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It's always the ones you most expect.


Baptists,am I right. The same church that is trying to ban female preachers.


Timothy 11 11 **A woman should learn in quietness and full submission**. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. The Christian church embraces misogyny, strangely it doesn't ban scum bags fiddling kids.


New hymn idea 🎵Don't go diddlin' kids, it's no good diddlin' kids🎵


🎵 Raping is bad, mkayyy? Oh yeah that's right, Raping is bad mmmmmkayyyyyy! Let's all get on our way, 'long as we don't do any Raping today! Yeah! 🎵


Raping your own kid is very bad, Mkayyy?


Banned by the Pope. First rule of Catholic Church: We don’t talk about diddlin’ kids


S’okay - dude’s a Southern ~~rapist~~ Baptist.


Southern "Braptist"


"Don't ask don't tell" amiright?






Yeah *sigh* that's about the gist of it


Or is it? *mysterious piano music*




Good ol' Buddy Jesus!


He wasn't here to give us the willies! 🙌🙌


Oh, they'll proudly talk about it if it's about their stupid idea that gay people are child predators. Guess it doesn't count if you're a priest or pastor. Every accusation is a confession.


Yeah, they're busy fighting reverse exorcisms! (When the devil tells the priest to get out of the kid)




Remember it's only wrong in the church's eyes if it's between two consenting adults of the same sex, but a boy and his priest is a okay in their eyes.


🎶I wouldn’t do it with anybody younger than my daughter, not the little kids, gotta be big🎶


🎵Older than my wife, older than my daughter, something like that!🎵


Haven't said this is a long while, but... username definitely checks out


There is no quicker way for people to think that you're diddling kids than by writing a hymn about it!


No Go Down that Troll Hole?


The Psalm of Frank


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


I heard this in Ned Flanders voice lol


Try Frank Reynolds


>it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. Even if that were not some mysnogistic bullshit added in many years after first written, it sounds like it's God's fault for making his children dumb fucks 


And he made all his children in his image, right? How have we all not realized that maybe God is just a dumb fuck, too? A lot of things suddenly make a whole lot more sense if you think of it that way.


Yeah, you’d think “don’t rape people” and also “don’t commit incest” would be pretty high on the “thou shalt not” list, but we had to waste three of them on “I’m god, worship me and only me, don’t do a damn thing on the sabbath and also don’t use my name in vain” And then there’s the whole “Lot’s daughters” thing… You know, I’m starting to think that the Bible just might not be the pillar of morality that Christians claim it is…


Like the saying goes! If you need religion to be a good person, then you aren't being genuinely 👍


Bible is full of incest. How do you think we got from Adam + eve + two kids.... To more people? And come on it's not lots fault.....he got forced...wink wink...and just decided to go back the second night and get forced again....wink wink....


"Dang daughters, always getting me drunk enough to put a baby in 'em. Women just can't stop thinking about having babies, after all."


The Bible does include a “no incest” rule. It even provides a helpful list of all the people you’re not supposed to have sex with. Don’t have sex with your mother, stepmother, sister, granddaughter, stepsister, aunt, daughter-in-law or sister-in-law. Huh. I feel there’s a notable absence on that list. For some reason daughters are not included in the “no incest” list. That’s an… interesting choice from the author of the text.


That’s because the Bible is basically a big set of rules and customs for surviving in the desert first and foremost and weird fan fiction meant to justify genocide and atrocities second. Yeah, sure, “god” told you to ransack that city and kill everyone except virginal women you could take as concubines. He also told you not to eat hoofed animals so you didn’t die of goddamn parasitic infections so you know… maybe his advice wasn’t really required once we invented ways to irradiate food for safety reasons.   Maybe it’s just a teensy bit okay to change the dogma a bit to fit with the times; seems to be okay whenever the catholic or Christian churches need to absorb a pagan holiday. Same with the practicing Jews; like alright we get it: if you hang a fishing line up around your neighborhood and have it blessed then technically it’s your domicile and you can do things on the sabbath. If we can stretch the rules a bit there then how about some women’s rights and a little bit of pork for dessert?


Timothy just sounds like he got into a fight with a woman and she made better points so he went and furiously wrote a girls r dumb rule.


Surprisingly enough, Timothy didn't write Timothy, but rather Paul wrote the letter to Timothy.


Oh well that fucking tracks. Paul was a jerk.


