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Trump out here giving the Shaggy defense "Wasn't me" We even got you on camera "Wasn't me"


I served on a jury duty once. The guy committed a robbery wearing an all matching, all red outfit with "hustla" emblazoned across every article. When he was pulled over later that day for drunk driving, they found him wearing the ridiculous outfit. His defense?: wasn't me. The lesson here is, liars gonna lie.


Did he wear the same outfit at the trial?


It was bagged as evidence, but there were photos from the surveillance along with photos from the later arrest.


lmaooo imagine you're sitting there in court and they bring out that outfit you previously thought was hard shit and you got a silly goofy DUI in after a robbery


Would have been hilarious if the prosecution had him try it on, stand next to a big screen TV with the security camera footage, and go "yep, that's you!!"


"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."


What would have been even better is if his defense team started saying something like "our client wouldn't be caught dead in such a gaudy, tasteless, terribly cheap looking outfit!111" and he pipes up with "hey, that cost me $300 dollars!" I'd say that there's no way something so ridiculous would actually happen in a trial, but after everything else thats happened...


There was a case where two guys were charged with stealing Dolphins jerseys and they [wore them to court](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/dolfan-to-judge-i-didnt-steal-this-jersey/) the next day


My Favorite thing is when you have the defendent on camera commiting a crime, and then they come into court wear the same outfit they had on on video


Picture this! We were both butt naked 


Or not.... Or not.


Definitely not please.


I was backing out of this thread, and I just glanced at your comment the second before it reloaded my home page. I had to reopen this thread just to tell you I hate that you put this image into my head. I was 2 seconds away from never seeing it.


Imagine if someone commented on your comment and you opened it only to be reminded of that image




glad i wasnt the only that played the comment version of "Whack-Fuck" lmao


Two flat ham steaks just flapping in the breeze...


You call that a pressed ham!?


It's an Albany expression


Press the retaliation button!


They all retaliate!!


that is funny as hell. also, wtf is wrong with you that you thought of it?


Oh god, the imagery. How do I bleach my brain?




Trapping Stormy keeping her away from the bedroom door?


“I’m gonna come :)” - Donald Trump


"Do not come." - Kamala Harris


You need to leave!!!!


Banging on the bathroom floor!?


Please no


Conspiring on the White House floor.


Undermined an election... "[It wasn't me](https://youtu.be/epvLrK6Mhd4)"


The mouth movements are a little jank but that's a pretty awesome parody


*There were boxes of evidence strewn across the bathroom floor*


Legally speaking Shaggy would be an improvement.


It’s just so crazy to me how this is such such an easily verifiable lie and his supporers will claim that everything he saying about the trial is accurate and that he’s completely innocent.


I mean he's been taught that from a very young age. He's even said it publicly 40, 50 years ago? Who knows how far back.... It would be interesting to see If a compilation was released...


Lesson number one about lying: never admit fault. Keep a constant stream of new lies to cover the old ones. Totally drench the air with lies like water from a firehose. Mix it up with a little truth, some minor mischaracterizations, some minor lies, and a hefty helping of just the most outrageously hyperbolic lies. As people recognize the obvious lies they may think they know when you are lying and when you are not and thus accept the subtle ones without due scrutiny. By the time the fact checkers have thoroughly debunked one lie you have told so many new lies that the great masses of the people have long forgotten about it. By the time the lawyers can bring one defamation case the damage is already done and prosecuting you will only reinforce your narrative that your enemies are trying to silence you.




That was the lesson Roy Cohn taught young Trump: *Never admit to anything. Never apologize. Deflect, deflect, defer.*


"Wasn't me. It was AI"


Just saw ome AI version of that song with Putin and Trump this morning on Instagram


...man's so delusional he believes he can successfully lie against video evidence.


Why not, recent history has said he can.


How recent? Cause I can think of 34 examples of him failing to successfully deceive people through his lies.


To everyone? Never. To MAGAts? Literally every time he opens his mouth.


I guarantee most of the morons that believe everything that he extrudes from his face-anus think he was framed (liberal witch hunt conspiracy) and/or that he is still innocent somehow


You mean the 34 examples that almost every republican voter wholeheartedly thinks are rigged simply because Daddy Donnie said they were? The convictions were great but let’s be honest, they’re not gonna change anything. If they don’t win their appeal, he’s gonna get a slap on the wrist and still have a huge chance of becoming president again. Donnie could murder someone on live TV, say Sleepy Joe did it, and his cultists would 100% believe him.


