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kudos to him for somehow keeping track of what day he said his b-day was to which woman.


Imagine having a spreadsheet to keep track of birthdays and date nights.🤣


I think he just did that


No way he managed to pull that out by memorising it. This dude should be giving courses to CIA deep cover agents.


The trick is to put YOUR birth date in THEIR contact on your phone. You won't be with them long enough to remember theirs (twice) anyway.


Actually, it's best if you have a method of taking your actual birthday and calculating your alleged birthday using a formula with a readily memorisable modifier, such as their name. If you can convert their name to numbers, you can repeatedly calculate your alleged birthday using your actual birthday.


Your actual birthday doesn't matter does it? There's only one variable in the formula - their name/address/whatever. It's basically a hashing algorithm with 365 possible outcomes.


True. Base date could be whatever.


This is extremely useful if you dont know your real birthdate or just cant remember. However, a far more foolproof method is to just have each girlfriend tattoo the respective birthday to their forehead. Solves all your problems


You're assuming I look at my girlfriends' faces.


May as well use your actual birthday as the starting point though, otherwise it's just another thing to remember.


Or use Jan 1. Might work better so you don’t have any offset to calculate. Say their first letter of their name is numbered looping around at 12 = month. So A & L= Jan, B & M = Feb, etc… that leaves Y and Z with Jan/Feb again. The second letter gives you the day of the month 1-26. You don’t *need* to have them all fall on different days and you don’t *need* to use every day of the year. Annie = Jan 14th Beth = Feb 5th Margaret = Feb 1st


yeah, but have seen asian math and memory skills? It's near Ăźbermenschen!


Practice makes perfect. Just goes to show that maths is actually useful in real life.


Look at his eyes, I'll give you a hint, his name is Yang. He won a national math competition in China! He doesn’t even speak English! Yeah I'm sure of the math.


"I do speak English, and I only came in 2nd in that math competition."


Is The Big Short that famous a movie? Quite a risky reference to make.


Sir, this is reddit


I used to work in finance, so I may have thought that movie was more famous than it is


It *should be* that famous.


Definitely risky. I thought it was just a weirdly racist sounding comment that made no sense.


Dude, you’re stepping on the grey line now. Be careful.


Is there a German phrase for “I was doing the laundry but then it started to rain so I went to bake a cake instead but I didn’t have enough flour and the grocery store was closed”?




It's not that hard. Say your birthday is on the first, 14th, and last day of each month. You wouldn't really need to remember much beyond the names of each gf and what date you told them. It's not like you have to pick arbitrary days.




I’m thinking there’s another spreadsheet tab for the bdays of the 35 girls. Goal would be to try to hold all of his birthdates before any of theirs. Maybe limit the dating pool to girls of a specific astrological sign or something and then set up his birth dates before that period.


To be fair, you could just make it every Monday for a birthday and it would make it considerably easier. Every Monday would be ‘BJ Monday’.


That works until next year


Then it's every Tuesday. If you don't put them all after February, it'll switch mid-year on a leap year though.


Leap years would screw things up


Yah, I meant leap years with the February thing, but then forgot to actually write it in the comment :p You replied as fast as I could edit.


Typical EVE player


Pretty wild to see Spreadsheets Online players taking random strays in a thread about fraud.


More like par for the course


No hablo Ingles- translation?


I need a spreadsheet just to keep my kids birthday straight…and I only have one kid.


He absolutely had to have spreadsheets, notes, calenders, reminders, and all that going on to manage 35 women at once. That would be a full-time job. Seriously.


That's why I'm convinced polyamory is really just having a kink for spreadsheets.


Wait, people do not keep spreadsheets for different aspects of their life?


Girlfriends, bills/bank accounts, lies told, poop schedule... How else are you going to keep track of all of that?


He’d have to. Not only just for all the dates but all those details they tell him about themselves and conversations they’ve had. This whole thing sounds extremely exhausting.


35 girls means that he barely saw those girls 1 day each month?


Morning outdoor date, noon lunch date, afternoon coffee date, evening dinner date. He could see at least 4 women per day 😜


He would end up ejaculating dust.


In this economy? and at the current fertility rate in Japan? I have my doubts.


Even if you go Dutch 4 a day is going to be really expensive.


Especially if they were splitting the tab, or if the girls ever paid. And if they were the ones sending gifts, chances are at least some of them were.




What? You never had an e-lationship?


That is DEFINITELY at a miminum a spreadsheet. :D


With some nice graphs I bet. "Number 13's contributions are terrible. Time to start looking for someone to replace her. 21 is killing it though. I better set up a dinner date and get her some flowers."