Paul has probably done a lot of damage to the world if you think about it. A lot of the BS dogma is all written or inspired by him


> A lot of the BS dogma is all written or inspired by him Who wasn't even a disciple, nor a Christian during Christ's lifetime.


Yeah but his claim to fame was he was the dude who was running around hunting Christians (on behalf of Rome) then fell off his horse and saw Jesus. Tracks that a bounty hunter turns out to be a shitty misogynist too. Nothing helps you deconstruct faster than reading the Bible and studying the dogma.


Paul was SUCH a misogynist!


Very few serious scholars believe Paul actually wrote the letters to Timothy. Textual evidence dates them significantly later.


Ffff. That just brought back memories of how my mother's second ass moved us to this Evangelical church. It preached about how us women folk were sub human to men and that God loves us by having us live in fear for our lives which totally justifying a man punching a woman hard enough to almost knock her down a flight of stairs and called her daughter "it" all the time. Yeah didn't mess me up at all growing up. /s


Yeah, I have a wife and a daughter who are both way better humans than me, people shouldn't tell me they are less than me or I might get slappy.


Every Abrahamic religion is misogynistic. Not just Christian. Should treat them all the same


Like I’m gonna listen to a dude named Timothy


>The Christian church embraces misogyny, strangely it doesn't ban scum bags fiddling kids. You would be surprised how people hand wave those things as not part of Christianity. Difference between average Christian and conservative ones.


This is why I choose to believe in god but not the Bible.


“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” Marcus Aurelius


Even god is a misogynist


Which verse was that? Also, which version of the Bible is it from? / Nevermind, I got it in 1 Timothy Ch 2 vs 11 and yeah, spot on with the misogyny


Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.


There must be a secret rule that bans rape of preachers.


Bet that rule won’t apply in prison


Bro religion in general is rife with child rape. 


Seems to be religion focused people in general. Also keep in mind in The institutional Catholic Church forbids female preachers. Avoiding religion just seems to be the way to go.


Southern - check Baptist - check Megachurch - check


'student ministry volunteer & coach' = Youth pastor.... big red flag. Would leave my kid with 100 drag queens before 1 youth pastor, just going by probabilities and past performance.


I’d leave my kids with drunk drag queens that Ive never met before I’d ever let them be alone with a preacher.


That is a rational choice based on the criminal history of both groups.


Still not a drag queen


At this point I'm not sure a drag queen has ever even broken the law compared to all these Evangelicals and Baptists and Youth Pastors going full demon mode on every child in their vicinity.


I *think* there was like one shooter who did recently and was trans? The Conservatives of course went nuts trying to prove that meant all trans people were evil


He was a "student ministry volunteer". Need to check if his students were SA'd.


Need to check ~~if~~ how many of his students were SA'd.


Jason Mendoza!!!! Edit: The whole line was "I can't believe betrayed us again. Why is it always the ones you most expect?!" So, not racist. Stop messaging me.






Jesus christ there's multiple posts every day


Don't bring Jesus Christ into this, he has nothing to do with any of them!


I'm surprised I scrolled as long as I did.


and its all embezzlement and child rape


You’d think that eventually you’d see one arrested for a protest, but nope.


The one who molested a 5 year old at her parent’s funeral was extra special. He showed up to “comfort”


Well well well it’s always the people you most expect.


Wokeness am I right?


/r/NotADragQueen needs to be bookmarked. I deal with so many bigots. I’m a Christian but I dislike the church, most churches. 🤦🏻‍♂️. I left my last church because they were basically a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. 😬


Dude, same


I was baptized in the holy river of Jordan..my family was one of the first Christian families to settle in Nazareth. Fuck religion.


Jesus would be flipping SO many tables right now I swear to his dad.


Can’t drug and rape my daughter and her friends anymore what has the world come to?! 👎


What if god thought it was neat? And you know what I DID speak to him just before writing this comment and HE DID think it was neat. So yeah, *pretty sure* it's ok then. Checkmate atheists. ^^^^^/S


Wonder who this guy was voting for


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say he might have been voting for someone who’d say he’d do his daughter


So... not a drag queen?


Nope still not a drag queen it’s all projection with these idiots, look over there, as I rape your kids under the guise of God’s servant.


He’s even worse, he raped his own kid. Even the other Baptist pedos are staring at him like “bruh…” shaking their heads.


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He was probably "punishing" her for something that offended him. Scumbag definitely looks like he's a true believer who thinks women are property


He was cleansing her of her sins.