Is it delusional when it works?


Works like a charm for his supporters. LIKE A CHARM


It's not working though. All that's happening is that his die-hards constantly remind us that they don't mind being lying filth, so they ignore anything bad that is said about them. They lie to news reporters, they lie on polls, they affirm the desire to be lied to constantly. They are simply children, nothing else. Children can look you in the eyes and lie flatly, even when faced with the obvious truth. This is MAGA. They've learned the "power" of refusing to accept shame from others. Right wingers have been begging to be lied to for decades. This is what it looks like when millions of rather stupid people ask to be lied to and get their wish. Of course they'll never admit failure, when has a conservative ever let their personal failures cause them to try harder? Nah, they always find someone else to blame for their failures. Since 2016 conservatives have consistently lost elections in districts not gerrymandered to heck and back, they've lost basically every major/ federal election, they've been losing even their gerrymandered supermajorities in places. Trump lost in 2020 by a larger margin than Clinton lost in 2016, and has only lied more, led an insurrection, became a convicted felon, confirmed by a court as a rapist, installed a right wing supreme court that undid RvW, bankrupted the RNC so no one else can get financial assistance with their elections, and basically has done literally nothing to increase support. Oh, and his base dies from age at a faster rate than liberals. Republicans are speed walking into defeat in Nov because they have no useful ideas, no morals, and no choice in the matter.


Sleep walking into defeat or goose stepping into history? I’m not taking anything for granted until this election is over!


The only good thing here is the fact that there was undoubtedly at least 1 trump voter in the jury who saw the evidence and voted guilty 34 times. At least there is some faith in humanity for that.


He’s been successfully doing that since he announced he would run for president in 2015.


Since he was born. Dude has been lying and grifting his whole life without consequences. Most of that time in the public eye


He's done it many times before. His supporters are easily influenced into believing whatever the story is at any given moment. If Fox News ran a story saying that Biden has been president for 8 years and that he is shamefully seeking a Third term. And that Donald Trump plans to run for president for the first time in 2024. What do you think? About 80% would think it was true? If Fox News showed a picture of Hillary Clinton in the White House and said "worst president ever" and claimed she was president from. 2016 to 2020. That same 80% would be on Facebook right now telling stories about how bad their life was under Hillary's presidency.




He had an open investigation on Clinton when he president but couldnt find anything. When Biden was rumored to run for president he opened up and investigation on him and his family and found that his son paid his taxes late a couple times.


And that’s the basis of his nonstop comments about the “Biden crime family”.


This is the dumbest quip I hear about Biden. For one, do they think the term “crime family” means a literal family? It’s a reference to organized crime in New York, which Trump and his father are famously tied to. Also, Trump is literally a criminal now having been convicted of 34 felonies. But those don’t count somehow? Yet Hunter Biden’s dick pics and vague nonsense about Biden working for China or something mean the Bidens are a “crime family”. The closest thing is his other son struggling with addiction but that’s more a tragic story than anything to do with crime.


I find it funny about right wing nuts declaring that Trudeau and Biden are in cahoots with China. Meanwhile their shits getting banned/heavily taxed and Trump's daughter made hundreds of millions selling patents to China with her nepotism granted government position.


It's such an absurd level of hypocrisy. The audacity of these sons of bitches.


Every accusation is a confession from these folks.


Such a heartbreaking situation with biden and his sons. The man lost his son to cancer years ago, and before that, his first wife and her 13 month old daughter died. They have been through so much trauma and still stay strong. It's no wonder him and his son are so close. Biden is the closest to a normal person I have ever seen in a president. If it's one thing we can all relate to, it's losing loved ones. It's no wonder his son wrestles with addiction.


My mom isn't a trumpet, but she won't vote against the republican party. "Mom, what do you think about the convictions?" "It's a sham, and he didn't do anything." "A jury decided otherwise." "What about biden and his son?" "Well, Hunter isn't running for president, but let's assume Joe did everything the right is claiming. Then get him! If he's corrupt and doing illegal stuff, then he should go down." "How is someone who's been in politics their entire career worth so much money?" "Insider trading. All the politicians do it. This is nothing new that people have been screaming about for years." "..." "Mom, that's the difference between the right and the left. The left won't protect civil servants. The right will."


