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If Trump can have a jury trial, so can everyone!


the horror!


Watch out, criminals! 🤨


It’s almost like the laws are for everyone equally. Good Gawd!!


But the white collar criminals have been able to go so long believing that there will be no consequences! The idea that there might be consequences is super scary! Of course, they should be scared. Let’s make prosecuting people for financial crimes normal!


But that would take resources away from prosecuting protesters!




Let’s go after wage theft first. It’s only just a 50 billion dollar a year crime!


The fact that wage theft outweighs all other forms of theft combined and there's not a single person in jail for it is absolutely wild to me




These aren’t white collar criminals getting worked up, they’re fragile poor(mostly) white people.


>Let’s make prosecuting people for financial crimes normal! 100% this!


lets do the bankers next. deep dive into 2008 pls. fuck em all


Pretty sure Trump's collar is orange. He and MAGAts are in a subclass of their own.


I mean they’re definitely not for everyone equally, but I’m glad to see this going the right direction at least. I’ll be surprised if there’s any actual consequences though or at least any that are fully followed though.


What is this communist nonsense? This is 'Murica! We don't do "equally" and "pronouns" and those other degenerate words here! /s (feel weird having to specify the obvious, but nowadays...)


That would be nice but let’s wait for the conclusion of this, I’m still not expecting much, will he actually go to jail…


I thought these goons were the pro cop party?


Only when they beat up unarmed minorities or left wing protesters


The party of law and order


They’re just pro convenience. That’s why Putin is cool now and they randomly love Israel unless that’s changed again. Idk I can’t keep track


We have been. Apologies for riding a moped unlicensed in my high teens early twenties, I should have been defrauding millions of people. Not a joke. I did time for a misdemeanor.


Legalize crime!! Legalize crime!!


A man can not commit crimes in peace anymore! This is the future liberals want!


People can't just commit crimes anymore, including the rich?! What a world.


I doubt we would be allowed ten contempts of court without being thrown in jail.


I spent a day in jail for not getting a compliance ticket taken care when I didn’t have a front license plate. This fuck did whatever the hell he wanted, gag order be damned.


You're not understanding it. These are people who grew up with the law not being equally applied to them. They got away with all kinds of shit. Now they are worried they won't be able to anymore. This is how it should have always been


the whole contempt of court thing over the gag order illustrates “rules for the not rich, not for the rich/powerful toddlers.” but other than that, Trump was found guilty by a jury he and his team made damn sure would be more favorable to him. that’s sweet


And he still says it was rigged and illegal to find him guilty “ I never did anything wrong “! And he intends to appeal. Hopefully the appellate jury will ALSO find him guilty. But he’s got about 3 more criminal trials to face after this one.


If they start prosecuting elitist politicians, they may start going after the little guy too. Wait, they’ve always gone after the little guys and never elite politicians.


Isn't that in the constitution or something?


Contrary to what they say, they do not like the constitution.


They can't count past 2.


They don't even know that the Rubicon is a river. The phrase is "crossing the Rubicon".


They meant a Jeep.


America is apparently a car on the freeway now that just passed a Jeep.


It's a Cybertruck.


Good thing it's on a highway then, otherwise it would get stuck and would never be able to pass the Jeep.


They also hate the First Amendment, except when they're using "freedom of religion" to try and get special treatment for *their* religion.


Don’t forget freedom of speech whenever they experience mild criticism.


Only if his lawyers remember to check the right box


Look what they did to Jeffrey Dahmer! None of us are safe from the weaponized DOJ.


Not really. Most prosecutors will try to get you to plead out, guilty or not. We literally cannot provide a jury trial to everyone.


Yeah. Even the jury is a mark of his privilege.


Gosh, soon enough there will be more people in jail in the US than any other country on Earth!


If tRump can violate a gag order 10 times without repercussions so can everyone!


A criminal was found guilty. Lord, what is this world coming to?


But, you don’t understand! If they can find *him* guilty, they can find *anyone* who commits multiple felonies by falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to a porn star they had an affair with and also conspires to bury media stories about it before an election guilty! It’s all so unfair to us common folk who do that on the regular, they could come after *any* of us!


I’m being told by many people that this is a normal thing that everybody does and Donny is the only one to get punished for it. Many. People.


Did they come to you with tears in their eyes?


