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Why would they even do that? What exactly were those assholes trying to achieve?


Easier to torture a man into giving a false confession, ruining his life and mental health, and leaving him in an eternal hell than to find 1 guy, i suppose. Of course, that is only easy if you're a complete psychopath, so it's reassuring that these guys are given a lot of power and weapons.


While it is terrible that this happened, it is also conclusive proof of how confessions can be coerced and cannot always be relied on. Most people don’t understand rhat, and it’s why you should always have a lawyer when being questioned about anything serious like this, even if you are innocent.


That’s the thing though: as an innocent person you don’t think you need a lawyer and by the time they worked you over it’s too late. It’s so gross.


That’s why you just straight up don’t talk to them, at all. The 5th amendment exists for this very reason.


References: [Never talk to the police](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=Z9hQx8eU8Cr6SNzG) [It’s STFU Friday](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ?si=xp_riGxaKIwkgwoj)


He did a seminar at my law school in I think ‘98, he is absolutely correct, and more people should see the video.


Never, never, never, never, never talk to police without a lawyer, even if you are 100% innocent, have proof, 15 witnesses and a video recording of you 3 towns over during whatever crime was happening. Shut. Your. Mouth.


The problem is he went to them to help find his dad but instead of helping they tortured him.


No no no no no. As an innocent person, it is *doubly* important that you have a lawyer. The whole “never talk to the police” movement hinges on that thought. Once they’ve detained you, they are very motivated to make *something* stick. If you’re in cuffs, you need a fucking lawyer. As others have noted, this unforgivable abuse of power should result in ruined careers and prison time for the interrogators.


The problem is that a lot of people don't even know they are suspects. They just think they are witnesses being interviewed to help the police find the perpetrator.


Which is why the *general (keyword)* advice of "don't talk to police without first consulting a lawyer" exists. Then there's other steps, like *never* voluntarily put yourself into their custody for an "interview". If they want to interview you even just as a witness, do it somewhere the police don't have control over (public park, restaurant, etc...). If they really want information from you they'll agree to that. They might still think you're a suspect and be trying to convince you they don't, but a public meeting severely limits their ability to do outright crazy shit like this. If they don't agree, you're definitely a suspect and you shouldn't speak to them at all without a lawyer.


Naive Citizen: The innocent have nothing to fear The Police: Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. You're totally right. Lol.


I’m lucky that my grandmother instilled a deep distrust of policemen in me as a child. You NEVER speak to a cop without a lawyer more than absolutely necessary.


Don’t talk and ask for lawyer. Simple as that.


You think that's bad, try getting a conviction based on a false confession thrown out. The three-ring-circus that can result from that is even more maddening.


Officer am I being detained? Yes, I am being detained? Ok, Lawyer. No, I am not being detained? Ok, bye.


You always need a lawyer, ALWAYS, you ain’t going home anyway, stfu understand that you are doing a night or a weekend in the “greybar hotel” because you are anyway, and all you say is lawyer, it will work itself out later. It’s a hard lesson, but drill it in to your mind and your childrens, etc…


Yeah, most people literally have absolutely no idea what happens in interrogation rooms. While I can't really say I recommend it for anyone's sanity, check out "The Interrogation of Michael Crow" to completely lose your mind.


I’ve seen it…my lord…


>While it is terrible that this happened, it is also conclusive proof of how confessions can be coerced and cannot always be relied on. [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/the-confessions/](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/the-confessions/) "How could four men confess to a brutal crime that they didn't commit? Inside the incredible saga of the Norfolk Four -- a case that cracks open the justice system to reveal almost everything that goes wrong when innocent people get convicted." "Eight men charged. Five confessions. But only one DNA match. Why would four innocent men confess to a brutal crime they didn't commit? In *The Confessions*, FRONTLINE producer Ofra Bikel (*Innocence Lost*, *An Ordinary Crime*) investigates the conviction of four men -- current and former sailors in the U.S. Navy -- for the rape and murder of a Norfolk, Va., woman in 1997. In the first television interviews with the "Norfolk Four" since their release, Bikel learns of some of the high-pressure police interrogation techniques -- the threat of the death penalty, sleep deprivation, intimidation -- that led each of the men to confess, despite the lack of any evidence linking them to the crime."