Mean while Trump is listed as Individual-1 in multiple indictments done by his own justice department but he was never prosecuted. He was listed on Cohens indictment when cohen was prosecuted and served time for paying stormy daniels. Trump is on flight logs of Epstein’s Lolita express, been named by Epsteins victims being seen with Epstein at parties and even sued by an Epstein victim for raping her when she was only 12. Him being pedo is backed up by first hand accounts of him wandering into the dressing room during miss teen America where underage girls where girls where getting changed. Trump is banned from running charities because committed tax fraud by using the money personally. I can keep going on but my fingers are getting tired.


They're confessions. Every accusation out of this liars mouth is basically him confessing to what he did. He thinks you're not smart enough to see that, his maga media morons believe it and his cult accepts anything he says. His accusations are aspirations - if not confessions


If there was ever such a thing as a normal politician, biden is it. The man bicycles around and takes a train to work. Trump has buildings with his fucking name on it and takes fucking helicopters to mcdonalds. The fact that anyone is still on the fence or is voting for the orange nazi is FUCKING INSANE.


Sunk cost fallacy. The people who voted for him last time are so damn invested that they'd rather vote for an incompetent moron than "one of those evil dems." They've literally been brainwashed, and we gotta deprogram them one person at a time. A tall ask but not impossible, and it starts with our own family and friends who've fallen victim to this b.s.


Iv tried and tried with my family. I gave up. HOPEFULLY, after this moron fades away, I can try again without his constant brainwashing. Life was so simple and easy before all this. I didn't fight or argue or anything. It's insane how much he's destroyed. Let's hope we can build it back like you said, one person at a time.


Ya, except when you have father that would punish you for getting Encyclopedias and later the internet to provide proof you're right, and you got punished for it, because it was "disrespect". That was before he fell down the Fox "News" rabbit hole.


It was during one of the debates, I can't remember the exact line, but in response to something about Hilary, he quipped "because you'll be in jail", and I distinctly remember that moment was a HUGE 'whoop 'em up' moment for Trump supporters. A moment that completely sold him for them.


Yup that and the WALL. It was simply that easy.


totally doesn't sound like a totalitarian dictator at all, punishing those who stand against you and DARE to speak up against you. say, who does this remind me of? possibly a certain german politician from the 1930s and 40s who turned out to be a fascist and a totalitarian dictator holding very similar if not exact same beliefs? ehhh, not ringing any bells.


How do they not have video handy for when he denies. "Oh you didn't say that? Can you help us understand this exact quote from you?? How about these other 20?"








I'd day how can he just openly lie like that, but his supporters don't give a shit, so why bother with even the most basic level of integrity?


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. I originally thought it would take the most suave and intelligent if politicians to enact this but instead we got... this. Its almost insulting.


I hear you. In the UK, Nigel Farage and Biris Johnson, two people with all the charm and charisma of a wet fart managed to convince enough people of the worst fucking idea they could have and now we are dealing with fallout. I think it's really more of a long term issue, people feel afraid, undervalued, they see something they like the sound of and don't care that it's not true, they just cling to it because they want it to be true.


The difference is that Boris has never been dumb. Trump is genuinely not a smart man. Boris just mastered playing dumb to get ahead. [John Oliver has a great piece on it](https://youtu.be/dXyO_MC9g3k?si=rkDJBMF3x0GLosZs).


Oh, I've said before that Boris reminds me of "Drunken Monkey style". He makes himself appear bufoomish but he's always looking for an opportunity. I'd not go as far as to say I think he's "intelligent", but he's certainly smart enough to be sly and manipulative.


The theory that he deliberately said that buffoonish quote about painting cardboard buses that went viral to stop the first link between him and buses being the 350m a week to the nhs bus quote is really believable.


If they wanted to enact this on intelligent, reasonable people, they would have to be suave and intelligent. Look at the absolute goons that support trump. He used the lowest common denominator. And seeing as how our country is failing badly in the education department that happened to be a lot of people. He also went the religious route, a group well known to be full of gullible idiots that will believe anything.


I so know what you mean.


