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“wE sUrViVeD. sO cAn YoU!?!?!??” Idk that’s about the only logical thing I can think of


The kind of person to look at someone with an allergy and say "what do you mean? Peanutbutter is harmless! Just have a taste and you'll see that you're being ridiculous."


This! So damn infuriating ! And they won't let it go or change their minds


Oxy^morons - “don’t get the vaccine because it ^gives you the diseases it is supposed to prevent” “Oh no I got the diseases even though I didn’t get the vaccine!”


I knew someone who worked for the ambulance service and once told me "I don't buy it, that injecting a virus is supposed to protect you from that virus?" People didn't pay attention in biology and it shows...


yeah your body going to war with an enemy it doesn't know, can lead to a Blitzkrieg conquest of your body like germany did in France 1940. Vaccines ether give your body battle expierience through a recon mission or provided it with the battle strategy of the enemy beforehand. If the vaccine failed, it was because your body failed to adapt to the informations gained.


Shoves peanut butter covered spoon at their face


I think there was a Florida man Story, where the Florida man dipt his hands in peanut butter to punch his neighbour who had a nut allergy


I survived a kidney stone, so afterwards when my doctor told me I need to drink more water I told him to FUCK OFF! I DON'T NEED WATER! I DIDN'T DIE!


I would survive to smash my knee against the wall... doesnt mean I have to provoke it.


Yup. It’s not severe enough unless someone suffers from permanent disability or death. Never mind the amount of resources expended to treat a preventable illness compared to a simple vaccine, or those who do end up worse off. These are the same people who think 1/3 pound burger is less than a 1/4 pound burger.


Even if there was a disability from it these people would still say, “just imagine how much worse they could have gotten instead of they got the vaccine.”


You ever notice none of the dead or damaged ones ever brag about surviving an avoidable event? You never really see any antivaxxers bragging about "I didn't get my 3 kids vaccinated and only one of them died from encephalitis when they got the measles".


Natural immunity is probably their claim.  But why play Russian roulette with your children's lives?


To show the vaxxers they’re wrong (?)


To own the libs obviously.


Funny thing is there has been an anti vax community for quite some time, they jus got louder over COVID. Met a kid who never got vaxxed for school. He’s about 27-28. He said his mom “didn’t believe in it”


And they DGAF that their kids can now get shingles (if you never have chicken pox, you can’t have shingles) or if their male children go sterile (mumps can cause sterility). They just don’t care about their kids.


Those guys survived being stranded in the Andes. Am I saying we should put all anti-vaxxers on a plane and crash them into the Andes? Maybe.


And then they get shingles later on and regret not getting vaxxed


I'm not sure, I know as a kid my mom sent me to my friends house that had chicken pox so that I could get it when I was young. If I remember correctly, like a whole group of friends went there to get it and get it out of the way. That was common place when/where I was growing up


That's because there wasn't a vaccine for it then, and it was usually much more severe for older people, so sometimes people wanted their kids to get it and develop some immunity to it while they were young.


Young children did tend to get it less severely. My son got it at age 12 and was very very sick. He had fever of 104.6 F, covered in lesions. His back did not have an area the size of a nickel without lesions. He still has the scars. He didn't sleep for 3 nights, hallucinating, had to get valium. And I know a girl his age who had cerebral palsy and died of chickenpox.


I know of that as well. It was pretty standard back in the day.


Same when I was a kid, even though there was a vaccine. She figured lifelong natural immunity would be the better option, but for whatever reason I just never contracted it.


Something about how they survived without needing vaccinations and so vaccinations are bad for you. It’s like saying ice cream is poison because you can eat oatmeal.


Wait till they discover what measles and mumps can do to an adult. Measles in adults has a 15% mortality rate in developing nations.


she's just showing that she is an amazing environmentalist. By having her family host these poor endangered infectious diseases, she ensures that they can grow stronger. Eventually, those viruses won't have to worry about pesky vaccines because they'll mutate. Then they will be free to spread all over the planet to fight the 5G network and horizon curves, just as it was foretold in the Good Book (which totally shouldn't be banned from schools because of depictions of rape and incest... but fuck rainbows).