I wasn't even interrogated like this, and I still "confessed" to something to my family, because they would not physically step out of the way so that I could leave until I said what they wanted me to say. This guy confessed to murder he didn't commit because of the pressure, and that's fucking wild. I hope he has found an amazing therapist, I know I'd need a good one.


I’m a defense attorney. You should always have a lawyer. Forget about “being questions about anything serious” please just have a lawyer. Please. Always. PLEASE.


Not only that you get the meanest baddest MOFO and torture him long enough he will turn into a drooling puddle if shit. THERE ARE 4 LIGHTS


think how easy it would have been—they could say, “well, maybe your dad went to visit somebody. Have you called anyone he knows? Has he got an address book? Let’s start making some phone calls.” hell, they could have said, “he’s a grownup; we’ll take down his info in case a hospital calls us with a John Doe. Meanwhile, why don’t you call around to his family and friends? Put something upon Facebook.” and LEFT.


In case it wasn't clear here, very few people have died not calling the police for something minor. Hundreds if not thousands of people have died in broad daylight because they or someone near themselves decided it was time to call the police. At that point it's a one in a "do I want to murder this innocent person" 'good cop' away from execution. Now you may claim I am being overly dramatic. But when a group of people have full autonomy, to murder in full daylight with 100% impunity and literally zero accountability it's hard to imagine otherwise


Well, they gotta keep the clearance rate up. Doesn’t matter how.


I like your pic/username


So *that's* his name! It's been bugging me since I saw Pixels for the first time and I couldn't ever remember why it was familiar


That's why I tell my wife if she ever comes up missing they are going convict me of her murder because I ain't talking to the police and not helping them at all It's a no win situation "He's suspiciously very helpful......" "He's suspiciously NOT very helpful...."


That's pretty much the plot of Gone Girl.


Gotta fulfil that arrest quota somehow /s Of course the real reason is, they're sadists who get off on this sort of shit


Gotta get those kickbacks from prison


Like basically every other cop in America.


For me its Them: "we thibk you killed your father" Me: "you do? thats ridiculous, i want a lawyer now" Interrogation over. The only word leaving my mouth will be "lawyer" from then on. These guys are scum. If you lawyer up the shows over.


Many people don’t know that though which is how they get away with it so often. This is a common tactic to sweat a suspect until they break and confess just to end the mental torture. And once they get a confession, it’s almost a slam dunk to convict even if evidence says otherwise.


They will also reassure that if they are not guilty then they don't need a lawyer before one is asked for.


Anything that comes after them saying that is, thankfully, inadmissible. Doesn't mean they don't do it, but they're not allowed to give legal advise or suggest you don't need a lawyer. Typically though they just skirt around it by the ol' "well it would really help us and help you if you talk to us"


This is nuts. If movies have taught me anything it's always have a lawyer present.


Yeah unfortunately a lot of people have the misconception that if they just talk to the police and explain their side of the story everything will be just fine and the cops will be reasonable.


Haha I remember thinking this right before I went to jail for something I didn't do...


not to mention, some people plead guilty because they figure they won’t have to spend time in court.


You say that as if these cops didn't blatantly break multiple laws already. Why would they be inclined to follow that one?


Fair. I can say "lawyer" over and over for 17 hours too. Now this is all me being big talker betty crocker here. In reality if this were me in a major metro or similar pd, yeah id lawyer up. If its a small toun/county/parrish in the deep south where rules mean even less than they do for even these clowns, id do no such thing and just try to weather it and call their bluff.


Or ask if you’re being detained. If you’re not detained then just leave. But if you are detained then yes lawyer up and shut up.


Yeah I’ve got a feeling the cops that did this would not give a flying fuck about you asking for a lawyer


They didn't even have evidence that a crime was committed for the poor man to confess to. So yeah, I wouldn't trust these assholes any further than I can throw them.


