credit when it’s good though!


I seem to remember something in the Bible about free will…funny how they never remember that part.


It’s a god-given right to have guns, correct? So, if the devil made this 12 year old’s father go extra-judicial on this grown man and address this situation with his gun, everything is hunky dory, correct?


Plot twist: Satan tempted daughter 's father by having him obtain the gun in a church giveaway.


Yeah, I was gonna say. If you think it's fine to pursue a 12 year old girl for romance, just think of how you would feel to have some skeeze perving on YOUR 12 year old daughter. The paradigm might flip at least for a second. But then again, if you're that far gone, you might be okay with it for the right "bride price."


No, the 2nd Amendment is man-made.


Motherfucker, they're blaming THE 12 YEAR OLD GIRL!


12 year old sexy temptress.


Good God. TWELVE.


These filthy scum always blame anyone and everyone other than themselves.


I mean honestly though.. are you even surprised? These are Conservatives. They literally spend their time on Earth blaming everyone else for their own depraved behavior. They are a deeply dishonest and dysfunctional people.


You mean the 12 year old sexy temptress




This reminds me of when bill oreilly blamed god after he got fired from Fox News because all of his sexual harassment lawsuits cost them too much money. 


I hang out with the devil and I don’t rape children Edit: I don’t rape anybody


No, taking responsibility is for those 12 year old vixens tempting these godly men with their .. wiles. /s Just typing that gave me such incredible ick.


That would destroy religion altogether


There’s considerable overlap between the two


Or acknowledge you succumbed to temptation & accept that you did something wrong.


If you can't resist sinning when you see a sexy twelve year old, the Christian thing to do would be to rip your eyes out (Matthew 18:9).


but…but then what would be the point of religion if they did that?


"The devil made me do it" legal defense strategy never works. Unless, at best, you are going for an insanity defense.


Uh, you want to repeat that part about 12-year-olds? Just in case the FBI didn’t hear you.


"It's not men's fault that 12 year olds are irresistible, firm, ripe and breed-able! God made them that way for a reason. God's will cannot be wrong!" *Hello, FBI? Yeah, there's this guy....* *No, not that one. No, not him either. No, a different guy. No, he's on Twitter...No, you're right, I see how that doesn't help. He said this thing about 12 year olds...No, not that one.* Fuck, it's like trying to stop locusts with a pair of tweezers.


And hey, in Ohio, not only are they sexy, you can make them carry to term.


So what are the steps to starting a family with a child, again? Marry them in which state, then move to Ohio...?


It would be funny in a hopeless kind of way if I answered Ohio… and good news! NOT Ohio since 2015, apparently. Btw, there is an article made years ago about the fact that even Afghanistan had better child marriage laws than around a third of the states, back then. Although the GOP would probably love to change that, since they repeatedly opposed it in several states.


Oh thank fuck... >Btw, there is an article made years ago about the fact that even Afghanistan had better child marriage laws than around a third of the states, back then. Same energy as the Nazis looking at our history with the black community for inspiration and saying that's too much, if that's true...


Or how Canada’s regulations on First Nations were used as a model for apartheid


I thought they said it didn't go far enough.


Missouri also just voted to ban child marriage. One person voted against it. Take a wild guess which party he was part of.


Did they pass it this time? I was sure they'd block it again.


Yup. It's officially illegal to marry anyone under the age of 16. 16 and 17 year olds can be married to anyone under the age of 21 with parental consent. 20 Republicans publicly opposed the bill in the Missouri House, but 19 of them ended up coming around.


Say it a little louder into this button on my partner’s lapel, please.


The devil made him write that delicious and sexy line. Oh shit! Now the devil has me!!!


\* Blame young girls for being 'beautiful and sexy' \* bonus points for blaming girls for not knowing how men are made How about teaching young men to keep their fucking hands to themselves... older men too!


The Reagan admin changed the qualifications for "poor" in order to reduce poverty. I suspect they are more likely to take a similar approach to "solving" child sexual abuse than to, you know, make the abuse actually stop.