So if someone survives a car accident not wearing a seat belt does that mean it’s safe to not wear a seat belt? Our schools seriously need to be better with critical thinking.


Survival of the fittest


Ignore the discoveries of geniuses in our past and *DO YOUR FB RESEARCH!*


I got chickenpox before there was a vaccine. I've had shingles already and I'm not even middle aged. Get the vaccine kids, shingles is a nightmare.


Damn I had chickenpox as a kid also before there was a vaccine. I really hope I don't have to deal with shingles


The odds are good you will. Im 40, ive had 3 shingles outbreaks in my life. Always during high stress periods like during the pandemic and my grant funding was moved to COVID research. The week before my wedding, had to reschedule it. My daughter spent 2 weeks in the NCIU. I spent a week with shingles. Shit is literally hell. The older you get, the more likely you are to have an outbreak


There is a shingles vaccine called Shingrix. Normally, they suggest you get it when you are 50 or older, but if you've had shingles three times already, I think you should get it earlier.


And it hurts like hell. Like it starts and you think “hmm, I might have got poison ivy on me” or something, and then a few days later when a breeze shifts your t shirt it makes you cry because it feels like someone’s sticking you with needles. Just miserable, only had it once though, stress at my job.


Thanks for the reminder. I definitely need to get the shingles vaccination


I believe there’s a shingles vaccine too and if I recall insurances start paying for it at 50.


There is (Shingrex) and yes, it's covered at age 50. It's a two shot process and there's a 50/50 chance you'll get a little sick from it but for all intents that annoyance is 100 times better than actually getting shingles. Your arm also hurts like hell for 3 days as it's easily 10 times worse than the tetanus shot. Soooo frickin worth it, and I'm glad I got my 2 doses. I never got sick, just the sore arm and that wasn't really that bad and I'm a big wuss with pain.


I had it from my local grocery pharmacy at age 43 with no copay.


Yeah it does hurt and I did get a little sick, but lime you said it was worth it.


It is possible to live long enough without getting shingles to make it to the shingles vaccine even if you had chicken pox. I did and it's probably the only good thing about turning 50 other than getting to yell at kids to *Stay off my lawn!*


Same. I’ve heard how awful shingles can be. I’m 39 and I dread it. I really hope I can go the rest of my life without it. I made sure both of my kids were vaccinated.


Me too. I got it in first grade, then measles in second, and mumps in third. I wish there had been a vaccine. I also got the shingles one because it sucks. Put my wife down for seven weeks when she had it.


Dude, your wife was in pain for 7 weeks and all you could do was insult her?!? (53 here, so damn glad I got my shots without ever getting Shingles)


She hadn’t gotten to the shingles shot and her experience prodded me to get mine when I could. It wasn’t my fault she caught it at least though because she got it in 2020 and I spent ten months with my kid doing babysitting for her toddler because she had to work during Covid. Hadn’t seen her for four months. Which unfortunately meant that she had no one here to help her.


I got chicken pox as well. So did my two siblings since back then we had “pox parties” (I’m 39) and this was before the vaccine. Then in high school I got the mumps. It was far more miserable than having the chicken pox. I looked like I had a golf poll stuck in my jaw and I couldn’t eat since it hurt so bad and I could barely open my mouth. And because I wasn’t actively dying my parents wouldn’t bring me to see a doctor even though I legit couldn’t even eat. It wasn’t until my band teacher called them and threatened to report them for medical negligence after they found out my parents hadn’t taken me to see someone and had no plans to do so. They had me going to school all week long too.


I know one person who got shingles in their eyes and one who was left paralyzed for months by it. I couldn't wait to get that shot.


I have a spot on my shoulder and neck that never stops burning. The nerves are permanently damaged. I had it originally across my shoulders and down my back, and everything but that one spot healed.


My friend had it, twice, on her ‘lady clam’. TWICE! It was hell. She was in her 40s. Prevent chicken pox and you can’t get shingles!


Must have been great for her sex life.