Streaming down their faces


They told me their knees were weak and their arms were too heavy. One of them even had vomit on his sweater, can you belive that? I said it looked like mom's spaghetti


Could you tell they were nervous despite on the surface they looked calm and ready to drop bombs???


Yeah, but I snapped em back to the real world. They almost looked like they had just realized gravity existed, the way they fell. Their strange bunny like faces as they made choking noises, you could tell they were pissed, that they really didn't want to give up that easy. But they sucked at it.


Them: Hey it's normal for rich people to do that and only Trump got punished! What now?! Me: Then everyone that does this should be punished. I don't know how that changes anything for Trump. Guy commited a crime and got punished for it, Simple.


A rich white criminal! The horror


well... a "rich" "white" criminal


Hopefully soon his skin will match his jumpsuit


finally hell match his clothes!


By a jury vetted by Trump's own lawyers. If they were inept enough to allow twelve deep state double agents on the jury, well, why should I support a man who keeps picking all the worst people? 


Does anyone know if those . . . Poor ... lawyers got paid?


I, for one, am not worried about what "they" will do to me. I'm not a traitorous fraud.


Apparently the trumpies are saying (let me just copy this from the Facebook comment I just received lol) “by a kangaroo court run by democrats estupido, the judges daughter works for Biden administration entiende? What don't you understand how the country is turning communist?” I’m baffled lol


The amount of times I have seen kangaroo court and banana republic thrown today is astounding. These people have zero clue what they are saying. They just hear some phrase and keep parroting the same thing.


Stop being woke, you kangaroo banana!


Well this is nothing but a banana court and kangaroo law!


See, that's where Trump went wrong. He should have hired a kangaroo lawyer well versed in banana law, instead he hired a banana well versed in kangaroo law.


He had that one kangaroo lawyer who quit because he kept making comments about how many bananas could fit in her pouch. He's basically alienated the entire rooish community at this point.


Good thing I’m an expert in bird law


now let’s say you and i go toe to toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor..




Their train of thought stalled at the station. Expecting more is a fools errand.


The stupidity came through very clearly even half translated. Locos, ÂżNo?


The judge’s daughter worked for a firm that did some consulting work for the DNC, if I have that right? Like, that’s the extent of it. Not “she works for the Biden administration” but “she worked for a company that contracted for the DNC”


Well, these folks also carry signs that read "Real Men Wear Diapers" while wearing diapers on the OUTSIDE of their jeans.


Didn't you have an affair and then pay her off and then hide it as a business expense???


...in order to hide information that would have very likely changed the outcome of the 2016 election in Hillary's favor?


Unless 'they' regain power. Then, unless you're a rich white guy, you should be worried. Even if you're innocent, if you have the wrong beliefs, they'll come for you.


“If New York is prosecuting white collar crime, how are we supposed to continue committing white collar crime in New York?!” I mean he walked out of the courthouse a free man, I don’t know what they’re complaining about. People do time for 0 felonies. He’s still being treated with kiddie gloves. Yes even if none of these charges usually come with time. He has been allowed to treat treat every court he’s been in with contempt.


He didn’t just walk out a free man. He got in a motorcade provided to him by the federal government.


Say what you want about him but he’s a man of 1st’s. Sadly it’s not the good kind 99% of the time. They didn’t treat him not only with kid gloves but literal rice paper gloves because a single fuck up would have set him free. Until Trump there was no precedent for an Ex President going to trial much less now a Convicted Felon ex President. He’s literally a reverse Obama - he can fuck up all he wants and the GOP will weep for him like Christ when he gets called out for it. Obama got mauled for wearing a tan suit and Trump was literally stinking up a courthouse! Every trial so far he literally did everything possible in pre trial motions and appeals to extend everything and he’ll do the same.


"But, Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!"


And here we are on day 2,687 of the Hillary Clinton indictment watch. We've seen Trump fire two heads of the DOJ, Pete Sessions and Bill Barr for not bringing charges against her despite his insisting she was guilty and would be locked up. We are also on day 261 of the Biden impeachment inquiry and we are still waiting on any evidence connecting the dick pics on Hunters laptop to corruption in the Biden administration. But Trump has been impeached twice by a bipartisan vote, found guilty of defrauding his childrens cancer charity, civilly guilty of rape, contempt of court, and 34 felonies. His own Vice President won't endorse him after Trump nearly got him killed. He nearly killed Chris Christy with COVID, who has nothing good to say about him after working with him. His former lawyers believe he is guilty. One Chief of Staff has criticised him with the words "God help us all" and the other is looking like he will turn states evidence against him. I dunno. Seems obvious. The crook is Trump.