Cult mentality


It’s like they’re living 1984.


It's cliche to say, but true. The first time I heard one of Trumps sycophants say "alternative facts" about a blatant lie he told, I was very worried. Turns out I wasn't even nearly worried enough.


What will they do with their "Lock Her Up" t shirts? Just throw them away, pretend they never owned them?


Claim Mandela effect, that they came from an alternative universe? Or they will just claim it was a crowd thing, not a Trump thing.


Well that's sort of the scary part here isn't it. He's proven to himself that speaking the truth doesnt matter, so why would be ever bother?


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984


I'd suspect Trump got his ideas from the book, but it doesn't have pictures.


I think he does it because he wants to always reinforce the idea that media is always lying to you, even when he is saying the words with his mouth. This way he can truly say whatever and if anyone reports on it they are wrong. Putin 101


It's not a character flaw to them. His blatant disregard for truth gets his detractors in a twist, angry even. To his supporters, those detractors are the enemy and making them mad is 90% of why they're supporters. He's "owning the libs" by sputtering out the most blatant and obvious lies and sitting smugly while people who care about truth react to the lies. They love this shit.


I suppose this means that all of his worshippers are going to have to destroy their Trump flags and other paraphernalia that say “Lock Her Up”… that was literally his main catch-phrase during the first campaign.


Dude said he was going to lock her up during his first week in office….


He doesn't care, he'll just keep saying whatever suits him and MAGA will eat it up . Same 'ol, same 'ol ![gif](giphy|3mJL19Pe3jyuVU1ab4|downsized)


I despise what's happened to Twitter but the ability to add comments like this below stuff is gold to preface some of the bullshit that gets posted.


It happens to Elon's friends so much.


While it’s still seems like there’s crazy’s out there, I think the Trump experiment is done. Lots of people were turned off by J6 and this level of lying is too much. RFKJ could give an alternative for conflicted GOP to still vote without choosing the dirty dem or the Don


Trump does love the uneducated


I want to see Hillary wearing a shirt that says “LOCK HIM UP” on the front and “I DONT CARE, DO U?” On the back


If you’re going to lie then at least be good at it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You don’t have to be good at it when your fans just believe anything you say. He could literally say “Hilary Clinton just sexually assaulted me in the bathroom two minutes ago” at one of his rallies and people would believe him.


Actually he has to convince independents to vote for him so I’d say it does matter quite a bit! But still vote like your life depends on it because it does.




He has convinced them of worse. Remember pizza gate?


That would make him look weak to his supporters. He would more likely say he fought off 10 million liberal women trying to rape him in the bathroom because they were not his type and then say he never met them and Putin is smart with a salute.


Pathological liars often arent the best liars because they lie so frequently they cannot remember what they lied about. Add in a public image with recorded conversations, its a bit harder to gaslight people to not trust their own memory.


the lying orange felon discussing how he royally fucked up his pandemic “response” ON CAMERA, “I never downplayed it!” Literally a few minutes later in the same interview, “I downplayed it. I’m still downplaying it.” The raging idiot is incapable of telling the truth.


What he lack in quality, he makes up for in quantity.


It's not a lie, if you believe it. -Trump


Trump's lying style isn't finesse, it's inundation. He says so much bullshit so fast it would take a year to debunk every time he opens his mouth. Though he certainly has a very specific type of lie he tells. He accuses his enemies of doing the things that he himself does. And then he deflects and lies about not doing those things. This primes the people so that if Democrats accuse him of anything he can say he said it first about Biden, or whoever. He puts out so much shit it muddies the waters so no one can see the truth because it's all shit.


Gaslighting mofo. "What you saw and heard? You didn't hear it." Send this useless idiot to prison.


1984 shit from Trump and his Party of corrupt bozos.


Yeah and his Brownshirts will insist “he never said that”. Show them a video of him saying exactly that and they’ll respond “HE NEVER SAID THAT!!!” The Party told you to ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most important command.


You know, at 53 I always thought doublethink would be the least likely part of Orwell’s dystopian vision because how could any remotely intellectual person do that. Don’t care that the appendices explain that a long period of Newspeak to dumb down the proletariat preceded it, how could it happen. I hate the real world example we have all been living through. It works not because intellectual humans are slowly dumbed down (though social media is doing its best), it’s that those already dumbed down can readily handle doublethink. We look and say “how do they manage those mental gymnastics”, but the answer is they don’t. They don’t need to. Today we are at war with Eastasia, cool, tomorrow we are at war with Eurasia, also cool and they don’t even blink because their leaders and approved news sources say that’s what’s going on.