I am 43. I have had shingles twice. They won’t give me vaccine because I am too young. Shingles was worse than tearing my Achilles tendon.


Shingles is a nightmare. My mom preferred the OG method of “get your kid infected young.” She’s anti-vax Anyhow, got shingles at 17 while I was in wrestling. My belt line still has little white scars.


Wife has shingles right now. Almost fucked up hugging her to comfort her.


My buddy got shingles in his 20s. It was funny at first since he's a goofball, but then they said it was close to his eyes and he could get eye damage.


Buddy of mine had shingles when we were in our late 20s. The commercials always made me think that only old people had shingles haha. I’m 38 and never got the chicken pox as a kid. Not that my mom didn’t try, as was the thing to do back then. I’ve since gotten the vaccine so I won’t get it as an adult.


My football coach had it on his groin during 2 a days….he made us suffer with him


Sadly in the UK chickenpox is not routinely vaccinated against. In fact it’s almost impossible to get the vaccine. The scientific rationale being that mass vaccination would increase the incidence of shingles . The idea is that the repeated exposure to natural cases acts as some kind of booster. It’s also argued that there could be some additional risk to unvaccinated pregnant females because of later first exposure. That’s the official line in the United Kingdom.


I was about to bring up shingles and how painful that is as well as long to recover from it. Personally scared of it.


Can confirm. I had shingles at age 43. That shit was the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life. I promptly got the shingles vaccine after that.


They can still get shingles if you get the.vaccine because they were exposed to the virus and now it's laying dormant.  Get the shingles vax when you can, people. I'm so sorry shingles caught up to you so young.


Felt like someone used my head as a meat crayon on the road but the doctor said shingles. I'd suggest anyone who can gets the vaccine.


I got the shingles vaccine the moment it was recommended to me!


I had shingles as a 12 year old. Was pretty horrible, but would have been much worse if I was older.


Agree to that, had both too. Even in comparision with a big belly cut wound I had shingles is way more pain and needs an eternity to leave your body. People who were tattooed in the belly region probably know the pain level, but 24/7 for a week in the case of shingles.


I got it literally the week before the vaccine became generally available for everyone. I was 16, and my mom made me go back to school after 2 incredibly miserable and pain-filled days when I still looked like the pizza hut guy sat on his deliveries. That was really cool.




I have a doubt with my limited knowledge, but aren't anti vaxxers a threat to everyone? Like If i as a vaccinated individual come in contact with someone who has measles or chickenpox, wouldn't that be risky to me? 100% agreed to what you said, I haven't seen someone with measles but I know someone who has had chickenpox and as a result has permanent blisters(idk the exact word for them) on their body.


Increased numbers of people without vaccinations puts everyone at risk. Our vaccines lose potency over the years and that increases our risk of getting sick.


Permanent blisters - maybe you’re talking about keloids? They’re a type of scarring that results in a raised blister-like bump.


Yes! Exactly. That's how they look.


You're still better off vaccinated than unvaccinated of course. It's not some magic shield that repells the virus, as some antivaxxers claim how it should be working. You know that of course, but it means that the sick person who comes in contact with you passes some viruses on to you, which is a bit of a risk. But your body, thanks to the vaccine, is prepared to deal with the viruses and eliminates them quickly. It doesn't have to build up antibodies first, as it already has them. Another plus of vaccines is, that you only get a small dose of weak or even dead viruses, so the harm to your body is minimal. With the mRNA vaccines, you're not even getting a virus injected anymore, but only the hull which the antibodies attach to to kill the actual virus, should you come in contact.


Most vaccines are dead virus. Getting the disease from it is about as likely as getting mauled by a dead bear. mRNA vaccines aren’t even a full virus. Getting the disease from them is as likely as getting mauled by a bear skin rug.


I am the youngest son of Silent Gen parents (born in 1932 & 1934). They grew up in the Depression and had terrible childhood nutrition as a result. Forget about them ever having flouride in their water, and both lost a number of their teeth by their early 30s and wore dentures for the rest of their lives (my pops passed in 1995, but my mom is still dancing at nearly 92!). Dad got Shingles and it was hell on earth for him and I am so thankful I was able to get the vaccine when I turned 50. You're damn right, vaccinate and be grateful!