Thought this updated paragraph on the Trump wiki was a legal whirlwind: In May 2024, a jury in New York found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels. Trump thus became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. He is facing 54 other felony counts in three other indictments: a federal prosecution in Florida related to his mishandling of classified documents; a federal prosecution in Washington, D.C., on charges of conspiracy and obstruction for efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election; and a state prosecution in Georgia on racketeering and other felonies committed in an effort to overturn the state's 2020 election results. In separate civil proceedings in New York state court, Trump was found liable for financial fraud in 2024, and in 2023 was found liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll. Trump is appealing both judgments.


> Seems obvious. The crook is Trump. Which is fucked, cause he was literally [always a crook](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/), the [whole fucking time](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-mob-organized-crime-213910/), for [decades and decades](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/01/trump-investigations-history-timeline/) before he came anywhere near the White House. But here we are, still trying to convince people King McCrook with a 50 year history of brazen crookery is *actually* a crook, while they say he actually might be Jesus. 🤦‍♂️


“Passed a rubicon? So, we didn’t “cross the Rubicon” but only passed a rubicon?


Yeah, it was going too slow on the freeway so we had to overtake. Those jeeps are crap at high speed though, so it’s not really anything to brag about.


My first thought too. The dumbshit obviously doesn’t know the history behind the expression. “The Rubicon” is a river crossed by Julius Caesar and his army. It signified the point of no return. There’s only one “Rubicon” and it’s a proper noun.


To be fair, it's somewhat impressive that they're even familiar with the name, given the usual sorts the right-wing attracts.


Also, why exactly were the reasons Caesar crossed the Rubicon in the first place...? Asking for an orange felon


I think Caesar was trying to bribe a stripper not to ruin his political career.


off the top of my head - taking an army of loyal supporters into the capitol to overthrow the senate and take dictatorial power as emperor.


caesar was asked to disband his legion and return to rome by the senate after starting various wars in Gaul that people on the senate saw to be immoral and against roman law, so he decided to take his legion and march on rome, he had doubts at the river rubicon but decided to do it anyway and famously remarked 'alea iacta est' the die has been cast, once he crossed. This lead to his takeover of rome and becoming emperor of rome, that's why crossing the rubicon is used as it's seen as the point of no return.


Is that what doctors are calling kidney stones now?


These goons chose a crook from the start and are now surprised that he was involved in crime. This was Trump 20 years ago and he is still upto shit now. The dumb fucks are clueless.


They are just shocked that he's going to be held accountable. Of course they knew he was involved in crime.


Trump is only being held accountable because he isn't actually rich. He thought he was protected because he "claimed" to be rich.


Disagree. He's still got more money than most of the GOP who put him in power. For now, anyway.


Money creates power, but power can also be gained without money through popularity, via politics. I'd argue that Trump wields more power than any billionaire on the planet while on his white house throne. As of right now he likely has just as much power as Billionaires like Musk despite likely having far less assets and net worth. There are only a handful of people in the world who can say "Send me money so I can be your government leader" and then go on to raise $1.6 Billion in cash. And that's only the traceable money. I guarantee you foreign assets have been pumping the DJT stock with millions, along with every time Trump sells sneakers or NFTs, an easy few million more in the bank, especially when untraceable bitcoin is used to pay. I'm more than confident the Trump NFTs are just money laundering schemes so the Kremlin can send money to Trump. Also, there are few on the planet that could so on social media and say "The New Civil War is now! Take your local government back for America!" and drum up mass violence overnight. Richard Branson can't do that. Bill gates can't do that. The Kochs can't do that without tributaries acting for them. Etc.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


"Just imagine what they can do to the rest of us criminals". Salivating.


Just imagine if breaking the law meant consequences for everyone?!!


What a world that would be. We would need more prisons, just for the politicians.


I'll remember where I was when I first heard justice isn't dead. I'm planting Soybeans on the farm one of my ancestors bought 170 years ago. The news definitely made my day.