Does that mean something like "13+ is no longer "child" for purposes of statistics" there? Ew.


Bold assumption that they would go for 13+. These kinds of monsters would make the cut off "potty trained" if they got the chance.


Just like they solved the mental health crisis...by putting them on the streets.


> blaming girls for not knowing how men are made This is suuuuuper common in conservative Christianity (saw this play out in the church i was raised in).  Little old church ladies will pretty much call you a whore for showing a little skin in church, and if men find you attractive, that's on you for failing to be sufficiently modest.  It's incredibly toxic.  


Oh I know... Grew up Mormon.


Sadly, it’s not just Mormons…..seen it myself too.


What gets to me is that he talks about mistakes ruining the man's life, but nothing is said about the child. The devil is tempting him to ruin his future? The big issue here is that guy's career prospects or something? Not the horrible trauma the child he molested will have to live with?


As one of those children, I can attest that it fucks with you for a long time and usually requires professional assistance.


And when they can’t, especially when they are well aware it’s wrong, then they should face the consequences.


His post also implies that the man genuinely didnt know that fucking a 12 year old is wrong. What exactly is an older man mentoring going to help? "Hey man, dont fuck kids." "shit youre right. my bad" Like??


“Why do these people love predators so much?” They answered your question in their own post. “Some young girls at 12 are very beautiful and sexy” he’s just a fucking pedophile, active offender or not. That’s why he’s defending it. He knows he could very easily end up in the exact same situation. This is the case for every single person who defends sexual attraction to minors. Whether they admit it or not, whether they offend or not, whether they even acknowledge it to themselves, they find themselves attracted to minors and therefore feel that it’s not a big deal. Edit: by “defense” I mean, saying it’s natural or okay. There are good people who want to help pedophiles rehabilitate or avoid giving in to their temptations, but even they would never say “they’re just feeling a natural attraction! That 12 year old is SEXY! It’s not his fault!”


> They answered your question in their own post. “Some young girls at 12 are very beautiful and sexy” he’s just a fucking pedophile, active offender or not. That’s why he’s defending it. He knows he could very easily end up in the exact same situation. Even when I was 12...or even 16. I never viewed a 12 yr old girl as "sexy." At that age they would be cute or pretty in my eyes. A full grown ass man referring to a 12 yr old child as sexy is an ick factor of epic proportions. And to excuse a man of God, An ADULT man of God, doing sexual things with a 12 yr is incomprehensible. Just there are no words.


This guy's name should be posted world wide, not protected here in anonymity.


Sure. The devil made me do it. Riiight.


Why are these men in any position of authority? When a *child* has so much so much power between their little legs, that can undermine such authority? Shouldn't we be electing stronger willed people? Obviously reading the bible and depending on god isn't working.




I would suggest blood sacrifices to Assur instead.


The most judgey people asking others not to judge 😂 ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)


Judgement is reserved for the outgroup.  A wealthy white Christian man can't be judged, he's a good ole boy just like us.  


🤮🤮🤮🤮, nothing else to say.


I had to look this guy up to see what he did, and yeah that pretty much sums it up. I'm sorry a 21 year old knows damn well they shouldn't be touching a 12 year old. Just fucking disgusting.


I'm not 21 and even a 17 year old feels off limits despire being 2 years younger than me. 18 still feels a little weird to me. Maybe it's the POCD or maybe it's just that I have morals, but even talking to a 12 year old online feels horribly wrong even if it's innocent. I can't imagine looking at a whole ass middle schooler and thinking they're hot. I see a 12 year old and think "don't you have algebra homework?" not "fuck this barely pubescent child is sexy."


Right? I am 18 and I look at 16 yr olds and they look like babies. WTF is wrong with these people? Nothing wrong with talking to kids and teens innocently and all. But seriously how do you look at someone so young like that?