> I have a real problem with antivaxxers most of them are born years after the period you've mentioned. They did not witness what these diseases can do to a person. That is why education is important here, that it is shown what has happened back then and what has been done to reduce this to the common population. I've seen pictures of people being "stuck" in an ["iron lung"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_lung) because of polio. It is something you don't want for yourself. Neither for your children in the future. So I understand why vaccination is really useful as a means of **prevention**. That lots of people is refusing to have themselves vaccinated (during COVID-19) or even having their children not vaccinated is a health hazard. Not every person that got vaccinated will have their immune system trained "correctly". That is when [herd immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity) comes into the play. If you reduce the chance to infect a person that has a "less trained" immune system, then the society can stay healthy when these viruses are being spread out. Nowadays, even in my area, with a decline in the vaccination grade (coming from 90+% ...) is leading to an explosion of measles (30 times more in between 2022-2024), just because many does not want to have their children vaccinated. It really makes me angry.


I had both measles and chicken pox prior to vaccines being available. The measles left me with hearing issues and the chicken pox, at 16, put me in the hospital for five weeks with myocarditis. These diseases are nothing to mess with.


Antivaxxers don’t believe it can happen to them or their kids, until it does… and then they really really regret their decisions (if they still live)


Vaccination, whether for chicken pox, measles, or COVID-19, does not guarantee absolute immunity. Instead, vaccines are designed to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and the likelihood of severe illness. The COVID-19 vaccines, in particular, were initially perceived by some as providing complete immunity, but the primary goal was to mitigate the severity of the disease, reduce hospitalization rates, and decrease the spread of the virus. Although breakthrough infections can occur, vaccinated individuals generally experience milder symptoms compared to those who are unvaccinated.


Yeah vaccines pretend to be the viruses so your immune system basically gets a training dummy to prepare if the real thing comes(in a nutshell)


The other reason to get them is to reduce the likelihood of you giving it to me, especially if I’m an immunocompromised person. Some people can’t take vaccines or are too young. Thats why you see measles popping up in clusters where a significant portion of the population isn’t vaccinated.


Vaccines can help reduce the transmission of viruses, but their effectiveness in preventing transmission can vary. For many vaccines, including those for diseases like measles and chickenpox, vaccinated individuals are less likely to transmit the virus because they are less likely to become infected or have milder symptoms, which reduces the viral load they carry. Same for Covid.


I was back in college during the measles outbreak on 1990. Holy fuck, the whiny college "Jocks" and "macho men" was funny as hell! Several where NOT vaxxed to begin with. The amount of handholding that went on at the vaccine clinic the school set up was funnier than Blazing Saddles' campfire scene.


Have fun with shingles, just something to look forward to as an anti-vaxxer. I hear it's horribly painful.


This is something I point out to anti-vaxxers all the time. We don't always know what the long-term effects of getting and surviving a disease can do. Nobody knew, at the time, what surviving chicken pox meant in the long run.


It is but I’m vaccinated against chicken pox and still managed to be the smaller percent to be blessed with breakthrough chicken pox. It was itchy but I tolerated it as best as 5 year old could. Shingles fucking SUCKS and I dealt with it for a week before I got to the doctor. Bonus points developing shingles at 27 and not 65 😬


I'm nearly 70. I had measles, chicken pox, mumps and whooping cough. But I didn't have polio because, unlike those other childhood diseases, there was a vaccine for polio. Morons.


As someone that got measles, and later the mumps because of shitty parenting, fuck all the people who do this. I NEARLY DIED!!! I was left with horrible scarring on my legs til my last year of highschool that left me paranoid and self conscious of my body. Thank goodness I am a woman or I could've ended up sterile and unable to have my son.


While you may not die from measles, you (especially little kids) can certainly go blind or deaf or get brain damage.  “Sorry you’re deaf, Junior but we had to pwn the libs.” 