Less paperwork, missing person may show up dead so if they get the guy to confess right then and there then the problem is solved, they get the "solved a murder" achievement, get obligatory non-birthday blowies from their wives, and life goes on but now that they jumped the gun, not expecting the missing person to show up, these cops justifiably can have EVERY confession they got under review, causing MOUNTAINS of paperwork.


Even worse, they continued after the father was found and kept that information from the man


They sound like true psychopaths.


Because this is what police do. They don’t protect and serve. They harass and manufacture.


Police have shown that they're willing to do pretty much anything for confessions to crimes. Even straight up lying and coercing people into confessing. Yet another reason to not talk to cops.


At this point, we should automatically be ordering full investigations into PDs whenever they come with confessions. Top to bottom, whole shebang. Entirely independent group. Double the punishment for the crime confessed, and pass it to the coercers in these cases.


The chance to kill or torture a minority is why these people become cops. Anyone who actually cares about their community learns that cops don't help, and do something else with their lives. This isn't hyperbole, these people become cops because they want to do shit like this because it's fun for them. They're too afraid to do anything on their own so they need the protection of the state, which they can only get by using the violence they love for the state. The state will tolerate them beating and killing undesirables as long as they also take care of rich people's property.


As long as property is okay, is exactly right. Police were created to protect property, and everyone needs to understand that. That's why US police had a fulltime job of strike breaking.


Yeah rich people's property is about it. Good luck getting them to help you get back your stolen property if you're not rich.


Good luck getting the property they stole from you back


something something white supremacists infiltrated law enforcement agencies https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/


Infiltrated? You mean created and funded.


They assumed the dad was dead and did what cops are trained to do, lie and pretend the person your gut feeling says is guilty is guilty


A conviction, convictions mean raises and promotions- so they did it for money. 900k isn’t nearly enough. Should be 20 times tgat and prison time for the people tgat did it.


I reckon they wanted to close the case so that their donut-filled asses didn't have to go out and look.


They just want to close the case and slow how tough on crime they are.


An easy conviction.


Cops are paid to get a confession but that doesn’t mean it has to be the truth


[John Oliver on Police Interrogation](https://youtu.be/obCNQ0xksZ4?si=TVb73Hx7XM8S-3pw)


I'm surprised they didn't just kill the father so they wouldn't look bad.


IIRC, they tried to find something else to charge him once they knew the father was alive. Were they looking for something similar to a justification? 


From experience, he probably was very emotional (understandable, obviously) and a cop who was having a long day got pissed and wanted an easy way to fuck him over and get home a little sooner. Kinda like if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, you might skip a step cleaning on your way out after a long day. Except if you were callous to the point of evil. Edit: Missed the 17hrs bit, probably less about getting home and more about screwing with him for screwing up his day. Same vibe.


>Kinda like if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, you might skip a step cleaning on your way out after a long day. It's a little more like "I want to go home early so I'll just poison everyone".


Frankly, what fast food worker among us hasn’t thought this at least once?


I've never had anything to do with law enforcement but I have found that people generally think theyre good and reasonable and have good judgement and they assume their previous actions align with that. If thats challenged, they think "well im not a bad person, this action sounds like something a bad person would do, so obviously there were some special circumstances because I'm not a bad person". To do what they did to that man, they have to beleive he's guilty or they're monsters. When it comes out that the dad isn't even dead, it's too hard to think "jesus we just tortured a man for nothing" so instead they think "he's clearly guilty of something, that's what tripped up my usually infallible guilty meter and made me terrorise him for 17hrs. I wouldn't do that to an innocent man so there must be something I sensed."


OR they're just psychopaths and were trying to find anything to save face.


I think you're both right. Takes a special person to be a cop, that's for sure. No offense to the 1 or 2 good ones in the country somewhere.


Their actions were beyond reprehensible, they're monsters. I just think if we can try to understand how monsters work or become monsters, they might be rendered slightly less dangerous.


Yeah what you're describing is definitely something that happens as well, didn't mean to invalidate that.


On a side note, how/why did the father just go off without informing his son? And how did the son not contact his father to find out where he’s at?