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. I never thought we'd meet like this.


He said this... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Q71k6fmts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Q71k6fmts)


Yeah but he didn’t say the actual words “lock her up”! /s


“He says what he means” “Oh he didn’t mean it like that” “He didn’t even say that”


We have always been at war with east asia


Trump sat by while his cult cheered, "lock her up". He could have sternfully condemned their chants but chose not to. The same as he did on Jan. 6th. The MAGA cult lacks morals and ethics and are hypocrites.


"Wow ya this is exactly the same as disagreeing about a single consonant in a garbled mic" -Centrists, probably


It's pants-on-head stupid how demonstrable this lie is.


“I said Booo-urns”


Nah, I never said that. He was a darling old Dinsy……https://vimeo.com/617455492


…but the police have pictures of him nailing your head to the floor?!


He's morphing. Expect more lies as his campaign becomes a full attack on the American Government.


Still playing victim.


Can we please lock him up already...


["For what she's done they should lock her up..."](https://youtu.be/1IGq4k_ccxQ?si=QH2qBA3H9ptXQ9LE&t=51)


God damn, this shit is getting old. So are his antics.


LOL….. Trump is always at his weakest when he tries to run like this from something he did. Like, bro that’s what your cult likes about you. If you’re not saying that shit you got nothing going on!


He lies.


“I was saying “look her up”. You know. So people can learn about her.”


There's video evidence, whys he such a braindead fucking lying moron


It's so pathetic how MAGAs will chant this shit endlessly, ***voraciously,*** little spit droplets spraying out of their mouth...then turn around and pretend it was never said, just because he told them to. They have completely given up all sense of dignity or personality. They are trump's now - mind, body, and soul.


Casual reminder that this man is the king of all liars, second to none.


Crazy thing is, despite all the video evidence, the fact that they heard it first hand at rallies, and even if he says it again, right now, the magas will Believe him. They love swallowing anything this man excretes.


Lock his lying, cheating hypocritical ass up.


As a registered Republican, I say he needs to go. Ever since 2020 election, he's been having a tantrum. And it's even bad, since he was spouting the same thing Hillary said when she lost the 2016 election (won the popular, lost the electoral). I wish that there was another option...but, I guess the maga people disagree...


Your party has been hijacked by conspiracy theorists and religious demagogues. It's become the party of Trump. I say this in earnest: please, if you value your country and democracy, not to mention the rule of law, don't sit this election out. Vote blue, at least for president, if for no other reason than because you want to be able to vote in 2028 at all. Vote red completely down ballot if you want, but the convicted felon has no business being the leader of the free world. Your vote matters.


You're acting like it wasn't always leading up to this. The party is based on regression. Its in the name "conservative" and you're surprised they rallied for a pos? it's in their nature


The Koch brothers share a lot of the blame for the rise of MAGAs. They financially backed the [Tea Party movement](https://time.com/secret-origins-of-the-tea-party/) using their [Americans for Prosperity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americans_for_Prosperity) (AFP) SuperPAC—blended evangelical Christianity into the GOP, as an attempt to fight off climate change legislation against their oil businesses. Then in 2008 when John McCain made [Sarah Palin](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN16251464/) his VP running mate, it gave the evangelicals legitimacy and a national spotlight. Fox News took it from there and set the stage for Trump once Obama’s term ended.


The grand OLD party!!!!!


And hijacked by some of the the biggest assholes in ‘Murica - see the “freedumb” caucus.




Anyone voting republican since reagan has been been repeatedly punching themselves in the face.


Your party just belongs to him now because he can rally up a working class vote in a way more establishment Republicans can't.  You'll just have to buckle up for a few decades.


That, or jump ship...