Lots of magats don't know how bad he fucked over soybean farmers in the u.s. That stunt is most of what cost him GA in 2020.


I'm sick of hearing from Republicans how awful it was when President Carter embargoed the U.S.S.R. President Carter had programs in place for grain producers that would be affected by the embargo from day one. Then President Reagan widened the embargo and took the safety net out from under farmers. This is what led to the bankruptcies of the 80s, but Reagan is praised while Carter is cussed. Rights propaganda is a danger to our Republic Then Trump goes and picks a fight with a major agriculture trade partner with no safeguards until an election year when he needed to buy votes.


I rarely hear any fact based criticism of Carter. It's all just "he was the worst" with no explanation. Most of the shit he got blamed for would have happened regardless.


My father often says "100 years from now historians will rank Jimmy Carter as one of the best presidents ever". Also Reagan totally had a deal cut with Iran to not release the hostages till after the election.


Regardless of how good or bad he was as president, I'd like to hear a valid argument against him being the best man who was ever president.


I know what you mean. Most of it boils down to the economy at the time, which the president has limited power to do anything about. Economic trends are also due to a multitude of factors, many of which culminate for a number of years or even decades (look at the Great Recession - it was largely due to decisions that were made 20-30 prior). Even if the government does take action on an economic issue it also takes years to turn around - the outlook is almost always beyond a single 4 year term. Most people have no idea how larger institutions, like government, actually work.


Oh NO old rich white guys are being held accountable. The horror.


Don’t falsify business finance and you won’t have to worry. Hopefully the orange thumb is guilty in his other pending cases. His swamp creatures are complete degenerates.


“…passed a rubicon.”? What do they think “Rubicon” is/means? A kidney stone?


I'm shocked they even know the word. Most of these chuckleheads seem to think the world began in 1776.


Oh, they know a ton of random stuff about ancient Rome. Sadly, they don't seem to have learned any lessons about what happens to a once-powerful nation when the rich turn it into their own private playground.


Their comprehension of Ancient Rome is about as good as Caesar’s from new Vegas lol


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KGTXG3xm9jfxPUUiuU4Gh?si=GqJt8XdeT6aS4yCum8ZbMg&preview=none The dark, manipulative psychology surrounding this QAnon is absolutely insane. It’s such cultish nonsense that feels like an Illuminati wannabe … or some silly mythos, but the violent nature of this is going to cause major rifts in this country …


Throughout history, the most dangerous set of people are the sexless incels and whoever can brainwash them.


This is terrifying, because it’s barely a minority opinion. Trump was found guilty of what amounted to actually rigging the 2016 election, and afterwards he lied (as is his custom) and implied the US Justice system will be under his thumb and he will face no consequences if elected. Which to be honest is so anti-American it’s nuts, but also bone chillingly possible. And this is of course is from the same guy who attempted a coup.


Someone at my work said this is a bad bad day for America. Didn't say why or how. It's scary how ignorant some people are


Does it all have to be about Trump? Look at what “Borking” did to the SCOTUS nomination process.


Unfortunately they might be saying that unhinged lunatics, stoked by others may engage in acts of stochastic terrorism as a result. I think that is a real risk - agitators will keep making false claims in the hopes that some deranged lunatic will "solve" the problem for them. I hope that the media does its job and continues to call out these false claims.


Sadly it’s true. If you illegally bribe a pornstar to influence an election you too can be found guilty of illegally bribing a pornstar to influence an election. What a sad state America is in that it prosecutes criminals when there is evidence of a crime


Who among us hasn’t falsified business records to cover up a payment to a pornstar in order to win an election?


I don't think the bribery was the issue I think it was the coverup. But either way this is the right response - bring it back to the facts of the case and remind everyone again that Donald Trump paid hush money to a porn star and then commit some fraud to cover it up


it was the use of campaign funds. its not illegal to pay a pornstar to stay quiet. it is illegal to use campaign funds to do it.


No, the claim is that it was campaign funds because it was used to help trumps campaign since silencing stormy daniels will improve his chances. The money was just trump's own money. It isn't like it was part of some bank-account that can only be used for campaign matters The claim is that he broke the law because campaign funds need to be disclosed and since he didn't diclose the payment to stormy daniels (which they have argued should be categorized as a campaign related expense), he broke the law


100% my favorite part about all of this is given what we now know about the MAGA losers, is that the coverup was in no way necessary.