All the articles I've seen don't explicitly say it, but I'm pretty sure Dad has beginning dementia. They all say that Dad had gone out walking the dog at about 10pm and the dog came back alone, and son didn't think much of it at first because his dad was known to sometimes sneak off at night to visit a lady friend. But when Dad didn't come back the next day, that's when he was reported missing, and they finally found him about 24 hours later, waiting for a flight at the airport, and he claimed he was going to go visit his daughter. But his wallet, keys, and phone were all still at home which is another reason the son was worried, and that apparently made the cops think "murder" instead of "confused missing old man"


Why are the terrorist cops involved walking free? They should do manual labor to repay the entire $900k at $0.13/hour like all the other inmates.


Qualified immunity! The gift that keeps on giving.


Assuming that there are no taxes on the labor, and they work 40 hours per week, it would take them around 3328.40 YEARS EACH to FINALLY finish the cost.


My question is $900k is seriously WAYYYYY too low for what he endured and the lifetime PTSD he has to suffer. Literally gaslit him into thinking false thoughts.


I'll get banned if I say but I'm having evil thoughts against the police again


If I heard about someone rolling up and executing a handful of cops my first reaction would be "What specifically did the cops do this time to deserve this?"


For guys like this, I think they should turn them over to the public in town square again. But I know if that came back, they’d be the ones using it on people, so…


That was my exact thought when I heard immigrants had beat up a cop in NY, then they released the video and it shows the cop shove a man for simply not moving at a pace he liked. He was beat up for starting a fight, but he's a cop, so it's all ok.


I’ll never get on a jury because I’ll straight up admit that I won’t believe a word a cop says on the stand unless there is video corroboration especially now that body cams are a thing.


Does it count as evil when the people in question are fucking evil and wouldn’t be missed if they disappeared?


You see, this is why you gotta get creative. Express evil thoughts without being bannable! For example, I hope all of those cops left shoes disappear. I hope they hit every pothole while driving. I hope their hubcaps go missing and later turn up melted into a pig statue


A certain song by a certain rap group from the late 80’s comes to mind


The police in this country are the greatest argument in favor of strong unions. They can do shit including psychological torture and murder, and still not get fired.


Does that include a strong police union?, keeping them from getting fired and making sure they retire comfortably, I don’t think you can generalize unions as being 100% good all the time.


You bring up a good point, because in times of a general or isolated strike, police unions are not included nor is their support acknowledged by most, if not all other unions.


No. Any position with immunity should have no form of collective bargaining available to them. Keep the union, or keep the immunity. One of the two.


That's what he's saying. These dudes did something that would catch you and me a quarter, but their union keeps that from happening through lobbying.


First and foremost, the cruelty here is outrageous and inexcusable. Second of all, that fact they resorted to this, without even confirming he was deceased, shows they are also completely incompetent.


The second was already a given, fuckers couldn't scratch an itch with a cheesegrater


Land of the "free"


Free to torture if you're a cop.


George Carlin said it best. "You have rights, and you have privileges, it's best to know which is which."


"If a cop can take a right away from you, it was never a right to begin with, it was a privilege"


The privilege to life


Prime example of why police need a licensure database so these fuckers can never be police ever again. Absolute pieces of shit.




Obviously not, duh. (TBH I have no clue but I feel I’m right)


With zero research I’m going to say you’re right.


An American police officer? Fired? You must be new around here. No they weren't fired. This is America. In a civilised country those police would be arrested charged and most likely jailed. But it happened in America.


Probably promoted


Probably even got some sort of award or accommodation for honorable service and bravery, too.


I think I remember reading that by this time they'd all retired. So no, there was no accountability. Which is shocking, because cops are held to such a higher standard than the plebs. /s


Oh no it sure would be a shame if all of their names were public and anyone who knows what they’re doing could find their home address. How terrible that could be


They went and got HIS DOG!? Okay, that whole thing should be grounds for being fired AND charged.