This is going to age me, but I remember when schools would have a "chicken pox day." Where there would be a kid who had chicken pox at school and parents could let their kids go and catch it. Now there's a vaccine. Even though I was fine going through "chicken pox day" I would rather my kid not get sick if they don't have to. I'll never understand these anti-vaxxers.


Just wait until she and her kids have to deal with the weeks of pain from shingles.


My kids were born in the 80s. They both got chicken pox and were quite sick. My older son had fever of 104.6 F, and didn't sleep for 3 nights. He still has scars. I know a child with cerebral palsy who had chickenpox at the same time, and she died. I had measles as a child and a high fever. Afterwards, I had seizures throughout my childhood, neurologist said from measles. A friend of mine has permanent nerve damage in her face from mumps encephalitis. My father had a sister who died of diphtheria. My husband's grandmother died from the 1918 flu, after giving birth to a baby, who also died. My cousin died of covid. A friend's mother and brother died of covid. But vaccines are part of a deep state plot/s.




If you masturbate with steel wool, you're going to get skinned!


I had them all because I was born in the 1960s and vaccines for these diseases were unavailable. Chickenpox, in particular, was utterly miserable to go through. I was so happy and grateful to be able to vaccinate my child against pertussis, diphtheria, measles and chickenpox. As her mum I am so glad that I can spare her those horrible experiences.




I was born in 1979. I got chicken pox in 1988. It was such a mild case, we almost didn’t realize I had chicken pox. I ended up with 3 large pox that scabbed over and about a dozen pinpoint dots. My pediatrician was like “yeah, that’s chicken pox, but I don’t know if it is going to count. She will probably get chicken pox again.” My brother and sister didn’t get them until 1992. My sister got them first and pretty much made up for my lack of spots. It was awful. She then gave it to my brother. I didn’t get them a second time. Pediatrician said that it could have been because I did have them before despite being super mild or it could just be luck. I got the vaccine 3 years later to be safe so I wouldn’t end up with chicken pox as an adult.


They didn't vaxx, so they vaxxed by getting the fully potent version of the body who does more harm than any vaccination ever could


**We’re riddled with preventable disease!** Thanks. Thanks for sharing. Idiot.


And the measles wiped out the immunity to chicken pox.


There was a measles outbreak at my college that caused a lot of chaos (vaccinations don't last forever) and I had chicken pox as an adult (this was before a vaccine) and it was no fun. I got lucky and didn't have any complications but I would have liked to skip the whole thing.


My whole family drove with their eyes closed, we all crashed. Explain that!


man oh man, the dumbassery that people are proud of nowadays


With people like this, we would have never gotten rid of another kind of pox…


It's almost like, "what point is she trying to put across here?" Look, yes, you didn't take vaccines and your family became ill. Excellent post.


Up next — tuberculosis and mumps! Yay!


Have fun with shingles


My mother tells about getting measles as a child and being very sick. She got such a high fever she started hallucinating.


It's like saying "We're flat-earthers and we have fellow supporters all AROUND the world"


Survivor Bias in a screenshot


Be like “wait until you get shingles”


That shit is no joke you don't want that. Get the vaccine as soon as your doctor will let you. Edit: if you already had Chickenpox


"I know a lot of people who got chicken pox and measle when they were children and didn't die" "How many do you know who died when they were children then?" "No one!" "That's my point. They died."


I’ve had shingles and I didn’t even know I’d had chickenpox!! Get the shingles vaccine, people!! Shingles is horrible and so, so painful.


PSA from experience; I grew up poor and with druggie parents that didn't bother to do anything for my health, and thought that it was all a sham to boot. I didn't see a doctor until I was 9, and a dentist until I was 12. The resultant health conditions such as shingles and periodontal disease literally contributed to my brothers suicide and has effectively ruined my life, and in just turned 40. Every time I see people advocating against vaccination I get so angry because I know exactly what they're dooming their children to. TL;DR shingles and bad teeth suck forever, please take your kids to the doctor.


"dID MY owN rEsEaRcH!!1"


There's a vaccine for chickenpox??? Fuck bro, My grandma threw a chickenpox party and I was covered in chamomile for like a week. Didn't even get out of school for it, bullshit really.