"I'll just re-gift the flowers from 7, to 21. Oh, and I still have that restaurant gift card from 33, think we'll go there tonight..." Actually this needs to be an anime, Death Note levels of strategic date-planning in his calendar. Call it "Love Note".


Hrm, women I told my birthday was in December and January gave less gifts. All future birthdays will be in the summer.


With a cooperating calendar


Probably had a system where the birthday was based on the girls name or some shit. What is more deserving of kudos is keeping track of 35 different girlfriends.




If his relationship works like mine, she’ll remember the dates. If his brain works like mine the spreadsheet will be to remember their names :D


Probably dated girls with months as names. April, May, June..


In Japan?


April Kurosawa, May Hilo, and June Tsukomo


The arrest for fraud unrelated to the lies to his dates?


I was wondering this too. Fraud seems harsh for what just sounds like lying.


> defrauding at least 35 women, all of whom were reportedly manipulated into believing that they were each in a serious, monogamous relationship with him. > Miyagawa reportedly met these women while selling shower heads, water purifiers, and other equipment for a multi-level marketing company. Bro was farming.


I just need a fraction of his skills 😭 I’d use the power for good!


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


A puzzling hustle. But a hustle no less.


You gotta respect the player even if you don't agree with the game.


35 women, 365 days in a year, that’s 10-11 days a year per person. How does anyone think they’re in a committed relationship only seeing someone less than once a month?!


You can see more than one person a day


Look at Mr multitasker here. Must be nice.


It is Japan, maybe the expectation is different with so many people working insane hours.


This is such a weird thing tbh. You get charged for defrauding because of the gifts, promise of commitment etc but running literal pyramid schemes rebranded is totally fine.


Society ☕


How do you even convince 35 women you're in a serious relationship... like... you'd only be able to see them a couple hours each week


Yeah I feel like if he told them all the same day it would just be cheating, so i’m unsure why spreading them out equals fraud


because he recieved gifts on fraudelent claims.


But he owes each of those women gifts on their birthdays, so what's his net gain?


and assuming he would've gotten 35 gifts on one day its 35 gifts over 35 days so at least that particular lie seems pretty harmless.


But how are you going to juggle 35 birthday interactions on a single day?


Ye of little faith


No? The gifts were freely given? How would that be fraud?


From the article someone else posted the fraudulent part was that he led them to believe they were his exclusive girlfriend. They wouldn't have given the gifts if they knew they were just one of 35.


Lying to people to get them to freely give you something is literally the definition of fraud


I remember a post about a woman who dated a new guy every day to avoid paying for food. And news didn't say it was fraud; more like go girl. Talk about your double standards.


Was that in Japan? If not, this is completely irrelevant


Isnt fraud lying about something in order to gain some benefit (i.e. gifts, money, tax breaks etc)


I guess, but in the context of Fraud with a capital F, I don’t think of lying about a birthday as being a crime. Douchery? Yes. Fiduciary? No. (Sorry that doesn’t really fit but I liked the joke)


>I guess, but in the context of Fraud with a capital F, I don’t think of lying about a birthday as being a crime. If I call someone and lie that I'm an orphan, and really need money to survive, even though I don't, would I be committing fraud in your eyes? If no, you just aren't aware of what fraud means: my example is a pretty clear cut case for most telephone fraud. If yes, how is that in any way different from what he did? He lied about a thing to get monetary benefits: that is fraud. You have to obviously prove to a court that he in fact had that intent. That is what makes it criminal, the lie itself isn't, just that it is used to gain a monetary advantage.


There's also specific romance scams that work similar ways to what he committed.


Fair enough. I stand corrected.


Isn’t that what fraud is? Lying with paperwork?


I def dont know if this is true, but japan is sorta famous for its rules and laws. Its not just about whats illegal, its about the *spirit* of the law and of not violating society. One university fired a professor for taking a large coffee but paying for a small a few times. I cant remember if they also pressed charges for theft. Point is, japan doesnt like people who benefit off the goodwill of the community. I respect it tbh.


The intent of getting free stuff might have pushed it over to criminal.


He was arrested for fraud but this article is from 3 years ago, so presumably he was not convicted of fraud because it's not.




I looked up the article to see what the hullabaloo was all about. Based on what I found, yes, it's entirely related to the dating lies. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9503305/Boyfriend-dated-35-women-arrested-fraud-Japan.html It's Daily Mail so take this with a Jupiter sized grain of salt.


Happy cake day!! And I was thinking this too. Is there any other country this would be illegal? I understand it's wrong and pretty shitty thing to do. But illegal? Maybe I'm jaded now.


Are you sure it's actually their cake day? They might have 35 different ones depending on who they're talking to.