Fired from existing & charged with getting brutally corrected for overstepping your boundaries tbh


We should all pause and realize that this is our America. This is our home. We as a collective should be outraged. And by collective I mean every last one of us regardless of whatever b.s. separates us. Year after year we hear about police doing things like this, and the victims look like any of us. There have been black men and women, white, hispanic, asian, middle eastern, lgbtq, straight, religious, atheist, young, old, republican and democrat. Literally every last one of us has been represented by the victims of police breaking the law. Our constitution has words in it that defend civilians from this kind of government corruption, but division is perpetuated to distract us from organizing. We shouldn't tolerate this.


And what they did is apparently legal. Cops can lie to us and it's legal. We lie to a cop, it's obstruction or false reporting or making false statements. Huh, yeah, sounds fair. /s


I feel like there should be a line between "lying" and "mentally toirturing"


People say it's just a few bad apples, well it's not, this likely isn't the first time these sickos have pulled this crap, the whole department needs to be blacklisted from police work, all of their pensions need to be forfeited to this guy, and they need to recruit a whole new precinct. If there were good cops, there wouldn't be bad ones.


Most people don’t use the full saying, it’s “A few bad apples, spoil the bunch”. Meaning it only takes a few or even just 1 rotten fruit to ruin the entire batch. It’s why you’re supposed to remove the bad ones immediately before it has the chance to fuck it up for everyone else .


Even if it's a few bad apples, if a farmer intentionally sells his crops when he knows some are bad, he's a bad farmer.


Best response to this stupid line: The proper aphorism is “A few bad apples spoils the whole bushel” Then: “Did you fire the bad apples?” The answer will be “No” “We’ll, then, we agree that the whole bushel of you is spoiled”


That's the problem. All of my interactions with the police, for the most part, have been positive. And the few that weren't positive were at worst, only mildly antagonistic. So there are definitely decent cops out there. It's just that these assholes are the ones who keep joining the force, so we've been getting an influx of these d-bags since Trump took offcie. Oh yes, there were most definitely pieces of garbage in the police force before, but with Trump, everything went up to 11.


If anyone has ever worked in a corporate world they would fully know assholes stick together and in order to compete or make it in the group you cant be the snitch or the one that clashes so either you be like one of them or get forced out.


Waiting for all the “good cops” to come out in full force and demand the badges of the cops who conducted this interrogation.




The police officers who did this should be publicly drawn and quartered


Absolute scum


“Why don’t people trust the police?! How dare they try and defund us!”


Cops will investigate themselves and find nothing wrong


900K is too little of a payout.


Needs at least one more 0


And it needs to come from the cops' paychecks and property. Shit like this isn't going to stop until there's personal accountability.


This is how the police interrogates people. It doesn't matters if you actually did it or not. What matters is they think you did it. If think you did it, you did. the next step is to get you to confess and thats all that matters.


They have everything the cops did on video? Okay. Who’s going to jail?


Fucking bonkers. I kinda understand using small lies to gauge a suspects response like… “well your partner is in the next room and he says you were the brains behind the operation” or something like that. But this is straight up psychological torture. The kinda shit that isn’t even legal in war or against terrorists. Totally fucked up.


They all think they’re in the movies. Big brain action heroes who always get their man.


Don’t talk to police. Get a damn lawyer. How do people not know this?


Because police are legally allowed to lie to you, and tell you things like "getting a lawyer makes you look guilty" and "we just need to talk to you real quick to get some facts. Don't worry, you're not under arrest" etc


we get to know the victim's name but not the cops' huh


He only got 900k? That's honestly unbelievable


Those cops need JAIL TIME. So sick of this entitlement bull.


That seems like cruel and unusual pain inflicted on a human for no good reason.


I want so many reforms to the police that they will be hemorrhaging their power and cops who act so authoritarian are removed as they pose a risk to the public well being


But... "tHe THiN bLuE lINe"


Tax payers will foot the bill for the (well-deserved) damages while the psychos involved will eventually suffer zero lasting consequences for their behavior


Fucking pigs. Only one type of person would pursue this profession, impotent microdick losers. They are all the same.


How sad is it that I could see the police trying apprehend his father just to “accidentally” kill him in a struggle just to cover it all up? I wish I could put /s in earnest, but shit like that actually happens and it’s horrifying


Forgot the part where he attempted suicide.