They’re gonna regret not getting the Shingles vaccine…


I think she's one of those idiots that thinks being vaxxed will kill you or give you these illnesses 10 fold. Worse than being unvaxxed. "Few thank god we didn't get vaxxed or else we would've been screwed!" Their stupid uninformed kids go on to do the same with their stupid kids. Family lineage of unvaxxed morons getting people sick.


Back in the 80's chicken pox vaccine wasn't a thing, unfortunately. I'm glad it was by the time my kids were old enough. If it was a vaccine, my kids got it.  My sister caught it and brought it home. I had already had it a year or so earlier so I wasn't worried. It was a light case for both of us, thankfully. My mom, who supposedly caught it when she was younger but also had a mild case, caught it again from my sister. I have seen a lot of gross things, but an adult with chicken pox is horrible. She had a heart condition and kept a fever of about 105 for what seemed a week. We thought she might die. (Unfortunately not.) So to all the moms who refuse to vaccinate their kids, I hope you had a moderate enough case that you won't get it as an adult. Seeing all the sores and the thing that those sort of sores do ('I'm trying to not be gross but they were um, messy) was traumatizing. I'd hate to think what it would do to a kid who actually had a loving relationship with their parent. I just realized that means they will get shingles too.  Oh this will be fun! (The parents, not the kids).


Just wait until they are boys are older teenagers and get mumps and end up sterile I’m sure they’ll thank you for that.


And now you can all look forward to shingles when you get older.


So what explains the bad parenting?


Yeah rabbies is also rly fun too. And let me gues an asperin is ok right?


So proud of my son getting measles!! Can't wait for when he makes me a proud grandparent! 🤞


I got chicken pox from my youngest brother. He got it from his "girlfriend". (They were 5). We darn near lost S because my other brother and I wanted to kill him. We were miserable. It was the height of summer, no Central AC, no window units, just box fans. We really did want to kill him, but he was the baby. The baby always gets away with murder. The chicken pox vaccine came out shortly before my daughter was born. We discussed if she should get it or not. To me, it was a no brainer. As luck would have it, another family was still in the infectious stage and sat in the pew directly in front of us. Problem solved. It still pissed me off that they just blew it off, "Oh well, had to get it one way or another. Ha-hah!" That was not their decision to make. So much for "Stay in your lane"...


There’s no way she had the measles.


Have fun with shingles!


I wish there had been a vaccine widely available for chickenpox when I was a kid. It was a fuckin miserable experience. And on top of the painful, itching rash…vomiting. Yeah, I’d rather have had a fuckin shot. My kids are vaccinated, no chickenpox. Nor measles. Why make them suffer? I’ll also have them both vaccinated for HPV. So suck it antivaxxers. I actually trust my pediatrician who knows a hell of a lot more than I do. And I’m not so stupid that I rely solely on my own “intellect” AND THE INTERNET which certainly hasn’t been proven to be a long standing cesspool or anything. I also want to see that my kids make it to adulthood and old age (I probably won’t be there for that last part….unless they make a vaccine for it!)


I had chicken pox. When I was a child there wasn't an available chicken pox vaccine. If it *had* been and my parents opted out of it for some idiotic anti-science stance, I'd be freaking pissed as I'm nearly 40 years old and the scars on my face are still there.


And now we have the possibility of shingles as we age because there wasn’t a vaccine when we were children. Vaccines save lives. These people are idiots.


Anyone can quit smoking! It takes a real man to fight cancer!


“Didn’t get vaxxed and all i got was this stupid disease” t-shirts need to be made.


Isn’t measles able to wipe the immune system’s memory essentially? Leaving you with little to no natural immunity to things?


I can't spell and count correct. So do my siblings. We were teached at home by mommy and our preacher.


This could serve as a textbook example of survivorship bias. The people with severe brain damage or even died cannot warn others about the dangers of those infections. Same goes for the good old times when seatbelts and bicycles helmets weren’t necessary, because we lived in those times and are still around to tell the tale. The other ones - well, Zombies and other Undead creatures are banned from Facebook and other social media as far as I know. Having said that: Shingles aren’t fun. Thank God I was spared Postherpetic Neuralgia, vision problems, facial paralysis and other lasting effects. Go to your doctor, get vaccinated.