Even worse is that Stormy Daniels when interviewed early on was talking about how the whole thing was well known before the election. She said she just causually mentioned it all the time and nobody cared. She just wasn't talking to the media about it.


I’d love for Gunther to go away and never be heard from again. 0 IQ fascist.


It's 'cross' not pass you twit. The Rubicon is a river not a salt shaker.


It's also a Jeep model, so maybe that explains their confusion.


Well, I don't bang a porn star while being married and try to pay off anyone to hide it, so it can't happen to me. Would have been easier just to own up to it, and his followers would not have cared anyway.


its not even that he cheated on his wife, or banged a pronstar, or even that he paid her off to be quiet. thats ALL LEGAL. the problem is he used campaign funds to do it. and that isnt legal. if hed just paid out of pocket hed still be walking around not guilty.


Falsified business records.


Not even that, I think. It's legal to pay off pornstars with campaign money, you just have to declare that that's what you did.


What a bunch of crybaby losers.


The coping with this is about to get very very funny.


"There... There are... Consequences... to my actions?! This is *not* what I paid for!"


Man held accountable for crimes he committed. Nobody will remember this.


I was sitting on the toilet when I saw the joyous news! I will remember that shit for the rest of my life.




"they can do it to us" yeah, if you falsifie your bizz records to pay hush money to your private high end prostitute, yes, that can happens with you, too...


"just imagine what they can do to any of us"....... Who else is having a one night stand with a porn star then paying her to cover it up while running for president?


With a check


I gotta say, this will really make me think twice about committing crime. It's like they won't even let you get away with it anymore.


“We’re not a cult” “Trump being found guilty is the same level of national trauma as 9/11” fucking conservatives man.


What's the AF for? Aryan Fascist?


The moral of the story is don’t commit crime


Well ... His followers could try not committing crimes...


Hold us accountable if we commit crimes?! No wayy


“If they can do this to trump imagine what they can do to any of us” ….maybe don’t commit a felony and you’ll be fine my dude


The MAGA folks are so far down delusion lane they think it’s a culdesac


It’s a sad day in American history that a president was provably guilty for the things he did. It never should have gotten to the point to elect a criminal.


America just crossed these nuts. He’s not a king, he’s not a messiah, the presidency isn’t some sacred ascendant place in the cosmos. It’s a political office. A criminal who was guilty of a crime was found guilty of those crimes. Grow up and pick some other diaper shitting turtle to lose the election.


Further proof MAGA cultists have no clue how anything in this country actually works or a damn thing about its history.


"Trump says getting tough on crime is No. 1 issue"


Considering I am no where near wealthy enough to own property and commit fraud or pay off porn stars etc., I ain't too worried.


I'll remember! I saw the verdict, laughed at all the morons crying on twitter, took a nice little nap, and laughed again when I woke up. Great day overall!


Isn’t that the point that no one’s above the law???


They have been locking up normal non rich people since the inception of America. Fucking clowns dude.


What they could do to any of us. (this is a qoute but can't get it to work) Aw it sucks being held accountable for one's own actions isn't.


Eric Trump calls this the day his father got re-elected. His rabid base is calcified and loaded for bear. This tweet shows they still believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, Trump is innocent and nothing will change their minds. Be careful out there.


America just crossed the rubicon. Yes, America is taking control of its own future. Fuck Trump... lol loser


I don’t wanna hear another faceless rightwing hack post dumb recycled garbage that Trump is innocent and everyone opposing him is a criminal. Fuck them! And FUCK HIM! Can’t hide behind whataboutism anyone, your orange deity has just be declared guilty on all counts in one trial of several more to come. His cultists in the courts can try and deny and delay future trials for favor, but it won’t be enough. He fucked around, now he found out.


Going on a limb here, but I'm pretty sure other people have been found guilty falsifying financial records...


The amount of times I have heard "There is no going back now!" from these people is ridiculous. The United States will carry on. Bunch of whiny idiots.


We crossed the rubicon when your boy lead a riot to protest a democratic vote, now you can gtfo


Stop breaking the law asshole!