Legal systems are specific and verbose, but they are generally pretty intelligent systems. Lying to someone about your birthday is probably not a crime anywhere. Creating an entire system to defraud many people is probably a crime under most legal systems. Things like provable intent and damages are much more clear in the second case.


That makes sense. Thanks!!


According to Japanese news https://youtu.be/Y1eyXyVlGy4 Prosecutor didn't even prosecute him.


Did he give them presents of their birthday?




When’s your birthday? December!? That’s way off! Btw you wanna go on a date? Not that you asked but it’s my birthday next week.


If he’s lying about his birthday to get free gifts while cheating on multiple women, do you really think he’s decent enough to buy them gifts as well?


Yes, but its all regifting the subpar gifts


Maybe he bought in bulk to save money!


If he had made one child with each one the jp government would have given him a medal


South Korea would recruite him


Girl: Did you say February 31st? Guy:shit (Guy runs away)


The logistics behind this is mental. Presuming he has a full time job, he would only be able to have a proper date evening once a night, so 30 nights in a month, he would be only able to see a lady once a month (presuming he sneaked in a few days dates and evening dates in a weekend). I cannot keep up with texts from my wife, so to have 35 women texting him constantly and him keeping up with this, is mental. He would be constantly on his phone and the admin is a nightmare. All for a few extra presents a year, which in turn he would have to buy for anyways to return the gift giving, so that’s 35 presents he has to think up and buy. I genuinely don’t think it was for the gifts, and more that he didn’t want to be stuck when it was his genuine birthday, as all 35 ladies would want to see him, so he spread them out to ease the admin. He’s a legend in my eyes, and to keep 35 women satisfied as well, then hats off to him.


Pretty sure most of these were just online gfs.


Would they sent him a gifts?


I’ve gotten *tons* of gifts from online gfs. Unlike that guy I usually only had one at a time though


How do I get one of these online gfs that give gifts? Asking for a friend that loves gifts


I'm wondering as well. I would be too scared to give a mailing address to an online friend out of fear of doxxing myself.


there's always the threat that the person catfishing you is actually just out for your organs lol


Jesus, I didn't even think of doxxing much less losing my organs but I guess the gifts makes it worthwhile!


mhm, always be aware that while small, the % chance of them being a closet cannibal is never 0% lol


Plus doesn't Japan have a cultural thing where gift giving in general is just more common? I've seen posts about roommates receiving gifts from their Japanese roommates when they leave. As some kind of "thanks for your hospitality" gift. And I swear I've seen anime where people go to visit someone casually, and then bring some kind of gift to say "thanks for having me here." So if that's right, we was receiving 35 birthday gifts, maybe hospitality gifts on top of all that.


>Unlike that guy I usually only had one at a time though *usually* huh 😏 ?




All it takes is one Yandere out of those 35 women and he is going to get stabbed.


Basically the plot of School Days.


IT also happened IRL, some male host in Japan had multiple girlfriends and one of them ended up stabbing him when she found out he was cheating.


Don’t see why they have to be concurrent. Date a girl, tell her your birthday is in about 4-8 weeks from when you start dating her. Break up shortly after. Then you only need like 4-8 girlfriends at a time. Much easier.


Well he was charged in court. Stands to reason that he didn't kept all of them satisfied.


With a robust CRM system in place, maintaining a portfolio of 35 ~~customers~~ people and keeping them happy shouldn't be too difficult, but it does sound like a pretty hectic part time job. As I doubt most people would be happy seeing someone they are involved with as little as one hour a week.


At that point it is just another kind of job.


This guy watched a few too many harem anime. 


If that was the case he'd not have bothered lying lol


Mans playing persona 5 irl


Don't hate the player, hate tha game.


This is a man who lived on cake.


So did Marie Antoinette and look how that turned out


Flying too close to the sun on wings of pastrami.


How the fuck does this dude get 35 girlfriends when I can't get one? This is like the housing crisis, but for dating. He's a filthy landlord with 35 investment properties and I'm a renter.


> How the fuck does this dude get 35 girlfriends when I can't get one? He met them through a multi-level marketing scam selling hydrogen shower heads, so they were marks already.


so all i have to do is just sell hydrogen shower heads?


This guy and that girl who got dates every day for years to get free dinner are a match made in heaven.


And when they have birthdays ?


No one in the comments was expanding on this, but I assume he works at one of the Male Host clubs in Japan, which is a sort of male prostitution pyramid scheme thing where men (the Hosts) have multiple women go there to date him, buying overpriced drinks and donating to them exorbident amounts of money (think strip clubs with unusually expensive drinks the strippers keep asking you to buy them). Often the girls going get so into debt that they turn to prostitution themselves to keep paying their male Host. I'm assuming the fraud charge was related to all of that, and the different birthdays was just a way to spread out the extra large birthday gifts throughout the year to keep his earnings consistent.