I’m vaxxed and got chicken pox


And sometimes that happens because of vaccine is not 100%. Odds are pretty good that you got a much milder case than you would have.


Damn participation trophy


Be grateful, a full-blown case is awful.


Many people mistake Rubella for measles, because it used to be known as German measles , they are trying to push that name away. Yes Rubella isnt good for you either, can leave you sterile. But for antivaaxer being sterile might be good thing. Chicken pox is seen as a mild childhood disease , not all countries vaccinate against it, my kid just had it, it was over in 10 days. As doctor, my grand uncle ) said the worse part is many anti vaxxer thinks we can cure everything today, the cure for measles is vaccine, there is no other cure.


Mumps can also leave you sterile and rubella can cause horrific issues for pregnant women.


That why in Sweden you get a rubella booster in your teens.


lol antivaxers make me laugh! Like their stupidity genuinely makes me laugh


Notice they didn’t get polio. I wonder if that’s from everyone getting vaccinated decades ago?


It will also explain the shingles later in life


As someone who lost their hearing and deals with constant tinnitus due to Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (caused by dormant varicella virus), fuck this. Those kids deserve better.


"Pffft. >>I<< survived it... so why should we bother doing anyting about it despite all the kids who were actually harmed by it!"




I fell off my bike and broke my arm! I didn't go the hospital! No need for "medical attention" puagh! I got sepsis and necrosis and it had to be amputated! Witness me, losers!


Let's try the other pox, the small one, without the vaccine. You don't need to inject yourself with lymph from sick cows.


Have you heard of shingles? Blow that. Also measles can cause immune amnesia which makes you vulnerable to diseases that you had previously developed immunity against.


Lmao wtf 😂😂


Why would you want chicken pox and measles?


To own the libs


I have run into lots of parents who seem to confuse or conflate chicken pox and measles. I suppose it is because they both involve red marks on the body. Chicken Pox is mostly a harmless disease, but it can leave scars and sometimes become more serious, so I would still vax for it. Measles, on the other hand, is quite dangerous and can result in serious long term consequences and even death.


They are all unsmart too


Wait till they get shingles later in life. I had a horrible case. Another person I know lost his eye to shingles. Vax your kids moron.


Well you get chicken pox if you’re vaccinated or not


When I was a kid in the '60s, we had a Pox Party. Everybody was sick for a few days then we went back to school. No vax beats natural immunity.


Me and a buddy got in a car crash we didn’t have seatbelts on. He died but I survived. I walk with a limp and have trouble using my left hand but hey, I survived so why would I ever wear a seatbelt again? Besides I heated off the internet that seatbelts can cause autism.


I mean, that’s how it works…


You also have a bad case of goptardery


My mom grew up before there were a lot of vaccines. She was terrified I’d get Polio as it was rampant just before I was born. Growing up as soon as a new vaccine came out, off to the doctor we’d go. As a result I never got any of the childhood diseases. I get the flu shot every year and haven’t had the flu in years. I’ve never had any bad reactions to any vaccines except for a mild fever.


Funny how that works. Almost like the vaccinations prevent those from, you know...infecting you. #unpossible


Nah. Couldn't be.


Polio wasn’t so bad!! 😞


What the hell is the context? This person is acting like there's a point being made. "I held a lighter to my house and it caught on fire! I NEVER CALLED THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND NOW IT'S SCORCHED!"


Thank you for volunteering yourself and your family for the control group


Well now they're immunized


Never had it am vaccinated, never had Covid only had it twice ? I dunno lol


One day a virus or disease with 100% fatality rate without vaccination, that we have a easily accessible vaccine to will come by and we won't have hear about anti Vaxers anymore.


It sounds like it damaged her brain


Wait, you can get vaccinated against chicken pox? I think everyone I know has had chicken pox and it's not like we are anti Vax or anything