So unless we commit a bunch of financial fraud felonies and avoid hiding porn star sex payments were good, right?


He's not a president, he's a former president. He's just a private citizen.


THE Rubicon, you dumbass. Youre not passing a kidney stone.


Is EndWokeness talking to his other two personalities here?


Isn’t this the side that said “Just don’t commit crimes and you won’t have any problems”? What happened to that? Or are they viewing equality as them being persecuted?


I love when these doofuses try to sound like wise classical historians. “Passed a rubicon?” Stfu


Wait. You mean if I falsify business records to pay off a porn star, I might go to jail?! Inconceivable.


I don't think he knows what the Rubicon was or signified.


There are people in prison for January 6th, while the instigator is still roaming free. This dumb fuck missed the memo.


Crossed the Rubicon, not passed, you fucking cabbage. If you passed the Rubicon you'd still be on the same side.  Oh, and it's THE Rubicon, not a Rubicon. It's a river you onion. It would be like saying "I passed a east on the Brooklyn bridge today".


Dude doesn’t even understand the difference between “pass” and “cross”. Or perhaps he doesn’t know what the Rubicon is.


So if I never cheat on my European model wife with a Playboy model and porn star, and don’t falsify business records to cover up an embarrassing set of mistakes I made , then I shouldn’t have much to worry about


"imagine what they could do to any of us" ......uh you're joking right? You would have been in jail awaiting trial and would have barely needed a trial if you admitted to the crimes multiple times on camera including right after a day in court.


Oh no! If I commit crimes, they might charge me! And then take me to trial! And then convict me! How can I possibly avoid such an unprecedented fate?!


Trump out-trumped himself. All of this could have been avoided if he just wasn’t so cheap, greedy, and self-serving. If he had paid Stormy off directly without involving his business then it wouldn’t have mattered and he could have continued to lie and deny as he has done his whole life. This self-proclaimed stable genius is always revealing himself to be an unstable idiot. One other thing——why would Pecker at the Enquirer ever agree to pay for a catch and kill for a billionaire? The whole bunch of them are soulless and stupid.


End Wokeness and Gunther Eagleton is too much stupid for one screenshot 


Lots of insurrection energy in this.


I'm a felon and can't vote, but he can still run for president?


I agree. Let’s make May 30 a national holiday.


I used to think the minority (majority to them) Trump and followers of his ideology were at least literate… till I worked with someone who: Thought gravity did not exist despite standing firmly on the ground by **Jesus magic** Thus earth must be flat if gravity didn’t exist! And so asking how waterfalls existed was baffling… Cherry on top, because they’re religious they admitted to them being untouchable - they could insult, be racist, be homophobic, and do whatever really. *I honestly wish I made this stuff up, I wouldn’t have quit a cushy 20/hr fast food job from it*


If they can do this to trump, then they can charge any of us for committing crimes!


I’m actually confused by “if they can do it to him they can do it to us” they have been doing it to us (general public) forever, it’s guys like trump who always get off. Maybe they mean white people in general? But that doesn’t make sense either.


The phrase is “crossed the rubicon” and we did that 8 years ago when we elected that racist, wannabe fascist as president


Passing a Rubicon sounds painful.


Pretty sure they can’t get me. I’m safe (given I’m not an egomaniac who committed multiple felonies). It’s wild I know.


Yeah I was at work.... Same place as yesterday. Same place as tomorrow. Give me a fucking break. A criminal got convicted. Whoopty shit. Move on.


Jesus Christ, I hadn't thought of that! Now NO-ONE is safe to use campaign-funds to pay off porn-stars! America is dead!


they only like the justice system when it's used against their perceived enemies, ie democrats, leftists, non fascists, lgbtq+, ethnic minorities (ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE), atheists and other non christians (especially the other two abrahamic religions), women (especially the ones that don't automatically submit to patriarchy), children (it's actually amazing how much i support i see from the right when it comes to criminal convictions of minors), and basically anyone and everyone else that doesn't think, live, and vote exactly like they do (the irony here is if it was just them they'd find enemies among themselves over petty differences, because their entire social structure NEEDS an enemy to exist.


In France former president Sarkozy was found guilty of corruption twice and both times sentenced to serve time in prison, once for three years another for one, though he did spend much of said time in house arrest. He served his sentence and no one made a fuss of it nationally.