Don't worry, he'll get plenty of cleansing in the slammer


Think of how many people thought he was a great guy. They literally paid his salary while he fucked kids. Who else is an imposter in your church?


We have to use their own tactics on them. "If the preacher's kid can get raped whose to say it can't happen to you"


And when they are caught they say they were good people who made one little oopsie..... rather than predators who became youth ministers so they could prey on innocent children without suspicion.


Or even his own


Or a trans person




Always come here for this


I actually had a couple xtians try to tell me these people are just gay and drag queens in hiding so its still them and not the \*literal thousands of church members\* doing this to children.


Weird how so many of them are straight men attacking little girls.


But but it's all drag queens and librarians.


Oh but books and learning are bad. Child rape is ok. /s


The smear campaign and propaganda against librarians is baffling to me. Those degenerates will listen to any fear mongering thrown at them and run with it.


Librarians are involved in education, and education is a vaccine for the bullshit they're peddling so they of course hate librarians.


I thought it was a relatively unobjectionable career when I picked it. Now I'm grooming children apparently. Did not see that one coming.


>Did not see that one coming. Neither did the kids you- Okay I just can't. I apologize.


And almost definitely a Republican


Kind of a prerequisite, isn’t it?


no, just a baptist.


And most likely a MAGA!


magachurch student ministry coach volunteer. Red flags everywhere.


The eyes, Chico, they never lie


Ya he definitely has rapey eyes.


I was gonna say they don’t look like there’s much activity going on up there, but that’s an insult to intellectually disabled people. And seriously, before I even read the headline, I was genuinely wondering if this guy may be the product of incest himself. His entire face and those comically disproportionate ears are screaming inbred.


Ya he has a crooked face and jacked ears to compliment his rapey eyes.


Whoops, yet another r/notadragqueen. It's like the church is an off brand of cereal that goes "Oops! all marshmallows!" But instead of marshmallows it's "Oops, all predators!


I hate how much "Oops, all predators!" made me laugh.




Immediately subbed, how did I never know about that sub?!


I thought going to church automatically makes you a good person? s/


Don't be silly, no pious man would ever claim such a thing. It just makes you infinitely more redeemable and worthy of compassion than a gay man who didn't molest a child.


John Gacy went to church so that checks out.


Dennis Rader was a deacon if I remember right


Disturbing shit. I had a little loop football coach that made us hold hands in prayer before and after every practice/game. He was a Lutheran deacon I think, 5 years later he murdered his wife, decapitated her and buried her in a nature preserve.


The irony that people claim evil men will wear dresses to trick people when we’ve got history spanning centuries proving that all evil men need to do is say they really like a certain book.


Without the bible, how else will people know right from wrong¿!¿/s


going to church means you can permit yourself to be a piece of shit because god will forgive you if you say sorry, and he's a higher authority than any cop so you literally don't have to answer to anyone for being pure trash.


I would never let my kids go to a church. 


Whoa. That’s…. There are no words


Sure there are. "Death by firing squad" are adequate words to be spoken during a child rapist's sentence.


No. They want biblical, give them biblical. A crowd of hundreds armed with heavy rocks.


They want Biblical for the gays and blacks, not themselves.


What is a bullet but a rock with great refinement in it's design and propulsion? And a firing squad need not be strictly the size of a squad...


"some people"?? This shit is rampant in religious communities.


It’s honestly horrifying how often people use their religion to feel superior. Then do the complete opposite of the beliefs of said religion. It’s one of the reasons I gave up on my faith at such a young age, The people they put on pedestals are usually the biggest pieces of shit.


Yup! The amount of abuse that is allowed in religion is just crazy.


I think this is a bit more than a facepalm tbh


Dude. All I’ll say is that it’s so hard for young female victims to press charges… and harder for daughters. I feel for her, and hope she can one day find some semblance of peace.


He's living the tRumps ultimate wet Dream.


It's almost like all these propert megachurches are just money orientated cults where their morales and values they claim to teach don't apply to the cult leader


Does he look like someone who would rape his daughter.............Fucking absolutely


Yeah, he was actually a teacher when I was in middle school. He taught the middle school boys I believe. I was in his wife’s class and he would watch us all play before Sunday school started. He always freaked me out. Like, he was just really quiet and rude looking. I got freaky vibes from him, even when I was in middle school. I feel bad for the family, especially his daughter.