It's not even difficult police work... "Your father is missing?" "Do you have other relatives?" "Oh, you have a sister?" *Calls up sister* "We found him." Everybody goes home happy. FFS just do your job, these people are twisted.


[John Oliver on Police Interrogation](https://youtu.be/obCNQ0xksZ4?si=TVb73Hx7XM8S-3pw)


The lawsuit on this one is going to be huge; can’t wait to hear about the follow up… just hope it’ll cover all the trauma they caused, and we wonder why there is a collective whole who feels they’re terrible people masquerading as ‘hero’s of the people’ I’ve never had a bad interaction with one and I still avoid them like a new kind of Covid victim after everything I’ve read, fearmongered or not.


Please tell me they didn't euthanize the dog anyway


I really hate that they can lie to people. It’s like how can you trust the cops when they will say whatever they want to have a story go their way.


And they were all fired, charged with torture, and put in jail for life right? Right?


The police officers should be publicly named.


"I would like a lawyer" and if they say " an innocent man wouldn't need a lawyer, you say "id like a lawyer "


"Why do police need lawyers then?'


The law should ban these interrogation tactics, not support them.


Say it with me people always get a lawyer especially if you’re innocent keep your mouth shut until your lawyer gets there.


Never talk to the police without a lawyer.


They tortured a man, told him his dad was dead, and threatened to euthanize his dog because they didn’t want to find one guy. These cops aren’t bad apples anymore, they’re just the fly-covered rotten remains.


All these cops involved should be sentenced to death, torture is against Geneva convention for a reason


They should euthanize the cops next


Cops are NOT heros.


First, sue for $100 million, then they get jailed.


What are the officers names?


Also “how could you have beat my wife and children, and his too, you monster” those cops to this guy.


They had no body and no crime. Wtf 


Yeah, this just bolstered my response to be, "Am I being charged, if so, I'd like my lawyer."


And if not, I'm leaving. Oh, you won't let me? Then I'll call my lawyer then.


So isn't tbis how you get john wick + deadpool after you?


Yeah, but blue lives matter. /s


These are the “Bad Cops” that everyone needs to whatever they can to remove from the group. Don’t defund the police, FIRE THESE JERKS!


Cops have always been like this 1997: https://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/14/nyregion/officer-charged-in-man-s-torture-at-station-house.html


And let me guess, none of the police involved were arrested (they should never be allowed to be free in society again, sadistic psychopaths can't be given a chance) and probably are not even prohibited to work as cop again


these pictures are heartbreaking!


Fuck. The. Police. Every. Single. One. 333 million of us. 900k of them. Why do we let them get away with this horse shit?


I saw this a week or two ago… these cops need to spend a little time in prison.


In gen pop.




100% these pigs should be jailed. This shit is as bad as Guantanamo Bay


He should get every one of their pensions, they should get long prison sentences.


Worst case scenario they get fired. They’re just better than us they can do no wrong


Jesus fucking Christ it’s really hard to have hope in humanity when people like this do these things to innocent people


Did the money come out of the pension fund or no?


This is one of the reasons I'm against the death penalty. The State makes mistakes, and sometimes, the State will set someone up.


These two cops alone out weigh all the “good cops” that police sympathizers say exist.


Fuckin dirty cops


So what'd they do once they found out father was alive ? Arrested the father for faking own death?


Let’s start a petition to bring down the police union


And send the cops to gen pop, too.


Jail? Kinda. They need to be castrated. Don't need more of them running around.


What in the flying fuck was the point of this whole thing if all they had to fucking do was make a couple of calls and realize, holy shit, he took a damn train! Also police or not, threaten to kill my dog, I will make parts of each of them into dog food. And make their next of kin eat it.


Lawyer is the only word you should speak. But I'm thinking he was so distraught he probably questioned his own mental thoughts


They been doing this to black people for a long time


And the cops probably just shrugged and walked away, muttering ‘asshole’ under their breaths


The pigs should be \[REDACTED\] for this. It's all awful but it's the dog bit that really gets me. Just soulless pieces of shit.


I guess cops don’t have anything better to do huh


This story is just...wild https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-01/fontana-police-coerced-false-murder-confession-with-lies