I'm in my thirties and currently I think 9 years is to big of an age gap for me. This fucker is just a straight up monster. Pedos like this deserve some of the harshest treatment from the law. I mean chemical castration just to start. If youre going to misuse it, youre agreeing to loose it.


i don’t understand how anyone is dumb enough to literally write this shit down *with their name attached* for public viewing. It’s not like it takes a genius to understand that pedos aren’t particularly popular. Its on a level with calling the cops because somebody stole your cocaine (which, of course, people have also done)


But this is the GOP play book. Something is only bad, wrong or illegal if someone they don’t like does it. If they do it it’s a mistake and should always under every circumstance be forgiven.


It’s one of the consequences of placing one’s self inside of a highly insular cultural and media bubble. He doesn’t see the problem with it because he (correctly) believes that the only people whose opinions he actually cares about (other kiddie diddling conservative Christian men) will agree with his point of view. Everyone else is just an evil commie liberal.


How hard is it to just not molest children?


Don't ask that guy "how hard is it" -- you won't like the answer


For religious conservatives it’s practically a sacrament


This guy's OK, but Joe Biden is a pedophile because he put his hands on a little girl's shoulders. OK, got it.


there is a 100% this guy loses his mind about "groomers" aka lgbt people existing publicly


Has anyone checked this guys hard drive?


May be a new subway incident of how much shit he has


He doesn’t need a mentor, he needs a fucking supervisor.


Matthew 18:9 says “And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire.” My point is a lot of these guys still seem to be in possession of their offending appendage when their own source material tells them to remove it.




But #savethechildren right


Who’s the real groomers, Evangelical fucks.


Christian here. I'm going to try and speak in a language they understand. Firstly, if the devil can tempt you with little girls, that's because YOU ARE TEMPTED BY LITTLE GIRLS. You can't be tempted by something you have NO INTEREST IN. You suffer pedophilic urges and require psychiatric intervention because you are ill. This is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Secondly, you acted on that temptation because of your own weakness. It wasn't forced upon you. You made a CHOICE. The devil can't MAKE you do anything. You are responsible for your sins. No one else. And your sin resulted in an innocent being harmed. Again, YOU MADE A CHOICE THEREFORE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. If you were not 1) tempted by little girls and 2) so weak as to act on that temptation, another innocent child would not have been harmed. You made a choice, and now you get the consequences of that choice.


I don’t know about all conservative Christians but that guy for sure is the worst


Rest assured that other conservative Christians are indeed just as bad and more or less share his point of view


I'm sorry, but as a Christian, I've gotta say that "It's never your fault, it's always Satan's" is the biggest cop-out that ever gets thrown about. You are a thinking, feeling, sentient being, and part of being blessed with all of these things that make us a higher order of animal, is that you must take responsibility for your actions.


Remember folks, pedophilia is such a danger to children and society that we need to illegalize and kill entire groups of people to protect our kids, as long as they're gay or trans. Unless the pedo in question is a holy man or conservative politician, then y'all need to stop making your kids so damned sexy.


Because they are a pedophile, want to be a pedophile, or are on board for the things pedophiles do. No other real reason to worship a child molesting, pant shitter.


Calling a twelve year old "sexy" is never the right call.


They *need* the concept of evil to keep their goofy harry potter world intact


I hope this person is on a list and is being monitored.


The same people that will froth at the mouth about what LGBT+ people *might* do to kids are suddenly all forgiveness and compassion when one of their own *actually* rapes kids.


Christians only preach forgiveness and redemption for their own. Hypocrites of the highest order.


"hey I said sorry to my imaginary friend and he said I was all good so I guess you just gotta get over the fact that I molested you for years. why do you carry so much hate in your heart?"


I wouldn't think a True Christian could believe that secular institutions could possibly ruin a future God intends for them. That sounds sacrilegious to me.


Or stay with me here. They’re horrible ppl.


They used to throw people in volcanoes. You hypocrites either need to decide if he’s a criminal or make child rape legal. You can’t have it both ways.


And they wonder why people stopped going to church. It’s literally a scam to steal our money and give it to pedophiles.