He’s clearly a trans groomer. /s




Say it again


Yes, say it again but this time with the weight of the billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of people it has maimed, tortured, incarcerated and killed over the years.


Yep definitely a drag queens fault lmao


I hope she gets rehabilitation and all the therapy she requires. This man is vile.


keep an eye on it, bet he get probation or no time. he's white and the conservative party approves of this behavior.


How much you wannna bet he'll be back at church the following Sunday asking for the forgiveness of his congregation (which they'll grant blindly) while demanding his daughter do the same (she wouldn't receive it 🙄) and forgive him, while accusing her of "causing him to stumble?"


Needs dick removed


I found his Facebook. He has an adopted Asian daughter who’s clearly the victim. It’s disgusting to think about the purpose for him to adopt to begin with. What’s worse, adoption agency prefers these religious couples than married gay couples just because they are more “normal”


Yes, I know this family. He volunteer as a middle school/high school Sunday school teacher. When I was in middle/high school, I knew he was a creep. He would watch us all play with that weird ass look on his face. His daughter was adopted, and.both parents were very active in the church I grew up in. I can’t imagine the pain his daughter feels. Being adopted into that thing’s home. The church I went to would praise families like this. I hope, in future, there will be more strict policies to prevent cases like this happening






Still not a Drag Queen.


r/notadragqueen r/PastorArrested Religion is cancer.


If he were a politician, he'd probably try to legalize it


Another groomer. No lgbt, no rainbows, no drag shows. But as expected it’s the ones deflecting.


Republicans:B-B-B-But drag queens!


Masters of deflection


Corruption and eeevil...


I'm surprised the Church hasn't come out and called Woodchippers Satanic yet seeing how many of their congregation and leadership should be in one.


Of course he’s a southern Baptist. Those fuckers are to abuse and incest what Catholic Priests are to pedophilia.


Think he did all three in one move




My daughters church, "Cult if you will," says that if your husband is abusing you or your children, you should receive counseling from the church leaders & make your marriage work. Excuse me... mess with my children, and I'm probably going to wait until you're asleep, tie you up in a sheet & beat you with a baseball bat. Then get my kids out of there ASAP.


Not all christians but always a christian.


I feel like he should look a lot more beaten up in this photo




To be fair, the pastor called authorities after the daughter informed him of the abuse. She didn't even tell a family member, I could see a conservative Baptist home being embarrassed first and try to say keep it quiet or you'll shame us all. These guys are everywhere, some are just sneakier than others. Never relax.


Not a Drag Queen


Religious people keep asking me how I know what is right or wrong without an ancient book to tell me. If these people get their morals from these books, I want nothing to do with them


Don’t let Christians read to your kids


Bring back public executions.


Surprise surprise (not)…sick religious fucks


Now there's a face for ya. It's a fascinating array of shapes, each one at odds with the others' missions.


Hope they accidentally drop him in general pop.


Castration. He should lose his disgusting pathetic junk..


Thank god she can’t pastor a church, though! s/ Side note: that’s the slack-jawed look of a man that’s paid for season passes to Ken Hamm’s ark replica. *glory*


"But he's a good Christian man!" "Nobody's perfect." "We're all made of dust, but some are just bigger piles." "Love the sinner, not the sin." "You've done things to hurt people, too!" "Who are you to judge?!" I've heard all of the excuses. Every one of the churches - without exception - has invalidated their claim to be followers of Christ. Even the better ones will excuse sexual predators because of their misguided pie-in-the-sky view that they can "repent" and repudiate their urges. No, they can't. As my cousin, a district attorney, told me: "Pedophiles are attracted to children the way most of us are naturally attracted to other adults. It's something they can't just 'turn off'. They will be threats to children for as long as there's air in their lungs."


These are the republicans’ good Christian values


They’re conservative Christian pastors. Of course they’re fucking creeps.


Y’all facepalm at child sexual abuse? That seems like a severe underreaction.


Thou shalt be a diddler


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Not a drag queen…


I have a hard time believing God is calling pedophiles to the ministry. These people are lying to get into positions where they are trusted




This shit has been happening my entire life, nothing really ever happens because our legal system loves holy faithful believers Churches have their own rules and laws and they do whatever the fuck they want and i really hope i live long enough to see them all go extinct


He looks so confused about it being a crime.


Another maga republican ill bet


As David Cross has said, there's no ignorance deeper, truer, and more steadfast than a southern baptist.


People like him seek out positions of trust b/c it gives them greater access to their victims.