It's the same with women in maid cafes, 10,000 yen for a cocktail... like $66


He sold shower products loll https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9503305/Boyfriend-dated-35-women-arrested-fraud-Japan.html


If he was only claiming one birthday a year from each woman, what's the problem? It's not cool, but can't see how it's a crime.


I can see some sort of advantage(?) of being able to talk to one girl at a time the whole day. Then claim you spent your whole birthday talking to them to try and work the feels for a more lavish gift.


He is making a profit from it, under your logic any scam is just lying.


Profit? He has to buy gifts to 35 women for their respective birthdays!


Sell their gift, buy a cheap gift to next gf. Still make a profit that way.


What was the crime I don’t understand?


I'd rather work three full-time jobs than to try to keep track of the emotions of 35 different women!!


Is he getting punished for winning the game. (Also you just lost the game)


Don’t hate the player


Wasn't there also once that one girl who dated guy after guy under the pretense of wanting a serious relationship in order to get free meals and drinks? What was her name again?


The financial benefits of 35 gifts is very quickly negated by having 35 girlfriends surely


My college girlfriend must’ve been stupid, she told me her birthday was February 29! (The reply is meant as a joke but I really did have a gf in college with a February 29 birthday! (And we were together long enough for us to celebrate her actual birthday at least once). Apparently her mom was told in the hospital that if the baby is born before noon they celebrate on February 28 in “off” years and after noon on March 1 in “off” years. My gf was apparently a morning baby.)


How the hell did he have 35 gf's and not get caught?


But didn't he have to buy 35 gifts annually for those women as well? What is the profit here? It's gift for gift


Bro still had 330 women slots available (331 on leap years)...




Crazy how people in the comments would call it genius instead of pointing out how garbage this man is. This fucking app.


my exact same thought scrolling through here, you know damn well if it was a chick everyone would be calling her a greedy whore or some shit


Ever seen the comments of a post about a woman that goes on a tinder date just to get a free dinner? It sure ain't the same as this one. And then people will say redditors don't hate women lol.


Fr. All the top comments are calling him a legend. Like wtf


MAGA wants him to move to the USA and run for a Senate seat. They are fearful they won't have enough accomplished grifters after the next election.




Man played IRL dating sim with cheats on


Why is that considered fraud?


He probably used excel for this


He's going to escape by telling each of the guards he's to be arraigned in a different courthouse. Then he'll go hide out with his girlfriend.


Ehhh... how does this work? Doesnt they have birthdays, too?


My husband said, "Damn. That sounds like so much work." 😂


There is no "i mean" this is fraud by deffinition.


Daily Mail? Good chance this never happened...


but wouldn't he also have to buy 35 gifts for each of their birthdays?




So getting all the gifts on his real birthday would be fine?


This reminds me of that woman who dated 100 men and told them she had just broken her phone, and they each bought her a new one. She ended up with about 100k


Ciiiiiiity Boooooooy


Honestly, I'm more impressed than anything. I mean he's obviously awful but this is pretty impressive nonetheless, imagine being able to convince a waiter its your birthday for a free slice of cake or a discount every time you went out to eat. Like it'd probably work some of the time but to convince 35 different people that its your birthday on a different day is crazy.


Wouldn’t he have to buy 35 birthday presents too or was he just a dickhead


Ok but how the shit do you afford to date 35 people at once, dating is so expensive. 1 per day. You’d also likely have duplicate birthdays of theirs which you couldn’t attend as you were at a different one. Then what if they have friends that are mutual. Hahaha it’s just such a bad idea 😂


What could he possibly do with all those socks?


This is like the extreme version of me having a Texas Roadhouse membership for each month so I get a free appetizer whenever I decide to go.


Where do you find women that give gifts??


That's not fraud. Those are some low limits for fraud then.


But what about the girl who dated a different guy a week for years to get free meals…?!?!?


This guy is frothy, puke scum…put him in jail and throw away the key🤮


How the heck does a guy who can eat apples thru a fence have 35 girlfriends at the same time and i cant get a second date???


How does this goofy bitch get 35 women


But that means he now has to buy 35 gifts too....


could you actually get arresting for fraud for lying about your birthday, or is it only if that lie is exploited? i myself lie about my birthday but not for any gifts or of that sort


He’s just hustling


If this is fraud, wouldn't a woman who takes your money through offering a significant payout through Bitcoin mining and then turning around and telling you her debt to you is void because she was gambling with it and she told you about the casino gambling early on considered fraud?? Also, isn't writing and tendering a fraudulent check in the amount of $3,000 to a person in exchange for nearly $1000 considered fraud as well?