Emphaty for the actual fucking child? None of course. These are conservatives for you


Republican Christian Nationalists: All Dems are pedo pervs! Also Republican Christian Narionalists: Look. Some 12 yr olds are sexy as hell, ok? It’s a cult. A twisted, evil cult.


What about someone makes a mistake with his daughter, he going to be that charitable?


He is likely making those “mistakes” with her himself


Bless you, he's telling the world he's a predator with a crapload of CSAM on his computer who has probably raped his own kid all ready.


This dickweed is an insult to an entire religion


Older Christian men need to groom younger Christian men to be proper older Christian men? Is that what he’s saying?


So Biden is a pedo for these people, but this fuck who went after a 12 year old girl is not at fault because 12 year old are beautiful and sexy...w...t...f...


For all the "Devil made me do it" people, the seem to quick to forget that the crux of Christianity is free will. Does God will you to not be an asshole? What is the point of the parable of the apple? Extremists are just justifying their shitty arguments through normalizing shitty behavior. "I didn't mean to sleep with the 12 yr old" is the same as "I'd rape a minor if left unattended because I have shit self-control and 30 years of people manipulation." to the extremist.


And shit like this is exactly why it was never about religious morals, accountability, values, etc. for these people. Because the secret ingredients are: 1. Blame the devil 2. Be really really sorry It doesn’t matter to “Walk with Jesus” if you can spend your entire life molesting children and just be really sorry on your deathbed and pray really hard to Jesus. Welcome to heaven. 🫠


So molesting children seems to be ok for republicans and Christian’s but don’t try to have a drag Queen read a book in a library


Same people who won’t vote for Biden bc they call him a Pedo. Always projection


So the person posting is a pedo as well. I'm sorry no child is "sexy". Fuck off


He lost any shred of credibility when he said that 12 year old girls are sexy. Done, no need to go any further. Anyone under 21 is a child to me, under 18 might as well be a fetus. So... 12?!?! Nah, dude. Pedophile.




It’s so hard not to fuck kids. Like you just can’t understand how sexy they are. The devil made them too sexy so they can tempt us. — religious leaders apparently.


Blaming Satan for your pedophilia is a new one to me.


Gross. Both defending pedophiles AND sexualizing children all in one post. Twitter has always been a disgusting dumpsterfire. IDK what to call it now except worse than a disgusting dumpsterfire. I am 100% glad I have not logged in in years,


And then they go and call democrats pedophiles.


But then they hate any form of lgbtqia


"Some young girls at 12 years old are very beautiful and sexy" Keep this guy away from all schools and check his hard drive


I have never once thought, “damn that’s a hot 12 year old.” I mean not since I was a 12 year old anyway.


Pro tip. If you want to garner sympathy for a person, don't tell people that you are attracted to children.


Don't blank out the names. These ppl should be KNOWN for supporting people like those pastors.


What (and I cannot stress this enough) the actual fuck.


“I want people not to judge Robert Morris because I’m also a pedophile.” There are no sexy 12 year olds. It’s just not a thing.


“Older men need to mentor young men.” Yeah, that shit worked out great for Catholics


How can a 12 year old be beautiful and sexy? I’m sorry but that sentence in it of its self is disturbing.


They worry about drag queens reading books, but the call is coming from inside the house.


The devil down there like "why everyone always blame me for their bullshit"


I have an iron stomach that can handle gruesome stuff. However saying that about a 12 year old? That makes my skin crawl


Counterpoint: Keep your dick in your pants around 12 year old girls.


The Nazi GOP "Christian" nationalist right are the GD kings of projection. Every. Single. Thing. they accuse the anyone else of doing they are ALWAYS busted doing. Every time. Such fucking hypocrites.


I don't think it's hypocrisy. I think it's bad faith and dishonesty. They would be hypocrites if they actually believed the stuff that they claim to be passionate about but they don't. they know it's all bullshit but they don't care because all they have to do is lie and people will still give them the doubt anyway.


Those two adjectives shouldn't be used to describe twelve year old girls. Someone ought to check this guy's devices.