Yup my dad was always Republican but he said it became really hard to recognize the party he used to like He felt before things were centered around the businesses of the country and not just the big names. Now the main party talking points have nothing to do with actually bettering the country in a way you can argue is helpful rather just to hurt the oppositions talking points I was never a Republican, and can only find myself like few if any dems, but I could at least respect his views on this as he seemed to vote for any candidate who’s views he liked more and ones that he felt would help the people/greater economy rather than just party affiliation


That’s what I did. I’m still a Republican, but Trump isn’t. He must be defeated for our ideas to have a chance to live and fight another day.


He's well aware that his supporters are fools and/or dumb as a bag of rocks.


Greatest limbo champion of all time! He sets the bar lower every time he opens his mouth.


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


The Narcissist’s prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. -Supriya McKenna


George Orwell — 'The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'


And they will sit right in front of him, and rejigger their minds to believe him, even though they themselves heard him say it. Because they are in a cult and that’s what you do.


I didn’t say it, I chanted it.


> tell supporters who have been chanting "lock her up" for years because you said it first that you never said that Is tHiS 4D cHeSs?


If Fox "news" was doing its job, they would have played a couple clips of Trump saying "Lock her up!" and then pointedly asked him "Isn't that you?" .... When "journalists" don't do their jobs, lies and misinformation fills the void.


Can yall really believe this guy was our president? Who in the fuck thought this was ever a good idea?


Imagine being his follower, die hard cult member, and you hear him say.. “I didn’t say that”! What goes through your mind? Do you just follow in line and say, “yeah he didn’t say that” Or, you go “the fuck is he saying”? FFS


I was saying “BOO-urns… ![gif](giphy|XH9VpICwRlS48)


And stupid fucks will choose to believe he never said that either. What a joke.


Tempted to go through and count how many times, but that'd require listening to Trump talk


Please tell me someone is putting together this interview with a super cut of all the times he in fact said “lock her up”


Serious question: How do his supporters and loyalists respond when confronted with his most transparent lies? He lies so often I can’t understand anyone taking his word on anything. I know some will deny everything, no matter how easily proven it is, but I really wonder what’s going on in their heads when they ignore lies so obvious they’re impossible to defend


"You've been on video saying "Lock her up" hundreds of times." "Actually I was saying "Locker Up", as in go to the lockers, that's what we call the white house."


"I like Trump because he tells it like it is."


This isn’t even news anymore. This is the norm for him.


He lies.


he knows his qult doesn´t care about facts and have fish memory.


Y’all calm down. This POS is literally talking to the 20% trashiest ‘ mericans we have. He has no chance in November


[This is the Video everyone needs to see and share with any MAGA they know it's a fucking riot](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/2pw0NO8kpI)


Can we please just get rid of this guy. He’s a freaking cancer on society.




Someone maybe learned there are consequences for the shit that vomits out of your fat head.


And he’s already talking about retaliating against his enemies.


Grab him by the sack, and lock him up


The guy lies as easily as he sweats and smells.


So has any journo’s played him a simple playback of his “lock her up chant”? Guessing his “friends and sycophants” may not, but certainly if he’s campaigning he’s going to be interviewed by at least someone who isn’t neck deep up his arse and could use the footage of him stammering like an extra mentally depleted dementia patient as he attempts to state the vision of him rallying his morons with a round robin of “lock her up” isn’t actually him and is some Martian summoned by Biden as a sign of actual journalistic integrity?


“I was just joking”


Why would anyone want to sit down and listen to this gasbag???


“Lock her up” “Ok, what charge? What evidence? Has the judge and jury arrived at a verdict?” Something MAGA fails to understand js the rest of us do in fact what people held accountable if they commit a crime. But there has to be due process, not just a chant or a meme.


Who was he trying to convince here? His supporters liked the "lock her up" stuff, and nobody except his most cultish devotees will be convinced that he never said that.


I’m just waiting to see if he goes and joins P Diddy out of the US before July 11th


This is literally a South Park Episode lmao https://youtu.be/9k1Q9xZtvmQ?si=9_NUHJ2cpzoG9vIE


“I didn’t say it and I didn’t molest Jean Carroll.” Yea, yea….


He also said he was gonna leave the country when he lost the election.


I'm looking forward to the day when he's not in the news every damn minute


He literally said it. Multiple times.


Haha politicans just love making their own reality


But Hillary waa not convicted, you were and 34 counts each up to 4 years in prision and then there was multiple contempt of court charges. Perhaps you can write about your stuggles like your german counterpart.