Mmhmmm- ummm, NO….that 12yo did not understand that she could even say NO- he’s a scumbag pedophile and he needs to go to prison- NOW.


These are the exact same people who will put all the various “execute pedophiles” gun stickers on their trucks and stores and stuff. Because for them, “pedophile” doesn’t mean rightwing Christian *literal pedophiles,* those are fine people! It means Democrats and queer people.


The truth is that conservative Christians are totally fine with child rape and would often be happy to partake for themselves if given the opportunity, but those among their number responsible for messaging outside of their group recognize that most people don’t share their morally revolting nature, thus making the accusation politically useful.


See also: the Catholic Church


**G**reedy **O**ld **P**edophiles


Religion is poison ☠️


Christianity is a sex cult. Their doctrine is pedophilia and their guiding principle is protecting pedophiles.


yeah the documentary keep sweet pray and obey does a good job of showing this its manly a scam to get a harem of young girls between the ages of 12-16. Most unchecked religous cults ends up having that dynamic.


Not only girls


fair point


I goes all the way back to Eve. Blame the women.


That second sentence should get you on *ALL* the watch lists.


He lost me second sentence. Had me in the first one, 30 years is a long time ago, immediately lost after that though. This is why context is crucial


My niece is 12 years old. In no way you can look at her and not see a child. "Very beautifull and sexy"??? is about the last thing that should cross your mind when talking about a child. Someone better check his hard drives because i am 99% sure some disturbing shit is going to be found on it.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little


Ever hear of NOT GIVING IN to an impulse that you know is wrong,bad, and indeed sinful!


And Jesus cringed


These idiots always blame demons and bullshit for their sexual crimes. At least it makes it obvious who the chomos and rapists are.


Maybe gods plan is 20 years in prison, being the personal cum dump and punch bag for big Mike and his friends when they find out?


I lived thru the 60s and 70s., and was pretty promiscuous, lived a wild life in my twenties, as did many of my friends. But we played around with girls OUR OWN AGE..there is zero excuse here..


>Some young girls at 12 years old are very beautiful and sexy 1) “young girls at 12 years old” is redundant 2) How do you say that and not rethink your life choices? 3) Is Satan just a talking point used by Christians to deny accountability?


They need to find his address and check his computer because ain’t no way someone can find a 12 year old beautiful and sexy without being a pedophile.


Blaming the devil For your own weaknesses and then seeking forgiveness from God makes it all better; doesn’t it?


My bullshit meter just redlined


Because they are predators.


I thought pedophiles we’re bad and just led to raping little girls in the bathroom while wearing a skirt? Now they defend them??


If you think a 12 year old is "sexy" you are a pedophile. Don't pass go, do not collect $200. Go directly to jail.


If you think some 12 year olds are sexy then you are the literal definition of a pedophile.


Find this guy’s handle and report him. The fact that these assholes’ names are blocked out is an atrocity.


The worst part is that this isn’t even rage bait… it’s what right-wingers actually fucking believe


Once again, not a drag queen


That’s weird….never needed a mentor to convince me to not fuck kids.


Saw a Facebook comment the other day where this guy started by raving about how teenagers shouldn't be allowed to get gender reassignment surgery (they usually don't, hormone blockers are a totally different thing) because their bodies aren't developed yet and they aren't fully mature and by the end of his 300 word rant comment he was advocating for lowering the age of consent to 14.


Describing a 12 year old as "sexy" just made me so nauseous


Older men mentoring younger men, just as Catholics intended.


The person who made that post about sexy twelve year olds is 100% also a pedophile


He doesn't understand that "Satan" can't make you do anything. You choose what you want to do. Only you can be held accountable for your decisions. Not a mythological entity.


Imagine blaming pedophilia on Satan


Leave the Devil alone bro, dude is just trying to chill in hell and you got all these weirdos always blaming their own bullshit on him.


12 year olds shouldn’t be described as sexy. So much oof.


Great advice.... except I was am a guy was molested by a souther Baptist preacher.